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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1915)
te R- t it t r Luf... i &-'. tv if fiVl'B'nm aHIK .lWi. "TOTVJPl MiaUMU.NI :' klHMb m V J 1 W limit' ,'fce m i ;i mi If , Thir,wU A coxMLmmmr t H P ' r .dMRCNDtn n. A jMKS3 I - iv ',pf I1 FAGB8. Till'. VF.VD HrLLETIN, HEND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12. 1015. FIIHIUHT IHIKAKB HECORDH. Hhlpmonta of frolght ovor tho Hill 'lines to I ln il linvo been making un usually fast Unto recently, two In particular, coming from (tlfforctit BoctloiiB of tho country, having brok en nil records. One of theso, n car- loitu of Fords, catuo through frntn Do'.rolt In nltio days, making -.n aver ngo running time or 31 mllns )or lionr. J. T. Hardy, traveling freight nnd pnsscngor ngont of tho Oregon Trunk, tolls of tho other shipment vhich ernii lit )ti") from l'rin 1bco by tho tiew steamships to As toria In four dftys. Tho last boat trip on thin lino Was mndo in under 29 llOilfH. Soo Edwards for good houno paint ing. Adv. Wo nro In tho real estato business. !N'p deal too snmll or too largo for tis to handle. I.overett nnd Flsch, Hend, Oregon. Adv. WHOLE COUNTY GLAD (Continued from jingo 1.) Kind to attend and holp out hi tho festivities." tiuorgo E, Altkctt of Slaters, ovor tho telrjphono, Hald that ho hail had no opportunity to Interview others on tho subject, hut speaking for nltnnolf nlonu ho thought tho nows a lino thing for tho county. Fred N, Wallace, manager of tho Titmnlo Project, spoko enthusiastic ully of tho mill nows. It moans tho nbHblulo hiiccchh of this project," ho uald, 'for thoro will ho a market for ull wo can ralso. Congratulations," TUMALO HI VI IK DANCE. Tho West Hldo Agricultural I-'nlr Association will give a dance In tho liall nt Tiimalo on tho ovenlng of Vrldny, May 21. Music by .Mrs. Mnn 'l.nurlii and Joo McKay, Refresh ments will ho served by tho ladles of tho wont hIiIu. Adv. 10-llc For sign pnluUug sea Edwards.-kdv. HHI'OHT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank OF BEND NO. 0303 In tho .State of Oiegon, lit tlio Close of HiikIhosm May 1st, lt)ir. ItcMiiircm. Loans and discounts (notes hold in bunk) $207,359.30 Totnl loans $207,359.30 Overdrafts, unsecured, $1,138.89 1,138,89 U. S. llonds deposited to sccuro circulation (par value ? 12,500.00 Totnl U. H. bonds 12,500.00 Securities other than V. S. bonds (not Including stocks) owned unpledged $ 10,657.33 Total bonds, securities, etc 10,057.33 Subscription to stock of Federal Reservo Hank ?2,euu.uu Less amount unpaid 1,733. CC . 8CC.CC All other stocks, Including premium on same Hanking house, $24,082.57; furniture and fixtures, $0,070.02. . Other real estato owned Duo from Federal Reserve Hank Duo from approved reserve ngetttfl In Now York, Chi cago, and St. Louis $ 1,173.88 Duu from approved resurvo agonts In othor reservo Cities 19,229.02 Duo from batiks nnd bankors (othor than included In 8 or 9) , Checks on banks In tho samo city or town as reporting bank . . . Outsldo checks and other cash itotns $ 007.53 Fractional currency, nlckols, nnd centB 97,97 Notes of othor national hanks , Lawful money rosorvo in bank: Total coin and certificates ...... Lcgal-tondor notes ' Hodomptlon fund with U. S. Troasuror (not moro than fi per cent on circulation) $ 025.00 Duo from U. 8. Treasurer ExpoiiBO 8CG.CC 30,-762.59 2,470.50 4,000.00 20,403.50 8.G41.01 7C1.80 . 