The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 17, 1915, Image 1

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vol. xnr.
XO. i
- 1
Alloi iicy-Ocnei-al ltroiwi Gives Ho.
clm On Stipulation or Facts Sub-
inlltcd 1' District Attorney
Wlitx mid tho County J mine
(Special to Tho Hullotln.)
SALKM, March 10, Attornoy Gen
eral Iirown ruled today tha bo fnr
as tho Information placed beforo liltn
fhows, a. Springer, County Judge of
P'or' county, ennnot bo ousted from
the ofllco on tho grounds of dlsnunll
fi t n through non-resldcnco. "I
en 'udo thnt hoyond n rensonnhlo
"-i! t your county Judgo Ih a legal-
o" Hfled offlcor of Crook county,"
are tho words with which ho con
cludes his opinion.
Tlio opinion Is roudorcd In answer
n lomiPHt from District Attorney
Wlrtz and Judgo Springer. They
f'.-it n Joint stipulation of fads to
t'-o Dttorney general, Wlrtz holding
i Springer, hecauso of resldenco
m .lefforson county, was disqualified
fr m holding olllco In Crook. Ho
nnd tho Judgo agreed to tin factH of
the enso, and further agreed to alildo
1 tho attornoy generals decision. If
iVIrtz' contentions woro upholil,
S-irlngor would resign, othorwlsn.
thero would ho no ouster proceedings
It. is understood.
In tho. stipulation It Is recited thnt
Sorlngor formerly lived In what In
n -w Jefferson county, and thnt lm
nnd his wlfo roglstored thorn nt tho
last election. Hut It Is admitted thnt
lie nnd his famllv took up rcsldonro
la Prlnovlllo beforo tho governor's
proclamation legally established JoT
ferson county.
After reciting this fact, tho nttor-
iey ceneral continues. "Honco ho linii
nt no time been othor than n resi
dent nf Crook eountv. Tho fnct thn
lr. Springer and his wlfo registered
nnd voted within tho territory now
ombrncod within the county of Jnf
Torson, while such territory wan still
part of Crook county, would show
hat nt no time hnd he been olthor
than n rosldent of Cro"V cn"ntv."
It Is further recited thnt tho state
ment of thn enso "hows .thnt Snrtp"
pr "has continually slflco hi nnall
frntlon as Judge been n resident of
Crook county. Ho had tho tight to
follow tho flag of Crook-lf hiHsn de
fined and ho has done so by ovort
ar as woll as Intont."
Similar cases In other states whoro
-o attornoy genoral'8 opinion Is sus
ilned nro cltod. As this opinion
'ppiHnglv knocks tho props from un
tt tho plans for ouster Proceedings,
n'rss tho stipulation of facts was
t"velv erroneous, It Is supposed ho'a
''at Crook county will continue with
n Minn ceun'v 'iidnu until Jnnti
' 1913, unlini 'ho rc-cnil routo II
School lloaitl Made Choice Monday
Xow '1 eiichcs In Xebrnskn Xo Sal.
my Increases Granted.
Teachers for tho next school yonr
woro olocted at a special mooting of
tho school board held Monday, J. 11.
Ovorturf of Uoavor City, Nebraska,
being chosen superintendent for the
district. Xo Increases la sr.lary woro'
Mr. Ovorturf Is a brother of II. J.
Ovorturf. COUIltV coinmlnalnnnr niwt
clerk of tho district schools. Ho has
visucu in ueiui. having spent tho
summer of 1905 here. Slnco that
tlmo ho has been engaged In high
tchool work In south eastern Nobrns-
Kn. in uoavor City, whero ho Is now
employed, tho schools under hits sup
ervision have CCO minlls. Ho is leav
ing thoro because of a dcslro to como
west. Mr. Ovorturf Is mnrrlcd.
All tho other teachers now employ
ed are elected for next years but It
Is understood thnt uovoral Intend to
resign their positions.
Other business attended to by tho
board was tho olcctlon of V. D.
lieolor as Jnnltor and tho solectlon of
Soptember C aB tho opening day of
school In tho fall. Director Hunter
was appointed to purchase tho equip
ment for tho grounds nocessnry to
mnko tho Hold school a standard
uiflntHJii ib Mm- tu
Stinting of lieml Company Mtll Gives
Work (o That Number.
a tier bolng ehul down Mnr.o last
rail tho saw mill of Tho liond Com
ii'iuv started up again on Monday
During tho shut down tho mill has
been thoroughly overhauled, tho log
cairlagn repaired nnd now stringers
laid on tho track so thnt It Is In good
hIiihio for tho coming senson.
