The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 28, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    tub iiKNii nui-wrriN, iikn:, ore., Wednesday, aphid sh. ima.
(Published Every Wednesday)
i r'
Mnnnging Editor
An Independent nowspnpar stand
ing for tho sqiinro d,cnl, clcun busi
ness, elenn politics nnd tho beat In
terests of Ilond nnd Central Oregon.
Imyors nnd the wage spenders only
by treating both of thoni with un-
scrupleous squareness, If wo hold
rip prices of otoro
m'-n nro nblo to put I
own. If wo charge
denco rents, there will be built for
tho mill employees conipi.ny housea.
i Tho La Pino high school nine de
i fcated tho A. L. French Cubs In tho
All subscriptions nro duo and
expiration nro mnllcd subscribers and
It roncwnl Is not mado within reason
able tlmo tho paper will bo discon
tinued. Plcnso notify us promptly of any
chango of address, or of Inlluro to ro
colvo tho paper regularly. Othorwlso
vro will not bo responsible for copies
Mflko all checks nnd ordora pay-
t)ia to Jienu Huilotln.
Cj tin vnnr Sl.f.fl I
Six months 80 I other bund. If wo nil reallzo that a
Thrco months GO I c"pst or oiu "uo which we may "'i
our iinnns iinrucKcu in iii neuis
opened, wo shall get along satisfac
torily, and we venture tno opinion
that tho towns fair dealing will bo
reciprocated by tho newcomers, who
will forthwith becomo iib ardent
I lend boosters as nro wo hnvo been
wedded to tho town for so long.
Pcrbnps all this Is out of place,
Probably pieclous llttlo of It will
hnvo any effect. Hut It Is a fair
warning, nevertheless, and Justified.
Preaching Is cheap and practicing
nolt.'.'c'.'r H .,! Agr.c.turKt Preaches ,, .. SdsTtKong' M
oxorliltant real- tilno of Corn to 1 miueiM. c c,ow ,tc,0lj ml excellent gnme
Moro dnlry cows, more brood sows fcr tho visiting team, allowing mu
nn.t mirn nliirlnna tu ' Piirfiinr" kIx itrnttprod hits. The Bond pltchors
If lot prims soar bevond reason thoi a,in, ,,., ii iinu nmmii-v unm lilt nnnllv. E. L. Clark, of I.a
lots will not bo bought, nnd the JokoIn nt) grjCttirnl lino. Thutro, with' Pine, ttnd Stove Stoldl umpired tho
will boon us. If, for Instance, Tho ,m,r,. int,,i under cultivation, ird coin gamo, which wns watched by about
isiinoiiii iries io marge ioo niucii mr acclliiiuted eo as to tako ltd 1 Inco as 200 people. A large delegation came
printing, the business will go to t a stnjlo crop, tuemi irosjo.-vy for tlic- down from I.n Pino.
Portland or somewhere ole. On tho , .pitier i
il..i --.-.
Tho ngrlcuPurlst of the O.-W. It. Hulled barley Is tho best chicken
& N. Co., has been making n tour of fee,i, (jet It at the New Hend Hour
Central Oregon and arrived in Hontl jnil. Adv.
Monuny uiternouu no
met n fow farmers at tho Commercial
Club room for a short discussion of.
farming matters. He Is still preach-'
Ing "corn" and on Monday iirraitved
to furnish seed corn for a numinr f
farmers In this section. t
Mr. Smith attended a meatlu-; nt
Powell Hutto Monday night. !
Uso Deschutes Spray Flour! It is
. ...... ... -. ,. , ....... 10 ueBl njaUu uuii a uuuu iruuuci, ,
rtnnma lilf.l, lint mif fitiltnrMtnlt V la I . ... .!
..... .o ...,., llll, WW. w,.,,u. .....,, i ji.iv. ,i II
so great eitner to ncip or io nun
ourselves that a llttlo gratuitous
sermonizing socms pcrmlssnble.
