The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 05, 1915, Image 1

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    I -JfnjWi'Xi-XUti)R..J
The bend bulletin.
vol. Mir.
NO. 0.
jVtltlim for Clinngo of lloundarlcs
Circulated Kmly in Week Urines
Out I-'nct Tlmt, llrook.s Mill IMnni
Arc Jfuw Under Consideration.
Thnt plena are being considered
for tlio construction of a saw mill by
tlio Scnnlon-aipson or liroolts Intor
osts on the Slsemoro property nil
joining tlio city on the south beenmo
known early In the week when a peti
tion wns circulated asking the coun
cil to call u special election for the
purposo of extending tho city limits
nround tho proposed mill site.
J. P. Koyes, manager of Tho Bond
Company and local representative
of tho Hrooks Interests, when inter
viewed on tho subject before his de
parture for Spokane on Monday, said,
"'Yes, tho prospects aro that tho
"Scnnlon-ClpBon people will bo build
ing In tho nonr future They will
probably build ns soon as tho neces
sary nrrangomonts can bo mado. This
matter of extending tho city limits
Is ono thing that our peoplo wish to
Beo put through beforo thoy go ahead
nnd I trust that tho vote will bo fav
orable." Tlio object of tho proceeding, as
frnnkly stntod by Mr. Keyes, Is to ar
range for tho exemption of tho mill
-slto from city taxation, nil surround
ing property being taken Into tho
city but tho slto ltsolf not being in
cluded. In speaking of tho matter a man
tamlllar with tho details said: "Tho
advantages which nccruo to a town
"by lncrcaso In population nnd In tnx
nble property through tho develop
ment of n big Industry aro so gener
ally recognized that very frequently
n site, or a bonus or exemption from
taxation, or somo similar thing Is giv
en hv tho peoplo on condition that
tho Industry locate. Exemption from
city .taxation Is what Is being sought
In tho present caso and this means Is
taken to nBsuro that tho mill slto will
not bo tnken into tho city."
Xlno Kortles nro Included.
According to tho potltinn tho
property to tu Jypught !f''Ktha eUy
consists 01 moo luriy ucru iracm, with the present city lino,
and tho rlvor form a compicto circuit
ir tho mill site.
All tho owners of tho property af
fected havo signified tholr wllllngnoss
to hnvo tho chaago made. Within 10
hours after circulation of tho petition
bogon It hnd recolved tho renulslto
number of signatures and at tho
council meeting last night an election
on tho question was ordered for
Friday, Juno 4.
According to tho order for tho elec
tion, notlco of which Is printed In
full olsowhoro In this paper, tho vot-
'ng will tnko ploco at tho council
room nnd nt the yard olllce of tho
Miller Lumber Co., which Is in tho
section to bo nddod to tho city.
Judges and dorks for the election
wcro appointed by tho council.
Tho dato Bot for tho election is
live dnys proceeding tho annual
meotlng of Tho Bond Company. Tho
Scanlon-Glpson roprosontatlves who
Even though you might never have
a fire or tliieves enter your home, u
paper mislaid is often times lost just
ns irretrievably as if it had been
burned or stolen.
.When your valuable papers are in
our vault you KNOW where they
are and you KNOW they are safe.
You can lease a steel box in our
vault with a non-pickablo Yale
lock big enough to contain all
your private papers, for $2 a year
Can you afford to be without this
The Deschutes State
nro intorested In tho new mljl will bo
hero to attend this meeting, and it Is
understood thnt If tho olootlon carries
and other arrangements havo boon
completed, construction will begin
Boon after.
Preliminary work looking toward
tho turning of tho Guorln houso into
n hospital, as announced in Tho Hul-
letln last week, has been going on
ror the past few days. Tim grounds
nrounu mo nouso havo been cleaned
up, tho fence In tho rear repaired nnd
n now walk laid along tho nlley.
Work on the interior of the houso
will begin Inter.
Kiuisim City Man is Purchasing For
IlrltMi Artillery.
Tho long expected purchnso of
horses for tho IJrltlsh government
began last week when C. C. Wlso of
Kansas City arrived hero. Up to
Monday noon Mr. Wise had purchas
ed over 40 horses and wns still look
ing for others in tho surrounding
country. Tho animals purchased nro
Intended for artillery uso and run In
weight from 1250 to 1400 pounds.
Tho horses collectod hero aro to bo
shipped on Friday to La Grando.
Thoro a train load will bo mado up
for forwarding to Kansas City.
Fish Hntchcry to Ho Itullt by II. O.
Dlmlck Work Is Ilesrun.