Thn (Uniting of tho mill gives em
ployment to 21! muii In addition to tho
rngulnr yard omployccs. while In tho
wondH night nro now ongaged In log
ging. Moro will bo added to tho log
ging crow nt n later date. Tho mill
Ih running nn eight hour day, from S
a. m, to 5 p. in.
Would llnlld Xew Hoik to Powell
Hutto and Also Ono (o The South
Local Subscriptions and AssN
timco of tho County Sought
County Treasurer Jordan has Is
sued a call for all registered general
fund warrants up, to and including
registered number G12. Tho call Is
dr.tod March 11 nt which tlmo inter
est coasod,
Tn refornnco to Attorney Gonoral
rmwn of tho Springer ouster capo
m "creed to by Judge Snrluger and
iviMrt Attorney Wlrtz In ordor to
uve tho dolnv and oxponso of a Hiilt
i cmirt Mr. Wlrtz hns had tho
I proceedings In contemplation for
I ire tlmo and as soon bb tho final
I Jefferson decision was handed down
(Continued on last paeo.)
J. P. O'llrlcn of tho Union Pacif
ic svstom arrived In town In his
prlvnto car Saturday night, accom
panied by General Superintendent of
Car Sorvlco Horrlng. They oxpected
to bo horo until Monday morning but
woro called back to Portland nnd loft
on tho Oregon Trunk train nt once.
PRINEVILLE, March 15. Mrs.
Lllllo K. Jordan, tho mother of Coun
ty Treasurer Jordan, died on Friday,
at tho ago of 59. Funeral services
woro hold nt tho Presbytorlrn church
on Snturdav and Mr. Jordan loft with
tho body thnt night for Otis, Mnlne,
whoro hurlnl will take place. Mrs.
Jordan was born In Tllton, Maine.
Mr. Jordan expects to be away about
three weeks.
Having lecolvod plodgoa of suf
ficient as3lstanco from tho huslnosa
men of tho town tho directors of tho
local creamery on Saturday decided
to order ico cream machinery for tho
coming season. It Is oxpected that
tho machinery will bo horo for In
stallation In about two weeks.
A rccommondatlon that the club
undortako tho Improvement of both
tho road to Powell Hutto and tho
south road over Lava Dutto was
by tho roads committee nt tho meet
ing of tho Commercial Club on Sat
urday. Tho report was ndopted and
tho committee directed to see what
could bo done toward obtaining funds
for tho work. It will also confer
with County Commissioner Ovorturf
as to participation ly tho eountv.
Tho report was presented by Floyd
Dement, chairman of tho commltteo.
According to his statement It will i.n
possible to put tho south road in
shnpo as far as tho lava for n few
hundred dollars. Tho commltteo
recommended that this bo dono on
tho expectation thnt tho county would
enrry tho road across tho lavn and
tho road districts to tho south put It
in miapo as lar as mo eountv lino.
After tho adoption of the report
tho suggestion was mado that tho
commltteo should proceed slowlv un
til some Iden could ho obtained as
to whethor tho county court would
tnko caro of tho lavn work. It was
nlso advised that an Inspection of
tho routo by tho county surveyor bo
Tho 'same Idea was proposed as to
tho Powell Hutto rond In ordor that
all work dono bo on permanent lines.
Horo, tho commltteo reported, Dr.
Dencer hns offered to Improve n sec
tion of tho road near his ranch nnd
fnrmors further out had slcned nn
for donation work that would provide
a largo portion of tho now road. If
n row mile between tho two could
bo provided by local subscription tho
road could bo built nnd somo J5000
worth of work bo obtained by tho ox
pondlturo of less than $1000.
Further activity on both roads will
dopend on tho success of tho com
mltteo in getting donations and on
tho arrangements to bo mado with
tho county court.
