The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 03, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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tub mrnn rullktik, rknil qui;., Wednesday, march o, gjff.
pace s.
twelve Reasons
Why You
Should Buy Your
Groceries of Us
yv. a.
BECAUSE wo treat all cus
tomer wjlh equnl fnlrnuM.
Our grocery business in inoas
(urod by tlio golilon rule of a
sqtioro oYnl for all. JO ,
Our prices aro square, to&
Toil Hoke went to Portland Inst
There were tlilrtoon cloar days In
1'au I Henderson went to Portland
on Friday,
Clyde McKay went to Crcscont on
business last week.
F. V. flwlihor ot Laldlaw wr,s hero
on business yesterday.
Fred lloxoll Is expected back from
Portland this ovonlnr.
E. A. C&it and W. A.'anney wcro
ut from J)fohutefl yesterday.
A. T; Sharer Of Hampton spent
ycttorday in jown on business.
Dr. 0. lleed of BtaufTor, Oregon,
spont Monday here on business.
l,iVft04irJo nnd Geo. 8. Youag
P i ! -- i
wont to Culver today on feapi.
3. 0. Plekerlne of Crescent came In
for a few dsys stay this morning.
Q. I. Davldiou and family of
Ilarnes spent the week-end la town.
C. W. Ums loft this morning for
IMIson, Washington, to visit bis fam
H. N. Miller of Held, Oregon, was
i mm . -
I JsKsCj I I ibsbbbbbbsbbbbK
IrKaV Mi v f m
s"w y i kAf .v
registered at tbo Wright over Bun
day. Fred Lucas loft last nlRht on a
trip to Portland, Corvallls and Hu
Kono. Mis Oraco Klnln Is workltiK In tbo
day tlinu at tbo Pioneer Tolophono
J. II. Wetmndy ruturned Monday
mornliiR from a business trip to
Tbo Hunshlna girls will meet at tbo
rcsldonco of Miss Frances Cludor on
J. II. Minor leaves tonight for
Marshflold whero bo bae business to
attvnd to.
Mrs. Hush O'Kano has been con
flned'to Clio liouso by Illness for aur
oral days..'
Dr. Jni. Connarn went to La Pino
Saturday to spend tbo week-end wltb
bis family.
A. M. Lara returned Saturday from
a business trip to Portland, Seattle
aiina :s last night
Mrs. J M. FoI r&Uv xir. .nd
with hor children to vlill iJLna
Mrs. Do Armond.
Tbo Commercial
to attend tho March torm of county
cuun on Monday.
H. fl. Biennis and son of Prlnovlllo
visited tbo family of Henry L. Whit
sett hero Inst week.
A now sky light bos been put In
tho Modern Oarage, Palmer and Haz
uka doing the work.
Hick Lucas Is running tho IJIiuoy-
Ciililwoll-Hrilhcr dellvory truck In tbo
nbsonco of Joo lloxoll.
Miss Daniels la nctftiK nlsht on-
orator at tbo telephone- oxchango dur
ing Fred Lucas' absence
Mm. C. M. Trlnlutt of Kimono has
boon visiting with her sister. Mrs. Id.
J. Morrill for tho past week.
Frank Kldd of Arrow, Oregon, Was
boro on Saturday, During his stay
bo was registered at tbo Iloml.
D. V. Mcintosh and 8. C. Caldwoll
are spending soveral days at Dear
Creok locating mining claims.
Mrs. A. M. Prlnglo and Mro. W. W.
Faulkner will entertain Uio COO Club
at tbo Enilllom Club this evening.
Tho concert to bo given by the Ho
tartan Male Qusrtctto will tako plnco
In tho Dream Theatre Friday night.
C J. Callow of Bummer Lako pass
oil through Ilend Saturday on his
way to Portland nnd Salem on busi
ness, M I Mcrrltt baa moved from
Highlit street, where ha occupied one
of tbo Wolst bungalows, to the Whit'
BOlt house.
March was uihored In on Monday
with a heavy fall of now and con
siderable wind. Today tho anow Is
nearly all gono.
Tho Ilrldgo Club met at tho rosl
donco of Mrs. J. P. Koycs on Friday
This Friday It will bo cntcrtatnod by
Mrs. K. D. Wilson.
