The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 05, 1915, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    JBEiSZyCTJa&IrfCSja. :
h f
(Continued from pago 2,)
IvniB land In this locality, cntno In
Jlonday to havo a look at tho coun
ty- . .... .,.,.
JIISS aiuuui oiium ul inmonia 18
Isltlng at tho Wallnco Smith home,
nvlng como over Wednesday.
Mrs. William Nanny returned to
losehtitcs Saturday evening after a
ew days visit with Mrs. Wlllcoxon.
The norai nocoraiionB at tno W11I-
oxon homo Saturday wore Bond lm
A larRo crown turned out Sunday
o see tho hall gamo between Torro-
onno ana rowou uutto. Tno bcoto
as 13 to li m tavor or the visiting
oani. - ' ..
POWKLIj uunti, way 2. Mr.
ml Mrs. Carl uiair are receiving
ongratulatlons over tho arrival of
n S'i pound boy last Tuosday.
L, w. Uiair nnu lamny aro enjoy
ng a visit with Mr. Blair's fatlier,
,vho arrived lost Tuesday. Ho walk
d from his homo near Portland.
Miss Uortha Goodsoll spent laBt
unday nt her homestead. Mrs. Joo
hearer spent the aftornoon with her.
Mr and Sirs. a. d. l'attorson wero
DOtHl viBiiuro mm iiiurauuy, reiurn-
ng homo Fruiny.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Dealy and
little daughter of Alfalfa wero Butte
Valley visitors last week.
August Plorson has gono to Bend
to work.
Win jonnBon came homo last
week from tho McCall ranch on
crooked River whero ho has boon nt
work for como time, no expects tc
leavo for California soon,
D. A. rattorson lias sold his two
remaining Holstoln cows.
J. P. Bowman traded 32 head of
hogs to John Elder last week. In
(he deal ho got a flno Durham cow,
coming fresh.
Ornnt Blair has taken Harold
I.amlfaro's herd of cattlo ofT his
hands and is now herding thorn him
Mrs. C. L. Frosts' garden Is com
lng on finely. Mr. Frost manures
their gardon heavily and also usos
commercial fertilizer for forcing.
V A. Foster b alfalfa is growing
flno In the rlvor bod.
Rhubarb is largo onough to uso
now and many aro onjoylng good plo
riant pic.
Mrs, Suslo Patterson has a flno
lied of onions up, from seed, and
from sets. Also other gardon com
ing on well.
live, both spring and fall sown, Is
Aowlng a flno groon.
!V, D. Morrill has boon under tho
weather tho past tow days.
Mrs. Mario Blair has sufforcd se
verely tho past woek with neuralgia
and rheumatism.
Nicholas Appol will leavo for Bond
this wcok, stopping thoro a fow days
and going from thoro to tho valley
by way of McKonzlo Pass.
W.WM theH01 ,na.ne0, 12' ,E-1 3"-43' Mn Lldemann.
5S?.haJf tl10 80UtlleaBt corner of tho
? "I.1, noarter of the southwest
, ., " in U3 in Township 17
Sot th of Knngo 12 E. W. M.J thenco
west along cltv limit. i.i 1 ...
' .H.cna .to tM0 northwest corner of
J1""' Quarter of tho southeast
quarter of section 32 in Township
17 south of Kange 12 E. W. M.;
thenco south along tho city limits
to tho point of beginning.
And the clnrlnra nt . mi..
Bend and tho olectors of tho abovo
uuouuuoa territory are Invited to voto
upon tho said proposition nt the
abovo montloned tlmo and places by
placing upon their respective ballots
the words, "For annexation," or tho
words, "Against annexation," or
words equivalent theroto.
TllO Polls nt tlln rna.,nlU. I1I..
places abovo named shall bo open for
nrSn'Kr.?' r"n.5 "J "?.Bald . A ". block 24, City of Bend,
2i. V.7" '". ''"" uuiu uuiwoon 53.00. W. P. Vnndevert
$25.00. E. E. Welsh.
13. .Lot 2, block 24, City of Bond,
312.60, O. A. Kceler.
14. Lot 6, block 24, City of Bend,
$G.25, W. P. Vandovort.
