The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 31, 1915, Image 1

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ndenon, A.. Hotel I3enec
The Bend bulletin
vol. xii r. ,
ton is begun
jtoutc N Selected lj Permanent Road
Coiiimltteo of Commercial Club
Will Ihj Ituilt as Far is Re
Miurccs Penult Tills Spring.
Work on tho road east of town,
vblch has been agitated for soveral
weeks past, wns begun on Monday
and will bo continued bo long as tho
finances and donation work warrant.
The ultimate expectation 1b to have
a good road running on permanent
lines to tho Powell Duties to tnko tho
place of tho proabnt road across tho
North canal segregation.
Tho rond on which tho work Is now
being dono Is tho one recommended
by the stnndlng road committee of
Hie Commercial Club. Passing by
tho Dencor ranch and following tho
Dear Crook road to tho south wost
corner of tho Crimes ranch It turns
to the north at that point, running
two miles and then oast to tho grange
hall, and tho Waugh place, flnnlly
turning duo east townrd tho Duttcs.
Klght mon with three teams, under
C. P. Ilrngg bogan work on Monday
at tho soutjh wost (corner of tho
Crimes ranch and later a crow will
ork on tho section back toward tho
Dencer cornor. Dr. Doncor has vol
unteered to Improvo tho road from
the cornor to tho end of tho now cin
dered road around Pilot Uutto com
pleted last year. From this point to
tho Grnngo hnll tho work is chiefly
taking out rock and pulling stumps
and Is tho most oxponslvo of tho
vholo undortaklng. It will bo paid
(or by joint contributions from titi
county and tho business mnmof.v lorid.
Subscriptions for tho road wo: k so
far pledged arc as follows:
Nanio An aunt
rimt Vntlnntil Ttnnlr Otll)
T1 The Ilenfl Co MO
E. A. Sathor G.i 0
Deschuttss State Hank . . . i ."T. ' iGWO
n. M. Smith Clothing Co 0.00
Ilend Hnrdwaro Co ifi.OO
s uuonnun Bros mv
Auno Uroa lO.OO
Canuody Bros 10.110
ChaH. noyd 10.00
E. M. Thompson G.D0
xv t. riii. -in ift
ilV! . VWM" NV.VV
Tho Metropolitan
V. A. Forbes . , .
II W. Skuso
A largo subscription offorcd wlion
!ho work was first proposed has boon
"ithdrnwn. I
churchill here, i ;
J. A. Churchill, stato superintend
ent uf public luHtructlon, arrived In
town Monday night on bis way tu
Sllur Lnko on a trip of inspection.
Ho I. rt for Silvor Lake by auto Toes
da- mornlnir. On his roturn ho vll
pre; ro tho oxamlnatlon papors fou
tho eighth grade.
Even though you might never have
n fire or thieve cjnter your home, n
paper mislaid is ptjten times lost just
us irretrievably up if it had been
burned or stolen..
When your valuable papers are in
our vault you KNOW where they
are and you KNOW they are safe.
You can lease a sljeel box in our
vault with a non-pickable Yale
lock big enough to contain, all
your private papers, for $2 a year
Can you afford to be without this
The Desch
Wcnnndy Company lias Contract to
Haul IMHMMIO Pounds Much
Freight Walling to Go South.
ThouBandB of pounds of freight
nro now piling up in Bend waiting
ior mo roaus to ury sufficiently to
put motor trucks In operation, while
other thousands are collecting at in
terior points to be brought out to tho
railroad here.
Tho blggost item of freight from
tho lntorlor Is wool. Tho Wenandy
company has tho contract to bring
out tho clip from tho Thompson val
ley and Summer lake, a total of 200,
000 pounds. Thlff will keep tho com
pany's full forco of trucks busy for
45 days. Shearing begins at Silvor
L,ano on Saturday,
For tho roturn trip tho company
has now ready to haul some 25,000
pounds of salt consigned to sheep
mon, three carloads of potatoes and
60,000 pounds of miscellaneous
freight. To care for It nil, nccordlng
to L. L. Fox, they plan to keep their
freighting teams In uso as well as
their threo trucks.
