The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 21, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    , PVGK 4.
. :
(PubliMhctl Eery Wednesday)
roiiert w. sawyer
Managing Editor
An Independent newspaper stand
ing fur the ti'iuaro deal, clean busi
ness, clean, politics ami tlio best In
terests of Ilond and Central Oregon.
U do your J1.60
blx inuntlis 80
Threo moiitliH CO
lot of first class rabbit destruction
will bo accomplished.
All subscriptions aro duo and
expiration nra malted subscribers and
If ranownl Is not made within reason
able tlmo the paper will bo discon
tinued. 1'lonso notify us promptly of any
cbango of nddrcss, or of lalluro to rc
cetvo tlio paper regularly. Othorwlso
wo will not bo responsible for copies
Mako all checks and orders pay-
nuio to Hend llulletln.
Good work was accomplished In
sotting the fish hatchery. Not only
for tlio town but for all Central Ore
gon It will bo a most desirable asset.
Now that v,s are assured of having
continued good Hilling In the Des
chutes by all means lot us co-operato
In prosorvlng It by aiding In the en
forcement of the game laws, and also
In spreading the reputation of our
sport, to that nioro and more visitors
will come to enjoy what wo hae to
Republican victories aro becoming
lin (i.iln. nf lt ildl It rrtll Ml nil tllfl !
IIIU V.UW V .W u..,, hi, wu.iwu ..w
country. Slgim of tlio times.
Newport has nothing on Ilond
when It comes to tenuis matches; at
least anyone near the courts Saturday
will agroe to that.
The "spring drho" of tlio Allies
iiKiilnst (Jormaiiy Is commencing. If
tlio driving proves easy It eeoms prob
ablo tbnt Italy will decide to Join
the drlvors. After the others hovo
pretty nearly pulled tho chofltniits out
of tho lire It Is a good time to gut on
the band wagon and claim Home of
tho fruits of victor.
Otogon's National Guard Is show
ing signs of Increased 'efficiency,
which Is most desirable.
"To mill or not to mill;" that's not
the question, but "llovf Boon."
'Ilcnd, the place In the sun."
- Arrives 8 a. m.
Leaves 8:30 p.m.
O.-W. It. & N. TRAIN.
Arrives 7M5 p. m.
Leaves 7:25 a. in.
Arrives 7:30 p. m.
- Leaves 10 n. in.
- AUTO li.'i:s.
Cars dnllyjo Hums and points
- south and southeast.
I'osTorrici: hours,
General delivery open dally
9; IB a. m. to C p. ni.
No mall distributed on Sunday.
Night train mall closes 7 p. in.
Day train mall closes C:30 n. in. -
Western Union dally 7-12,1-6,
- 7-10. Sunday 8-10, 4-0,
Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour
service, Including Sunday.
Under tho nhovo title Tho Oro
'gonlaii commeiitH on u rece'it edi
torial In this column ns follows:
"Tint Ilcnd llulletln cills attention
to a law (Suction 0317, Lord's Ore
gon Laws) making mandatory tlia
erection of phtlnl) -lettered gulda
"'posts tit oer.v crossing of tho public
roads In the state. Tho law further
provides (hut until such signs tire
properly placed the supervisor onn
draw no pay fiom tlio County Tioiim
i uror for any services rendered. Suoh
'KlgtiH must liHn upon them tho dis
tance to the next town or plane on
such public highway, with such oth
er Information ns Is nocowmry. Tho
llulletln wijh:
1 "'Undor those provisions wo bo-
llnvi) thorn piobably Is not a single
f rad supeivlior In Crook County who
Is entitled to his pay from tho Coun
ty Court. And with our road sltua
tlOn as It Ih wii IiuIIhno that the court
would be doing s rent vervlca to the
public If It hereafter iinfoieos to the
letter this section.'
"Crook county oltlclnl aro not
tilono In dorellctlon as to this law.
