Hiifammirn jii,,mnnwniaroinBMit.itdlsat.'t! --l I THE IJKND BUMiETIN, nENI), OHE., WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 101B. PAGE n. H A A BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ltOBEItT It. GOULD Civil ft Bend Oregon Engineer W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Ofllco Over Poatofflco Dend, ... Oregon Hit. E. IIE.V KOltltIS l'lij-Klclnn mid Surgeon Onico Satlior Building Microscopic and X-ray work Tel. Black 271 Hours: 10-12 a. in.; 2-4 p. m. 7-9 p. m. WILLARD H. WIRTZ LAWYKM Prlnovlllo, Oregon. 0. S. BENSON Attorney At Law Bonson Building, Wall Stroot Bond, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES L A W Y 12 U First National Bank Building Bond, :-: :: Oregon GEORGE S. YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Engineer. U. 8. Mineral Surveyor. Room 5 First National Bank Building J. B. Bell A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tbo J. II. Haner Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstracts Insuranco Roprcsontatlon boforo tho Des ert Land Board and Stnto Engineer ROBERT CECIL WYQANT Attorney at Lnw Irrigation Masonic Wator Rights Building Dosort Land Salom, Engineering Law Oregon PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER AND CONTRAC TOR WORK GUARANTEED II. P. SMITH For Spring WEAR got a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES WE nlso have the agency for NAP-A-TAN Shoes for men and boys. R. H. LOVEN FPI CIkia Itnimlii Man I Bond Street Bend, Ore. DRAYING Bead Hauling Co. It. N. PALMERTON Wood for Sale Onice with R. P. Mlnter Otllco lliono Black 0(1 ltesldcnce Black 122 PLOWING DONE. J Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done, J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. (A O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET Mmmmmm ONE CENT II. 0. ELLIS Attorney-nti-Low United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON H. II. Do A R M O N D LAWYER Oregon Street. Bend, Oregon DR, J. H. CONNARN DENTIST Ofllco In Sathor Building. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 6. Sundays and ovonlngs by Appointment. 0. P. NISWONGER, Bond, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embalmcr, Funeral Director. Phone. Lady Assistant. DR. R. D. STOWELL Nupniiiffllilc Physician Omco over Miller Luml'.or Co. Wall Btrcot Hours 9 to 5 Phooo Rod 01 J. E. Engebrelson Plumbing and Heating Bend, Oregon 117 MINNESOTA STREET KSTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED JOBBING PROMPTLY DONE TO THE RESCUE WHO DOEfe LAtIND ? W will lay your linen, but you muit not waits much tlma setting our nuou band at work LOW PRICES, BETTOR SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANING "Put Your Duds In Our Suds' THE WHITE IS KING 1111 'iwr- The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Mado in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. Tho rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. Tho latest up to tho minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 519 Merchants National Bank Bldg San Francisco, California (sfJrAM A enaK "" litM I Jv.KflA-A.'? wwRm. - ,, I fTnWffr " Vfi I III ''wHHWI j iii11 i A WORO IS ALL A LITTLE WANT AD . WILL COST YOU. THE DESCHUTES RANGER j& j& FOR MAY j& j& Tho first volume of Tho Deschutes Ranger, Issuod from tho otllco of M. L. Merrltt, cupervlsor of tho Des chutes National Forost, ends with tho May number, just out. Tho front cover has as an illustra tion a ptcturo of tho Tumalo Ranger Station cabin, taken by W. J. Sproat. Extracts from Tho Ranger follow: A now brldgo has boon constructed across the Deschutes river at Prlngle Falls In Section 23, T. 21 S R. 9 E., by tho pcoplo who aro developing the power site at that point. It Is proposed to conttnuo tho Ln Pino road from Pringlo Falls northwost for a dlstanco of about three miles to the head of Fall river, which will give a much moro direct routo to Crane Prairie from La Pine. Construction work on tho Ico Cave tolcphono line was started May 1. Rangers Harrlman and Brlnkloy and Forest Guards Chrlatensen and Ty ler aro doing tho work. Ranger Smith has been busy dur ing tho past month cleaning out roads ln various parts of this district, re pairing tho Pine Mountain tolcphono lino nnd getting things in shnpo nt tho station for the construction of the now house which It Is proposod to build there. State Forester F. A. Elliott nnd 0. S. Chnpman, secrotnry of tho Oro gon Forest Flro Association wore In Bend April 22 to 24 conferring with the