wwrffc. J rAorc n. JON MOORE IS COMING IN MM SO SAYS HIS PORTLAND ATTORNEY ClirXor A. Shfjiicitl Siijh Promotoi Pn-piticd (o Renin Work on .Suit IdlkON Knteipilsc ut Once SI.- 400,ll(() t To lie Awillublu. fOrogon Journal.) .Iuiom (J. Mooro, to whom tlio Stnto Iirb leaned tho null linpruguntod Inkos, Buinmur and Abert In l.ako county, "will return to 1'ortlninl from Now York Itetwnen the first and fifteenth Of Jlajr, HI attorney says he Is pro qiiirod to begin development uork on Ilia huge "it'rprle which It lit pb tlroattd will insult In hii ultimata InrMUilvuL of between $0,000,000 oil 17,000,000, If the plans dn not inlacarry. When ho icnr-hi-H Port land It In niiiiounrpd t tint iinl loss than 14,000,000 will be available to begin the ennstrucllon of tlm plant mi'MMtry to extract tlm arlotis val uable ft Its now held In solution lu Thin Information was given out toitar by Clliostur A. Sheppord, ut- toitiey for Moore and Is based on voinmunlautluii Just iccnlved by Hliapperd from Moore who has bean In New York sltii-H March. - Tho mime of Hip parsons or cor porations burking Monro nro still Vepl tn thn ditrk hut Hhepperd dorlur ml today ho wmh satisfied that Mooro has tho money ho claims to have, and will gu llmnigh with tho Iuiko deal which chIIh for the erection of n hlg lilant on tho Cnlumbla rlvor near tho mouth of tho lieichutes and tho con truetlon of a 200 inllo cross stnto pipe lino to curry tho fluid from tho lake In tho maiiufacliiry hIIii, I'ndor tho prnvlslou of tho lona lug hill ii.iwtod hv tho loKlslnturu und alguod by tho (governor, Mooro has until AiikiisI to start actual construr. tlon work. Mooro has alroady put in niiiuiiiiiiiuit'iy in t iuii.uuu in piu- RmlRary win It and on May 1!2 will ho required to pay the stato $ir,000, tlm balance duo n tho Initial pay titent of flfi.OOO guaranteed Oregon annually for the louse. The Unit rotistiiictton probably will bo at tlm Mk HieiuaeheM whuro It Is puriHHHul to erect u sumll HHlt Isolating plnnt for experimental nnd rommarelal opniittlmia peudlllK (ho Installation of tho pipe lino and the rectlfln of nTinnnnt ilant building on the Ool ii in bla river site. Garden and lawn mo ere. Hardware On. Adv. Hk.ise MANV A.Ndl, IlltS OUT. The pleasant weather of thn past Meek ha brought out the angler In lutce. Although no reronl Hah or cntcbee have been announced enough have been taken to break the spring i rout hunger. Up to the Drat of the week Stl dahlng licensee hud been le. Hiied locally. (Mltlt OF. THANKS. We wish lo extend our thanks to our many friends who warn o kind to u In our lecent bereavement anil loaa of our sou and brother Cleorge, j'ud for lite beautiful floral ulTorlnga. Hlgoed. Mr. and Mr. W. K. A ten, und family. A1UCII WORK IS DONE ON ROADS tCoutlnuud fiom page 1.) men. The complete Rend Hiilwcrlp llou Hat to dtite Is us follows: Name. Amount Iteiul Flour Mill $50.00 I'irat National Intuit 50.00 The Wend 0 f0 00 E. A. 8ulhur . . 25.00 DttMUUtiw Statu Rank 5.00 It. M. Smith Clothing Co 10.00 lteud Hardware Co 25.00 o'tHmuetl nro. 2 09 Anne llnm 10 00 t'armody Rio IQ.oO Weuandy Livery Ou. "00 ('hat. Kurd , 10.00 E. XI. Thompson -''00 W L. Cabli 10.00 The Metmpnlltuu 00 V. A. Furluih V00 11. W Skumi 6 00 The Read llullutln 20.00 Rend Water Light & l'owor Co. RO 00 Culled Wurtihouso Co S-VOO Mauuhelmur 1 1 roe ' ''u A. L. Fieueh 6 00 1 A. Uestea ' R. Farroll f'0i Other VdniitiHi Wink. Volunteer toml work U ul being done lu o(hor section to carry out tdeae of road Impiovument which people luturueteA wanted to see put through without waiting for county t'ourta lo net. Roth are of Interest to the people of Rend. One U the Improvement by