The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 05, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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(Pvblitbed Erery WedoevJa-y)
Ma-.aatag Edit
Aa Jsdse-st xwtr rtxod-
lag Xor tke mk doal. ea b-itl-
cetaTtcleaa poiltJca uad tke boat la-
lertste of B4 aad Coattral Orosoa-
tree year. I L
fill IB0StiU
Tbr. mow Iks
All MfMHp(lM M
excaratfoa are mailed iterftri aart
If r-.l U mat made vttktt rB
tUe time tk HUH Jl be dlaooa-
PJAK SUf Of pfomUr r
ebao-e of 44rM. or of isltare tor
celre tk our jclt.'lr. 0nrti
v Nt Mt k retooeitkf for eooW
Make all etvKkJ sad orders st
able to Bead Bo'IeOe
WKUXEfflMY VAT '. 115-
lan friito-iii. d t.ea take tie
ple-Jite of eptustta
The tot boftoess .reiSo a
tO tWO K4t Of" CaM. ose o-
aeaatc. tke eOser jMyekctoj-JctiL The
tummowu ttH tar to removed
aad kate be-sai s-apoussted bj ocbr
font CToaUre of putt-iii'i. tt tke
atvcbaio-feaj cam jji. Tkt -;
dH eaJy ram wy atormtiraty ro-i
MlM wttk x wmi 'bat alow aad kk
ta TkUktaur hard
iuccmi' m kaidtrml that
to tkaak tkom aiinc alt me for ,
IfctaVlac ka i w. W a (
km to rvr ta wim of oar
tkwiu aad we akaTJ n bard
?T - ,
WtUbkaa Rote- Kffeoa. eaMtor u4
erer of Use Kum Cltr Stw.
aftai 4 wkat k tm Uc a4r )u-r
M94 tot tmi tfmjAUt Mrrr-
(4 H kk gl- 7Vs 9ur f g
Muay eKr a4aiinMr acUrtttat, aj
at all Omm fmytirmH. rtmcwm.r
tor wnlif btnaC Plrcl .
thH ri'jaite'-v u U a peHUeaL
If M Wf . 4 krr ar; --r seta-
a4iu i'tuJy abMif4 vUdk
iie wUi actiax a aM4tm? -j .
TaM fftaat boaor tfcr x4kkrao
4 k K chat
NaataklMr U clwiag r aa4
itp It -rfcoUr.
Tmm (4It ttk tti et tkr raa
t.ajap: lt tkr sKor wiO
kr Ha'JW apalaat tk-.
TkOfi kaK t-rp la f ftef tkjr tJMy. .
Skr krl: raftf, tkr kaD. a4 y
WE mzke a specialtv of Ford
Repairiiig but you will
find our woik first class on any
make of autMiobile. OPEX
Doonar (2b Thornbrue
TlfM (koJt Mhltie tcfe4 T
TImm faatt aat mi tkr akfkbw
hy leartoc kit of ky int
omiss tk air -rttk rfikbttk mi arV
71mm atult aat Vt tkr taf
cloud 4ar aa4 alckt.
la lAmmntm, Svmtk Owkou. tk dtr
fMrfatef Btaalcipel flwt. Sas
AaioMto. Taaa. k a aiaaklaal kt
Tmtt. Iatoa t It par to
Th fllr llala? . ". 'oaotale
Old ol tk tlt moetbf bo 4
h4 If tkat tk toot tbiaci dawalaK
for m4 e at tkfai t)a ekWSr
not ka irf prwcat proarltr ant
WoM ( tkir twt akcardftr. at
IMt la a gtaat maaaarr.
'hn tk padala ot jtrivt
iM far la tk atkr 4trctloc
tfae -w1 taaa ban. Wka tke cat
of labor a4 mack!arr "
the raarkot for tk prawaet tf oa tk
fat ot It uaaeoaraelBR. tke far
MKhltl lafoator balMf kit aaaafac
tutittK pteat
Pffr tb Tfco ar able, aack Uaaai
at tkri oSr tk bU; apartaattlf.
Tbx vrr Hatoa. tk aaatkr of
the "otkor fctllo" k fat tkat tk
twalaww world warUy la "koMtos
hack," mjIum tke iateiai for U;
lirflKroMlrc dotr of 4hsA all tke
mere wmnAeuot
T)ik) who a ta4ai; fat tk
f)ld bore are caritfol kmlawi bvm.
