i- IMMMMm MttaMWiwimsfci limn i mi THE m:Xl) HULLETIN, DHXD, ORE., WEDNESDAY, .MARCH 17, 1014. PAGE 7. How School Districts Spend Money Unusual Combination Offer! u z z ' l stntomont showing onrollment, numbor of teachers, total tax lovlcs, I and avorngo cost per student In the- public Bchools of Crook county, Oregon, I for 191": llJIstrlct. 10. ., 11. ., 12. ., 13. ., 14. . 15. ., 16. .. 17. .. 18. . 19. .. 20. .. 21. .. 23. 21. 23. 20. 27. 2S. 29. 30. 81. 32. 33. 34. 35. 3C. 37. :is, 39. -10. -11. 12. 43. 44. -to. -1G. -17. -18. -19. CO. El. E2. 53. 54. EG. CO. 57. 58. r9. GO. CI. G2. r.3. C4. GO. GG. C7. t S G9. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 70. 7G. 77. 78. 79. 80. SI. S2. S3 SI. S5. SG. 87. 88. 8. DO. 91. 92. 93. 34. 95. 9G. 98. 99. 1100. 101. .-.. No. of Pupils 333 23 28 21 18 18 30 30 CI 2G 43 4G9 8 G2 20 18 11 IS 3G 11 1C 122 22 21 1C 19 19 27 21 30 3G 30 15 C 17 1G GG 1G 14 38 3G 34 72 22 41 12 42 20 25 40 11 30 77 39 17 9 GG 10 238 11 3G 22 10 32 i 37' 19 4G 2G 2G jrGS -31 30 29 18 24 2G 25 24 10 31 40 G4 25 19 27 29 41 19 39 35 31 19 19 15 15 23 20 1G 2 13 No. of Teachers 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 3 1 1 17 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1, 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -2 1 1 1 1 1.' 1 1 1 ' 1 o 1 '1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total Cost Averngo Por Pupil JEW LAW PROVIDES FOR THE RECORD OF CATTLE BRANDS Pleasure Advocated by Stockmen He. comw Eircctiro May 22 Provides Por Inspection of till Shipments. A 1u n.D.r.1 I... iUn lnof IneUlntiire f espeel .1 Interest to the stock men t Central Oregon, Is that requiring ho registration of cattlo brands. The attle and Horso Ralsora Association f Oregon was active In obtrJnlng Its Usnchard, as an ofllcer of the nsso- 'won, is now dlBtrluuuns copies oi o act. I The law takes effect May 22. It 'o-ldes that any porson, firm or ns- $10,521 GGG 48G 421 972 523 534 1.G7G 2,732 718 G12 14,232 28G 1.95G 42G G7G 3GG 459 712 384 277 3,084 G87 39G 414 208 135 GOG 388 ' 45G 547 148 ISO 790 278 192 922 448 528 525 702 510 8,474 2G4 G82 484 G5G 57G 400 480 25G 492 3,040 4GS 277 354 1,175 1S2 7,081 428 432 574 400 G08 444 448 812 404 530 - 2,41?, 91G 520 G08 70S 552 615 540 288 270 1,452 70G 1.242 4G0 518 GS9 443 G39 333 702 470 3,032 278 473 330 300 35G 320 420 G49 3G0 $31. GO 28. 9G 17. 3G 20.05 64.00 29.0G 17.80 55. 8G 37.24 23.78 14.23 31.01 35.74 31.54 21.25 12.00 32.3G 26.50 19.79 31.90 17.31 30.19 2G.G9 18. 80 25.89 19.47 22.90 25.77 18.52 15.20 15.19 14.93 12.00 13 LOG 1G.3G 12.00 1G.4G 28.00 12.00 13.81 1G.72 15.00 117.09 ' 12.00 1G.39 40.33 15.G2 28.80 1G.00 12.00 23.33 1G.40 47.27 12.00 10.29 38.22 18.08 18.20 12.00 30.57 12.00 26.01 40.00 19.00 12.00 23.57 17.C5 1G.54 21.20 45.53 12.90 17.30 20.90 39.33 23.00 21. GO 21. GO 12.00 27.00 4G.81 17.G2 19.42 18.40 27.2G 2G.27 15.28 15.59 17.52 18.00 13.43 97.81 14. 