,-(lktateybWlll,! " TW&3lWHWHP"li SMSHfr BiTjBPlWe r ; 3t H jMjWNeft-wwwBincBWW 1A(U2,4. , ,1,' Till: Hi:.M, HULLETIN, REND, OHi:., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1IB. j THE BEND BULLETIN (Publlwlicil Ecry Wednesday) OEOHOE PALMER PUTNAM Publisher, ROHERT W. SAWYER Managing Editor An Indopendout nowBpupor stand ing for tliu sqtinro dual, clean bust n cua, clean politico and tho best In terests of Uend mid Conttitl Orogon. une yonr Six months. . . . Three months. thero Is sorao money loose, anyway Central Oregon will be In tho swim aguln soon enough. Jack Johnson In down and out, flo one phnso of the rnco problem Is solved. Now It remains to be Keen what the Japs and Hindoo do to the Germans. Lll' Arthur got $30,000 fir being knocked out by Jew Wlllard. Moat of MB would lift (dud of the privilege at that price, no matter wno trie $i.r,o .SO J knocker .SO All subscriptions nro due and PAYAULK IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration nro mulled subscribers and If ronownl Is not made within ronson- oblo tlmo tho paper will bo dlscou tinned. 1'leaso notify us promptly of any chnngo of address, or of lalluro to ro celvo tho paper rogilnrly. Othurwlso wo will not bo lOBponslblo for copies missed. Mako all chocks nnd orders pay ablo to Ilend llulletln. It's tough to be poor, but thero are compensating features. For Instance, how many folks hereabout have been bothered by the Income tax collectors? WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1015. Some pesslmlttlc peojilu aro begin ning to wonder If that plpo line to take tho product of the salt lakes to the rnllioad Is after all a plpo droiim. Hnaobnll fans got busy again In Portland yostorday. Its time to be gin figuring out whethor Connlu Mack can come back again. STAIE ORDERS BOGS IZZLEI CROOK IS INCLUDED IN QUARANTINE Kpienil of liable In 1 1 Counties (o bo Checked Slulo Lhestock Sitiilta- tlon I tout (I Takes Precautions Sheep Dogs i'i) Unpitiz7lcd. --- OREGON TltONK Tit A IN Arrives 8 a. m. - Leaves 8:30 p.m. - O.-W. K. & N. TRAIN. Arrives 7: 45 p. m. Loaves .....7:2G a. m. STAGE LINE SOITII. - Arrives 7:30 p. in. Leaves 10 a. m. - AUTO LINES. Car3 dally to Hums nnd points - south nnd southeast. POSTOFFICE HOl'ItS. - Genoral delivery open dally !):16 a. m. to C p. ni. No mall distributed on Sunday - Night train mall closes 7 l. in. Day train mall closes C:30 n. m. TELEGRAPH HOURS. -Westorn Union dolly 7-12, 1-C, 7-10. Sunday 8-10, 4-C. - TELEPHONE HOURS. Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour service Including Sunday. --' unit Worn hoe s Satisfaction fit- reputation ---style u transfusion of excellen cies each the better for the other you find all of them in In vlow of tho company's activities along certain lines why not rename It tho C. O. II. & N. Co. ENFORCE THE LW. Thoro Is n provision of Oregon law making the erection of guldn posts inaudntory nt every crossing of pub. lie roads. Puither, the law provldos thai If such sign posts arc not main tained, the supervisor of tliu dlstilct Involved Is not to lie paid. Hero Is oxnetly what Is said In Sec tion (1317 of Lords Orogon Laws: "Every supervisor shall orect nnd keep up at (ho forks of ovory highway nnd every crossing of public loads within hhi loud district n guldo or linger board, containing an Inscrip tion, In legible letters, directing tho way and upocloing llio illstnnco to tho next town or public