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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1915)
&mr nt jtM,-Kr -statu ., FAGE3 0. THE BEND, BULLETIN, BENI), OBE., WEDNESDAY, APBIL U, 101B. IS THERE ANYTHIN6 I GROWS IN THE GARDEN L ) SAY JUDGE NOTHINQ CAN EQUAL THE Purchasing: the Dairy Bull Organization of Bull Associations Would Prove Valuable in Crook County By Criutily Aki IciiHurM A. ):. Ij O V E T T. Same time and rates I WITH AS GOOD TASTE AS REAL TOBACCO CHEW to California at alt THAT? rait. Fart Include meat anJ hertht at z&5 - m m Thoro Is Rood nionoy In dairying' bull, tlioy would frol that tlicy could lu Ciook county, novrml dairy- inon nro provlnic thw to their own Hntlsfnctluu. Tho BroRlent trouble with tlio majority of men ovtuitiK cowb In Hint tlmy linvo Inforlor pro diicorH. Tlmro lire ton mnny who aro willing mid ovon ciiHiir to imrchano tho cow or heifer for $10 or $i!0 without II rut timtliiK tlia milnml or IcmmlriK hor nlilllty for butter-frit jiroductlon. Thoro Hni too Tew who nro willing to pnv $100 to $300 for IiroMtnblo niilmiils. Tlioro lire hIbo too fow who IiihIhI upon a tlionniKli toHt of tho nnluml. both for in I Ik nnd buttor production, mid for tuborcu IohIh beforo tho piirrlinMU the nnluml. Tho $200 cow Mini will not prollt of from 11 vo lo ten ilolliira per month In much more prolliiibli! than tho for ty or nitty ilolbir iinlmnu which wo iniiHt puy to may on our fnrum. In iniiiiy ItiMlanceM, wo would tnnhn mon ey by nliiiply HhootliiK the n-ilimil nnd buryliiK lier; nnd In inuny Iiuunin'eM, tin (till inn 1 which wo niitv eonn'tler n poor producer in our henl, U Mih one prolllnblo iinliiuil wu inn v haw Very few of I ho fnrinerH 1 1 thlM Miction Imvo tho cimh or run nfford tho credit lo imv Jir.o to :!oo for n cow. Mnny nlromly Iihvp fHlrl good iinlumln nnd enn In n erv few yeiim limn; thnn double the profit they tuny olilnlu from the vmiie iiuiiiler of mil- lilulH In their herd bv the iiho of ill pootl, nuro-bred bull from u proline live frimlly. II linn been found that tho bull triinmnltH the chiiriicturlMtlcH of tho mother mid mimdmotherH to a derided duKree, k that In the pur. chime of mi nnluuil It In nliHoltitoly neccHHnry that we know thn produc tion of the iiiiIii)hI'h fnuilly. Tho bull with a pedlKree iih Ioiik nH your iirm may be a ver poor Individual and mi wort li) of iiho lu n herd, al not purchase tho nnlinnl, nnd yet It lu nccoHnary to pay I his prlco usunlly for a really good animal. Hull imnorlntlonH hnvo been or Knulzed In many Hcctlona of tho coun try and oven In ninny sections of Ore Kon. Ihcxe orxniilzntlotiH conslHt of four to ton farmerx wlio purchase the bull, each man pnvlnK according' to tho number of cow lie has. An nsree- nient Is drawn up regulating tho tiso of the milmtil, and statliiK tho ser vice fee and other conditions regit lntlng the nssoclatlon. Tho iinlmnl Is kept at ono farm mid horvlcu feo clinrKed Hiilflclotit to cover tho ex penses of his cure. If ono or more hiicIi associations nro orgnnl7eil In ono section or one county, the nnluml purchased by each iiMioclntlou Is used for two yours and then the different associations trade iinlmnls. With four or llvo such nssoclntlons In Crook county, we might obtain nt coinpmatlvely Utile expense to each 'ndlvlilunl, enough good nnlnmls to Inst us from elicit to ten years, prac tically the lire or tho aiilmnl In this case, It would bo necessary that Home of us forget our prejudices re gnnllng other breeds than our own, nnd ugree to use hoiiio other breed Dollars mid cents, nnd not Imagina tion or sentiment, should determine tho breed we will keep. If Crook DELUXE TOURS to CALIFORNIA ipositions Oregon Trunk Railway And the TilplcScieu, SI Deck 1'iilaco of the 1'nclllc SS "NORTHERN PACIFIC" (LeiiKtli "'-I feet, lleiiiu (III feet, Speed HI Knot.) HiilllucH from I'liuel, April 1 T-li I -li.T-iill, .May it-7-1 l-l.. Speilnl Steamer Tialii Letups I'ortlitiitl I) a. in. AnhcM I'buel lliiilll Luiitlicim on Ship, Sleiiinslilp Airhcs San I inncKcii itiito p, m, Next Day. BOUND Tltll I'ABES TO SAN I'ltANCISCO Fitim IUikI, ltd Day Limit 811. 10 Ninety Day Limit . . . 