The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 19, 1915, Image 1

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    fjt$i5twttC3rtfc JXV Am
The bend bulletin
- i
vol. xni.
NO. 11.
, (. JMW Ttik-HW
3Iitny Witnesses Testify As To Vnluo
f Property of llcntl Wntor Light
Jt Power Company List of
Stock Holdora "is Glvon.
The long nwnltod hearing by tho
Oiegon Hntlroad Commission on tho
Tatos of tho. Ilcnd Wntor Light &
Power Co., took placo Inst wcok. Two
lays woro spent In taking testimony
"horo. Tho commission will now study
tho ovldonco received and nnnouuco
dts decision.
Tlu honrlng was conductod by
Chairman T. J. Campboll and Com
missioner Frank J. Mlllor, who woro
nccompanlod by Assistant Englneor
C. J. Qrcon and Exnmlnor L. D.
T.cody. Tho Bond Wntor Light &
Power Co. was represented by Ross
Fnrnhnm and tho city by II. II. Do
Tho mombors of tho commission
nrrlvad hero Wednesday morning.
At 10 o'clock, when tho henting was
scheduled to begin tho only porsons
prcBont, besides tho company's wlt
jiessos -woro Mnyor Mlllor, Itocordor
Kills and two spectators. As coon as
tho caso wns called Mayor Mlllor ro
'quested tho commission to rdjourn
until 1:30 1n ordor to glvo tlmo to
liolfl it council meeting nnd appoint
nn nttornoy to represent tho city. Tho
commissioners accoctlcd to tho ro-
quost nnd In tho aftornoon Mr. Do
Armond wns nppolntod.
Tho chlof effort of tho commis
sion during tho honrlng wns to as
certain tho vnltio of tho plnnt of tho
Uond Wator Light & Powor Co. ns a
liaslB on which to fix tho rates, To
this end witnesses woro cnllod to tes
tify as to the cost of tho company's
dam end buildings and tho valuo of
Its real estate, much tho greater part
of tho tlmo consumod In tho honrlng
bolng on this last point.
K.Yicrtn lira Culled.
For both tho company and tho
commission oxport onglnoors wero
called to glvo estimates of tho vnluo
of tho company's proporty, which was
listed ns electrIc-utlUtyftrt over,
"load, water utility nnd ovorhcr.d, nnd
real cstato, tho overhead In each caso
iaso being that In connection with
Itlio construction of tho utility..
On tho electrical utility tho figures
it B. A. Drackonbury, for tho com
pony, woro utility M00.780 nnd ov
erhead f 13,067, making a total with
rtio real estate or iiif.4bu, wnuo mo
Bgurcs of tho commission's oxport
roro utility- SQ7.907. overhead 1Z.-
I 71 nnd renl ostnto J22.3G7, making
total of $132,935. It wns agreed
y both oxports that about $40,000
f tho valuation should bo held In
luspenso account as representing an
uToetment not now necessary lor
(roper public sorvlce.
Other figures presented covorea
llie vnluo of tho wator utility and
icre. for the commission $35,171
Ind for tho company $35,700.
Taking the two sets of figures to-
tothor tho crontcst dlfforonco wns In
iho Items for ronl estato whoro a dif
ference in aroa was Involved, tho
(Continued on last pngo.)
Even though you might never have
a fire or tliieves enter your home, a
paper mislaid is often times lost just
as irretrievably as if it had been
burned or stolen.
When your valuable papers are in
our vault you KNOW where they
are and you KNOW they are safe.
You can lease a steel box in our
vault with a noh-pickable Yale
lock big enough to contain all
your private papers, for $2 a year
Can you afford to be without this
The Deschutes State
Crook County .Journal Buys Mill
Menus Great Tilings For Bond
Lender Snjs, "Good For llcud."
