The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 21, 1915, Image 1

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K ?
Vol. XHI.
iiKXi), omcgox, wkdxksoay aptkuxoox, aphil sm, una.
NO. 7.
mSSED by council
Cmincllninn Cnldvvcll Is Opposed
tiles biciiu nun xvrcct lllfslit to
lliliiK Current to Town In Com
pctitlou With Present Utility.
Tho Stoldl-Tweot genornl electrical
irancmso was pusscu uy tno city
council at Ub ndjourncd meeting InBt
n glit, all but Councilman Cnldvvoll
voiln;? In favor. Under Its provisions
ji les may bo erected In tho streets of
ho city mid wires strung to carry
electricity for general consumption
m competition with tho IJond Water
Light & I'ovVor Co.
Except for tho adoption of an
"momlnic-nt striking from tho mens
tiro u clniiBO providing that under cor
lain conditions consumers should fur
nish their own motui-H, tho franchlso
was passed with practically no pre
liminaries. Neither tho representa
tive!! of thoso seeking tho grant nor
of tho present utility mado any ar
gument and there was no discussion
Tjy tho council.
Tho frunchlso Is tho samo as tho
ono which was defeated In tho coun
cil last spring, Councilman Knutson
.1iavlng voted against It nt that tlmo.
As a result of tho agitation a year
ago tho council requested tho Stato
J'uhllc Utilities commission to Inves
tigate tho rntes of tho Itand Water
Light & Power Co., and tho commis
sion's hearing Is expected to occur
sioxt month.
Watering Contrnct Lot.
Httla fnp Innni wnrlr nnil fnr wnfor-
lng tho streets wero prosontod at tho
mooting as follows: Anton Auno,
49 cents per hour, Wonnndy Livery
Co,, 4 7,i conts por hour nnd Colver
& Shannon, 45 cents por hour, lly
volo of tho council tho bid of tho
last named linn was accepted and tho
rlty attorney ordorod to draw n con
tract. Tho council also authorized
tho purchaso of sufficient oil to ex
periment on ono blocls with a vlow
to purchasing an oil sprinkler for tho
city Btreots. Tho street commltteo
was authorized to repair street cross
ings whoro needed.
Tho noxt regular meeting of tho
council will bo hold on .May 4.
speaks nt Commercial Club Lunch
con on llcnil as n Milling Point
Putnam Heard on Irrigation Tnv
Congratulating his hearers that
they wero living in n pine ecuntiv
D. L. McKoy, nt tho Coniinorclal Club
luncheon on Saturday, snld that Uond
was the logical placo for saw mills
nnd that thero was tlmbor to tho
south that must bo milled hero. Mr.
McKay Is interested In Tho Ilend
Company and with his son. C. M.
McKay, represents tho Mueller com
pany of Davenport, lov.-a, which owns
n largo block of timber southwest of
Mr. McKay was called upon by
President Keycs to speak of Hcnd as
a milling center. In tho courso of
his remarks ho mado tho Btntment
above Ho also said that a mill up
river would holn llend and that with
tho bunion of taxes and overhead ex
pense piling up manufacturing of
tho lumber wbb bound to como soon.
"Tlio mills will como and other
things, too," said Mr. McKay.
a. P. Putnam, secretary to Gov
ernor withycombo, was also prosont
nt tho luncheon and apoko of tho cl
foit mado at tho last legislature to
procure aid for Irrigation In this sec
tion. "That tho money was not ap
propriated was not tho fault of our
representatives," Mr. Putnnm said,
"and If wo aro wIbo wo will see to
It that they aro rcturnod to tho noxt
leglslnturo whoro tholr exporlenco
will holp In getting tho appropria
Tho club voted to glvo tho uso of
Its room for n mooting to bo address
ed by 'Termor Smith" of tho O.-W.
II. & X. on Monday and to appoint
n commltteo to seo that tho club was
represented at the Slstors fair meet
ing to bo held on Saturday, May 1.
1). M. Davis, Robert Could and C.
M. McKay hnvo been appointed to
servo on tho commltteo and they hope
to arrangu for a largo delegation.
Tho next luncheon will bo at tho
Ilend Hotel.
Homes! cailcr Hud Spent Sunday
Kvciilntc With Neighbor Was
Pi opining' to Prove Ui Ptincral
Was Held Hero This .Morning.
