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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1915)
i Mi mmmw M-MMiitwnMNWMUgiWl WBamsss&nimeaeammasnvm., THE BEND BULLETIN. VoJ. XIII. HKXI), OKIX30X, WT.RXISDAY AFTUHXOON, APHlIi 1J, 101."?. xo. a. f' ir & u FRANCHISE UP COUNCIL TO ACT ON MEASURE CSIvwt Right' to Sell Kloctrklty hi Towi In Competition With Pi'c.s- cut Company State Utilities Commission Advises Against. Further activity In ojoctrlcal fran cIiIbu lmttlora la scheduled for the council meeting on Tuesday night when tho nicaBuro giving John Stcldl and Thomas Tweot right to hrlng elerttiolty Into tho city for goneral iVimptlon comes up. Just what tho attltudo of tho coun cil on tho franchise) will ho is as jet uncertain, Tho same franchise hoforo tho council last year failed to receive enough votes to paso and It was said at tho time that It would ho put licforo tho people, it is possible that the present council will follow tho nctloa of last ear leaving It to thoBO back of tho measure to put It Up to tho pcoplo If they wis!) to do so Commission Advises Against. That tho Oroson Public Utilities Commission ndvlscs against tho .granting of a second franchise In tho -city Is Bhown by communications from it received by Mayor Miller and mndo public by him. It also appears that tho Commission's hearing on tho complaint filed by tho city last year tho rates of tho presont utility will take plnco early noxt month. Mayor Miller wlrod tho commis sion ns follows: ' State Public Utilities Commission, Salem, Oregon. Can you ndviso City of Ilend what tho rttltudo of tho Commission hns been in previous cases whoro tho sub; ject of competition with oxlstlnj; pub lic utilities lias been Involved, and, If possible, when wo may expect tho Commission's rulings, and what city's notion under present conditions should be ponding tho report of Com mission. H. A. MH.I.CR, Mayor." In reply tho Commission both wir ed and wrcto Mr. Mlllor, the telogram tending. - m s "I'. A. Miller, Mnyor, Ilend. Oregon. Attltudo of commission oxplnlnod in letter now mallod. Hearing will ho huld first part of May. Ruling will follow hearing ca soon as pos slile. Ar city has filed this complaint hoforo commission wo would caution against any action hy city which will lucroaso burden of Investment be loro rate earning value of oxlBtlng Investment Is determined, by commis sion. Railroad Commlsilon of Oregon." The lottor with Its onolosuro which siii wed tho Commission's position on i ph. liar case In 1913 was os follows: Mr. H. A. Mlllor, Mayor, Hond, Oregon. Pear Sir: in answer to your tolcgram of ovon Onto wo nro enclosing herewith copy of n letter written by this Commls- (Conttnucd on last pago.) . MEMBERS OFAPPROPRIATIONS COIfflllTEEMING TO STATE Will Visit the Tno G eminent Irri gation Project In Oicgou Ijito in .Ijinc vShoit Htay In Portland. WASHINGTON, April 8. Ton members of. tho Houso committee on appropriations, headed by chairman Fitzgerald, will visit tho two Govern ment Irrigation projocts in -Oregon In Juno and will make a brlof stay In Portland on routo from Klamath to Umatilla. Less than flvo hours has boon allowed for tho visit to Port land, and It tho pcoplo of thnt city and tho officials of tho state aro to present a showing of past discrimi nation against Oregon they must bo prepared to entertain tho committee and present their caso between 1:50, p. m. and 6:30 p. in,, Juno 20. No definite arrangements havo been mado for spending the tlmo whilo in Portlnnd, hut It is said that tho committee on Invitations will bo glnd to confer with citizens, state of ficials and others interested In irrl gatlon development. Tho details of tho Portland visit can bo nrrangeil by momhors of tho Oregon Congres sional delegation. According to schedule the commit too will nrrlvo at Hormlston