KSsB Ir - wte.T BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL, DIRECTORY. THK BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OUR., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1014. TAGE .1. ROBERT II. GOULD w citii Engineer Rend Oregon y f, TAULKNEU, D. M. D. D E N T I 8 T Office Ovor Postofllco mi, - - - Oregon lilt. E. REA NORIUH I'lijslcliiii anil Sitiucon omco Sathor Building Microscopic nnd X-rny work Tol. Mack 271 H. H. Do A It M O N D LAWYER Oregon Street. Bend, Oregon Hours: 10-12 n. m.; v-u p. in. -4 p. m. WILLARD H. WIRTZ LAWYER Prlnovlllo, Orogon. j -j r- h. c. a l l i a Attouioynt-Ijiuv United Stnlcs Commissioner First Nntlonal Bank Building BEND, OREGON DR. J. H. CONNARN E N T I 8 T Omco In Sathor Ilulldlne. Houro 9 to 12, 1 to c. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. C. S. BENSON Attornoy At L n w Benson Building, Wnll Streot Bund, Orogon. VERNON A. FORBES LAWYER First National Bank Building Bend, :-: :-: Oregon GEOnOE S. YOUNO Civil nnd Irrigation Engineer. U. S. Mineral Surveyor. Room G First National Bank Building C. P. NISWONGER, Bend, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embnlincr, Funeral Director. Phono. Lady Assistant. DR. R. D. STOWELL Nnpriipntlitc riijslcliiu Office over Miller Lumlor Co, Wull Street Hours 9 to 5 Phono Red Gl J. B. Boll A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. II. Hnnor Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstracts Insurnnco ROBERT W. SAWYER NOTARY PUR LI O Bulletin Offlco, Bond, Oregon Representation boforo tho Des ert Land Board and Stato Englnoor ROBERT CECIL WYOANT Attorney nt Lnw Irrigation Masonic Water Rights Building Desert Land Salem, Engineering Law Oregon J. E. Engebretson Plumbing and Heating Bend, Oregon 117 MINNESOTA STREET ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED JOBBING PROMPTLY DONE I ALTAMONT I I HOTEL l Tho most comfortable hotol i In Bond. i Commodious, steam heated, 5 well furnished rooms wltu running waten i Good, homo cookod meals served In dining room tnroo i times ovcry day. 5 MUs A. D. SpnldlnR, Proprietor i BEND, OREGON TO THE RESCUE For Spring WEAR got a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES WE also havo tho agency for NAP-A-TAN Shoos for men nnd boys. R. H. LOVEN The Shoo Repair Mnn Bond Streot Bond, Ore. WHO fStJ KKirKi LAuNDRW ! ) nmjimj. ."n !! mr nn W will tv your ltnn. but you mutt t waito much lira cetllns our rtou Urd work LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANING Put Your Duds In Our Suds' J J. A. MacCLOSKEY Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. DRAYING Bend Hauling Co. It. N. PALME ETON Wood for Sale Ofllco with R. P. Mlnter Olllco Phono Black (1(1 Residence Black 421! POLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of ch City. Town and rm.- ivtvlnv riurlnttv sketch Of each place, location, population, tele graph, hlppinr ana uanmns iim, aleo Claetiaed Directory, compiled by Kitalnaaa ami nrofalllOIlt A mw- r fc r , L It. I. l'OUC CO.. BRATTLE Fraternal Societies I. O. O. I Bend Lodge No. 218. Regular meoting every Mou day night at 8 o'clock In Sath er's Hall. Visiting brother-i cordially welcome. L. II. GLESS, N. G. GEO. P. GOVE, Secretary. Program of Crook County FARMERS' SHORT COURSE At Redmond, Oregon, March 22-27, 1915 AGRICULTURAL COURSE. Momliiy. 10:00-11100 Lnrsen, J. E. Til lage practices. 11:00-12:00 Ilrown, W. S. Cnro of orchards. 2:00-4:00 Brown, W. S. Prun ing demonstrations In oichard. 8:00 Lamb, C. C Housing of poultry, Illustrated. Tuesday. 10:00-11:00 Lamb, C. C Poul try feeding nnd manngoment. 11:00-12:00 Reynolds, R. E. Hog feeding for best returns. 2-00-4:00 Fltls, E. B. Eesdlng for milk pioductlon. Balancing tho ration. 8:00 Brown, W. S. Somo com mon Insect pests and plant diseases, illustrated. WediiPMlny. 10:00-11:00 Reynolds. R. E. Sheep on smnll farms. 11:00-12:00 Lamb, C. C Caro end marketing of poultry and poultry products. 2:00-3': 00 Roynolds, R. E. Cnro nnd managoment of brood sows and Pigs. 3:00-4:00 Lamb, C. C. Incubat ing and brooding. 8:00 Reynolds, R. E. Types of Improved ltvostock. Illustrated. TliurMlny. 100:00-11:00 FItts, E. B. Im provement of tho dairy herd. 11:00-12:00 Reynolds, R. E. Somo common unsoundnesses In horses. 