Telephone Oniclal Well Known In
Iteml Goes to Oakland, California.
Announcement was mado In Port
land Inst week of tho transfer of C.
It Mnnrn. district rnmmnrclat Rimer-
(' mtondent of tho Pacific Telephone &
Tclcgrnph Co., to Oakland, Califor
nia, whero ho will fill a similar posi
tion with tho samo company. Ho will
Icavo Portland May 1.
Mr. Mooro is well known In llend,
having visited horo fretiuontly on
business for his company nnd as a
member of tho Portland Ad Club. Ho
was president of tho Ad Club at tho
time whon tho Emblem Club mado Its
trip to Portland and ono or tho
flpoakers nt tho banquet given nt tho
time of tho Ad Club visit to Uond In
Kiit Side Children to Hnvo .May Polo
And Game.
Tho oponlng pf tho Wlostorln ploy
ground, which Is horenfter to bo
known as tho Hast sldo play. ground,
will occur on tho afternoon of May
1. A May polo dnnco Is planned for
(ho occasion nnd other games for
tho children. Although tho plans aro
being mado for tho outortalnmont of
thn children, grown folks aro Invited
to bo present,,, ,
in tho past row, days tnoro navo
lieon put In nt tho play ground a
swliig, a tcotor, n sand box and
benches, nnd the ground has been
Dovolled. Al children living east of
mo irnyKS nro urged io vmu inu piay
ground on Thursdays after school
and on Saturday afternoons.
Found dead, in his cabin after fall
ing to como to n neighbor's fhr
breakfast ns' arranged tho night bo-
foro, George Aten Is believed to hnvo
been accidentally shot "Whllo packing
up to move. Tho accident occurred
Sunday night.
Tho dead man had a homestead
about 14 miles cast of town which ho
took up nearly llvo years ngo, being
about roads to mako final proof. Ac
cording to his friends ho had rented
a pte:o of ditch land for tho coming
summor, planning to rnlso n crop on
It with which to pay tho oxponscs of
proving up on tho homestead. On
Sunday ho partly packed up to niovo
to tho rented land nnd then wont to
spend thb evening with n neighbor,
D. 11. Freeman, nt his cabin a few
hundred yards nvvny. On leaving ho
was Invited to return for breakfast.
Later In tho evening Mr. Freeman
saw a light still burning In Aten's
cabin and nesumed that ho wns going
on with his pncklng. In tho morning,
whon Aton did not appear for break
fast, Mr. Froeman wont over for him
and found him lying on the floor
dead. Thero was n bullet wound In
his chest and on a tablo directly in
front of his position was a .30.1 auto
matic rlllo pointing toward him with
on exploded aboil In tho chamber.
After cnlllng In other neighbors,
Mr. Freeman camo to town to report
the affair. Lato In tho afternoon
Coroner Polndoxtor camo over from
Prlnovillo and wont out to tho cabin
with Dr. Coo. He examined n num
ber of wltnosses and finally decided
that tho doath wns accidental and
WU m
Untitling Will be Constructed ns Soon
as Site ArrangciuentH mc Complet
ed First Unit Will be for 400,
000 Trout A-set to Country.
Tho Stale Fish and Game Commis
sion has given Its formal approval to
tho plan to establish a fish hatchery
on th"eDcschutos at Uond nnd work
on tho plant will bo begun as soon as
:raiigements can bo mado with tho
cvntrs.of tho rcnl estato to bo used.
Tha action of tho commission wns re
pit.tod by who by .Master Fish War
don Clanton on Thursday. Doputy
Warden McKay, who went to Port
land with Mr. Clanton Inst week, re
turned Friday morning with plans for
tno iintcnery.
According to Mr. McKay tho plant
will occupy about thrco acres, tho slto
bolng tho uppor end of tho Slsomoro
place, ns Btatod in Tho lliilletln Inst
week, Tho hatchery Itself will bo n
'rnmo building, of which tho first
unit, 100x22 feet In size will bo con
structed at once. This unit will hnvo
n capnclty of 400,000 trout', tho ex
pedition being to onlnrgo tho build
ing hnother yenr to hatch 1,000,000
flsh. This first unit will contain 40
hatching tjroughs from which tho
young fish will bo transferred to food
Ing pondB to dovolop until tho tlmo
comes to plant them In tho lakes nnd
streams which aro to bo Btocked,
Trout eggs for the iiatchory will bo
provided from tho egg collecting sta
tions at Odell, CultiiB nnd Davis
lakes, Theso aro now In operation.
