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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1915)
-wyi Jr u& 0 f W h A I PAGE 6. TUB IlEND BULLETIN, BEND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1018. MORE DESIRES 1 EXTENSION WANTS SIXTY DAYS MORE Attorney General Hrtmn la Now Con. sldcrlng Question Whether Htnto Jjaml Hoard Cmi Glto More Time $25,000 Itoml is Duo Today. Witepskie's Royal Hungarian Orchestra (Oregon Journal,) SALEM, May 17. Whether the Htato Land Hoard can grant an ex. tension of CO dayii In which to fllo a bond of $25,000 to replaco ono for $10,000 to Jason Mooio, who linn loasod Bummer and Abort lakes with a vlow of extracting tho minerals from tho waters, was n question that Attornoy Gonoral Drown was consid ering today. Moore nmlo application for nn ex tension of CO days from Mny 19 on tho ground that tho powor company which had promleod to furnish him with electricity for use In Ills plant had rofusod to sign n contract bo causo of tho war scare, and It would now ho necessary to negotiate with nit Independent company. Investiga tions to ascertain how much power would bo needed mid whero tho sites would bo locatod nnd other matters would tnlto Homo tlmo, according to Mooro. Mooro submitted a certified check for $10,000 when ho mndo his bid for tho lakes last December. In ensa the attornoy gonoral holds that tho board can grant an extension of tlmo In which to tile a bond, tho board will tnko such action, It Is statod. It Drown rules adversely on tho plan, Monro must put up $2G,000 bond by Wednesday or his certified chock for $10,000 will bo forfeoltod and tlto loaso of tho lakes will bo void. CHURCH NOTICES K Lots closo In $(10 to $125. Easy Payments, J. A. EastoB. Adv. GUNPOWDER. Soma In Which the PorforaUd drains Arc Thrao Inehai Long. The bigger thu gnu the bigger tho grain of powder. For tho rllles the men carry the grulim are half as big as a plnhead. For (he largest guns they are Ihreu Indies long and three-quarters uf uu Inch thick. Every grain Is per forated lengthwise. Small grains havo a single hole, while the largest sizes have seven. These hole regulate In n wonderful way tho rapidity with which thu pow der will burn, if .ton light a scrap of paper all round the edpo It will burn toward the center nnd the burning sur face will steadily decrease. If, how ever, jou made a hule In tho renter of tho paper and start the coulbigrntlou there the flame will steadily grow, and the 1 1! on I rapid burning will take place Junt before the lire has reached the out er edge. This Is the exact principle which governs the arrangement of the perforalluus In big gunpowder. The burning starts along the surface ex posed by the perforation nnd spreads always faster as the hole Is enlarged, burning fustest at the Instant It Is con sumed. It Is not Intended that the charge In big guns shall exhaust Its farce In stantly, says William Athertnn Dupuy, writing on "Powder -'or the World's Gnus." The beginning of tho explosion starts tho projectile on Its way. Tho explosion continues, mid us tho projec tile gains speed the force behind It con tinues to push, The powder Is burning fastest and pushing hardest at thu In stunt the projectile reaches the mouth of the gun. At Hint Instant also It burns out nnd exhausts Itself. Its work is dono. Peurson'H Weekly. A FRIENDJN NEED. Th Pleasure That Came With a Little Act of Klndn. "I nm otic of your new neighbors Mr. Estabrooks," wild a cheerful vulee ut our door lu thu very mlddlo of out first uttempt nt moving. "No, I rnu't como In. 1 Jut brought you n bit of Junch, knowing joti would bo too busy to tlx any. Please call ou me Just next door If I ran tv of any help, GoodbyC' "'My husband ami I glanced nt that tray With Its two bowl of hot toun nnd steaming little pot of coffee nnd then at each other In dumb surprise. Wo bad Jut reached that dreadful state In moving when nothing Is In plnco nnd the tblng- wanted tlrt are underneath thu thlugs wanted last that awful moment when u sense of nelnlessiidw, weaklier and homesick uera combined swoop down upon you. f"S'e had not reallxed thut we were hungry und physically exhausted, but after slttluc down nt nn Improvised table nnd sampling that delicious soup ami drinking the stimulating coffee we suddenly kuow what had Itecu thw mat ter with ii. Courage returned. UUslugs ou our neighbor! cried Hen. "YeV I answered. "She" tho Jol llest caller 1 erer received. 8ho Una taught we how to lutroduce yourself to now uelghbont aud win their everlast ing gratitude. Whatever hapiK-iu iu this neighborhood I'll stand by Mrs. Etabrooketf If I don't'" Womaa'a lloiua Companion. N event of the greatest interest to musio lovers cf this community is the coming of this company of artists. They axe among the best in the entire United States, and the booking arrangements made by the Ellison-White Chautauqua System permits them to be here for two days, an extraordinary musical engagement. This is a striking group of musicians, every one a soloist of exceptional ability. The great musio of various nations will be presented by this organization, and it will thrill and interest and. stir you if there is any musio in your soul at all. So don't miss these great concerts. Presbyterian. