..fsnwfsC, i,-.. ,34 x jP asisjsfx, J- ?' TiKUKXnnurxKTi.V, ijkni), our. WHbxiishiV, AitoifSfc, 1015. PAOR IV uJr ' , -ir WHEN YOU BUY GROC YOU WANT THE BEST. At our store you will be able to get the best there is if it is in Bend. Buy your Groceries at the Corner Store. rv; V h ' 'r- t .. i .-r Bert Shuey The Cash Grocer J OHKGOX TIIUNK TllAIX Arrives 8 a. m. Loaves 8:30 p.m. O.-W. . & N. THAIX. Arrives 7:45 p. m. Leaves 7:25 a. m. STAOU LINK SOUTH. Arrives 7:30 p, tn. - Leaves 10 a. m. AUTO LINKS. Cars dnlly to Hums and points south and southeast. I'OSTOFFICK 1IOUK9. General dollvory open dally -- 9:15 a. in. to G p. m. No mall distributed on Sunday Night train mall closes 7 p. m. - Day train mall closes 0:30 a. in. - TKLKUHAl'H 110UI19. Western Union dally 7-12,1-6, 7-10. Sunday 8-10, 4-C. TKLKIMIOXF. 1IOU11S. Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour sorvlco, Including Sunday. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Tho Bend band will go to S!srcr3 on Saturday. . . J, H. Wolmcr of Burns was In town yesterday morning. P. M. Smith of Tumalo was In town on business yesterday. W.,It..0.nroy of Hirers spent a few days of last week here. Esther Ilrcdley of Portland Is working at tho llcnd Hotel. A. Anderson of Redmond spent tho weok end at tho Wright. h, ,13. A. Cast of Deschutes wns regis tered at tho Iienil on Thursday. i , F. II. Wlntors of La Pino was reg istered at tho Wright over Sunday. . JJorn, Monday morning, to Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Waldron of Kenwood, a girl. County Commissioner Overturf went to Prlnovlllo on business this morning. , A. J. Krocnert returned Tuesday from a threo days UusIiiubs trip to Portland. nTh. Payno of Everett, Washlng tonjrWaB In town yesterday looking at roal estate D. A. Jones of Crescent passed through hejo on Wednesday on IiIb return to lili ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Leof II.?. Baker, of Portland, are visiting MnwrJIaker's brother, C. M. linker. M E. L. King and P. II. Coffey of Brothers, spent Friday and Saturday In town getting supplies. Miss Ethel Holmes entertnlncd n numbor of girls at the rc3IJ01.ro tit Mrs. II. Forrell lust night. Tho old city Jail on Nevada street has been torn down. Luveretl and FIsch aro tho purchasers. Glenn Cox of Kedmond spent the week end hore. During his stuy ho was registered at the Ilend, Bids for the construction of the ilsh hatchery are to bo rcccIod up to live o'clock- tomorrow nftcrnoon. Geo. S. Roberts, of Mllllcnn, who l.oe been Blending several days In town, returned homo on Thursday There will bo n social dance glvon In Snther's Hall on Friday. April 30, at 0 o'clock. Music by Mrs. Mac Laurln. Guy Davis, of Anncortes, Washing ton, arrived on Friday to visit his friend, It. P. Mintor. Mr. Davis left .Monday night. The eighth crndo nuiills hnvn been taking high school entrance exam inations In tho high school building tho past two days. Tho llond orchestra will J'"y u concert nt tho Dream Theatio !rMay night at 8 o'clock. An admUiioi foe of 25 cents will bo chnrged. Mrs. It. N. Palmorton, nnd Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Prcssloy expect to go out to Mrs. Palmerton's homo stead at Imperial on Thursday. "Farmer" Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. C. Egan and Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Edwards went down to Tumalo last night to attend n farmors' meeting called to hear Mr. Smith Georgo and Leo Hobbs camo ovor from Powell lluttc on Sunday. Lee will later go to his homestond at Crescent. Georgo reports that ho has 240 acres In wheat tills year. Charles Stnnsborough roturnod from Portland Monday night, whore ho wns called on Thursday to attend tho funornl of Ills father, whoso sud den death occurred on Wednesday night. Mrs. Gladys M. Ilolton canm In from her homontcad In the Prlngle 1'lnt country last woek and has gono to Portland whero sho.wlll spend tho summer. Mr. Ilolton Is working at tho Club Cafo. -v sy ..