Kggs nro being tnkon from rainbow
trout exclusively, nnd ns soon ns tho
hatchery Is completed thoy will bo
brought In.
So fnr ns Immedlnto (lnnnclal bon-
oflt In concorned tho hntchery may
Fourteen Young Gardeners Under
Direction of Mrs. Davidson, uro
Italhlng Vegetables for .Market.
With tho coming of tho warmer
weather more seeds nro being plant
ed by tho school children who are
cnrlng for gardens on tho lot nt tho
corner of'Wnll nnd Ohio streets and
they soon expect to havo early veg
etables for tho market.
Onions wore planted by tho chil
dren sevornl weeks ago and this
week thoy havo put In lettuco, beets,
turnips, parsnips, peas and carrots.
Tho work done on tho gnrdnns counts
30 por cent toward tho standing of
tho pupils In tho stato agricultural
course, an examination In which has
to bo taken by each seventh grade
Mrs. J. D. Davidson hns charco of
tho work nnd tho young gardenors
who aro caring for tho pints aro:
Mcrlo Hoover, Marlon Sathur, Paul
Huynolds, Ilesslo Smith, Fred Shuey.
VIoln Urovvn, Cecil French, Mildred
Kline, Gladys Sather. Kddiu Uroster
hous. Gonovievo MncLaurln, Until
Fleming, Lester Smith and Stuart
It no.
All who will dottato seeds for tho
gardens nro urged to do so nt once.
In Poitland Interview Minneapolis
Man Says Mattcis Must Ho Furthcr-H
Matured Skinner Piophe.sle.s,'
Groat Glow tli Ah Mills Start
U I ..i 1.- 1Anl.n.l ........ .... ... l .
that a formal innuoit was unnecos- . '"''. '' . " ihk " r"
With tho painting of tho buildings
of tho Hend Flour Mill Company tho
vat Ions Improvements planned by tho
low ownem aro Hearing completion.
At a Inter dnto extensions may bo
.iiado but the present flour mill, af
ter being practically robullt, Is now
unoxcollod In equipment, cloanllness
tind convonlonco. Tho company has
tendered a great servico to tho coun
try this spring by procuring tho best
rf seed of vnrloua varieties of grains.
Its flour business Is growing rapidly,
also, shipments having recently boon
mndo for tho first time by parcol post
to Uurns.
According to his thoory Aton
while packing grasped tho rlllo with
tho imtzzlo pointing toward him nnd
It was accidentally discharged.
Ilnrrv H. Aten, n brother of tho
dead man arrived 'lit town yostordny
morning to tnko chargo of tho fun
eral nrrangoiponts. Tho funornl was
hold this morning from tho Nlswon-
gor undertaking parlors, Itov. H. C.
H:rtrnnft conducting tho sorvices.
nurlnl was In tho Pilot llutto como
tcry. Gcorgo K. Aten was born in llloom
Ington, Illinois, on Mny 12, 1800, his
parents bolng William K. and Kmma
Aton who survivo him, bolng now res
idents of Vermont, Illinois. Thero nl
ho survivo n sister. Mabol, of Vor
mont, nnd n brothor, Harry 12, Aton,
of Portland.
C. L. Smith, agriculturist of tho
O.-W. K. & N. Co., will bo In town
on Monday nnd In tho afternoon will
speak at tho Coniinorclal Club room
on dairying, poultry, feeds nnd feed- ton, May
tho town, although It will probably
employ ono man throughout tho your
nnd sovornl In tho construction nnd
hutching periods and cause tho ex
penditure of from $3000 to $1000.
This, It is pointed out, Is of courso
doMntido but tho grcnt valuo of tho
hntjjhory will bo found In tho fact
Hint It will moan n pormanenco of tho
fls)ilng in tho Deschutes nnd neigh
boring hikes nnd strpnms. This will
attract n growing number of anglers
nnd tho money thoy loavo horo will
amount to largo sums.
Mr, McKay oxpects to havo tho
plunt In operation within tho noxt
lew weoks.
Even though you might never have
u fire or tliieves enter your home, a
paper mislaid is often times lost just
as irretrievably as if it had been
burned or stolen.
"When j'our valuable papere are in
our vault you KNOW where they
are and you KNOW they are safe.