the lieoplo of (Upturn of the rad 011 the north shorn or Sullies Uiko making it lHteelblo fur auto purlieu to get through to tha upper end of tho lakei nnd to IHuo Uko. Those lake, which 1 are about 15 inllee north west of, Sisters, uro well known recreating uq!6 imd wl he vlelted frequently now Uiiu me new roan iunne mwm won nneuesthlo. The new road Is nU 'it 3 miles lung nud was partly (-oi 1 1 ted Ust wk. .b of the fttlior plow of road ,k use t.uuichtHtt town last weok cording to Sir. Reels, a number of Fort Hock men hnvo worked out n' routo north from that locality wlilelt lilts the Rend-Rurnu road near, Ilorno JlldKO. The county courts of Luke and Crook county will bo nak ed to put tho road lu good shape. POWELL RCTTE. (Speclnt to Tho Rullotln) POWELL RUTTE, April 25. Tho mooting called some tlmo ngo for tho purpose of deciding whether l'owell Hutto should or should not' hnvo n couimunlty hall, was sottlod In favor of the hall. .Shares nro now being of fered for snlo. It Is expected It will bo built soinowhoro near l'owell Hutto postaftlce. About 200 rabbits woro killed nt Iho drive lust Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cyrus ltucklnghnm and family of Rodmond attended. Tho hnll gnmo today was another most oxcltlng event. As tho teams hm'o no nam os ns yet It Is a little dlfllcult to explain Just which won, however, the score wns 17 to 13 In fnvor of the winning team. Krod Drawn and Karl Saunders pitching for one side nnd lrvlu nnd.Cnrl Illalr for tho other. There will be another rabbit drlvo noxt Sunda), below the station soino whoro. Everyone who has n garden spot Is busy now, either preparing It or seed ing, or" out digging to see If It Is com ing up, 12. F. Archer has his runaway horse homo. It went to Redmond und wns tnkfln In at the Hory burn whilo Mr. Archer was notified of Its safety nnd capture by phone. J, P. Hnwmsii has bought n milk cow nnd calf from Mr. Ilruino. -A. I). Morrill and daughter Joy woro I'rlnevllle visitor last Thurs day. ,N. (I. Appel has boon helping Alan Lntidfnro a few days. Joo TovMisend has -10 acres of grain to sow ut. Ho axpectH to llnlsh seeding this week, Ii. V. Illalr Is preparing to do con Mdornhla fencing on Earl Forrest's Iioiucstoad. A. I). Jlorrlll will fenco tho H. Spinning "10" this week, and will soon begin plowing to seed all the ground to alfiilfu that Is not In hay now. Mrs. J. K. Warner will hnvo young chickens Inrge enough to fry In 3 or t weeks. Tho gold tnlno excitement Is felt oven horo. Keural claims nnvo boon rtnkod out on tho huttes. I)r Hosch of Redmond was out i.itcH looking nt thn iirospects. N. O. Aipel expects to linvu this week for Portland. Irvlii nnd Lewis Illnlr nro expect ing n visit from their futhor soon. Mr. Illnlr lives near Portlnud. .Mrs. W. A. Foster enjoyed u visit with liar patents last week, Mrs. Thorne, iiit1i i-f .Mrs. C. F, Illalr, nrrlvod on tho Thursday morn ing train. Tho unusually largo amount nt water running In thn muni now Is irnst QiiciinrAKliiK to Hie fnrmars liv ing nt tho lower and of tho ditch ns .'. InsiiroH an nhunduiiM of water for Irrigating purpoifos. l,uwn sprays. Crass shears and tools. Hkuso Hardware Co. Adv. Hno 1M wards for good homio paint ing. Adv. Uso Doschutos Rprny Flourl It Ii the beat Hindu und n lloud product. Adv. 37 tf ONK CKNT A WORD Is nil n llttlo Want Ad will cost you. Tul.o Citro of the Cblblit'ii. A lingering, dlstroeslug cough, sleepless nights, a raw, Inllninod thioiit load to a run-down condition lu whlrh tho child Is not nblo tn re sist contagious d toon 90s. Foley's lienor nud Tar Is truly healing nnd prompt In action. It relievos coughs, eelds, croup nud whooping