plucu situated on ench road, respectively; provid ed, that tho roml supervisors shnll nut bo paid lifter submitting their re port to tho county court until tlioy liuvo shown to the sntlsfr.ctlon of the court that tho prolslons of this sec tion have boon compiled with." Under those proilslonn wo bellevo thoru probably Is nut a Hluglo road supervisor In Cuiok county who Ih entitled to his pny from tho ciunty court. And with our road situation us It In wu bulltno Unit Uie court v til'l bo doing a ii nl Htrt4n Ui tliu puulli. ir It li.Ti.iiiir iLfno to the lot lr this smlui.i Thero are ii mi' luvs nnd m 'Ions if ) whieji tue allow d In mpso ltd wiw naen(ort'o1 i. .mn tluiy UAlvkbtr oImi'I an hi ild iilnuslv i.'.nroininodlng or u irlrji-i I n' hero Is no H(ti i onn rhls it. i 'kublu mill w.i in 1 1 l'ii, Mul Its mifnrro intuit would tticoiupllah much lui tho , good of tho county, Wu IiiiVo h grant niimbor of oross IngH and forks, nnd It Is wife to sav that ii(jt lisir nf thnm aro ndeiiuatety marked. Hwn roshlwit nro wirol) piuzlyd when tilyi wi-ndor far from homo, nnd ull of us who lmo trav eled nisn iiillat of Crook ciunty hlgfiwinH iHinenibr tlmts when wo liavn wasted hours tlirniigli Ink lag tliu wrong turning. iiMi-atise thera wuro no dlruotlons gln. For the Httiinger, our rondi. for tho moat part, are a puizla nnd a 'nuisance. finch a condition l bad IiuhIossh. Aside fium our own lue nranlenco rod loss of tlniii. It Is full) lo ills, coinage auto tourists bv such stupid Inattuftloii to thalr le'iulremeuts. In rteiid of ninklug travel hero a hard ship why not do all wo etui to kwp them snttslled mid send Ilium on their way with pleasant Impressions? l,u(lbU), nccurote sign posts at every fork and oross r-ad would In a boon (o the tourist and o satisfse Hon to tho lasldiMit. Tlioy would cost h vol y few dollara. I''iitber, thov ara liwiulriiil by law. The iower Is gln tliu C'ountv Court to onforet) that law ury Hlinply. Lei us hope that tba (.'oiirt In Its wisdom will notify all supervisor that buresfter tha rula will bo "Nn 81gn, No Pay." Why not makes that slogan, "The whole world noses the Portland roses7" There ale, at least, no "pronounc ed" victories In Russian Poland. IIOAIH) APPOINTS ItEPItESENTA TIVIW. SALEM, April 12. (Special.) Tho State Laud Hoard today appoint oil Its lepiete.itutles as follows: Jef- roruon cutitit), O. A. Ploic, or .Mad ias; Ilaiuey county, A. W. (lowun, of IllllllH. Try True llluo Hour, grocur for It. Adv. Ask yojr St; tf. WILL I'lltNISII SKINS. At tho Coiuiiietclul Club luncheon on Satiiiduy tho automobile road committee reported that It expucted to rucclvo road signs from an auto tiro company soon. These will bu placed at all cioss roads In this sec tlon. Mis. Arlstuno Kelts, president of tho ttiitii patent teacher associa tions was ptchcut and miidu a few 10 uiarkH. The luncheon noxt Saturday will be at the Cozy restaurant. SISTEUS TO ENTEUTAIN. A country sldo uieutlng In the In torestH of tho Sisters Pair Association Ih planned for Saturday, .May 1, ac cording to Robert '.. D.ivls, of Ulst, plosldeut of the association, who wns !u town on Moailay. The plan Is to hold the afiiilr on Siimw Cieek uenr the town of Sisters, nnd the members of tho Hod .unl Reduiond Commer cial clubs nnd the Tunuilo DeNelop uieut I .on k u ii mo to be Invited. Lunch will bo pioWdod by tho Sisters peo ple and (here will bo speaking by leprofuntnthes of the Pond, Tuiunlo