You can leaso a steel box m our
vault with a non-pickable Yale
lock big enough to contain all
your private papers, for $2 a year
Can you .afford to be without this
The Deschutes State
Ing, corn, silos, soils, drnlnago and
homo making. Tho tlmo of tho
mooting Is 2:30 nnd all farmors aro
urged to como In to hear Mr. Smith.
Tho wool sales dates for contra!
and eastern Oregon have boon fixed,
tho list having boon nnnouncod by J.
T. Hardy, traveling freight nnd pas
senger agent of tho Oregon Trunk
when In town on Monday. Tho snlo
In Iloiul will bo on Juno 10. Tho
other dates nro ns follows: Kcho,
Mny 215; Pilot Itock, May 20; Penillo-
7: Ilakor, May 28; Itivor-
Former llend Man Man les Collego
Male lu Spokane.
Under tho heading "Homanco In
Wedding" tho Oregon Journal of
April 1C carried tho tallowing nows
from Spokane.
"Culminating a romance Btnrtlng
whon thoy wero collogo mates In
Kansas university, Lnwronco, Kansas,
MIsh Allco Turner, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tumor, and Ward
II. Coblo of Portland woro married
at tho Tumor homo horo Inst night.
Aftor a brief honeymoon trip, tho
couple will resldo In Portland. Tho
coromony wns performed by Ilov, IT.
F, Hawk of St. Paul's Mothodlst
church. Cohlo's parents nro Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Coblo of Knnsns City. Tho
brido's brothor-ln-law nnd slstor, Mr.
nud Mrs. 11. F. lleiiHon of Minneapolis
woro out of town guests present.
lands to in-: pati:nti:i.
Hxtru il P. M. General Manager
Hoseoo Howard of tho Central Oicgou
Irrigation Co, bus jm.t received n
iiu-s.siige from Washington Indlnttlnu
thai nil tioiiblo over lists O nnd H
Iiiin been settled nnil that tho lauds
will bo patented poon, Tho inivtuijo
is ns follow si "General Laud Olllcn
Is prcpni Iiik letter lei-oitllng npproviil
of IIsIn (I mid H for Niibstantlally nil
lauds contained tlicii-in which will
piobahly bo Mibmlttcd to the Secretin-
of Hie luteiloi- within thieo or
four dnjs."
eldo, Juno 1; Jouoph, Juno I; Kntcr-
prlso. Juno C; Hoppnor. Juno 10;
Shnulko, Juno 12; Maupln, Juno 11;
Madias, Juno 15.
dims and Garden
ItAILltOAl) MH.V HKIti:.
W. C. Wilkes and F. A. Ilrnlnord,
nsHlHtant general frolglit nud passeu
gor ngont and Hiiporliitoudent, re
spectively, of tho Oregon Trunk lino
wero lu town on Monday Inspecting
the plntfoim at the warehouse with
n vlow to placing a roof over tho ox-
toiislon and on othor IiusIiiohh, It
was decided to build the roof so that
tho wool which Is to come lu hero
will bo assured of cover. With II,
II. Kennedy, n reproHuntutlvo of tho
Portland Flouring Mills, Mr. Wilkes
was n guost at thn dlnnor of tho Km
blom Club held Monday night. Mr.
Ilrnlnord wns taken sick In tho af
ternoon and wns iinnhlo tu attend.
Aftor .spending two days in Roingft
over his company's tlmbor holdings'
south of Hand, studying tha loggfng
conditions and Investigating mill
sites, T. L. Shovilu left Friday night
for Minneapolis, by way of Portland.
Several mombors of tho party" ac
companied him. Dednito nnnuunco--mom
of mining plnus la not expected'
for a fow wtoks longor.
Tho Portland Telegram on Monday
contained tho following 'nccotmt of
the visit of tho party to llond .nud tho
expected development In this vicinity.
"Accompanied by K. C. Shovilu,
tho Portland timber operator, and Wr
1). Skinner, tralllc managor of tho
Spokano Poitlnnd & Sonttlo Uailwny
system, Thomas L. Shovilu, head ot
tho Shovilu Lumbor company of Min
neapolis, has Jiut bcon over his com
pany's timber holdings along tho up-
por UcBchutcs country with n view to
closing negotiations for extension of. ,
the railroad from llond Into tho tlm-"'
hor area and nrrntiKlng for tho eroc
Hon of mills for converting- thn tim
ber Into commercial lumbor. In tho
party also woro 1-3. A. Don of Ilomld
Jl. Minn.. T. A. McCnun of iLlbby,
Mont., nnd J. A. Nichols of Mlunanp-
oIIb. TIio vlsitor.s returned cast iitstj
'Until somo matters nro morn fully
matured I cannot mnko n definite nu-'
noiiucemont of our plans to dovolop
cur plno tlmbor tracts east of tho
Cascade mountains,' snld Thomas L.