15. Lot C, block 24, City of Bend,
$0.25. W. P. Vandovert.
10. Lot 7, block 24, City of Bend,
jfB.ZG, w. r. vandovert.
17. Lot 8, block 24, City of Bond,
$22.00, W. P. Vandovert.
18. Lot 0, block 24, City of Bend,
$3.00, W. P. Vandovort.
19. Lot 10, block 24, City of Bond,
$3.00, W. P. Vandovert.
20. Lot 11, block 24, City of Bend,
$3.00, W. P. Vnndevert.
21. Lot. 12, block 24, City of Bend,
$3.00, W. P. Vandovort.
22. Lot 13, block 24, City of Bond,
$3.00, W. P. Vandovert.
23. ,Lot 14, block 24, City of Bond,
$3.00, W. P. Vandovort.
tno nours or 8 a. m. nmi s n .,,
Tho names of tho clerks for tho
polling placo within tho City of Bend
aro Prince Staats and J. J. Klein and
tho Judges for such polling placo nro
II. J. Overturf, Frank Gilbert and J.
P. Johnson.
Tho names of tlin rWVa fnr h.
polling placo within tho torritory
proposed to bo annexed nro Wlnfleld
L. Giiffln and Mrs. A. L. Bolt nnd tho
Judges for such polling placo are A.
L. Hoff, Tom Korn and IT. M. Ran-
Done In pursuance to and by vir-
uiu oi a resolution duly mado and
passed by tho Common Council of
the City of Bend, Oregon, at a moot
ing held on tho 4th day of. May,
H. C. ELLIS, City Bocordor.
Dated at Bond, Oregon, May 4, 1915.
pato of first publication, May 5,
Data of second publication, May
Dato of third publication, May 19,
Dato of fourth public ubn, May
20, 1915.
Dato of fifth publication, Juno 2,
1915. 9-130
PINEHURST, May 3. F. N. Wal
lace of Tumalo passed through hero
Mrs. Goodwin of Fftrvlow Is work
site nt tho Bayloy ranch. - -
' Mrs. J. B. Nichols and children ox-
pect to leavo Woduesday for Gold
flcacli, Oregon.
Grovor Corking was In this vicini
ty Saturday.
Carol Dayton callod on Huth Rny
ley Sunday.
A. II. Heed mado a business trip
to Bend Thursday.
C. H. Spaugh wont to Bond on
, P V Swisher mndi a trip to town
ie last of tho woek.
Mrs. Nichols and children woro
dinner guests of Mrs. Snydor Sunday.
L. II. Boot wont to Bond on busi
ness ouo dny last wcok.
Mr and Mrs. Earl Updlko went to
Tumalo Friday.
Department of tho interior, U. S.
Lund Ofiico at Lakoviow, Oregon,
April 24, 191G.
NOTICE Is hereby given that
Claudo L. Bonson, of La Pino, Ore
gon, who on October 23, 1911, mado
Homestead Entry, No. 05079, for V
WK, Section 0, Township 21 8.,
Rnngo 11 E., Wlllamotto Meridian,
has llled notice of Intention to mako
final threo year proof, to ostnbllsh
claim to tho land abovo described,
uororo II. C. Ellis, u. S. Commission
er, nt Bend, Oregon, on tho 3rd day
of Juno, 1915.
Claimant names ns witnesses:
H. II. Caldwell, of La Pino, Orcgoj;
T. W. Vandovort, Jr., of Bond, Ore
gon; B. C. Illchlo. of La Pino, Ore
gon; W. a. Fordliam, or La Pine,
9-13c. IlegUtor.
2G. Lot 1G, block 24, City of Bond,
$3.00, W. P. Vandovort.
27. Lot 17, block 24, City of Bond,
$3.00, W. P. Vnndevert.
28. Lot 18, block 24, City of Bond,
$3.00, W. P. Vandovert.
29. Lot 19, block 24, City of Bond,
$3.00, W. P. Vandovort.
30. Lot 20, block 24, City of Bond,
$3.00, W. P. Vandovort.
31. Lot 21, block 24, City of Bend,
$3.00, W. P. Vnndovort.
32. Lot 22, block 24, City of Bond,
$3.00. W. P. Vandovort.