and Redmond delegations. COYOTES AUK IIYIVfJ. The i allien epidemic Is having Its expacted lorult ariioug the coyotes in tho liomosteHd country, accoidlng to rupoits brought in by travelers, nnd a noticeable lessening of their num ber la already appmont. As an ox ninplw of tho effect of tho dlseiiKo t'liarlaa K. Haines of Imperial io ii,rt mat while on a two day survey, l-ig tilp recenM), dm lug which some nine miles were covered, 11 dead emotes wero found on the lino. This wait lu the section south of Imperial ami not far from where Elmer Doug !i was lecently bitten by u la.ilil coole. (Tho Orogonlnn.) SALEM, April 10. To prevent the Eprcadlng of rabies, tho Stnto Live stock Sanitary Hoard, at a meeting! hold horo today, lisucd nn order placing 11 counties under quarantine. It wno announced that tho dlseasul had boon communicated by coyotes to horses, dogr, cats and other animals In eight counties In tho eastern part of tho stnto. Tho countlc3 Included In the quarantine nro Lake. 'Harney, Crook, linker, Umatilla, Malheur, Wlicolor und Union, whero rnbles provulls, aid Multnomah, Clackamas and Jnckscn, to which It Is feared the disease may bo sproad. The order requires that all dogs, iinmu77.Icd, tiRed lu herding livestock bo muzzled. Stato Vetorlnarlnn Ly lie, who nttended tho meeting, mild that nil violators of tho quarantine would bo punished to tho fullest ox tent of tho Inw, the penalties being flues from ffiO to $100 for each of fonio. Mr. Lytic nnnounccd Hint all peace olllcers would bo called mnn fr assistance In enforcing tho order. Tim veterinarian declurod thot con ditions wuro especially alarming In Lnko county, rabid coyotes and dog running the range In Inrgo numbers. Ho said that mniiv cattle and n num bur of persons hnd been bitten" there. Wo Fhnll try to gut tho city author ities of Portlnnd to onforco tho or der thoro," continued Dr. Lytic "It will requlro that dogs be muzzled, and, when en tho street, In lonsh. Tho bonrd will sco Hint It Is unforced In Miiltnumnh county outsldo tho city. "Stock ownora hnvo BUffurert so vorely lu eastern countlos. Tho situ ation Is especially hard for tho poor homesteaders, whole somo of them have lost their only cow through be' Ing bitten bv a hydrophobic oovcto or dog. Even oats nro becoming :if- Mlcted wllh tho disease nnd nro being killed by tho fear-strlckon ownora." Classified ! nrts,::- utrnw nwusi BHJf Wi tHWflBUVS AVANTED. WANTED Competent woman for general Iioiibo work. Write or tole phono to Airs. Roscoo Howard, Des chutos. 3 tf. I'OH HL'NT. This order of the Livestock Hoard will servo lo siipploinont the city or dinance lu force In Crook county towns. Up to tho present tluio dogs outsldo of tho oltlos have not been muzzled due to tliu county's Inability to act. Pishing Co. Adv. tackle. Skua Hardware NOliCK OK SPECIAL MKKT1NO. A special meeting of the stockhold ers f the Pine Koieat lirlgulton Cj. will he held At the Arnold school house. Township 18 8. It. 12 15. W. M , in 7 p. in , Krhla .. April 23, 1S1R, lor the pm pom of pro tiling fur tho dlvoii'liiii of water trom tbe com pany's canal at other points than those now provided for in the coin kiii'k Pv-lewe ami to provide for tho msusuiement and npportloniiient of wtttvi. W. P. MaNmiKut, l'nwlileui. Adv. flo. RHINO THK.M 1IICKK. Tho uewa nqmrt of the coming to Or 040 ll of members of the House I'oiumlitee mi apprriMlrua should 11 roui1 1) the Commercial