THE UENI I1ULLETIN, nENI), ORE., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1I)1B. PAGE 7. V POWELL BUTTE (Continued from page 2.) !. V. O. Humphrey was a gra tis llOBtGBB io uiu rowou uuua oals when she entertained that y at her homo Wednesday attor- n. An nveruKu uuuiiumico hub sent nnd an enjoyable Boclnl time s had by all. Mrs. Huniphroy as- ted by her daughter MIbs Estcllo d Mlaa Ada Sears served rofreslt- enta previous to adjournment. nong the various current topics ven In answer to roll call was ono nounclng I3end s Chautauqua (or o first week of July. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Truesdalc nnd mil daughter, Dorothy, visited at o McCalllster homo on Crooked ver Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon and ughtor Harriett, wero Prlnevlllo sltors Wednesday. The formor met 1th tho county court which was In salon at that time. A. It. Rhode had his sheep sheared hursdny and Friday of lost week, wo professional shearers doing tho ob. MIbs Ada Morso mado final proof her homestead Wednesday. Geo. Hobbs roturned Tuosday from week's sojourn in Dond. Mrs. Jasnor Porry who has been 11 for some tlmo was taken to Prlno- lllo whoro sho will rocelvo medical ppntmnnt. Mrs. Rallard is nursing Mrs. Eorl aundors and infant daughter. A pretty woddlng occurred at the lomo of E. N. Hall on Wednesday vonlng, when- Reovos Wlllcoxon lalmed MIbs Sua Hall for his brldo. lev. Dyers of Rodmond porformed io ceremony, using tho ring sorvico. he groom is one of our prosperous vounc bachelors. He has lived in this community for nlno years and number his friends by his acquain tances, whllo his bride 1b au attrac tive Portland girl nnd sister of E. N. Hall. Tbo houso was decorated with Oregon grapo and white carna tions and n courso of refreshments was served following tho coromony. Resides relatives of tho contracting parties thoso presont woro Mr. and JUxa. E. L. Ivorson, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. RusBctt, Rov. nnd Mrs. W. N. Dyers, Miss Ada Morso, Linn Mooro and Fny Dnssott; Messrs. Clarko Morso, Geo. Hobbs, Geo. Morgan and Ross nnd Lloyd Dussott. Mr. Wlll coxon nro spending their honeymoon on tholr farm whoro a cozy homo has Tjeen prepared. Thoy nro receiving 'hearty congratulations from tholr inonus. Henry Young, wlfo and baby of Redmond vlsltod Sunday at tho Geo. ShobcTt home. Grandma Drown wont to Prlnevlllo Mondny with Mrs. Dussett nnd Miss Fay whoro sho will ninko a week's visit. Mrs. Terrell Osburn entertnlnod a pnny of young peoplo Saturday oven Ing in honor of her son Leonard's 14th birthday. Thirteen guests woro nresont and ft Jolly evening pnsaed with various- games. Rofroshmonts wore sorved by Mrs. Osburn assisted by her daughter. Mrs. Wnlcott and son Alfred vls U5d at tho Geo. Haven homo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carolln and son of Ttodmond woro dinner guests at tho Guy Soars homo Saturday. Allon Wlllcoxon wont with a pnrty of Rodmond nlmrods to tho iLowor Jlridgo on tho Doschutcs Sunday for a day's fishing, roturnlng with 19C trout. POWELL DUTTE, May 9. Pupils k-, of Dutto Vnlloy District who took tho Sth firado exams May 6 nnd 7, woro Grnco Dlnlr, nnd Deulah Landfaro, who took civil govornmcht only, nnd Grant Dlnlr, who took geography. D. A. Pattorson conducted tho examina tion. Mrs. Thorno and daughtor, Mrs. Carl Dlalr, spent Sunday with Mrs. A. D. Morrill. Mrs. Thorno expects to lenvo for her homo in Portland on Tuosday. , Win. Johnson nnd son, Robert, nnd noryl Lnndfnro oxpoct to start for California tomorrow. Thoy will drive, going by wny of Dend, then on south through Klamath Fnlls to tholr destination. ( Mrs. A. D. Morrill rccolvod a largo box of cut flowers last weok from Mrs. C. M. Davis of Dull Run. Orogon. Tho box contained narcissus, nnd nlnk nnd yellow moss roso buds. Theso showers aro most welcomo to garden plants of all Kinds, also mnVinir drv land crons show a beau tiful green. Fall sown ryo Is looking wnll now. and snrlnK grain of all sorts Is coming on fine. . 