7C5.50 4,370.00 8,427.80 2.18G.00 025.00 941.08 "y N-'I ifcvDri" :,m Wo hnvo u cllunt for otoso In lot. AililrtMs Lovurett mid Flsch, Hend, Oregon. Adv. SMEVLIN-HIXON CO. WILL BUILD IN BEND (Continued from pago 1.) nttinbor of others. Tho party spent two days hero In Investigation of tho posalhto .mill sites and In studying conditions In tho woods. Wlicm thoy loft, It Is understood, thoy woro en thusiastic over the lumbering possl- hllltlcH and especially ovor tlio oasy logging which can bo done horo. Slnco that Utiio furthor details linvo been worked out, Including tlio pitrcliaso of tho Rogers tlmbor nnd, although thoro nro still ano or two details to ho cared for, tlio mattor Is near enough to Its conclusion to por nilt tho present miuouiiconient to bo niiido. Tho hoavlost Intorost In tho now undertaking, aside from that of Mr, Sliovllu, Is hold by Frank I. lllxoii, of La Crosso, Wlscoiialn, nnd liu nntiio of tlio now company la jljn-lllxon Manufacturing Co iovIIii A 1' unions Athlete. L. filievlln (h tho only son of h II. Shuvllo, whoso hlogrnphy ii olsowhoro In this pupor. On ers dontli in 1912 Ho sue- SMio tho management of his ex fUnbof Interests, nnd Is now liejfJFWiil of tho Shovlln-Carpon-i)rjwiUi4fco Company of Mlnnoap- liu iiiivu unit uu ii)iiur- rvo Ills dnvoloptnont in elnnsH assert that IiIh blouis mid his knowl- Itloui will servo to bond of tho Indus-Btntos. o is Host Known uio howovor. Is not T. L. KlykyBw tltnhertnnii, but "Tom" gfcitfMnirmouit Yale nthleto and foot tho man who not only JMtph hU team clean up tho Harvard KVcn or tour yearn running, nut to uacK atior graiiuatton, in n year ivhen all liopo ns lost, ami with u work's coaching put out n tunin that hold Harvard to n icoroless tlo. This was In tx year when tho chief coach lug had boon dono by others and tho team was In n holo. Sliovlln was sent for nnd cuuio with tho "Minnesota whiff with which Yale kopt Harvard from victory. "Tom" Shevlln ontorml Ynlo with tho titans of 1900. In his froshtnan "year ho played on tho varsity eleven niiil In each succeeding yonr, being contain of tho 1905 team. Consider, ml to bo win of tho greatest ends that v.vor played foot ball ho was moro than onco wolootml by Walter Camp us tin All-Amerlciin star. Nu one who over raw hint play Mill forgot tlio vnuo with which ho broke up Inter ference, nor tho tncrodlhlo speed, with which for a man of his weight, Iiq wont down th field ul tho k Irk-oft or tttidor n punt. Ah a Held nthlete, nlao, "Tom" Hhovllu v,ns noted. wIiiuIiik tunny points for Yale in tho hntumor throw against Harvard and in tho inter eologlato gainos. Ho has lulled Hsnl moro than once, tho Inst trip as al ready stated, lining last month In comimny with umwU to plan (or the vomlug mill. Mr. Hixon U a prominent Uinksr of La Crosso and has frwiuontly hoon IdMttlthMl with the S)ivlln Umber In to reu. TOTAL $31C,8CC.G0 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In ? - 25,000.00 Surplus fund .'-...'. : 25,000.00 Circulating notes, less nmount on hand and In Treasury for re- - demptlon or In transit 12,500.00 Demunil deposits: Individual doposlts subject to check ?178,093.00 Cortlduates of deposit duo In less than 30 days . 150.00 Collided checks ' 819.07 Cashlor'H checks outstanding ! . 2,749.88 Deposits reiiulrlng notice of less than 10 days .". 181,812.01 Tltno deposits: CortmcatoH of deposit duo on or nftor 30 days. .$ 23.0G0.05 Blato, county, or othor municipal doposlts secured by Horn . Id or "Uonoiircos" 23,050.05 Notes nnd bills rodlscountod 49,504.50 ; u --., - W;jKiVi.1 i -v. rii -jsr iX Tl ? - I JKH-. 'tsBks jLvImm ti tMm . i thr wmu m If pliue htakMpto V try iq MM TOTAL , . . . . $31G,SGG.5G STATU OFOItKOON BS. County of Crook J I, O. B. Iludfon, Casblor of tho nhovo-namod bank, do soiomnly swear Hint tho nbovo statement Is true to tho bent of my knowledge nnd belief, C. 8. HUDSON, CnBhler. Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this 12th day of May, 1915. J. A. BASTES, Notary Public, COItHECT Attest: E. A. 8ATHER U. O. COE. II. C. ELLIS, Directors, SB. IIKI'OUT OF THE CONDITION OF THE DESCHUTES STATE BANK NO. r$i. At Ileml, In the Htnto of Oregon, nt tho close of IiilsIiich.h, May 1, 101.1. llcftoiux-CN. Loans nnd discounts $35,112.09 Overdrafts, socitrod and unsecured 44,15 Furniture and fixtures 2,211.42 Duo from unproved resorvo banks' 3,797.11 Chocks and othor cash Items 30.00 Cash on hand 4,056.73 Expenses '.',634.31 TOTAL 48,18C.41 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In $1G,000.00 Undivided prolltn 1,138.43 Duo to banks nnd bankors 4.700.00 Individual deposits Bitbject to chock 21,087.67 Domand certificates of doposlt 344.39 Tlmo and savings doposlU 016.02 Hills pnynblo for inonoy borrowod G,0Q0.00 TOTAL $48,135.41 8TATE OF OIIKOON 1 County of Crook J I, E. M. Lara, Cashier of tho nbovo-namod bank do soiomnly swear that tho nbovo statement la true to tho best of my knowiougo nnd belief. E. M. LARA. Cashlor. Subscribed nnd sworn to boforo mo this 11th dny of May, 1915. MAHY A. UENSON, Notary Public COiwtKCT Attest: H. FEltHELL. F. O. MINOIt, Directors. jannrrnn ir ' ...... . HEPOHT OF THE CONDITION OF Ihe La Pine State Bank NO U27. At 1 4 l'lius n tho Htato of Ort'gon, at tlio Close of llushiess May lht, 101R. IlCHOiirceti. Uians nnd discounts J22.084.98 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 253.24 llonds nnd warrants 4,171.80 Hanking house 2,300.00 Furniture and fixtures 165.00 Duo front banks (not reservo banks) 2,000.00 Duo from amiroved reaorvo banks . . , , 4,352.34 Chocks and other cash items . . . , 165.00 Cash on hand i 833.09 Kxmnieos 418.80 TOTAL $30,633,15 Liabilities. Capital atock paid In .....$15,000.00 Surplus fund 1,500.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid , 397.57 Individual deposits subject to check 12,134.03 nAinniid certificate of deposit 50,00 Tlmo nnd Savings Deposits 5, $51. 55 Hills payahlo for money borrowou lawn mum Onus shear and tool Skiwo llanlwaro Co. Adv. Wanted. Iwuw mwt ior In Horn! Ckaap (or AU. ax. Ui. Hend, Qjrtfi TOTAL J36.C33.15 STATE OF OREGON 1 County of Crook J ! F. W. Tomes, Cashlor of tho above-named hank, do solemnly swear that Tho. nbovo statement la truo to tho best of my knowledge and bollef. r F. W. TOM HS. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to boforo mo this 11th day of May, 1915. W. O. KQRDHAM, Notary Public COKKKCT Attest: K. W. TOMHS, OKO. M. MAYFIBLD. ALFRED A. AYA, JOHN E. RYAN JOHN E. RYAN Deschutes Timber Expert Reprinted from Tho Ilullctln extra Issued Monday morning, May 10, Tho man to whom a largo measuro.lts purchases from tho fDwyor com- of thanks can bo given for tho mllU l.ig nctivity now announced for Hend is John E. Ryan Mr. Ryan camo Into Central Ojj"' gon In 1902 to InvostlgntoMKo Hod ings oi mo a. J. uwyoruantt '.o, then ln financial difllcultlcs. As a result of his investigations tho tract was purchased by 8. S. JoluiBon and becamo tho nuclous of th6r.ilmlor holdings of tho Deschutes Lumber Co. This company wns originally own ed by S. S. Johnson, George H, Prlnco, Frank M. Prince, Samuel Simpson and Kenneth Clark and pony lay to tho west of tho Deschutes ftfjft; ground Tho Tulcs, na described .pisnwnero in tins paper. fi. Following tho Dwyor purchase Mr. Ryan'bccamo connected with tho company,' rocoivlng n portion of Its stock, nnd during tho next fow years ho was engaged in purchasing tlmbor for