The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 24, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    "rim nKUtiWjMiMUpldttKiiiUSflCftt VtjtUiilbjiylfiXJ'MtJ, . . , ..
- -PAGE 8.
Twelve Reasons
Why foil '
Should Buy Your
Groceries of Us
to. 7.
BECAUSE wo cnrry lot
grndoa for . tlioso who doinuml
Ugliest qiln'litr.-
Wo enter to tho "best trndo".
as well aa to tlioso in moderate clr
cumatances. This la u high clou atoro for
ovciyonc. ' MH
... , . ,
i ' Arrive 8 n. m,
1 Loaves .8:30
0..V. It. A N. TRAIN,
1 1
Arrives i-.tu p. m.
Icnvc 7:26 a. lit.
htmh: mm: south.
Arrives .......... .7:30 p. m.
Leaves .10 a. in.
Car dally to Ilurtii and points
south nnd southeast.
General delivery open dolly
0:16 n. in. to 0 p. m.
No limit distributed on Sunday.
Night train mall closes 7 p. in,
Dny train mnll close 0:30 a, in,
Ti:i,i;aitArn iiouiih.
Western Union tlnlly 7-12,1.0,
7-10. Sunday 8-10, 4-0,
Pioneer Co., twonty-fnur hour
service, InoludlaR Sunday.
. .,. ,.,
. SBaBBSlsssa - ii ii, j. ni.-wuan a
A. G. Allen of Mllllcnn spent ye
tcrday In town.
H. It. Do Armond was In I'rlnovlllo
on business Friday.
' O, M. Coiioh Of LoldlOW him up
oh' Bnlurday on business.
' John K, Hynn returned from Mln
riospolls Thursday morning" '
J Mm, J. J. Adatim of ..Portland. I lng Mr. Kit llrostorhous.
2 Jim. Hogo of l'ortland arrived, hcrg
tarty tills week for her health.
Tho Hhort Story .Club met at tho
jcsldcnco of Mm. J. P. Kcyes Monday
1 Tim 1'lvo Hundred Club was on
ierlalned by Mr. Ryan and' Mr.
KoyeH at tho Hmblam Club Wodnes
day evening.
Tho pilus of tho building destroy
od by tiro last winter aro being clear
od up.
K. I'. Hafncr of Walla Walla,
Washington, oamo horo to Itvu on
A nmmiuo ball will bo given at
I Iki (Irtuigo hall cant of tdvrn on
Marsh 4. '
A daiiKhtor waa born to Mr. and
Mr. K, W, Tomes of La I'lno on
Forest Hanger Oney of tlio 111k
lllvor Hanger Htatlon was. down on
Saturday. ,
It. It. Roller of Mlllloan appnt
Wednesday and Thursday of Jlast
week horo. i i
Mra. HulpV Caldwell of La' Pino
spent tho wtek end with Mr. W. P.
Vandnvort. ,
' Tho Cotmnerotal Club lunchoon
next Haturday will bo hold at tho
llund hotol,
Dr. U. C. Coo went to Portland. last
night to havn nil oporatlon performed
on hla throat.
Tho Fraternal llrotherhood held
Its monthly danca ut Sat her 'a hall
Friday nlKht.
" Tho annual distribution of needs
from tho Department of Agriculture
la now being made.
II. K. Uracil and family loft Thura
day evening for a 10 dny'a visit with
frlond in Portland.
On Wednesday ovnnlni; n party of
10 coupler aurprlsed Mra. Allies Sut
toiiK ut her homo east of town. Thoy
broiiKht inualo and tho cvonlnR was
apoiit In danclnK. card and Kamos
m- - ' ' ' i
Ikonomy nml ICrttcleiiey nml Kervlrn nra
tho liy.unriU In bimliu'x. Krcuro tho tlireo
by buying n 1'onl. Tlio mnllriit JlnU con(
upkeep Mid deprriiutloii of uny car. UII),:UO
cam ilellverwl In 1011. Attuxt, Kcptotulr,
October itntl Niveiiibcr hluiHctl an liimwo of
too per cent nliovu hint year anlcf. Tlio I'ord
arhcdiilo of IIOO.OIKI prttductluu Iiiih n umrulu
of nearly HO per rtiU nt preeut.