Eclioc3 of tho gratification with
Bend over tho Shevlln-HIxon Baw mill
announced In a Bulletin extra on May
10 continue to bo heard. The fol
lowing nro extracts from different
Central Oregon papers on tho sub
"Tho Bond Bulletin Issued nn ox
tra edition Monday, announcing that
operations on tho construction of a
huge mill Is to start during tho next
two weeks dt Bend. The mill is to
bo constructed by tho Shevlln-Illxon
Interests; will employ 500 nion and
will manufacture 80,000,000 feet of
lumber ouch year, IU construction
means great things for Bend nnd all
Contral Oregon." Crook County
"Tho Bend Bultotln Issuod nn eight
pngo oxtrn on lust Mondny morning
announcing that tho Shovlln-IIIxon
company will commence tho construc
tion of tho big mill nt that placo at
once. Good for Bend, wo nro glnd to
see thorn prosper, even though for
ono Isstio tho Bulletin chnngod its
nnmo to Shovlln-IIIxon. Thoro's
nothing Hko waking up." Silver
Lako Lender.
"Wo are glad to hear that tho city
of Bond hns been successful In secur
ing this Inrgo ontorprlso. It -will
moan a good orn of prosperity, moro
people will come into tho country
and what Is good for Bend, wilt In a
wny help us. Wo wish to congrntu-
Iato tho Bond people, for securing tno
ontorprlso nnd trust that It will bo
vory profltnblo to nil concornod."
Madras Plonoor.
Tho Bend Bullottn Issued nn eight
pngo oxtrn Mondny announcing tho
nows that construction work of tho
big sawmill of tho Shovlln-IIIxon Co
would begin within two weoks. Tho
statement is made by Tho Bulletin
thnt tho mill will cut 80,000,000 feet
of lumber n year nnd omploy 500
men. Tho oxtrn Issuod was well
flllod with advertising of Bond busi
ness men, which shows they nro loy
nl to tholr town." Redmond Spokes,
Adjourned Session, With udgo Duf
fy Presiding, to Bo Hold.
That tho Circuit court will hold a
session In Prlnevlllo beginning on
Juno 21 was announced by District
Attornoy Wlrtz whpn in town roent-
ly. Tuo present number or. crim
inal -cases, now, waiting action by. tho
grand Jury makes this action ncces
sary. Not only. Is the county Jail full
but sovoral charged with crime aro
out on ball. Tho county Is bolng put
to considerable oxponso to caro for
tho families of men who aro waiting
trial In Jail.
Tho coming torm of court will bo
an adjourned session of tho March
torm, nnd tho same Jurors which
served nt It will bo callod again. Ac
cording to Mr. Wlrts tho county court
has renuestod thnt the court bo held
It will bo tho first session to bo pre
sided over by Judgo Duffy. Grand
Jurors hnvo been summoned to bo
prosont on Juno 14 nnd pottt Jurors
on tho 21st.
Thero will bo a meeting of tho
members of last year's basoball team
nnd everyone elso Interested in tho
forming of a team hero this year in
tho Commercial Club rooms, Friday
night, nt 7:30. Offlcers will bo elect
ed, and other business matters at
tended to
CityCouncil, at Last Night's Meeting, Grants Oregon
Trunk Rights in Streets in Order to reach the
Shevlln Mill Pridge Will Cross Below
, New Dam--Work to Begin Monday
With tho granting of n franchlso
to tho Oregon Trunk by tho city
council last night to cnnblo It to
build a spur from Its main lino to
the Shovlln-IIIxon mill ono of tho few
remaining stops beforo tho construc
tion of tho Baw mill can begin wns
Tho franchise which waB present
ed for the first timo Inst night, gives
the railroad company right to uso
certain stroets for its spur line. Oth
er property necessary for tho lino hns
been donnted by Hunter & Stnnts nnd
Tho Bend Company. According to
tho franchlso tho line will leavo tho
main track nt a point north of tho
Pilot Butto canal nnd nftor curving
across tho south east corner of tho
Stunts "40" will run duo west bo
twoon that proporty and land of Tho
Bend Company through Aldor strcot
to tho river.
Under tho city charter 10 days
must olnpso beforo tho mensuro be
comes law. Tho! council adjourned
last night to Mny 29 nnd nt thnt tlmo
tho franchlso will bo pnssed finally.
Tho nrrangoments botweon tho
Shevlln-HIxon Company and tho rail
roads cnll for tho construction of
tho spur nnd tho oroctlon of tho
bridge- over tho Deschutes In GO
days. Tho work will bo rushed to
completloh In order thnt tho heavy
mill machlnory may bo doUvorca on
tho ground.