- Thoro will bo n mcotlng of the TInptlst Womnnu Union tomorrow af tornoon nt 2:30 at tho resldonco of Mrs. T. II. Foloy. Miss Coopor, one of tho general missionary workers, will address tho meeting. A short business mooting will bo hold nt the cloeo of tho kcshIoii, nnd a largo at tendanco Is desired. Mrs. n. M. Gulbrnndson has been 111. Mrs, S. McIntoBh went to Itodmond yostorday. v Itobort Horner of Tumalo cauiOjUp on Thursday. ii? Itcscoo Howard of Deschutes spent Thursday hore. Joo McKay returned from Portland Saturday morning. I "" A. C. Egan returned on Friday from a trip to Hums. S. A. Dutt camo In from his ranch yesterday for supplies. M. L. Morrltt wont down to lied mond Friday aftornoon. Tho Sunshine Girls woro ontertaln Mrs. J. A. Thompson was up from ed by MJss Ethel Swlgor nt tho rcsl Tumnlo Monday to seo her children denco of Mrs. J. A. Hrlnkley on Sat who are attending school here. unlay. W. C. Griffith of Creswcll, Oregon, arrived hero Friday night. Leo Young has Just had his house overhauled and repainted. F. V. Swisher of Tumalo enmo up for n ehort stay on Saturday. Wllllnm Todd pf Mllllcnn has been In town for thp past two days. Mr. nud Mrs. T. E. J. Duffy of Prlnovlllo spent tho week end hero E, T. Hoech relumed fiom a short business trip to Prlnovlllo on Sunday. Miss Gcnovlovo MacLaurln Is re covering from a bnd attack of tonsil Itis. O. M. Patterson returned from a business trip to Portland on Thurs day. Harney O'Donnell arid W. C. Mc-Culston-havo purchased now touring cars. W. D. Homes, of 'Tumalo, was at tending to business matters horo on Monday. " Miss Gertrude Mnrkel roturnod to her homestead at Mllltcan tho last of tho week. P. C. Garrison left Thursday night for a business trip to Donners Fer ry, Idaho. II. II. Do Armoml went to Silver Lnka on Monday morning, returning last night. Miss Coslma Mueller of Denver, Colorado, Is visiting her sister, Miss Lillian Danlells. P. 11. Johnson camo In from Mllll cnn on Friday to attend to somo business affairs. County Treasurer Ralph Jordan, with Mrs. Jordnn, was ovor from Prlnovlllo on Monday. William Eagle of Metollus return ed to his homo on Thursday aftor a ten day visit In Ilend. George Arnold roturnod Thursday evening from n trip to Lakovlow and other southern points. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. V. Unrto havo sold their ranch east of town nnd moved to tho Willamette valley. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Forbes colebrated tho first anniversary of their wedding on Friday. Mrs. Florcnco Dunhnm, who 1ms been very III for tho past two weoks, Is still unable to seo anyone E. L. Clark, of Ln Pino, camo down on Sunday to tho ball gamo. Ho ro turnod homo Monday morning. D. F. Stewart and 13. J. Wilson of Prlnovlllo, passed through town on Mondny on their way to Ln Pino. Mrs. F. W. Palmorton of Soattlo, arrived last night to spend tho sum mer with her son, R. N. Pnlmorton. Tho Ladles Library Club will hold Its regular monthly meeting nt tho llbrnry, Tuesday, May 4 th, nt 3 p. in. Dr. A. J. Howard of Portland, who has been visiting Dr. Coo for tho past two -weoks, returned to his home on Mondny. Miss Rosa Snmflnk, of Wllwauklo, Wisconsin, hns been visiting her sis- 'or. Mrs. Charles Haines, for tho past weok, O. C. Bowman, who hns been employed on tho Arnold ditch, hns left for Missouri, whc.ro ho oxpects to buy a farm. Miss Mario Thomas, who has been working at tho Bond hotel for tho nast year, loft for hor homo In Mad ras on Mondny. Mrs. Frod Ellcnlm!? af Corvnllls camo In Monday morning to spend somo tlmo'wlth her mother, Mrs. Cort Allen of Big Itlvor. 