Tim IIKNI) ULLF,TIX, HKN1, OHK.I WKDXKKDAY, MARCH g, IPJff. IAGK 7. r- E& 3 HratT .ffTi 'fefinCOTira or vnr wfy ..-. EBu' Itor of Tlio liufhiiiit 'rnotlcnlly tlm wlii0 of tlio II wns nnollt In it rfaonnala. Jlo fnrm soils mid oorviuiunii (III HOfillniiM nf nlt n.,.,.1. ' ! ijTy tlio Agriculturist. vr 'U"ffi" MKUlla WlllS'l liKnht lift . i SH vnluo worn obliiliiM (iur. K liiftmiit year. It In nncoVry tllnt lllflllKll mi innrn .tnfli.lln iuVf. this season nml obtain result willed "9 ""'fuuiroii in dollars nnd IS iTO do thin. II Ih ImtwiNall.tn tliiJPjiftrloulturlut to work with individual nlono. . " nrtrlcuimrlRi of Crook county nunmjii, mm for tlio purpose of iiK nml talking with morn of frump In il.. ........... f ... ... ..,... ,,, ,,, viiunijr, niiuillll iioki numiiiinK m ovnry school tfl tllO COIIIlty hnfm-n tlm Im.tf $jbpens. I havo rivo mooting .mil ror this wmik nml three hts ttlrondy mthodiilod for nozt 1 I WOlllll llkn VHrv iiiiipIi In u flVO or lllorn Ulna Mil tr. imiM. flf t(urltig March. If we ran or- (ft twmilv.fllx roinmimltv nnlii- t'pjr or) organizations- In tlio county which win innfit at leant nne per "nn'li ) throughout tlm season, nnd i .id mooting I tuny ntiond. I mny no nli to kooii In touch with tlio fiirmnrA In Oin.n ntiftiiinlHA naitfat "...',. in Mivni J"ii!lilMIIIHili .. If, l.v cniV ntni nnluiol demonstrations B III thiw kkllrtnt, nnd tlio formers mny niiro rnmllly kooii In touch wild i 'K0 w,l,e'l v,' nro doing In tlio IJLjB'VI I should ho vory Kind to W L A letters from formers who I ivtf H IfOflrested In holding miph I ' Wriiei and If tlinra In any parlto J ic subloct In wliloli tlio farmers In 7 j-'S jielj;)barlOod would ho nspoelnlly I illitloiliiliould oo Kind to learn I t JMH m (lint wo mny tnko up n I fiiseJoniijof fiio projects of most Jirntl. TIitPnKrlMiUitrlnl,i work Ih oo ,$fornttro nnd It will ho Impossible for me 111 villi nny inriun, nxreiiiiiiK miction hotiRO nuiiiorotiH HWAriim of tiodft Hint oicnpa from tholr rlulitful ownorn diirliiK nwnriiiliiB llmo TIiuno hum hoconio tho iiirouorty of tha flnilor nnd oftontlmo honldoii kIvIiik thorn n Mtnrt Intli6 hno IndiiHtry lioy nro found to ho tho ionOMorii of InrKo ((unntlllnH of honny. Mr. nnd Mm. M. I" Ivron ontr tnltifld nt dlniinr Huitilny, tholr mumla woro Mr. nnd Mr. V. T. flnilth nnd fnmlly nnd Hov. llynru nnd I'rof. NnKh, of Kadmond. FATHER WRITES SLOGAN SON DONATES POSTER 1010 Roit PfetlvAt llecfllvea Work of Art from Fnmouo Oregon Ooy. 171 1 ,7Uhofo wno.nro iniricii yj ui" ,v,y rV )rodoUl5wmwr'o Iniormtod. L.'-4p wrlto mo nnd J utinll ho Kind -o niv uu n vlitlU f I .AK. 1.QVBTT. .'"' , ' - CWttrAKricuIturiiit. POWELL BUTTE (CcSffntied from paw S.) I- tho nick IhtfoV (lid pnul week. A nuutljer of our younK poopte nt Mdnd'U)9 banket aunpor at llutto vnlley Holiool hoimo Thuradnv ovon- i... A muni limn la rnnnrtMt. MIm lay IliiMott lioonino III whllo nUcndlnR hlith achool at Trlnovlllo Vrlday and hor nnd her inolhor'n - ond visit nt tho fnrin wan poxt iKinPd