They im tbolr OBportaaHy aad tlwy
have the eoaraRo to graip It. l(
1m atairdy eoaawrrtal 4or
wow Id fatter for lack of will, aad otk
ori K-rfore: woald koM back for tack
of eoah. Thy are to We cosxratalaU
wl for their Ket'tbere iplrlt a aplr
It and an uxaaaple wblcb will oat
beart Into mnr aaotber. A Hs4
Hieh nnii at llin balm at ami tlaiker ''
davelapmaat. "" toteiwwl la tke Sherltaa;
Wtiin ft Lc 9 aL&rlr bfMtri fAr
dawn. It bi kea viry dark. Daws
la breaking. Tbe blK wea t tke
teKlanlMK for a trltl of aotkM, aad
the aMtallar wall mar prepare to fol
low In tbolr wak. For Ha "Do It
Now," t! May haaaain a
prorkioii tkat w do It aly
Hit Ftni Xtrzrxx&oi d Wic Btx City
at &n at KrpX.
fijvr-Jj ttttt Urt tmtco-l'ra&ttz
war ViKr liarw tir Pmrt "f-rlftU-3
Krtsnm A strqtctV
wrtr ef kt yvartify:
Tb thadf f rrtec tfrvw &r
tf vtad nw-f Mamtax: Kxl WfcrB-f
tilaali aw a-4rraic imb-; rrry
tkiar iratM- tuif t aa tbr m. TVr
fttry-r aad. t i-SaM tr ta lArpt
is aa 9MOT'
-At tkat anwwuait. at t- to et ta
afK wktrk Kaxd dork o rm
rt-ar. two rwaod Inon oT krr wad
Jafy ctatl ar tpr wt las-r '
Uf tke pwMfi rv-r a tnskfXai Urt
tttMuT tmmtt. iriunalra ly a a- j
aar tkat rmn a ftlir vC-tK '
tve M(rC rv-t. aart rartarc. KrM
aatr.t. IC.
ioaRt4 1
Lure 4t&c.
li. Tac.
FOR SALE Hon u4 !r In
good wfcdlttoa. 5. UnrwAil. tf
Bend-Silver Lake
and way points
A Seven Passenger Touring Car
Each Way Each Day.
Walter Coombs, L D. Fox, Pioneer
Auto Stage and Truck Co.
Freight Trucks in Addition
FOR SALE Good Wh and
cy Apply Aareaa Bakery-
t Sdm la ia
a aat& ;
r a CWMJI- , MMd."
rOR 5ALB Skavtbacx m-Ik m.
laqair SoKt t Seaatk, Taaa. -lp
FOR SALE Cip. 5-etlo- 1.
7oajklp 21 S, Kaac 1. star
PrJf Paltt. Crk coast?. Or..
W H. KHfH. OaWar. Wat g
tox. t-1 p
EGGS aad at lt ism otker ct..t
a. It pr to keo port-tef n X-a-artd
krt$4f are oary jnoi?r '
Era for tke & 11 for 1".
f. lor ; It for 1. Tea-Tear
tra-aftd Mock. S. L. Yaaderert.
Bad. Ores. Tke OM Hoe-
arc It
kr rwal a-atrk iitiD
dtat. aaaa otik Wi- I FOR SALE Beoooatr Ckitt cream
laru a inora of I Hauiw. uooa xs sew, I J. lot
tx aaauoz ot ur far ! L. Pyau. AlfalU. Lff
FOR SALE ar sere Irri
tated laod. Mo reootrod It dt.
er mtkea baaroreateau. lsju!re at
Bead Hotel. f.ios
Is a tl- f rvamou. otr h l ..
fotoz from tbb i-rv aod ,r. j I2!LLLir TRAD-Rc5Jrtr.
mc frwai tax- a. t-rt .-.i -,. HokHeia batf. alio good two rtr
"AftM1 fatxpac tk ft fai-tl ! j
rselU tke orat w. aeiatf' lotj awe
AH Ike raltry -h3 tw t-
The Largest Insurance
Agency in Central Ore.
"It's the way we write our policies."
Our policies pay 100 cents on the dollar.
We have over 400 satisfied policy holders.
Tbe largest insurers in Crook County are
our leading customers
Bend Insurance Agency
First National Bank Building Bend, Ore.
kaadtt tk booie !. afc la'
caak aad ta rdadas It bad eSect
u tke aalatmaa. Tke TeiatM kave
dumoaitrautd tkat tke bat I a Ktefal !
bird a ad axrr tkaa aayt for tke pre-!
tetloa Kfo it by oertroytac mot '
ooltoet asd otkor HwU. Wkai aoxt? I
tkat a bwtJtr araay bad rati; ti
eovBtry. aad tkat twrot; dttrwv
rvwttil ta ta- ateM a4 Oirta
aM tke i."l aad aft of drmnat
b5 rwakasrartva a wt ratrajax
ftre. aSM- vo4j la inxtc otn
awrpt or rarimo Oj caocs
TtJa aM'rvt it war U raOM-d by
peace-tfcu IttrUnoz ftoMttuIr ut Ce
tructJvo U tke eZtct ox todtutry."