at 12:10 n. in., on Juno 21, nnd leavo at 3:30 p. in. It is planned to glvo tho com mlttco an early start to cnablo It to visit tho reservoir and view tho pro ject lands, but at this tlmo no provi sion has been mndo for taking tho committee over tho West unit, which Is moro essential, from tho Oregon vlowpoint, than tho work already completed. Olill'PIXO STARTS TAIjK. Based on a cliniilng from r.n oast orn papor there has hr-on a rovlval of mill construction talk In tho naBt few days. No confirmation of tho rum ors Is obtainable It lo reported, now ovor, thnt a number of men interested in Deschutes timber will nrrlvo In town this week. JORDAN CAIXS WARRANTS. County Treasurer Jordan haB giv en notice that on April 10 no win can tho following warrants: all general fund VarrantB up to nnd including registered nuuibor 1010, nil rond warrants up to and Including reg istered number G8, all registered high school warrants. CROOK GETSJ366.68 Fund From I.nnd S.iles Appoi tinned To Counties. SAI.UM, April 12. Secretary of State Olcott has announced -the ap portionment among tho various coun ties of tho G per cont land sales fund locolvod from tho govornmont from tno wIo of public lauds In tho stnto. I'lidor a fodoral lnw It Is provided that tho stoto shall recolvo ." per cont of the monies dorlved from ih eitlo of public lands and this venr it totnlH J5. 830.42. Tho secretary of stnto distributes it among tho coun ties as Is provided and tho money may be used for building roads. Tho apportionment Is based on nrea and Is as follows for Contral Oregon coun ties: County. Area Amount Crook 3,844,237 ? 3GC.I5S Gilliam 7CS.C40 73,32 Grant 2.S92.800 27G.9G Uarnoy C.3G7.120 G0C.37 Klamath .... 3,839,300 300.21 Lake G.008,800 483.48 Malheur .... G.32G.120 C03.32 Sherman 035,040 G1.03 Wasco 1.499.G20 143.03 TO BUILD FISH E 0 CLANTON SELECTS SITE FOR PLANT Totals 01,188,180 5,83U2 INSURE YOURSELF AGAINST YOUR OWN CARELESSNESS' Even though you might never have n fire or thieves enter your home, u paper mislaid is often times lost just as irretrievably as if it had been burned or stolen. When your valuable papers are in our vault you KNOW where they are and you KNOW they are safe. You can lease a steel box in our vault with a non-pickable Yale lock big enough to contain all your private papers, for $2 a year Can you afford to be without this insurance? The Deschutes State i Bank B. FERUELL President E. M. LARA Cashier Will 15o At Upper I'nd of Slsonioio Plnco on l'n.t Hank of Deschutes McKny Now at Bonne lllo to Study Plans for Construction, i ASSOCIATION MRS. FELTS HERE ON SATURDAY State I'rcsldcnt of Pnront-Tcncher Hody Doseilbcs Its Woik ami Alius Convent Inn to ho Held in Pott- lnnd In Mny of This Year. The stnto fish hatchery to ho es tablished hero this spring will bo be gun within the noxt fow weoks. This announcement was mado by Master Fish Warden Clanton when -here on Saturday. Formal npproval of tho plan Is expected from the commis sion at Its meotlug tomorrow, and as soon thorcaftor ns details can bo set tled construction will bo begun. A fish hatchory at Ilend hns boon under consideration for n number of yonrs past, Its central location and favorablo situation on tho Deschutes liver making U an especially deslr nblo sito for a" hatchory, while tho Increasing number of nnglors up and down tho rlvor nnd In tho nearby lakes hnvo made artificial renownl of tho fish necessary. Announcement of tho lntontlon to build hero was mndo by Mr. Clanton whon In Hond Inst winter and his visit on Saturday was for tho purpose of making final selec tion of n slto. With Clydo McKay, district deputy wnrdon, Mr. Clanton spent n largo part of tho day Saturday going over tho tcntntlvo sites Roloctod by htm when hero In Jnnuary. Tho cholco flnnlly mndo Is tho upper ond of the Slsomoro plnco on tho