i. t I if l'AOR 2. THE HEND nULLETIN, HEND, OHE., WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, HUB. CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. - -- 'J'UMALO. (Bpecln. to The Ilulletln.) TUMALO, Mny 3. Tlio second monthly nitotliiB of tlio Tnmalo Im liroveniont AimhHon will l.o l.e'd In tho hall noxt Saturday nftornoon nt 2:30, Tho ontortnlnmont com mittee foi this meotlnB Is I M. Smith. Trod Wilson ami Howard 011- Ictto. Mr. Hudson of Hend will ho ono of tlio snonkors. Mnimgor dorklni; of tho Tuninlo lmuubnll tonm lins nrrniiKod for n Knmo with tho Clovordnlo nlno to lio Jilayrd in tlio local dlnmonti noxt Sundny nflortioon. Oamo called for a:30. Tlio olllco of tho Farmers nml Mor chnntu Tfl"il:ono Company has bcon clofed tcniH-iurlly until arrangement enn lio mode Ic ovorcomo tho llnn.i clnl dimciiltloH. Tlio monllily twotlng of tho V. B. I,. Oluli will ho hold In tho hall on Krlrtny nftornoon, May 1. "Fnnnor" Smith, tho O.-W. It. & N. Agriculturist held a meeting In town lout Tuosdiiy night. Ills boh will Hpoak nt tho mooting noxt Sutur ilny. Mm. .Inflrlos, who 1ms upotit tho jinHt nlno montliB liorn with hor dnughtor, Mm, Ida Lunlmrg, loft for hor homo In Oklahoma laHt Satnrdny miirnliiK. On Thursday nftornoon ho- foro hor ilopnrttiro, Mrs. Lunhurg on tortaliiod u niimhor of ladlos In hor mothor'H honor. Ovor 20 guests woro Invltod to tho affair. Mrs. Joaa llnrtor loft Monday night Tor I'drtland to ho with hor mother, airs. Couch, who Is nt St. Vincent's llospltnl coimtloaliiK from nn opora tlon, Mr. and Mm. John Coon and Mrs. Hyron Cady nttcnduil tho "iiiovIch" nt Itond Snliiiday nlxht. Mr. Dulluls who has boon working In tho Timmlo Project olllco for the jiant fow weeks lort for Salom on Sat urday night. Itohorl llornnr hna had a second nttnek of Intormlttunt fovor. Dr. Coo is In attendance. Mr. I.oo has lioon mirroring from n oovoro Attack or tho grip for sovornl tlays. Eldor Moffotl, of tho Ilnptlst uhurch, visited tho llornors Rovornl days laHt vn-iik Ilo gavo u talk nt tho church Friday night nnd on Sat urday mornliiK loft for Madras. Tim luiHiilmll ton m was out for n rirnotlco gumo on Sunday. Thoy nro gutting roady to defeat Clovordalo on next Sunday, A most uloveudale. (Special to Tho Ilultotln) CLOVKIU1ALE, May 3 Mr. drubo liiHt a valuable cow and E. Ij. Will ilron a yoarllng by bloat last woolc. Mr. lluniHldo was hauling outs to tho Itedmoud market Friday. Mis (lllmou roHiiuiod her Hchool ntmlu this morning as no moro cases of measles developed. (Jniiulniii Cyrus United hor daught er, Mrs. WoIho, Krhlay I). McHrogor Is looking nt property mmr Hosoburg with n view to trad ing. 0. Carson Is home from his trip to California. Mrs. Wnlso and children visited Mrs. Van Mntro Sunday. I,. (1. drubo was thrown from u liorso last week and iiultu badly hurt. Mr. Iluinsldo sold his cow to Elvln Veil Mat io and Is about ready to lonvo fur his old home In Illinois. Hull call nt the Council mooting noxt Friday night. Tho ilrlwllng rains tho past few unn nro doing much good In this lo mllty. The Hlitnrtt fair rally was n biiccobh In splto of n bud day. Tho hospl tslliy of tho Shuw homo nddud much to the romfort of nut of town guests. Tho Cluvoidalo ball team after be ing out to the