Every road truuilor can point to
plants In other conntlt'H whuru such
hi fib h iiiii hndly needed, but nro not
In evidence In fact hiiiiio mad sup-
ti visors Iguoro the law until nly,
luudh to the InaoiiNeiiluiicn niul nn
niiymico of traveler. Yet thonti sup
nrlHoru hnvu their hills audited mid
imld ruKiilai ly by the County Court
lloneo thwo official art) us guilty iih
tho MiipurvlMir."
The business mon of Ilcnd and tho
farmers of the adjacent country are
to be congratulated on tho contin
ued Interest In the Saturday lunch
eons of tho Commercial Club. Tim
gct-togother meeting Is an ndmlrablo
Institution, and will bo even more
Important In the future as the town
Wo hnvo a salmon day, an orange
dny, an olive tiny, an apple day, a
raisin day anil a corn day. Doubtloss
there nro others too. lint while wo
are at It why not declare a prosperity
dny and then try to mako It slick 7
That suggestion, (iuntlemon of the
County Court, about iiiluijtiiitit slgnc
at ciiwh roadi Is worth heeding. It
wilt cost you nothing to on force the
law, and It will accomplish n lot of
tool good for nil tho country.
Ilmil Fought Tennis Match Kettles
Dispute ns to Skill,
Differences of opinion, It Is said,
mako horse races. They also cause
tennis matches to bo playod, as was
ovldcuccd on ono of the local courts
Saturday afternoon when an embry
onic banker and the city "pnrk com
missioner" mot to settlo n slight dls
puto ns to their relatlvo skill. That
their skill was only relatlvo was ap
parent early In the match, being nil
when compared with that of the
Ciook county champion.
In defense of tho contestants It
'liould be stated that tho match was
ui ranged by frlonds, being In no wlso
based o'l what each ono thought of
the playing of the other. During tho
threo sets necessary to settlo tho nf-
fnli victory hovcrotl first over ono
sldo and then tho other, finally spi
lling down all out of breath next the
park expert. It wus tho illblu story
all over ngaln with Davis tho con
queror nnd Goliath, Jr., biting the
Following tho big show n short
conceit match was played by A. M.
I'rlnglo and V. A. Forbes.
I). Voorhees, Kenwood. 7p
FOR SALE Ono Holstcln cow and
venrllntr calf. Rich crado stock. In
qulro Ilcnd Gnrago. 7tfl
FOR RENT Thrco room house
with light water near now school
house. Inquire Elite Studio. -itfc
FOR RENT 50 acres summer fnl
low. Irrigated land. Will tnke one
quarter of crop. Write to or see F.
L. Dnyton, Tumnlo, Oregon. C-7 p.
FOR RENT Eighty ncro ronch
near Hend, well Improved. Do not
apply unless you have team and
ready cash. MX, Bulletin. 5tf
m M Wm
- in
- r i
Thn optimist thinks Union nro ripe
when the pestlmlHt culls them rotten,
.lust nt Violent conditions ni'e 'rot
ton" enough all over thu I'ouutry, I ut
wt, firmly bidlovo that never hiiltue
worn thuy so ripe for Ilond,
Governor Willi) coiuhu's adlco, ns
per his rwfnt speech at Snlom, la to
"Htny on the farm." It's good coun
sel, but If tho Governor had followed
It to thu letter, how could ho ho In
thu Executive Olllcn now?
Governor Wlthycomho still bollovoe
In hoiiu flexh, iloHplto tho gasollnn
rugt). ' And he chose a Central Oregon
product whou ho selected his Buildlo
Activity In tree pUntlng which Imr
ltemi notlofiBldr sround town recent
ly abnuld be kept up. Nnluro litts
ht Uvlsh In her tree planting here
but we run mippleirent the work, to
the beftutMratlou of the city end the
IitolMUr of our rlnnr.