Club, ami ea-' peclally its Irrlgutlon CJinmltteo. to activity. The purpose or their visit Is to see the goverummit proJmMe whliili have Imu recoivlng fiiiula ami nre now well along to completion. If to them could be added the projects which will be asVlug fur appropria tions hereafter tho oommltleo will mill material! to the offocltveneMi with which It can deal with the sub ject. I'mWiuuteUh the projects wuleli will be aetlvelv seeking awUlnnce lire tlioa In Central Oregou which vere au pioinlneiit last winter. It would be a Hood thlug to get the uiimlttee hero to aee these projects Mr themselves. Two real eetalo imau whoa special tv Is fnjH land Hf overheard talk nit In Portland. They were dlseuaa ing religion. Salil one1 "l lielleve 1 1 lleuveu. hut I iban't think t.here Is my f.n'h lilac as Hall. "1 didn't iina so until lately," aalil the other. ' now I do If there Isn't n Hell ii re lias business genu to?" - ii - lU'll.OOK IS (IOOI). The Oregon Journal quote a Port land salesman as follws: "In the DaechiKet country the outlook It go d This section looks better thnn 1 have eer seen It. There has been a big met ease In the acreage sown nnd the tret. 1 la In Hue shape. Even- -0 is looking forward to thin being their 1110K prosperous acisou." HOUSE I'Olt SAI.U. 8een room house with gtod b- mem ami ul modern corneal. .. t K W. Richardson, La Pine. Oie- son. -taif idmitly there Is plenty of unoo- hI room In the Oregon building KKi.NS I'Olt SAM e Ban rauolso exp osiuon. .rr Uou ,, ..,.,. S)l, .. ..,,, 11 'i Iwvo u reproeonrotwv oxmuii ,,. ,.,,,, (.ii.k.wiiinr lt.min." .v.. t" Central Orogon? Admittance," "No SmoUIng," cICm - r etc., l'lacanlt printed lu lurK t)pc tttMthwcstern Oregon Is to have a on hey hrUiol Ixmnl, 1.1 reui enrh vuw railroad. Uheur up. 1 That flbows let- lit iuJUHlc. llulletln OUIt. 1 tf TU.MAI.O DANCE. The Tumato Irrlgntliu da ice will he lam In the Agrlrulturul hull at l.aldls. Prlday evening, Apiil IS Ladles of the 'et Side will sene lofreshmonta. Music b Mrs Mo Uiurln and Joo McKay. Tickets for dance 71 cunts. ad IIIJNNKTT AsslONS. P. A HoDiiutt has urn ile an assign ment for tho beuetlt of lit creditors to 8. T lllll of Seattle. II. D Rush ong, of Saattle. repreeeutlng the as algnee. arrtvad lu town on Suturday. Acrordttig to Mr RusIiour creditors will piobubly be paid lu full. STRAYED. One iihtek Jersey and one yellow Jerae heifer. Utttor Una crumpled bant. UatU ilr' ml duo to freshen tUla monilt. Notify V. W. Howard. Ueachuiea. On. THE DALLES INVITES Sends Olllcliil Imitation lo Pa it III palo In Celebration. Mayor Miller has rocolvod the fol. lowing Invitation to The D.tllee-Coll- lo Ceiebrati 11 on Mny a: "1 11 behalf of Hallos City and tho llm-lal Cimmltteo for Tho Dilloa Collto (VlbratIon, wliloli la to tnlio due at Tho Dallim and Celllo on Mav '1. I with to est olid to you nnd voiir c.t as well na your surrounding oouiini'tHiv, a cordial Invitation to pertlclpnte with us at tho opening of The lMllea-Celllo Cunnl, whlclv, du iid tes tho complotlon of one of tho iieattst projects lu uug.lncarlng skill and g'ves us n navigable liver for 00 m'lea for tho oommon good of all. Olllclal Progrnm will bo nn iicuiiced later. Truatlng you will nrall yourself of this opportunity and Join us lu this celebration. 