i-fl THE 1JENI) IIULLET1N. I1ENI), ORE., WEDNESDAY', MAY 12, 10115. TAOE 3. fr ! BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRE UOUKUT U. GOULD Olvll ft Bend Oregon . t Engineer W. W. BAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Offlco Ovor PostoDlco Bond, ... Oregon DR. E. lll&A NOUHIS rhjralclan mul Surgeon Office SatUor Building Microscopic und Xray work Tel. Black 271 Hours: 10-12 a. in.; 2-4 p. m. 7-9 p. m. WILLAItD H. TVIItTZ L a w y v. u Prlnovlllo, Oregon. 0. S. BENS6N Attorney At Ij n w Bonson Building, Wall Streot Bond, Oregon. VERNON A. FORDES Ij A W Y E R First National Bank Building Bond, :-: :-: Orccon GEORGE S. YOUNG Civil nutl Irrigation Engineer. U. S. Mineral Surveyor. Room D First 'National Dank i, Building J. B. Bell A. W. SlmB OROOlCCOCNTY ABSTItACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to The J. It. Honor Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstracts Insuranco Representation boforo tho Des ert Land Board and Stnto Engineer RODERT CECIL WYGANT Attorney nt Law Irrigation Masonic Water Rights Building Desort Land Salem, Engineering Law Oregon PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER AND CONTRAC TOR WORK GUARANTEED II. 1 SMITH i I For Spring t WEAR get a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES f WE also huvo tho agency tor J NAP-A-TAN 8hoea for men and f boys. R. H. LOVEN I The Shoo Repair Mnn f Bond Street Hond. Oro. DRAYINQ Bend Hauling Co. It. N. PALMERTOX Wood for Sale Ofllco with It. 1. Mlntcr Olllco l-liono Black 00 Residence Black 422 PLOWINQ DONE. J Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. m O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET ONE CENT CfTORY. H. C. ELLIS Attorneynt-Lnw United States (llnimlssloncr First National Mink Building BEND, OREGON H. H. Do AI M O N D LAWXBK Orcgon Street. lend, Oregon DR. J. H. O NNARN DENT ST Building. , 1 to 5. Ofllco in Satho Houru 9 to 1 Sundays ana e, onlngs by ent. Appolntti C. P. NISWONOER, Dond, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embnlincr, Funeral Director. Phone. Lady Assistant. DR. R. D. STOWELL Naprapatlilc Physician Olllco ovor Miller Lumher Co, Wall Street Hours 9 to C PIiodo Rod CI J. E. Engebreison Plumbing and Heating Rend, Oregon 117 .MINNESOTA STREET INTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED JOHULNG PROMPTLY DONE TO THE RESCUE Wo will bv your linen, but you mini not waata much time ctttlni; our rncu band nl work LOW PRICES, BeTTERSERVICn Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANING "Put Your Duda In Our Suds" THE WHITE IS KINO The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CirAIN Btitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine, Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. cata lofrue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 519 Merchants National Bank Bldg San Francisco. California who fiijl DOES mMss n ura N A WORD IS ALL A LITTLB WANT AD WILL COST YOU. CARE OF BLUE GRASS LAWN Ily County Agriculturist A. E. L O V E T T. Sovcral persons havo Inquired re carding tho condition of their bluo grass lawns In this section, In most Instances becauso ot poor growth of grass In spots In the lawn. As with alfalfa and other crops on a desert soil, such as wn havo horo in most sectlo'ns, It Is surprising that wo havo obtained as good results as wo havo with these crops and grasses In practically nil cases where lawns have been planted In this section, tho scods have been put Into tho raw land and In tho majority of cases without any addition of manures or humus to tho soil. It Is not hard to find men In almost any neighborhood who nro "ctiBsIng" the country be causo It will not grow hotter crops; yet tlicso onma men know thnt there Is little or no humus In a desert soil such as they are working, and would la surprised is land of this kind pro duced as this docs, wore thoy to find the Biimo In the locality from which thoy canio to this country. llluo