Supervisor and prlvato timber men regarding co-oporatlvo patrol for next season. Forest Asslstnnt Sproat Is still working on tho Big River land clas sification project maps. Tho Davis Lake Tolcphono lino as far as tho West Deschutes river, tho Walker Mountain tolcphono lino to tho foot of Walker mountntn nnd tho Pioneer tolophono lino bctwoon Crcs cont and La Pino hav all been re paired by Ranger South. Rnngors Vincent nnd Austin nro working on tho construction of now bridges across Jacks and Canyon creeks In T. 12 S., R. 9 E. Tho road paralleling tho Motollus through this region lb an oxcollont ono nnd would be passable, for auto travel for a num bor of miles north of those two creoks woro tho bridges In. Their construc tion will mako tho region southeast of Mt. Jofferson much moro acces sible both to tho public and to tho forest sorvlco. Tho road botwoon Big River Rnn gor station and Edison Ico cavo lias been complotod by Rnngors Onoy nnd AtiBttn and will bo pnssnblo for auto mobiles Just na soon as tho track is packed down hnrd enough. At pres ent tho road Is soft and would bo hard to trnvot. Ranger South has cleaned out nnd repaired six miles of road leading from Crescent toward tho summit of tho mountains nlong tho south sldo of Odoll Ilutto, beginning throe miles west of Crescont. Tho work consists of cutting out logs and roots, tnklng out rocks, ropalrlng grades and building permanent drains. Tho por tion ropalred Is now tho smoothest nuto road In tho district nnd should bo used extensively by 'rnvolors and bv tho Forost Sorvlco In flro protec tion. Among tho roads cleaned out bv Rnngor Vincent In Tils district this spring nro thoso lending to Buttles lnko. to Trout lako, up Brushv Drnw to Threo creek and down tho Mo tollus river. V. V. Itnrpham. wio hns boon transferred to tho Deschutes as dep uty supervisor, arrived In Bend on April 27, having traveled through from Oknnngan, Washington, In his Ford car. Since nrrlvlng ho has tak en field trips to tho Pino mountain ranger stntion, to the Hlg River ran ger station nnd to Fort Rock, nt which placo ho Is working at present assisting In tho construction of the Ice cavo tolephono lino. W. D. Johnson, topographer from tho district ofllco, wns In this roglon from April 27 to May 1. He Is plan M? immmf Kitchen Economy With wood or coal waste heat. Too much or too little for best cooking. In hot weather too much heat coming out into the room. With a good oil-stove no waste heat or fuel. One burner or four low flame or high a slow fire t or a hot one. All the convenience of gas for every home, all the year round. New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove For But R,iull Parl Oil Better cooking, flame adjunable to Just the degree need ed for roaiti. for bread, for paltry. No odor. Does not taint the food. A cool cook and a clean kitchen. Aik your dealer. See demonttration, Palace of Manufacture!, Panama-Pacific Exposition. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CillfornU) Bend ning on undertaking n series of piano tnblo trlangulatlons so that tho dif ferent points on tho Forest and near It may bo correctly located ln rela tion to each other. This first trip wns made so that ho might detormlno just now the work should bo dono, what points should bo used for trlnn gulntlon, and arrange other details regarding tho work. Trips woro mado by him to Black Butte, to Pine Mountain, to Lava Butte, to Big River Ranger Station and othor points. At present Mr. Johnson ox- pects to return to tho Deschutes nbout May 1-1 ln ordor to do tho ac tual work. Very probably Forest As sistant Spront will assist him. Mr. Johnson expressed himself ns Bur prised at tho good ronds throughout this region and tho enso with which It wns possible to travel through tho Forest. Ho said thnt never boforo had ho tnken nn 82 mllo trip by nuto to a mountain sevornl thousand feet In holght, climbed It, secured tho In formation doslrcd nnd returned on tho snmo dny. Rnnirpr Vlic'it and ti residents of Sisters, Oregon, working In co oporntlon, linve stnrted tho construc tion of n rond nlontr tho north sldo of Ruttlcs Inko. Thov also repair ed tho Lake CreoU hrldco by covering It with tilank. Later It is hoped to extend tho portion of tho rond start ed tho cntlro dlBtnnco nlong tho north sldo of tho Lnko nnd around to Blue lake. Tho much tnlked of rond which It hns been proposed to open tin from Fort Rock north through tho Nntlon nl Forcpt to tho Hond-Bums rond hns nt Inst beon undortnken, duo to tho activity of