TheUniversal Garage
Ceorgo F. Hoover
Mr. (i, Mclntoalr'wont to Port-
ldiHl on btiHlnoaa Htmdiiy iiIkIU, ro-
turnliiK this niornliiK.
Clark Paul Is mirforltiK from an In
jury to hi right oya, uomo foroliin
Miilmlnncij lirvlnif lodgod llioro.
Forest Hupnrvlsor M. L. Mcrrlt ro
turned on Friday from a bimlncnn
trip to Tlio Dnllos nml Portland.
Mra. Oootko' Tt, HtaplCton la ox-
pooled this ovoiiIi'ik to vlsTl lior par
until, Mr. and Mr. J. A. Huston.
Dr, J. II. C'onnnrn and Tod Iloko
wont to Hlstora yostorday, wlioro Dr.
Connarn had hoiiio htiRlneafl to attond
Tho W. 0. T. U. will meet on Fri
day nftornoon at tho homo of Mrs.
Wlcnt In Wlcatorld. All ladles aro
Invjldd' ,
W. DV llarnes qnrto up from Laid
law this 'mornlnR on btialncM con
nected with tho funeral of floorjta
W. Updlko.
W. 11. 1a), formerly of Dond, Is
now In Han Francisco learning the,
barhor'a trade. Mrs. Lcih la In
Mnrshflnld, Orogon.
Tho Ladloa Aid Society of tlio
Methodist church will meet at tho
realdonco of Mrs. Howard Palmer, on
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30.
Luther C. Purnt and Miss Laura
Williams aro to bo married this
evening nt 7 o'clock at tho residence
of Miss William's slater, Mrs. II. For
rcll. Mlas Myrtlo Hoyd leaves noxt Tues
day for Han Frnnolcco, whera she ox
pects to attend tho Piinama-Hnclflc
Exposition, returning about tho 10th
of April.
"Hill" Hanloy of Hums was In
town yestordny on his way to Port
land. Mr. Hanloy nnd his party were
two dayn on tho road from tho In
terior town.
Friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A.
Tucker, who left for Corvallla tho
first of tho month, havo received
word that Mr. Tucker Is now work
Ing thoro and Mrs. Tuoker la plan
ning to enter tho O. A. C.
L. C. Hudow announces a six reel
foaturo film at tho Dream Theatre on
tho nlaiit of Thursday. March 4. Tho
tltlo, of tho film Is St. Klmo, being a
dramatization of tho novel of the
snnio namo by Auguata Kvana.
At tier homo cast of town Mrs. Wil
liam Arnold entertained 33 guests
Friday livening In honor of Mrs.
Ilayn and daughter of Powell Hutte.
Most of tho ovnng waa spent In
dancing. Itefreshments wero served.
, A. O. Walker of Alfolfn spent Fri
day hero.
,K. U King of Urothors was In town
on Thursday.
Tom Byli'fisjor of I'rlnovlllo was
horo on Wadnosday.
Ivan Dnkln at Ilcdmond spent the
week end at tho Wright.
Theo. Hoerato of Held was bore
yesterday to buy supplies.
II. O. Wilson of Itcdmond camo up
on buslncra on Wednesday.
Bhorlff E. II. Knox of Prlnevlllo
was over yesterday on business.
C. V. Hooker of Laldlaw camo up
for a fow hours last Wednesday.
Hurr Illnck of Hampton wan regis
tered at tho Wright on Thursday.
It. H. Hayloy camo up from Lald
law with Sheriff Knox yesterday.
H. L. Molony of Metollua camo In
this morning for a fow days stay.
Tho Ilrldge Club meets nt tho rea
ldonco of Mrs. J. P. Koyos on Friday.
W. K. Vnn Allon and W. L. Pnl
mor of Deachutoa wore hero on bust
neaa Wodiicsday.
Jiimea Silver of Silver Lnko pass
ed Uirough horo Monday on hla way
homo from Portland.
, ,W.,fJ. Wnloy, of Vapcouver, IJ, C,
who' lilts bnen In California for n
ntlinbor of montlia, and who is vis
iting his brother J. V. Hnloy of Laid.
Inw, 'waa up on Friday. Mr, Haloy
cays that thb Contra! Oregon allmnto
surpasses that of California ih avory
Tho ohtldran of tho primary ciarm
of tho MelhodlHto hurch aro engaged
In n contest to soo which dno can
ritlHo tho most monoy to help pay for
now clinlm recently placed In tholr
department In tho Hundny achool,
Tholr toachor, Mrs. O. A. Thorson,
lhaa provldod thorn with bunks and
offered a prUo to tho winner.