91.1.1ft (.oiivpoudiiiK low tales to b.m Diego anil iy lis AimeleH with choice of ionics, Miutli of San l'ntncUto. I'lirtlciilais of Aueuts Snokniie. I'oitlnnil ?? fllt'l M Seattle, Oiegtm Trunk or Stent Nor- AUJi-irrffy-, llll'lii in- Voillw.,ii I',., III. Itiilliini... II IJzzsi.' B. II. CBOZM'B, .1. II. eomill'IT, lifTuX a la ' ; ". '.; : ')1'" I fiiiinnn ifiX IMiilllillf UIl'i lll'llllf WIUl county dairymen could ngren upon one breed of dairy cattlo and work for the gieatest Improvement of this herd, It would ho noted for Its dnlry entile and bujers would bo visiting our section for tho purchnso of dairy anlmnls, no mnttnr what breed ue might sell. The cheapest nnd most reasonable method for our use lu r.ttninlng this end Is tho organization of Hull Associations. Tho ngrlcul- wayH look for the production of IiIb ; ttiral college has Issued a bulletin faiullv, for there are many very poor Individuals pure bred and registered. If mnny of our dairymen lu this sec tion were asked $200 to $1100 for a STILL WORKS FOR FACTORY llmiiel .Milking I'bi us for Stan li I'laut to lit) Opeintt'd Next Vwir. Thrtt Dr. K. S. Hainol, Abe was Interested In the potno starch move ment that full through n short time ago, Is still nctho ;n behalf of the project, for another enr, Is Ind'oated bv reports front Culver, where ho makes his liHinliuarters, Dr. Hmnol's latest uotlio to the prons U as fol lows: "lloth rallrosds have grniilud a special into on starch from the fac tor) to Ih locstud In Cent ml Oregon, to I'orllaud, Oregon, whete the starch ' Mill bo iK'iit to Atlantic const cities. x In. cnnal. Dr. IIhiiiiiI will begin nc llve work about the llrst of .lime re cocurlug nc r en it e for the fnctory ho It ran be built iinxt whiter lie wants mory ono lo plum eunuch fpuiln this ear thut they may Iium reed enough for next yosr It 1m f planned to Iihvu an entirely ecu cou li act for next Jenr. mid sevcnl rliaugis will ho iimde In It. Sever it IIUW fen tit I OH Will lie added tills your, tuiMt uotalile ef which will be n co-operatlnu soiling pirn for the marketable potatoes ttaldu) so that I lit') tn ii v be sold on tli tit r reputation nil otr tho otmiilrv. Dr llnmel may be aililreiweil at Cuher. OregJii." which gives details for such orgn ulzatlons, and I shnll bo glad to co- operate with any In the county who lire interested In this lino of work Walla Walla, Spokane, Seattle nml and sold to pay tho tax, accrued ln- Vancouver, II, C. Tlioy made the terost, ponnlty and costs of tho salo. drlvo from Dunsmulr to Klntuatli Whero taspayors Imvo real property Falls Thursday mid report tho rendu that may ho held for tho personal good, Practically tho only bad rn.uls ibx, tho sheriff will chnrgo tho por- encountered were between Dunsmulr sonal property tax against tho real and Budding nnd as theso aro rapid- property, ns also 1b provided by law. ly being ropnlred tlioy bollovo tnnel'AH personal proporty tnx now dolln- over that stretch will be good by nueiu tnnt is not naiu nrter April l PATnFINDjRSJRE OUT Hay Boail to San I'liinclscii Will be I lest Litter, (Klamath Kails Northwostorn.) Driving a llulck oar, C. A. Mc (lee and I'rmik .Murray, pnthllndets for the I'aclile Coast automobile guide book, arrUed hero from Snu Kri-iiclsco lute Thursday evening nnd left yesterday for Victoria, II. C , by way of Ut Klnuiath, Crescent. Ilend, May 1C. Messrs, McCico and Murray nro tho first persons over tho road between Klamath Kails nnd San Francisco this enr. Tlioy nlso nro tho llrst nutolsts to tncklo tho road between hero and Ilend. They say that the roads between bore and San Francis co will bo In the best condition aftor July lfi, and advise that travel to tho exposition by nutn from this region bo deferred until then If convenient. TAX XOTICK. Notlco Is hereby given that nil un paid personal tax now on tho delin quent i oil i In the sheriff's hands will be collectod or collection enforced bv seizing mid selling ns provided by law until enough has been levied upon will bu subject to enforced collec tions. i:. B. KNOX, Sheriff. 