Hunilny Storm Sovcro Hut Docs No
Serious Damage.
Tho (lrnt thunder storm of tho
Reason and ono of tho most sovoro
known horo for several years pnoscd
ovor town curly Sunday nftornoon.
Tho storm scorned to devolop from a
rain r.nd hall storm that blew up
from tho south, tho lightning, local
Izlng ltsolf over town very rapidly.
Although no serlouB dnmago was
dono by tho storm consldorahlo
t rou 1)1 o was caused by blowing out
fuses and putting tolophono wires
out of commission. Two transiorm
erc woro burned out. Tho lightning
struck Paul Hondorson's wireless
outfit In tho roar of tho Cr.rmody nl-
leys and broko soveral wires. Twon-
ty-two hundredths inches of rain roll
during tho day.
Dond lions aro Just as good at lay'
Ing big eggs and ropcntlng tho per
formnnco for several times In sue-
cosslon an tho hens of Hood River or
any of tho othor places that havo
been getting into tho umougni wun
big egg stories latoly. Tho Dead
champion is ownod by Mrs. W. P.
Vandovert and Is n Whlto Leghorn.
This bird has rccontly laid threo eggs
ono overy other day, nil of perfect
shapo and formation and of extra
silo, tho'moaauromonts being sevon
nnd'throo qunrtors Incites by six and
ono quarter. (Wo havo reason to
know that one, nt least, of thoso eggs
was vory good to cat and nro ready
to npply tho test to moro or to othor
marketable products or. mo country.
PORTLAND. March 30. O. P.
Putnam, secretary to Govornor
Wlthycombo, spoko r.t tho annual
mooting of tile Oregon Prisoner's Aid
Soclotv held horo Inst night, outlin
ing tho Governor's wishes In tho mat
tor of prisons ns follows: "Brlofly
stated. I think tho govornor'o dcslros
In tho promises reduce to about this:
To assure tho nubile r.douunte protec
tion so far as tho prorogutlves of his
olllco aro concomedi to nuiKo prison
llfo correctlvo rathor thnn punitive;
to keep ponnr costs down so far ns
poEiilblo by utilizing prison moor,
oud to assist tho roloasod convict In
sotting a new start and becoming
an nssct, and not a liability, to so
ates State
C. O. Jonks, Now General Malinger of
HILL Lines In Northwest, Visits
Head, AVIth Party Impressed
With Business Houses Here. ,
On his first trip over tho Oregon
Trunk stneo nssumlng Uio goneral
managership about two montn., ago,
C. O. Jenks and a pnrly of ussoclato
railroad officials arrived in town Into
Monday. afternoon. Tho party spent
tho evening In looking ovor the town,
leaving for Goldondalo, Washington,
enrly yestorday morning.
Mr. Jonks succeeded tho Into W.
D. Scott ns gonoral manager of tho
S. P. &. S. and othor Hill lines In
Oregon on February 1. Ho has been
In the omploy of tho Hill system for
many years past, coming td Oregon
from Superior, Wisconsin, whore ho
wns general superintendent of tho
Grcnt Northern. In his short stay in
town Mr. Jonks looked over tho busi
ness section and spent' homo timo In
inspecting tho rnllroad property. Ho
commented on tho high character of
tho local stores and banko, sponktng
with especial lntorcst of tho numbor
of brick buildings hero. According
to Mr. Jenks, until business condi
tions improvo matoilnlly thero 1b llt
tlo chanco of further construction
by his company.
With Mr. Jonks on tho trip of In
spection wero II. K. Holf, genoral
claim agont, F. A. Bralncrd, super
intendent, A. M. Lupfor, chief engi
neer, John Dickson, genernl mastor
mechanic, John Dwyer, road master,
and Jnmea Lindsay, mnstor carpen
ter. They travolod by spoclal train.