litre It what Profettor 1'eek of the
O. A. C. about what another Or
gott town la doing In this direction:
"llaufleld 1 one of the progres
elt tuwiii or Oregon. The town le
lilnujiotl oh progreatlve tinea, nil
ttffil(s being planted with truett of
UUUUrm Ivpe and at eqiiHl dltlHtU'eti
apiyl. Tht town owns aud opoinUm
i mirtory In which thouttiniU of
' yttnjpireMi are llng grown to mo In
platlUJW along the roads ItwdltiK
lutff Uih aurrouuillni euuntry. A
wixidod pnrk la Wing plaunett for mi
arim'utwr the iHllway ntntltm and n-(
other iwrk or native treen will prot
ably be eetabllabotl on the school
groiiBils. Thu atithorllliie wro work
ing along a tlellnltu pruguim prugrt""
bolng luiule ecl ,ear. The reeulM
are otuofully protected U clt) ordl
iwniM and public smillimuit. and n
loan to employes! eoiilliiUDiisb to rare
fvr tlio trees and Incidentally lo act
OS city marshal."
J.JU - . , , .,.,
The effort to get rlil of uoyotes Is
bootmtng more (ar rtuiohlng. Now
tlio State Health authorities nro on-
lUtlng the uo-opemtloii of the Fed
oral iwpwrts, wbu appear to have
ploaty of money to eittnil for thin
tort of good woik.
Lot UK hope they do co-opemte and
t)ut thu coyote, nine and tone, get
itttemliiattnl. Hut by all niMUt re
Ululitor, that ut the coyoten go the
itUtblttt may be expected to lncrwae.
That already has been pointed out.
aiL M The llulletln luu stuted Ut
fore, Ihoro Is n guod law whoreUy the
ooiinty tuny obtain ilnuuctal aid from
tho Rtato In combattluK the rabbit
,Utt. If Crook count)' will put up
,'2IQ, Iho Stale will match the
nmouut. It aeeuu to us most do-
elrabto lhf, this smnll otntrlbutlan
lo an Important work be made. And
)we bcllevo that If ono county tskea It
fup otlicrs will fall In Hue, o that a
Sauce Pans
vjooci value aL
50 Cents
While they last
arner s
Where YOl III fur LES i
will maki: in: cream.
Having received all tho machinery
tho Central Oregon Farmors Cream
ery will begin tho manufacture of
Ice cream In Iho next few dnys. Local
subscriptions for the usslstnnco of the
creumory In Inking up 'this now line
mnountod to ?280 and nro now lie
lug paid In.
FOR SALE De Lavol separator,
No. 17. Inquire llulletln. 5tf
P. Lohrmnu stntos that ho has not
given up his blacksmith shop and
tuutod the Riley ranch for stock
rnlflng ns reported In tho local col
uiniiB of Thu llulletln hint week. The
Item wnii written on good nuthorlt)
but without verification from Mr.
Hulled bailey Is tho host chicken
feed. Get It nt tho Now Ilcnd Flour
Mill. Adv.
Fishing tackle.
Co. Adv.
Bkueu Hardware
Try tho Stone nnd Hnro's Ear
Files. Skuso llardwnro Co. Adv.
Try Truo llluo (lour,
grocer for It. Adv.
Ask yojr
30 tf.
FOR SALE Three year old Jersey
cow, J 70. J. H. Shouse. Cp
FOR SALE 2800 pound team, ap
ply or wrlto to E. Hanna, c-o Sathers
store. 3tfc
FOR SALE Short horn bull, com
ing two yenrs old. Prlco reasonable.
Mply F. V. Swisher, Tumnlo, Ore
gon. C-Sc
FOR SALE Farm, southwest Rldo
Powoll Itutte, 320 acres, 130 under
cultivation, as much mure can bo
cultivated; 80 fruit trees growing on
plncc. For Information Inquire nt Al
falfa post office. 3-19 p
FOR SALE Good sized team, hnr-
nous, spring wagon. Guaranteed for
nny work. Prlco very reaeonablo.
Will givo tormo. Apply S. Murasnkl,
Ilcnd, Oregon. 2tfc
FOR SALE Settings or thorough
bred Harrcd Rock eggs. $1 por set
ting. A. C. Egnn. 2-10c
FOR SALE Flvo room bungalow
nnd lot In Park addition. Small
payment down, bnlnnce to suit pur
chaser. Inqulro Julius Kortmnn. 4Stf
FOR SALE Flvo room houso nnd
lot In Pnrk addition, light and water.