oust sldo of tho riven. According to Mr. Clanton, this will bo nn Ideal situation, tho proxim ity of tho Irrigation ditch being es pecially desirable. Tho hatchery will ho hullt on tho unit system, tho plnn being to provido for GOO.000 trout tho first year, lat er Increasing tho capacity to a mil lion. Mr. McKny will suporvlso tho construction, leaving Snturdny night with Mr. Clanton for tho stnto hatch-, ory at Ilonnevlllo whero ho will ob sorvo tho methods In uso in prepara tion for his work hero. FARfilSJM WELL I,octt Reports Clover nnd Field Peas Sprouting on Dry Lands. Roturnlng from his trip to tho ox perlmentnl farms with B0d County Agriculturist I.ovott roported that things nro, looking vory woll In tho homostond country. Tho ronds In gonoral ore good, and -tho crops nre showing tho effect of tho favorablo season, winter ryo, especially show ing up woll. On tho three fnrms tho soil Is be ing put In shnpo for tho sood furnlah do hy tho Ilond Commercial Club, nnd already Hold poaB nnd tho white blooming clover planted last month hnvo sproutod at Mllllcan nnd Hamp ton. Tho field peas woro planted nt Illvors tho day Mr. Lovott was there. Last week Mr. I.ovott took out Sixty day oats and Grimm's and Hnl tlc alfalfa, true dry land seed. .Later In tho month ho will tnko out tho barloy nnd spoltz. Mrs. Arlstcno Pelts, of Portland, stnto president of tho Pnront-Tenchor Associations of Oregon, spent Sattlr day horo, nnd In tho nftornoon nt n special meeting of tho locr.l associa tion gavo a talk on iho association vo-k. Sho was nljn tailed on for a few remarks a, the Commercial Club luncheon. In her afternoon talk Mrs. Pelts described the three main lines of work in which tho pnrent-tenchor as sociations nro engngod. They In cludo tho improvement of physlcnl conditions In nnd around tho school hruses, social scrvlco and the moth er's club or study cinss. In dcscrlh '.i! ti- activities tno sponkor add ed l'MH'h to the tntoiest of her talk by giving specific Instances of the helpf-il work dlftoiont associations had boon ablo to accomplish. Mrs. Felts gavo somo striking fig ures of tho compnrntlvo nmounts rpent In tho United Stnto3 for schools and churches and for Jails, reform schools and houses of correction, say lug tl.nt twlco as many millions woro spent yenrly for tho latter as for schools nnd churches. "If tho money is to bo raised nnywny," sho said, "why not Bpend moro of it for tho Bchools and mnko tho Jails unneces sary. And that, aftor all, Is tho main effort of tho pnrent-tcacher associa tions, to cducnto public opinion In school sentiment nnd dovelop tho schools to reach nil lioys." Tho chlof object of Mrs. Pelts' present tour of tho Btato la to nrouso Interest In tho convention of tho Na tional Congress of Mothors nnd Parent-Teacher Associations to bo hold In Portlnnd May 12th to ICtli. Sho urgod thnt tho Hond association send delegates. Mrs Pelts nrrlvcd in town from RodrMmd Saturday morning nnd loft on Sunday for PrlnovlIIo. GR10VIEW VOTES IRRIGATION Only Reen Votes Oppoel nt Satur day's Rlectlon. Thnt tho pooplo of tho Ornndvlow countrv ro fullv rcsolvod to proceed with tho Irrigation district plan Is Indicated by the result of tho vote on tho question of forming tho district. The election was hold on Saturday nnd only seven opposed tho plan. Clcorgo 8. Young of Hond has dono tho engineering work for tho district up to tho presont tlmo and expects that unless thoro Is troublo In dis posing of tho bonds the construction work will bo carrlod forward this summer. Tho rest of Jefferson Is still study ing irrigation pinns. Mootlngs of tho Jofterson County Irrigation Club will bo held at Madras on April 23 and nt Culver on tho 2-Uh. AflBQR DAY GELEBRATEO BY GIFT BF TREESJO CHILDREN Three Hundred Mcintosh Itcd Donat ed hy Mr. McDonald Held School (rounds