63 24.89 22.00 20.00 15.43 16,00 28.00 29.60 27.69 soclatlon desiring to adopt any brand shall sign a certlflcato setting forth a facslmllo and description of the brnnd, giving definitely Its location on the animal, together with a stnto mont of tho deslro to adopt tho samo, and shall fllo tho samo with tho state veterinarian, who shall keep a rec ord and Issue a certlflcato to those entitled to a brand. It Is provided that all applications to havo brands recorded shall lw held by tho Btate veterinarian for tho per iod of GO days after tho net goes In to effect before the samo aro record ed, and that In tho event of two or moro make application to havo tho eamo brand recorded, the one who has had his brand recordod tho long est tlmo In any county of tho state bl-.aH bo entitled to havo the same recorded with tho state veterinarian. The BEND GARAGE OPEN DAY AXD NIGHT Drake Frames, Casting, Etc., Welded by Ovy-Acetylene Process. We Make a SPECIALTY of FORD Repairing. ALL WORK GUARANTEED GASOLINE OlhS TIKES Doonar (Sb Thornbrue $1.75 The Bulletin and Any One of These (Ms $ 1.75 SEVERAL loading publishers of mngazines havo Joined with us tu ono of tho greatest subscription bargain offers ovor put out In this country. Through this combination overybody will bo ablo to got n yearly subscription to three magazines In combination with our paper nt practically tho prlco of our paper alono. jjln this list vou will find forty different porlodlcals formed Into thlrty-flvo dlftoront clubs. Each club has threo mngnzlncB, except ono Special Club which has four magazjnes; somo of these mngazines soil for as much as $1 n year. They aro nil good and cover n largo variety of cholco rending mattor, Including History, Music, Ilellglon, Educntlon. Fashions, Fancy Needlework, Illustrated Curront Events, Homo Decorations, Fiction, Literature, Drnma, Art, Sclonce, In ventions, Genernl Farming, Dairy Farming, Llvo Stock, Vegotnbles, Fruit and Poultry. Under the splendid contract wo havo made with tho publishers wo aro nblo to givo our readers n cholco of tho clubs In combination with our paper ono year for $1.75, Just twonty-flvo cents moro than tho prlco of our pnpor alono. If you nro a subscriber to our paper wo nsk you to ronow so that you too, may got 3 magazines ex tra. Look ovor tho Hot end select tho club you like best. Send In your order today or glvo your order to our representative or call at our ofllco when In town. If you aro now n subscriber to cny of theso magazines nnd wnnt to renew Just send your order to us nnd wo will havo your subscription extomlod. If your subscription to our papor Is past duo, we ndvlso you to pay up and tnko ndvantngo of this bargain. If you nro In tho habit of buying your magazines through other channels, wo ask you to Justly cotnparo our clubs and prices with that of any ofTor you receive. You, no doubt, nro now n subscriber toaoino of theso periodicals. You can savo money by sand ing your'reiiowal ordor to us. Hero Is n chance to get your homo paper and n yearly supply of good reading nt u real bargain. It you want ono or moro of theso magazines sent to different addresses, Just mention It. TELL ALL YOUlt FRIENDS AND NEIGIIHOHS AIIOUT THIS DIG OFFEIt. CLUH NO. 1. McCaM's (with free pat Farm Life torn) Everyday Life CLUH NO. 2. Woman's World Peoples Popular Monthly Gcntlowoman CLUH NO. !J. Hearth nnd Homo Farm Llfo Household Magazlno CLUH NO. 1. American Woman Farm Llfo Household Guest CLUH NO. f. Today's (with frco pat Fnrm Llfo tern) Household Magazlno CLUH NO. O Today's (with frco pat Evoryday Llfo torn) Gentlewoman CLUH NO. 7. Fancywork Magazlno Evoryday Llfo Woman's World CLUH NO. 8. Farm and Flrosldo Woman's World Homo Llfo