The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 31, 1915, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Jtcpirscntntlio Ilawley N AiIiIm-iI li'
Jciat tnifiit. of Intel lor Thiit De
cision on Pending Patent Will
Jk .Miulo In Xriir 1'titiiie.
Action has been tnkoti by Ilia ln
torlor Department on tliu iiiumorlnl
of tho Oregon legislature ralntlva to
tlio pending patent lists on tho C. O.
I. Co. segregation ntnl It Is hoped
tlint a forthcoming report on tlioso
llsta will prove n long stop forwnnl
townnl patents for tho settlors. The
lnomnrlnl was Introduced by Iloprc
ucntattvo Forbes, anil urged the do
jmrtiiiiint to iibo every effort to has
ten the examination of tho lands In
incstlou and to render llnnnclul do
vision as HOOII UH possible.
The memorial was presented to tho
department liy HcproHuulntlvo Ilaw
ley. IIo has recently received the
Tollow-lng reply:
Washington. March 0, 10115.
lion. Willis C. Ilawley,
HoiiKe of Itopresentntlves,
WaidiliiKloii, I). C.
flly Dear Mr. Ilawley:
"I am In locelpt of your letter tint
ad Fuhrunty 17, ID 15, transmitting
copy of Oingou IIouhi) Joint Mem
'orlal No, 7, relative to Oregon Lists
for Patent, 0, 8, 9, and 10, hused on
Approved Oregon Segregation Msts
; and 19, udder the Carey Act. I
presume you are auaie that 1. 1st for
Patent fi was lllod prematurely, and
liefore the construction of tho North
'Canal diversion and when tho sale of
water rights and entry of land had
droit permitted without regard to
whuthnr or .not tho n)ntim had heon
'(instructed so that the land could ho
nerved. A piotoHt was lllod against
tho pntontlug of this land.
"This Hut has lionii the subject of
direful consideration In the (
'Land Olllce, tho CominlsHloner ad
vises mo, ami has twice heon Investi
gated In the Held. The nttito was re
quired to sulimlt Its ameuded plan of
Irrigation foi approval.
"Tho CommlsHloiini' further ro
ports that l.lnt 8 was Hied In tho In
'clll olllco .luue 7, 11113. Publication
was directed oil that date. However,
tlui State nenleuted to causo the no
tice to ho published. Proof was not
Hied by the Statu until February 19,
11111. Promptly upon lecelpt of the
application In (ho (lenerat Land Of
llce, Held luvoHtlgatlon was directed.
Slate Ktiglucct- DUuppiows.
"Undur date of May IB. 1911. a
mpurt wan submitted h the I'urey
Act Inspnulnr. 1. 1st for Patent hav
ing Uta lucolvud December in, 191 1.
It wna tku up for olllmt eftnaldoru
tlon In oonnuctlnn with tilt report
on hand. Thto Hat wua nut curllllad
by the state unnliiewr, who does not
approve or tho action or thu DrtMrl
Land Hoard In thin reusid.
An atmlyllaul eiiKlnvnrlUK rapurt
liv one of the eiiKlncnra of thla de
partment wna completed about I'alt-
l nary 1, ltu, and I am inmriuaii ny
the CuMnilaalouur of the ClenorHl
l.nnU Olflre Hint 111 decision covering
till mat (era partnlulng to PAteut
I .lata and S. la now In oourae of
pieporatloti. ami will probably lie
completed within a tow day.
"The CuuiniUaloner rurtlw report!
that Mat 10 baa not been reoetveil
in tula ottleo. llowexer, the pendancy
t.r thli Hat IihvIuk Inhmi brought to
hi- XtviitlOM, lt ha, by telegrama,
ili d the Invagination or both
V i i I let 10. lie further ml viae
tliui i . it In receipt of fhe proteate
iigiu ' i lit .
-li nrlualon 1 can Maure you
that li . Itata will lie acted on with
nil oxp. tiilou omalaleal with the
nniKiiiiud. nii intncacy of me uuea-
111". i priMeiitci
i iv truly Vtilire,
A A. J ON' ItB.
Fliat WnUtunt Uecretnry."
juitiTur THANKS.