Having completed nrrangoments
with the ('Wncs of tho real cstato
nffectod, District Qamo Warden Mc
Kay is proceeding this week with
the erection of tho building for the
stato UbIi hatchery at tho upper end
of tho Sisomoro placo on tho east sldo
of tho Deschutes.
Illds for tho carpqntor work on tho
building wero opened on Thursday,
thoro being soven In nil. H. O. Dlm
lck, n brother of J. W. Dlmlck, hav
ing mndo tho lowest offer, received
tho contract. Ills bid was $1C2.50
for a building with a shinglod roof.
Tho hatchery will bo rushod to
completion In ordor to enro for this
Benson's eggs which nro already be
ginning to bo collected.
Jkick-itulPfJU Ynitr Slmro of Crook
Couiity'H Debt Was Only $1.!!C1
Average Debt in Stato Is $.1. in.
SALEM, April 30.- According to
a big column of statistics Just issued
by tho Koderal Department of Com-
morco Crook county s Indebtedness
has Incroased from $4,100 in 1890
to $120,000 In 1913. Tho tables
don't Include any later dates, or tho
comparison might bo oven more dis
tressing to Central Orcgoulans.
The per capita dobt In 1890 was
$1.20, and In 1902, $2.21. In 1913
it had Jumped to $11.31. This, by
tho way, Is tockoned on n population
of 11.0C2, which probably was pret
ty low.
Tho total dobt of Orogon has
Jumped from $905,711 in 1890 to
$2,G14,312 In 1913, nnd our averago
por capita debt today is placod at
3.40. Klamrtth has n per capita
debt or $50.24, about twlco as high as
Its nearest competitor in extrava
gance. E. M. LARA
Although Day Is Stormy Program Is
Can led Out Luncheon Is Served
to 1!00 Commissioner 0erturf
Is Speaker nnd lliuul Plays.
Fifteen Bond ponnantcd cars nnd
a number from Itodniond gathored at
Sisters on Saturday for tho May Day
colebration arranged by the Sisters
Fair Association. Though tho weath
er was not fnvorablo for on out of
door picnic, tho women of Sinters
served a very bounteous luncheon to
about 200 people.
Immediately following tho lunch
con a brief progrom was givon.
County Agriculturist Lovott explain
ed tho valuo of fairs In promoting
co-operation botween tho farmors nnd
business mon. Ho told in detail tho
proper manner of preparing grain
oxhiblts, and why each competitor
benefitted from entering such con
tests. W. D. Daggett of Redmond told
how tho Northern Paclflo Itallroad
startod featuring the "Great Dig
uaKoa potato," nnd tho advantages
thus far secured through tho potato
snows neiu at ucmnond.
County Commissioner Ovorturf ex
plained tho attltudo of tho county
court toward fairs, and why ho bo
lloved all fairs should bo aided by tho
county. Ho also told what tho forth
coming Chautauqua at Ilonil would
offer, nnd urged all prcsont to spond
at least ono day botweon July 2 nnd
7 at Hend. County Commissioner
Illnnchnrtl of Prlnevllla also mado a
fow brief remarks.
Tho Itond band undor Conductor
Forrest rendered several selections,
which woro very woll received. Tho
following members of tho band woro
present: Forrest, French, Hrlnkloy,
Innes, Dickinson, Godfrey, Guptll,
Lucas, Engobrotson, Eulaml, Miller,
Sprlngor, MncLaurln and Trlplott.
During tho day tho Chautauqua
publicity rommltteo poBtcd circulars
In Sisters nnd Lntdlaw. A Hand road
sign wan. also placod out of Sisters
where tho road divides.
After tho completion of tho pro
gram tho crowd ndjoumod to tho fair
grounds whero novernl running' and
driving races woro hold. A basoballrblock would arrives oon
gnmo botween two local teams also
furnished sport for tho fans. Dur
ing tho evening n danco wns given
by tho association.
Tho completo program follows:
Music llond Dand j
ouuk uibd uuiuuiy iiivmr
Address Co. Agr. Lovott
Song Miss Hazol Edmundson
Music Dond Hand
Address . . . .Co. Com. II. J. Ovorturf
Song Miss Tomploton
Address W. I). Huggutt
Address , . .Co. Com. J. II. lilanchurd
County Treasurer Jordan has giv
en notlco that general fund warrants
up to and Including registered num
ber 2145 will lie paid when presented.
I in ei est stops on Thursday, May 0.
fl Complete Stock
of Fresh
Also Full Line of
.- - At
Bend Har-olware Co.