W. B. Drsger has Joined his fam
ily hore, coming from Salem whoro
bo was chief clerk of the Houao dur
ing tho recent session. u
Tho body of C. I. Hoicll, who died
lost Wednesday morning, waa taken
to Portland for burial Thursday
night. Mra. Ilozoll and her children
accompanied tbo body.
Tho Catholic Ladles Sewing Oulld
will moot at Mrs. John K. Ryan's on
Thursday afternoon -at two o'clock.
All ladles aro Invltod to be present.
It. L. Bchco, secretary of tho Red-
mond Commercial Club, Z. Tallarer
ro, a mercbaot of Iledmond and J.
Farnham, who has boon employed by
the Dcscbutea Survoy, spent Sunday
In Ilend.
(.litirdi of the Ilrctlircn.
Services each Sunday morning noar
high school. Sunday school at 10
a. rn. Preaching at 11. Subject,
"Tho Tnbornnclo of tho Jsrnelltos,
and Its relation to tho church." Ira
11. Fox, minister.
to roucvnoMmiw in tiik jioiu
'XICLlrUIIAL Pllti: Itl.LIF.F.
An artlclo publlihed In tho Port
land press, purporting to havo como
from tlio Stato Insurance Commis
sioner, states that tho above com
pany ban failed and mado applica
tion for appointment of n receiver.
While no ofllclal confirmation has
como to mo.yct I tako It that tho ar
ticle Is substantially correct so that
It will bo necessary for policyholders
to procure other Insurance, and I
wish to stato tbat I hsva arranged
to place all Insuranco carried by the
Horticultural In strong stock com
panies of unquestionable standing,
which will bo dono at the request of
policyholders. In the meantime I
will keep Informed as to tho Btatus
of tbo liquidation proceedings and
will gladly rendor any assistance In
my fmwer In looking after tbo Inter
cut of thoso affected.
Adv. D3 - Local Agent.
A St. Patrick's Day ball is to bo
givon by the Weit Side Agricultural
Association In lt hall at taldlaw on
the night of March 17th. Music will
bo furolsbcd by Mrs. McLaurln and
Joo Mckay nnd all aro Invited to at
tend. Adv.
Club luncheon
bo held at tbo
next Saturday will
Pilot Jluttn hotel,
H. J,' Overturf wont to Prlnovlllo
Furnish Your House
On Easy Payments
flDoyou realize that on Satur
day I will start the largest
BED SALE that this com
munity has ever lenown? I
have a complete assortment
of single and double beds, in
latest styles of iron and brass.
IJFrom the cheapest bed that I
have in my place to the most
expensive brass bed; I am
going to sell on the basis of
$1 Down and
$1 Per Week!
This mile in BEDS will lust for two weeks
only, Make your selection early and get
what you want. Hememher that this
sale is especially for the person that has
not the ready CASH, but who can buy
on the in-jtallment plan at my place.
Also remember that I am cutting my
prices from 10 to 20 per cent.
fljDuy now and pay for it on easy terms,
' Jand get your house furnishings from the
first real Furniture store that ever came
to Bend,
- It
4t"V fll A J? ' '
mm womop
Tfc Fumitr Man.
Tho following statement bn behalf
of tho Ilend Water Light & Power
Co., In opposition to the propoaed
flour mill electric franchUo waa
mado by Manager T. H. Foley at tbo
counoll meeting last night;
When the present owners built
tho plant and put me In charge of it
It waa ray ambition (o devc!6p the
beat electric town In the Stato and as
a result of tbat development havo the
lowest rates In the Stato and still
innlrn mnimr. liMftnan 1 flOTirA.1
o'clock. Kvcry woman In toWir.. ., of voll '. AtA" t,,-.'.h.
iii . ,0 l' Tn Hcrresumenreg wns mg to g0 rlght ,nend. ,
The Carmody pool hall caso. In
volving the question of tbo right to
remain open on Sunday, has been
decided against Mr. Carmody, It Is
not yet decided whether an appeal
KB "'
Library Club wllM5-h?M l ' ";
brary on Tuesday afternooR " ""J0
wlll bo served.
