;-.8fci&al TUB BEND BULLETIN, nENI). ORE., WEDNESDAY, APItlL 28, 1MB. PAGE 7. POWELL BUTTE (Continued from pago 2.) (lis school at the Bhoppard dls- . on Friday. bba and Druco Llndqulst roturn- lomo Thursday, tho former from bek's visit with friends near Red kl and the latter from, a few day's In Bond. 6hn King of -Hampton nutto was Bits soctlon last week for a load bed potatoes. coves Wlilcoxon was guest at a dinner given by Clarko Morso rsday ovonlng. Those enjoying iMorso's hospitality wero Hooves Bcoxon, J. P. Doherty, H. K. Al- Geo. Morgan, Geo. Hobbs, Chris z, John Tongman, Max Strlxncr, jey Johnson and Itev. Byors of Imond, Irs, Josh who has been visiting rillamook returned homu Satur- llss Jano Allen and Miss Paulino IcBdalo visited tho week end with lie folks, returning to Prlnovlllo feday. Irs. Jasper Perry, who has been 111, Is reported as Bllghtly Im- ived. Itrs. William Nannoy, of Doschutos ted with Mrs. Allen Wlilcoxon on fday. jeorge Morgan was In Prlnovlllo Itor Friday. I. P. Dohorty, of Portland, who has In visiting local friends, loft Frl- for Portland via Prlnovlllo. 5co. Hobbs and Leo Hobbs and blly went up to Bond Sunday. The ki folks will g6 up Into tho tf in to work whllo Mrs. Hobbs and Ddren will remain In I3cnd. sirs. A. W. Huyn visited her daugh- In Prlnovlllo Saturday, returning hio Sundny. tire. E. A. Bussett and Miss Fay ro weok-ond visitors on tho farm. hirnlng to Prlnovlllo Sunday. half mllo of rond grading nn- pachlng the west end of tho now novlllo cut-off has Just been com- Ited. jiulto n crowd of spectators congro led to 8co tho local nines play ball bid ay. frho now houso on tho McCalfory ace is compietod and Mr. Barnard moved his family In. )3o can almost sco tho alfalfa and ver grow theso worm duys. Cut This Out and Send it to Your Friend Who is Planning an Auto Trip to the San Francisco Fair MakcH (11 Feel Llko 10. l"l BUfforcd from kldnoy nllmont two years," writes Mrs. M. A. fridges, Robinson, Miss., "I com- buccd taking Foloy Kldnoy Pills ten months ago. I am Gl rs of ngo and fcol llko a K-yonr-glrl." Foley Kldnoy Pills tnvlg- ite weak and deranged kldnoys, Blavo hackncho, rheumatism and iddor troublo. Patterson Drug Co. tAdv. lout lAflk your grocor bray Flour. Adv. for Deschutes 37tf NOTICE OF CONTEST. bpartment of tho Intorlor, United I States Land Ofllco. Tho Dalles, Oregon, April 19, 101C. Gcorgo RnmlanoIY, of Ilcnd, Oro gon, Coutcstco: You aro horeby notified that Diaries Qulllolsch, who gives 25, 10. lth St., Portland, Oregon, as his 8t olllco addross, did on April 3, US, lllo In this onico his duly cor- bborated application to contest and euro tho cancellation of your homo- lead Entry No , Serial No, IS310, mado March 20, 1911, for N V, Section 13, Township 20 S Hango 17 E. Wlllametto MerliJInn, and as pounds for his contost ho alleges Riot said entrymnn has never cultl- Sated or resided upon said land or biy portion thereof, and has not com- llled with tho homestead laws In any i-spect and has abandoned said on- i-y and said land for a groator per- :'d than six months last past. You are, thoroforo, further notl- led that tho said allegations will ha liken as confessed, and your said on ly win bo cancelled without rurtnor light to bo henrd, either beforo this Itllco or on appeal, If you fall to lllo li this olllco within twonty days nf- or tho FOUItTH publication of this lotlco, as shown bolow, your answer, inder oath, sncclflcaliy responding to llieso allegations of contost, together pith duo proof that you have served copy of your answer on tno sum Contestant either In person or by reg istered mall. You should state In your answor Rtio name of tho post omo to whicn lou deslro futuro notices to bo sent o you. H FRANK WOODCOCK, Reglstor, Date of first publication April 28, 1515. Date of second publication May 5, 1915. Date of third publication May 12. 