Improved. Treo planting In Bond has received a romnrkablo stimulus in tho past week due to tho prcsonco horo of M, McDonald, president of tho Oregon Nursery Co., nnd the generosity and Interest In the town he has shown. Last weok, to help In tho local ob servance of Arbor Day, Mr. McDon ald offcrod to give nn npplo tree to each school child who would call for It at tho corner of MlnncBotr. nnd Hond strcota, whoro his nursory stock Is stored. On Saturday nearly 300 children celled for trees, each receiv ing a tlirco year old Mcintosh Hod. According to Mr, McDonald this Is n commercial npplo which has proved ItB worth In high altitudes, being mown extensively in tho Hlttor Hoot Valley, Montana. In addition to furnishing shade and ornamental trees nnd shrubs for a number of prlvnto residence In town Mr. McDonald has planted n variety around tho Rohl school. In ono corner of tho grounds golden willow ha3 boon massed whilo around tho edgo soft maples aro set out. Closo to the building nnd serving to hronk tho formor offoct of barren ness havo been planted a number of shrubs. Gross and Garden Seeds Per lb Per 100 Small lots lbs. Turkestan Alfalfa 22 $21 00 Fancy Alfalfa . ,. 21 Jw.ue Whlto Clover 55 Red Clover. Fancy . . ..21 20.00 Mamouth Ited Clovor ,.23 21.50 Timothy 10 0.00 Kentucky Hluo Grass ..18 Gorman Millet 08 C.50 Cnnadlnn Field Peas. ,.0C G.50 Broome Grass 20 19.00 garrrx si:i:ds. Per U lb. Per lb. llOHIIS Strlngloss O. P - Golden Wnx -25 Ky. Wonder " lleet Early Egyptian 30 1.00 Market uaraner .... " Mangel Half Sugar . . ..20 .50 Ijines Imp. Sugar ....20 .45 Cabbage Dan oati ueao, uu . Ea, Jer Wakefield ....50 1.50 Cat rot Danvers Half Long ...25 .75 Chnntenay '. , 25 .75 Oxhoart 25 .i5 Yellow Belgian 25 .75 White Belgian 2t .75 Corn Yellow Dent Curiimhcr Early Russian I.ettlico Hanson ...,35 Simpson Early Curled ,30 OlllOllT- Danvors Yellow Glohe ,40 Red Weatherfleld ....50 Whlto Globo 50 PnrMilps Hollow Crown 20 Guernsey Half Long ..20 Pens American Wonder ....10 Dwarf Telephone 10 Little Com 10 ItnUUli French Ureakfast 20 White icicle , 20 Crimson Giant ........30 Long Wack Spanish . ..20 Turnip P. T. S. Leaf 20 Yellow Aberdeen 20 Rutabaga Sktrvlngs 20 White Russian 20 Kale, 1000 head 20 Rape .15 .75 1.75 1.00 1.35 1.50 1.85 -.50 .60 .15 .20 .15 .65 .65 1.00 .75 .65 .65 .60 .60 .60 .15 Bend Hardware Go. The Company that put tho "Wear" in Hardware LOOKS LjKEWENANDY Mnrrlnso Certificate from Vancouver Indicates Groom Was Ilend Man, Further information from Van couver, Washington, concerning tho mnrrlago thoro on Mnrch 31 of "John Wonnndy nnd Horthn Smith," Indi cates that tho groom was J. II. Wen nndy, formorly of Bend, whoso for mer wlfo committed suicide horo on March 18, or that n most romnrkablo similarity oxists between him and tho Wonnndy who was married. According to tho marrlago ccrtm- cato tho groom In question gavo his rcsldonco ns Oregon hotel, Portland, his ago as 35 and his birthplace, as Montana. His father's name ap pears as John Wonnndy nnd his hlrth- plnco, Wisconsin, nts moinor a nnmo ns Matilda Schnopnl. J. II. Wonnndy usually stopped nt tho Oregon hotel when In Portlnnd, ho Is 3G years old, ho -was horn In Montann, his fathor was named John Wonnndy nnd was horn In Wisconsin and ills mother's nnmo was Schnoplc. In ono respect only Is thoro any dlfTercnco tho marrlago Is given as his first. IRE DIVISION PROOF IS SEEK JEFFERSON FIGURES i GIVE CONFIRA1ATION mlrt Contract Is Let for Furnishing Ooii HotLso nl Price Far Ilclow tho,, Deschutes nstlmntes-Trnnscrlb- ing Records Cost Is Low Also. PLAY GROONDS PREPARED 1 Moro Funds Voted for Purpose Rest Room Committee Appointed. Additional funds haItiB boon vot ed for tho play grounds by tho' Par-nnt-Tearhor Association nt Its meot ng on Thuisdny tho work ls going forward and tho grounus win soon bo In