The Company that put iho "Wear" In Hardware
Itofcrciidum Is to bo Invoke Against
Mcnsmc Largo Attendance at
Mooting Last Night Sees Import-
nut Done Hills Paid
Anticipating an unusual amount
of Interesting business at the Coun
cil meotlng last night a larger n nn
bor of citizens attended ,mii Ii.ivo
been present at any recent mentlni'.
Hosldes tho ordinary routlno affairs
two matters of cspoclal Impart incu
wero coneldorod, tho StoldlTwtt
frnnchlso and tho potltlon for tho
extension of thu boundaries of tho
city. Mayor Mlllor and all tho coun
cilman woro present.
Tho franchise was ono of tho last
matters to bo takon up. Originally
pissod by tho council nt Its meeting
on April 20 tho measure was vetoed
by tho mayor In a messago directed
lo tho reorder and tho council nnd
filed on Friday. Tho council Inst
flight repassed the fronchlso by tho
samo voto as that on tho orlclnnl
passago, Councilman Caldwell only
voting ngalnst.
Undor tho law tho franchlso does
not become effcctlvo until 30 days
havo elapsed, this tlmo being J rovld
cd by tho stntutes In which to rofor
tho lnw to tho peoplo, If desired.
That tho franchlso will bo so referred
Is nnnouncod by Manager Foloy of
tho llond Wr.tor Light & Power Cd.
In tho mcantlmo tho hearing on lo
cal electrical rates will bo held by
tho Stato UtllltlcH Commission on
Wednesday, May 12.
Tho petition for tho extension of
tho boundaries of tho city was pre
sented nnd an election on tho sub
ject ordered for Juno 4 na mora fully
roportcd olsowhero In tills paper.
Oilier IIiinIiicss Done.
Other business transacted last
night included tho passago of nn
amendment to tho building lnw pro
viding for brick buildings not moro
.thnrvono story In height, tho accept
ance or tho roportH ot city omcors
and tho payment of bills. Council
man Knutsou reported that oil for
tho experimental treatment of n city
Tho following bills wore paid. '
W. It. Smith $ 3.50
Colver & Shannon 7.88
L. A. W. Nixon lOO.fip
It, II. Gould ...i 17.35
D. W. Dcelor
.'. 4.00
llond Hardware Co 1.30
M. E. Colomnn 25.70
J. P. Johnson 15.00
II. W. L. & P. Co 247.05
II. C. Ellis 30.00
V. A. Forbes 20.00
O. Ilorgm
Ed Holmes 20.00
0. O, I. Co 20.40
bulletin 9.75
Ucnd Livery & Transfer .... 5? 07
Tho Veto Message.
Mayor Miller's veto of .ln : ec-
(Cnntlnucd on Inst pago.)
Falling rcllroad connection"! be
tween Klnmoth Falls nnd Portland
vln llond two men from tho former!
town and O. C. Honklo havo under
consideration n plan to run nn auto
lino In competition with tho railroad
servlco Via tho Willamette vnllov
Thcso men, Messrs. Hodgo nnd White
propose to run nutos to Crescent
where they will be met by Mr. Hen
klo, who will bring tho passengers In
to Hend to connect with tho train
for Portland. Tho running time over
this routo between Klamath Falls
and Portland will bo materially less
than tho all-rail tlmo. Tho cost will
also be less according to present
plnns, $17.50 as against $22.
Goes (her Hoods nn West Sldo of
County To Learn Xccds.
On n trip of Inspection ovor tho
rond work already done nnd In ordor
to familiarize himself with tho needs
or this section In the way of fuluro
rond work County Commissioner
Hlnnchard spent thrco days of last
week horo. In that tlmo, with Com
missioner Ovorturf, ho traveled ovor
nearly all tho Important main roads
on tho west sldo of tho county.
It Is understood thnt Mr. Dlan-
chard was favornbly tmprensod with
tho churnctcr ot tho road work ro-
contly dono oast of town and Is In
favor of giving county aid for Its
completion. Mr. Hlnnchard also
rocognizes the necessity of keeping
tho La Pino rond In ropalr during
tho coming summer and will co
oporato with Mr. Ovorturf to that
Commissioner Overturf has npont
tho first days of this wcok In going
ovor Mr. Ulanchard's work with him,
In tho past month Tho llond Com
pany has broken all provlatiB records
for lumber shlpmont, having sent oft
35 enrs to points In tho middle west.
Tho unusual demand, according to
Gonornl Manager Koyes, Ib caused by
tho neods of tho fnrmora who aro now
doing spring building.
Charles E. Short, of Portland, was
horo last wcok and says ho will start
a nowspapor. It Ib understood that
while horo ho rented qunrtors for
his plant nnd that ho expects to ro
tui ii shortly with bin equipment. Tho
i'i nn ol tho new paper Ib not known.