1915. Date of fourth publication Mav 19, 1915. CI PORTLAND JCT jL,; 0 fJf0c?r t) fW mur, . . I WMimnttP-'x 4arf T . v ' ; i f camp v A.TH,. i ULUfr-rlV3'"-" 1Z.,( "WJMflf ' . -. J ?jj MrjcrnRil"""!?3" ' j l . j.Mtoarroi: .icccmt ' y T f I nKrwfriiirr rock ;" . ) V jp&uwtm ntaun IftaatruKt, ' , is. "'"""' . rr 'JV - ( pldjfrm -axrr n-"Wrr -' " v YRCM (MT.HEBRON " ,' 3IS3W ""r it J- I CRLWD ctilCO . ; . Xr&vraff. "-L0s j faunae - , . ",.., tnumaW M?ffxsmiCi Oil r 'j ' X I ? ' " ? ' 9? - rVw . !.,-' - N SAN FRANC!SCOZ$?$ I . : In two formor Issues of Tho Dul lotln an a.uto road map has been printed showing tho routes north and south through tho Wlllamotto and Doschutes valloys with tho connect ing links by way of tha McKonzIo pass, Government Camp and tho Ora tor lako read. Tho abovo map. la an extension of tho ono showing only Oregon rnmli, carrying them down Into California as far as San Francisco. In tho prep aration of tho map confusing dotall has been omitted but certain points of interost such as Lava Ilutto, Cra ter lako, Lasson poak and tho lco cavo are shown for tho benefit of tho tourist. Anticipating a heavy auto travol through llend this summer noarly all tho buslnesB men of tho town havo had this mop prlntod on tho back of tholr lottor heads. Dozono of them will go out In tho mail every day and will undoubtedly help In bringing travel this way. NOTICE OF CONTEST. department of the Interior. United States Land Office. Tho Dalles, Ore gon, April 12, 1915. Ilo (ioorgo O. Hodson d Box 347, llend, Oregon, Contestee; You nra hereby notified that Den- zll O. Dver. who ulves Ho 147. Bond, Oregon, as his post office address, did on March 27, 1915, file In this office his dulv corroborated annllcation to contest and secure the cancellation let your homestead, Entry No. -. Serial No. 012057, made September 124. 1913, for W Section 10, iowu Bhlp 20 South. Bango 15 East, Wil lamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said i George Q. Hodson has failed to es tablish his resldenco on said tract; that he has failed to cultivate sa d tract or nny part thereof; that said entryman has abandoned sam vtolv for upwards of six months last past and that such failure and abandon ment was not duo to his employment In the army, navy or marine corps of the U. S. in time of war or other wise. You are, therefore, further noti fied that tho said allegations will bo taken by this offico as having been confessed hy you, and your said en try will bo canceled thoreunder with out your further right to bo hoard therein, either beforo this olllco or on nppoal. If you fall to lllo in this offico within twonty days aftor tho FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answor, under oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to theso allegations of con test, or It you fail within that tlmo to file In this office due proof that you havo served a copy of your an swer on tho said contestant omier in person or by registered mall. If this service Is mado by tno delivery or a copy of your answor to tho contestant in person, proof oi such servico musi be either tho said contestant's written acknowledgment of his receipt of tho copy, showing the date of its re- colpt, or tho affidavit or tno porson by whom Jtho dollvery was mado stating when and whore the copy was delivered; if mado by registered mall, proof of such servico must consist of tho affidavit of tho porson by whom tho copy was mailed stating when and the post offico to which it was mailed, and this affidavit must bo ac companied by tho postmaster's re ceipt for the letter. You should Btato In your answer the name of the post office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Date of first publication April 14, 111K Date of second publication April 21, 1916. Date of third publication April 28, Date of fourth publication May 5, 1915. P NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. ny virtue of an execution in fore closure duly issued by the clerk of tho circuit court of the county of TIRES GASOLINE OILS THE BEND GARAGE WE mnke a specialty of Ford Repairing but you will find our work first class on any make of automobile. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Doonar Sh Thornbrue FORD SPECIALISTS Crook, Stato of Oregon, dated this ICth day of April, 1915, In a cortaln action In tho circuit court for the said county and State, wherein D. E. Hunter as plaintiff recovered judg ment against James Dean, defendant for tho sum of Two Thousand Two Hundred Dollars with Interest from the 11th day of May, 1913, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum to gether with Two Hundred Twenty Dollars attorneys fee, and the fur ther sum of Seventeen Dollars costs, and accruing In torch (Totaolshrdluu and accruing costs. Notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday, the 22nd day of May, at the north front door of tho court house In Prlnovlllo In cald county at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day sell at public auction to .the highest-bidder for cash, all right and title that tho above LJied defendant has tho following described property, to wit: iLot eighteen (18) of tho subdivi sion block four (4) of Hend, Crook County, Oregon. E. II, KNOX, Sheriff. Dated nt Prlnovllle, Oregon this ICth day of April. 1915. liy FLOYD A. ROWELL, 7-11 c Deputy. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of 'tho Intorlor, U. S. I.uJ Offico at The Dalles, Oregon, April 14, 1915. NOTICE is hereby gtvon that Charles S. Benson, of Bend, Orogon, who, on April 12, 1910, made Dosert Land Entry, No. 004 C7, for so "4 nw U and nw noU, Section 27, Town chip 17 South, Range 12 East, Wll lamotto Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make Final Desert Proof to establish claim to the land above or bad at date of said judgment in j described, beforo II. C. Ellis, U,8. Commissioner, at Bond, Orogon, on tho 26th day of May, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Archlo Pnttlo, P. C. Hardy, Josoph Buchholz, J. M. Doblns, alt of Bend, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 7-11 c. " Reglstor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ISOLATED TRACT. Public Land Sale. Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Land OIUco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 18, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given that, ns directed by tho Commissioner of tho General Lnnd Olllco, under provisions of Act of Congress approved March 28, 1912 (37 Stat., 77), pursuant to tho application of Wlllnrd W. Law ton, Serial No. 012G83, wo will offer nt public oalo, to tho highest bidder, but at not less than $3.00 por ncro. at 9:30 o'clock, n." m on tho 19th day of May, 1915, at this offico, tho following tract of land: Lots 3, 4, Sec. 2; Lots 1, 2, Soc. 3, Township 10 S R. 10 E. W.M.(34,52) acres. "Tho salo will not bo kopt open, but will bo declared closed when thoso pres ent nt tho hour named havo ceased bidding. Tha porson making the highest bid will bo roqulrod to Im mediately pay to tho rocolvor tho amount thereof." Any persons claiming adversely tho nbovo-descrlbed land aro advised to nio tholr claims, or objections, on or beforo tho tlmo designated for salo. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 4-8 c. Roglstor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Land Offico nt Tho Dalles, Orogon, March 24, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given that Al wyn F. Leo, of Mllllcnn, Oregon, who on Octobor 18th, 1910, mado Home stead Entry, No. 07573, for E, Sec tion 1, Township 20 South, Rnngo 15 East, Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to mnko Final Thrco Year Proof, to cstnbllsh claim to tha lnnd abovo descrtbod, beforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt Bond, Orogon, on tho 14th day of May, 1915. Clntmnnt names as witnesses: Horbort E. Moor, William J. McCon noll, of Bend, Oregon; Robort Llsk, Orlca O. King, of llrothors, Orogon; Burr Black, Walter Harrison, of Hampton, Orogon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 4-8 p. Roglstor. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY. Chnrlcs A. Ivy, Plaintiff, . vs. Mnry Ivy, Dofondant. SUMMONS. To Mnry Ivy, nbovo.namod Dofond ant: IN TUB NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You aro horoby roqulr od to nppoar and answor tho com. plaint llled against you In tho abovo ontltlod suit on or before Saturday. tho 15th day of May, 1915, and If you fall so to nnswor, tho Plaintiff will tnko Judgment ngnlnst you for tno roller demanded In his complaint haroln, to-wlt, for tho Dccrco of this Court dissolving tho mnrrlngo con tract now existing botwoen tho Plnln tlff and Dofondant heroin mid declar ing tho parties thoreto wholly roloas od from tho obligations thereof. This summons Is ordered to bo served upon you by tho publication thereof In Tho Bond Bulletin, n week ly nowspnpor published In Crook County, Orogon, by order of tho Hon orablo G. Sprlngor, Judge of tho County Court of said County, snld order being mado and nntorod on tho 24th day of Marsh, 1915, data of nrst publication March 3 1st, 1915; longth of publication six bucccsbIvo wooks. Dntod this 31st day of March, 1915, C. 8. BENSON, 4-9c. Attornoy for Plaintiff, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOT COAL LANDS Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Land Offico nt Lakevlow, Orogon, April 13, 1915. NOTICE Is horeby given thnt Har ry Chllders of La Pino, Oregon, who. on July 5, 1911, mndo Homcstond Entry 04794, and on March 4, 1914, mndo additional Homestead Entry, (Act April 28, 1904.) No. 063B9, for sHsHnwVinwU, swV4nwH, noU nwVi, Section 10, Township 22 S Rango 10 E. Wlllamotto Morldlan, has filed notlco of intention to mnka Final Threo Year Proof, to establish clnlm to the lnnd nbovo described, be fore H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt IJond, Oicgon, on tho 28th day of May, 1910. Claimant names ns witnesses: Wnldomnr Chrlstenson, Arthur It. Donahue, John F. Uoguo, Goorgo Boguo, all of Ln Pino, Oregon. JAS F. BURGESS, "-He. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Land Office nt Tho Dalles, Ore gon, April 19, 1915. NOTICE Is horoby given that Doano II. Frcomnn, of Hond, Orogon, who, on Juno 19th, 1911, mado Homestead Entry, No. 0914 G, for w 4, Soctlon 17, Township 17 South, Rango 14 East, Wllinmotto Morldlan, has llled notlco of Intention to mnko Flnnl Thrco Yenr Proof, to establish clnlm to tho lnnd nbovo described, boforo II. O. Ellis, U. S. Commission er, nt Bond, Orogon, on tho 9th day of Juno, 1915. Claimant names ns witnesses: Henry E. Ruff, Goorgo Alton, Milton A. Palmer, Emory J. Taylor, all of Bond, Orogon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, "-11 P. Roglstor. NOTICE FOR PURIFICATION. Department of tha Intorlor, U. 8. Land Olllco nt Tho Dalles, Oro gon, April 19, 1015, NOTICE Is horoby givon that Hon ry E. Ruffo, of Bond, Orogon, who, on Octobor 2nd. 1911, mndo Homestead Entry, No. 09527, for swU Soctlon 20, nwVi, Soctlon 29, Township 17 South, Rango 14 East. Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to mnko Final Throo Yoar Proof, to establish clnlm to tho land nbovo doscrlbod, boforo II. O. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, nt Bond, Oregon, on tho 9th day of Juno, 1915. Claimant unmoa ns witnesses; Doano 11. Frcomnn, Goorgo Alton, Milton A. Pnlmor, Emory J. Taylor, all of Bend, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCIC, 7-1 IP. Roglstor. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Intorlor, United States Lnnd Offico Tho Dalles, Oro gon, April 3, 1915. To Lloyd B. Held of Walln Walla, Washington, Coutcstco: Ymi nro horeby notified that Charles J. Gutllelsch, who gives 25 E. 11th street, Portland, Oregon, as his post ofllco address, did on March 13, 1915, fllo In this olllco his duly corroborated application to contest and sccuro tho cancellation of your homostoad Entry No. , Sorlal No. 070C2, mado Juno 20, 1910, for. SH Section 25, Township 20 H., Rango 17 E. Wlllamotto Morldlan, and as grounds for his contost ho al leges that said