All of said abovo described proper
ty being within tho City of Bond,
County of Crook, Stato of Oregon.
Notico is horoby given that I will
on Friday, tho 2Sth day of May, 1915,
at tho front door or tho City Hnll on
Wall street" In tho City of Bend,
Crook county, Oregon, sell nt public
auction to tho porson who shall pay
tho assessmont, costs, interest and ac
cruing costs nnd Interest thorcon and
lako a cortlflcato nt tho lowest rato
or Interest, all the right, tltlo and In
terest tho owner or reputod owner
or any other person has or had In
said property at tho dato of said as
sessment. Dated this 27th day of April, 1915.
Chief of Pollco of City of Bond,
Crook County, Oregon. 8-12c
assessment No. 1, mado and entered
in tho Docket of tho City Liens of
said City of Bend, on the 19th day of
August, 1913; wherein tho herein
after described proporty was assessed
nnd charged for said improvement,
tho number of tho wnrrant, tho de
scription of tho property, tho nmount
assessed for Bnld improvement and
thg nnmo of tho owner or roputed
owner in eacn caso being ns follows:
57. NW parcel 17, Lytlo Acres, $170,
James Anderson.
58. NEVi parcel 1G, Lytlo Acres,
$85.00, It. G. Bowser.
59. S parcel 11, Lytlo Acres, $170,
Michael Bynam.
00. SV parcel 14, Lytlo Acres,
$85.00, J. W. Hooch.
01. W parcel 12, Lytlo Acres
$170.00, Michael Dynnm.
G2. SWVi parcel 23, Lytlo Acres,
$85.00, M. P. Knutson.
All of said abovo described nroner-
ty being within tho City of Bond,
County of Crook, Stato of Oregon.
Notico is horoby given that I will
on Friday, tho 28th day of May, 1915,
at tho front door or tho City Hall on
Wall street in tho City of Bond,
Crook County, Oregon, soli at public
auction to tho porson wlyj shall pay
the assessment, costs, Interest and ac
cruing costs and Interest thereon nnd
take a certlflcato at tho lowest rato of
lntorest, all tho right tltlo nnd inter
est tho owner or reputod owner or
any other person has or had In said
property nt tho dato of said assess
ment. Dated this 27th day of April, 1915.
Chief of Pollco of City of Bend,
Crook County, Oregon. 8-1 2o
you dcslro future notices to bo sent
to you.
Dato of flrat publication April 14,
Dato of second publication April
21, 1915.
Dnto of third publication April 2S,
Dato of fourth publication May 5.
101G. p
Infection In tho Air.
Medical authorities agrco that
colds aro infectious. In some cltlec
children with colds aro barrud from
Kiout. Spring's chnngliK wontber
l ru ., . many colds. Tho quloi! and
afest way to stop colds, coughs 'and
fioup is to glvo Foley's Hono
par Compound. Patterson Dr u C i.
Notico Is horoby given that on Fri
day, tho 4th day of Juno. 1915, a
Pedal election will bo hold at tho
council chamber in "tho Johnson
tnlldlng, City of Bond, Crook county,
Oregon, also at tho offlce of The
Miller Lumber Co., In its yard ad
tolalag tho right of way of the Ore
o Trunk Railway, south of IU stock
lirds, for tho purpose of submitting
J' the legal voters of tho City of
pi aud to tho legal voters residing
tho territory hereinafter describ-
w. me following question, to-wlt
Whoreas, as appears from tho cor
porate records of Tho Deschutes Rec
lamation nnd Irrigation Company,
Gortrudo I. Goodfellow, whoso ad
dress is Bend, Oregon, caro of C. J.
Lovorett, is the ownor of tho Capital
stock of said corporation ropresentod
by one cortlflcato thereof of 25 25-51
sharos, bolng cortlflcato No. 57; and
Whoreas thoro aro duo and unpaid
upon said 25 25-51 shares of stock,
assessments aggregating nt this dato
Now therefore notico is hereby
given that on Tuosday, tho 1st day of
June. 1915. at tho hour of 10 o'clock
a. m., at tho southoast corner of Bond
street and Greenwood avenue, in tho
City of Bond, Crook Count)', Orogon,
said sharos of stock will bo sold at
Public Auction to tho highest hlddor
to pay said assessments, together
with costs and exponses of salo.