Let ti h find our text, then, In tho
good book of American common
sense: Tnko It easy!
Ilond Is on tho vcrgo of great de
velopments. During tho ensuing onr
he town will Increase In sire, urna
jierlty nnd Importance. Tho oppor
tunities or Its citizenship will hg
manifold. Those who have walled
long, with the patience of unllngglng
ojitjtnlmn, will see many or their
dreams come tine. Ihero will bo re
ward for the far-sighted nnd tho
Rut let us also by alt means re
member that growth brings with It
opportunities that may bo abused.
Lot lis bo prepared to do tho best for
ourselves and for our town, and, es
pecially, for the Interests and tho
now citizens who will play ho Import
ant u part In the Immediate up-hulld-
Ing of Hend. Tho opportunity of
prosperity is a two edged sword, that
should bo wielded wisely lest It In
jure him who bandleH It.
"In ,tho llrst place, there can ho no
harm In lomludlng all of us that so
fnr ih huslncm development goes
Hend has, perhaps, outstripped Its
nvnllahlo resources. Tho town Is
fomowliat overgrown, as things now
Maud. Wo liao most excellent city
foundations heie, but wo have pio
grossed ho rnr alieaily thru there Is
need for conservative development of
what wo ahead have before wo
launch much further In town build
ing. In other words, Hend Is some
what like an overgrown boy Just
iilossotiiing Into manhood ; ho nteds
to (III out and get flesh on his butim
nnd strength In his muscles bt.fore ho
undertake! too much man's work.
All of which Is not derogatory to
Hend aud needs not bo taken amiss,
The town is like scores of other Wes
tell! communities, each and every
one of which at some time In Its his
tory has reached tho stage where we
now stand. The Inevitable Impn
tleBye to build a city, the ambition
which In the West's greatest asset, Is
lospouslhio. If there Is any fault It
It the kliiu or fault worth having.
And above ti'l it Is a fault easily oul
rrow n. A!. nei-, I te keep tho
liiaktw on, t ,i) Ob w it we emi'
Let iij I'V til. ni mi- do what we
cm n to HiippruM "Ihioiiih," which lire
harmful. Let us tr tu me that lot
pi Ices, which Hlreml) In mttuv In
h flirt have discounted the Immedl
nlo future, rlvu no further until mu
Mmillnt growth win r mitt, for ir we
let them, we shall be hint In the end.
despite the temporal. pro II Is, for In
tho Until iiiiulynlH pioportv Is worth
what It ran earn, or, nt the bust, its
value Is tu bo rot-honed on what It
reasonably can be expected to earn
after u spitcu or iimrem-eoiiMii'ilug
yeius. Let us, In short, hfe, our
lioflds, ir luuTi'Hitful In such efforts
every one of us, from the ronltv
broker nnd lol-i wuer to tho iner
ohant nud fiuiurr who markets here
will benellt.
Further, let us be honokl with our
elves n ml rememler that lleud'n
growth will be due almost exclusive
ly to tho men who make the puvrollH
possible, ami the mtm who spend
thMo ixiyiolls.
Of eon mo there Is no phlltmthropv
eoiini'i'led with tho eMtnbllshmeut of
lumber mills huro.Ciipltal Is Investing
lit them Molely to make more money.
The men who are steeling affairs
have only one end In view -and that
Is to get the most for their Invest
ment. Tholr ambition Is to make the
most lumber powlhlo, at the lowest
vest, ft out their timber, mid to sell
tho product' nt tho blithest figure ob
tainable. They are not giving us anything,
yon say, so, wu owe them nothing.
Wrong. They are giving us much,
thny nre furnishing thu start for
which Hend has waited long, nnd
which once readied, the growth of
the tinyii, upon an ever Increasing
Mjalo, Is asbUtod And Just ns hard
lninlno8 smy and nothing else dic
tates their action, so also doe bus!
hush piudoncu. If nothing else
Uvlsu that 'Wo see our payroll pro
ducers uud spenders get n square deal
first, last nnd nil tho time.