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Preaching at 11:00 m. Thomo, "Tho Pre-Emlnent Helng." Evening sor vico will ho union meeting for Bac- culaureato Bermon. H. C. Hartranft, pastor. Church of tho Ilrcthrcn. Services each Sunday near high, school. Sunday Bchool at 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Ira H. Fox, minister. Danger to Children. SoriouB illness often results from lingering coughs nnd colds. Tho hacking nnd coughing and disturbed sleep rack a child's body nnd poisons, vcakon tho system, bo that disease cannot bo thrown off. Foloy'a Honoy and Tar Compound has cased coughs, colds and croup for three genera tions; safo to use and quick to act. Thoro Is no bottor mcdlclno for croup, coughs, nnd colds. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. IS NOW DEFINITELY ARRANGED Lecturers and Entertainers Will Ap pear Hero for Six Days lleglnnliig July 1! Oil. Miller a Hpcaker. Tho progrnm for tho coming Chau tauqua is dollnltoly arranged. Loc turors nnd entertainers of unoxcellcd worth nro to appear huro for six con secutlvo days, beginning Friday, July 2. Tho talent Is tho best ohtalnablo olthor In tho United Stntcs or on tho continent. Novcr before lino such an opportunity been nffordod Ilcnd citi zens. Nothing remains to provont tho onttro city from taking ndvantngo of thoso educational aud liiBplratlnun! offerings brought to its very door. I Bringing a messago fraught with tho wisdom of tho seor and tho wit of n Marie Twain, Colonel William Hamilton Miller, tho renowned Illi nois lecturor nnd roallstlc humorist, Is to bo ono of tho loading spoakors. Ho Is horaldod as tho mnn who do livers tho mossngo of community de velopment with a smllo. Ho pours forth his mighty truths In n torso, quaint manner, alternately keeping his nudlonco under a spoil of humor nnd thought. A rapid locturor, ho hltB straight from tho shoulder with Bpocchcs that bristle with epigrams nnd show only too plainly that tho locturor fills tho part of community philosopher nnd optimist. Marlon Ilallou Flake, horotno In many human Intorcst tragedies in that part of tho tenderloin of Chicago tho smoky city, mndo famous by Upton Sinclair, as tho "Jungle" Is coming. A studont of humnn hearts, she plays upon tho strings of emotion nnd sympathy and Implants a mes sage In tho mind of her hearors as her Angora cartoon tho greatest pic tures of llfo nnd hor ready wit, her versatile, humor and crisp word paint ing keep her h oarers engrossed. Sho unconsciously shapes their thoughts nbout tho hlghor things In llfo. "MONEY" Tho mint makes It and under the torms of tho CONTINENTAL MOIIT GAGE COMPANY you can sccuro It at C per cent for any legal purpose on approved real cstnto. Tirms ensy, tell us your wants and vo will co operato with you. PETTV Ai COMl'ANY r.l.'t Denliam Building; Denver Colo. V o r Our Eledricity will COOK FOR YOU HEAT FOR YOU LIGHT FOR YOU The BEND WATERLIGHT & POWER CO. Our "Jitney" Offer This nnd Be. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, cndoBo with flvo conts to Foloy & Co., Chicago, III., writing your nn no nnd address clearly. You will re- celvo in return a trial packago con taining Foley s Honoy nnd Tar Com ponnd, for coughs, colds and croup, Foloy Kidney Tills, nnd Foloy Cath artic Tablets. Patterson Drug Co., Adv. Clean up and paint wardB. Adv. up. Sco Ed- SIGNS FOIt SALE. "For Item," "For Sale," "Rooms to Let", "Housekeeping Itooms," "No Admittance," "No Smoking," etc., etc., Placards printed In largo type on heavy hrlstol board, IB centu each, less in quantities. Hulled Barley THE NEW BEND FLOUR MILL CO. Is Now Slaking Hulled llarley for Chicken Feed. According to Report From Customers it Not Only Makes the Ileus Lay Hotter, Hut Saxes the Chlckcn Ilalscr Money. THY IT. Spring SEED Rye A Carload from Utah Ilo ccltod Today. This Seed is Clean nnd Sound. Send Orders nt Once to THE NEW BEND FLOUR MILL CO. HEM), OUEGON C. V. SILVIS REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTY List Your Farms For Sale- or Exchange With Ale. Property Handled for Non-Kcsldents. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. Office on Oregon St., Dcnd, Oregon "-i The United Warehouse Company ( IB Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL. GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR., SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD Tbi United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon fr '' V- ataT .:. -ri.: ,)C rzd!." -"- ' '- ED