Dated this 28th day of April, 1915.
Corporate seal of D. R. & I. Co.
By Charles Boyd, Presldept.
By C. S. Benson, becretary.
By vlrtuo of warrants numborod
33, 34, 36, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
43, 44, 45, 4G, 47, 48, 49, 60, 51, 52,
53, 64, 65, nnd 50 for delinquent
sower nsnessmont No. 1, duly Issued
by tho recorder of tho City of Bond,
Oregon, dated tho 20th day of April,
1915, in tho mattor of sower assess
ment No. 1, mado and entered, In tho
dockot of City Lions of said City of
Bend on tho 7th day of AugUBt, 1913,
whoroln tho horelnattor described
proporty wns assessed and charged
for said Improvement, tho number of
tho wnrrant, tho description, tho de
scription of tho proporty, tho amount
nssessod for said Improvomont nnd
tho nnmo of tho ownor or roputed
ownor in each caso bolng ns follows:
33. N. 05.0 feet of lot 3, block 1,
$167.44, J. S. Parmlntor.
81. Contor 00 feot of N. 175.0 lot 3,
block 1., $141.00, II. J. Ovorturf.
35. S. 60 foot of N. 175.0 feet of lot
3, block 1, $120.00, J. S. Parmln
tor. J. S. Parmlntor.
30. Lot G, block 2, $97.25, Ada R.
37. Lot 1, block 3, $97.26, Ada It.
38. Lot 14, block 4, $"48.02, Ada R.
39. Lot 15, block 4, $48.02, Ada R.
40. Lot 2, block 15, $99.00, Anton
41. Lot 3, block 16, $99.00, Anton
block 15, $99.00, Anton
By vlrtuo of warrants numbered 1,
2. 3. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13, 14,
15,10. 17. 18. 19. 20,21,22.23. 24.
26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 for
delinquent street assessment No. 1,
duly Issued by tho recorder of the
City of Bend, Oregon, dated tho 2Cth
day of April, 1915, in tho matter of
A -MAaamA1 Vn 1 til nit A it nil
Whether or not tho corporato llm-, tored ln tne Docket of City Liens
.IJVJ10 c,ty of Uond 0roRO?'.J?8lof said City of Bend on the 12th day
Mw defined shall bo altered and the ' , . j913. wneron the hereln
KMlowing described territory lnclud-i"J ,' ii,,i nmiwiv una assessed
J therein and becorao a part there
"h 10-Wf
leginnlng at tho northeast corner
"the NWH of Section 5, in Town
Wp 18 South of nango'12 E., W. M.,
Crook County. Oregon, on the
"fnshlp line between townships sev
ween and eighteen; thenco east on
ald township line to the north
J11' cornor of said section flvo;
jwace south on the east lne of said
Wion five to tho southeast corner
J we northeast quarter of said soc-
five thence west ou tho quarter
''''Ion line to the center of said
Jetton five; thenco south on the
Wuter section line to tho southeast
JK!er of the southwest quarter of
JJJ lection flvo; thence east on the
ttlOn linn in tf.c ttniinanat fnrnftr
'f tie fcouthwest quarter of the south-
l quarter or said section nvo;
BOCe north In Iho nr.rth.mnt COr-
Jr of the southwest quarter of the
"Otaeast quarter of said section five;
Jom east to the northeast corner
thwest quarter of section four,
42. Lot 4,
43. Lot 4, block 10, $99.00, S. C.
44. Lot 4, block 11, $99.00, C. A.
45. Lot 1, block 22, $09,00, E. E.
40. .Lot 1, block 24, $87.45, G. A.
47. Lot 5. block 24, $42.50, W. P.
48. Lot 0, block 24, $42.50, W. P.
49. Lot 7, block 24, $42.50, W, P.
50. Lot 8, block 24, $40.40, W. P.
51. Lot 9, block 24, $40.40, W. P.
52. Lot 10, block 24, $40.40, W. P.
53. Lot 11, block 24, $40.40, W. P.
54. Lot 1, block 25, $99.00, Bend Co.
55. Lot C, block 25, $99.00, Bond Co.
50. Lot 4, block 6, $97.25, J. J.
All of said above dcscrllipd proper
ty bolng within the City of Bend,
County of Crook, Stato of Oregon.