13. M. Peck, J. Wllquot nnd W. Soarcoy of Hampton nrrlvod In town yostorday afternoon on n business rip. Mr. Peck expeots to loavo for Portland on business tonight. Miss Mario Hutterllold, who ro cently came ln from her homestead to spend tho summer, hns tnkon tho Georgo house, next to W. C. McCttls ton's. School Superintendent J. 13. My ers and Victor Shawo camo over from PrlnoWllo Thursday morning to pro pent tlio standard banner to tho Held school. F, F. Henshnw. of tho rinttni Mates Geological Survey, loft Friday night after spending scvoral dnvs hero nnd ut Tumalo studying water conditions. II. R. Frey of Portland, M. E. Can field of Albany and II. J. Brown, a brother of former Deputy Assessor 7., M. Brown, have been registered nt tho Altamout recently. Forest Ranger Earl Austin hns gono over to the Metollus to hoi) Ranger Vincent put n wagon brldito ovor Jacks Creek and ono over Can yon Creek north of Holslngs. Gordon nnd lawn mowers. Hurdwaro Co. Adv. Skuso OPERATOR MIXES NAMES. Through a mlstnko In nnmos caus ed by n telephono oporntor on tho lino from Tho Dnlles to Bend n mos sago for Charles StonBborough Bay ing that bis father wns dying nnd nsktng htm to como nt ouce was de livered to Frank Thornbruo. Willi his brother Ernest, Mr. Thornbruo loft nt onco for Spoknne whoro ho found his father nllvo nnd In good health. Mr. Stansborough, because of tho mlatnke, wns delnycd ln reach ing his father s bedside. Time to .take 'em off and TIME TO BUY YOUR Dependable Lawn sprays. GrnBS shears and IooIb. Skuso Hnrdwaro Co. Adv. WILL ATTEND ASSEMBLY Ross Farnhnm will leave for Roch ester, N. Y on May in, to nttond tho general assembly of tho Presbyterian church of the United States to bo hold In that city on May 20. Mr. Farnham was elected ns Elder com missioner to represent tho Pendleton Presbytery nt tho nsHombly nt Its ro ccnt meeting nt Milton, Oregon. Wo buy, sell nnd oxchunco irrigat ed lands. Levcrctt & FIbcIi, Bend, Oregon. Adv. For sign painting boo Edwards. Adv. Use True Hluo Flour! It Is the best mado and a Bend product. Adv. 37 tl TO GIVE CONCERT. Tho following In tho program of tho concert to bo given by tho Bond orchestrn nt tho Dream thentro Frl dny night: Amerlcn Victorious Miller Orchestrn. Romnnzo tiuptll Mrs. Ward nnd Mr. Spro.it. Wnltx Song from "Tom Jones".. ' Gorman Mrs. Forrest. Normandlo Mlllor Orchestrn. Rending Kentucky Philosophy. . Dunbnr Mrs. MeRoynolds. Cornet Solo Sclnttlltn Perkins Mr. Forrest. Horo of tho iBthmus Lnmpo Orchestra. Traum dor Sennorln Llhltzky Mra. Wnrd nud Mr. Sproat. I Lqvo You Truly llond Mrs. Forrest with Orchestrn Accom, Rending An Old Sweothenrt of MIno Itlloy Mrs. Mclteynolds. Ermlnlo Toba.nl Op 87 Orchestra. ADV This is the Month The earth betfini to bud and llonorn. Buiinen ((loom is being diipsrsed by buiineii unlight. Numeroua sun-poU dot the land in Central Oregon where Bend made product are in growing demand. Three ure winner you can alwayi find -v ( freih at our itore "O ' BEND MADE FLOUR ,. BEND MADE BUTTER BEND MADE CIGARS V?' W. C. McCUISTON . n-" . .33 fP C. V. SILVIS REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTY Llit Yrnir Farmslfor Sale, or Exchange With Me. Properly Handled for Non-Reldents. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. Office on gon CASH PRICES at PETE LEHRMAN'S Horseshoeing No.. 1, 2. 3. 4, 5 $2.00 No.. 6 and 7 $2.50 Reuttug $1.00 REPAIR WORK, pet hour . . . 