1 1 STAUFFER. (Special to Tho Dullotln.) ' STAUFFER. May C C. J. Stauffer V started to Dend Saturday morning nc companled by Mr, Donovan of Den Jamln Lake. Al Lowo and Fred Overall mado a trip to Dend last week. MIbs Alice Drooklnga spont tho weok end at Dutto with Mrs. Popo and family. Mrs. C. J. Stnuffor Is on the sick list this week. Dert Mecks drove Miss Cummlngs ovor to her homestead near Dutto. 8. W. Dest and family nnd Dr. Heed spent Wednesday at J, H. Hass lers, We had somo snow in tho valley Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Gardens and grain look fine, and wo aro expecting bumper crops this year. . . Hugh O'Jfeal left last week for Prescott, Washington, expecting to be gone for several months. i.invii Mercer was transacting bus iness before Commissioner Stauffer fa TiioorlnV P. L. Forbes went to Duck Creek f Tames Smith went to Dend last " week after a load of supplies. Perry Hartoon got a horse badly cut with barb wire Monday morning. Screen doors and wire cloth. Skuso JUrdwaro Co. Adv. Special Subscription The best family daily paper in the state and your own weekly paper for $3.50 The Daily Portland Telegram and The Bend Bulletin both one year for $3. SO This offer will be in force from now until July 15, 1915, and may be taken advantage of by new as well as old subscribers. Subscriptions are for one year cash in advance. Old subscribers to The Bulletin in order to participate in these rates must pay up all arrears due and the $8.50 in addition will pay for both papers one year in advance. GOOD ONLY UNTIL JULY 15, 1915. HOUSE FOR SALE. Sevon rootn houso with good baso mont and all modern conveniences,. E. W. Rlchnrdson, La Pino, Oro gon. 49tf LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOK PUI1LI0ATI0N. NOT COAL LANDS. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Ofllco at Lakoview, Oregon, April 24, 1915. NOTICE Is horoby glvon that Clnudo L. DonBon, of La Pino, Ore gon, who on Octobor 23, 1911, rando Homestead Entry, No. 05079, for W iJSWW, Section 6, Township 21 S Rango 11 E Wlllamotto Meridian, has tiled notlco of Intention to make flnnl Uireo yoar proof, to ostnbllsh claim to tho land abovo described, boforo H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission er, at Dend, Oregon, on tho 3rd any of Juno, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: R. II. Caldwell, of Ln Pino, Orcgoi; T. W. Vandovort, Jr., of Dond, Oro gon; R. C. Richie, of La Pino, Ore gon i W. G. Fordham, of La Pino, Oregon. JAS. F. nURGESS, 9-1 3c. Reglstor. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR CROOK COUNTY. CITATION TO HEIRS. In tho mnttor of tho Estato of Jesso L. Poush, deceased. To ElUaboth A. Poush, Clinton E. Poush, Ollvo A. West, Joseph D. Poush, Delia May Davlos, Eva Grater and Frank Grater, tho known holrs of Jesso L. Poush, de ceased, nnd to all tho unknown holrs, If any, of Josso ,L. Poush, do ceased. Greeting: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you nro hereby cited and summoned to appear on Monday, tho 14th day of Juno, 1910, at 10 o'clock, a. m., nt tho County Court room In Prlnevlllo, Oregon, nnd then and thoro show cauBO. if any thoro bo, why au order for tho salo of nwVi of Section 8, Township 18 S., R. 10 E. W. M., should not bo made to 8. C. Caldwell as Administrator of said Estato, as prayed for In tho petition of said Administrator filed herein. Witness tho Honorable O. Sprlngor Judge of tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, for the Couutj of C:ook, with tho seal of said Court affixed this 1st day or way, iyio. Attest: WARREN DROWN County 'JwrK. 9-12C Dy A. W. Dattlos, Deputy, SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE. Notlco Is horoby given that on Fri day, tho 4th day of June, 1915, a special election