I inku this rnunUH of thanking my
Trluiiila who assist' ,1 me lu winning
mucoiiiI plnco In tho lucent trade eon
test cendiioted liy the Oregon Jour
nal. Tho prUo, double trip to the
Ran r"sh' fn,r' ua ,,,,,, "
chniiHeil fur n piano, which I uow
luwo In lUind. A great nbl In win
iilitK wn the tmdo slvun ut JleCule
lo'a stum ami I t t iwpreea my
lg!0' " OWHH U0MI.U
Ida Oualei whs born at U"'!1!";
neeiitn, but wlillu sill) a uiuiu
1 ' '" . - parents iiiumhI wttti hr 10 uru-
reach In. ' Crtufonla and Intur to AJHito-
.uuiit tin oumon. wluwo Uo isrw to
.;niilltui 1UM, lu vst) she wiu unitod
Mfvuuso of ,., ,,, p v. Harris and lu
le bmw th; rBlll0 l0 iMrt ertwk. Oriv-
or Kj"Um.ral youra alio hml ben
'iiK ki'tUc) trom tuborotiloala ami
' Ocuu wnrk,. ut,mlly caused her
,rjrBil Into 1-, ir. mother and two l lQ ?" 'r 0 " l,0,ter
i.Js two ,hftc ' iourn her Iq
7r.rW' ",ar1l$'"x ltyiln n'l Mrs.
rl'..'l. Rri.lK . ,lrVU,', U ,,r0U,0r
club Krltl. Unea nro k u,tttlvoi and
only real
It Was tho Prooonltor of All Klndi of
Turkey t World Over.
Among the ab'iilumnl Inhabitants of
America tin. luiKc.v was 11 fuvorlte
fowl It lt habitat eer nil that
Hi't'ilon nbi'ie uitw IIh fawxlte food
IihIIiiIi (nro When Corte til l.'illl
(llnl leac.ii'il the ic.ilin uf the Aztecs
Monttf.tlliiii eiitiTialiied him with roy
al Kpleml ir tiud iiiiiuiig I lie delicious
vlamU M'l lHfre (lit- spsiiWh lu(nder
hiik loai'ted 1ili'l.i' It was fniiiiil that
the Antci.M Itiid doincMtleateil the fowl
to MUlte 11 n extent and that It was also
plentiful li Its wild state.
North uf the Itlo Onuido tho bird
was eipially well liiiowu. and the nd
iciitiirous Coromidu found It among
the tliu duelling lliilluns and ether
trlbes'he met on his expedition through
what Is now Texas, ArUunn and New
Mexico. The Znnl llidlitlii seem to
have known of the turkey for centn
rlei. and souie of their earliest tradi
tions deal with this Interesting bird.
The wild till key of A'merlca Is with
out doubt the piogcnltor of all kinds
of turkey the woild over. Ornitholo
gists In general nccept tho view that
till turkeys have descended from the
three forms known today an tlio North
American, the Mexican nnd tho Ilou
durns (Occllatai varieties. The bird
found In certain forest regions of
Houth America known ns the curas
sow, although sometime called the
South American turkey. In reality bo
longs to a dllferent family, and Helen
tlsts bold that any real turkeys found
In that continent are Immigrant.
In the United States six standard
varieties of the domesticated turkey
lire recognl.ed and grown. These are
tho llrouzc. Nnrnigiiusett. ItnlT. Slate.
White and the lllack The differences
are ehlelly lu slzu and coloring. Kx
Tho Lent Dattlo Fouaht on the Soil ol
Groat Britain.
The last buttle rought on the soil ot
O rent llrltnlii took plnco lu the middle
of the eighteenth century
While (ieorge II. or Ihislaud was en
gaged lu the war of the Aitstilan suc
cession Charles IMwnrd, who was call
cd tho Young Pretender, a grand
sou of King Jiimei II. of England,
landed lu Scotland and made two ut
tempts to obtain the throne of his
ancestors. He was victorious lu the
battlo of I'allilrlc, but tho Duke or
Cumberland, son of (ieorge II., having
been recalled from the' continent to
tnlto command of the king's forces, the
Pretender was entirely dcrcntcd at
Culloden moor, 11 plain In Scotland,
four iiiIIch from Imcrucst. This was
the Inst buttle fought 011 tho Island or
(Ireat llrltnlii and look place April HL
17'ltl, nnd It was also the hist attempt
on tho pun of the Stuart family to
recover the throne of (Ireat llrltnlii.
Charles IMwnrd Stuart cicaped to
lrrnncc after he had wandered ror (Ue
month lu tho highland, pursued hy
his enemies Hi- died In Itoine Jan
.10. 178S. The Duke of Cumberland
gnvo no quarter. The wounded were
nil shilu, and the Jails of Kuglnnd
were Illicit with prisoner, many of
whom were cxii-ntcd. Among the
hitter number were Lord Ihilmerluo,
Kilmarnock anil l.ovai-l.ovnt tieltig
the last person who was licllcndcd In
Ihiulnml I'lillniteinhhi Prw
i even come caoyi
Sever come casyi1 the real tobacco chew?
