S THE REND BULLETIN, 11ENI), ORE., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1015. I'AOK 7. POWELL BUTTE (Continued from page 2.) ! T rlnevlllo last Friday, whoro ho had Icon at work. Robert Johnson and Forrest Rlulr nre working for Earl Saundors. J. I urown lias nuded a number ic'cnuio iu "lB uim mm u win vara -,or this season. Harold Landfnro has been getting - ntrd of cattle together to herd for jlit summer. Terrel Osborn Is seeding Leo ltobbs' place to barley. J. C. Warner recently bought 200 bead of sheop, paying $7 a bead. Mrs. Thome, mother of Mrs. Carl I lair, Is expected this week from Vortlnnd, to make an extonded visit v.itli ner uaugutor Uco. Sbobert la about again after a H'llotis Illness. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Patterson vis ited at Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Frost's Sunday. Uso True Illuo Flour! It Is the best mado and a Rend product. Adv. 37 if Cut This Out and Send it to Your Friend Who is Planning an Auto Trip to the San Francisco Fair MARKET REPORT. NORTH PORTLAND, April 15. The receipts for tho week have boon: Vnttlo 1GC7, calves 31, hogs. 1172. nn 1 H .. . ...' ..' ' iicep ajiu. iot wmiBtntidlng com- 1 rrloiy heavy runs of cattlo tho 'l.-gt few weeks tho market has boon dklitly lower to Btcndy, cholco steers ire still soiling $7.C0 to $7.75, with c her grades at tho usual differential. Demand for hogs seems to over run tho light supply of only fair grades t r offerings A fow very good loads touched tho $7.05 snot Monday. Out- 1-jlt steady. Shorn Bhcop are bo- nnlng to como to market and al though not strictly fat nro command ng ory good prices. Special spring 1 ml s nro lower while other cholco lambs nro Bteatlv nt $8.75 to $9.25, ror full wools. Shearlings $1.25 less. Other sheep steady. Ask your grocer for Dcschutns I Spray Flour. Adv. 37tf , NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of an execution In fore closure duly issued by tho clork of tho circuit court of tho county of Crook, Stato of Oregon, dated this 10th day of April, 1910, In n certain action In tho circuit court for tho said county ond State, whoroln D. E. Hunter ob plaintiff rocovorcd Judg ment against Jnmes Iloan, dofondant tor the sum of Two Thousand Two Hundred Dollars with Interest from the 11th day of May, 1913, nt tho rato or 10 per cent per annum to gether with Two Hundred Twonty Dollars attorneys fee, and tho fur ther Bum of Seventeen Dollars costs, and accruing Intereh(Tctaolshrdluu and accruing costs. Notlco Is hereby given that I will on Saturday, tho 22nd day of May. nt tho north front door of tho court- hoiiEo in 1'rlnovlllo In said county nt ten o'clock In tho forenoon of said tiny sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, all right und tltlo that tho abovo named dofondant has or had St dato of said Judgment In tho following describod proporty, to wn: iLot elghtoen (18) of tho' subdivi sion of block four (4) of Bend, Crook County, Oregon. E. IJ. KNOX. Sheriff. Dated nt Prlnovlllo, Oregon this ICth day of April. 1910. Hy FLOYD A. HOWELL, 7-11 c Deputy. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Department of the Intorlor, U. S. Land OIIlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, April 14, 1910. NOTICE Is hereby given that Charles S. Ronson, of Dend, Oregon, who, on April 12, 1910, made Desert Land Entry, No. 0G4C7, for noVi nw ' and nwl4 noU, Section 57, Town ship 17 South, Range 12 East, Wil lamette Morldlan, baB filed notlco of intention to mako Tina! Desert Proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described, beforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Ilond, Oregon, on tho 20th day of May. 1915. Claimant names hb witnesses: Archlo Pnttlo. P. C. Hardy, Josoph Huchholz, J. M. Doblns, all of Uend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 7-11 c, Register. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Intorlor, United States Land Ofllco, The Dalles, Ore gon, April 12, 1910. To George G. Hodson pf Box 317, Send, Oregon, Contesteo: You nro hereby notified that Don zll C Dyer, who gives Box 147, Rend, Oregon, as his post ofllce address, did on March 27. 