grass, as well as tho farm crops. TOiiBt havo not only a proper amount of moisture but also tho re quired amount of plant foods. Any orio of tlioto plnnt foods or moisture being deficient, tho crop sifTors ac cordingly. It would be surprising If, taking n raw land which has grown nothing hut sago brush for decades, wo should find plant foods, etc., in proper proportions ivjil amounts for tho growth of any crop wo might wish to plant. " Then. If wo wish to ralso a good MARKET REPORT. NORTH PORTLAND, May C Tho receipts for tho week have been: Cat tlo 97G, cnlvcs 10, hogs 2138, sheep 2142, With a medium supply on sale tho cattlo market opened on a good nctivo basis and with prices 1Q to 15 cents higher than a week ago. Choice steers aro selling around $7.50 to $7.90, cows JG.25 to JG.CO Swlno market oponed up with an advanco of 10 to 1C cents ovor tho closing of last week's quotation. Sovoral loads at $8.05 to $8.10 reprosontod tho top of tho market, whllo tho bulk wont from $7.80 to $8. Market steady at cIorq of woek, Tho sheep supply waB small and tho mnrkot qulot. A couple londs ot spring lambs wont at $8.25 bolng tho top prlco paid far that claBS of Btuff. Shorn owes aro quoted at $5.50 to $5.75 and yearlings at $7. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. IsMiicil by Crook County Abstract Co. Kenwood Promotion Co., to p. P. Wlntor Its. 5, C. blk. 12. Kenwood. D. P. Wlntor to Frank Cowling, same. CASH PRICES at PETE LEHRAIAN'S Horse Shoeing N01.,5 S2.00 Nm, 6 o 7 .......... . $2.50 Rewtting $1.00 REPAIR WORK, pei hour . . . 50C TIRE SETTING, I t $4.00 I lir $1.00 Aik (or other pticrt, P.LEHRMAN ik. mh Stove Convenience with Kerosene ias A good oil stove is like a gas stove ready at the touch of a match. Any degree of heat you want wstantly by simply raising or low ering the wick. New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove Foripnt Rtsultt U$e Ptarl Oil Burns oil, the clean, cheap fuel. It roasts, toasts, broils, bakes better than your kitchen range. No wood, coal or ashes to lug no soot or dirt rip odor does not taint the food. And your kitchen is always cool. Several sizes and styles. Ask your dealer. See Exhibit, Palace of Manu factures, Panama-Pacific Exposition. STANDARD OIL COMPANY . (CaWornU) DcnJ lawn, tho first thing to do Is to pro paro tho land for that lawn. Add largo amounts of barnyard manuros to tiio soil and prepare It as for a garden. Furnish sufficient wator nt all times mid, too, bo careful about supplying too much water. It tho lawn has grown fairly well for a year or bo and then spots appear where tho growth Is not good, It Indicates a lack of necessary foods which may Includo motsturo for thoso snota. An application of mixed fertilizers es pecially propared for lawns will provo boneflclnl on thcBo spotB, and In fact ovor tho entlro lawn.. Tho ap plication of fine, woll-rotted barn yard manure will provo very bene ficial, especially If applied In tho fall or early wlutcr. The application of this kind of manure nt any tlmo of tho year will not Injuro tho lawn. With t,ho application In tho fall, tho rains and snow will wash tho plant food to tho roots of tho grass and furnish food for Its nourishment. If you hove thoso spots In your lawn at tho present tlnre, rather than boo the grass dlo you Rhould apply lino and woll-rotted barnyard manure ot once nnd wator thoroughly whonevor water Is -needed. Although lnwns mny bo helped through this method to an appreciable degree, tho best policy Is to proparo tho land for tho grass before plnntlng nnd any work worth doing nt nil is worth doing well. A lawn Is n pnrmnncnt crop nnd dosorves very careful preparation boforo seeding. U. C. Coo tr to H. J. Overturf, s Va ow, sw so i'j; nv nw 30-17-12. Sheriff, to S. R. Drown tax d sw so 4-18-12, Sheriff to Koscoo Howard sy no 21-17-13, $1506., Jcsso Ynncoy to Chas. r. Currlo nM nw 11-14-18. Bond Co. to Noll .L. Mogoo it. 13, blk. 35, Center add, Ilend. Matt Kulcsch to Mabol