until nnothnr wcok. A fajnlly nnmod lllnlr movod from Hedmosd to tho Tom I'nttoraon placo Hundny. .... Mm. A. W. Hyn vlnltnl hor .laimhtcrt In I'rlnorlilo ono day lnat wok. . . I'rof. Nnh of tlio rtodmond rchoou .veiiplcil tlio nulult nt tho Wllaon nchool houo Hundny nt tho roitulnr Kotnl.Bintithly orvloc Ho was tho ,-uwt of llcv. Ilyara who aoompnn ih! him OHt from Ilwlmond. Mr. and Mra. Krank Klealor nnd '.mil woro Rtioata nt tho V. O. Hum phrov'a homo for Sunday (Manor. Jako Ilrlx Ulioovorod heo treo 'Hunday nil ho nnd 11. A. UiiMfllt nn Kronrfetwl Iwtli tho lqp and tho ony. Mr. Hrlx took tho liooa homo wliU him and the wirplua honor wan llvlU1. Tlio Jiuilpor treoa In this W&& nJ&w&i r.'wfP ffJ Unusual Combination Offer! $ l.r5 The Bulletin and Any One of These Clubs$ 1.75 Portland's 101S Roiu rcatlval hat a untquo pouter- tho moRt nrtlatlo over med and It li tho work of un Oregon hoy. Fred 0. Cooper, now ono of tho wortd'a-foroniont nrtlila. Ill latnW, J. C. Coopor. of MjiJlinnvllto, Orecon, World Knows tho 1'ortland lloso." At Ida father's pornonal roqucit yourut CoSlior ilonatod tho poator to InooriHir i tho alpKnn l'orlin'.ii cp oinrBted,w1lh Heattlo, Taeoma. WrIIr Wntln nlid Spokane 111 (Wiring gfi vonllons Hint will urltSf; nijiro Utftn 30,000 vUllors to Vnblnktoi and Oregon. ' ' - i i They Know' It's Unfo. Parents lip'Jrnpw from experience lBl-t upon Fnlas llonoy nnd 1'ar Compound wlun, liuylnK raedldno for eouRha, colds, croup nnd la nrippQ. (L T. Lunoford. Vahlng ton. On.. Writes: "I havo used It for six yonra nnd It novor has failed. I think It tho host remedy mndo for eouKhs nnd colds." Patterson DruR Co. -Adv. t TKhXMttV COW rilKIIH. Undur tho tltlo "UalanolnR nations for Dairy Cows" tho Orogon Aurlcul. Hirnl College has Just Issued a hu -Intln of consldernhlo Intnrost to all dairymen. First otatlng tho dlaest IhlQ nutrlrooiits In ono jmjuihI of dif ferent feeds tho hullotln proeeeds to Blvo Hip nutrlonts rotpilred hy cows .utr.mil u'nlfrhla far linilv mflllllo- iinnee. tho amount needed for tho production of ono pound of milk eontalnlnat n Klvon poreantaso of t.ut torfal and finally rule and tnhloa for Iwlanccd rations. Copies of tho bulletin mny ho had on npplloatlon to tho college. TO UK nUHIlin IN Tll KAST. In ohnrgo of a brother, K. J. Hlek- HISVKItAti londlnjt iiulillaliorn of mnRnilnes havo Joined with us In" ono of tho greatest subscription bargain offers over put out In this country. Through this oomblnntlon ovoryhody will ho able to get a yearly subscription to throo mngnslnes In combination with our paper nt practically tho prlco of our paper nlono. 