1 am Sincerely yours, T 11. PHILLIPS, Secretary." Trv the Stone nnd Hnro's Knr Kile Skime Hardware Co. Adv. tumbler s HOTEL Tr.MM.URS COMMON TAIU.i: TIM ULCUS LEMONAIIK TlI.Mlll.llltS THIN UI.OWN TU.MM.KIIS COULNIAIi Tl'.MM.HRS HANDLED SUUUUKT (iUSSKS I'OOTKD siiHitntrr tllSfKS When Its OliASSWAUK UKMKMUKU Warner's Whero VOL' MIT Mr LESS FOR RENT Small hounn imrlli- furnished, low rent. Inqulro Hullo tln. 4.5 FOR RENT Threo room Iiouho with light r.nd water near new school houso. Inquire Ellto Studio. -Itfc TO LET To rollnblo people Nice ly furnished modern flvo room Iioiibo In Pnrk addition. Piano. Inquire American Uakory. 3tfc FOR RENT CO ncros summer fal low. Irrigated land. Will take nno quarter of crop. Wrlto to or boo F. h. Dayton, Tuninlo, Oregon. (5-7 p. FOR RENT Eighty ncro ranch nenr llend, well Improve'd. Do not apply unless you havo team and ready cash. MX, llulletln. fitf mm lVM 1jt flf .vs. - Utz& Dunn Shoes THEY "FIT WHERE OTHERS FAIL" We also sell LAMM CLOTHES Real Custom Tailored Clothes R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY LEAKNTHE WAY FOR S.VLI FOR SALE Do Lnvel Boparntor, No. 17. Inqulro Hullotln. dtf FOR SALE Road cart, cushlo-i soit and back, $10. J. II. Shousc Cp FOR SALE Three year old Joreoy cow, $70. J. 11, ShotiBo. Cp FOR SALE 2S00 pound team, ap ply or wrlto to E. nnnnn, c-o Sathors Btoro. 3tfc FOR SALE Short horn bull, com ing two years old. Prlco reasonable. Apply F. V. Swisher, Tuninlo, Ore gon. G-Sc FOR SALE Farm, aouthwost side Powoll Initio, 310 acres, 1C0 under cultivation, as much mora ran bo cultivated; SO fruit trees growing on place. For Information Inquire nt Al falfa post ofllco. 3-19 p FOR SALE An nil around horso. Will drlvo Blnglo or double Good Fuddle, buggy or harness horse American Hnkery. 3tfc FOR SALE Good sized team, hnr nosB, spring wagon. Guaranteed for any work. Prlco very reasonable. Will glvo terms. Apply S. Murasnkl, Hcnd, Orogon. 2tfc FOR SALE Settings of thorough bred Ranod Rock eggs. $1 per sot ting. A. C. Egan. 2-1 0c FOR SALE Flvo room bungalow and lot In Park nddjtlan. Small paymont down, balanco to suit pur chaser. Inqulro Julius Kortman, 4 S tf FOR SALE Flvo room homo and lot In Pnrk addition, Relit nnd water, fiood bargain. Inqulro II. P. Mnn lon, Hcnd, Oregon. Itfc1 FOR SALE Ono team of horses, C yenrs old. Weight 3000 pounds, with now hnrness. Address, W. N, Ray, Laldlnw, Oregon. 4-7 p. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND llrown mnir about four years, old, whlto stocking hind legt". branded E on tho right shoulder. Owner can havo anmo by paying costs. Apply Hullotln olbce. Ctf. LOST 18 miles out on Hear Creek road, black horso, branded on right side, D, with n lino over It. Two hind feet white Has halter. Roturn to Auno's born. K-Rj) . 3 TO TRADE OK EXCHANGE. j TO EXCHANGE 120 ncres tindor IJnintllla Irrigation Project. .' mile from town, for land nenr Ileml. 0 C, Hcnklo, over First National Hank. Hcnd, Orogon. 0-10p ggSJ" Economy in Painting ; ' Your House does not mean buying the paint sold at the lowest price per gallon. It means getting the paint that covers the most surface per gallon and gives the greatest number of years of service in other words, the best value for your dollar. ACME QUMITY HOUSE PAINT costs less because it takes les Let us and lasts longer. show you pleasing color combinations,' estimate quantity needed, or be of any other service we can, whether you buy or not Come in and get an Acme Oualltv Pr ;,-, f.. T t - ' jr,u uuuk ana some color sussestions. Beud Hardware Company, Bend, Oregon J 1