condition for ubo, Tho Wall ctreet lot has boon foncod ' and bonchos nnd play apparatus put In whilo tho Wlestorla play ground has been propared for ueo and tho lum ber for benches ordered. Arrange ments will bo mndo to have some ono In chnrgo of tho Wall streot play ground for two hoiiM overy nftornoon during tho summer. At Thursday's meeting a commlt teo consisting of Mrs. II. II. Do Ar mond, Mrs. C. M. McKny nnd Mrs. T. 11. Foloy, was appolntod to confer with tho Commercial Club commlttoo concerning rest room. Tho moot Ing nlso listened to nn Interesting talk hy Mrs. J. W. Norrls of Oregon City on club work. Furnishing furthor ovldonco of tho truth of tho clnlmB of tho county dl vlsionl8ts In tho cnmpnlgn Inst fall Jefforson county Is proceeding on Its course with renowed spcod slnco tho supremo court decision in Its favor. As pointed out nfter the election, the success of Jefforson was tho one big confirmation of tho claims of tho Deschutes county dlvlslonlsts. Tho foundation of tholr wholo nrgumont In favor of Deschutes county was that Jofferson county was bound to car ry. Therofore, they urged, it was neccssnry for thorn, to get off with their section nt tho samo time. Slnco the election it Is understood thnt tho pooplo whoso votes dofoated Des chutes county hnvo come to realize tho truth of tho nrgumont nnd tho complotonoss of tho misrepresenta tions which turned tholr votes. Tho latest news from Jefforson countv. which furnishes furthor con firmation of tho Deschutes nrgumonts comes In tho ronorts of tho action of tho county court Inst weok In order ing court houso furnishings nnd of fice supplies and lotting tho tran scribing of tho records. In tho Deschutes division ostlmnlos it is now pointed out, tho cost of fur nishing tho court houso was sot at $2000 whilo Biipplles for each olTlca woro figured In with tho ostlmato for tho officers. Tho figures woro ridi culed by tho Rodmond nntl-dlvlslon-lsts who gnvo estimates thousands of dollnrs nbovo tho Bend figures. Re ports from Culver now show thnt tho Jofforsoi furniture is to cost $67-1.30 nnd tho omco supplies $1,71C.00, or onlv $300.20 moro thnn wns flgurod in Deschutes for furniture alone. On thnt basis, It Is now stated, tho Des chutes figures for tho county ofllcora showod n good margin. fin transcribing tho records, tho NDntehutGs rgumf nt styio.djMia', frant. flvo to six and ono unit corns imr folio wns a fair chargo for tho work. Then It figured tho chnrgo as soven centfl and throw In $500 for good measure. Tho Jofferson contract Just let is at flvo and nlno twontloths conts por folio. "It is verv grntlMng to find our ni-Kinnnntn continued In this way." I said ono of those prominent In tho fight last run. wo sum mun i now repent that our campaign was based on factsput that in as .iIr iwters as oe can f-n-c-e-n-nnd this news from .Torforson helps to provo our case. Tho voters should romombor this whon tho question comes up again. And it Is surely coming." COMMKXCi:.Mi:.VT ON MAY 27. Tho commencement exorcises of tho graduating class of tho Bond high school will ho hold on Thursdny, Mny 27. J, II. Ackorman, precldont of tho Oregon Normnl School nt Mon mouth, will ho tho commoncomont speaker. 4 tiW- VH 3,ffSI THr- Y.N.1.M4. RIMi.I MsavQU i&J me rurai ianuiiai uuim OP REND. BEND.OR.JtviUN bid r m - - - - - . U. C. COE, President E. A. SATIIKR, Vico- President C. S. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid - - 825.000 Surplus . V S-'5,0Q0 "0 afIl jr SBir J (j 2MU SP,M S$U '-' 3vf" y$ji) (yM Are you going to the Fair? If you are, obtain a supply of our AMERICAN BANKERS TRAVEL ERS GHEGKS. May be cashed at Banks or Ho tels without discount or identification. THe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND . DIRECTORS U. C. Cob K. a.Sathem r. S. Hudson O. M. Pattehson IT. c. Elms Jr"