2:00-4:00 Lectures and demon strations by E. B. FItts and R. E. Roynolds, with dairy cattle and hogs at II. C. McCnll's farm on Crooked vr t-msportntlon furnished from Redmond. 8:00 FItts, E. B. Illustrated lecture. Friday. 10:00-11:00 Larson, J. E. Pur chaso and production of farm seeds for crops. 11:00-12:00 Lovett, A. E. Farm demonstration nark In Crook county. l!:00-l:00 Lnrsen, J. E. Leg umes tor dry lnnd nnd Irrigated farms. Crop rotation nnd soil for tuity. 8:00 Farm demonstrations Illus trated by J. E. Lnrsen and A. E. Lov ett. Saturday. 10:00-11:00 FItts, E. B. Bull, dairy nnd milk testing associations. 11:00-12:00 Lovett, A. E. Far mer's organizations for Crook county. 2:00-4:00 Round tnblo discus sions of farm operations with entire collego staff presont. CHURCH NOTICES Church of tho Brethren. Sorvlces each Sunday nenr high school. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching servlco at 11 a. m. Thomo for preaching sorvlco next Sunday, "Tho Wayward Boy." A cordial In vitation Is extended to all to attond theso services. Ira II. Fox, minister. Buy your rolled oats at tho Bond Flour Mill. 40tf DIRECTORY OP OFFICIALS. United States. r tmJitm i" j O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET qecent 'ssfiSE -' -i A WORD IS ALL A LITTLE WANT AD WILL COST YOU. Prosldont Wood row Wilson Vlco President. .Thomas R. Marshall Secretary of Stato W. J. Bryan Secretary of Navy . . Josophus Daniels Secretary of War . . . . L. M. Garrison Secretary of Interior . . . .F. K. Lane Secretary Agrlculturo D. F. Houston Socrotnry of Treasury .W. F. McAdoo Secretary Commerce . .W. C. Rodflold Sccrotary of Labor . . . . W. B. Wilson Attorney General T. M. Gregory Postmaster Gcnornl .Albert Burleson State. Governor James Wlthycombo Secretary of Stato . ...U. W. Olcott Troasuror ...Tbos. B. Ka Atty. General Geo. M. Brown Superintendent Public Instruction . , J. A. cnurcmii State Printer Arthur Lnwrenco Commissioner Labor Statistics .... ...O. P. Hoff Gamo Warden W. L. Flnley State Engineer John H. Low lb United States Senators Georgo E. Chamberlain Harry W. Lan Congressmen C. N. McArthur N. S. Slnnott ..........f.. ...... W. A. iiawioy Crook County. Circuit Court Judge W. L. Bradshaw District Attorney W. H. Wlrtz County Judge G. Springer Clerk Warren Brown Sheriff E. B. Knox Treasurer Ralph Jordan Assessor H. A. Fostor School 8upt. J. E. Myers Coronor P. B. Polndoxter Surveyor H. A Kelly Commissioners J. F. Blanchard H. J. Ovorturf '1 he Courts. Circuit Meets first Monday In September and December and second Monday In March. Probate Meets first Monday In each month. Commissioners' Meets first Wed nesday In January, March, May, July, September, November and December. Demi School District No. 12. Directors. . . .Clyde M. McKay, Chmn -..J. N. Huntor R. M. Smith Clerk H. J. Overturf City of Bend. Mayor II. A. Miller Recorder H. C. Ellis Treasurer Mary E. Coloma'n Chief of Police S. E. Roberts City attorney V. A. Forbes City Engineer Robert B. Gould City physician Dr. U. C. Coe Councllmen ..M. D, Knutsen J. D. uaviuioa , E. A. Bather . .. .L. C. Rudow E. P. Broaterhous 1)031 ESTIO SCIENCE. COURSE. By MNs Tin ley. Monday. 11:00-12:00 Food ns a factor In health. 2:00-4:00 Cuts of meats. (Lec ture) Meat cookery. (Demonstration.) Tiicidny. 11:00-12:00 Food (Lecture) 2:00-4:00 Uses of (Demonstration.) WcMlncjiilny. 10:00-12:00 Brood making. (Lecture (Demonstration.) school child. (Lecture.) 2:00-4:00 Completion of brood demonstration. Thursday. 10:00-11:30 Food for tho child. (Demonstration.) 2:,00-3:30 Cnko and cako mak ing. (Lecturo nnd demonstration.) Friday. 10:00-11:00 Planning tho fam ily dlotory. (Lecturo.) 2:00-4:00 Vegotablo cookery. (Demonstration.) economics, loft overs. nnd bread Bread making. Food for tho REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Issued by Crook County Abstract Co. Bend Park Co. to Elsworth Dllsav or, Its. 15, 1C, blk. 42, Center add. Bond. Levi D. Wlest to J. II. Bonder It. 18, blk. 44, Wlestorln, J49C John Thols, Jr., to August Rom clko, It. 8, blk. 1C, Pnrk Add, Bend, $G00. II. G. Ferris to Henry Lcnstor bill of solo 2 auto trucks. Bend Co. to Leo Schatz It. 8, blk. 4G, Conter add, Bend. La Pino Townslto Co. to Chris Nowmnn It. 10. blk. 27, La Pino. Shlngnroo Murnsnscko to Nora A. Choco, It. C, 8, blk. 2, Larch add, Bond. Bond Park Co. to Carl M. Day It. 3, blk. 4, Rlvorsldo add. Bend, $17C. Lnnd Ofllco to Edwin J. Rogors cer tificate sw D-17-12. N. M. Abbott to Deschutes Rec. & Irrigation Co., 2C foot strip w aw 21-10-12. Uso Deschutes Sprny Flour! It Is tho best made and a Bend product. -Adv. 37 tf Welcome Information. Most middle aged mon and women nro glad to learn that FoJjy Kldnoy Pills glvo relief from lnnnuldness Ml ft and snro musclei and Joints, piifllncss undor oves, backacho, blad der wenkness and rheumatism, They pet results. Contain no harmful drugs. