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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1915)
THi: UBND IIULLETIN, I1KNI), ORE., WEDNESDAY, MAY B, 1MB. M PAOG 8. THE APRIL WEATHER AT BEND Mercury (Jooh to Evtieincs During the Month .Mmiy I'leur l)n) s. Tho April tompurnturcB Hliowcd a wide range, tho niurctiry going ns high nit 81 degrees on tho 18th and ns low as 18 degrees on tho llth and tliu 22nd. Tils mean tniixliniiin wan iil.-l ddfgrcM find tho moan minimum 30. 8, making tho mean for the month 17.(1. Tliu giustest daily range was 03 dogreos. During. thc onth thero ivoro 2G ulnar dnyH and four partly clntnly, Tho total proclpltutlon amounted to ..IT. InohuH, the greatest fall In 24 lionrH being ,'i Inches on tliu 24th. On u few dayB rain full In IriBUfllcIent Mtiuntlty to recoid and ono tho 3rd tliiiro was ii fall of hail. 'Opening Day at Panama-Pacific Expo sition Broke All Exposition Attendance Records Dale 1,.. 7, 8. 11. .IX i Max. ....fill 2 r,; tit. . ftp ! 00 IS,. ( fin aa , 34 jr. io,. , . t , ii.;.. i, :i8..... 10 so it i .62 .61 .151 .70 .72 .08 .SO .ISO .00 .7fi .7.'! .7(5 .81 .80 .70 .fiO .r.i 3D. I'G. 1!7. 3H. 211. ao. .cr. .or. .7:1 .7fi .80 .70 .40 Mln. Char, of Day 30 Clear. Clsar. Cloar. I'tly. Cldy. Clour. Clear. Cloar. Cloar. Clear. Cloar. Oloar. Cloar. Cloar. Clonr. Clonr. Clear. Cloar. Cloar. Cloar. Clonr. Cloar. Cloar. I'tly. Cldy. I'tly. Cldy. Clear. Clear. Cloar. Oloar. I'tly. Cldy. Clour. ii 42 .10 XI 12 30 30 32 22 30 3ft 32 18 23 30 32 .11 31 10 30 18 24 iir. 10 32 :ir 32 ALL attendance records for expo sitions were broken nt tho open ing of tho I'nimnm-I'ucllic Inter utitlonal Exposition In Sun Francisco on Keli. 20. Viint crowds thronged the grounds when President Wilson press ed the button In Washington, and each day bIiico the nttciiduin'e has been enor mous. Tho huge buildings and beau tiful thoroughfnios hninmed with ac tlvlty and have continued to do no. The Exposition bus already demon Btrnted at thN early dato that It will bo n ureal success in every way. ' acwfi,ii- irsJa i?wSspiS4r It''' p?fcfcBfeakm!SSi From Left to Right Arc Shown Ihe Palace of Education, Palace of Liberal Arts and Tower of Jewels. The Avenue of Commonwealths at the Wonderful Panama-Pacific Exposition Clean up and paint up. Wnrda. Adv. Boo Ed- THE WHY OF WORRY. Thote Who Live Only In tho Preeont Have No Fear ol the Future. Wo worry became wo are afraid of HouivttiliiK. Worry Is fear nt thu eon M'tpmncea or hoiiii'IIiIiik that hnn oc curred or RoinelliuiK ttuit may luippeu. A curious thing ulMiiit It In that It Ib never associated with tliu Imuicdlutu present. It Ih generally In tliu lutiire. though DOiiH'tlniitt In the p:it- Alilmnla mid Inline ho iiru con bcIoiib or nothing lint the present can not woiry. As nil creatures, except liiimnu Ix-lugs, llu- only lor the mo Muni, they do mil worry beeuiiHo they tin vu no rornllcillon or what Hub hup peiifd iiml en 11 torm no conception ot what iiiny happen. IIiiiuiiii Im'Iiihx mtviriu tho eapiielty to look liiicli or lorwuril. mentally, are HiiMTptlhlo to the (en r that chubi-b wiiiry, mid. iib iiIum person live moro in tin' or rut 11 to tliiiti In the pres lit. IIiIb leiiileiu'.i nllis'ts for worry or not, nminlluu to our viewpoint ot life In other nwpii'K Worry Is mental four of an Impciiilitii: himih-i liltm IVrtMitiH nilliriitl will Im iohh worried nhotit their eonilitioii II11111 reliithes or XrltiliiU who m iiiniIiU null tliem. A poniou limy worry 111 iiniiripiiiion ot 11 tdckiitHM or opi-ruiinii. nut wIhmi they liavo the (li'liiitwt hi tile operation is DM formed, the worn iiwiippours, nnii. though they tuny teiu. the) eautioi worry In the pre-nt.