Reporting on othor business, Man
ngor Do Armond read letters from
tho Portland Aiitomobllo Club asking
for n contribution toward tho cost of
Issuing a book to attract tourist
travol to tho stato, and one from Tho
Dalles Dullness Men's Association re
nucetlnR further details concerning
tno proposed nookict to advortiso tho
Deschutes valley routo. Doth mat-
tors wero .referred to a committee
consisting of J. A. Kastes, J. C.
RhodoB and K. M. Lara.
Tho luncheon noxt Saturday will
bo at the Cozy Restaurant on Xovnda
Pnrcnt-Tcacher Association Klects
.Mrs. Tliorsiin as First President
Committees Appointed to Tnko
Clint ko of tho Playgrounds.
Even though you might never have
a fire or thieves enter your home, a
paper misluid is often times lost just
as irretrievably as if it had . been
burned or stolen.
When your valuable papers are in
our vault you KNOW where they
are and you KNOW they are safe.
You can lease a steel box ii our
vault with a non-pickable Yale
lock big enough to contain all
your private papers, for $2 a year
Can you afford to be without this
The Deschutes State
Tho lot on tho corner of Wall and
Ohio streets on which tho school
gardens nro to bo planted Is being
prepared for tho children and It Is
oxpected that seeds will bo plnntod
soon, i est onlay a toam from tho
Anno ham plowed tho lot. Tho fence
hns boon repaired and n shed moved
off to glvo moro room. This will
Inter bo used for storing tools. ,
Organization of tho Pnrcnt-Tonch-or
Association was effected at a meet
ing nt tho Itotd school on Thursday
nnd 25 women present Indicated their
lntontlcw of Joining tho nssoclntlon.
Dcforo hearing tho report of tho
commltteo appointed to procuro n
constitution tho mooting Invited Mrs.
W. U. Cobb, who formerly belonged
to an association in Rosoburg, to toll
of its advantages, Sho strongly urg
ed tho formntlon of tho association
Tho commltteo reported n stnnd
nnl form of constitution recommend
ed for general ubo nnd It was adopt
ed by nn unanimous vote Tho con
stitution Is printed below.
Officers woro elected ns follows:
president. Mrs. O. A. Thorson, vlco
president, Mrs. II. J. Ovorturf. sec-rctnry-treasurrr.
Mrs. R. M. Smith.
At n mooting yesterdnv tho following
committees provided for by tho con
stitution woro appointed: Plnv-
grounds, Kenwood, Mrs. J. II. Innls,
Mrs. Jt. H. Webb: Wlcstorln, Mrs.
George S. Young, Mrs. II. E. Reach
tvid Mrs. W. L. Cobb: Wnll streot,
Mrs. II. J. Ovcrturf. Mls3 h. M. Rlt
chlo, Mrs. V. A. Forbes: Mother's
club. Mrs. h. D. Wlcat. Mrs. M. h.
Morrltt. Mrs. O. C. Hcnklo; Library,
Mrs. Ouy Furst, Miss Hopo, Miss Sld
ner; Program. Mrs. Rnlph Sponcer,
Mrs. A. I. French, Miss Iircncn;
Membership, Mrs. R. M. Smith, Mrs.
Chns. Nlswonger, Mrs. M. D. Knut-
A meeting of tho association will
bo hold at tho Rold school on Thurs
day, March 25,
The Constitution.
Tho constitution ndopted Inst wcok
Is ns follows:
Tho nnmo of this organization shall
ho thsvPnrent-Tonchor Association of
tho District 12 Schools, nnd it shall
lm aini'ntcd with tho Stnto nnd Na
tional ConKreH of Mothers.
Tho object of this Association shall
bo to foster n closer avmnnthy nnd
co-oporntlon between tho homo nnd
tho school, to incronso tho efficiency
of both, nnd to further In ovorv wnv
tho Interests of tho Oregon Public
Schools In gonoral. nnd tho Dlotrlct
12 schools In particular.
ARTICLE HI Momborshlp.
Memhorahlp shall bo open to tench-
ors anil patrons of tho District 12
Schools, or nny adult of tho com
munity, upon r"vn!ont of dues oh
herolnnftpr provided.
Tho officers nt th's Asnnclntlon
shnll bo n President, Vlco Prosldont.
Secretary and Treasurer, who shall
perform tho duties usually required
of such nfilcorR In slmllnr societies.