A warrant Is out for tho arrest of
Jay Rcedcr, who Is charged with ob
taining money on forged checks. On
Friday bo presented a chock nt tho
A. L. French otoro for $20 purport
ing to be signed by F. A. Shonquost
and got tho money. Ho also got a
small amount nt tho Hotol Wright
on a check purporting to bo signed
by his Btop-fnthor, J. II. Wenandy.
That night ho loft town, buying n
ticket to Fallbrldgo, and on Sa'urday
It was discovered that tho checks
woro forgorlos. Tho pollco at Tho
Dalles and other cities havo been no
tified to bo on tho watch for him.
About two years ego ho was sought
on tho charge of desertion from tho
United States navy and wns later, It
Is understood, dishonorably discharg
Tho rccont loss of tho Unltod
Statoa submarine F-4 off tho harbor
of Honolulu comes ns an especial
grlof to Mrs. Ilea Karris, of Deud,
who has a brothor on tho boat. Mrs.
Norrls' brothor Is Georgo Deotli, of
Portland. Ho Is 24 yonrs old and
held tho position of first class elec
trician on tho lost submarine Mrs.
Xorrls Inst saw her brothor n fow
months ngo in San Frrncisco on tho
day tho F-4 stnrtod for Honolulu.
Gross and Garden
Por lb Per 100
Small lots lbs.
Turkestan Alfalfa 22 $21 00
Fancy Alfalfa 21 20.00
Whlto Clover G5
Red Clover. Fnncy . ...21 20.00
Mamouth lied Clover ..23 21.50
Timothy 10 9.00
Kentucky Blue Grass
German Millet 08 C.50
Canadian Field Peas... 00 t, 5.00
Broome Grass 20 19.00
GAitiHSX senns.
Per U lb. Per lb.
Strlngless G. P $ .25
Golden Wax .25
Ky. Wondor .251
Early Egyptian 30 1.00
Market uaroner no j.uv
Mangel Half Sugar ... .20 .50
Lanes imp. sugar ,...-v .i
Dan Hall Head oo
Ea, Jor Wakefield ....50 1.50
Danvers Half Long ...25 .5
Cbantenay 25 ,iS
Oxheart 25 .75
Yellow Belgian 25 .75
White Belgian 25 .75
AFTERNOON, MARCH ill, 11)1."..
Amount Actually Invohcd If Hnmll
mid Will bo Kiisily Explained
.Difficulty Arises From Supervis
ors Loose Accounting Methods
As ordered by tho county court at
Its March meeting, District Attorney
Wirtz has fllod a suit against ox
County Commissioner Ilayloy asking
him to account for tho sum of $18,
0G0 of rond fund money turnod ovor
to him last Juno and AugUBt by tho
county court. Tho original appro,
prlatlon was $25,200, of which Mr.
Uayloy has turnod back $7, 1C0, leav
ing as a balanco tho amount men
tioned In the suit. Tho papors wero
filed on Fridny.
Although tho total seems largo tho
sum actually involved Is a small ono
slnco nil but a small amount of tho
$18,0G0 is already actually account
ed for. It Is expected thnt tho re
maining nmount will bo duly explain
ed shortly and that tho caso will
never go to trial, tho wholo difficulty
lying In looso methods of accounting
between Mr. Uayloy and the road sup
ervisors Who actually spent tho funds,
rather than In any Improper uso.
When In Bond yestordny, Mr. Uay
loy said that overy cent of tho fund
turned ovor to him by tho county
court last year wns in turn transfer
red to tho supervisors in tho different
districts whom road work was dono
and that when their accounts woro
nil In ovorythlng would bo cared for.
"For two years past," Mr. Uayloy
said, "I havo not drawn a slnglo
check for county money."
Accounts for road money spent in
.tho vicinity of Bend Inst year woro
carefully kept and havo beon recolvod
ns satisfactory by tho county court.
Money spent on roads In districts to
tho north, especially In tho torrltory
nround Redmond and towards Sisters
covers tho sums that aro not yet ful
ly accountod for. Tho sum. of $4, BOO
turned ovor by tho court to a super
intendent of road work direct, is also
Involved and n suit may bo brought
on account of it.