settlers in tho Fort Rock vnllov nnd to tho Interest tnken by Ranger Hnrrlmnn. By working to rntlier tho Fort Rock vnllov pcoplo hnvec lonrod out a routo that Is now said to bo pnssnblo for empty wngons but which, of course, Is too soft for nonvv loads. Tho rond 1s nbout 12 to in miles shorter In dlstnnco be tween Fort Rock nnil Bond than tho present routo traveled. Rancor E. II. Mnhn. who has boon on furlough during tho winter, re turned to duty on Mny 1, taking rnrc( of tbo Davis Lnko rancor dis trict. Ho plnns on doing consldornblo rond work, clonrlng out nnd Improv ing ronds In thnt region during tho curly pnrt of tho Benson. NO REASON FOR IT. You aro shown a way out. Thoro can bo no renson why nny render of this who suffers tho tortures of nn I aching bnck, tho nnnoynnco of url-l nnry disorders, tho pains nnd don-' gors of kldnoy Ills will fall to hcod tho word of a resldont of this local-! Ity who hns found rellof. Tho fol lowing Is convincing proof. Mrs. J, W. Gntchol, 1110 Seventh street, Hood Rlvor, Oregon, snys: "I hnd dull, nngglng pnlns ncross tho smnll of my bnck nnd tho action of my kid no yn wns Irregulnr. I tried sevornl woli-knnwn kldnov modlclni'H, but got no rollef until I took Donn's Kld noy Pills, Thov rolloved mo nt onco nnd tho bnckncho soon loft mo. My kldnoys woro strengthened nnd mv systom wns toned up. Another of my fnmllv hnd tf,nd rosultB fr j Donn's Kidney Pills." Prlco CO conls nt nil dealers. Don't slmplv nsk for ft kldnev romndv get ninn's Kldnov Pills tho satno that Mrs. Qatcholi POLK'S OREGON and WASHINGTON Business .Directory Dtrootery of each City, Town and Vlllate, firing descriptive ilcetch of each place, location, population, tele graph, hlpplnv and banking point) olea Cloulned Directory, compiled by builneee and protection.. , j. i-uut. a tu., rtiiAirjjs . Cat Stint Cinxvnitnct with KtrtWM had, Fo8ter-Mllburn Co., Props., Buf falo, N. Y Adv. LotB close in $00 to $125. Easy Payments. J. A. Eastes. Adv. A Soventy-Year-Ohl Couple. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. B. Carpontor, Hnr rlsburg, Pa., suffered from kldnoy troublo for many years but hnvo beon entirely cured by Foley Kldnoy Pills. Ho says: "Although wo aro both ln thu sovpntlcs wo nro ns vigorous as wo wero thirty years ago." Foley Kidney Pills stop sloop disturbing uiauuor weaknesses, bncknche, rlieu mntlsm nnd aching Joints. I'nttor son Drug Co. Adv. Fraternal Societies I. O. O. F. Bend Lodgo No. 218. Rogulnr mooting overy Mon day night at 8 o'clock ln Bath er's Hall. Visiting brothers cordially welcome L. II. OLESS, N. O. GEO. P. GOVE, Secretary. f-fpTEL PLEASANTLY SITUATUD TWO AUNUTUS WALK PROM POSTOFPICU GOOD ROOMS, (1001) A1I2ALS OOOD SBRVICH IN BVERY WAY NOTHING BUTTUR IN UUND. COME AND SEE. 4 iMHHttttWmHHHMHimWVttttWttWttWWHU The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It Is n fireproof building It is thoroughly inodcru It is comfortable, commodious, clcnn- ItOOMS FROM fit) CUNTS UP Tho wants of nil nro Hiitlnlled well nt THE WRIGHT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL K-"-e-e- mm Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lighted Throughout THE BEND HOTEL HUQH O'KANE. MANAURM BEND, OREGON Good Rooms Tree bus to and from trains ----- - ---e- - - - The New Perkins Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON C. II. SHAFEn, Malinger Handy to large stores, theatres and banks Comfortable and Convenient A Restaurant of high class with very moderate ' prices in Connection R.OOM RATES: With bath 91 .so up With bath privileges $1 up ? CENTRAL OREGON'S Leading INSURANCE Agency REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY) Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLA) 3 Monthy IHItiaATKI) LANDS A HI'ICCIAIiTV J A C? A QHTPJCI Ofllco on Oregon Street e EVO 1 CO IIKNI), !: OHKQON potirLAxo.omw This Hotel Iiiih double tho ncroiiMMliitlniitt of niiy hotel in tho tiort buret. More con veniences mid moro pleiiNiiro for tho Ktiest. I tat oh no high er. (1,10, Itedrnouifl Dozen Dining nnd Reception rooms. RATES TO YOU i? ",,ol" $100 10(1 Rooms uitli bnth. .JULto 100 Rooms with until, .tjtil.oo aoo Iirgo outside, rooms, ,ln,1 $2.00 I'.xtru pci-Min In room, 81.00 iiildltlonnl SjO . MmOlW-Ad&X LTAMONT -- Special Attention to Transient Travel Good Aleals All arrangements made for persons desiring to go south and east of hero - - 1 t ---4 FIIW, LH'K, ACCIDKNT, 1'IiATU (JLAHH, AUTOMU. HII.K, HUHKTV 1SOND3. A 3 y H 'aaal C; -V. .. -i- "XSFZV 3. . i f . iw - 5.0..-,? jij3Shi-Wiis'i