TDK IIHND IIULLKTIN, IlKND, HK WKDNKHDAY, FEIHtUAItY 21, IfMB. I'Afll! n. ') 9 rV. '. HUSINKSS AND PHOFKSSIONAL DJKECTOKY. HOIIKUT II. (K)UM) Civil KiiKlui'or Henri Oregon W, W. KAVLKNMt, 1. M. D. K N T I H T Ofllco Ovor Postomco llond, - - Orogon 1)11. K. ItKA NOHIUH Pliynlclnn mid Hiireoii omco Bather llulldlng Mourn; 1012 n. m.j 2-4 p. in. 7-Q p. in. WILLAItD II. WIIITZ iiAvvmt Frlnovlllo. Oregon. 0. H. IIHNBON A 1 1 o r ii o r At h it w IJonson llulldlng, Woll Btroot llotitl, Orogon. II, II. Do AllMOND hMVXim Oregon Btroot. ' llond, Orogon It. 0, KLLIB Attorncyiit-ljtiv United Hlntcs Commhtiilouor Klrst Nntlonnl Hank nulldlng 1IEND, OIUCOON U. OF 0. FIGURES NOT RELIABLE SO DH. J. II. CONNAHN I) IJ N T I H T omco In Hathor IlulldlnR. Ilouru 0 to 12, 1 to l,, Sundays and ovonlnRi by Appolntmont. VEUNON A. KOIUIKB LA WYE It First Nntlonnl Dank IlulldlnR llond, :: :? Oregon 0. I'. NIBWONOKK, Hand, Oro. UNDEHTAKKH Licensed Eiiibalmcr, Funeral Director. I'hono. Lndr Assistant. BRADLEY SAID MONDAY ON O. A. V, Hdileiiieiit, Prepared by Kcuddor, U Dependable- Corvnlll Man DIuciimmcm Potato Klarcli Question -Pnctory In Nettled. Ml. It. I). flTOWKLL Niiprnpntlilc Phynlclau Office ovor Miller l.utnlo- Co. Wall Htroot Hour 9 to G Phono Hod 01 O H O It O H B. Y O U N 0 Civil nnil Irrlgntlon Unilinear. l H. Mineral Huncyor. Iloom 6 First Nntlonnl Ilnnk IlulldlnR J. II. Poll A. V. Blnm G'ltOOK COUNTY AIWTHAOT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J, II, Ilnner Abitrnct Co., Frlnovlllo, Ore. Abstracts Insurance IIOHEIIT W. BAWYKK NOTAltY I'UIIMO Dullotln omco, llond, OroRon , Representation lioforo thn Dm ort hnnd Hoard and Blnta ' Kn kI our HOUKItT CECIL WYOANT Attorney nt Jmw IrrlRntlon Mnsonlo Wntor lllghta IlulldlnR Dosort Land Kaluin, KnRluoorliiR Law Oregon J. E. Iingebrctson Plumbing and llcntlng Hem), Oregon 117 MINNEHOTA KTItEET 1CHTIMATIM ITIIKEUITLLY PUHNIHUED JOIII1INO P1UM11TLY DONE A. M. Crnwford Jntnca W. Crnwford CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD LAWYERS IS Yean Attornoy Coneral Wntor HIrIiU Irrigated Lands Probata lluslness Corporations liankruptcy Will npponr boforo nil 8tnto Do pnrtmontn 034-C Northwestern Ilnnk Illdg. POIITLAND, OHEUON V VMMMVMWWVMW I ttAH B snl I ' nH ill BeJcI 1 W7ZAY4(W&OV In renter of llniiiirlnl, luil iicm, nli(iiiln nml pleasure dltrlrt. Iini-gent mid mot complete liolel In NortlnwM. rWH) ImmI itMiiiiHt sroro dining niouiM nearly 100 sample room, Eaten to YOl' Per Dny no Doom 91.00 100 IUniiiu with bntli. . 100 Itooiim with Imth. .SViOO 'MO iMtao nutklda room. Until $'J.OO Ihtrn Hriion In riKiiu, 91.00 mldltloiiiil wmmtammmmmmmmmmmmtMmt ALTAMONT HOTEL I Tho moil cornfortnblo liotol In llond. i Commodloui, stonm hontod, s woll (urnlthod rooms wltn i runnlns wntor. Onod, lionio cooked menlo norvod In dlnlnR room threo ? times ovory dny. $ MUs A. I). NpnldlnK, Proprietor S For Sjring j WBAK Rot a pnlr of WORLD'S WOIIK SHOES WIJ nlio linvo tho ngoncy for NAP-A-TAN Bhoes for men and boys. R. H. LOVEN Tho Hhoo ltepalr Man llond Btroot llond, Oro. J "L Hooflnir of nil kinds. Hopalrlnj? promptly dono. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNINQ AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices nnd Skylight. D RAYING Bend Hauling Co. II. N. PAMIUUTON Wood for Sale Olllro ulth It. P. Mlutor Olllco Phono Illnck (1(1 Iteslilence Illnclc 4 Fraternal Societies I. O. O. P. Ilend IxmIro No. aiH. Hogulur mootlnR ovory Mon dny nlRht at 8 o'clock In Satti or's Hall. Vlattlns brothou cordially wolcomo. L. II. 0LH8S, N. Q, QEO. P. QOV13, Soorotnry. r U O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET rrCAUFORNIA EACTOLACTcdiirorfttjo,- ,;;; IIto-lourjijOfAiVjiiM raim kTh COmpahy cauiwhia m When In town on Monday, (Joorgo W. Ilrndloy, ennnRod In promotlns tho nturoh fnctory, took oxcaptloa to thu potato starch fnots and flicurcs sent out from tho Unlvarslty of Oro Kon nnd recently published In Tho Ilullotln. AccordlnR to Mr. Ilrndloy this stntnmont was tnadu by a mnn who know nothlnR nbout tho subject. ProoxHor Hnid'lcr of tho Oregon Ar rlculturnl CoIIoro, on tho contrary