If thuM large Inventors nro luxr
rnmd othuiH will not follow In tholr
footsteps. If their coining Is the sig
nal for attempted looting, elthor of
thiim, their employcen or tho publlo,
Ketid will suffer In the cud.
Thu Bulletin knows that tho mill
men will bo treated fairly nt the out
nt. Their legitimate douiunds will
m(I be met. Thuy will receive tho
fullest measure und
eiicoiiragument. Mint, lovi our owiv
xood looking nt tho matter solely
with selllshuesa. It you will let us
lomcmbvr that wo shall roup thu
.'jiHxIuium of benefit from tho wago
r....1r.l t.. llJ,IM. LltinMf. l.i nt
"""'" " - w - rou KENT Small furnished
Prlncvlllc. house near depot. S. R. Hogln. 7-9c
(Oregon Journal.) i FOR SALE Remington No. 10,
PRINEVILLE, April 27. The old typewriter, almost new. Good bar.
. . . . K.l. In..l-A 11..1I.IH "l
Stnte Forester Elliott declnrcs that
In Oregon lire hns destroyed about
live times ns much timber ns has boon
marketed. Which shows the Import- mime war between sbeenmon nnd cat- gain. Inquire Hullctln. 7tf
nnco of organized flro protection In tlemcn, It is believed has again I FOR SALE One Holstcln cow and
the woods. It nlso mnkes us of Con
trnl Oregon glad that our timber re
sources nro so situated that tho fire
monnco 1h practically negligible, so
far as outright destruction la concerned.
that first class sower system to enro
for the needs of a larger town, In
Htrail of being obliged to tncklo tho
Job now. It wns tho wisest Invest
ment Hend hns mado to date. Pro-
gresslvcness pnjs.
brokon out In Crook county. Ycstcr- yearling calL High grade stoc. In-
day four masked men attacked a , quire Hend Garage. 7tf
nana or sneep ueionging to isauor von itENT Three room house
Meyers, about 30 miles of Prlne- UIl ngi,t r,n,, wntcr near now BCi,ool
vlllo, killing a number of sheep llollROi tnr,re Elite Studio. -Itfc
Intimidating tho horder. Tholdontl- .,on ipvTpichv nerp ranch
ty of tho masked men Is not known . ' ' ' L. iS5 n-
WoTo ready, anyhow, for tho big a" 'ftX. ndo complo, c8Capo nf,er apply unless
nvvtli. And aren't wo glnd wo have ' .:,. m ,. ,,.., ready cash.
the case and dovelopmonto nro expected.
you have team
MX, Bulletin.
The Hulletln welcomes to tho Ccn
trol Oregon newspaper field, the Jof
rerHon County Searchlight, n new
weekly published at Mctollus by Hall-
ey Kay Leach.
Uso hulled barley for your chick-1 FOR SALE 40 or 80 acres Irrl-
Forsalo at the Now Ilond Flour (rated Innd. No cash required If buy-
Wo'ro told the now hntchery will
produce r00 ono fish this summer.
How about more than that many feet
of lumber every week, .Mr. Pessimist?
Illlilo school, 10 a, m. Pronchlng
service 11 o'clock. Preaching sorvlce
8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening 8 o'clock.
Other old time patents owned by
n Hend resident bavo come to light
since the publication of the nccouut
of tho one owned by .1. C. Rhodes.
The new ones are the property or
Lon iL. Fox and are for Innd In Coles
county, Illinois. One Is dated Juno
Id, IK 18 and Is signed by S. II.
Uiughlln, as recorder or the general
land olllco n-ul by the president,
James K. Polk, by his secretary, I.
It. Stephen. The second ono Is dated
May 10, IS.'O. and bears tho signat
ures of '.. Taylor, president, by his
secretary Thus, Evvlng, Jr. N, Sar
gent signed an recorder. Moth pat
ents wore Issued to Jottlab llootz. Mr.