3-Cc By Floyd A. Bowoll, Deputy. Makes (II Feci Like 1(1. "I suffered from kidney ailment for two yenrs," writes Mrs. M. A. Ilrldgos, Hoblnson, Miss., "I com menced tnklug Koloy Kidney l'llls about ten months ago. I am Gl years of ago nnd feel like a lC-year-old girl." Foley Kldnoy Bills Invig orate weal: nnd deranged ktdnoys, relievo backache, rheumatism mid bladder trouble. Patterson Drug Co. - Adv. I'so cracked corn for chicken feed - tho new Bond Flour Mill has It. Adv. CO tf F WWL "C.1 KejK1. i'J! tra 1 FLOWERSJRE LISTEO Nntiios of ,MI fur li It-It 1'iles Are to lie Ollcittl In Augiiot (ihen. The llowurs ou the follow lug list nro tho ones fur which prUes are planned to bo gheu at the coming flower show In August AiiMiue who t'itotH to exhibit How urn net iiHiued lieiH Is riHUntl to give the inline to Mis. t. M. Thompson tmforo Aug ust 1. Huuut Pons White, cream huff, cream pink, light pi ik, pink, orange t r salmon, luvouilvr, seMrlet, rriuiM'Mi. it irk retl or elnrut, blue, purple, tils I'lU'l ttntl Nhiidtid. llopofl llwl, llnU, white, yellow or orunm. Paniles . CiiriiHtttuis Bed, whlto, pink I'nppy Sherley, liigle, double, tu lip or Bantu Imrlmrn. PlnlvS Uiuiblo. uluglo. Alters l'lnk, whllo, luxender, pnplo. rml. DalBlos Shasta, African. BnglUh. Swsn Hlver Himp Drsmm -Wblto. r'd. xollow Sweet All) num. Canterbury Belli. Coreopsis. Hub) llreatli. Marigold stiiglo unit double. Calendula. Urk pur, Cainlv Tufi (llllardln. l'otutiia. sluglti. (lolden Ulow. Ilollv Hetk. Oladlolas. Itiggod Sgllor or llaclielor lliittuii, N'asturtlunu. Suntlower, l'r eniilal Phlox, Verbeim. Vvr Fow, Ctmtonurreti. RiilpliUloiU. Foxglove. Citilloiwli. IMtltX. lM"enn!l, ttniliirtl, ritruwliorrlii. Wild llowers. rottt'tl Plants. (lerinlulU-Hrtl. whit lvl"u Pctunlu IKiiiUle. DlllKlf tiHbv lUrtt. feru. ligonl Tiit 8tnr plant, l'ushln. sinKlo, double t'liiltltenV Deiitnient. Hwoot pens, nmturttnii'b. rwiuw. I'pile wild tlowor. pumhIhs, pink Vtttalilt One lil , C'-rn. cnrrol. turnlu. po- Ikiii. CHiiUllownr. lettuce, rutabagas, potn-, toes, ciiciunber, tindlve. onions, hoots, totivatoea, spinach. Wiuash. rttdwli )! dlsnlav iisitiried borrlos. host display assorted fruits. lot display assorted cubbugo. sc hulled hurley for xour ch'ck cub Forsalo t the New llond Flour STOP!! it is tiiosh cblbhiiatkd bisskl and WIHTK CltOSh VACUUM CLCANKItS. A NKW IlKOOM SWKKI'S CLBAN BUT ONLY AFTKU BAUD WOUK AND THKN IT OUTS ONLY BALK TUB DIBT. L O OJ! vacuum cLi:Ni:us bklikvi: tiik iiousk- HOLD OF ITS DKUDOICHY. CLCAXINfJ CUIt TAINS. FUUNITUIli: AND FlXTUItBS AS WBLL AS CAlUMiTS AND FLOORS AND CUT ALL Till: DlltT. LISTEN! IT COSTS MUCH I.KSS TO Ol'BUATU THAN AN KLKCTU1C FLAT IUON. SOLD ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS IF DKSIBnD DO IT ELECTRICALLY THE MARKET GARDENER IS HONEST WITH THE GOOD JUDGE MAN the taste of "Right-Cut" is so satisfying and so lasting that a ten cent pouch of the Real Tobacco Cicwlasts you twice as long as the same money "will buy in your old kind. Why, the only thing about "Right Cut" that isn't a luxury is the price. You'll be glad of the day you start with the Real Tobacco Chew if you arc critical about the tobacco you chew. Take a very small chew lesi than one-quarter the old sle. It will bo more satisfying than a mouthful of ordinary tobacco. Juit nibble on it Until you find the strength chew that suits you. Tuck it away. Ihen let it rest. See hoiv easily and evenly the real tobacco taste comes, how it satisfies without grinding, how much less you have to spit, how few chews you take to be tobacco satisfied. That's why It is Thl Real Tobacco Chew. 1 hat's why it costs less in the end. It It ready chew, cut fine hd short ihreJ aa that von wnn'f h.v to grin J on it with lour tetth. Grludlutf on ordinary caodicd tobacco makes you apit loo much Tha latie of pure, rich tobacco doca not necJ (o be covered up with motaaics and licorice. Notice how the salt brlmi out the rich tobacco taite lo "Klibl'Cut." One small chew takxs the place of two big chews of the old kind. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY BO Union Square, Now York (BUY FROM DEALER ORSENO lOSTAMPSTOuV) Jl(mZffl T ' It The BEND WATER LIGHT (fe POWER CO. The United Warehouse Company Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD The United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon w k Building Material LUMBER, SHINGLES The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon; Mill -Adv. WWMW4Wt4 i