entryman has novor cultivated, improved or resided on Bald land or nny portion thereof and has not complied with tho homestead laws ln any respect and has abandon ed said entry and land for a greator period than six months last past. You nro, thoroforo, furthor noti fied that tho said allegations will ,bo taken as confessed, and your said en try will be cancelled without furthor right to bo heard, elthor boforo this olllco or on appeal, If you full to fllo In this ofllco within twenty dayH af tor tho FOURTH publication or this notlco, as nhown bolow, your nnswor, undor oath, specifically responding to theso atlogatloiiH of contest, to gether with duo proof that you havo served a copy of your nnswor on tho said contestant cither ln person or by registered mall. You should stato In your answor the name of tho post ofllco to which you deslro futuro notices to bu sent to you. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Reglstor. Date of llrst publlsatlon April 14, 1916, Datn of soeond publication April 21. 1915. Datu of third publication April 28. 1915, Date of fourth publication ny 5, 1915, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TIII1 STATE OF OREGON, FOR Till COUNTY OF CROOK. SUMMONS Anna Brostorhous, Administratrix ot tho Estato of Goorgo Brostorhous, Decensod, Plaintiff, vs. Georga F. Harris, Dofondant. To Goorgo F. Harris, nbovo nntuod dofondant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you nro hereby roqulr od to appear and nnswor tho com plaint of tho plnliitlff lllod ngnlnst you In tho nbovo ontltlod Court on or boforo tho last day of tho tlmn prescribed In tho order for publica tion made heroin to-wlt: tho second day of Juno, 1915. and If you full so to answer for want thoreof tho pmiimrr win apply to tho Court for tho roller prayed for In tho complaint on lllo horoln to-wlt: for a Judgment ngnlnst you for tho buih of 1990.00, toguthor with Interest thoroon nt tho rnto of ten por cont per annum from December 7, 1913, until paid, togeth er with $100.00 attorney feoH mid tho costs nnd disbursements of thin notion and for n decree of tho nbovo ontltlod court that certain mortgago hearing dato of tho 7th day of l)o combor, 1012, mado nnd executed by you socurlng snld sum nbovo men tioned, covering, convoying and do ccrlblng lots No. 13 and II of lllock 27 of Bond, Crook County, Oregon., ho foreclosed nnd that said real property described thoroln bo sold uy tho HiiorlfT of Crook County, Ore gon, In tho manner provided by law and according to tho practice of this court nnd that tho proceeds of said sain bo applied: First: In tho payment ot tho costs and charges of'mnklng snld salo and Second: To the payment of plain tiff's judgment, lucluslvo of Attor ney fees, InteroHts and cosU nnd that upon said salo being mndo tho plain tiff may becomo tho purchaser thoro at and that thereafter tho dofondant and nil persons claiming undor. by or through him bo forovor barred nnd foreclosed of nny right, title or In terest In or to eald proporty or nny portion thereof, saving and excepting only tho statutory right of redemp tion and that tho plaintiff havo Judg ment nnd execution against the prot orty of tho dufondont, Goorgo F. Har rls, for nny deficiency remaining up on said Judgment after applying tho proceeds of tho Halo of said real proporty proporly applicable thereto and for surli other mid further rellof as to tho Court may scorn meet and just. Mils summons Is served upon you by pui.itfiitlnn thereof for six sue com' v.j v.irks In Tho Bond Bulletin, a weekly nowspnpor of gonernl cir culation, published n Bend, Crook County, Oregon, by order of tho Hon orable W. L. Bradshuw, Judgo of tho Circuit Court of Crook County, Stntu of Orogon, whloh order was dated tho 10th day of April, 1910. tho dato ot Mi" llrst publication Iwlng tho 21st (In of April, 1915. ni.cl tha data ot tho last publication being tho 2nd day of Juno, 1916. VERNON A. FORBBS. 7-130 Attornoy for tho Plaintiff. i 1 t:.p tl l in !! Ml !' f iu :, i m