will be held at tho council chamber in tho Johnson building, City of Dend, Crook county, Oregon: also at the office of The Miller Lumber Co., ln lU yard ad joining tho right of way of the Ore gon Trunk Railway, south of Its stock yards, for tho purpose of submitting to tho legal voters of the City of Dend aud to the logal voters residing In tho territory hereinafter describ ed, the following question, to-wlt: Whether or not the corporato lim its of tho City of Rend, Oregon," ns now defined shall be altered nnd tho following described territory includ ed therein nnd become a part thero of, to-wlt: Deglnnlng at the northeast corner of tho NWV4 of Section 5, in Town ship 18 South of Rango 12 E.tW. M., In Crook County, Oregon, on the township line between townships sev ntwn and eighteen: thence east on the said township line to tho north east corner or saia section nro; thence south on the east lino of said section five to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of said sec tion five: thence west on tbo quarter section line to the center of said ceetlon five: thence south on tho ' quarter section lino to the southeast er cornor of tho southwost quarter of said section flvo; thenco oast on tlio section lino to tho southeast comer of tho southwest quartor of tho south east quartor of said section flvo; thenco north to tho northeast cor nor of tho southwest quartor of tbo southeast quartor of said section flvo; thenco oast to tho northeast corner of tho Bouthwcst quartor of thu southwest qunrtor of section four, Township 18 South of Rango 12, E. W. M.; thenco northerly to tho city limits of Dend, Crook County, Oro gon nt tho southeast corner of tho northv est quartor of tho southwest qunrtor of section 33 In TownBhlp 17 South of Range 12 E. W. M.; thenco west nlong city limits of said city of Dond to tho northwest cornor of southwest quarter of tho southeast quarter of soctlon 32 ln Township 17 south of Rango 12 E. W. M.; thonco south nlong tho city limits to tho point of beginning. And tho doctors of tho City of Dend nnd tho olectoro of tho abovo doscrlbcd torritory aro Invltod to voto upon tho Bald proposition at tho abovo montlonod tlmo and places by placing upon their respective ballots tho words, "For annexation," or tho words. "Against annexation," or words equivalent thereto. Tho polls at tho rospoctlvo polling places abovo named shall bo opon for the purposo of voting upon tho said proposition upon said dato between tho hours of 8 n. m. and 8 pm. The namos of tho clerks for tho polling place within tho City of Dond are Princo Stnats and J. J. Klotn and tho judges for such polling piaco are 11. J. Overturf, Frank Gilbert and J. P. Johnson, Tho names of tho clerks for tho polling placo within tho torritory proposod to bo annoxed aro Wlnfleld L. Grlfllu and Mrs. A. L. Roff and tho judges for such polling placo aro A. L. Roff, Tom Korn and II. M. Ran dolph. Dono In pursuance to and by vir tue of a resolution duly mado and passed by tho Common Council of tho City of Dond, Oregon, nt n moot ing hold on tho 4th day of May, 191C. II. C. ELLIS, City Recordor. Dated nt Dond, Orogdn, May 4, 1915, Dato of first publication, May 6, imc. Dato of second publication, May 12, 1915. Dato of third publication, May 19, 1'JlC. Date of fourth public Uln, May 26, 191C. Dato of fifth publication, Juno 2, 1915. 9-13c NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY UNDER STREET ASSESS .MENT NO. 1. Dy vlrtuo of warrants cumbered 1, 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20, 21, 22, 23. 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 for delinauent street assessment no, i, duly Issued by the recorder of the City of Dend, Oregon, datod the 26th day of April, 1915, ln the matter of street assessment No, 1, mado and entered ln tho Docket of City Lions of said City of Dond on the 12th day of July. 1913; wherein tho heroin- after descrlbod proporty was assessed and charged for said improvement, the number of the warrant, tho de scription of tho proporty, tho amount assessed for said Improvement and the namo of the owner or reputed ownor in each case bolng as follows: 1. North 65.6 feet of lot 3, block 1, City of Dend, $59.70, J. S. Par mlnter. 