1915, file In this office Khls duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation ' f your homestead, Entry No. , Serial No. 012057, mado Soptember 24, 1913, for WU Section 10, Town ship 20 South, nange 15 East, Wil lamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he allegos that said Cieorga G. Hodson has failed to es tablish his resldenco on said tract: that ho has failed to cultivate said , tract or any part thereof; that said entryman has abandonod said tract for upwards of six months last past and that such failure and abandon ment was not due to his employment in tho army, navy or marlno corps of tho U. 8. in time of war or other wise. You are, theroforo, further noti fied that tho said allegations will be taken by this office as having been confessed by you, and your said en try will bo canceled thereunder with out your further right to bo heard therein, either before this offlca or on appeal, If you fall to file in this office within twenty days aftor tho FOl'RTIl publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to these allegations of con test, or If you fall within that tlmo t file In this office due proof that ou have served a copy of your an- ; A. ' tt PORTLAND AFC luJi'J " .VofffoZT! & J Java Wiir I jtsr CITY w r I '" I ill rVi ,r" ' I 7 Viai Fhi f. rr pnttlKO - rO PffiLDmr , 'rlsMh9a L ILl v igxyt . - l r u I. Atvp L oferv I Jy 'VJL ;f 2L-Cr t 11' ' M3CenRO I iBtute ' , A . JKWftY " J avnemar 'Pbicbcr j r ' ,'bcORCM , j J-bRNCY afi'i :h -. lJ in . ' -fi Yr0 sturr 'JZLfJZL' r J :".' ,, ORU1ND CHICO ' . :f JKi A (I i ' - . v" VS :V ' )V .l (W ii . & ' ' SAN FRANCISCOf h '' In tho two latest Issues of Tho Uul lotln an auto road map has been printed showing tho routes north and south through tho 'Willametto and Doschutes valleys with tho connect ing links by way of tho McIConzlo pass. Government Camp and tho Ora tor lako road. Tho above map la an extonslon of tho ono showing only Oregon ronds, carrying them down Into California as far as San Francisco. In tho prep aration of tho map confusing dotnll has been omitted but certain points of Interest such as Lava Rutto, Ora tor lako, Lassen peak and tho Ico cave nre shown for tho benefit of tho tourist. Anticipating n heavy auto travel through Rend this summer noarly nil tho business won of the town have had this map printed on tho back of their letter heads, Dozona of them will go out in the mail ovory day and will undoubtedly help in bringing travel this way. swer on the sold contestant cither In person or by registered mail. If this service is mado by tho dollvory of a copy of your answer to tho contestant In porson, proof of such servlco must bo either the said contestant's written acknowledgment of bis receipt of tho copy, showing tho date of its re colpt, or tho affidavit of tho person by whom jthe delivery was made stating when and whore tho copy was dellvorod; If made by registered mall, proof of such service must consist of tho affidavit of the person by whom tho copy was mailed stating when and tho poBt otflco to which it was mailed, and this affidavit must be ac companied hy the postmaster's re ceipt for tho letter. You should stqto in your answer the name of tho post ofllco to which you desire future notices to bo sent to you. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Dato of first publication April 14, 1910. Date of second publication April 21. 1915. Date of third publication April 28, 115. Date of fourth publication May 5, 1915. P NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. ISOLATED TRACT. Public Land SaU. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office nt The Dalles, Oregon, March 18, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given that, as .iiruKiml liv tlm nnmmlsalnner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved March 28, 1912 137 tiiai.. It), pursuuui m . nnnllrntlnn nf Wlllant W. LaW- ton, Serial No. 012C83, wo will offer at public oale. to tne nignest oiuuur, but at not less than $3.00 per acre, at 9:30 o'clock, a. m.. on the 19th day of May, 1915. at this offlco. tho rniinntini' tmpt of land: Lots' 3. 