Thnan nfiwr. tnntlir with tho Sup
erintendent of the Dlotrlct nnd tho
chairman of standing committees
Judge Ilnulsliiuv Holds His Lust
Term Judge Duffy Takes Charge
In Xew Circuit on Mny !!.
Judgo llradflliaw's last term as
Circuit Judgo In this county onded
on Friday, and on Saturday ho re
turned to Tho Dalles. Ho continues
ns Judgo for business arising hero
until Mny 21, nfter which tlmo Judge
Duffy tnkes up tho work.
As reported last week, tho chief
business beforo tho grand Jury was
tho coso of W. II. Mcacham. Four
Indictments wero found against him
for obtaining money under falso pre-toneca.
Owing to tho necessity of getting
ovldenco from outsldo tho stnto tho
district nttorncy was not ready to
go to trial and Judgo Ilradshaw al
lowed Meacham to go on his own
recognlznnco. Ho was at onco ro
arrestod by Sheriff Knox on two war
rants Issued In Wasco county and lat
er tnken to Tho Dalles. An offort
will bo mado to got tho outsldo wit
nesses horo or ttt Tho Dnlles for tho
trial. Tho only othor Indictment was
ngainst Until Stolto for tho larceny
of a lielfor.
On tho civil b!i1o of tho court them
woro 101 cases for hearing. Of
thoso, 00 wero settled or continued.
Othors of local Interest wnrn A .t.
Kroenort vs. Ilend Milling & Waro-
iiouso uo, confirmation granlod, In
gorsoll Rand Co. vs. City of Ilend,
iioioiiunni given 10 nays to fllo an
swor nnd A. McE. IJnll vs. Crook
County, defendant givon CO days to
Tho Jury was not discharged but
meroly dismissed to ronort on tim
call of tho Judgo at a later tlmo If
Representative of Company Interest
ed in IxichI Timber on Inspection.
E. C. MiiGllor. of tho Muollor Lum
ber Co., of Davonport, lown, arrived
In town yesterday morning accom
panied by his son Walter and D. L.
McKay of Portland. Tho Muollor
company Is Interested in Tho Rond
Company and nlso owns a body of
timber south west of town.
In comptny with Clydo M. McKay
locnl roprosentntlvo of tho company,
tho visitors spent yesterday oxnmln-
Ing tholr Umber and today they nro
looking ovor their mill nlto aouth of
town. iicthor or not they hauny
Plans for milling their timber In tho
ronr tuturo ennnot bo learned.
Question of Cm of Tuv Money Left
to Attorney ficuci'iil Iliown
(Crook County Journal.)
Jofforrnn county will not bring
Biui ngainst uio treasurer or Crook
county ns wns contemplated for n
tlmo. Instead, howovor. District At
tornoy Wlrtz and District Attorney
Meyers of Jofforson. have Jointly re
quested Attornoy Oeneral Iirown for
his opinion In tho matter of payment
of warrants with tho funds that are
bolng paid In from Jofforson county.
Tho Jofforson county court doclded
that It would bo Improper to com
monco suit nt this tlmo nnd thnt n
oermu' Witliycombo Say.s Killing
Cojotts Will Ciiiiho Id
Jnek Hnbblts Unless Special
.Mciismcs Taken by Counties.
SALEM, March 1C That tho ex
termination of coyotes, which hi ex
pected to rosult from tho Increased
bounty upon thoin authorized by tho
last legislature, may not prove an
unmixed blessing, Is tho opinion of
(lovernor Wlthycoinbo. Ho points
out that as tho coyotco go tho rabbits
may bo oxpected to Increase, for coy
otes nro probably tho most olllclont
rabbit dogtroyora In oxlstenco.
Tho Governor's attention hns been
oHiiocInlly directed to this .phase of
Hastorn Oregon agricultural proh
loins, with whouo gouornl features ho
hns nlwnyB boon fnmlllnr, by tho
many letters relatlvo to tho rablea
opldomlc recently, recolvod nt his of
llco. The rabies Bltuntlon wnH tlyi
factor which Induced tho legislature
to lncrcnoo tho coyote bounty from
$1.50 to $3.00.
"IncrenElng tho bounty wns n mtmt
oxcollont stop," snld tho Oovornor to
day. "A real omorgoncy scorned to
oxlst, nnd tho leglslnturo simply gavo
tho en8torn part of tho stato a squaro
deal. I heartily favorod tho action,
and still boliovo it oxtromoly wIbq.