11 In this list you will find forty dlfforont periodical formed Into thlrty-flvo dlfforoot clubs. Bach club has three magazines, oxcopt ono Special Club which has four wagastlnos; somo of theso mngnzlncs sell for ns much as 1 a year. Thoy aro all good nnd covor n largo vnrloty of cholco rending mnttor. Including History, Music, Hellglon, Kducntlon, fashions, Fnnoy Noedluwork, Illustrated Current BrenU. Homo Decorations, Fiction, Mlornturo, Drama, Art, Bclence, In ventions, Oonoral Farming, Dairy Farming, I.lvo Block, Vogotablos, Fruit nnd Poultry. Under tho splendid contrnct wo havo mndo with tho publishers wo are able to give our readers a cholco of tho clubs In combination with our payor ono year for $1.70, Just twonty-flvo cents more than tho prlco of our paper nlono. If you nro a subscriber to our paper wo nsk you to renow bo that you too, may got 3 magazines ox trn Look over tho lint rnd soled the club you llko best. 8ond In your order today or glvo your ordor to our rcprosontatlvo or call at our olllco when in town. If yon nro now a subscriber to cny of theso magazines and want to renew Just send your order to us and wo will have your subscription extonded. If your subscription to our paper Is past duo, we ndvlso you to pay up and tnko ndvnntago of this bargain. If you aro In tho habit of buying your nnp1nes through other channels, wo nsk you to Justly compare our clubs and prices with that of any offer vmi mmivn Vmi nn iimiiil. nrn mnw a aubaerlhor to oonio of tliwio norlodlcals. You can B3VO monoy by send ing your rdfTewnl rilor'fo'ufi'WlorSft n jihanco to get your homo pnpor and n yearly supply of good reading at a roui (mows that roa putt ruvort i runloMl in Know IT WI1H mows that ronj 1 WM SMUT...lT9 thk jAPuttruvofM real TOBACCO CHEW?5 1 I 9 THt OO0P JU06E AND THg FUORIhT KNOV WHATS WIlA ONE 10c. pouch of "Right Cut" the Real Tobacco Chew, lasts longer than twice the money will buy in the old kind. A new blend o mellow, snppy tobacco seasoned and sweetened just enough. That's what makes it taato so good and why it gives you such comfort and satisfaction. Take a very pmoii enew ic " uhmh..... Old lUo. It will ho mora satU yln. limn a inoutl.jUl o ordinary tobacco. Jiut nibble on I ""ill you SS4 chew t.,t.u.U you. ruck , liicaici li rcii. otoiiuwv"r""'"'"i.'"-- tobacco lute 'comes, how It satisfies .without grinding, liowr OPIBBII"" I ,, . f w -l1BW. v)ll tako 10 mOSSl TO' w. y I U n. Art lUec. Onto. That's why It costs less In tho end. 1. 1. . nilv tk. cut (In. iJ thof l ihr.4 fo lhl you, won biv. IMrVndoVTi i -.IS! Tou? jsJlh. OrindLS 04 vruW swdbJ b..M K:SSCff;: - One small enew wqs jms t-v i i " fclicws of tlio oiu tuna. fitorl WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY BU uniuii hw -- - & ' fnilY FROMDEALERSiTsEND lOSTAMPSTQUSJ K ' bargalifi, if y6u wnhi c)hoor?rndr6 of' those magazloes sent to different addresses. Just mention It. TKf.h Ai.b youit I)'iui:.vds ami nuioiujoiis aisout this ma ovi'iuu mM$ WMMIW vi.vn .vo. 1, McCall's (with froo pnt-. Farm I.lfo torn) Bvoryday Mfo oi,un xo. a. Woman's World Peoples Popular Monthly Qentlowomnn , CI,UI xo : Hunrth nnd Homo Farm Mfo Household Magazlnn cr,un no. 1. AMWlcaii Woman . Fnrm I.Uo - ' IIOUMDIIOIII UUONL, ;-; ciiUii NO, n. K Today's (with freopjxt.! irnrm i-uo -twiij; Houschuld Mngaxlno ' , OKUII XO. O ' Today'a (with frco pat- liveryday l.lfo torn) Uuntlowomau OliUH XO. 7. Faneywork Magaztuo Uvoryday Mfo Woman's World ci.un xo. h. Fnrm and Flrealdo Woman's World Homo Mfo Uliirit XO. 0. Farm and Homo Woman's World Household Ouoot 'n,. OliUH Xt). 