It take tea mllla to make a teat
Hat It d&w-a t take mack e to
"Tbe arillt of the coda Krlad alow.
. we read. Mat sfler all w're
Iortlad'a tut it marabal hi
maklNK a IfcortMisb ortr of tka
tile dty. Jnapoetoni ar sjnlala
tfTery bttlldlkK aa 1 ekocklaf m i
frnrf r rfak. TIm aatkorhla "
cempelllHc: lb rapalr of ilaajHoroM
Kuoa. tbe laaiallatlon of aMiiate kra
lrtitloN. the eliHSK ap of atlan
and baekyanlf wbore ateawatallna
of rttfuae hi a monace. la abort, (tot
taxU baa wlaoty doaldod tkat prva
tlH la tbe ltH Mre. It propoaaa t
lute aa monor Uiroasfc ttroa by ht
las fewer Urea atl tbe aaaleat war
to Mt tlowii lb HBwWr la to mako tt
hardor for araa to atarL
It weald b a wtgbty good ibtaf
for IMmI to follow Milt. Ilutiait "
afierHOoea tka dtr Marshall t "'!
fver kurdokod wtk dullwa II eoul I
tlavote kfc llaae to bo betti-r adran
taRo tkaa In maklag a boaae to kou4
i-aavaaa of tbo lowa, eiamlalaK th
coadltloa of Hoot, furnafe !
atovaa, raooaiHiuadlNK rleua-iiix
wbfM they are HMotltid uml o(bwwle
vdaK wkere wta- atua for nre ro
ttwtitM mlubt be taken.
Tke ptapto oW apnreelate it.
and Htrlallr tbe property owtjert
All of ua w 01 Id rather bo told that
our bHlldlinji NDixled a little Improve,
nient -ev thoHKb Me KrMblel at
the llNtutbun tit Miller loaaea Inter.
The lawsraao roanoaahtf. too, appro
clalo Unit wirt ill 'MalcbfulneM. aad
If It ta Ikorvtigk eaousb raloa are apt
to bo reduced hero aad tkare Alto
Kethar, It would b a gaud Mep wblcb
wwld hurt bo one aad benaot all
Aaebrdlni; to tkat Ukte. eaek
Crook eoaoty citliea 111.31.
t w with tkat waa all!
"For Itent." -For Sale." fcRoorai
to Let, "Hotrvekeei'lns Room, Xo
AdraltLaoce. No Srooklne. ctc
I rtr. I'Launl. t.rtnlrO In Llnre trtae
kaow tkat oa mill 1U gx a loac'on heary bHttol board. 13 real each.
way toward maktar; a flrtt rate tow a ' Iom la quantitJct. Ilullrtfn Office IZti
Wbereaa. tbe Angel of Death baa
reeeatlr tl-d tbe family of oer
Rrotber, Cm. Staabanoarb. aad
tailed tr bW reward bit fatbor. .I'd-
ward Scaa arrooRk. aad
Wbereaa. K If wltk a frs ot
dtepoat retret aad terror tkat we
leant of tke death of tkU leria;
father aad frtead of baawatty aad
oar kearta to eat Is tympatbr 10 oar
brotkor aad bat retail la tbU. rkdr
boar of aorrow aad tot, bat we how
to tbe will ot tke Sooroaa Ruler of
tke world aad kaow tkat death coaae
to oa aad all. ao autter what hW
Matloa or mtatloo la tkw life may be.
aad therefor wo akoaU aa'-m'.t to It
wttfc fortltud aad mookaoaa
Therefor. B It NoolTed. Tkat
Oaarbai Lode No. !. KalckU
of Hrth.a exleod to Brotkor Ckaa.
Staoanouak. aad km rotatlr tke
kaartfeit aymaaUty Hi tkm hi boar
of for re aad HtSeriuf. aad
H It Fartkor Reoolred. Tkat a
topr 1 1 tkoae refottttmaf be teat t
Broth -r StaabarrooRk aad alto that
tkT ' apread apfta tke mlaatea of
lbl lodaa
Ueacbutet Lodffe 1. K. of P.
In L M McReyaold.