William P. Strandborg. who visit'
ed Ilend with 'the. Portland Ad Club
last September as representative of
tho PorUand Telegram, has been ap
pointed managor of the publicity de
partment ot tho Portland Hallway,
Light &' Power Co.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCuIston re
turned Friday from a two month's
trip ocst dflriag which they visited
tholr former homo in Tcnnesscoi
Returning thoy took In tho Mardl
Or a festival In Now Orleans and at
tended tho fair In Sr.n FroJiolsco on
tho opening day.
Tho wedding of Claronco L. Mann
holmer of Ilend and Miss lllancn
llloch of Now Orleans took placo In
Now Orleans on Wednesday ot last
week. Mr. nnd Mftd 'Mnnnhelmor
havo bocn visiting In Chicago nnd are
expected to arrive In Hchd In tliu
noxt week or two.
Dinner will bo served evenings at
tho Cosy Restaurant from 5:30 p. uu
to 7 p. m. auv.
Healed lllds Wnntcd for County Car.
Healed bids Will bo received by tho
county clerk for tho Hayncs 40 car
owned by tho county. This car has
boon repaired and mny bo Inspected
at Hodson's Onrago. Prlnovlllo. Dem
nnstratlonn will bo given thoso wish
ing to submit bids. Tho court re
serves tho right to reject any nnd all
bids. Illds will bo opened at tho
March torm of court. 49-52c.
Sovon room house with good baso
mont and all modern conveniences.
18. W. Itlchardson, La Pino, Ore
gon. t H
Tho telephone number at 8huoy8
now location Is tho snmo as boforo
Wo tako this means of thanking
our many frlonda whoso sympathy
und assUlrtnco were given to ua so
frooly 'of "tho time of our recent bo-ronvoment-
In povtlcular wo wish to
thank tho Modern Woodmen and tho
Masons for tholr ovldences ot frlond-
Bh,"' MUS. MAUY L. 110ZRLL
It. Q. Hlaokwoll baa taken the
agency for tho White Cross Vacuum
Qlounor and will call by appointment
to glvo your liouso a thorough clean
ing at any tlmo. Ho loavos the houso
nnd takes tho dust. Appolntmonts
mny bo mado through Patterson's or
tho Owl Drug Btoro.
Wo wish to express our hoarlfelt
thanks to friends and Odd Follows
lodge of Laldlaw for kind attentions
during Illness nnd loos of our father.
We alBo wish to thank Odd Follows
nnd Grand Army members of Pond
for respectful attendance at obse-
How tKe
Flour Mill
tKe Public
New Blouses
of Crepe de Chine and
Tub Silk, in a varied
line of colors, includ
ing the new sand color
-designed for the
latest styles.
i' ! ( i
tut U '
T Sjf J',.
don't' U8C5 c11 yur attention to
what happcEC Io town did not' go
ahead. conscquelltJwhUo I hlid the
best plant In tho 8tateTq,woric wun.
I could not gel tno nusincss: - -,
Bo tbat for tho past two years
havo been between tho Devil and tho
deep blue sea. I havo not beou able
to make tho plant pay n return on tho
Investment, and of course I have not
been ablo to reduce tho rates. I rea
lized that under tho peculiar local
conditions, that the money Invested
In tho plant was In dangor, but that
I had lived In hopo that the long
looked for development would come
and pull mo out ot tho hole, by giv
ing mo a chanco to got moro business.
so I could ruduco the ratos.
"In ordor to convlnco tho council
and tho people that wo wero playing
fair I was tino of tbo strongest advo
cates for calling la 'e public rer
vlco co mm l:e Ion. nnd thev have just
concluded holr Jiivpstluattan npd
oxpect to have a. bearing ln;thq neat
"Now then Into this condition of
affairs comes theDend Flour- Mill'
Askiae for a franchise to uso tho
Streets for polea to carry power to
their flour mill from outside the
town. Previous to Its chaugo of
ownership we had carried the flour
mill for about eight months, and bad
never got n cent for It- wo did not
havo to carry It of course, but we did
not want to shut down tho only In
dustry In town.
"Now then cornea n man who statos
that ho will malto tho floor mill a
success but In order to accomplish
It he must have cheap power, becauso
ho la handicapped bv the differential
In freight rate between Uond and
towns nearer th center of the wheat
bolt such ns Redmond or Madras.