10. OMJUNp. 18. Today's (with frco pat- Today's (with Iroo pattern) Wdniarf's World toni) Oontlowonmn Homo Mfo Homo Mfo 01,1m xo. 11. ci.im xo. 10. Clood fitorles Successful Farming Farm Mfo Homo Life Kvoryday Mfo Bverydny Mfo OMIH XO. 18. aiMlUSO. 20. Orcon'n Fruit Orowor Farmer's Wlfo Kvoryday Mfo Homo l.lfo Farm Mfo Kvoryday Mfo t'I,UK XO. IB. CI.UIJ XO. 81. Today's (with freo pattern) Happy Hours PralrlafKnrmcr Farm Mfo Huuj&hold Magazlno Gentlewoman HI'KClAIj CMTil Snmo Prlco ns Otlicru r WOJIAX'H WOULD POUliTUV ITIJJI HOMKMFH FAK.M MF11 ..GLlflTXO. 1 1. CMTI1 XO. 82. People's Popular Monthly Farm, Stock and Homo Farm Progroas Worasn's World Woman's World Homo Mfo ci.uii xo. n. ci.un xo. sn. Today's (with frco pattern) Vegetable Grower Farm Mf Today'a (with frco pattern) Poultry item Bvoryday Mfo CliUH XO. 10. CfiUll XO. 81. Hoy's Magazlno Woman's World Homo Lira Farm Life Gentlewoman Today'a (with frco pat'-orn) OLUH XO. 17. GMJ1I XO. 2.1. Kimball's Dairy Farmer Woman's Homo Wcokly Homo l.lfo ' Woman'a World Qentlowomnn Homo Llfo CI.UIJ XO. 20. Fancywork Magazlno Today's (with frco pal GcDtiowomfin , . tern) CLUIJ XO. 27. Kansas City Weekly Btor Farm Llfo Everyday Llfo CLUII XO. 28. Qcntlowoman Woman's World Homo Llfo CLUD XO. 20. Kansas City Weekly Star Everyday Llfo Homo Llfo CLU11 XO. .to. Southern Ilurallst Homo Llfo Gentlowoman cluii xo. nt. 1 Farmor'a W'kly Dispatch Homo Llfo (St. Paul) Farm Llfo CLUII XO. .12. Rural W'kly (St. Paul) Gentlewoman Bvoryday Mfo cluii xo, as. American Homo Woman's World Gentlewoman CLUII XO. 31. McCall's (with free pat Everyday Mfo tern) Household Guest. 1 1 . , 1 - TQ rtoMEv Life n hm&Lk fpSL.. s 1 Wowwiid i U-j'vittoMaJaAi-i-eBl ' Ibi f y Vf HT " VSC ' 31EaHK v Jrc'' SnH BP tI L iit, i -j . iba imilv of Amy C. Ilongstrom, who died recently of anoploxy at Sil ver Uke, left oh the Thursday night trnlu for Murray, lown. O. C. Henklo Srno'ptU ef Ih. annus.! .Utwnwit of Ih. ; New England Mutual Life Insurance Company f lttlox. In ik. fll.U rf Mi.-im m th. sui lr ot ImiM'. tell. wu. i 1h ItvtB. CHtilMir t Ifc. iw 'JQreseo. (HirxMHt l ktw: Income Tettl trsmlum lHn.. I P.S.Ue. !.. diMMi aikt rH MM(Td Svrbti i. vsr... a,esi,UT..i ilnu. flwa atHtr ' I triwl Jiio ih. Mf. aocompanled by C. P. Nlawongor, wans) lu nip i Si.ver Lao (cr vu body early last wsntk. This -anti Fho CVntM. Don't mlse this. Cut out this slip enoloso flvo cents to Foley & Co., Chi cago, III., wrlto your namo and ad dress eloorlr. You will receive In BTNorsia or tub annual, btatkment nxurn a trjRi paokago containing or th v,t if... .i ...n...i M.W O I1UIIV UUU . Ul .WI1IIUUUU T-l I Ill.UuiwmwiU lK.an.vT .t 1X.TJI.WU.UI DUBUQUE FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ot Duhun In Ih. 81st. of lows, on Ih. iltt d.y of DKtmbti. Illl, tnd. 10 ta. Imur.ut. Cwnmtirtontr of Ih. Htt of Orts.n, pursusnt to iswt OpIUU Amount of t.plUl p.W up.... I 0,eei.M Inrun. Nl prwnlums rt4vl duiln .,,.. in. r ,,... ...." Intttttl, dlWniU. M ttnt. rtttltta Qurin. i ! for coughs, colds and croup, Foloy Kidney Pills nnd Foley Cathartlo Tablets. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. rM for ihm. m.mtt)i.. UltiHM MMl IIMrMdtf l- Dlifiswsi. iJiwi u j4i-y"hi-i- CMSMnlwuM aad fri 'iU ttarMr th. vsr . TajtMt lloratM SHU IW Ji i anH.ii i. i.r ...-ns -j- - -. -- ., Sou! H nil oinir uponw ures l,T0 MM LSSS.T1T.TU i.erf.-M ITS.XII.4S i.sei.si&ii U.U1.01 i r. r4 durlns tb. Hr. Tol.l Incom .- Ulihunrments. lnii Inm 6thr moi r. as IM sr AnoiMt w nn in TI1 HiMlMun I ,tVWI . .Vtwt. lUrk.t HlH. of 1 MISI. Met ! pnlit arn Ih. fl IIT.8TS. D?JBaj Pirn eurtng Hi. Tr .ftMLM on wpum k . . .. .. io.ota,o r.rJnTh. yr ,,-' ti ' T, UfWt. nd f PM .. AmoHrti of an othir .p.situr. M-M willlam Jb MeNaught. John Itely. all XOTICK IfOIl PUIJI.ICVTIOX. Department of tho Interior. U. S. I and OJttco at Tho Dalles, Orogon, Fobrtiery 19. 101J. NOTICE te hereby given that Jobs W. Sans, ot Uend. Oregon, who, on March -tth. 1912, niado Homestead Bntry. No. 0100x1. for W8W4. Seetlon 32, Township 18 South. Knuge 13 Knst. Wtllametto Meridian, has filed notice of luiontloa to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above tleeerlbed. be fore II. C. Bills. U. S. Commissioner. at Uend. Oregon, on the Sth day of April, 131R. Claimant names as wltn Lonla llllladoau. Mlndrotl Dllladeau. Stcgtnan. ot Laldlaw, Oregon, who, on January 16, 1913, made Home stead Entry. Xo. 011186, for NV4 SKU, Section 11. Township 17 8outh, Range 11 Bast, Wlllaraetto Meridian, has filed notice ot Intention to make Commutation l'roor, 10 eeiaoiiao. claim to tho land above described, before II. C. Bills. U. 8. Commissioner at Dend. Orogon, on the Sth day of April. 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Knill Anderson. Bend. 'Oregon: Fred An derson. Uend, Oregon; Freil N. Wal lace, Laldlaw. Oreiioii; Myron S. Dul lard, Laldlaw. Oregon. M. FIIAXIOVOODCOCK. 49-83 c. iiogiaior. QWII1 .t.4it v.lu. knil wnl it at iiosli. nna Imn on rouiHn noa I'rttnhun noi ami iiior le.nt r. la iu NF MvoUMtwl nud .uks .iuI w Erswwws . ............... i m- BMMia ihsi). Htl.r.at nnd rm. Ju. nttd narud.. Tetsl Taisl Of net nit.ts ran . . ndmlttrl I.luMllllfW 1.TPD.STS.1I sn.MM.ioa.eo U.MI.TS I lt.ssa.rsj i.iii.n4.i5 flit IIT.UI h-.T mTT IS ..ITiuas.eii.us ,. T.is.en.o-i . .i .... w... i.i. .tiiaw M, mi uniuiiu ... Y.a.'v.-HTrii--; :: ... : . n.i t" vu ""VYV',. :.l..i fi"A mm leuiytucw, . v '.wefc' . ::.,"...;." t.io,oii. N.t Unuiiitflixl fum TOtsl llVI"lt exsJuslvo of . caiillat Usk .............' ...'..1 !.... ..... I.i fan, lli ' vcSnKf"i.Teii 7. . .".weo.ws.-ei lliilnt. In Urrcou fur the Yrar. Totsl rl.ks ttfltt.n durlns he ;LoVl..y," o;w' '. ::: 'fjgje lr.o lnsurri durlac th ar.. S.Q4.u TOtsl ninount of tUhs .0"Jln1Ta, . In Orteon Osc. 31, lull TS.aos.v NKW IWOLANH MWTl'AI. I.lfl! IXBUI1 ASCI! COXl.VNV. ny J. a. jiAnnav, atrtrif. 