.Survey Mudo Recently.
Surveying for tho spur was dono
by n party of Oregon Trunk onglnoors
headed by Chief Knglnccr A. M. Lup
for, who arrived hero on Friday.
Their survoy cnrrles tho lino along
Aldor street at grado oxcopt at tho
west ond whoro a slight cut In neces
sary. Tho rivor Is crossed by n brldgo
31 foot nbovo tho water.
Just up tho river from tho railroad
brldgo will bo built a dnm for tho
purposo of creating a logging pond.
Fnnl arrangements for this dam wero
complotcd yestorday. It will bo 10
foot high and will back tho wator up
river nearly n mllo, providing stor
age room for ovor 2G million fcot of
logs. A wagon brldgo will cross tho
dam, thoroby giving access to town.
According to John E. Ryan, it no
difficulties aro' encountored. in the
noxt fow- days, work on both tho
dam and tho mill site will begin on
Monday- morning. Tho railroad' work
Is also 'expected to bogln nt onco in
ordor thnt It may bo complotod with
in tho 00 day limit.
Operation Will ho Continuous.
Tho following nows article on tho
coming developments, horo appeared
In Tho Portland Tologram last week.
Although practically a rcstntomontof
facts which had previously nppoarod
In Tho Bullottn It Ib rcpentod horo on
account of its referonco to tho rail
road work and tho fact, which Is
brought out, that tho operation of
tho now mill must bo practically con
tinuous to provldo tho agreed i all
road tonnago a matter of groat im
portance to tho town.
"Ono of tho first developments fol
lowing tho nnnouncomont from Bpnd
the first of tho wcok that tho Shovlln-IIIxon
Manufacturing Company
within a few days will commonco tho
construction of a largo lumber mill
ing plnnt In the metropolis of Crook
county to manufacture plno pimber
from tho company's immonso timber
tracts near by, will bo tho building
f y-
Hose and
Deep Well
Farming Implements
Bend Hard-ware Co.
The Company that put tho "Wear" in Hardware
of n spur trnck two miles In longth
from tho rnllrond ynrds nt Bond nnd
a brldgo ncross tho Deschutes rivor
to reach tho slto of tho mill yards.
Construction of a logging road of
standard type from tho mill yards
southerly on tho west slda of tho
rivor, a dlstnnco of bIx miles to tho
timber tracts, will be undertnkon nt
tho saino time.
Building of tho spur track will ho
dono Jointly by tho Spokane, Port
land & Seattle Railway ByBtem and
tho Oregon-Washington Railroad &
Navigation Company. According to
nn olllclnl stntoment, tho contrnct be
tween, tho rnllrond companies and tho
Shevlln-HIxon Interests has boon
agreed to nnd ns soon ns it hns boon
signed tho railroad construction will
bogln with tho "intention, of complet
ing tho track and brldgo In GO days.
Tho contract will rcqutro that tho
mill shall make a certain cut In ftvo
.yonrtj amounting to GO per cent of its
cnpnclty, and fnlliiro to do so will
obllgnto tho Shovlln-IIIxon Company
to pay for extension of tho two-mllo
spur trnck. Tho outgoing lumbor
will bo a largo factor In tho railroad's
Tho mlir will hnvo n cnpnclty to
cut 80,000.000 feet of lumber yenrly
nnd in addition there will bo a box
factory. Kmployment of C00 men
regularly Is planned by tho Shovlln
IIIxon Company In logging operations
and lumbor milling. Thcso activi
ties, nro expected to mean nn almost
Immcdlnto IncrcnRo of Bend's popula
tion 2000 to 2500 porsons. In an
ticipation of this, nn election will bo
hold Juno 4 to extend Bond's muni
cipal boundaries.