" i
TOBACCO satisfaction a chew of
f J'Right-Cut," the Real Tobacco Chew.
The comforting taste of rich, mellow,
sappy tobacco comes and it lasts. Made
of ripe, mellow tobacco seusoned und sweet
ened just enough.
Right-Cut" goes twice ns far ns any other
tobacco for the sumo money. Get u pouch and
see for yourself.
luko a cry (mail chew leu than onc-o,urtcr tho
old tlzc. It will be moro iJtl()iui then a mouthful
of ordinary tobacco, Jutt nibblo on it until ou fiaj
, the ttrcniilh chew that tullt ou. Tuck it away.
Then let it rot. See how cuiilv and ecnlv tho real
tobacco tattocumvii how
much leu ou ho
bo tobacco mliificd.
Citte, That t why it com lets in tho cod.
ll It a rcJr kw. evl Ant tnj iKati tttrvj a tktl you woa'i k
la tfiwd ua i with your Irclh. CiluJuil o wUimiv cuJiJ likMfid
iukc imi tpil loa mucb.
lbUti of rurv,ii.h loheco iImi not ntcjiob covtrl bp tik mol.tMi aj
llm. SXl tw Ik. nil bnu twl lk 1Kb ibcc !( ta "KUki-Cut,"
Otie Email chew takes the place of two big
chews of the old kind.
SO Union Square, New York
Piiient-Teacher AhsocIiiHoii I'Iiiiih
Menus of ltalslng I'iiikIh Kpec-
tatlon Is to Pi(ilde Place to
Ieino Chlldicii While in Town
To rnlso money for tho play
grounds which nro to bo maintained
during tho summer tho recently or
ganized I'arorit-Teachor Association
will hold a tng sale on Saturday. This
wao decided at a mooting of the as
sociation hold on Thursday at tho
Held school,
Tho whole subject of piny grounds
was discussed at tho Thursday meet
ing with tho result that a number of
changes from tho plan originally pro
posed woro agreed upon. Instead of
tho largo playground betweon tho
Horn! Company olllco nnd that of tho
Miller Lumber Company tho single,
lot next to tho Mnnnholmer storo will
ho used nnd no play ground will bo
provided In Kenwood. Tho decision
ns to Kenwood was mndo on tho cd
vlco of tho womon who llvo In that
section, their Idea being that plenty
of npaco was already avallnblo and
that It was better to put moro offort
on tho Wall street piny ground. Tho
Wlcstorln piny ground will ho provid
ed. For tho Wall street lot It Is plan
ned to put up u feuco In tho rear and
to put In play apparatus nnd cents,
During tho summer, for nt least two
hours every afternoon, somo ono will
be lu charge of It and It Is expected
that mothers who nro shopping lu
town will lcavo tholr children thoro
to bo enrod for.
Tho Assoclntlon voted $5 to crch
pluy ground on Thursday nnd hopes
to add to Its fund by tho snlo of tags
on Haturday. Tho commlttco In
chnrgo of tho tag boIo Is Mrs. V. A.
Forbes, Miss Manny Mlas Cooper.
The Fait ol Ratting the Earth From a
Scientific Viewpoint.
"(llvo me n fulcrum uud u plnco on
which to stand uud I will raise tliu
earth from Its place!" That Is n say
ing popularly iittrlliutiHl to Arvliluiedes.
If the required conditions were possb
ble the feat inhrbl bn lierforined. but
In addition to providing a fulcrum and
a plnco on which to stand Archimedes
would also havu to lw furnished tin In-
dellullu lease of life.
To rnlsu the earth n height of one
Inch by the force which Archimedes
would havu beeu capable of exerting
would take not only an extremely long
lever, but an extremely long time, as
can he readily shown
We shall assume the following datr.
In our calculation: That the earth Is
a sphere T.'.r.'il miles lu diameter mid
that ft ft Is Its mean density; also that
flit. Ii'Vit Inii. no wcIl'IH Kliuiild wu
design tl real lever II would I f Hili'll
it latitfiet without grinding, Uorr
to ipit, how lew chew ou take la
That ' why it It Tit Jital Ttbictu
Be Up -to -Date and Use Colonial Silverware
TtiUrtr ifTrtttrti-t
Knife. With one dozen
The Wm. A. Rogers 1881 A-l brand is the oldest established brand of
plated ware in the country and is guaranteed to last for 20 years. The
Colonial Brand is made exclusively to our order and the above offer
is limited to 30 days from date of issue.