M. Nedd, so no 2 1-15-12, $1600. Walter S. Nlchol to Ilund Co., it. 3, so nw nVi sw5; 0 bo 6-18-12. ACT QUICKLY. Doloy has beon dnngorous In Hond. Do tho right thing nt tho right tlmo. Act quickly In tlmo of danger. In tlmo of kldnoy dnngor Donn's Kldnoy Pills nro most offoctlvo. Plonty of ovldenco of their worth. Carl Pootz, W. Slain stroet, Moro, Oregon, says: "For years I had kldnoy complaint and rhoumatlc pains. I got so bad that I could hardly walk. I couldn't stoop on account of lameness In my back. Tho kldnoy Bocrotlons gavo mo a groat deal of annoynnco and I had to got up sovoral times at night to pass thorn. I wont to Hot Springs nnd whllo I wns rollovcd, tho least cold brought tho troublo back as bad as ovor. Ono dny I read about Doan's Kldnoy Pills nnd I began using thorn. Tho first box helped mo and boforo long, tho backacho and kldnoy wenk noes loft me.'' At n Inter date, Mr. Pool said "When I am In need of a kldnoy medlclno, n fow doses of Donn's Kldnoy Pills always bring bonoflt." Price 50 cents, nt nil deal ers. Don't Dimply ask for a kidney romedy got Doan's Kldnoy Pills thfiBairo thnt Mr. Peetz had. Fostor Htmrn Co., Props., Iluffalo, N. Y. Adv. POLK'Si OREGON and WASHINGTON (p Business Directory A Director of each City, Town and Village. clTlnr docrlptlv ktch ot each place, location, population, llo (raph, ahlpplnr and nanklnf point) alto Claaained Dlroctory, compiled by biulntu and profiflon.( K. I. I'QUC CO.. 8KATTLH A Soventy-Yenr-Oltl Couple. Mr. nnd Mro. T. U. Carpenter, Har rtsburg, Pa., Buftorod from kidney troublo for mnny years but havo been ontlrely cured by Foley Kidney Pills. Ho snys: "Although wo aro both In tho sovcntles wo are as vigorous ob wo wero thirty years ago." Foley Kldnoy Pills Btop sleep disturbing bladdor weaknesses, backncho, rheu matism and aching Joints. Patter son Drug Co. Adv. Garden nnd lawn mowers. Skuso Hnrdwaro Co. Adv. Fraternal Societies I. O. O. P. Rend Lodge No. 218. Regular meotlng overy Mon day night at 8 o'clock In Bath er's Hall. Visiting brothois cordially welcome. L. H. QLESS, N. G. QUO. P. GOVE, Secretary. H OTEL A PLI2ASANTLY SITUATED TWO AJINUTUS WALK PROM POSTOPFICU aooo rooms, aooi) muals (1001) S12RVICO IN I3VUIIY WAY NoniiNU uinruit in rend, come and see. s MWWuwtmuuuuwMHmuutvuwmuiuwu(vwmt The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? . Iti"l 11 fireproof building It is thorouglily modern It Is comfortable, commodious, clenn- ROO.MS FRO.M HO CENTS UP Tho wnntH of nil nro satisfied well nt THE WRIGHT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior ?Q)nis THE WRIGHT HOTEL Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lighted Throughout THE BEND HOTEL I HUCDH O'KANE, MANAQKn t flood Rooms Free bus to BEND, OREGON t and from trains .--..-.- ...-. . -. - - . The New Perkins Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON C. II. SHAFJ2II, Manager Ilnndy to large stores, theatres and banks Coinfortuble and Convenient A ReSlnurant of high class with very moderate prices in Connection R.OOM RATES: With bath SI. 50 up With bath privileges SI up CENTRAL OREGON'S :,"" "' ' A"K 1 t mciin.urn 1 1'I.ATE WHH, AUTO MO- Leading INSURANCE Agency mm:, huuutv iionds. REAL ESTATE City ami Farm Property AUBREY) Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLA) 3 M"tHly IIUtlOATKO LANDS J. A. EASTES OtTLAtfD.0AGW A Hearty Welcome A units You tho Shopper tho llus. In cm .Ainu Tourist Onm uicirlnt Traveler I'leiwuro Hooker lliul tho I1KHT 11c t'omoilntliitm nt tlto Mult nonmli .1.10 llvilrooiim. RATES TO YOU no Room $100 100 Itoonm with hntli. .IJ1..10 100 Rooms with bntn. .sjtii.00 iiOO Largo outside mouth, " 2.00 lAtia pi'ison In loom. 81.IM) additional LTAMONT j ---"-- 9-i Special Attention to Transient Travel flood Meals All arrangementti made for persons desiring to go south and east of here A KI'IXIALTV Oflire on Oregon Btrwt IIKNI), . OHICdON I I 17 I I J V . .. "W -i-n-i w 'V i . 7 r"i ,? iwfW mmiwn-11 ' ' ,' T.