Knrly In tho yenr tho Shovlln-IIIxon
Compnny ncqulrod tho holdings
of tho Deschutes Lumbor Compnny
nnd tho Bond Timber Compnny,
amounting to GO, 000 ncros nnd In
creasing the timbered nrca owned by
tho Minnesota syndlcato to about
180,000 acres, oxtondlng Into Klnm
nth countv. Tho nctlvo bends of tho
Shovlln-Hlxon syndlcato aro Thom
as L. Shovlln of Minneapolis, a fow
yonrs ngo widely known as a star
nthloto at Yalo university, nnd Frank
P. Illxon, a bankor of La Crosso,
Wis. Shevlln nnd somo of his as
sociates woro horo n fow wuokB ngo.
E. C. .Shovlln of Portland, undo of
Thomas. Shovlln, 1b also Intorostod In
tho company' dovolopmonts along tho
uppor Deschutes rlvor. Arthur nog
org. ono of tho sollors of timber hold'
lngfl, was fn Portland this week hut
hair returned to his homo in Min
Travolllng In n big Locomobllo, M.
W. Poterson, cnshlor of tho Doxtor
Horton bnnk of Scnttlo, nnd a-pnrty
of friends passod through town Sat
urday aftornoon on their wny to Snn
Francisco. Bond, Mr. Poterson said,
struck him as a vory progrosslvo city.
Ho was Interested to learn that thero
was bo much timber mimicry to mo
town, having supposod thnt thero wns
no timber horo nt all. In tho pnrty
wero Mrs. II. M. Rnmoy, of St. Jos
eph, Mo., II. M. Rnmoy, Jr., Mrs.
Petorson and II. B. Konnody of So
nttlo nnd Miss Kolllo Poterson of
Xo Locnl Observnnco of Buy Kvpected
Spring Bond Work Having Boon
Done Tho Proclamation.
Tomorrow Is Oregon Good Roads
Dny, Governor Wlthycombo having
so designntod It by proclamation Is
sued oarty In tho month. No local
observance of tho day Is planned,
Uond. having dono Its spring road
work through contrlbutlona for tho
Powell Butto road.
The Govornor's proclamation Is as
"Whereas, good roads aro ono of
tho prlmo foundations upon which
our prosperity is bulldod; and
"Whereas, I am firmly convinced
that rond Improvement Is tho wisest
Invostmont Orogon can mako; and
"Whorons, bettor ronds nro dcolr
r.blo not only becnuso they nro ben
eficial from a commercial standpoint,
but also becausa tlioy promoto social
comihunlty development nnd increase
our civic prldo; nnd, furthor, ns they
nro tho most vnlunblo kind of en
couragement nnd advertising In tho
eyes of tho straiujor who travels
through tho state; and
"Whorons, It Is highly desirable to
oncourngo Interest In good roads nnd
to foster In ovory wny posslblo a
stnto-wldo otithuslnsm for tho bottor
ment of our highways;
"Thoroforo, I do horohy proclaim
Thursday, Mny 20, 191G, ns Orogon
Good Ronds Dny, nnd call upon nil
forward-looking citizens of this stnto
to dovoto tholr energies on thnt dny
townrda personal Improvement of tho
ronds In tholr locality, nnd to co
operate, ono with tho other. In work
ing out rond betterment plans. And
I furthor suggest thnt on thnt dny,
bo fnr ns practicable 41 10 gospel of
good ronds bo sprend Itvnll our edit
cntlnnnl Institutions, nnd that tho
school children themselves ho encour
ngod to nHSitmo tholr shnro of high
way Improvement; nnd thnt especial
ly tho women of Orogon orgnnlza nnd
tnko a part In tho work of Good
Ronds Dny, as tholr Intorcst nnd ns
slstnnco will bo vital In making It n
notnblo success."
Sermon to High School Graduates to
ho Pronched nt Prcubytorlnii Church
Sorvlccs for tho graduating clnss
of tho high school will bo hold nt tho
Proshytorlan church Sundny evening,
beginning nt 8 o'clock. Tho sormon
to tho clnso will bo pronchod by Rov.
TO. O. Judd nnd thoro will bo npcclnl
music by the Prosbyte'rlan cholnAll
"aro invited to attend.
Tho program for tho services Is ns
Organ voluntary.
Hymn. "All Saints Now." ...i183
Scrlpturo Lesson. Prov. Chap. '2.