CLUH NO. O. Farm and Homo Womnn's World Household Guest CLUH NO. 10. Todny's (with frco pat Woman's World torn) Homo Llfo CLUH NO. 11. Good Stories Farm Llfo Everyday Llfo ' CLUH NO. 12. Grcon's Fruit Grower Evoryday Llfo Farm Llfo CLUH NO. HI. Today's (with frco pattern) Pralrlo Farmer Household Magazlno CLUH NO. 1H. Today's (with frco pattorn) Gcntlowoman Homo Llfo CLUH NO. II). Successful Farming Homo Llfo Everydny Llfo CLUH NO. 20. Farmer's Wlfo Homo Llfo Evoryday Llfo CLUH NO. 21. Happy Hours Farm Llfo Gentlewoman SPECIAL CLUH Snino Prlco its Others WOMAN'S WOULD POULTHY ITEM HOME LIKE FAHM LIKE CLUH NO. M. People's Popular Monthly Farm Progress Woman's World CLUH NO. in. Today's (with free pattorn) Farm Llfo Poultry Horn CLUH NO. 10. Hoy's Magazlno Homo Llfo Gontlowoman CLUH NO. 17. Kimball's Dairy Farmor Homo Llfo ' Gentlewoman CLUH NO. 22. Farm, Stock and Homo Woman's World Homo Llfo CLUH NO. 2.1. Vegetable .Growor Today's (with freo pattorn) Everydny Llfo CLUH NO. 21. Woman's World Farm Llfo Today's (with froo pattorn) CLUH NO. 23. Woman's Homo Wookly Woman's World Homo Llfo CLUH NO. 2(1. Fancywork Magazlno Today's (with frco pat Qontlowomnn torn) CLUH NO. 27. Kansas City Weekly Star Farm Llfo Everyday Llfo CLUH NO. 2H. Gcntlowoman Woman's World Homo Llfo CLUH NO. 20. Kansas City Weakly Star Evoryday Llfo Homo Llfo CLUH NO. .10. Southern Rurnllst Homo Llfo Gontlowoman CLUH NO. ."11. Fnrmor'a W'kly Dispatch Homo Llfo (St. Paul) Farm Llfo CLUH NO. .12. Itural W'kly (St. Paul) Gontlowoman Evoryday Llfo CLUH NO. a.i. American Homo Womnn's World Gontlowoman CLUH NO. .11. McCall's (with frco pat Evoryday Llfo torn) Household Quest. Home Life j.ft OCTOBER TFheS sf) HOUSFHDIjE I Mm run GENTLEWOMAN MMM4 G KM KkmfflKlE l -A tammmmr c ( JffJ ITA.lVvW -. diTA v;' v fc.wk ow,"i YWfitvy)'l vvv s -j?ln x varvAVsA I V 1 JT-- .viiiy... X! YOMORLD XtlliAfiO. Tho evidence shall bo furnished' by tho county clork. In enso n brand ha3 already been recorded, tho vot- orinnrlnn shall roturn tho foo and facslmllo to tho person making ap plication. Inspcrtorx on Duty. It Is provided that tho govornor shall appoint a stock inspector In each county of tho state, nnd such In spectors must bo oxporloncod stock men recommended by tho Cnttlo nnd Horeo Kaisers' Association of Oregon. Tho Inspectors shall be appointed for tho term of two, years, wiiicli snnu start June 1, 1915, and blonnlnlly thereafter. Tho Inspectors shall havo authority to appoint deputy Inspec tors In various parts of tholr respec tive counties. The duties of tho Inspectors aro to Inspect nil shipments of horees and cattlo and satisfy thomsolves be fore permitting such shipments, that the nnimals aro In the lawful posses sion of tho person desiring to ship thorn. Tho Inspectors cro to bo paid 10 cents per head for tho first 25 head or less number included In any lot Inspected, nnd the sum of threo cents per head for all over and above 25 head, and In addition, 10 cents por mile ono way tor mo uisutnco no must travel In- order to inako such inspection. Certificate Is Kequlml, Evory owner or shlppor of cattlo or horses shall turnUh the common carrier over which It Is proposod to ship tho animals, a certlflcato In dup licate, fully describing them nnd cer tify that he Is the owner and entitled to their possession. Ono