-itotoii iionim. BEST PAYING RAILROAD. It'i a Little One, Ouill ol Scrip Iron on Wooam Rail. The railroad linn pa)n the blgae-st dividend mi tho capital limited i, necofilliiK to the IVUinnsil World 111111; iiiluo. the (Iriiiul Ixiiiiid rnliiomi. It it In iiurtheru Alhwrtu. ('uniidii, '.tHl mile lioiti any trunk Hue or leeil It y only 11 iuarter ot 11 mile lone and built or nernp Iron on wihhIcu rutin, llrt rullliiu 11 nil I'tiuxiittN ol two Iwttensl frelKht ear, vihlt-ii arc ihikIi h HluiiK llio lOilll b) the men Im lllt ilm freight, no loeoiiitittvcN iiciioi ii"eit The frcUhl that Is iiniidicit on thin roMil coiihIsi prliifluiiljf or turn, nhlch 11 ro towed up thu AthiibiiMka river on mcowm hauled by uien, arc bidcn 011 tho cam, pimbetl ilotvu llio rtillroitit and Khlpped iiKiilu 011 other mmwi. tiicrcby I'lttfiimvciiltiiK the danuenuiii (Irnml rHphls. ItviuriiliiK. the wmvi carry nil Kurt of fieluht for Die lloilstui liny fuiupauy'a factor ami are Honied down ihe rhcr. The Itudmui Hnv rumpnnr clmrye S&M) a ton for Mil hew lit 011 llili illlle rnllrtMil, iiml the vtuppt'r mut li'iutlie tils own liootin and pimli the cum nun nelf. Where Catt Sumi Wilt, Tlione who Iimvc i-rtimil thu line Into tllii wuit licro rtttlniui of our Klolxi are tiwaro that In Chile the un ftflim 10 rlM lu (bo wtMii mimI et In Ihe ent In pltn of kiiowiiik the contrary to tm the fact. It Is tteli iiluti liupoititlbiu to Mlwko olT the mniUKe IIIioIimi Ami this becauho our m-iiM' coupir to tell uh the reverHo. An In nonti teiiienite iHtltiuli's the itiiu never attain the rtuillli lu lt I'hoehiu driven cnunm. we litMlnciUely fiicv the uuwiinl half of the ky when v Itnik nolilh nml Im low thu enuator, ami are ulietttsl In unr ditvptioii by Uw cold wind which blow, a at home, from tho op Hltu ipiurter. To nil our Kne north Im south mid Bouth north The buu, rl tin; on our rlKlit to net upon our lefu KVMii therefor to travel dally back wtittl fiom wt to en it t lu h thorotiKh ly mwetiliiK way -IVrvtcul liowell in ootir Companion. Where competition exists, moro than ono company occupying a given ter ritory, It necessarily means tho dup lication of Investment and overhead expense, with the result that there Is either a direct loss to tho companies occupying the field or rates nnd ser vice are fixed so nB to allow returns on tho duplicated Investments. 'Progressive states, Including Ore gon, have nbandoncd unreguiateu competition, and to avoid public I ownership have adopted what may lie called tho middle course, one of I regulatod monopoly, whore a special comiuUalon has power to fix rates 1 and oversee service. "I slncoroly bellovo this last motli- I oil Is the best solution of our prob lem as It Is recognized that competl- I tion does not Insure lower rates per manently, and as ono company, prop erly regulated nnd administered, can givo lienor ami cneuiiur sorvicu iiiaa two. It Is n waste of -capital and n disadvantage to a city to havo two pets of telephone or electric light wires and poles encumbering the Mreetfl when one can bo mndo to serve the same purpose. I "Furthermore, moat utilities nro 1 natural monopolies nnd tho highest elliplency nnd lowest rntes nro only ' possible whon each ono has tho on- tiro business of a city. Now that tho stnte public utilities commission tins I power to rogulato rntes nnd oversea service tuo 111 onectB 01 monopoly may be avoided, and at the same time the beuoflclal results of economy and efficiency realized, through u policy of regulation. "Nearly n year ngo, our council mndo complaint to tho State Railroad Commission regarding the rates charged by our present public utility. Sliieo thou an expoiiBlvo Investigation has been undor way, nnd as a hearing on tho complaint Is to bo hold In tho Immodlato futuro, I believe hnBty ac tion Inadvisable, nnd that no new franchise should bo granted beforo tho hearing Is held. On this point tho Hallroad Commission ndvlses, 'Wo would caution against nny action by tho city which would Increase bur den of Investment boforo rato earn ing value ot existing Investment Is determined by commission.' "No actlou ot tho city council Is moro Important than granting fran chises and In none Is It mora Import ant that tho city bo well advised. In tho prcsont enso tho city haa had no advlco whatever as to tho legal Im port of tho forms of tho Instrument. Tho council lias passed, with only a slight chango, a frnnchleo drawn by tho attorney for tho grantees, and, It Is snfo to nssumo, In torms most fn vprablo to thorn, I bellovo It Is of tho highest Importnnco to tho futuro of our city, If tho franchise Is to ho granted, that compctont legal opin ion bo obtnlnod as to whether or not tho terms of tho franchise mako a fair contract for tho city, or whether tho contract should bo amended to moro reasonably protect tho city dur ing tho