Shovilu at tho lleuson hotol. 'Probab
ly In another 110 dayi thoro will bo
somotliing uoith tolling.'
'Whether tho mills of tho Shovilu
syndicate will bo erected at llond or
at soma point closur to tho timbered
area has not yet been determined,'
snld Tralllo Mnnnger Sklnnor, 'hut
when Mr. Shovilu makes a start on
tho developments contemplated It
will mean, an almost Immediate, ln
croiiuo of 2000 to -GOO people Intho
population of Crook county. If tho
mills go In nt llond that city should
doitblo lu population lu a short tlmo.'
"IJnrly UiIh yonr tho Shovilu Hyn
dlcato liought from the Dcschuton ,
Lumbor company no, 000 acres of
plno timber, making Ita holdings
from within n short distance south
oi llond to near Klamath Falls ng
grenato 180,000 ncros. Apprnxlmnte
ly $3,000,000 changed hands In that
doal It Is uiidoiHtood. Production ot
vollow plno by tlio Hhnvllu syndlcnto
will mean a var.t tonnngo for thn Hill
nud Hnrrlmaii railroad lines In tho
Deschutes country nnd for long-haul
ttninc to distant markets, and It Is
said tho olllclala of tho rait carriers
aro meeting thn timber Interests In
n vvny thnt assures dovulopmont ot
t u tlmbor holdliiH to mutual' nd
vaiitago of tho owners and carriers.
-riiomns L. Shovilu Is n nopbow of
K V. Shuvlln of Portland. Ho wiih
chw of tho grnntest nll-roiind athlotes
of Yale unlvorslty a fow years ngo."
Per lb Per 100
Small lots lbs.
Turkestan Alfalfa 22 $21.00
Fancy Alfalfa 21 20.00
Whlto Clovor 55
Ited Clovor, Fancy . . ..21 20.00
Mamouth Hod Clovor ..23 21.50
Timothy 10 3.00
Kentucky Dluo Crass ..IS
German Millet 08 C.50
Canadian Fiold Peas. ..0GH C.50
Ilroomo Grass 20 19.00
gahi)i:.v sni:ns.
Por U lb. Per lb.
Strlngless G. P
Goldon Wax
Ky. Wonder
Knrly Egyptian 30
Market Gardnor 35
Mangel Half Sugar ....20
Lanes Imp. Sugar ....20
Dan Hall Head 50
Ea, Jer Wakefield ....50
Danvers Half Long ...25
Chantenay 25
rirlionrl 25
Yellpw Belgian 25
Whlto lielgiau za
Yellow Dent ........
Early Hussion ...... .
Hanson 35
Simpson Early Curled .30
Danvors Yollow dlobo .40
Ited Wcatherfleld ....50
White aiobe 60
Hollow Crown . .' 20
Guernsey Half Long .,20
American Wonder ....10
Dwarf Telephono 10
Llttlo Gem 10
French Breakfast 20
Whlto Icicle 20
Crimson Giant 30
Long Illack Spanish . ..20
P. T. 8. Leaf 20
Yellow Aberdeen 20
Sklrvlngs 20
Whlto Russian ,20
Kale, 1000 head 20
"icj" 'vjaf' 'xay
Bend Hardware Co.
The Company that put the "Wear" in Hardware
The First National Bank
i ' ' '
U. C. COE, President E. A. HATUKH, Vice- Presldont
C. H. HUDSON, C'tmhlor
Capital fully paid - - $25,000
Surplus ('.'5,000
Are you going
to the Fair?
If you aro, obtain a supply of our
May bo cashed at Banks or Ho
tels without discount or identification.
-, DIRECTORS r ----
V. c. Cob K. A. Hatiieh '. H. Ili'iwo.v
w? 02;3 opjp QJjy
txy fiy "'SSf "QW "xS" "i
1 k!b) ki '& k&y hJL kii