Ad K. It. S,
old HoLHete ketfers. Ad1t to Sratt
aad Smltk. Tama to. Ore. S-Kp'
FOR SALE Two atory boilding
:il. Two pool tabtea, elsari. to-1
toeco. caady aad barber ootflt $
room oa aeoaad floor. Will hII at
rtjckt price. P. J. Lltbaater. Sitter. '
Oroa. $-Se
FOR SALE Hare yoar combtnis
mad lata a awfcch; sead eomblaKf
r parcel ft or to borne of Mrf. C.
mu. nerawwt uuitna, neas, ure-i
FOR SALE De Lavel separator.
N'o IT. laejalre Dalletia. Stf
FOR SALE 9 poaod teem. ap.
ply or write to E. Kansa, c-o Satken
atore. 3tfc
Powell Iintte, 310 acres, ISO under
cultivation, as mlicU more can be
cultivated. SO fruit trees growing on
place. For information Inquire at Al-
felfa pott offlce. 319 p
FOR SALE Settings of thorough
bred Barred Rock eggs. II ner set-
Ore- t,nK A. C. Egan. 2-10c
FOR SALE Five room bungalow
and lot In Park addition. Small
payment down, balance to suit pur
chaser. Inquire Julius Kortman. 48tf
FOR SALE Five room house and
lot In Park addition, light and water,
Good barealn. Innulro II. P. Man.
FOR SALE Farm, toutbaest side j Ion. Bend, Oregon. -Itfc
FOUND Urown mere, about four
years, old, white stocking hind legs,
branded E on tho right shoulder.
Owner can have same by paying
costs. Apply Bulletin office. Gtf.
LOST Gold burette- for hair. Re
ward for return to Bulletin. Sir
TO EXCHANGE 120 acres under
Umatilla Irrigation Project, 2 miles
from town, for land near Bend. O.
C. Hcnkle, over First National Bank.
Bend, Oregon. C-lOp.
aayaee I Bead
If &ot. why aot?
say "kaao-
lor tk Her, to.
Oao eaAi for two.
I.WIIS TO lilt oriCXKI.
ITfie OraaoiUa. 1
WAa-HtXOTOK. D C. May L Oa
Jaa 10. , aoca of ao-lrrtv
I4 hmmI In Morrow. Crook aad Oil
llam tonrllM. Drcfiom, wtil b opea
rd to eot-y, axder tbe oalaraeel hamu
Mead law.
Beaat- of the laclemeat weather
oa aatantay tbe oaeNlig of tke Kat I
Htv i.7lvwiiu (kjv puivra win
atordar. May s At tkU time tbe
rrlaea pbiaNed lr laat Saturda
will Ua carried out
The Kortht U on lb upHrad
hkhIii W hare tumad the coraer
and UrlKht propcU II before ua
For HtHiii thla la, ot court, eapeclally
and Ratably (rue. becauao of our lo
rn I detoJapraeats, but for the entire
country It I also true, , and accord
ing to tho measure of prusperlt)
about us, ao also shall our own sub
stantial MUfcoss be the greater and
the sounder.
Head this from a recent Oregon-
That's One Reason
Come and See!
The Variety Store
; Advertising
7tfSaar ajm lit I ht 1 L .oama-
AdtrrtlM-nieuta liiaerteil under thin
beading at the rate of ONE CENT A
WORD tilth Intrrtiuo. Cah iout
1 accoiuany all orders from reruna
not tuning a rrxular arrount wltli
The Bulletin. No advertUemrnt tak
for let, than IS cenU each Insertion.
ASTKD Olrl for geaeral house
work Tlpbee Mr. Ooald. Had
6H. 9tf
FOR RUNT Two room kaua
aartlr fumhibed. Beat a mvntb
Inifalre S. Mttrasakl. &U
FOR RRNT Small furnished
home near dspot 8. R. Hegln. 7-9c
I FOR KALH HemlngtOR No 10.
typewriter. alnio.t sew. (lood bar-
oaln laqalr Bulletin. 7tf
P1H 8M.K- One Halftein eow and
1 yearling calf. II 1Kb grade atok. In-
' quire Bend Oarage. 7tf
I FOR RENT Three room bouse
I with light end water near new school
1 house. Inquire Ellto Studio. .Itfc
:x- ' - -" 1 "T
A Dainty Enameled
Don't you admire a light, dainty bedroom with
immaculate linen and draperies, and with walls, furni
ture and woodwork all enameled in pure white or
some delicate tint such as ivory or pale blue? You
can have one it is not expensive.
ENAMEL (Neal's)
gives a hard, sanitary, lustrous, genuine enameCJ
surface, easily kept bright and clean.
It -is offered in delicate tints or rich .1
colors to harmonize with draperies and
FOR SAI.E Brass bed, spring.
Bend Hardware Compaiiy, BendaQregon.
M ,'lstlawtaty.
, gtaBsajssv.'-a.-twL. .