Mr. Short hns been In tho nowspapor
business beforo nnd was recently
connected with tho Tlmbormnn la
IiiNou Monro to Pay flirj.OOO If Op
oral Inns aro Delayed.
(Tho Orcganlnn.)
Word was received yesterday by
Choster A. Shepherd from Jason
Moore, of Now York, who ban loused
Summer and Abort lakes from tho
stnto, thnt ho would arrlvo In Port
lnnd boforo Mny 20 or oIho Bond n
bond ror $15,000 to complete tho
$20,000 forfeit promised tho stnto by
Mr. Mooro In caso ho does not com
mence development of tho lakes pro
ject within 00 daH after May 22.
"Mr. Monro Is swamped with work
thoro In New York; that's all there
Is to It," sold Mr, Shepherd yester
day. "Thoro Is no question Unit he
will go abend with tlio project In tho
near future, as ho outlined it orlg
lually. Tho fact that ho Is about to
pay tho stato $15,000 In addition to
tho $10,000 nlrenily potttod Is nbso-
Into cvldonco of his good faith." '
arna ' u2tsu
The First National Bank
U. C. COK, I'resldont K. A. SATIIKIt, Vice- President
V. 8. HUDSON, fanhlor
Capital fully paid $25,000
Surplus Wn.OOO
Are you going
to the Fair?
If you aro, obtain a supply of our
May bo cashed at Banks or Ho
tels without discount or identification.
stzb - DIRECTORS -
U. o. Cok B. A. Hatiibii f'. H. Hudson
Petition is Presented That Portion ot
DoKclmtrs Alxne Town bo I)cclnt
ed N'algabto nnd Contract Mado,
For Improvement for Logging.
Ono of tho last of tho prollmlnnry
steps to bo tnkon boforo tho mlliTng
of tlio Deschutes ttmbor nt Ilend bo
glus la being taken at tho mooting
of tho county court nt Prlnovillo thjs
aftornoon. Tho nnturo or tho mattor
adds to tho growing conviction thnt
a largo saw mill is to bo built horo In
tho nonr future
Stntod rormnlly tho business which
Is beforo tho court this nftornoon la
a potltlon that tho Doschutcs rlvor
ror a mile or Its courso nbovo town
bo declared navlgabto, and ror a con
tract leasing thnt portion or tho
stream ror tho purposo or transport
ing nnd booming logs, tlmbar nnd
In compnny with John E. Ttynn,
who Is tho petitioner nnd tho appli
cant ror tho contract on bohnlf of tho
timber companies who nro Interested,
Vornbn A. Forbes went to Prlnovillo
thin morning to prcsont tho matter
to tho court-
Poforo leaving Mr. Forbos stntod
that tho purposes of tho notltlon
woro an sot forth nbovo, 'Tho law
provides," ho said, "thnt strcama not
nnvlgablo ror commercial purpoeo
mnv Jxi declared navlgr.blo by tho
county court nnd tho court, on appli
cation, may contract to tonso tho
stream ror n period or years and-ell-rect
thnt Improvements bo mode. In
tlio nrosent enso It Ih tho expectation
to rorm n booming comnnnv which
will hold tho lensn nnd this company
will Improve tho rlvor ror tho mllo
covered by tho Ipoho, removing ob
structions, putting In wing dams and
doing other tbltiKs ncresBnrv to prop
nrlv corn ror logs In tho river. Tho
InnFo asked lor ' ror a nnrlnd of 40
venrs, and provides a chorea or 2f!
cent per thousand tor sorting and
handllnir Iocs In booms,"
.A jirUtlnn skins' tb&t UvCourJ,
grnnt Iho ronupH of tho petitioner "
nnd make tho contract wns circulated
about town this morning nnd very
generally signed.
Miss Helen M. Mnnny, tho Hend
representative nt tho exercises In
connection with the formal dedica
tion or the Colllo rnnnl loft lost night
for Tho Dalles. Tho dedication cer
emony will tnko plaro nt Dig Eddy
todav, Tho ploiiB ror tho event In
rludn tho breaking or n bnttla of
water from each of tho trlbutnr'oit
tr tho Columbia. Tho bottlo of Dos
chutes wotor to bo broken hv Miss
Manny has boon on exhibit In tho
window of tlio Art Sliop slnro Mop
dav. Mrs. Rllvls bavins painted nn at
tractive lnbol on it. From Tho Dnllei
Miss Mnnnv will go to Portland to
thko nnrt In tho ceremonlpH In con-
nertlnn with tlin formal ononlnc to
imbUo uso of tho locks at Orogon
1 I