Committee From Commercial Club
Appointed to Tnko Up Matter.
Tho Commercial Club will co-op
ornto with tho Paront-Tcachor Asso
ciation in providing n rest room for
vlcltors to town, cmcclrliy vomon
who co mo In to shop and mothers
with children Acting on n motion
pnseod nt tho last mooting of tho
Club, President Koyos 1ms appointed
1). Forrell, M. D. Knutsen nnd H. A.
Millor na a committo to confer with
n commlttoo from tho association on
tho mnttor.
Tho club also voted to Inform tho
commercial and business clubs of this
section of the Chautauqua to bo hold
horo In July. At tho suggestion of
V. A. Forbes, II. I Sabln of Port
land, who wns In town on business
wns Invited to address tho mooting.
Tho noxt luncheon will bo at tho
Pilot Dutto on Saturday.
Corn ,
Yellow Denty.-
Early Hussion
Lettuce .,
Hanson 35
Simpson Early Curled .30
Danvers Yellow Globe .40
Bed Weatherfleld ....CO
Whlto Globe CO
Hollow, Crown 20
Guernsey Half Long .,20
American Wonder ....10
Dwarf Telephone 10
Little Gem 10
French Breakfast 20
White Icicle 20
Crimson Giant 30
Long Black Spanish . ..20
P. T. Si Leaf 20
Yellow Aberdeon ,..,,20
EUiniugs 20
White Russian 20
Kale. 1000 20
Rape ,
Finds Hands In Crook County In Good
Condition 7000 Will bo Delivered
at Bend About Juno 1.
(Lako County Examiner.)
O. T. McKendrco returned to Lake
vlow Tuesday ovcnlng from a trip
through portions of Crook, Harney
and northern Lako county where ho
wont in quest of sheep. The trip was
mado with Clarence Rlnohnrt by nu
tomobilo. They made tho rounds
without getting stuck and report tho
ronds In qulto passablo condition.
Mr, McKondreo bought 3, COO head
of yearling .wethers and dry owes
from W. W. Brown, paying $3.25 for
tho wethers nnd $4.25 a head for tho
owes. He also bought 7,000 head,
Including 4,000 yenrllng ewos and
3,000 yearling wethers. About half
of this lot was secured from Ike Mc
intosh whllo tho remainder was
plckod up from different growers In
tho vicinity of Prlnovlllo. Tho Brown
sheep wero bought for the lower mnr
ket, whllo tho others, Mr. McKendrco
bought for himself, F. M. Miller of
Lakcvlow and E. II. Tyron of San
Francisco. Mr. McKondreo nlso
bought G,000 hoad of yearling woth
ors from Wm. Scott of Eaglevlllo be
fore coming hero several dnys ago.
Tho Brown sheep will bo delivered
In Lakovlew Juno 1, whllo tho 7,000
will be received near Bend about tho
saino time. '
McKondreo says tho sheep up
north nro In prime condition and is
well pleased with his purebnocs. Also
ho Bays thoro is an unusunl amount
of snow nt Wagontlro for this tlmo
of tho yonr and that ibo rango Is In
first class shapo for stock.
Fow Cnncs Xow Being Reported to
Stato Authorities.
(Oregon Journal.)
Tho opldomlc of rnblcs among coy
otes, dogs and othor animals of tho
outsldo counties of Orogon, which
has beon prevalent for sovornl
months, Is Apparently dying out, ac
cording to Stato Healtli Officer Cal
vin S. Whlto today. Ho says thnt
this Is Indicated In tho fow cases now
being reported to his office
Dr. Whlto stated that not ono of
tho heads of animals examined dur
ing tho past week by tho lmctorolo
glsts showod tracos of rabies, and ho
llo vea that, owing to tho atrlngont
rules in rorco, tho disease will soon
bo entirely stamped out.