2. South 50 feet of the north 175.13 feot of lot 3, block 1, City of Dend, $45.50, J. 8. Parmlnter. 3. (Lot 6. block 2, City of Dend, $25, A. R. Johnston. 4. Lot 1, block 3, City of Dend, $25, A. R. Johnston. 5. Lot 14, block 4, City of Dond, $6.25, A. R. Johnston. 6. Lot 10, block 4, city or nenu, $6.25, A. R. Johnston. 8. Lot 4, block 10, City of Dend, $25.00. S. C. Caldwell.- 9. Lot 3. block 14, City of Dend, $25, J. H. O'Neill. 10. Lot4, block 14, City of head, $12.50, J. H. O'Neill. 11. Lot 5, block 14, City of Dond, $30.43, Max Lucddcmann. 12. Lot 1, block 22, City of Dend, $25.00, E. E. Welsh. 13. iLot 2, block 24, City of Dend, $12.50, G. A. Keolor. 14. Lot 5, block 24, City of Dond, $C.2G, W. P. Vnndovcrt. v 15. Lot G, block 21, Olty of Dond, $G.25, W. P. Vnndovert. 1G. Lot 7, block 2, City of Dend, $G.25, W. P. Vnndovert. 17. Lot S, block 24, City of Dend, $22.00, W. P. Vnndovert. IS. Lot 9, block 24, City of Dond, $3.00, W. P. Vandovort. 19. Lot 10, block 24, City of Dond, $3.00, W. P. Vnndovert. 20. Lot 11, block 24, City of Dond, $3.00, W. P. Vandovort. 21. Lot 12, block 24, City of Dend, $3.00, W. P. Vandovort. 22. Lot 13, block 24, City of Dond, $3.00, W. P. Vnndovert. 23. iLot 14, block 24, City of Dend, $3.00, W. P. Vnndovert. 24. Lot 15, block 24, City of Dend, $3.00, W. P Vnndovert. 25. Lot 1G, hi jk 24, City of Dond, $3.00, W. P. Vandovort. 27. Lot 17, block 24, City of Dond, $3.00, W. P. Vandovort. 28. Lot 18, block 24, City of Dond, $3.00, W. P. Vandovort. 29. Lot 19, block 24, City of Dond, 13.00. W. P. Vnndovert. 30. Lot 20, block 24, City of Dond, J3.00. W. P. Vnndovert. 31. Lot 21, block 24, City of Dond, $3.00, W. P. Vnndovert. 32. Lot 22, block 24, City of Dond, $3.00, W. P. Vandovort. All of said abovo described proper ty bolng within tho City of Dond, County of Crook, State of Orogon. Notlco Is horoby given that I will on Friday, tho 28th day of May, 1915, at tho front door of tho City Hall on Wall strcot ln tho City of Dond, Crook county, Oregon, soil at public auction to tho person who shall pay tho assessment, costs, interest nnd ac cruing costs nnd Interest thoroon and tnko a certificate at tho lowest rnto of Interest, all tho right, tltlo nnd In terest tho owner or roputod owner or nny othor person has or had in said property at tho dato of said bb- uRsmont. Dated Uils 27th day of April, 1910 8. E. RODERTS, Chlot of Pollco of City of Dond, Crook County. Oregon. 8-12c NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY UNDER SEWER ASSESS MENT NO. 1. Dy vlrtuo of wnrrants numborod 33, 34, 35, 3G, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 4G, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, and 60 for dollnquont eowor nsaessmont No. 1, duly Issued by tho recordor of tho City of Dond, Oregon, datod tho 20th day of April, 1915, In tho matter of eowor assess ment No. 1. mado anu ontorou in mo docket of City Lions of said City of Dond on tho 7th day of August, 1913, wherein tho horolnaftor descrlbod nronnrtv was assossod and charged for said Imnrovemont. tho numbor of tho warrant, tho description, tho de scription of tho proporty, tho nmount assessod ror said improvomoni anu tho namo of tho ownor or roputod ownor In onch enso bolng ns follows: 33. N. 65.6 feet of lot 3, block 1, $167.44, J. S. Parmlntor. 34. Contor 00 foot of N. 175.6 lot 3, block 1., $144.00, II. J. Ovorturf. 35. S. 50 feot of N. 176.0 foot of lot 3, block 1, $120.00, J. S. Parmln tor. J. S. Parmlnter. 30. iLot 6, block 2, $07.25, Ada R. Job pn ton. 37. Lot 1, block 3, $97.25, Ada R. Johnston. 38. Lot 14, block 4, $48.02, Adn R. Johnston. 