Notico is hereby given that I will
on Friday, the 28th day of May, 1915,
Department of tho Interior, United
Stntes Land Offlco. Tho Dalles,
urogon, April l'J, iui5.
To George Ramlanorf, or Bond, Oro
con, Contcstco:
lou aro horoby notified that
Charles Gutflelsch, who gives 25, E.
11th St., Portland, Oregon, as his
post ofllco address, did on April 3,
1915, file In this offlco his duly cor
roborated application to contest and
sccuro tho cancellation of your homo-
stead Entry No Serial No.
08310, mado March 20, 1911, for N
Vt Section 13, Township 20 S., Rnngo
17 E. Wlllamotto Morldlan, nnd as
grounds for his contest ho nlloges
that said ontrymnn has nevor culti
vated or resided upon said land or
any portion thereof, nnd has not com
piled with tho homestead laws in any
respect and has abandoned said en
try and said land for n groator per
iod than six months last past.
You aro, thoroforo, further notl
flod that tho said allegations will bo
takon as confessed, nnd your said on
try will bo cnncolled without further
right to bo heard, olthor boforo this
ofllco or on nnnoal. If you fall to file
ln this ofllco within twenty days af
ter tho FOURTH publication of this
notico, as shown below, your answer,
undor oath, specifically responding to
thoso allegations of contest, togother
with duo proof that you havo sorvod
a copy of your nnswor on tho sold
contestant olthor In porson or by reg
istered mall
You should stato in your nnswor
tho namo of the post ofllco to which
you dcslro futuro notices to bo sent
to you.
Dato of first publication April 28,
Dato of second publication May 5,
Data of third publication May 12,
Date of fourth publication Mav 19,
Department of tho Intorlor, United L
States land Offlco, The Dalles, Oro
gon, April 12, 1915.
To (loorge O, Hodson of Box 347,
Bend, Oregon, Contcstoo:
By vlrtuo of an execution In foro-
ciosuro duly Issued by tho clork of
tho circuit court of tho county of
Crook, Stato ot Oregon, dated this
10th dny of April, 1915, ln n cortnln
action ln tho circuit court for tho
said county and State, whoroln D. E.
Hunter as plaintiff recovorod Judg
ment ngnltiBt James Bonn, dofendant
for tho sum of Two Thousand Two
Hundred Dollars with Interest from
tho 11th day of May, 1913, at tho
rato of 10 per cent nor annum to
gether with Two Hundrod Twenty
Dollars attorneys fee, nnd tho fur
ther sum ot Soventoon Dollnrs costs,
and accruing costs.
Notico Is horoby glvon that I will
on Saturday, tho 5th day ot June,
at tuo norm front door of tho court
house In Prlnovillo In said county at
Ion o'clock ln tho toronoon or Bald
day sell nt public auction to tho high
est Didder ror cash, nil right nnd tltlo
that tho abovo named defendant hns
or had at dato ot snld Judgment In
tho following described proporty, to
wit: '
iLot elghtocn (IS) of tho subdivi
sion of block four (4) of Bond, Crook
County, Orogon.
E. B. KNOX, Shorlff.
Dated at Prlnovillo, Oregon this
lGth dny of April, 1915.
9-13 c. Doputy.
Department of tho Intorior, U. S.
Land Ofllco nt Lakoviow, Oregon,
April 13, 1915.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Har
ry Chi dors of La Pino. Oregon, who.
on July 5, 1911, mado Homestead
Lntry 04794, and on March 4, 1914,
mado nddltlonal Homestoad Entry,
(Act April 28, 1904.) No. 00359, for
s4snwVinvU, awVinwtt, MoU
nw, Section 10, Township 22 S..
Rnngo 10 E. Willamette Morldlan.
has filed notico of intention to mako
Hnal Threo Year Proof, to ostnbllsh
claim to tho land abovo described, bo
foro II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner,
at Bend. Oregon, on tho 28th dny ot
Mny, 1915.