Slstent diinco Saturday night plnyod with n Iloml team Sun day nnd got so bsdly bunton they for got tliH score. Thoy are Hcheduled to play at Tmualo next Sunday. Thoro will bo Suiidny school nt 10 30 iivxt Sunday. piano solos by Mrs. Gilliam mitnvnlitn llnV was Spent. A linnnlmll camo Is scheduled for Saturday nftornoon between Prlnglo Pnls nnd Hampton teams. j picuiu dinner with a danco and suppor to follow In tho ovonlng. Mrs. Dr. Flnloy of Ogdcn, Utah, has Joined hor husband on tholr claim. Mr. Flnloy mot hor In Uend nmi mninroil out In their now car. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Cllllnm nnd child of Portland havo been visiting Mrs. Ollllnm's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Kennedy. A. 15. Loott, County Agriculturist, called nt tho Davis plnco Thursday. Tom Hickman has hron In Prlno vlllo nnd Redmond Tor several days. C. A. Steenson la on tho sick list. Mrs. Paul Hold, who has been nt tholr homo In Prlnevlllo, Is reported to ho Improving steadily In health. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mat Nollson nnd dnughter Mnxlno havo roturncd to their claim nftor spending tho win tor In Dakota. Spring seeding Is practically done. Winter grain looks flno nnd prospects nro good for n lino crop. Itov. Loreo preached to n fnlr siz ed congrogatlon nt tho tinll Tuesday ovonlng. HAMPTON IIUTTE. (Spcclnl to Tho nullotln) HAMPTON IIUTTE, April 28. Dr. W. II. Potter of Egll passed through horo Inst Saturday on his way to Donil for n lond of supplies. Wm. Splolmiin and Olo Drogsvold nmdo final proof on their homestoads Inst Friday boforo Commlsslonor Fogg. Ilnrold McFndilon took n truck out jOBtordny. Ho will visit with his par ents nt Torrohonno n fow dnys. Tho ball gamo Inst Sunday botweon LoHt Crook nnd Hampton teams ro Biilted In n score of 18 to 1 1 In fnvor of host Creole. Mr. nnd Mis. llrooks of Plonsnnt Vnlloy mnde somo purchnses nt tho llrooklngs storo today. Tho school or District 17 closod n successful term with Oscar Ilutzoln as toachor Inst Friday. Tho pupils, toachor nnd somo of tho pnronlH wont to Dosort Creek for n picnic. Hvory ono onjoyed thomsolves. TIiobo Hint went woro Mr nnd Mrs. Oscnr Ilut zoln, Loomn, Klzn nnd Emory Mon roe Percy Cook, John nnd Agnes Sohrodor, Olnibs and Herbort Meoks, Paul llrooklngs, Dorothy, Amy nnd IIIII Hlnmnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Mil ler nnd children, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilort Meoks, Mrs. Emma Hlnmnn nnd son Cecil, Aire. V. Schroder, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Wnrmouth nnd dnughtor, Iles slu. N. 8. llrown Is seeding 20 ncrcs of ryo on Miss Elvn McFaddon's homo stoad. Ilort MoekH took Miss Mary Ciim mlns to hor homestend In Plnkus wl loy today. Sho camo as far as llrook lngs on u truck. Mrs. Hornco llrooklngs wns qulto sick with tho grip this week. Elvn McFaddon Bpcnt .Tuesday night with Mrs. Ilort Mocks. Mrs. J. 0. Perry of Surprlso Vnlloy camo In from lloml today. KT.UTl'Elt. HAMPTON. (Spoclnl to Tho Ilulletln). HAMPTON, April !. Those on tho sick list nro Mrs. Fogg, Mrs. Hlaek, Mn. Crow nnd Dnii McArtbur. Earl Kwlltiy and Kenneth Hunting lft 'dnoiluy morning for Vale, OroKun. Mm. ('. II. Harmon onllod on Mrs. Fokk Wodmwduy