cough. Contains no opiates. Patterson Drug Co Adv. Special Subscription Offer The best family daily paper in the state and your own weekly paper for $3.50 The Daily Portland Telegram and The Bend Bulletin both ono year for This oiler will be in force from now until .Inly 15, 11)15, nnd may be taken advantage of by new as well as old subscribers. Subscriptions are for one year cash in advance. Old subscribers to The Hullutiu in order to participate in these rates must pay up all arrears due and the J1.50 in addition will pay for both papers one year in advance. GOOD ON UNTIL THE HENp nt'IiLKTIX, RENO. WW ARE CHEERFUL PROSPECTS OF DEVEL OPA1ENT PLEASE Itallroail Ainu, lleic Iji( Week, Says More Wheat Has Item Planted Here Than Ln.st Year Indus- tiles Mean Much to Rend. (Oregon Journal.) Twenty per cent moro wheat has been planted In tho Central Oregon country south of tho Crooked river, nnd 10 per cent moro north of the rlvor than Inst year, according to W. C. Wilkes, assistant genernl freight and pussotiger ngont of tho Oregon Trunk, who returned today from n trip to the "banana belt." "Ilond poopln," said Mr. Wilkes, "nro feeling cheerful ovor prospects of tho now Shnvllu mill and the dp velopmonta at tho soda Inkos by Ja soii C. Monro, The Impiemlon is in thnt city that both thoso Industries will inenn much to Ilond. Ample ralufnll and warm wcalhor now have put now confidence Into tho fnrmeis. "Ah a matter of fnct, tho foiling oft In railroad onrnlugs on our Central Oregon lino Is much smnllor thuu on nny other lino. That may sound odd, but considering tho comparatively small volume originating there at nny I into, tho gonerul decrease Is being folt Uioro least. "Ilond peoplo hollevo thnt the Mopro syndicate will build Its precip itating plnnt right nt tho shoros of Summer and Abort Inkos. Transpor tation tn Ilond Is expected to bo by motor truck for tho present. Talk of tho proposed lino hns been hoard but llttlo of Into." NOTICE OF SALE OF COKI'OKATi: STOCK TO ENFOKCE THE I'AV- .MENT OF DELINQUENT ASSI'.SS. ME.VIS TIIEKEON. Whereas, ns appears from tho cor poruto records of Tho Deschutes Hec lamntlon nnd Irrigation Company Cortrudo 1. Coodfellow, whose nil- dross Is Bend, Oiogon, enro of C .1 I.ovorott, Is the ownor of tho Capital stock of sold corporation represented by one certlflcatu thereof of 25 25-51 sharos, being certlllcnto No. (7; nnd Whorens thero aro duo and unpaid upon said 25 25-51 shares of stork, atsessmouts aggregating nt this date $35. 88. Now thoroforo, notlco Is hereto glum thnt an Tuesday, tho 1st day of June, 1015, nt tho hour of 10 o'clock n, m., nt tho southeast corner of lloud Btrcot und flroonwood avnnuo, lu the City of Ilond, Crook County, Orogon, Bald shuroH of slock will be sold nt Public Auction to tho highest bidder to pay Bald nssessmnnts, together with costs nnd oxponsim of snlo. Dated this 1'Sth day or April, 1015, Corporato soal of D. It. & I. Co. THE DESCHUTES RECLAMATION &. IRR10ATION COMPANY, lly Charlos lloyd, Pies'dent, Ily C. S. Reason, Secretary. S-12c NOTICE OF HALF OF REAL PROP ERTV IWIlElt STREET ASSESS MENT NO. I. lly virtue of warrants numberod 1, 2. 3. I, 5. li. 8, 9, 10, 11, 1-', 13, 14, 15, 10, 17. IS, ID, 20, 21. 2.'. 23, 24, 25. 27. 2s, 2!. 30, 31. and 3 i for ilellmiuent street assessiue No, 1, dul Issued by tho recorder of tho City of Rend, Oregon, d.itrd the 20th day of April, 1015, In the matter of JULY 15, 11)15. ORE., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, IDIB. street assessment No. 1, inndo nnd entered in tho Docket of City Liens of said City of Rend on tho 12th day of July, 1913: wherein tho herein after described property was assessed and charged for said Improvement, the number of tho warrant, tho de scription of tho property, the nmount nseessed for said Improvement and tho name of tho owner or reputed ownor In each coco being as follows: 1. North C5.C feet of lot 3, block 1, City of Rend, $50.70, J. S. 1'nr mlnter. 