707 Otis Building
enormous tdzo and weight that Ar
chlmedea' weight would be u uexllxlblu
If thu earth In'0 miles In diame
ter the volume U ubuiit mil.OilU.llUU.(KM)
cubic miles, or 3awJO.(XW.0o0.(XiO.(XM)..
000.1)00 cubic feet, and If the demdty
Is ft.ft thu weight ht cubic font would
bo about lilt pounds, which iniilllplled
by thu volume would give ua thu
wcifiht of the earth llJ.'JO'J.iSoO.tioo.OoO. puuniN. We Hhail iih
suiiie. further, that Archlmedex welKh
ed IM ikiuiiiN and that "thu place on
which to Htnnd" wiih wiine distant
rtfjir; then. If the fulcrum In one mile
from the point of applhiitluii of the
lever to the earth the length of thu
power nrm of the lever, or the dl.s
tnnce of Archimedes' "xlaudluu' plnee."
would huve to be 8S.U4.0(XJ.l)iO.Oli0..
000.000.000 Ulllet.
To move thu earth n distance of one
Inch Archluiedeu' eud of the Ifver
would havu to move thruuuh n dU
tnnce of l.aS.S.tKX).(XIO.(HHI.Oll0.lKHI lllllex
Now, If Archimedes Rliould lake hold
of tho cud of tho lever uud apply his
welKht of IM) Kiumls to It and should
move olT Into Hlince with thu velocity
of IIrIiU or 18lt.lKX) mlled u neeoud. It
would taku him 17.000 years to tin
lull the Job he pnHxeL ho that uow.
nearly '.'."JOO years after uiuklnu the
famous dictum, hu would barely have
minted thu unih'rtal;lii.-0. 0 Suud
trom In Scletitltle Anierlnin.
l i """"aiaBaaBBaaBBa)
Fully Guaranteed
entitles you to the Latest Colonial Teaspoons at 20c each.
With set of six ($i.20) we send FREE one Colonial Butter
we will include FREE 1 Butter Knift: and 1 Sugar Spoon.
Radium Raya Congeal at a Tampera
ture of Mlnua 312 Degrees.
The world stood with uupmu mouth
aud balled breath wlieu science an
noiiuced the phenoiueuim of froxeu ulr,
but woudei'iiieut bus probably le.icbed
Its limit wueu one learns that sucU an
IntuiiKlbleiuid weightless thing us llgbt
bits been froen
It Is ciMnluiiry to speak of tho enor
mous generative ower of beat, but
more astounding still H the fact that
by means of cold a force may be tin
prisoned and retained wlilcli when lib
erated traverses space at a velocity of
lHd.tKN) miles per seeomL
Uko nil greiit discoveries, tho proc
csi H exceedingly simple ami IkisisI
upon formulas that one mnrxels at not
having been employed long ago Ita
dlltni emits light which Is called "ema
nation." uud this "einimailou" Is notli
lug more or less than u gits. It Is vi
sible to frccae all gaies, and when
"enmnatloii" s subjected to a leinier
nture of III "J degrees below zero It lio
conies i-ougiNiUsl.
The strangest teiitiire or the pbenom
enon, boweser. Is lo lie obervid wlieu
the "ciujui.'itliin" comineuees to thaw,
when from the surface or the sur
rounding ihpild ulr brilliant spangles',
of light stream upward, producing u
most tienuilful nnd dazzling effect.
Itlrmliichiim Are 1 1 cm in
Bend Company
Tho Forest Kcho Trio, consisting
of Mrs. G. 'JlacLnurln, Jlrs. F. F.
Fish, nnd Mrs. Dell Parker will glvo
a concert In tho now hall nt Laid law'
on Monday night. Tlio concert wllf.
ho given under tho auspices of tho
West Sldo Fair Assoclntlon. Those
who had tho good fortuno to hear
this trio ot entertainers in tholr con
curt at tho Uream Thcatro last fall
will wish to hear them again at I.ald
law Monday night. Adv. 4
L'bo Deschutes Spray Flour! It h
the best mado aud n Ilcnd product.
Adv. 37 tt
Quick Action Wanted.
Whon ono Is coughing nnd spitting
with tickling throat, tightness In
chest, soreness In throat nnd lungs
when hend Is aching and tho whole
body racked with a cough that won't
pornilt sleep ho wnnts tmmodlato
relief. Thousands say Foloy's Honey
and Tar Compound Is tho surest nnd
quickest acting inodlclno for coughs,
colds, croup nnd la grlppo. Patter
sou Drug Co. Adv. n
ONE CENT A WORD Is nil n llttlo
Wnnt Ad will cost you.
AtW 2 tf United Wnrohouso Co,
lie betwee.
cut, ho dec