4. a... o. i.np i 2. Sop. 3. Townshln 1G S." U. 10 E. W.M.(?4.52) acres. "The TIRES GASOLINE OILS THE BEND GARAGE WE make a specialty of Ford Repairing but you will find our work first class on any make of automobile. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Doonar (Sb Thornbrue FORD SPECIALISTS sale will not be kept open, but will b'o declared closed when those pres ent at the hour named have ceased bidding. Tho porson making the highest hid will bo required to im mediately pay to tho receiver tho amount thereof." Any persons claiming adversely tho abovo-descrlbed land nro advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before tho time designated for ealo. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 4-8 c. Register. NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 24, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby glvon that Al wyn F. Lee, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who on October 18th, 1910, made Home stead Entry, No. 07573, for EV4, Seo tlon 1. Township 20 South, Range 15 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Threo Yonr Proof, to establish clnlm to tho land nbove dosorlbod, before H. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, at Ilond, Oregon, on tho 14th day of May, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Horbort E. Moor, William J. McCon noil, of Uend, Oregon; Robert Llsk, Orlea O. King, of llrothors, Orogon; Ilurr lllack, Walter Harilsou, of Hampton, Oregon. II, FRANK WOODCOCK, 4-8 p. Register. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY. Charles A. Ivy, Plaintiff, vs. Mary Ivy, Defendant. 8UMMOXH. To Mary Ivy, above named Dofond ant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREQON: You are horoby reiulr- Instant Relief PRESCRIPTION -for IS yearo- The Standard Sliln Remedy for all ?AV 7V i. y PATTERSON DRUG COMPANY cd to nppoar and answer tho com plaint filed ngnlnst you In tho above entitled suit on or boforo Saturday, tho 15th day of May, 1915, and If you fall so to answor, tho Plnlntlff will take Judgment against you for tho relief demanded In his complaint horeln, to-wit, for tho Dccrco of this Court dissolving tho mnrrlngo con tract now existing between the Plnln tlff and Defendant herein and declar ing tho parties thoroto wholly releas ed from tho obligations thereof. This summons is ordorcd to bo served upon you by tho publication tborcof in Tho Rend liullotln, n week ly nowspapor published In Crook County, Oregon, by ordor of tho Hon orablo O. Springer. Judgo of tho County Court of Bald County, said ordor being mndo and entered on tho 21th day of March, 1915, drtto of first publication March 31st, 1915; length of publication six succcsstvo weeks. Dated U1I3 31st day of March, 1910. C. S. RENSON, 4-9c. Altornoy for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Land Ofllco nt Tho Dnllos, Oregon, March 10th, 191G. NOTICE Is horoby given that Frank II. Robnrgo, pf Alfnlfa, Oro gon, who, on October 10th, 1911, mndo Homestead Entry, No. 09557, for nwH, w,4 noYt, n swVi, Sec. tlon 10, Township 17, South, ivniiRo 14 East, Willametto Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to mnko Fin al Threo Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, boforo Warron Drown, County Clerk, nt Prlnovlllo, Oregon, on tho 3rd day or May, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Albert L. Shultz, John Eldor, Wil liam Ferry, Rny Lcoirard, nil of Al falfa, Orogon, II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 3-7c. Roglstor. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Intorlor, United States Land OIIlco Tho Dalles, Oro gon, ApiU 3, 1910. To Lloyd II. Hold of Wnlln Walla, Washington, Contesteo: You nro horoby notlflod that Charles J. GutflolBch, who gives 20 E. 11th street, Portland, Orogon, as his post ofllco nddrcss, did on March 13, 1915, lllo in this 0 111 co ills duly corroborated application to contest and sccuro tho cancellation of your homostoad Entry No. , Sorlnl No. 070C2, mndo Juno 20, 1910, for Sb 8ection 20, Township 20 8., Rango 17 13. Wlllainotto Morldlan, nnd ns grounds for his contest ho al leges that said ontrymnn has novor cultivated, Improved or roslded on snld land or any portion thereof nnd lias not complied with tho homestead laws In any rcspoct and has abandon ed snld entry and land for n greater period than six months Inst past. You aro, thoroforo, further noti fied that tho said ullegntloiiB will bo taken ns confessed, and your snld en try will bo cancolluil without furtlior right to bo heard, oltbor boforo this ofllco or on appeal, If you fall to lllo In this otllco within twenty days af tor tho FOURTH publication of this notlco, ns shown holow, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to these allegations of contest, to gothor wllli duo proof that you have served a copy of your answer on tho said contestant cither In porson or by lcglstercd mall. You should stato In your nnswor tho iinino of tho post o(Tico to which you deslro futuro notices to bo sout to you, II. FRANK WOODCOCK, ReglBtor. Dato of first publication April 14, 1915, Dato of second publication April 21. 1910. Dato of third publication April 2S, 1915, Onto of fourth publication ay 0, 191G, NOTICE OF CONTEST. Dopnrtmcnt of tho Intorlor, United States Land Ofllco Tho Dalles, Oro- gon, March 17, 1910. To Louis E. arlffin of liond, Oregon, Contesteo: You nro hereby notified that Ray F. Clovolaud, who gives c-o Hox 147, Ilond, Orogon, ns his post-olllco ad dress, did on Fobrunry 1st, 1915, lllo In this offico his duly corroborated ap plication to contest nnd sccuro tho cancellation of your homestead, En try No. 012102, Sorlal No. 0121G2, mndo Octobor 25th, 1913, for Sti, Section 0, Township 20 South, Range 15 E. W. Morldlan, nud as grounds for li In contest ho alleges Hint snld Louis E. Griffin has fulled to rosldo upon or cultlvnto said tract; that ho Iiuh novor established his rcsldonco thereon ; that snld ontrymnn has wholly nbnndouod said tract for up wards of hIx mouths last past; that such failure and abandonment was not duo to his employment In tho army, navy or marlno corps of tho United Stntcs in tlmo of war or oth erwise. You nro, thoroforo furtlior notlflod that tho said allegations will bo tnkon by this offico ns having boon confess ed by you, nud your said entry will bo cancelled thoroundor without your furtlior right to bo hoard thoroln, oithor before this offico or on appeal, If you fni: to fllo In this ofllco with in twonty days aftor the FOURTH publication of this notlco, as shown below, your nnswor, undor oath, spo clllcally meeting and responding to these allegations of contest, or It you fall within that tlmo to file In this offico duo proof that you havo sorvod a copy of your nnHwor on tho said contestant oithor In porson or by roglsterod mall. If this sorvlcn Is mado by tho dollvory of a copy nf your nnswor to tho contestant In por son, proof of such sorvlco must bo either tho snld contostnnt'B written acknowledgment of his receipt of the copy, showing tho date of its receipt, or tho affidavit of tho porson oy whom tho dollvory was mndo stating when and where the copy was dollv orod: If mndo by roglsterod mail, proof of uuch sorvlco must connlHt of tho affidavit of tho, porson by whom tho copy was mnllod stating whort nud tho post ofllco to which It was mailed, nud this nllldavlt must 00 accompanied by tho posUnnstor's ro- ' colpt for tho letter. You should stato In your answer tho name of tho post offico to which you deslro futuro notices to bo sont to you. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. Reglntor Dato of llrst publication, March 31, 1915. Dato of socond publication, April 7, 1915. Dato of third publication April 14, 1915. Dato of fourth publication April 21. 1915. Hulled Barley and Shelled Corn For Chicken Feed USE THE NEW BEND FLOUR MILL CO. Deschutes Spray and True Blue i The leading brands of patent flour. Ask your grocer for them. FEED Large quantities of Shorts, Bran, Rolled Oats and Barley on hand at all times. SEED Seed Wheat and Hye in several va rieties. Mail Orders solicited. Bend Flour Mill Co. A. .1. KROENKRT, Prosldont-Managor. n i u h ii f-'i r