50C TIRE SETTING. I t $4.00 I tit , $1.00 Aik for otlici piKti. P.LEHRMAN C m 1LEANUNESS, in itself, mil put an eJge on a dull appetite. Spotless linen, clean china and silver, lend an atmosphere thai will not only inrite, but impel continued pal ronae. Tie Cozy Restaurant Underwear here Ladies Union Suits in nil styles Low Neck No Sleeve, Low Neck Wing Sleeve, Cufl' or Luce Knee priced at 35c, 50c, 60c, 75c, 35c New Bloomer and Envelope Style Ladies Union Suits. Ladies Vests in Low Neck No Sleeve, Wing Sleeve nnd Long Sleeve priced from 1 0 to 50c Children's Union Suits nnd Vests nnd Pants. ,emi s The original and best union suits mnde Long Sleeve nnd Ankle Length, Short Sleeve nnd Oxford Length priced nt $1.00, $1.50, $L7S You'll be overplensed with your underwear if you buy it nt Mannheimer 's to oi'i:x I'liAvoitorxns. Tho Knhtslilo plnyKrouml, on KlRhth strcat In Wloatorln, Ih to lit opened for iibo of tho m-hool children with pnlillc exercises on Saturday nf tcrnoon. Tliero will ho n May polo and special kiiuicb, nnd Ico cream will ho Borvcd for a Binnll clmrRO. Tho commlttco which linn linit dinrRu of tho urrniiRoinoiitB of tho piily ground Ib Mrs. (loorRo 8. YotniB, MrB. II. llonch nnd Mrs. V. h. Coh'j. Wo can soil or rent your Ilend property. Address I.ovorott & KIbcIi, llond, Oregon. Adv. No donl too hxrBo or too mnull fop iib to hnndlo. Wo nro oxpertH In tho oxcliniiKo IhirIiicbs. l.cvcrott is FIbcIi, Adv. I1IIW WANTIW. TIiq Htidoralcnail will rccolvo htdn for tho coiiBtructlon of tho Htnto fish hutchury plnnt up to & p. in., Thura day, April 2D, 101.1. The right Is ro Burvud to rojoct uny nnd nil hldo. 1'latiB mid BpoclllcntloiiH tuny ho booh on application to mo. CliYDH M. McKAY, Adv. 8o Deputy (Inino Wnrdon. Screen doom nnd wlro cloth, Skuso Hnrdwaro Co. Adv. (lot Ronio hulled hnrloy nt thu Now Ilend Flour .Mlllfor your chlckeiiH. Adv. XOTICK. Tho nttentlou of nil owners of poultry Ih rnllud to City Ordinance No. Ill, provldliiK that fowl nlinll not io nllowod to run at Inrgo tn tho city. All micli ounerH urn warned to keep thulr poultry vuidod. 8. K. UOIIKIIT3, Sc. Chief of l'ollco, Tor bIbu pitlntliiK aeo lCdwnrda.. Adv. Screen ilnnm nml wire cloth. Skumt llnrilwitro Co. Adv. Our ".lltnej" Oiri This nml aoc. Don't in Us this. Cut out thla Blip. oncloBo with live centu to Foley A; Co., CIiIciiko, III,, writing your nntiiu nnd uddrcHB clonrly. You will receive In return u (rial package containing Koluy'a llonoy and Tar Compoiiiul. for coughH, colds and croup, Koloy Kidney I'IIIh nud Foley Cathartic TiihletB. I'littorwin Drug Co. Adv. Use crncked corn for chicken feed tho new llcnd Flour Mill Iiiih It. mmM5i Guaranteed Used Atuomobiles I Oa Easy Payraeats Stni iu Lilt tl PHcci u4 SjweiiicillMi J.W.lEAVin&CO. PORTLAND Hulled Barley THE NEW BEND FLOUR MILL CO. Ih Now Muklni; Ilnlltsl Hurley for Chicken I'eed. AccordliiK to IteiMirtw From Ciintaiiieni it Xot Only MnkeH the Menu Ijiy Iletter, Hut Hiwvh the Clilckcn Itulher Money. THV IT. Spring SEED Rye A Carlond from Utah Iti relel Today. Thl Hel Ih Clean unci Hound. Kcnd OrderM ut Ont'o In THE NEW BEND FLOUR MILL CO. iii:xn, ouKc.'oX OITKJIA.NK TO III! IIKHIl. DrH. '.Mnrtln, tho well known op tlclnutr, who como to llcnd tliroo tlmcH a year,' will he nt tho l'llot llutto Hotel for n limited time on tho 4th of May. If you need bIubhob let them lit you, Hatlufttctlon guaran teed. Adv. So Seo IM war d.i for pnpor hiinglug. . Adv. HIO.NH I'Olt HAI.i:. "For Itent," "For Knle," "Uooimm to Let", 'lloiiM'Koepliuj IIooiiih," "Xo Adiiilttniice," "Xo hnmklliK," etr etc., I'lacanU piloted In laro t)pe (in licmy IiiInIiiI liourd, l.t rcutx eaili. leNN In iiuaulltleN. Ilulletlii Olllco. I'M CLEAN HOUSE THE NEW WAY Send for llhickwell. lie will conin with n White CrosH Vncuiim Cloaner and when ho Ioiivob, tho ilunt leaven with It I in . ChnrgeB reiiHonnhle. For appointments telephone I'altersou'H or the Owl. Clean up mid paint up. wnrdH. Adv. Hoo Kil- Corsets VlIIEN you buy consols you always want to be sure that the kind you get is the MEST. The Hon Ton nnd Hoynl Worcester Corsets are known the world over, nnd their reputation is assured on account of the quantity used nnd the general .satisfaction they give. We have just re ceived ashipmentofthc.se fine cornets and will be glad to show them to you at any time. Priced from $ 1 .00 to $5.00 SATHERS Agents for Standard Patterns r .? i.. pi ffisa- Bt?M ?Tf?ftti t ,fl m l .J I u