Claimant, names ns witnesses:
Wnldemnr Chrlstenson, Arthur It.
Donahue. John F. Boguo, Goorgo
Boguo, all of La Pino, Oregon.
7-"e- Rcglstor.
Dopnrtmont ot tho Intorlor, U. S.
Land Ofllco at Tho Dalles, Oregou,
April 14, 1915.
NOTICE Is horoby glvon that
Charles S. Bonson, of Bond, Orogon,
who, on April 12, 1910, mado Dosort
Land Entry, No. 00407, for noU nw
Vi and nw no, Section 27, Town
ship 17 South, Rnngo 12 East. Wll
lamotto Morldlan, hns filed notico of
Intontlon to mako Final Dosort Proof
to establish claim to tho land abovo
described, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S.
Commissioner, at Bond, Orcgonr on
tho 20th day or May, 1915.
Claimant nnmos ns wltnossos:
Archlo Pnttlo, P. C. Hardy, Josoph
Buchholz, J. M. Doblns, nil of Bond,
7-11 c. Rcglstor.
and charged for said Improvement, at the front door of the City Hall on
me number of the warrant, tho do- Wall street In the City of Bend,
scrlptlon of the property, the amount
assessed tor sum uuiruiuvui.
the name of the owner or reputed
owner In oacn case ueinB uuu.
1 North 05.0 feet of lot 3, block 1,
City of Bend, $59.70, J. S. Par-
South 50 feet of tho north 175.13
"' feet of lot 3. block 1. City of Bead,
$45.50, J. S. Parmlnter.
3. Lot 0. block 2. City of Bend, $25,
A. R. Johnston.
4. Lot 1. block 3, City of Bend. $25,
A. R. Johnston.
5 Lot 14, block 4, City of Bend,
$6.25. A. R- Johnston.
C Lot 15. "lock 4, City of Bend,
"$6 25. A. R- Johnston..
S Lot 4. block 10. City of Bend,
$25.00. S. C. Caldwell.
9 Lot 3, block 14. City of Bend, $25.
' J. H. O'Neill.
10. Lot i. woe l: ,Y"' " '
Crook County, Oregon, sell nt public
auction to tho person who shall pay
tho assessment, costs, interest and ac
cruing costs and interest thereon and
take a cortlflcato at the lowest rate of
Interest, all tho right tltlo and Inter
est the owner or reputed ownor or
any other person has' or had In said
property at tho date of said assess
ment. ' Dated this 27th day of April, 1915.
Chief of Police of City of Bend.
Crook County, Oregon. 8-12c
By virtue of wirrants numbered
57, 58. 59, CO, 01. and 02. for delin
quent sower assessment No. 1, duly
Issued by the recorder of tho City of
Bead, Orogon. dated tno 26th day of
You nro hereby notlflod that Don
zll C. Dyor, who gives Box 117, Bond,
Orogon, as his post ofllco address, did
on March 27, 1915, file In this ofllco
his duly corroborated application to
contest nnd sccuro the cancellation
or your homestead, Entry No, ,
Sorlal No. 012057, made Soptomber
24, 1913, for W4 Section 10, Town
ship 20 South, Rango 15 East, Wll
lamotto Morldlan, and as grounds for
his contest ho alleges that said
Georgo O. Hodson has failed to es
tablish 1Mb residence on said tract;
that ho has failed to cultivate said
tract or any part tboroof; that said
ontrymnn has abandoned said tract
for upwards of six months last past
and that such falluro and abandon
ment was not duo to his omployment
In tho army, navy or marine corps
of tho U. S. In tlmo of war or other
You are, therefore, furthor notl
flod that the said allegations will bo
taken by this ofllco as having been
confessed by you, and your said en
try will bo cancoled thorounder with
out your further right to bo hoard
therein, either beforo this ofllco or
on nppoal, If you fall to (lie In this
ofllco within twenty days after tho
FOURTH publication of this notico,
as shown below, your nnswor, under
oath, speclflcnlly meeting and re
sponding to theso allegations of con
test, or If you fall within that tlmo
to file In this ofllco duo proof that
you havo served a copy of your an
swer on the said contestant olthor In
person or by registered mall. If this
'service is mado by tho delivery of a
copy of your answer to tho contestant
in person, proof of such service must
bo olther tho said contestant's written
acknowledgment of his receipt of
the copy, showing the dato of its re
ceipt, or the affidavit of tho porson
by whom J ho delivery was mado
stating when and whoro tho copy was
delivered: if made by reglstored mall,
proof of such service must consist of
tho Bflldavlt of tho person by whom
tho copy was mailed stating when
nnd tho post ofllco to which It was.
mailed, and this affidavit must bo ac
companied by tho postmaster's re
ceipt for the letter.