coming twenty years." II. A. MILLER. Mayor. Fountain of Energy When President Wilson Opened the Panama Pacific Exposition O N tho Avcnuo of Common wenlths nt the rannma-Paclflc International Exposition, Crowds passing beforo the beautiful New York State building, which Ib ono of tho tlnoBt of the state buildings at tho huge Exposition lu San Krunclsco. ANOTHER VETO IS OVERRIDDEN (Continued from page 1.) t trlcal frnnohlBu wns iib follo-vt' April 30th, 1915. "To th It Ilonnrnblo Rueordur and City Council or tho City of lloud: ' Agroonhlo to tho provisions con tained In iho city charter I horowlth leiurn with my veto frauchlso No. Ml, lu fnvor of John Sleldl and Thom as Tweet, co-partners, passed by the city council at Kb meeting 011 April 20, 191B. "It mav bo snld that thoro nro throe ways of donllng with tho ques tion of public service utilities; '(1), by permitting companion furnUhlng public utility service to exist In tin loKulatud competition: (2), by hav ing tho Mtnto or municipality own and conduct tho unterprlso; 13), by per mitting tho companies to do business, but under strict regulation. , "Tho older method and tho first one mentioned Is competition without tegulntlou. I'nder this method the people depend on competition for protection, both lu rates and service. CP Special Subscription Offer Tint bust family daily paper in the state and your own weekly paper for $3.50 The Daily Portland Telegram and The Bend Bulletin both ono year for $3.50 This oiler will he in force from now until July 15, 11)15, and may he taken advantage of by new as well as old subscribers. Subscriptions are for one year cash in advance. Old subscribers to The llulletin in order to participate in these rates must pay up all arrears due, anil the $;).50 in addition will pay for both papers one year in advance. GOOD ONLY UNTIL JULY 15, 1015. Lwu apra). OrM slioara nnd H i. Skuto HanUnro Co. Adv. (Cj tools. Skuto Hard psSis r : : ; . W 3F -MJL : f ' it K MlaaaaaaMaVA-mY. A , jfStAflfe, ttl 9 JTT - rfTI'tfiafiHlaVTaM lfjBBPllMrBiaaVaaaarljfOAWWqlBa PnM-1-! l inmm'-A- " SiaaaaaaaaT iarlaaaaaa-TJMCj aav- , ''" aEMteMiM- Jl TUB Fountain of Energy whon the water was relcasetl by President Wilson pressing n button nt Wnshlngton on tho opening day of tho rnnnma-l'nclllc International Exposition, nt Ban Francisco. This fountnln Is tho work of A. 'Stirling Colder nnd Is between tho Tower ot Jewels and tho main cntranco at Scott street. Seo Edwards for good houoo paint- ,Ing. Adv. I ONE CENT A WORD la all n llttlo Want Ad will cost you. "MONEY" 1 Tho mint makes It nnd under tho terms of tho CONTINENTAL MOltT (MttH COMI'AXY you cnu sccuro It .it 0 per cent for nny legal p'urposo on approvod real estate. Trms ensy, tell us your wanta and va will co operate with you. 1'KTTV .'i COMI'AXY ni:i DpiiIiiiiii llullilliig Dciner, Colo. IX THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREROX, FOIt CROOK COUXTY. CITATION TO HEIRS. In tho mattor of tho Estnto of Jcsso L. I'oush, deceased. To Elizabeth A. Polish, Clinton K. Polish, Olive A. West, Josoph 1J. Poush, Delia May Davlcs, Eva Orator and Frank Orator, tho known holra of Jesse L. Poush, de ceased, and to nil tho unknown holrs, If uny, ot Jesco L. poush, de censed, Greeting: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby cited nnd summoned to appear on Monday, tho 14th day ot Juno. 19 ID, at 10 o'clock, a. ni at tho County Court room In Prlnovllle, Oregon, nnd then and thero show cause, If any thoro bo, why an order for tho sale of nwU of Section 8, Township 18 S It. 1G E. V. M., hhould not bo mndo to S. O. Caldwell ib Administrator ot said Estate, ns prayed for In the petition of said Administrator filed horcin. Witness tho Honorable Q. Springer Judge ot tho County Court of tho Strto of Oregon, for tho Count ot C 00k, with tho sonl of said Court ulllxed this 1st day of May, 191C. Attest: WARREN DROWN County "lurk. 9-1 2c Hy A. W. Patties, Ueptitj. bnUaaaaaW aKjtf AO ''MaVaBaPaBlullSP'ViHaiBBBraBBBaBBBBanVaHHPl BBBBBBBBBiaB,' dt" 'fflQarx laWBHa iMiaWfcU ' r4'BaaHlaBBUaBBUB lB'ViKaSMkiaPfPiB The Bend Company LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH FIR AND MAPLE FLOORING MILL WOOD $2.50 Per Load DELIVERED i I- TOWN LOTS AND ACREAGE ? : LJfcrc; .VTtfr