2. South 50 feet of the north 175.13 feet of lot 3, block 1, City of Rend, $15.50, J. S. Parmlnter. 3. Lot C, block 2, City of Rend, $25, A. R. Johnston. 4. Lot 1, block 3, City of Rend, $25, A, R, Johnston. 5. Lot 11, block 4. City of Rend, $0.25, A. R. Johnston. C. Lot 15, block 4, City of Rend, $0.25, A. R. Johnston. 8. Lot 4, block 10, City of Rend, $25.00, S. C. Caldwell. 9. Ut 3. block 14, City of Rend, $25, J. H. O'Neill, 10. Lot 4, block II, City of Rend, $12.50, J. II. O'Neill. 11. Lot 5, block 14, City of Rend, $30.13, Mnx Lueddcmann. 12. Lot 1, block 22, City of Rend, $25.00. E. E. Welsh. 13. Lot 2, block 24, City of Rend, $12.50, O. A. Keelcr. II. Lot Ii, block 2 1, City of Rend, $0.25, W. P. Vnndovert. 15. Lot 0, hlook 24, City of Rend, $fi.25, W. P. Vandovert. 10. Lot 7, block 21, City of Rend, Sfi.25, W. P. Vandcvort. 17. Lot 8. block 24. City of Rend, $22.00, W. P. Vandovert. 18. Lot 9, block 24, City of Ilond, $3.00, W. P. Vnndovert. 19. Lot 10, block 21, City of Rend, $3.00, W. P. Vnndovert. 20. Lot 11, block 24, City of Rend, $3.00, W. P. Vnndovert. 21. Lot 12, block 24, City of Rend, $3.00, W. P. Vnndovert. 22. Lot 13, block 24, City of Rond, $3.00, W. P. Vnhdevort. 23. Lot 14. block 24, City of Rend, $3.00, W. P. Vnndovort. 21. Lot 15, block 24, City ot Rond, $3.00, W. P. Vnndovert. 25. Lot 1C, block 21, City of Rond, $3.00, W. P. Vnndovert. 27. Lot 17, block 21, City of Rend, $3.00, W. P, Vnndovort. 28. Lot 18, block 24, City of Rend. $3.00, W. P. Vnndovort. 29. Lot 19, block '24, City of Rond, $3.00, W. P. Vnndovert. 30. Lot 20, block 24, City of Rend, $3.00, W. P. Vnndovort. 31. Lot 21, block 21, City of Rend, $3.00, W. P. Vnndovort. 32. Lot 22, block 24, City of Rond, $3.00. W. n. Vnndevert. All of Bald nhovo described proper ty being within tho Cltv of Rend, County of Crook, Stnto of Otegon. Notlco Is hereby glvon thnt I will on Frldny, tho 28th day of May. 1915, nt tho front door of tho City Hnll on Wall street In tho City of Rond, Crook county, Oregon, sell nt public auction to tho porson who shall pay The MILLWOOD f OWN tho assessment, costs, Interost nnd ac cruing costs nnd Interest thereon nnd tnko n certificate nt tho lowcBt rato or Interest, all tho right, lltlo and in terest the owner or reputed ownor or any other porson has or had ,ln said property at tho date of Bald as sessment. ... Dated this 27th day ot April, 1915. S. E. ItOHEUTS, Chief of Police of City ot Rend, Crook County, Oregon. 8-12c NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP ERTV IWRER SEWER ASSESS MENT NO. I. Ry virtue of wnrrnnts numbered 33, 31, 35, 3fi, 37. 3S, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 15, 40, I", 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, nnd 50 for delinquent sewer nsaessmont No. 1, duly issued by tho recorder of tho City of Rend, Orogon, dnted tlm 2Gth day or April, 1915, In the manor of sower assess ment No. 1, inndo and entered In tho docket or City Liens of said City of Bond on the 7th day of August, 1913, wherein tho horolnnftor doccrlbed property was nssessod nnd charged for sold Improvement, tho number of tho wnrrant, tho description, the de scription of tho property, tho amount nesessed for said Improvement und the nnnio of tho ownor or roputed owner In each case being nB follows: 33. N. 05. C feet of lot 3, block 1, $157.11, J. S. Pannlntor. 