Twonty Six of tho schools of Crook
county havo ftulflllod tho r'equlro
monts of standard schools, according
to County Suporlntondont Myers, who
was In town on Monday. This means
that they aro In session nt leant olght
months of tho year and havo certain
play apparatus and other things pre
scribed by tho stato suporlntondont
of public Instruction. Beginning on
April 7 rallies aro to bo hold at thoso
schools at which the cortlflcnto that
thoy aro of tho standard grado will bo
Tho fishing season opons tomorrow
nnd local anglors have been busy all
tho weok overhauling their tacklo
and getting ready for tho sport, This
year, for tho first time. It Is expected
that tho trout planted In tho river
In tho spring of 1913 will bo largo
enough to catch nnd tbore Is consid
erable speculation ns to the effect on
tho fishing tho now trout will havo.
We First National Bank
U. C. COE, President E. A. SATHER, Vice- President
v C. S. HUDSON, Cashier
Capital fully paid - - - J2.J.00O
Surplus --. - - - $25,000
Are you going
to the Fair?
If you are, obtain a supply of our
May be cashed at Banks or 'Ho
tels without discount or identification.
U. C, Cob E. A. Sathbh C. 8. Hudson
O. M. Patterson II. r. Elms
NO. t
Says Ills Actual Residence nnd All
Interests is In Jefferson County
And Attempt to Hold Office in
Crook Would Bo Imposition.
Willis W. Brown has resigned aa
County Commissioner of Crook coun
ty. With tho recent decision In re
spect to Judga Springer's right to his
office and tho resignation from Mr.
Brown all uncertainty as to tho Coun
ty Court Is cloared up.
In presenting his resignation, Mr.
Brown asserts that It Is possible, un
der tho Sprlngor decision, for him to
tnko up a residence In Crook county
and continue as n member of tho
county court. Ho states, howover,
that ho has no property or othor In
terests in Crook county nnd thnt all
his Interests and sympathies aro with
tho new county of Jefferson nnd that
to romnln In office In Crook county
would bo nn Imposition. According
ly he resigns,
Tho statements contained In tho
pronmblo of tho resignation con
corning actual residence and real In
terests nro apparently meant ns a
slap at Judgo Sprlngor.
Tho resignation In full Is as fol
lows: "Whereas, It appears from tho
opinion of tho Hon. Ooorgo M. Brown
attorney genernl, that by Immediate
ly establishing a restdenco at Prlno
vlllo or nt uonio othor point within
tho present boundaries of Crook
county, I might continue nB tho qual
ified county commissioner of Crook
county, but
"Whereas, It further appocrn that
I havo no property or other Interests
within tho present boundaries of
Crook county and thnt nil my Inter
ests nnd sympathies aro with tho now
county of Jefferson whoro my actual
and bona ftdo resldonco la; nnd
"Whorons, I do not fool thnt under
those clrcutnBtanco I can sit and bo
a fair judga batweon tho conflicting
contentions that are bound to arlso
botw. rn tho old County oLCrooknnd
tho nv county of 'Jefforsoin and time
iny furthor participation as a mem
ber of tho County Court of Crook
county would bo unjust to tho poo
plo of Cr6ok county and an imposi
tion upon thoso good pcoplo who
havo placed sufficient confidence In
mo to olovnto mo to tho position In i
Crook county I now bold:
"Wherefore, with doop rogrot In
my heart for having to sever my con
nection with tho pcoplo of Crook
county with whom I bnvn nfflllntnd .
nnd associated for moro than 30
years, I do heroby resign ns county
commissioner, my said roalgnntlon to '
tnko effect upon this date
"Glvdn undor my hnnd nt Prlno
vllle. Orogon, this 30th day of March,
Becauso of rain tho ball gnmo
scheduled to bo playod on Friday be
tween tho Rodmond and Bond high
school tennis wns given up. 8lnco
thon tho Bond tenm has boon dlH
banded for lack of Interest.
Bend Hardware Co.
Tho Company that put the "Wr" In Hnrdwaro
-- ..tjmt
' Vli