Mrs. 8, Mcintosh had tho good
fortuno whllo In Portland' of secur
ing tho services of Miss Holnnd for
tho spring season. Miss Holand Is
direct from tho east and oomes
highly recommended. She has been
In business several seasons for bor
ed f and has had bo mo responsible
poiluon-Adv. pi
'iThero will bo a debato at tho
Dredm Thqatrc, Friday ovenlng, Feb
ruary 2C, between representatives of
tlj'o Itodmond and tho Ilend high
schools. Tho topic is tho prohibition
of tho snlo and export of munitions
of .war to 'belligerent; Redmond will
aitpiKtrt the resolution whllo Hend.
represented ljy Ituth Caldwell and
Wlnford Ottcson, will orguo tho nega
tive. Music will bo furnished b tho
aico Club. Admission free.
Uso Deschutes Hpray Flour! It h
tho best made and n Dcnd product.
auv. 37 tf
Till: LinitAUV ItK.VEFIT.
A good sited audlonco attended tho
entertainment at tho Dream Theatre
Friday night to hoar Dolla Crowdor
Miller In her dramatic Impersonations.-
Tho second part -of tho pro
gram was from tho dramatisation or
Uon-Htir for which Miss Miller once
rpcclvod a modal at the home of tho
author of tho book. Tho Hptarlan
Male Quartette will glvo the second
ontef talntncnt In tho course on-Morch
C " .--.'
A St. Patriok'a Day ball Is to bo
given by the West Sldo Agricultural
Association In Its hall at J-ldlnw on
tho night of March 17th. Music will
bo furnished by Mra. rln and
Joo McKay and all aro Invited to at
tend. Adr.
Uso cracked corn for chicken feed
tho now Ilend Flour 91111 has It. i
Adr. ' CO tf
Rug Values that Cannot be Equaled
. Last week I told tlio people that I had a
full display of Parlor Rugs. Since then
I have received a shipment of beautiful
. Bath Room and Bed R.oom Rugs, They
are tho finest that ever came to Bend.
,!, Cpm See them, You don't have to buy
if V
County School Supervisor Victor
8hawe of Prlnovlllo was ovor on Sat
urday on buslnosd.
F. M. Post of SlHtora spont Wed-
noftday horo. During his Btny ho
whb reglsterod nt tho Hend.
Mrs. 13. T. Clorrlnh and Mrs. J. D.
Godfrey will hold an nftornoon tea
In honor of Mm. CIorrlBh a slstor,
Mra. lCmorsan Stookwoll, this nftor
noon, at tho rosldonco of Mrs. Qer-riali.
n. Kolloy of MluneapoIlR, who la
connected with tho Shevlln-Carpon-
tor-Clnrlto Co., arrived iu town yea
tordny morning. Mr. Kolloy former
ly lived In Hond na n roproBontatlvo
of tho Shovlln IntorcBts,
Mlas Qortrudo Mnrkol returned
from Salom with (icr elstor, Mrs. V.
A. Forboa Monday morning. Sho ox
pocts to ba In town about a week,
after which alio will go to nor homo
atond In tho Mllllcnn valley.
Mr, and Mrs. 'Emorson Stookwoll,
vho havo boon, visiting Mrs. E. T.
Oorrlsh for a couplo of months, lqavq
t,ho oarly part of next week for Port
land, from -which placo thoy will go
to San Francisco tQ, Attopd t,(V0-'a,i''
layor Miller has advised tho City
ColTHdll of the appointment of direc
tor or the Hend Public. Library ns
follows: L jj yi
Cltr of Hend.
Pursuant to tho ChartcrVof tho
City of Ilend. I hereby make thu fol
lowing appointments of persona to
sorv.o aa directors of .tho Hend Puhnv
Library to Mil all expired tcrma and
vacancies for the following porlods.
resifctively: Mra. Guy Furat. 3
yearn: Mra. C. S. Hudson, 3 years:
Mrs. F. O. Minor, 2 yoors: Mrs. H.
J. Overturf. 2 year: Mrs. W. W.
Faulkner, 1 year: Mrs. II. C. Kills,
1 year. II. A. Miller, Mayor.
