PAGE a. thk nnxn hclletix, hexd, om:., avednksdav, mav 12, 1015. U lz I --- CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. ------ TCMALO. (Special to The Uullotln) TUMALO, May 10. Tlio Tumnlo haiiehall team mot Its firm defeat of tlm oeaon tit tlio hands of tho Clovor lalo nfno on Sunday afternoon. Tlio, which watt playod on tho local diamond, resulted In n 0 to .'! neoro In fnvor of tlio vliltors. A largo orovd wbb In attendance. The monthly meeting of tho Tum nlo Improvomont AnHoclatlon wa held 111 tho hall on Saturday after noon. Snvoral auto loads of Ilend pcoplo catno down for the occasion, C. S. Hudson and It. W. Sawyer, of that town hoth Rave Interesting talks. iL. C. Bmlth of tho O.-W. II. & N. mado hlinsulf licnrd In a lengthy ad dress In Kplln of tlio heavy down pour of rnln on the roof of the hall. C. J. Mock spoko on tlio Buhjoct of hog raining, Tho musical features on tho program consisted of a duct by Mm. Coeti and Orovor Clerking, nnd a nolo by Howard Ollletto. At tlio Tumalo Dovolopmcnt Lcnguo mooting hold last Friday night a commltioo of flvo was ap pointed to boo to tho ontortalnmcnt of a largo party of railroad oMclals nnd O, A. O. exports who will visit licro on Jimo 1. Tho Improvomont Association also appointed n commit tee of live for tho name purpose. Plans nro liolng mado for tlio May dance to ho given for tho honoflt of the hall on tho 2 1st of tho month. On Wodnonday evening, May G, at 1'rlnuvlllo, occurred tho wedding of Mrs. I'carl Knylor of that town nnd Chauncy llcckor of Tumalo. Tho Jiowlyweds nro now residing nt Mr. Ucckor'B ranch north of town. Mrs. .1. N. II, (Jerking, Mrs. Day ton and Mrs. Carl Hatch will enter tain tho VYoHt Hide Indies at their monthly mooting on May M nt the hall. All tlm ladles Interested In the work of thin organization nro Invltod to nttend. A picnic crowd of 315 who had plan ned on having a good tlmo on tho Island on Hundiiy had to sproad their lunch In (ho hall on account of tho utormy weather. mid Knliort Homer, who liavo liotli hoon (tilto 111, nru convalescing. Tho Parmora and Merchants Tol- ophono nxchango wns npuuod again today. MIhh Hnzol Drown will hnvo full chnrgo of the work, 'Iours will ho (I to U n. 'in. nnd fi to 8 p. in. On Sundny nfllcu hours will ho from 8 to U n. m, , Quito n niimlMir of Ilend pooplu took In tho game huro Inst Sundny, Mr. and MrH. Shnw of SlHtorH nnd Mr. nnd MrH. Wnldron of Cloverdnlo uttonilod tho meeting In town last Saturday afternoon. ' Itny (lurking spont Sundny nt Cloverdnlo. Mrs, McIiiIohIi of Ilend had her Htoak of iiillliuury on display at Orlf lln's storo on Suturdny. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. John Holland Wednes day. John Holland drove to Ilend on Thursday to meet his mother nnd a friend from Portland who oxpect to visit here for Home time. Mrs. Geo. Koborts visited the school Wednesday. Alwyn camo out from Ilend Sundny with a wind mill for his well. W. II. Hcanis Is plowing for I. L. Owen. II, P. Dyer drove down to tho cast end of tho volley Wednesday. Air. Cook camo out from Ilend Sat urday with a load of supplies. Mrs. Thomas Moffett called at tho Hoonoy homo Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clark pnnBcd through hero enroute to their homestead near Dry Lake, Sunday. A hunch of horses belonging to Kilgoro UroB., also a larger drovo of mules, passed through hero last wcok hound for Ilend. A number of young mon of our valloy aro contemplating erecting n hnll for danco and amusement pur poses In tho near future. L. V. Itooney arrived homo from Summit I'ralrlo Frldny whoro ho wont nhout two weeks ago. William Todd expects to leavo for Portland In about a week, Mrs. L. P, Hoonoy entertained a party of friends with a favorite reci pe shower for Miss Gortrudo Market, a hrldo of Juno. Ilcsldcs tho guest of honor, woro prcsont Mrs, Powors, Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Mof fett, Mrs. Kcllar and Mrs. Qllmoro. tiio arrnir was in tlio naturo or a Burprlso for Miss Markol and all en Joyed n delightful tlmo. Refresh ments of cako and coffoo were' serv ed by tho hostess. I'l.VDIIUltST. (Special to The Htilletln) PINEIIUItST, May 10, Ilessle and Lester Snyder, Edna, Lloyd, Monroe nnd William ltoot and Basil Ilayloy racelved prizes for not being tardy nt any session of school during tho torm. G. W. Snyder hauled n load of po tatoes to L'end Tuesday. The school directors held n meet ing Tuesday evening nnd decided to employ Mr. Plnkstaff for teacher for tho coming term. Esther Dietrich, Violet Spaugh and Raymond Wlmer received medals for having tho best