Fox also has a copy of the New York
Herald or April 15, ISC," containing
an account or the assassination and
death or Abraham Lincoln,
-Adv. er makes Improvements. Inquire nt
Hend Hotel. 8-10p
FOR SALE or TRADE Register
ed Holsteln bull, nlso good two year
old Holstcln heifers. Apply to Scott
and Smith, Tuinalo, Oro. 8-10p
FOR SALE Good road cart, cush
ion sent and hack, $10. J. II.
ABk yojr SIiouro. Sp
30 tr. FOR SALE Two story building
."0x35. Two pool tnblea, cigars, to-
DKLiVKitK i.i:i"TimH. imcco, candy nnd harbor outfit.
Rev. H. C. Hnrtrnnft delivered nn rooms on oecond floor. Will sell at
Interesting lecturo on "Immigration ' ' r'Kht price. P. J. LIthauser, Slaters,
nt the Presbyterian church Sunday i Oregon. 8-0c
ovenlng. Tho lecture was Illustrat- FOR SALE Have your combings
oil by Btereoptlcnn views and was) mado Into n switch; sond combings
hoard by a largo audience. In view , by parcel post or to homo of Mrs. C.
Try Truo Hltto flour,
grocer for It. Adv.
The Largest Display of Boys' and
Girls' Athletic Union Suits "and
on display AT OUR STORE.
Boys' and Girls' Union Suits at 50c
Mens Union Suits at $1.00
Mens U Suits, heavier Wt. at $1.50
Men's Two Piece Summer Underwear
at per garment 50c
We nlso have a new line of the latest styles in
PUMPS, priced from
$2.75 to $4.00
Use True Illue Flour! It Is the
bust made nnd a Rend product.
No. 1-5 . SI.50.
N, 6-7 S2.00
Reletting, per ihue S .15
Repair work guaranteed iat
iilactory at lowed rate
G'lner Roml l MinnctoU Stirtlt
of tho lutorcst shown Mr. Hurtranft
plans to glvo n number of nddltlonnl
lectures during tho coming year.
Up to tho time of going to press no
nctlon hnd been taken by .Mayor Mil
ler on tho Steldl nnd Tweet gonornl
electrical franchise pasted y tho
council last week Tuesday. Mr. Mil
ler has been out of town since Inst
week. He has 10 days from tho pas
sage or the franchUo In which to ap
prove or to sign tho measure, in
enso ho does neither within tho noces
sery tlmo It becomes law automatically.
is the
Come and
Tho Piano's Saven Octave..
Plnnes of standard size have n key
board of seven octaveK nnd three notes
-llftytvvo white keja There It a
reiion for this limit As It Is, the
Kejs nt either end of the keyboard are
'iirelv' ii.mI anil the ton.- that enn
now ! Mcihirtil tniin ii,,, i,.Kt
be liitln-l inellidi all llpit have nu.v
i-iiinie iiiii'ii'iit i mu,. to Dm milium
ni It in.. iiiinpncN or Him Ke.vhitaid
vele f tulcl in,, iiildi'il ki)ii would
priNlm-i -iiiiimI in iiu' without hiiv
imt. ii XL'iilllniiKt. in piWble fo'i
hi- liiiiiiaii eat in p.. rich e "ouiidx ovei
I rniui ill iihiiilt eleven iM'lillex, hut
Ibe iitiiiliiitimi or tuiii-al roiitiiN Ii"
I'lilliii-il in Hie si'tnii Mini ouetlilid oc
lUVl-i. Iliihloli HiTMld
A Short.ned Vult.