You should state In your answer
Charles A. Ivy, Plaintiff, vs. Mary
Ivy, Dofendant.
To Mary Ivy, abovo namod Dofond
OF OREGON: You aro horoby ronulr-
ed to nppoar and aiiBWor tho com
plaint filed against you In tho abovo
ontitiod- suit on or boforo Saturday,
tno 15th day of May, 1915, nnd If
you fall bo to answor, tho Plaintiff
win taKo judgment ngnlnst you for
tho rollot domnnded In bis complaint
horeln, to-wlt, for Iho Docroo of this
Court dissolving tho marrlngo con
tract now existing hotwoon tho Plain
tiff and Ilbfoudant horoln and declar
ing tho parties thoroto wholly roloas
od from tho obligations thereof.
This summons Is or do rod to bo
served upon you by tho publication
thereof In Tho Bond Bullotln, n weok
ly nowspapor published In Crook
County, Orogon, by ordor of tho Hon
orable a. Sprlngor, Judgo of tho
County Court of said County, said
order being mado and entered on tho
21th day ot March, 1915, dato or
tlrst publication March 31st. 1915:
longth of publication six succosslvo
Dntod this 31st day or March, 1915,
4-9c. Attornoy for Plaintiff,
Deportment of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Ofllco nt Tho Dnllos, Oro
gon, April 19, 1915.
NOTICE Is horoby given that
Donno B. Freeman, of Bond, Orogon,
who, on Juno 19th, 1911, mndo
Homestead Entry, No. 09140, for w
, Section 17, Township 17 South.
Hnngo 14 East, Wlllamotto Meridian,
has Hied notlCo of Intention to mnko
Hnal Threo Year Proof, to establish
claim to tho land nbovo describod.
boforo II. C. EIIIb, U. S. Commission
er, nt Bond. Orogon, on tho 9th day
or Juno, 1915.
Claimant names as wltnossos:
Henry 12. Ruff, Goorgo Alton, Milton
A. Palmer, Emory J. Taylor, nil of
Bond, Orogon.
7-1 111. Rcglstor.
Department ot tho Intorior, U. 8.
Land Ofllco nt Tho Dalles. Ore
gon, April 19, 1915.
NOTICE Is horoby glvon that Hon-
nJn, U of .n?n,I Orogon, who. on
October 2nd, 1911, mado Homestoad
Entry, No. 09527, for swH Section
-0, nwU, Section 29, Township 17
South nnngo 14 East, Wlllamotto
Morldlan, hns Hlod notico of Inton
tlon to mnko Final Threo Yoar 1'roor.
to establish claim to tho land nbovo
described, boforo II. 0. Ellis, U. 8
Commissioner, nt Bond, Orogon, on
tho 9th day of Juno, 1915.
Claimant nntnos ns witnesses:
Donno II. Freeman. Goorgo Alton,
M Iton A. Pnlmor, Emory J. Tnylor,
all of Bond, Oregon.
7-11"' Roglstor.
Anna BrostorhoiiH, Administratrix of
tho Lstato of Goorgo Brostorhous,
Decoasod, Plaintiff, vs. Goorgo "f.
Harris, DofendanL
To Georgo F. Harris, abovo namod
-. a a t Ti ii eiii
11 Lot 5, block 14, City of Bend,' April, 1915, In the matter of sower the name of tho post office to which
Deportment of tho Intorlor. Unltod
States Land Offlco Tho Dalles, Oro
gon, April 3, 1915.