copy will be filed by the common carrior and shall be ncceulblo at all Union dur ing business hours to tho public and the other shall bo attached .to the bill of ladlns and delivered to any duly authorized brand Inspector at the point of destination. Common carriers are liable to a fine of from $250 to $2500 for viola tlons of this law, as well as to tho person damaged In troble the amount of damages. ,.,..,,. It Is provided that the governor shall upon request of the Cattle nnd Horso Raisers Association of Ore con, appoint a stock Inspector or In spectors for any stockyard or yards in the state, the compensation to be agreed upon and paid by the jistocU- UA fine of from $50 to $250 or Im prisonment of from 30 days to one year In tho county Jail Is provided for thoso not regularly ongngod In tho slaughter of cnttlo who fall to retain tho hides with tho cars attach ed, without any nltoratlon of tho ?amo of dlsflguromont of tho brand, for a period of 30 days. POWELL BUTTE (Continued from pago 2.) with hor granddaughtor, Mrs. Joo snearer aim rnmlly. Tho mllo of road connecting tho Prlnevlllo nnd Silver Lnko roads Is open for travol now. When tho Com missioners, In company with Super visor Wlllcoxon, vlBlted the now road Friday thoy decided that somo fur ther grading was necessary but this will bo completed soon. Mr and Mrs. C. II. Mlllor of Hod mind wore out In our spctlon Friday when tho former Installed a phono for Max Strlxner. Reeve Wlllcoxon was a Prlnevlllo visitor Friday. , Miss Suo Hall returned Friday, fol lowing a month's employment wllh a telephono company In Prlnovlllo. Mr. nnd Mrs, Allen Wlllcoxon and daughtor Harriott wero Prlnovlllo visitors Friday. A numbor of patrons gathered nt the Wilson Bchool house Friday af ternoon for tho spelling contont bo twoen tho Shenard and Wilson schools. Tho Wilson school enmo out victorious. A roturn contest will como off at the Shepard school houso Friday, March 19 th. Mrs, L. J. Alley left Saturday for Opal City where she will make nn extended visit with her daughter, Mm. John Saxton. Mrs, Joe Shearer was called to Rend Saturday owing to the Illness of her mothor Mrs. Chas. Orowller. Sirs. A. W, Havn and Llna Moore visited In Prlnevllle Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Grev returned to Red mond Saturday following a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ruelah Grey Hoi. lend and Mrs. Ouy Sears at tho home of the latter. E. A. Hussett visited Mrs. Huisett nnd Miss Fay In Prlnevlllo severat davs the latter part of tho week. An attondance of eighty was rec orded for the Union Sunday school Sunday, the largest attendance since thin school was organized. J. L. Clbton bad a very sick horse la ... ,. . v .Jiiiiuuj, II nil , ,UVUI B HBBIBiaUCO tho animal was unveil. Fred Noble, Arthur Michel and tho MIbbch Mno and Ha Knox of Prlnovlllo vlsltod Sunday nftomoon at tho Truosdalo homo, Miss Paulino who hnd vlsltod tho week end with homo folks nccompnnlcd thorn on tholr roturn. Mrs. Hall, 8r., roturned Sunday from a week's visit at tho county seal. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Allnv nnlnr. tallied nt dinner Sunday, Tholr guestB wore .Mr. and Mrs. J, F. Rico, Mr. and Mrs. P. Pauls and family nnd A. If. Rhode. Guy Soars took a load of nlfalfa to Prlnovlllo Monday. Work Is progressing nlcoly on Orn Foster's new houso on IiIh ditch forty. N. P, Alley shipped a load of hogs Friday. It Ib roporled that tho largost aero ngo of grain In tho history of this section Is bolng put In this soason. Thero Is plenty of liny out this way and ovory day It Is being hauled to ono of tho threo towns, Rodiuond, Rend or Prlnevllle. NOTICE FOR Pl'HLICATION. Department of the Intorlor, V. S. Lend Olll co nt The Dalles, Oregon, March 3, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given that J. Clinton Vandovert of Iloiul, Oregon. who, on March 30, 190S, made Home stead Entry No. 1593S. Serial No 043G6, for nw4 no4, oi nw4, no H sw',1, Section 20. Township 20 South, Range 11 East Willamolto Meridian, hns filed notice of Inten tion to make Final Five Yenr Proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Rond, Orpgon, on the ICth day of April, 1915 Claimant names as witnesses: R. H, Caldwoll, of La Pino, Oregon, John Peters, J, II. Holman, Petor Seggllng, M. J. Main, all of Hend, Oregon. If. FRANK WOODfOCK, 1-5 p. Reglstor. Mnrch 4th, 1912, mndo Homestead Entry, No. 010021, for W'SWH, Section 32, Township 18 South, Rnngu 13 EaBt, Wlllamotto Meridian, hns filed notice) of Intention to make Final Throo Yonr Proof, to nstnbllHh claim to tho land above doBcrlbod, be foro II. C. Ellis, U. 8, Coinmhislonor, nt llond, Oregon, on the 8th day of April, 1916. Clalmniit n nines as witnesses: Louis Illlladouu, Ml ml rod lllllndonu, William F. McNaught, John Egly, nil of llond, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. Sl-3c. Reglstor. NOTICE FOR PUHLICATIO.N. Department of the Interior, V. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, February 19, 1916. NOTICE Is hereby given that John E. Sans, of Rend, Oregon, who, on NOTICE FOR PUIILIOATIO.V. Department of tho intorlor, U. 8. Land Olllco at Tho Dalles, Orogon. February 19, 1916, NOTICE Is hereby given Hint Aus tin C. Harbor, of Alfalfn, Orogon, who, on March 29th, 1911, imulo Ilomostoad Entry, No. 08344, for Lots 2-3. SW'4 NE',4, 8j NW4, NW'i 8V, Section 2 and NEVi HEM. Hactlnn 3. Tnwnaliln 11 Unn. Rango 14 East, Wlllamotto Morldlan! huh iiiou notiro or intention to innko Flnnl Threo Ynnr 1'rrwif In natnl.lluli clnlrn tri thn lniwl nhrivn ilnufiHw,.t i,n foro II. C. Ellis, U. 8, Commlsslo'nor, ni iieuu, uregou, on the 8th day of April, 1916. Claimant nnniAM nn wltnAiana. Charles Kornkis, Frank Mossongalo, Annetto Wlloy, Don Wiley, all of Milllcau, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 51-30. Roglstor. NOTICE FOR PUHLICATIO.V, Department of tho Interior, U, 8. I.iiik! rmico at Tho Dalles, Oregon, FWuuu-y 8, 1915. Notice Is hereby glwn that Ed SU-giiio i of Laldlnw, Orogon, who, on January 16, 1913, made Home stead Entry, No. 011180, for N'4 BE Vi. Section 11, TowiiBhlp 17 South, Rango 11 East, Wlllamotto Morldlan, has fllod notlco of Intention to mako Commutation Proof, to establish claim to tho land above descrlbod, before II, C. Ellis, V. S. Commissioner at Rend, Oregon, on the 6th day of April, 1915. Clulmnnt names as witnesses: Emit Anderson. Ilhnil. OrAifnn Pr.wl An. derson, nend, Oregon; Fred N. Wal lace, uaiaiaw, uregon; .Myron H, iiul lard, Laldlaw. Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 49-53 c. Reglstor, H n If - fi i f '. .v, !'! 1 II Li '1