Rut It la npparont that as tho coyotes
go tho rabbits probably will Increase,
and ovoryono familiar with tho situa
tion knows thnt rabbits nro n Borloua
pest. Alrondy Harnoy County has
takon tho drastic stop of offering a
(Continued on Inst pngo.)
Council Will Tnko l'p Vetoed Ornnt
At .Special Meeting April (I.
With Mayor Mlllor casting tho do-
cldlng voto tho council Inst night
postponed consideration of tho voto-
cd Flour Mill company franchise un
til April 0. Tho franchise will bo
takon up on that: dnto nt n nicotinic
to bo hold nt 10 nalock in thftin'orn
lug. Cnuncllmon Cnldwoll, Knutson
and Davidson voted for postponement
nnd Auno. llroBtorhous nnd Rudow
against. PrcvlouB to taking tho vote
- " mmi tho company's
acceptance of (ho forms of the grant.
Other business transacted ct last
night's meeting wnn tho passago of
an nmondmi'Ut to city ordluniico No.
22 providing puiilshmoul for viola
tion of cortnln of Its provisions, nnd
discussion as to whethor n Blduwalk
proposed to lio built on Wall street
should bo clx or three foot wldo. Thn
walk Is to servo residents of tho
etreot hoyond tho switch, and runs
for Its wholo length nlonx property
of Tho Ilend Company. Final action
on this mattor was deferrod to April
A. J. Kroenort lias resigned frqm
tile Roads Committee of tho Coininoi-
(Contlnucd on last page.)
moro friendly maimer Of ndltlStlnir, Plnl rtnh Ifnvun lum nn
tho dimcultv can bo nrrived nt. which pointed County Commissioner II. J.
mi uuiiui win rwsuii irom mo prosent Ovorturf to tho vacancy caused by
l,,an l Mr. Krooncrt's rualcnntlon.
Grass end Garden
Per lb Per 100
Small lots lbs.
Turkestan Alfalfa 22 $21.00
Fnnay Alfalfa 21 20.00
White Clover 55
Red Clover, Fancy . . ..21 20.00
Mnmouth Red Clover ..23 21.50
Timothy 10 9.00
Kentucky llluo Grasw ..IS
German Millet OS 0.60
Canadian Field Peas.. .00 U 5.00
Ilroomo Grass 20 10.00
Per ii lb. Por lb.
Strlngless G. P $ .25
Golden Wax .26
Ky. Wonder .25
Early Egyptian 30 1.00
Market Gardner 35 1.00
Mangel Half Sugar . . ..50 .60
Lanes Imp. Sugar ....20 .45
Dan Hall Heau ov
Ea, Jer Wakefield ....50 1.50
Danvers Half Long ...25 .6
Chantenny 2B .
Oxheart 25 .75
Yellow Relglaa !5 .7
White Belsian 23
Coi n
Yollow Dent ........
Early Russian
Ilanaen ,35
Simpson Early Curled .30
Danvers Yellow Globe .40
Red Weatherfleld ....10
Whlto Globe 50
Hollow Crown 20
Guernsey Half Long ..20
Amorlcan Wonder ....10
Dwarf Telephone 10
Little Gem 10
French Rreakfast 20
White Icicle 20
Crimson Giant 30
Long Dlack Spanish . ..20
P. T. 8. Leaf 20
Yellow Aberdeen 20"
Sktrvlngs 20
White Russian 20
Kale, lOpO head 20
The First National Bank m
U. C. C'OE, President E. A. SATHEIt, Vlco- Prosldcnl
C H. HUDSON, (ashlor
Capital fully paid - - 2.5.000
Surplus W5.000
- 1.00
Bend Hardware Gq.
The Company thot put tho "Weir" In HurdWnra
.15 g?
.75 ((j$l)
1.85 JSjf
.15 'i'
.85 W $J
.00 f?
.50 (13 :
.HO 32r
.CO ff&X
.15 H&W t li- .i-rrrr-
receive' applications for
Farm Loans on patent
ed, irrigated land, 3 to 5 years
time. Write or call and see us.
U. c. Cob V.. A . Satheii ':. s. Hudson
O. M- I'ATTEJtSO.V II. C. Kl.I.18
i ih
i ;