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. HOUSE FOR HALE. Soven room house with good base ment and all modorn conveniences. E. W. Richardson, La Pino, Oro gon. 49tf THE WHITE IS KING Tho BEST nil-round Family Sew'.nir Machine that can bo produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments, Send name and address for our beautiful II. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. DECISIONS OF THE COURTS ON SOOSCRIPTIONS GIVEN Huliocrlltcra Who Do Not Glc Notice of Intention to Dlsroiitliiue Arc Considered as Wishing to Itoi ov Most readers of tho noA'smpors nro not familiar with tho luwi tf-v-ernlng subscriptions, sayi an ex change Hero nro tho decisions of he Unit ed States court on tho subject: "Subscribers who do not glvo ex press notlco to tho contrary oro con sidered as wishing to rcnow their subscriptions. "If tho subscribers order n discon tinuance of their publication tho publisher mny contlnuo to send thorn until all dues aro paid. "If tho subscriber refuses to tnko periodicals from tho post olllco to which they nro directed ho Is respon sible until ho has settled his bill and ordered tho pnpor discontinued. "If subscribers niovo to other places without Informing tho publish er and the papers aro sent to his former address, tho subscriber In held responsible "Tho courts hnvo hold that refus ing to tnko periodicals from tho post olllco or removing nnd leaving thorn uncalled for Is prima facto cvldonco of Intention to defraud. "If subscribers pny In advance, they aro bound to glvo notice at tho end of that time If thoy do not wish I to contlnuo Inking tho pnpor, other wise, tho subscriber Is responsible un. til oxpress notlco Is sent to tho publisher." Thoy Know H'm Snfo. Parents who know from cxporlenco Insist upon Foloy's Honey nnd Tar Compound whon buying a medicine for coughs, colds, croup nnd la grippe. C. T. Lunceford, Washing ton, Un., writes: "I have used It for six years and It nover has failed. I think it tho best remedy made for coughs nnd colds." Patterson Drug; Co. Adv. Uso Truo Bluo Flour! It Is tho best mndo and a. Bend product Adv. 37 if Uso crncked corn for chicken feed tho now Bend Flour Mill has It. Adv. CO tf Twrr&iwanxav. Tho most economical hotel in tho Northwest consider ing etcrythliiK. RATES TO YOU Per Day HO Rooms .... .$1 (Ml 10(1 Booms with bath. .fj!l.';o 100 Rooms with tmt'i. .tjU.oo 110') Largo oiitHHto moms, ltath JyJ.Otl Ern pel Mm In loom, $1.00 additional ftT)0 Bedrooms; Many Dining Itoonm ; Itcaiitirul Grill ; Nearly JOO Snplo Rooms. The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It Is n fireproof building It Is thoroughly modem It Is comfortable, commodious, clean- ROOMS FROM fJO CENTS UP Tho wants of nil nro satisfied well nt THE WRIGHT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lighted Throughout ---- t Special Attention to Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL Qood Rooms Free bus to and from trains HUGH O'KANE, MANACtKR BEND, OREGON Good Meals All nrrnngements made for persons desiring to go south and cast of hero --- --- The New Perkins Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON C. II. SIIAFER, MniMfrcr Handy to large stores, theatres and banks Comfortable and Convenient A Restaurant of high elass with very moderate prices in Connection R.OOM RATES: With bath $1.50 up With bath privileges $1 up rFNTRAL OREGON'S vluv ,,,,',: accident, LkNlKAL, UK&uuno piari: glass, automo. Leading INSURANCE Agency bile, huhetv bonds. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY! Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERA1S: $5 Cash and OROKLA) WJJWmthJy IRRIGATED LANDS A SPECIALTY' J a PCTCC Ofllco on Oregon Street . A. CVS I JLiS BEND, t.: OREGON - rl ! ki 1 s k '-. & h i ) 8. C. Caldwell ' ' ' Justice of the Peace. Bend Precinct , , J. A. ute 519 Merchants National Bank Bids: San Francisco, California i