"I feel that any Industry Is en
tltlod to this becauso othorwlo the.v
will not locnto hero, but I must not
mako tho rnto so low that the pub
llo will bo carrying Ibo burden.
"For this reason after talking It
ovor with Mr. Kroenort several time
I offered to furnish tho power on tho
following basis: 76 H. P. on n 10
hour basis. $181 per month; 75 II.
P. on a 24 hour sehodulo. $170 per
month; according to Mr Kraenort's
figures on tbo output of his mill, this
amounts to 5 cents on n barrel of
flour that costs you J7.C0 or to put
It another way to mitnufature JUtO
worth .of flour will cost 05 contB for
tho power. ,
"This shows how ridiculous all this
fuss about power Is nnd that tho op
eration of tho flour mill Is not tho
real conslderotlon of this franchise.
You might fay tbat you aro not
Interested In what tho flour mill bays.
This Is one of tho groat mistakes of
this whole business bocauoo the coun
cil la not Biinposod to bo representing
the flour mill or Foloy or any other
Interest. You aro here to do what
ever is best for tho publlo and the
granting of this franchise would bo
distinctly nntaKontstlo to tho publio
Interest Why?
"Rocause oven this low, rate that
tho flour mill would pay ub will rep
resent between 10 and 20 per cent of
our net revenue for electricity and
If this revenue Ib taken away, it will
mako it necessary for tho Railroad
Commission to fix tho ratos that
much higher than It this franchise Is
eimer s
Not How Much We Sell You
' ' but
How Much We PLEASE You
not granted.
"This docs not mean that the
rates will bo necessarily that much
higher than they are now, but that
they wlil bo that much higher than
what the commission would make
them if wo had this flour mill reve
nue; "It has been said that this Is a
Question of personal liberty, that tbo
flour mill ought to be allowed to use
the streets for their polea it they
want to. This is another mistake,
becauso personal liberty ends when
you begin to interfere with the rights
of others, and in this case it would
be Interfering with tho rights ot tho
public, because ns I said before you
would cause tho public to pay be
tween 10 and 20 per cent moro for
tholr light and power. Another point
to bo considered Is "hat In tho very
near future this town Is going to bo
put In tho position of trying to In
duco a loreo milling Industry to lo
cate In Rend rather than a good many
miles from Rend, Is tho attitude or
the town toward the oastorn capital
already Invested hero going to havo
any weight In making this decision,
my guess is that it is.
Tho counoll has put this whole
matter In the hands of the commis
sion and tho least you can do Is U
wait tholr decision.
I am .not asking you to favor a
corpo&Uori. although thlscompay
Is fair treatment HufI
do auk you" to decide this matter for
tho bendflt'of the public nnd If yqu
do you will not approve this fran
chUo: Advertiswitenrif" ' "
'For Itcnt," "For Sale," "Rooms
to Let", "Housekeeping Rooms," "No
Admittance," "No Smoking," etc,
nc. Placards printed In large type
on heavy brlstol loaril, trt cent enrh.
Ices In quantities. Jiniictin umco. isu
Uso True Rluo Flour! It Is tho
best mado nnd a Rend product.
Adv. ' 37 tf
Bend for Dlackwelt. He will corns
with a White Cross Vacuum Cleaner
and when be leaves, tho dust leaves,
with him. Charges reasonable. For
appointments telephone Patterson's
or tho Owl.
Ry arrangement with tho. Bend.
Water tight & Power Co., Tho Bul
letin Is ablo to offer Its readers an
unusual bargain. It you want an
electric iron, an electric coffeo per
colator, an electric toaster or a curl
ing iron hero Is your chanco. For
particulars sco tho advertisement on
page 8.
Uso cracked corn for chicken feed
the now Uond Flour Mill has It.
Adv. 50 tf
iO acres, 1 nillo from Jlend, Threo
room houso sultablo for garden truck.
40 acres, 3 miles north' Laldlaw. 4
room house. Address ZX. caro Bul
letin. 41tt
will be served evenings
not in price SIX loaves of bread for
25c. We have tbe largest assortment
of fancy pastry. Ice cream and soft drinks.
Let as reduce your high cost of living. Send
your children to do your buying and we will
do the rest. Mail orders are promptly at
tended to. Watch this space next week.
The American Bakery
Skuse Hardware Co.