To Lloyd II. Hold of Walla Walla,
Washington, Contcstco:
iou nro horoby notlflod that
Uliarlos J. Gutllolsch, who k vos 25
E. 11th street, Portland, Oregon, ns
nis post oiiico address, did ou March
13, 1915, file In this offlco his duly
corroborated application to contest
and securo tho cancellation of your
homestead Entry No. . , Sorlnl
No. 07002, mado Juno 20, 1910, for
8 Soctlon 26, Township 20 8
uango it n. wuiamotto Morldlan,
and ns grounds for his contest he al
logos that said ontrymnn has nevor
cultivated, Improvod or realdod on
said land or any portion thereof and
has not complied with tho homostead
laws In any respect and hns abandon
ed said entry and land for n greater
period than six months last past.
You aro, thoroforo, furthor notl
flod that tho said allegations will bo
taken as confessed, and your snld en
try will be cancelled without furthor
right to bo heard, olthor boforo thU
offlce or on nppoal, If you full to fllo
In this ofllco within twenty days af
ter tho FOURTH publication of this
nntlro, as shown below, your answor,
undor oath, specifically responding
to theso allegations of contest, to
gother with duo proof that you havo
sorved a copy or your answer on tho
said contestant either In porson or by
reglstored mall.
You should stato ln your' answer
tho namo of the post offlco to which
you desire future notices to bo sent
to you.
Dato of first publication April 14,
Dato of second publication April
21, 1915.
Dato of third publication April 28,
Date of fourth publication ny 6,
oi- OREGON, you nro horoby requir
ed to nppoar and answer tho com
plaint of tho plaintiff fllod against
you In the nbovo ontitiod Court on
or boforo tho last day of tho tlmo
prescribed In tho ordor for publica
tion mado heroin to-wlt: tho second
day of Juno, 1915, and If you full
so to nnswor for want thoroof tho
plaintiff will npply to tho Court for
' ... . ' !,rny" w m tho complaint
on fllo horoln to-wlt: for n Judgment
ngnlnst you for tho sum of $990.00
togother with lntorest thereon ot tlio
rnto of ton por cent por n nnu in from
Docombor 7, 1913, until puld, togoth
er with $100.00 nttornoy fees and
tho costs and dlsbursomonU of this
nctlon nnd for n docreo of tho abovo
ontitiod court that certain mortgngo
bonrlng doto of tho 7th day or Do
combor, 1912, mado nnd executed by
you socurlng sold sum nbovo men
tioned, covering, convoying mid de
scribing lots No. 13 and H or Block
27 or Bond, Crook County, Orogon,
bo foreclosed and that nnii ,..i
proporty described thoroln bo sold
by tho Shorlff of Crook County, Ore
gon, In tho inannor provided by law
and according to tho practice of this
court nnd thut the proccods or said
salo bo applied:
First: In tho poyment or tho costs
nnd charges of mnklng said salo and
Socond: To tho payment of plain
tiffs Judgment, Inclusive of Attor
noy fees, Intorests and costs and that
upon suld salo bolng mado tho plain
tiff may bocomo tho purchaser thoro
nt and that thereafter tin, !rr.n,in,.i
nnd nil porsons claiming undor, by or
..nwiihii nnu uh iiirovor narrod and
foroolosod of any right, tltlo or ln
torest In or to snld proporty or any
portlou thereof, saving and oxcepllng
only tho statutory right of rodomp.
Hon nnd thnt the plaintiff havo Judg.
mont nnd execution against tho prop
erty or tho defendant, Georgo F. Har
ris, for any deficiency remaining up
on said Judgment nftor applying tho
proceeds or tho salo or said real
proporty proporly applicable thereto
nnd for such othor and furthor relief
as to tho Court may seem meet and
Mils summons Is sorvod upon you
by puijiic-utlon thereof for six suo
cmVvo v.icks In Tho Bend Bulletin,
n weekly newspaper of general clr
dilation, published In Bend, Crook
County, Oregon, by ordor or tho Hon
orable W. L. BrndHhnw, Judgo or the
Circuit Court of Crook County, State
of Oregon, whloh ordor was dated the
16th day ot April, 1915. tho datu or
llw first publication htdng tho 21st
day of April, 1916. m.d the dnto of
tho last publication being tho 2nd day
of Juno, 1915
13o Attorney for the Plaintiff.