8tstutory s.nrl sNl nd nllorn.y foi ssrvie.: iiohack meoki.km. ,im. .iiium 'him i" i'.." ' "' ' " ' '" ' " Tol.l .xpsndlturt. MMH.I A writ. V.lu. of rl s.tnte own Lo.rt. on msrtBSSt. nml eelwt- Ch In banks nnd on hM ... y'irnlums In couiw of MlUotlon Written in. SptMr 10, Intorrot 'nd 'r.n'lV Uui aa'a oru.d I.900.t0 JIT.07S.M US1.QJ0.09 lll.lll.ll IMtl.lt ToUl ts ,1.I,I0S.T nf llfinil Ornoon. H. FRANK WOOIJOOCK. 51-3c Rogistor. Tol.l t dmlt4 In Or.- gan ..ii,." UnblllllM. arojs elslms tor !o. uneM. tT.IM.JT Amouut ot unearned premiums ,.,..- on nil out.t.ndln risk IM'Ho All olhvr tlabllltUi v aj.0o0.90 Total lUbllltt. .xcluiiv. oi wTplUl stock of SW0.WW : . ToLl llaMllllSS .xclu.lt. of ,..,., M ' capital atock '' ' Total prmlums In foic. D. ., ,, Uutloeas tn Oron for Iho nr. .i,WI.STl.M Totsl rUVs tJrltun durln th. q4 premiums ' VtcVli.d dur. vA'mlu'm! rXnid- durUi-ih; 1(.?!3. SO to.ito.is i,jh l,III.TT In In Qr.on ucc.mu.r . ., ,,53, By N, B. BOlinuv, Bcrsiarr. Statutory r.tldsnt i.n.ral as.nt and at wmoy for "'?XANK N, nAnnKTT. 10) commsrolal tUf., Vattlaod. Or. iu p.ld dorlns- th. ysar . .. l.o.Ies Incurred durln Ih. year SiIl. mount ot rUke outetand- XOTICK FOR lUIIHCiTIOX. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Ofllco nt Tho Dallea. Oregon, February 19. 19 IS. NOTICW Is hereby given that Aus tin 0. Uurbor. ot Atralfa. Orogon. who. on Maroh 29th. 1911. made llouiestond Kntry, No. 08344. for Lota 2-3. SWU NEV4. S NWW, NWU SWVi, Section 2 and NBVt Stfl4, Section 3, Township 19 South. Range ! Heat, wiuainetto Monaiap bna iiled notlcq or intention to r Flual Threo Yoar Proor. to ogt.n olalm to tho land nimve uesctj lore II. u. Miiia, u. . voinmii . .. . x- ... - Bil?, nt uenu, urogoit, on uu oui iirll. 1016. Claimant nnmoa na .V(i11iim UIIHIUa lILABI ,,!.. v ..."""VI Annette Wiley, Don Wljo, Milllcan. Orogcn. H. FRANIC WQO Ul-JU. XOTICK FOR PU1ILICATIOX. Department of the Interior. V 8. Land Oflko at The Dalles, Ore gon. February 1. 1916. Notice Is hereby given that Frod G. Klger, ot Mlllloan. Oregon, who, on September Sth, 1911, made Homo stead Entry. No. 09161, for N Boe timi r TowHsbln 20 South. Rongo IS Bast. Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to make. Final Three Year Proof, to eetaWltn claim to the land above described, before II. C. Hills, U. S. Ooniuttselonar. at nend. Oregon, on tho 16th day ot MnroK, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Aaron D. Norton. Garrlo Norton. Frank A. Hatch, nil or Jlllll oan. Orogon: Otis C. Host to. ot Bond. Orogon. ., ' II, VltAiVIS. wuuutuua. 48-62 Register. XOTICK FOR PUIJLIOATIOX. naitarlmant ot the Intorlar. U. 8. ni thb wauwa, v &," l.niiu iimna Uliglvl . jla8fiaTJsmiiraataiarlln. B-11"'TM,!tt,?ifffIilHiiTi rBl-TlrlFr"Ftt"r jstjmwwjr- -,f''rmjiHhmme8iMuig3i jj20!JiF '"U8li tr -i i "IP NOTICE FOR PyiUlK Departmont of thq,- heri Ijinu UUJKQ ujL-yj. February f, JlllJ Notice fs horobKt JKS-1