"iMil Hie ill I it- girt iroiu tiHtt riiwir
'line ii l'mihI (lliii'V luqulri'il the rouil'
ml Del
"' ' I mire 1111111111111." mil the
Al-t- elipil "lice niire said h.. cmilil
lav tun iiiiiir.. mil I unve pel muni
chnii ii linn to iM'lnn,- whfii mi h
Ml nnd I 1 will to ln'i n'M-rnl 'liaptcr
rem linn diiii ilitit Im.iK tun vtine me
tali. ) I'm,. tlnoiiK Point Km I'niiif
I'eiip'e. mill hc ,in imme nu rjum
sillier " ii tiaiiit I'imn Healer.
A Strong Rtambliic.
Winn 11 inmit iiHikiuu iieui 1 lint con
diniiu ih. .mu Air jiuuh- (m me
Vi.' -aid Jiu-gn-a i'if ihh trying
to Hunk hiio lie in,I(h like, ilia iniv
ih vcrv liiuiiiiiit to im.
"lili I K11..W Htm it ih.- Mint Jlrn
IIkkIiw 'It h oiii Kiiinih,"- jiiiigu,
Th. Son..
It run tiit,. Mint ,.,. tun wcniten
vout i'im il tiisirinu It uiii nip a
ln .it .1,1,1 tuitei tun win iiirreune
fill 11 liort tune vmii miw-i , rwion
If .VHII HII ti,l lliillllli IMIl) hhihi you
will ureiill.v trengtii,i unit b,ne ot
oncll lndmiuiKilU .New a.
Hit Job.
"Whin l ynnr ihvuuuIoii al;r1
he linlae nt a ltin--.
Sm" b IIHliB J.-ilue-pmyin' fm
tilli 111 Millie in. they re tieetleil hii pre
lb tin I lit- end 0 the world nhetievei
Hie -iL-ni pint tliaiiivvii."-Allnuta
Dana, Kenwood Addition, Hend, Ore
gon. S-llc
FOR SALE Do Lnvol separator,
No. 17. Inqulro Hulletln. Gtt
FOR SALE 2800 pound team, np
ply or wrlto to E. llnnnn, c-o Snthors
store. 3tfc
FOR SALE Fnrm, southwest sldo
Clothing Co.
Powoll Dutte, 320 acres, 150 under
cultivation, ns much more can bo
cultivated; 80 fruit trees growing on
place. For Information inqulro nt Al
falfa post office 3-19 p
FOR SALE Settings of thorough
bred Dnrred Rock eggs. $1 per set
ting. A. C. Egan. 2-10c
FOR SALE Flvo room bungalow
and lot In Park addition. Small
payment down, Imlnnco to suit pur
chaser. Inquire JuIIub Kortman. 48tf
FOR SALE Flvo room houso nnd
lot In Parle addition, light and water,
(lood bargain. Inqulro II. P. Mnn
lon, Hend, Oregon. -Hfc
FOUND Ilrovvn nir.rc, nbout four
years, old, whlto stocking hind legs,
branded E on tho right shoulder.
Owner can hnvo bbiho by paying
costs. Apply IJullotin office Ctf.
TO EXCHANGE 120 ncros undor
Umatilla Irrigation Projoct, 2 miles
from town, for land near Ilond, O.
C. Hcnklo, over First National Bank,
Hund, Oregon. C-lOp.
1 " ' ' : p .
Th Imanlty.
"How waa lie iioipiliiedr
"lie OiHMnt arom crniy "' ' ,
lli I. n't l iv. ..II.. I.. ..... I-
... ... . "M Jill WBF
I off M-Kuiim,. CM Jttuea,
Paint Your Own
you can do it yourself and at little
It's easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant,
varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate
colors. v
is made especially to give to buggies, carriages !
and vehicles of -all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy
finish that will look well and wear well. ;-An
ideal finish for settees, flower stands, porch furnk.
ture, garden tools and all surfacesni
that must withstand exposure and
hard usage. Ready to brush .on
and the label tells how. . '"
LJend Hardware CpraX3ent,ggflylj
i. -
L..7"lm .-'
. v- J.V-U- ia., r,