Good bargain. Inqulro II, P. Man
Ion, Hend, Oregon. -Itfc
FOR SALE Ono team of horses,
5 yonrs old. Weight 3000 pounds,
wnii now Harness. Address, W N.
Ray, Laldlaw, Orogon. -1-7' p,
sweethearts nnd sisters.
knows better when you nre fit
tingly dressed? No. other line
of clothes have ever satisfied
womankind like purs.
that never fail to stand the critical
tion nnd
the admira
tion of
l If lo Llffl 111
Oof Meg Co.
pff v. RocucattHHv
FOUND Ilrown mmc, about four
years, old, white stocking hind legs,
branded E qn tho right Bhouldor.
Owner can hnvu seme by paying
costs. Apply Hullotln ofllco. Ctf.
LOST Smnll black card cobg, with
name "Frank L. Mlllor" on enrds.
Plenso return to Bulletin ofllco.
LOST On Saturday afternoon, on
cinder road between Doncor's nnd
town, hand bog containing purso nnd
bank book. Finder kindly return to
I. llulletln otllce. 7o
LdST A roll of bedding In ennvna
nock, betweon McNnught's mill and
town. Return to Crawford's Feed
Yard nnd receive rownrd. 7p
LOST Crochot purso between
Jlodorn Onrngo and Whltsott house.
Kindly return to Modern Garage. 7e
TO EXCHANGE 120 acres under
Umatilla Irrigation Project, 2 miles,
from town, for land near Hend, O.
C. Henklo, over First National Hank,
Ilond, Oregon. G-lOp.
W TED Stead) fuun team to
wolK'i not leea than 1000 etch and
endoi 10 ytare of ace. XY llullo
tlii. 7e
WANTKD Dreat making. Sewing
or hid kind. Mm., Italian), opposite
Hitel Wrliht. 7e
WANTKD--Coiuiitent woman for
avuentl houte work. Write or tele
i)i lie to Mrs. ltotoou Howard. Dos.
cniiieM. 3 tr,
FOR HUNT Small furnished
haunt near depot. S. It. I login. 79ot
FOIt BALK Remington No. 10,
tNpewriter, alinoet new. Oood bar.
gain Imiulie llulletln. ?(fd
FOIt 8 LI -White 1 eghern egg?
rr batoning 15 for "J cents, R.
NOTICE to Our Patrons
and the Public
THIS being our First Annlvorarr) In busluo, we w'eh lo
ftfaow our approctuttc-u of )-our liberal kiiupurt nod wnut to call
your attention to OUR NRW' MODEL n UIINT IIRIUD
wrappml in i apeelnl wrapimr on which U printed n nroAt-sbar-tug
coupon. l!er to of ttiaeo couihuu )ou aao and return to
tlio American Oakery on Wall Street, will gat you 10 eeiu
In tmdo absolutely free. Quality U our aim ulwnjw. Our new
MODI1L IIRIUI) Is en salt nt Mt-lU'ISTO.V.S, SIICEY'S and
Mct'lilNCV'.s, nnd other aroaon on eueolal onlor. The Ameri
can llukery also carrlee F)H Fruits nnd Vegotnblts In sonsou.
1-aige variety of tlnont C&Jtle. Our Ice Cream Is made from
pure, froah country cream. Wholiwale and retail at lowest
Shriner & Hey
fell T, te
Going to Paint?
If it's the house, barn, fence, Kitchen' floor, walls
or anything else, we will gladly tell you what kind to
use, quantity required, the cost, and how it should be
applied. We have
Paints, Enamels, Stains and Varnishes for refinishing
any shabby surface indoors or outdoors. '.""..
Glad tp'show colors and offer advice wheth
decide to paint of not.
Bend Hardware Company, Bend, Oregon !
er you
M ?.?
'-Hrwirttmiii i
1lafc, ""f