39. Lot 15, block 4, $48.62, Ada R. Johnston. 40. Lot 2, block 15, $99.00, Anton Auno. 41. Lot 3, block 15, $99.00, Anton Auno. 42. Lot 4, block 15, $99.00, Anton Auno. 43. Lot 4. block 10. $99.00, 8. C. Caldwell. , 44. Lot 4, block 11, $99.00, O. A. Jones. 45. Lot 1, block 22, $99.00, B. E. Welsh. 40. .Lot 1, block 24, $87.45, G. A. Keolor. 47. Lot 5, block 24, $42.50, W. P. Vandovort. 48. Lot 0, block. 24, $42.00, W. P. Vnmlevort. 49. Lot 7, block 24, $42.50, W. P. Vnndevert. 50. Lot 8, block 24, $40.40, W. P. Vnndevert. 51. Lot 9, block 24, $40.40, W. P. Vnndevert. 52. Lot 10, block 24, $40.40, W. P. Vnndevert. 63. Lot 11, block 24, $40.40, W. P. Vandovort. 54. Lot 1, block 25, $99.00, Dond Co. 55. Lot 6. block 25, $99.00, Dond Co. 56. .Lot 4, block 5, $97.25, J. J. Klein. All of said above described propor ty being within the City of Dend, County of Crook, Stato of Oregon, Notlco Is horoby glvon thnt I will on Friday, tho 28th day of May, 1016, at tho front door of tho City Hall on Wall street In the City of Dond, Crook County, Oregon, soil nt public nuctlon to tho person who shall pay the assessment, costs, lntorest and ac cruing costs and Interest theroon nnd take a cortlficato at tho lowest rate of Interest, all tho right title nnd Inter est tho ownor or roputod ownor or any other person has or had In said proporty at tho dato of said assess ment. Dated this 27th day of April, 191,5. S. E. ROIJERT8, Chlof of Polfce of City of Dend, Crook County, Oregon. 8-12c NOTICE OF SALE OF HIJAL PROP. KltTY UNDER SEWER ASSESS .MENT NO. 1. Dy virtue of warrants numbered 57, 08. 59, 60, 61, and 62, for dolln- quont sower assessment No. 1, duly lssuod by tho recordor of tho City of Dond, Oregon, dntcd tho 20th day of April, 1915, In tho mattor of sower assessment No. 1, mado nnd entorod In tho Docket of tho City Liens of said City of Dend, on tho 19th day of August, 1913; whoreln tho hercln nfter described property wns assessed and charged for said improvement, tho number of tho wnrrnnt, tho de scription of tho property, tho amount assossed for said improvement nnd thu name of the owner or reputed ownor In each cnBo being ns follows: 57. NV6 parcel 17, Lytlo Acres, $170, Jnmcs Anderson. 58. NEVi parcel 15, Lytlo Acres, $86.00, R. G. DowBor. 59. SV parcel 11, Lytlo Acres, $170, Michael Dynam. GO. SW pnrcel 14, Lytlo Acres, $85.00, J. W. Hooch. 61. W parcel 12, Lytlo Acres $170.00, Mlchaol Dynnm. G2. SWVi pnrcol 23, Lytlo Acres, $85.00, M. P. Knutson. All of said nbovo doscrlbcd proper ty bolng within tho City of Dend, County of Crook, State of Oregon. Notlco is hereby glvon that I will on Friday, tho 28th day of May, 1915, atytho front door of tho City Hall on Willi street In tho City of Dend, Crook County, Orogon, soil at public auction to tho porson who shall pny tho assessment, costs, Interest and ac cruing costs aud Interest thoroon nnd take a cortlficato at tho lowest rato of Interest, all tho right tltlo and Inter est tho owner or roputod ownor or any othor person hns or had In Bald property at tho dato of Bald assess ment. Dated this 27th day of April, 1915. S. E. RODERTS. Chlof of Pollco of City of Dend, Crook County, Oregon. 8-12o NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Interior, Unltod Stntcs Land Oillco. Tho Dalles, Oregon, April 19, 1915. To Goorgo Rnmlnnoff, of Dend, Oro gon, Contostco: You nro horoby notlfiod that Charles Gutflclsch, who gives 25, E. 11th St., Portland, Orogon, as his post ofilco nddrcss, did on April 3, 1915, fllo In this ofilco his duly cor roborated application to contest nnd securo tho cnncollntlon of your homo- stond Entry No Sorlnl No. 08310. mado March 20. 