TAGR 8. thk ih:xi otTM.irriN', wsxd, ohk., Wednesday, march it. iou LUKES LESSEE s E M TO BE IN PORTLAND ABOUT APRIL 1 .lithoii O. Moore Ma Tli'on Announce Mniitliy of liituiwri Aaawlnleil Willi Hint .May Kiit I'lpo WiiUt of laid In 'J ho ('i)liiiiitiln. (Portland Telegram.) ,Tboh (3 Moure, who got the luaso on Summer and Abort lakos, h ox-pi-ptd In Portland In April ut which tihi.. In, tntiv fiiinriimnn thfl lilalltltV of the flnnncliil Internals naaoelnlod ullli Him in the w enienirifMj. in The Dallaa, Bt Itenil, nt Ltt IM113 11111I 1 long tho Deecnutea more n Kein 111 ti.raat luilnv tnkn In the nroooaod In (luiitry of cunver'ltiK the aoltn In tlm Jukes Into coinmnrclal coiiiiiiouiups, chiefly fuitlllaer. It litis not been dwlded yet wheth. ir Mnoro will pipe tho water 250 in lira, from the lnkoa down the Dea thmen to tho Columbia rlvor, or whethor the salts will he extracted nt the Inkes, or near t.a 1'lnt and limn utnl liv railroad to a re II II 1 11 if Aorks somewhere nenr the mouth of tlii' neachulua. Kvtiutuelly. It I inld, the Indiia lr will reiiulro 100.000 or 150,000 limn, powur, mid there la nil tinlliiilt t il amount of water powor available mi the l)eachute. The scope of the industry hna never been fully x ,l. ined nor will It be until Moore miikea hla nniiounriMiiPiit. At prea- nt Monro la In (he Knit completing Mi rtnnnrlHl orgaulxntlon. Menu Mhlle ho haa a (heck on dopoalt with the hlHt" which will I"' foi fell ml If he hnH not slntt work within the next Iim tnonthii When the Ioiibo was 1 td(J by llio li'Khilnture, Mcbro IrliKriiphod hla lunil iiipreaetttntlvpa th.it ho probably would he ready to hi lit In tlirio montliH. BULLETINSJQISGUSS STOCK Viiuiplili't lisiiii'il 011 lloiM", Ilcrf Culllr, llotfi mill hlu'cp, C'OllVAIil.lH, March 10 I.lvo Ktoik miiuiiKiimoiil tho subject dla iiihkoiI In four bulletins recently pro pnted by tho Animal Husbandry Ho lurtiiKint or O. A. C Heretofore iiionl hulliitliiH piibllslinil hnvo ilenlt with (inn apnelnl fi'iulliiK problem. Thcio bullotliiH how over, nro 11 mini mnr of tho experimental kiiowledKo 1 lo"K Urn 1 1 mm of lirneilliiK, feeding 1 ml cure of hornnx, nittlu, Iiokh Mid Hhcrp The) nupply tbu dntn ho oftiui uskrd for by Htoclunon of tho ntnto, Theie Ih bulletin 011 each china of aloolc, imimily: horson, bent cnttlo, Iiokh. mid aheap. Sonio of tho mnlii liolnts rovorcd In eaah bullotlii uro' moat eeonomloal mothod of fredliiR, 1 rcrdliiK to net bout ruHiiltH, eiiilp-mi-nt nnc.o4M.iry, nrtlllrlnl linproaiin Hon. bogiiH pi'tllisreos, rulaliiK puio i.il ntuck ami Ihclr uro. Tlunn luil- lnlliio urn frnn uml nnnolr lllterimtod Hi mis one of them or nil ahonld write ! tin- (hew 11 AgrlPiillurnl College, r rnU1a. Oregon, for them GLEAN UPJSGENERAL Vir"itbiil of I'lay (liounil l,nl (.hew linpeliii to Minoinoiit. a a result of lb eleaulug up of ih, Null Ktrert lot Intemled fur Ilia n-4 11 pi in around general cleaning up I isltj bin lion begun aud lUiproT. II ma art' nlieady noticeable. CklV 1 r Will"' nibe biia daaltiuatiMl if v . k In M.i "1'Iohui Wat," 1.11,1 it s Hxin'cti'il that by tbw time It iiihes tla lou will ba nlaaawl isiissult. The following l thu uom iiior'a priiritmalloH, Aa a iierlod lu uvcry aorlag la de t to hmiaa rloaulug In our Imll- Milmil houaaunbja; anil ' a (he ueeda of cleaning and nw oMitliiK are emrlallv apnarent In tin' iprlng In all limncbHa.of our Ufa; uml It la enllih nitltig that apa- nl .iilenllrn be glveu the promotion r Much worhi 1 hiirefuta, I rtralgnata the week ii Mnt 4-11 aa ('!. m-up Weak.' and I in 1 neatly uri' (Iregoulgna to at . .Mo that areV ni a lima when lUev IM .Uvula kpr. 1. 