deportment dur ing tho last month of tho term. Mr. nnd Mrs. a. W. Snyder mado a business trip to Ilend Saturday. P. V Swisher waB a business caller In Ilend Saturday. Miss Ethol Snyder went to Bend Saturday to work for Mrs. Oould In Kenwood. clovkiualk. (Special to Tho Bulletin) CLOVEItDALE, May 10. Calvin Burnsldo took his brother Georgo nnd family to Rodmond Monday whoro thoy took tho train for their old homo In Illinois. Clovordalo school will closo next Friday with a picnic on Squaw creek Tho crowd will leavo tho four cornors at 9:30. Mr. and Mrs. Orube rocelved a tel egram evening reporting n sorlous In jury to tholr son Byer In an nuto ac cldont at Mt, Vernon. Washington. Mr. Qruho loft for Mt. Vernon by wny of Bond Saturday night. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnldron nttended tho farmers meeting nt Tumalo on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hosford nnd family nttended tho ball game at Tumalo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cobb and family of Bend, nccompanled by his brother nnd wlfo of Portland were In Cloverdalo Sunday. A number from Sisters attended the council meeting Friday -night. An Itemized bill for tho construction of tho proposed hall was presentod by Mr. Duckctt. The committee asked for moro tlmo to mako a final report. Tlm following program was then giv en: "Resolved It Is bettor to have money than education," Floyd Qrubo and Walter Boyd, affirmative, and Mr. Andrus and Mr. Cotter, negative. Affirmative won. Othor numbers were two recitations by O. Andrus, a speech on co-operation by E. Si llier, n recitation by W. Tucko, two recitations by Miss GIbBon, Tho Tat tler by Arthur Grubo nnd responBlva roll call. Hulled Barley and Shelled Corn For Chicken Feed i MILL! CAN. (Specln: to Tho Uullotln.) MII.I.IOAN, Mny 11. Wo hnvo lind novum! heavy rnlmi huro within the past low weukH and tho outlook for goid crops Is oxunllmit, ns tboro Is plenty of moisture nnd growing cnmlltlonH nru Hphmdld. William llnnloy puttied through huro onrouto lo Burns Motidny. ForHMt Rniigur Smith spent tho punt week huro. Mrs. Mllllcnn mndo tho children nf our fcoliool very happy on Mny dny by pruHiuilliiK i'ik'Ii child with n bountiful llttlu booklet or rhyme, very prettily llluttratod. Tho little hooks wru suitably Inscribed with n quo tation (lid the uulogruph of tho kind donor. Mr. mid Mrs, (too. Mllllcnn ami Mrs. Kiln lliiMiy lult for Bond Mon day. Mm. Iltuay, who hns boon vis iting luu ii for soiuu tlmo with .Mrs. Mllllcnn, left lltuid for hor Portland homo Tumidity. P. 11. Johnson m:i do n IjuhIiiohh trip to Utwd Monday. MIm llrauti visited (rloiids in tho wept tiud ill tho valley u low dns thu pnst week, Mr. mid Mrs. Norton returned fmm tholr trip Saturday bringing t ut vuvornl luxid of cnttlo with thorn. Deputy Hhuiiff Anno oiuno out hero rn bitsluom Friday. Mrs. MoNiml. Mr. lteanis, V L ll. Ihlimn and Mr Itoimckor weru In I'Oiul Friday, loturuluK on tho unino nvuiliiK. Mrs. Martini Forgey went In Bond sliu will remain for snvoral ilium. Mips June! Wlllliuua loft for Bend on tlio tllh whoru sliu will bo employ. hI In thu laundry. MIho Williams hns Htiont tho punt Hoven months on her lionustoMd' liwo, Mrs, JonUlns, who is visiting her ulatur hero, was taken surloimly 111 TtiMdny night, but Is rupurtud its feeling better now. 0. , Mastullor miidn his wvokly trip to Bend WtHlittxidity, pawing through horti Sunday iiionilug mt his iftiirn, Mrs. Sittu Itolmoker entertained friends ut toa Friday afternoon. V. (1. ICInir Is hauling water tu till thu oWtcrii on his futhnr's claim. Mrn. Juiiig Buutson made n short visit in Bond WoduoMduy, going u thoJuhiwflfh oar. Fruuk llurwlts Imiilml n largo load of Hour from Bend for V. B. Johnsttii Tuiigdny. MUs (lertrtidu Mnrkol visited nt tho llwitmnt homo Wednesday. Uarnoy (Uuvnwny nnd wlfo wont to Ilonr Crok Tuomlny. Mr. John llolluiul called ui Mrs IK ifxnn Saturday. i' F Davta Slid Mil John loft for V a tl'o Suaday. Todd epent Friday nt M.'nvts "I 3 WitMin vinltixl In tho oast i f tin v 4loy niilny. Mr. and Mra. B. K. Uavls visited USE THE NEW BEND FLOUR MILL CO. Deschutes Spray and True Blue The lending brands of patent flour. Ask your grocer for them. FEED Large quantities of Shorts, Bran, Rolled Oats nnd Hurley on hand at nil times. SEED Seed Wheat and Rye in several vn rieties. Mail Orders solicited. Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J. KIIOIIXKHT, Prosldout-Mnnngor. HAMITO.V 11UTTE. (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON BUTTE, May 6. Vic. Schreder was a Boar Creek visitor one day last weok. Joe Johnson and AIox McKeown left this week to bo gono several months. C. W. Stauffor registered at tlio Brookings Hotel last Sunday night, being on his way to Bend for sup plies. Alice and Samuel McKeown took dinner with Gladys and Herbert Meeks last Monday. Tho mall from Roylat to Hold goes out on Mondays alnco May first in stead of Sundays. Bert Meeks is plowing on E. L. Cook's homestead. J. M. Brlckoy is plowing for his daughter Kato. HAMITO.V. (Special to Tho Bulletin). HAMPTON, May G. S. J. Hubbard of Staulfer was In Hampton Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Harrison spent Wednesday with Mrs. Black nnd son Burr, who have the grip. John O. Whlttaker bought tho house recently vacated by Newton Wells. Phillips and Harrison moved tho house to Mr. Whlttaker'a Mon day. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stalllngs of Wash ington aro visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. W. I, Warmouth. Hurley Hogue nnd Homer Stownrt went to Junipers Wednesday nfter two loadB of wood. They loaded tho wngon before noon nnd mado their camp flro near and went to work. Lnter tho wind changed nnd burned the wagon nnd wood up. They man aged to save tho two front wheels. LOST CREEK. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) LOST CREEK, May 3, 1915. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Hasch, who havo been over to Marvin Perry's for sovornl weeks, havo returnod to their homo here. Miss Allco Brookings spent tho week end with Mrs. Pope nnd family nt Butto Mrs. J, Oj Porry has returned from an extended visit with relatives and frlonds In Portland. Marvin Porry JLr JLf " forUvcnrt The Standard Skin Remedy Insfasit EeMef ftr Skin Tromfeles The Guaranteed Remedy PATTERSON DRUO COMPANY met his mother in Bend nnd accomp anied her homo. A number of Lost Creckltes enjoy ed n surprise party at tho Brown homo, in Pleasant Valley last Satur day night. Ben Do Witt nnd Chns. Dnvls hnvo gone over to plow for Press Do Witt. .Mrs. Do Witt went along to do the cooking. William Helms Is In tho valley looking for a homestead. Ho Is tho guest of his sister Mrs. Hasch. C. J. Stauffer hns gono to Bend for a loud of supplies. POWELL BUTTE. (Spoclnt to Tho Bulletin.) POWELL BUTTE, Mny 10. Thos. Corlictt of Astoria, who came In last week to havo a look at his land, loft for his homo Tuesday nfter giving G. C. Truesdalo a flvo year lonso on tho property. Road Supervisor Wlllcoxon erected soveral signs for the county at tho four corners near tho E. N. Halt place last week. Those signs Indi cate directions and glvo tho distances or tho following places: Bond, Prlno vlllo, Redmond and Powell Butto. Born to tho wife of Earl Saunders on Wednesday, May Cth, a daughter. (Continued on page 7.) W GET OUT of the rut. It's only a habit to do nil our trading at tho larger towns. Lot ub spend our money at homo whore It will do US tho most good. REMEMBER n 26 cont phono messago will transact a lot of business and save DOLLARS. P. B. Johnson h MILLICAN, OREGON. EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is tho MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. 5m Urn and ralri I dallfarmLi i r.iiK - ... , ' &VA HlL ft IrxLJ. mab tnJ itrtht l l H u.a W L$& DE LUXE TOURS to CALIFORNIA i IV &?z2&Wt - T -mS-aMr . Hi " v w expositions Oregon Trunk Railway Ami tlio Triple-Screw, Mix Ilwfc Pnlnco or tho Paclile SS "NORTHERN PACIFIC" (Lennlli JWI feet, Benin : feet, Speed lit Knotx.) Sailings from Muiel, April 17-UI.U.Vao, Mny 3-7-11.13. Hpeelal Steamer Triiln ln'i Portland O a. m. Arrive llaxel itii.'li) Luncheon mi Hhlp. Kleanuihlp ArrUen San l'mnrUro Slt.W p. in. Next Day, HOUND TRIP KARKS TO KAN WAXl'lSCO l'rom lleud, U( Day Limit .811.10 .Ninety Day Limit 9 13, 13 CvrreNpoiidlin; low rates to Kan Diego and Itw AligelO!. with choice of route, kouth of San KraucUeo. Purtlrulnra of AgentM SimiUhuo, Portland .V Seattle, Oregon Trunk or Great Nor thern or Northern Puelllc Itnllunjs, II. II, CRO.IKR, J. II. eORIIETT, A. (1. P. A., Agent, Portly iu, Ore. Bend, Ore. Tmo7T- jfcrzfc .. .iMr. --- A HNIUWIIIIIIJ Z? BEND PARK COMPANY Real Estate We Control and Have For Sale, at the Be3t Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of Business and Residence Property in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Matter INSURANCE Insurance Written in All Its Branches in World Known Companies LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE Offing nd a, Better Enable Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants. BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. x h v J , . -