tho company. With tho period of timber buying over Mr, Ryan took chnrgo of tho management of tho company's lands, making fits homo nt Tho Tulca, a boautlful meadow on tho west sldo of tho Deschutes, whoro iio engaged In farming and stock raising. Having seen to tho acquisition of tho tlmbor lands for his company Mr. Ryan bogan to consider what was to bo dono with thorn how they wero to bo milled and hero ho found a,dlfllcult situation to oxlst. ' In tho lfttor purchasing periods nil tho companies had bought lands In any places whoro prices mado the lrinds nvnllablo and as n result hold ings wore scattered ovor largo areas. In considering this fact nnd its ef fect on milling possibilities Mr. Ry. nu conceived tho idea that exchanges might bo mndo by tho different own ers, thereby consolidating tho lands of each bo that tho coat of logging might bo kept nt a minimum for each operator. To carry out his idea Mr. Ryan, in 1D08 mado on ownership map allow ing tho dlfforent ownorshlps in dlf. fercnt colors. Ho thon mado other maps showing his plan of exchange, blocking out tho consolidated tracts in colors. Theso maps wero worked out with great dotall and woro so carefully prepared that whon Mr. Ryan submitted them to tho other timber owners In 1913 no opposition was mado to tho exchanges ho sug gested nnd in tho sprirfg pf 1914 they wero consummated. Among othor ex changes mndo at tho time, tho Des chutes Lumber Co. rolenBod all its Klamath njid Lnko lnnds to tho Fre mont Land Co., ns did Uio Bond Tim. her Co., and consolidated tholr hold ings to tho west and south west of Hend. Othor oxchangos followed un til toJaynll tho operators ln tho Des chutes valley havo solid tracts of timber readily nnd economically workod. Iu 1914, following this blocking of tho tlmbor, tho Deschutes Timber Co., through Mr. Ryan, negotiated with tho Wuycrhnousor Tlmbor Co. for tho snlo of its lands, Whllo no-' gotlatlons woro pending tho deal feU through. Then, In January of tho present yonr, Jfr. Itynn wont to Minneapolis;, sought out T. iL. Shovlln and In twd days closed tho Halo to him nnd as sociates of his company's lands. Becoming nssoclatod witli tho non owners, Mr. Ryan returned to Dend' nnd has slnco boon actively nt work; on plans for milling. In April, lnrgd-i ly on his advlco, his company pur chased tho Hend Tlmbor Company's tlmbor noar Rend. Mr. Rynn wns married in 190G to Mary n. Norton, of Minneapolis. Iloth Mr. nnd Mrs. Rynn nro load ing miombors of tho local Catholld church nnd through tholr gonoroBlty enabled It, last year, to build an at tractive parish houso for tho rest ddnco of its prlosts. Screen doors and wlro cloth. Skuso Hntdwaro Co. Adv. IfSsPft ill iSPH HiMH'"YJKVU('MIlHVIMHrarrrV4I WnSB9Ln3 . fVOK -iWBB".. j IM li Mug-gs. 'SSHMi jre.n,'. y ,i ipHP'Mi'vfta ;if4S -rf-Wfc - sK3WKS!IMkBBHsitlVi) illiBlli a a b we yg. TOMinawn-' mm amvwmxBBXBimKWBmam AannH' 'i, rm:mMXamwMm mmzwmBmmmm c iflMBivr ; wii m i mm Bmm.issmmutaammm uimmmmEM 1 asHHR vmi hh flyHnKaHBSBHBB. 1 4KBuwbHi u ' aHHHKHr3v,'acvi5PI UK msk m?M fi amstvxnmmmmmHi MH' xm Mmmxam'.jm Hi:HiHvHw vvHB ifa - Hi mwmmmmrrz JBisB'-'"f aummmmmmr bbbbHbbV Z:-','r--i"r jBr l'r..d.y?ii I BBBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlilHPIifflVrSCl . K' lfllilBlH ' ' . VSf TT I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlVilBTBBBVfTvtKlKtV k - -A . M .&&! ilF SlBBBB. -'j "jTVS lT U "- ii iiim i ,- rmtywwm-m THE BEND COMPANY LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH FIR AND MAPLE FLOORING MILLWOOD $2.50 Per Load DELIVERED TOWN LOTS AND ACREAGE V'.T f i. '; Directors. Hon. Adv. r