1 aitantlou lo lw i.n im tho I'l'Mtioiit apiiaaraue of Mm inly ili.ir i.r.'i'i'iiy, but of tbalr urn unit ii'x ii" Hiicb action will lie lit'tii'iU'l 1 m ' n l to ganarel hwilth uml hapniiii' iul, I'v tnereaalug lb In mils 1 .mi aiirmundlugt, will add luiiii'rially to the aUractheueae of the 1,1 itc " MiiTiiiitcs ti.tu r(iiiMj:i. M 11 nieill'K it Mia I) A TUor- r.Hi n K1M1O H Nl'illmr'a Club .im it ami Mia Miirnhr Hppijlnted 1 1 . 1 inlfiulriil The club a braiirb 1 "! v i' T V but Ita thief mir- Ikh.h 11 1 1' to teach proper method 1 it. 1111 1 iiih in iiiuuren rue i.iv 1 ecu ik wll ! '" b'd In April LIBRARY UTDF DEBT UluiirliinVi Itcpoit KlioitN Mmiy Vli Jtors In l'at Vc.ir. It wan reported at the mooting of tbu Ludlub M5rary Club last reek that tho library Is out -of debt. The financial statement showed c.ish on hand March 1, 1911 amounting to 117.21 and recelpta during tho year of $816.12, making a total of I88R.SC, The expenditures were t7&3.8li, leasing a balance on hand at the present time of $39.71. Dur ing the year eight mectlnaa were held with an average attendance of 19. Tho librarian haa rendered tho fol lowing report: "Wo hnve had (lonetlotiH from friends and club momhera of 114 hooka. We have bought 75 hooka, iimkluK n mtal of 147 J hooka in tho llbrarv. We havo had 10 lxwka from tho atate llbrarv. We ulclbe for 27 magazine, 7 weeklies and t dnlly. Mat of borrowora 985 Number of visitors 11 '.Si N'limhar of hooka loaned .... f.101 relief. Thousands Bay Foley's; Honey and Tar Compound Is tho surest and quickest acting medicine for coughs, colds, croup and la grippe. Patter son Drug Co. Adv. Be Up -to -Date and Wse Colonial Silverwa ONE CENT A WOItD Is nil a little Wont Ad will cost you. masa nm rim:. 'Tor Item," "Kor Sale," "Itoom fo f,rt", "llousekcepltij; Itootim," "Xo Ailmltliiitcr," "No KmoUiitf," etc.. etc I'lnrniiU niliilril In lurue lnr on bcnv' brUlol bonnl. 1." rrnt eiirli less li (iiiiiutltlci. Ilitllclin Olllce. f.'tf SPRINGER CAN NOT BE OUSTED (Continued from page 1.) URGES ACTION AGAINSTf RABBITS (Continued from pago 1.) HH ' IJIr'iSMJMaatMtipnlaHi4- F Vf l KfUlI uwt IUNMUIT tu tdnni U S IV N?Wf4 u j , ' ! tiM I UM, U4 lutl4 t. Imiw ViS t,M lr.y I. UMimwIUIt tOMvl. UM.ybM, llvo ront bounty on Jock rnbblts. My doalro nt this time la to urge tho Central and Hasteni Oregon countlea to tuko full advnntnge of tho bill paaaed laat month which provides for combatting the rabbit poat. It will bo oapuclall) aluable, and noeded, now." Uriel In I'm lies lllll. (lovornor Wlthvrombo referred to tho hill Introduced by Uoproaentallvo Korboa of Crork county, whlrh bi proprlalrd 3.f00 to be used In ex tornilnntlnR rabblta. It In provided that all counties who will put up $250 will rrrelve r.n o(ilnl donation from tho atate, the $500 to be spent under the aupervlalon of oxperta working under the Oregon Agricul tural College It la understood that with aclentirir mHiiatcament, thla nmount, oxpended chlellv for potaon Ing. limy be expected pinctlcnlly to clean out rabblta In 11 largo territory, and If adjoining counties will ro operate, practical elimination of tho poat inny be expected, without endan gering other atock. "Thla rabbit mattor parhnpH seems trivial to people In Wostorn Orogon," tho (lovornor continued, "hut