nftornoon. Itov. I), l.oroo of Hoilmoud nnd Mr. Ellott of Tenobonno were In Hamp ton Monday on their wuy to Hums, llev. I.oieo prtNtchvd an excellent sor men at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. H. FugK Mnndny uvunlug. Ho nlno Vreaohsd ( Prlnglo Flat on Tuesday IllHllt. IVrdlusnd J. Chrlsteuson of Hold, inudtf proot tiforo Commlsalnuor I'umk. April J I Ui. Ills wltuirtwoa were AlexHiidor S. Cotllnnlmm nnd Jacob tottliimuyor. Olo O. Drogsvolil nnd WllllHin Splolnmn nmdo proof April -.1. MIh DJrln Hiirtou is I lotl on l'lor viuo lluntliiR WmltiMdny nftornoon. A. M. 1mH was In this neighbor hood Tuody aftoruoon. Mlw l&lns Suyiler of Dry I.nko was In Hampton Monday. Mlns Uvu Crow called on Mrs. t'ointw of luiporlnl on Monday af toruoon. A. T. Shaver nnd Kny Harper woro In Hampton Sunday. J O. WlilltnUnr is llxlng to put nu tiddlltoti to his lioimiu PltlNCI.i: 1'I.ATS. (Spoclnl to Tlio Hullotln.) IMIINOI.K F1TS, April 29.- -Mrs. A I). Kounody ontertalnil In honor f her dnnglitor. Mm. Otto (Hlllnui f PortlHiid. Thu Plouoor nnd Uidloa t nun try Glut. Covers wore laid for a U Tho guoala or cnttirtalnud by (Spcclnl to Tho Ilulletln) STAUFFEH, April 29. Tho coun ty agriculturist, O. 11. Hardy nnd county school Hiiporlntondout Chnrlos A. Oliver, loctured nt tho BChool house Thursday night. Mr. PIucus pnssod through on his way home from lloml. Sunday school wns hold at tho school house Sunday, Wnyno Lospornnro nnd James Smith nnd sou ltocy, wont out Inst wcok to look for work nnd falling to find nny roturned homo Friday. Fifteen or the young folks drovo to llrooklngs Sunday to see tho ball gamo between Lost Creek nnd Hamp ton, which was won by Lost Crcok. Perry Hartoon, Fred Overall, Pago and Mary Stnuffor, wero Pleasant Vnlloy visitors Sunday. Mr. Williams of Rolynt was visit ing In tho vnlloy Friday and Satur day. Mr. Hornbucklo paBsed through the valley Tuesday. Perry Hartoon nnd Pago Btnuffer nro seeding 1). F. Kasspohl's placo this week. Tho post offlco Issued ten money ardors In tho first two malls amount ing to sixty dollars. Itccy Smith had the mlsforluno to havo tils horse fall with him Sunday morning. Ho was not hurt but his horso was badly bruised. Dr. Heed Is having 15 acres of sago dragged and will clear It soon. Mr. O'Neal was entortnlned nt V. D. Harris's Thursday night. Schmltz nnd Nelson of Uutto pass ed through today on tholr wny to llond nftor nnothor load of freight for tho Hutto Btoro. Henry KlnBinan loft this morning for Uend nnd proably will go on to Spnnnway, Washington. LOST CHEEK. (Special to Tho Hullotln.) LOST CHEEK, April 28. County School Superintendent Ollvor of Lnkovlow, visited our local school last Wednesday nnd Thursday. Ho was nccompanled by County Agricul turist O. II. Hardy. Thursday ovon lng n Inrgo crowd gathered at tho school homo to hoar Mr. Hardy lec ture on dry fnrmlng methods. Mr. Oliver nlso gnvo n short talk on edu cations mnttors nnd nn orlglnnl se lection on "Why I enmo to Lako county." Tho nudlonco was agree ably ontortalnod by both speakers. Jim 8mlth nnd son Hoeco woro business visitors In Lnkovlow- ltiBt wook. Hobort Whltcsldo wns n Italyat visitor tho roro part or last wook. C. 8. Dnvls Is making preparations to fenco his claim. Mr. Hobson camo In