A. 8. Black
Anthem. "I Know That My Redcomor
Llvoth." Lorenzo
Prayer II. C. Hartrantt
Response Choir
Hymn, "Lolmnon." 143
Anthem, "Now tho Day Is Ovor."
Ira Wilson
Sormon. "Tho Knowlodgo of God"
K. G. Judd
Hymn. "St. Chrlstophor." 00
Bonedlctlon Ira II. Fox
Tho Bond orchestra wilt glvo a
concert at tho Sparks theatre In
Redmond, Monday evening, Mny 24.
Mrs. Forrest nnd Fred Lucas will as
The First National Bank
M KJ if U JX, IN U . D
jyM u. v.. iui' rrumuent .
VT t rfT3 Tt l.t . T.
i. a. uuuaun, runnier
Capital fully imld - 125,000
ijj .Surplus
mp ,
Are you going
to the Fair?
If you aro, obtain a supply of our
May bo cashed at Banks or Ho
tels without discount or identification.
' DIRECTORS ---- ---
U. C. con K. A. Satiibu ' H. Hudson
O. M. I'ATTHHSO.V IJ. ('. F,,r.l8
Sees Further Assurnnco of .Success of.
Tiimnlo Project in HMAhll.Minicn'tft
of Mills nt Bend livery CcntnO,,.
Oregon Fnnnor Is Benefitted.
"Construction of mills nt Bond nnd
tho establishment of n market tbof
further assures tho ontlro succosa'B?'
Uio Tumnlo Project."
That statoment Is tho high lighten
a roply rocolvod from Govornor,
James Wlthycombo to nn inquiry
from Tho Bulletin asking his vlows
of what pending dovulopmontn horo
would menu to tho surrounding coun
try from nn agricultural viewpoint.
"I am ndviscd tho Tumnlo Project
Is n Bplcndld monument to tho stnto,
from nn onglncorlng standpoint,
wrltos tho govornor. "I know tho
lands to bo productive, nnd now that
a good market, clnso at hand, Is as
sured, I am dollghtcd at tho bright
outlook. Tho etitlro success of tho
projoct moans much to tho stnto,
ovory tnx payor of which Is n Joint
ownor in tho Tumnlo. For nil con
cornod, nnd especially for tho Tumnlo
settlors, I am dollghted. Also, I mil
glnd that Bond, soon to bo n manufac
turing town of conseqiinncn, hns uuch
excollont agricultural resources bo
hind It.
"Your dovolopmnnt monns much
to Central Oregon agricultural
growth," tho Govornor continued.
"Every fnrmor In thnt territory will
ho directly lionollttod. liaising crops,
whether it bo potatoes, grain, hogs,
or cows, Is only halt tho bnttlo. Thoro
must ho n mnrkot. Your Irrigated
lands will now rocolvo n big Impotus
In tholr Improvement, nnd I hopo to
bco tho homostond country to tho
southeast dovolop into n grain pro
ducing nron. My ndvlco Is to stick
to forago crops nnd hogs nnd good
dairy stock; thnt is a field with
small risks mid substantial profits,
nnd provodly successful In Crook
county. Romomhor always to holp
tho dovolopinont of your agricultural
resources: they should conio first,
from an economlc8tnndpoBtin.V'
"To all your county-1 bffor my
congratulations upon (ho realization
of your hopes. You all will bo ben
efitted." a. O. I. 11KPOUT HKMI UP. ..
(Portland Tologrnmft t
SALEM, May 12. Complying with'-
tho roquest of tho Contrnl Oregon Ir-v
rlgatlon Compnny, tho Btnto dosort
land hoard has decided to withhold
from distribution tho roport on 'tho
company's condition, mndo hy,'SUto
Englnoor LowIh, until tho cqmtMny
can glvo an opportunity to sniper.
Tho compnny contonds thill, the re
port would' Injuro tho company and
tho sottlers. "I V
Tho roport In question was prepnr
od by John Duhuls, of tho State Rn
glnoer'H olllco, who Bpnnt.rnojithH hero
last Biimmor In Investigation. It Is
understood tho company,' In an,-,offort
to havo tho roport suppressed, will
uppoar boforo tho Desert Land Board
. jan
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