I nm Intimately familiar ulth the eiiHtorn illHtrlcta and I know Just how Import ant It Is. In some pnrtn extermina tion of tho rabbit poat is nbalutnly essential to Insure profltnlilo agricul tural iluvolopmeiit. Now Unit tho Htuto has eWdoiicod Its wlllliignoHs lo assist llnnnclnlly, I hope thnt the countloH will show it doalro to co rporate. Certainly It would ho tho wisest kind of Investment If several of them lake advantage of tho bill Immediate!) upon Kb becoming orfec tlvo, early In May. With tno co oporattwi fund, they can nt least work nut the most otllclent methods mid accomplish n big forward stop." Quick A1H011 WiiiiIciI, When one Is coughing ntul spitting Willi tlrkllnir lb ront tlklilnnuu In chest, Horenees In throat and lungs wueti noail is nclillig ami tno whole bod rarkeil illh a roiiitb Hint uiin't permit sleep ho wanla immediate was preparing to file tho papers In court when tho agreement was made to rofor tho whole affair to tho At torney General. At tho time the suggestion wna mado that the matter be settled out of court Judge Springer Issued a stntomont nnnrunclng his willingness to submit to the decision of the At. tornoy General a portion of the Btate- mont being as follows: "Hoforrlng to tho matter of I)l- trlct Attorney Wlrtz' decision to Hie ouster proceedings In the Circuit Ciurt will say If wo can agree as to facts I will submit my enso to the Attornoy General and be governed bv his decision. Tho county need be st no oxpento to got rid of mo If, In tho nnlnlon of tho Attornoy General I am Inollglblo." In conversation with n representa tive of Tho liiilletln lie stated that he would roalgn at once If Mr. Hrown'a decision va unfavorable to him. At the mme time he oxproeaod confl denco In the correctnosa of his posi tion and was aitre that the decision would ho In bis favor. That ho was Haht the foregoing dispatch Indi cate. It la not known whether District Attorney Wlitr. will continue with thp ( against Willis W. llrown or not Mr. llrown's feeling has been frtini the beginning that If ho had to co .luilgo Springer ought to go with li.'rti. Now thnt tho Judg's title to nince Is confirmed It Is oxnoeied thnt Mr. llrown will resign, though It la ndmittrdlv open to him to claim hla olllco 011 the vrotind thnt ho hnd mov ed to I'rlnoville. i,AM imsti:. liANII I'liASTIMt. Ij.xi I'liAsrnit. Adv a tf rnltod Wnrehouso Co. Use Deschutes Sprnv I'lour! It li the best mado mid n llcnd product. Adv. 37 tf xotici: or rixAi, si:tti.i:mi:xt. Notice Is hereby given by the un dersigned that she has mado and fil ed with he clerk of tho Counts Court of Ciook County, Orogon, her l'lnnl Account as i:ecutrlx of the Last Will ntul Testament of Oliver Johnson, deceased, and that said Court has set Saturday, tho 17th day of April. 1915. at 10 o'clock n. m. of Biild dav at tho County Court room In rrlnnvlllo, Oregon, ns tho Utile ntul plnca for tho hearing ntul settle ment of snld llnnl Account, ut which Unto nnd plnco any person Interested In Hnld estate may nppenr and object lo snld Battlement. Dated this 10th day of March, 1915. JIJNNIK NICOI,KNi: JOHNSON. Ab Kxccutrlx of the Lost Will and Tostninont of Oliver Johnson, de ceased. 