nnd got somo horses Hint hnd Btrayod nway and woro tnkon up by Hen DoWltt. Lloyd Forbes Is prospecting for wntor on his clnlm. Ho Is down for ty feet nnd no signs or water. Mr. McCco Is helping him. A number ot rrlonds of Miss Mor cor tendered hor n surprise last Sat urday" ovonlng. Dancing was engag ed In and nil had nn onjoynblo tlmo. 8. J. Hubbard nnd iLloyd Forbes voro business visitors nt Alkali last week. Thoy brought homo n lond of chlckenB. Mrs. C. C. Washburn and Mrs. 0. It. Young woro callera nt Holynt Tuesday. Tho Sunday school hold n session Inst Sunday tor tho first tlmo slnco last Novombor. It Is hoped that every ono will take nn lntorost In It nnd try to mako It n success. Tho danco nt Currnn's hall was well attended nnd nil had nn onjoy nblo tlmo. MILLICAN. (Spoclnl to Tho nullotln) MILLICAN, May 2. A meeting of tho directors" of District 2CA wns hold nt tho homo of II. K. Dnvls. It was docldod to close school about Mny II. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Norton wont to Crano Prnlrlo for a 2 wcok's fishing trip. Mrs. Wlthnm nnd her son and wlfo camo out last week to tholr homo Hteutls. Mrs. Wlthnm wns cnllod to r m Hulled Barley and Shelled Corn For Chicken Feed USE THE NEW BEND FLOUR MILL CO. Deschutes Spray and True Blue The lending brands of patent Hour. Ask your grocer for them. FEED Large quantities of Shorts, Bran, Rolled Oats and Barley on hand at all times. SEED Seed Wheat and Kye ii several va rieties. Mail Orders solicited. Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J. KHOENEHT, Presldont-Mauogor. Corvnllls a fow weeks ago by tho Ill ness of her son, who hns entirely re covered. Hev. Luko Shcohan, of Hend, was a cnllor at tho I). E. Davis homo Fri day afternoon. .Mrs. A. D. Norton visited nt tho Hoonoy and Moffott homes Wednes day. H. E. Davis arrived homo rrom Prlnovlllo Friday. John Davis spent n day In Prlno vlllo tho past week. Frances Holland and Mr. Hnhn wero guests nt tho John Holland homestead Thursday. Hoopor and Denzel Dyer wero vls I ors nt tho Ernest Dyer cabin Thurs day. Mr nnd Mrs. A. D. Norton wero ut Conowny's Wednesday attcrnoon. Miss Cortrudo Market Is qulto HI nt hor homo hero. Mrs. Mnrtha Forgoy wns , business caller nt tho Thos. Moffott horns. Miss Solum Ilrnun wns a visitor nt tho Gllmoro homestead Wednes day. Georgo Hoborts went to Bend tho past week. P. H. JohnBon and Eric Hosteland wero In Hend Wednesday. Mrs. Ceo. Mllllcnn was n guest nt tho Conoway homo Tuesday after noon. V. L. Heathmnn wns n dlnnor guest at tho Ilrnun homo Wednesday. Tho Mllllcan Vnlley Homesteaders Dovclopment Association hold n meeting nt tho Johnson storo Satur day. llarnoy Conowny leaves for Hear Crcok Monday, whero ho will remain for nbout n week. .Miss Huth Conowny wont to Hend Mondny, coming back with Mr. King Tuesdny. Mrs. W. U. McAdow, who has been visiting In California for tho pnst month, will lo h-lme In about 10 M-. nnd Mrs. Andrews from Stnuf for passed through horo on tholr wny William Todd visited nt tho Mof fott homo Thursday. Owing to tho Inclement weather Sunday tho picnic that was scheduled to bo hold on Pino Mountain was postponed and Instead tbo crowd gathered nt tho Harney Conoway home to spend tho clny. Alton luuf.heon served by tho ladles, tho narty t'rove to Pino Mountnln where they remained for a fow hours. H F. Djer drovo to llond last week, I tinging out n lond of wire for Mr. Heeler, Mr. Hodgors and him self, nil of whom Intend to fenco tholr claims this spring. Ernest Dyer left for n visit with friends In Wnshlngton, Saturday. POWELL IIUTTE. (Special to Tho nullotln.) POWELL Ht'TTE, May 5 A lnrgo oudlonco listened lo "Farmer" Smith In nn nddrcss at tlio WlUon school 1 ouso Monday oveni'K. 