31. Center CO feet or N. 175.0 lot 3, block 1., $111.00, II. J. Ovorturf. 35. S. 50 feet or N. 17B.G root or lot 3, block 1, $120.00, J. S. Pnrinlu- tor. J. S. Pannlntor. 30. Lot 0, block 2, $97.25, Ada R. JohiiBtou. 37. Lot 1, block 3, $97.25, Ada R. Johnston. 3S. Lot II, block 4, $18.02, Ada R. Johnston. 39. Lot 15, block I, .$18.02, Ada R. Johnston. 40. Lot 2, block 15, $99.00, Anton Anno. 41. Lot 3, block 15, $99.00, Anton Anno. 42. Lot I, block Auno. 43. Lot 4, block Cnldwoll. 4 I. Lot I, block Jones. 15. Lot 1, block Wolsh. IG. Lot 1, block 15, $99.00, Anton 10, $99.00, S. C. 11, $99.00, C, 22, $99.00, E E. 21, $87.45, O. A. Keelor. 17. Lot 1" block 21, $12.50, W. P. Vnndovert. 18. Lot G, block 21, $12.50, W. P. Vnndovert. 49. Lot 7, block "2 1, $42.50, W. P. Vnndovort. 50. Lot 8, block 2 1, $40.10, W. P. Vnndevort. 51. Lot 9, block 21, $10.10, W. P. Vnndovort. 52. Lot 10. blook 21, $10.10, W. P. Vnndovort. 53. Lot 11. block 24, $10.10, W. P. Vnndovert. 54. Lot 1, block 25, $99.00, Rend Co. Bend Company LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH FIR AND MAPLE FLOORING $2.50 Per Load DELIVERED LOTS AND ACREAGE 55. Lot G, block 25, $99.00, Rend Co 50, Lot 4, block D, $97.25, J. j' Klein. All of snld nhovo described proper ty being within tho City of Rend County or Crook, etnto or Oregon. ' Notlco is hereby glvon thnt I will on Friday, tho 28th day or May, 1916 nt tho front door of tho City Hnll on Wall street In tho City of Rond Crook County, Oregon, soil nt public auction to tho person who shall pay tho assessment, costs, Interest nnd ac cruing costs and interest thereon nnd tnko n cortlflcnto nt tho lowest rnto or Interest, all tho right tltlo nnd Inter est tho owner or roputed owner or nny other person has or had In snld property at tho date of said assess luent. Dated this 27th dny of April, 1915 S. E. RORERTS, Chler or Pollco or City or Dcnd, Crook County, Oregon. 8-12c NOTICE OF SALE OF HEAL I'ROP ERTV UNDER SEWER ASSESS MENT NO. 1. Ry virtue or wnrrnnts numbered 57, 58, 59, 00, 01, nnd 02, Tor delln iment sower assessment No. l, duly Issued by tho recorder or tho City o' Rond, Oregon, dnted tho 2Gth dny of April, 1915, In tho matter of sower nssossment No. 1, mado nnd entered In the Docket or tho City Lions or said City or Rond, on tho 7th dny of August, 1913: wherein tho herein after described property was assessed nnd charged for snld improvement, tho number of tho wnrrant, tho de scription or tho property, tho nmount nssorecd for snld lmprovomont nnd tho nanio or tho ownor or reputed owner In onch enso being as follows: 57. N'fe parcel 17, Lytlo Acres, $170, James Anderson. 58. NBM, parcel 15, Lytlo Acres, $85.00, R. O. Rowser. 59. SK pnrcol 11, Lytlo Acres, $170, .Michael Rynani. GO. SWVt parcel II. Lytlo Acres, $85.00, J. W. Iloech. Gl. W'M) pnrcol 12, Lytlo Acros $170.00, Michael Rynnm. 02. SWV, parcel 23. Lytlo Acros, $85.00. M. P. Knutson. All of aald nhovo described proper ty being within tho City of Hond, County of Crook, Stnto of Orogon. Notice Is hereby given thnt I will on Friday, tho 28th day of May, 1915, at tho front door of tho City Hall on Wnll street In tho City of Rond, Crook County, Oregon, sail nt public miction to tho porson who shall pny the assessment, costs, Interest nnd ac cruing costs nnd Interest thoroon and tnko n certlllcnto ut tho lowest rato of Interest, all tho right tltlo nnd Inter ost tho ownor or roputed ownor or nny other porson hns or hnd In said proporty at tho dato of cnld nBscss ment. Dnted this 27th dny of April, 1915. S. E. RORERTS. Chief of Pollco of City of Bend. Crook County, Orogon. 8-12e r r-r' ' -v J by a. W. HHlt of Fort Hock. Ac-