1-lc fJICAN MAKE A 0O0O DAYS RUN WITH THE REAL TODACC0 iCHEW ("WITH THE I -NT REAL TODACC0 rA CHEW I tt ifJ li X f jar " LTHE AUTOMODILIST EXUUTS WITH THE flOOn lillinF 1 YES, a small chew of "Right Cut:" satisfies. It's the Real Tobacco Chew. The right blend of rich, sappy to bacco seasoned and sweetened just enough. That's why it gives you the tobacco comfort and solace that you like so well. Take a ery until chew leit Ihtn one-quarter the old tUe, It wilt be mure nthlyintf than a mouthful otoiOinary tobacco. Jutt nibble on it until ou find tho itrciiflh chew that euUi you. Tuck It away. Tbcnlet it reit. Sea hnw ea.tlv an. I int tl... -l tobacco Uito comci, how It iititfict without irindln, how much loi uu luse to anil, hew few ehewa vou tL m be tubacco tullificJ. That's why It U Tk Rtal Ttiwn Citv, Tbat'i why It cottt leit in the end. Il ! a tnir !". cut t n4 tbort ihrrj M (K.( yw vai kava tacnojoaii .nn )uur tnUu UnuJi4 ua wrjuurr ciUwU Ii6ao uuWm luu .pil loo nuik. , Tke lU l r", rich toUcra Jm boi .,4 10 b. co.nJ up iik nwltwo wj MMi. rai bow lt mI biu4 cwt Ib ik loUt u.u la "HUki.Cat." One jmall cliew takes Jhc place of two big chews of the old kind, WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY BO Union Square. Now York (BUY FROMTJEALER 0RSEND 1Q3TAMP5TOOS1 COUPON Fully Guaranteed TTf - W . entitles you to the Latest Colonial Teaspoons at 20c eaclj ViUJU 1WJ upUU With set of Six (S1.20) we send hKiit. one oioniat oum Knife. With one dozen we will include FREE 1 Butter Knife and 1 Sugar Spooi The Wm. A. Rogers 1831 A-l brand is the oldest established brand of plated ware in the country and is Guaranteed to last for 20 years. The Colonial Brand is made exclusively to our order and the above offer is limited to 30 days from date of issue. KEATS & COMPANY 707 Otis Building CHICAGO, I ORGANIZATION IS COMPLETED (Continued from page 1.) hIirII conatlluto tho Kxocutlse Iiuaid of tho Association. AUTICM2 V Kloctlon of'Otllcerfl. Thoao olllccrs shall bo noinlnntpil by committor or from tho floor, elect t'd In .May ami Imtalloil In June. AIlTICI.i: VI Duos. Momhora ahull pay twenty-llvo renta niinunlly na iluoa, tan conts wr capita to bo paid to tho TruaBiirnr of the OroRon CotiKroM of Mothera and I'prent-Teachor Aaaoclatlon for Stato and Nntlonnl duos. AHTICU: VII Quorum. A iiinjorlty proaont nt n roRiilnr or duly called inuctlng ahnll constl tuto a quorum for tho transaction of buslnoaH. AIITICM3 VIII Commlttcoa. Tho follosvliiR coinmittuea ahall he appointed by tho President, with tho approval of thu Kxoctitlvu Hoard, ns occasion inny rutjulro: 1. I'lnyBround. 2. Mothor'n Club. a. Mbrnry. 'I. Membership. 5. I'roprnm. ' C, KlndorRartcn. (Of school Rlrls to ccro for children during meeting.) AKT1CM3 IX Tlmo nud Plnco of McetlnR. Meetings ahnll bo hold monthlv In tho Assembly room of tho Hold flelian 1 hi Have you tried this new vegetable that hundreds of people are enjovinjf? If not, do so til once and you will find that it is perfectly delicious. Beside being u food product it is ornamental and two or three plants of it make beautiful greenery for ' the garden. It is specially adapted to dry farming and 250 bushels may be ob- tuined from an acie. Gef. it at Shaw's Feed Store or write FLETCHER EDWARDS, Box 286, BEND school. AIITICI.K X Amondmcnts. Thla constitution inny ho r.mendcd by n tsvo-thlrda voto of tho members prcsont at any regular inectlBeTj viucu tno proposcu nmonums havo heon siihmltted lu wi tho previous meeting. ' '7'M The Bend Company LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH FIR AND MAPLE FLOORING MILL WOOD $2.50 Per Load DELIVERED v , TOWN LOTS AND ACREAGE1 4 .is ,a, "- '.L -, "ti . ,. ,7 i. -HatF- .,v TV CVm. H.IiBf Cow 3'.ttU (!