We announce the arrival of
. the following lines in NEW.K
Newest Models in Skirts
See them not) rshile the auorlmenl h at Us beiL
Children s Dresses
New Wool Materials, . .
: New Silks -..;
Printed Lawns
Printed Crepes
Linen Finish Chambrays
An Extensive Line of New
Whete You Get the NEWEST FIRST
Church of the Urethral.
Services each Sunday A. M. In tho
brown building near high achool.
Sunday school at 10 A. M. Preach
ing at 11 a. m. Subject for sermon,
"Tho Doctrine of Annolntment Ex
amined." A cordial invitation la ex
tended to nil to come and worship
with us. Ira II. Fox, Minister.
, j . Catholic.- A-H ,. .
Them' will bo na sorvice at the
fCatholIc church this Sunday. '
mo and that all persona who have
become indebted 'to tho garage slnco
that timo will pay mo.
Vta cracked corn for chicken feed
the new Bend Flour Mill haa It
Adr. 50 tt
Dlnnor will bo served evenings at
lhe Cozy Restaurant from 5:30 p. in.
to 7 p. in. Adv. 49 tf
Healwl Illds Wanted for County Car.
Sealed bids will be received bv tho
countv clerk tor tho Havnea 40 car
owned by tho county. This car has
boon repaired and may bo Inspected
nt Hodson'a Garage, Prlnevlllo. -Dom-pnstratlona
will bo given those wish
ins to Bubmlt bids. Tho court re
frvoB tho rlgWt to reject any and all
bids. Illds will bo opened at thq
March term of court. 49-G2c
'! Seven room houso with good baso
inont and all modern conveniences.
K. W. Richardson, La i'lno, Ore
gon. 9tf
R. 7.. Davis of Gist hoa been In
town today on business. Mr. Davis
reports that ho haa recently moved
hla sawmill into the forest reeorve
near the foot of Three Creek Hutte.
Because of tho low price of stumpage
Jn the reaervo lumber can bo furnish
ed from tho mill at vory low rate.
61-1 cAdv.
Having purchased from R. X. Poln
dexter hla Intereat In tho Modern
Gorago I now glvo notice that all
bills contracted by the business slnco
tho first of January will bo paid bj-
40 acres, 1 mllo from Dend, Threo
room houso suitable for garden truck.
40 acres;. 2 miles north -Laldlaw. 4
room houso. Address ZX caro Bul
letin. 41tt
will be served evenings
Mrs. 8. Molntpsh, our ofllclont mil
liner, returned from Portland thB
luMiiuiiK mmru bud hub veuu uuji...
her Hpjlng millinery. Adv.. 51
TrruHiiry Depitrtinent
January 2S. 191C
Comptrollor of the Currenay
To tho Hoard of Directors.
Tho granting by somo bnnka of no
comodatlona In tho form of OVER
DRAFTS la objectionable and oan
not bo countenanced by this oftlco.
This practice should conso entirely.
To facilitate tho nocompltahuient of
this result, the subject has been tak
en up by tlits ofllco with tho banking
departments of various States, and
theso nuthorltlea havo generally
agreed to take tho necessary action
to secure tho oftectlvo co-operation of
Stato banks In attaining tho ond do-
You aro requested to adopt a reso.
lutlon directing that no ofllcer or
employee of your bank shall pay or
charge to tho account of any deposi
tor any chock of such depositor when
thoro aro not sufficient funds on do
poBlt to tho credit of tho drawor of
tho check to meet tho samo.
Ploasa forward a certified copy of
the resolution to this offlco ao soon
as It has been adopted. Let the res
olution ahow tho names of tho direc
tors pro8ont at tho mooting.
Please acknowlodgo receipt with
out dolay. Respectfully,
We linvo adopted tho resolution,
referred to nltovo and oak that you
govern yourself accordingly.
A.dv.-4t51 "-," ,"JiBa,i) Oregon.
Men, have you seen our display of plain
Wool and Worsted Suits? They are the
best on the market and can be bought at
prices ranging from $10 to $25. Tbe
regular prices on these suits are from
$15 to $40, but as we wont to close
them out in order to have room for our
Spring Goods, we are selling them at
this big reduction.
$10 to $25
Agents for Standard Patterns
i '
$kuse Hardware Co.