1911. for N A section 13, Township 20 S Rango 17 E. Wlllamotto Morldlan, nnd as grounds for IiIb contest ho nllcgos that said ontrymnh has novor culti vated or rosldod upon said land or nny portion thoroof, nnd has not com piled with tho homestoad laws ln any respect and tins nhnndonod said en try nnd said land' for n grontor per iod than bIx months last past. You nro, thoroforo, further noti fied thnt the said allegations will bo taken as confessed, and your said en try will bo cancelled without further right to bo hoard, either boforo this ofilco or on appeal. If you fall to fllo ln this ofilco within twonty days nf tor tbo FOURTH publication of this notice, ns buowii noiow. your answor. under oath, specifically responding to theso allegations of contest, togothor with duo proof thnt you hnvo sorved a copy of your answor on tho Bald contestant cither In porson or by reg istered mall. You should stato In your answor tho nnmo or tho post ofllco to which you doslra futuro notices to bo sent to you. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Resistor. Dato of first publication April 28, 1915. Dato of Bocond publication May 5, 1915. Dato of third publication May 12, 1915. Dato of fourth publication Mav 19, 1915. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Dy vlrtuo of an axocutlnn In fore closure duly lssuod by tho clork of tho circuit court of tho county of Crook, Stato of Oregon, dated this 16th day of April, 1916, In a cortnln action In tho circuit court for tho said county and Stato, whoroln D. E. Hunter as plaintiff recovorod Judg ment ngalnst James Dean, defendant for tho sum of Two Thousand Two Hundred Dollars with lntorest from tho 11th day of May, 1913, at thu rato of 10 per cont per annum to gothor with Two Hundred Twenty Dollars attorneys foo, nnd tho fur Ihor sum of Sovonteon Dollars costs, and accruing costs. Notlco Is horoby given that I will on Saturday, tho Sth day of Juno, at tho north front door of tho court house In Prlnovlllo ln said county at ton o'clock in tho forenoon of said day sell at public auction to tho high est bidder for cash, all right and tltlo thnt tho nbovo nnrnod dofeudant has or had at dato of said judgment In tho following described proporty, to wlt: Lot eighteen (18) of tho subdivi sion of block four (4) of Dend, Crook County, Oregon. E. II. KNOX. Sheriff. Dated at Prlnovlllo, Oregon this 16th day of April, 1910. Dy FLOYD A. HOWELL, 9-13 c. Doputy. NOTICE FOR PUULIOATiO.V. Dopartmont of the Interior, U. H. Land Ofllco at Tho Dalles, Orogou, April It, 1915. NOTICE Is heroby given that Charles 8. Hanson, of Dend, Oregon, who, on April 12, 1910, mado Desert Land Entry. No. 00467, for noVi nw i and nw4 no', Section 27, Town ship 17 South, Rango 12 East, Wil lamette Meridian, haH filed notlco of Intention to tnako Floal Desert Proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described, beforo II. C. Ellis. U. 8 Commissioner, at Dend, Oregon, on tho 26th day of May, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Archlo Pattlo, P. C. Hardy, Joseph Duahholz, J. M. Doblus, all of Dond, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOOK, 7-11 c. Register. NOTICE FOR PURIFICATION. NOT COAL LANDS Dopnrtmonl of tho Interior, U. S. Land Oillco nt Lnkovlow, Orogon, April 13, 1915. NOTICE Is horoby given that Har ry Childers of La Pino, Oregon, who, on July 5, 1911, mado Homestoad Entry 04794, nnd on March 4, 1914, mado additional Homestead Entry, (Act April 28, 1904.) No. 0G359, for BV4snwynwH, swVinwVi, no nwU. Section 10, Township 22 8., Rango 10 E. Wlllamotto Morldlan, hns filed notice of Intention to mako Flnnl Threo Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, bo fore H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Dend, Oregon, on tho 28th day of May, 1915. Claimant names as witnossos: Wnldemnr Chrlstonson, Arthur R. Donnhuo, John F. Doguo, Goorgo Doguo, all of La Pino, Oregon. JAS F. DURGESS, 7-llc. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. 