'I ho dairy- tig and lfog raising talk was espec ially Interesting o our people. Hov. and Mrs. Hedges of Redmond wore In this locality Tuesday ovon lng, tho firmer nddresslng n most- Ing at tne Wilson scuooi nouse. E. li. Ivorson Is putting In n crop on his 40 adjoining Mr. Montgomery which lit purchased or tlio latter ro' r ntly. Tho last day or school In District 17 wns npproprlatoly celebrated with n program or Bongs and recltntlons nnd nn elnborato luncheon consisting ot sandwiches, enke, Ico cream nnd lemonade Owing to tho wet wenthor out door drills which hnd been plan ned woro omitted. Mrs. Hculah Holland her dnughtor loft Saturday for Wyoming where thoy Join Mr. Holland and mako tholr homo. N. P. Alloy complotod tho enrpon tor work on Reeves WHIcoxon's 41 nouso r nuuy. .Mrs. Alien WJllcoxon attended ,the Eastorn Stnr lodgq In Redmond on Wednesdny evening. Hert Waleott loft Wednosday for South Dakota where ho has land In terests. Hnontv Corrtlnlsfllonnr ninnni.n.j was n dlnnerjteueat at tho AVillcoxon M homo Tiiursaay onrouto to Bond. An enjoyable Boclnl affair oc curred nt tho country homo of Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon Saturday nftornoon when she ontertnlnod a number of ladles In honor of Miss Suo Hall. Tha house wns docoratod for tho occas Ion, tho tables bolng especially at tractive. Tho largo tablo lu tho cen ter of tho dining room displayed a Mny polo gorgeous In its woavlngs of rod and green ribbons while tho smaller tables displayed dainty flow er contor pieces. Favors wero car ried out In tho colors of red and gretn, being dainty nut and Ico cream baskets. Social games interspersed with music both vocnl nnd instru mental nud a pleasing recitation by Miss Fay Bussett furnished the af tcrnooa'B nmuBomentB. Mrs. William Nanny of Deschutes nsslBtod Mrjs. Wlllcoxon In entertaining hor guests. Thos. Corbott, of Astoria, who (Continued on pngo 7.) W (1ET OUT of tho rut. It'B only n habit to do nil our trading at tho larger towns. Let us spend our money at homo whero It will do US tho most good. HEMEMHEIt n 2G cent phono messngo will transact a lot of business and snvo DOLLARS. P. B. Johnson St MILLICAN, OREGON. :JtD EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. BEND PARK COMPANY Real Estate We Control and Have For Sale, at the Be3t Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of Business and Residence Property in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Matter INSURANCE Insurance Written in All Its Branches in World Known Companies LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE PAW ,i c Better Enable Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants. BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. . . . ' j ' JBJjInMMfc r " " ' ! i r-"- - hi, .-, . s WAS