3. Land Ofllco nt Tho Dalles, Oro gon, April 19, 1915. NOTICE is horoby given that Doano D. Froomnn, of Dond, Oregon, who, on Juno 19th, 1911, mado Homostoad Entry, No. 09146, for w Vi, Soctlon 17, Township 17 Boutli, Rango 14 East, Willamette Morldlan, has tiled notlco of Intention to mako Flnnl Threo Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo descrlbod, beforo II. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commission er, nt Dond, Orogon, on tho 9 th day of Juno, 1915. Claimant nnmos ns wltnossea: Honry E. Ruff, Goorgo Alton, Milton A. Palmor, Emery J. Taylor, all of Dond, Orogon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 7-llp. Roglstor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dopartmont of tho Interior, U. 8. Lnnd Ofllco nt Tho Dnllos, Oro gon, April 19, 1915. NOTICE is horoby given that Hon ry E. Ruffo, of Dond, Orogon, who, on Octobor 2nd, 1911, mado Homestead Entry, No. 09527, for swU Soctlon zo, nwvi, soctlon 29, TownBhlp 17 South, Rango 14 East, Wlllamotto Morldlan, has fllod notice of inten tion to mako Final Threo Yoar Proof, to establish claim to tho lnnd nbovo described, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, nt Dond, Orogon, on tho 9th day of Juno, 1916. Clnlmnnt nnmos ns witnossos: Doano D. Frcomnn, Goorgo Alton, Milton A. Palmor, Emory J. Taylor, all of Dond, Orogon. . H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 7-11 P. Roglstor. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF CROOK. SUMMONS Anna Drostorhous, Administratrix of tho Estnto of Goorgo Ilrostorhous, Deceased, Plaintiff, vs. Ooorgo F. HnrrlB, Dofondant, , . To Goorgo F. Harris, nbovo nauit dofondant: IN THE NAME OF THE STil of OREGON, you nro horoby re od to nppoar and answor tho plaint of tho plnlntlff filed you In tho nbovo ontltlod or boforo tho Inst day of tb proscribed In tho ordor for. tlon made horcln to-wlt: tl day of June, 1910, nnd so to nnswor for want tb plaintiff will n D lily to tho rollof prayod for In tl on filo lioroln to-wlt: for'; ngalnst you for tho sum together with lntorest ti rnto of ton por cont per i ucconiDor 7, iuiu, until or with $100.00 nttorney tho costs nnd disbursement action nnd for n docreo of th ontltlod court that cortnln bonrlng dato of tho 7th day comber, 1912, mado nnd executed' you socuring said sum nbovo mi ttoned, covering, convoying and de' scribing lots No. 13 nnd 14 of Illock 27 of Dond, Crook County. Oroeon. bo foroclosod and that said real proporty described thoroln bo sold by tho Sheriff of Crook County, Ore gon, In tho mnnnor provided by law and according to tho prnctlco of thin court and that tho procoodH of said salo bo applied: First: In tho paymont of tho costs and chnrges of making said salo and Socond: To tho paymont of plain tiffs judgment, Incluslvo of Attor ney fees, Interest!) and costs and thnt upon wild salo bolng made tho plain tiff may bocomo tho purchaser thoro at and that thereafter tho dofondant and all persons claiming under, by or tnrougn mm bo rorevor bnrrod and foroclosod of any right, tltlo or ln torest In or to said property or any portion thereof, saving nnd excontliiK only tho statutory right of redemp tion nnd tnni tun piniuiirr navo Judg. ment nnd execution against tho prop erty of tho dofendnnt. (U-orgo F. Har- rlB, for any deficiency remaining up on said judgment after applying tho prnceedB of tho salo of said real proper!) properly applicable tharrto nnd for such other and further relief ns to tho Court may ncom moot nnd just. 'tills summons Is served upon you Uy piiliiU'iitlnu thereof for six suo t"n'vo v. icks In Tho Dond Ilulktln, n weekly nowspapor of gonornl cir culation, published in (lend, Crook County, Orogon, by ordor of tho Hon orablo W. L- Dradshaw, Judgo of Mm Circuit Court of Ciook County, Stntn of Oregon, which order wtui dated tho 16th day of April, 1910, the dato of lh first publication llng tho 2 1st ua of April, 1910, hmI tho dnto of the last publication bolng tho 2nd day of Juno. 1916. VERNON A. FOIHIBS. 7. 13c Attorney for the IMnlutlff. ?! i J