Is competent to spank or potato march manufacture Mr. Ilrndloy snld, and has Rlvon out tho followltiR Intorvlow relating to It. "For sovornl years pnst tho Depart- lliont Of AeronoillV of thn flniL-nn Air. rrlculturnl CoIIoro has been slvlnx consldorabla nltcntlon to developing now innrknts for tho Oregon potato. Tho priilbllltles for tho successful iruinufncturo of potatoes, It has boon learned, am so Rood that through tho efforts of tho CoIIoro cnpltal hns ho cotno Interested nnd Is now looking ovor tho situation In tho state for thn purposo or establishing a potato stnrch factory, "Whllo prior to 11)12 tho market for Oregon potntoos was excellent, slnco that time, duo largely to nn or- cess in production, prices hnvo fallen off and tho market boenmo very un cortnln. This his boon so discourage lug to growers thnt there Is dnneor of this Important agricultural Indus try suffering n serious rolnpso. For sovcrnl years, therefore, tho colleen hns been tusking a study or tho pos- siuiuues tor uovoioping now markets. Potatoes oro ono of tho most valu blo cash crops tho stato produces, as conditions throughout Oregon, ex cept at extreme elevations oro very fnvornblo for their profitable produc tion, and tho crop Is adapted to a very wldo vnrloty of farm conditions, nnd henco Is of Intorest to every far mer. Asldo from tbolr Importance as a cash crop, potatoes aro of great value Indirectly In rotations for maintaining fortuity. destroying weeds, and Improving tilth. A steady market, however. Is Imporntlvo If tho crop Is to contlnuo to bo profitably grown. "Through tho uso ot tho best cul tural mothods, a proper rotation, nnd thn selection of tiurc. dlsoaso-frca. high-yielding scod, tho Oregon far mer enn compoto wltli potato growers anywhere In tho mnttor of yields, quality, nnd cost of production. Tho only requirement, thon. for tho suc cess or tho Industry Is somo method or regulating tho supply to tho de mand, nnd thus maintain n stendy mnrkot nt good prices. If, whenever thoro Is nn excess In production this oxcomi can bo kept off tho market nnd only tnblo potatoes of uniformly high quality supplied to meet tho domnnd, thero will bo little danger In futuro of demoralizing tho market such as wo had In 1912 nnd have hnd slnco. "Tho question thon la whethor'tho excess supply enn bo tnken cara of In somo profltnblo wny. After having given consldornblo study to this ques tion, I nm satisfied that tho manufac ture or potatoes offers tho oolutlon. In 1013 I prescntod this question be fore tho Portland Chamber of Com merce and Inter also tho Oregon Man ufacturers' Association. Slnco thnt tlmo, cnpltnl has become Intorcstod nnd tho establishment of n potato March factory Is now donnltely plan ned. "Such n factory, hnvlng a capacity for 100 tonH or potatoes per day, will cost from $20,000 to $40,000 to establish nnd put Into operation. Dur ing a run of six months, which Is possible under Orogon conditions, this factory will consumo tho cull erop from 10,000 acres or moro of potatoos. At a prleo from 20 to 30 cents per hundred, the farmer will rccolvo n very profltnblo roturn from his culls, which aro now a dead loss. In years whon tho market for tnblo potatoos la low, due to ovor supply, tho crop could bo very much moro olosoly graded, only tho highest qual ity bolng turned on to tho market for tnblo uso nnd nil or tho excess shlp pod to tho stnrch fnctory. Thus, tho tablo mnrkot prlco may bo maintained for tho starch fnctory o flora a profl tnblo roturn to tho farmer for nil or hln excess crop. With the successful establishment or ono factory, others will follow, so thnt tho entire potato aoroago of Oregon may bo fully taken caro of. "Whon tho Oregon tnblo crop can thus ho closely graded, Its high qual ity will command n premium on tho great California mnrkot. Tho fnvor nblo soil nnd climatic conditions of Oregon, together with tho uso of hottor Hood nnd production mothods, will gtvo tho Oregon farmer tho ad vantage in competition ovor tho growora of any othor region. "From tho manufacturers stand point, the potato starch Industry Is vory promising. Analysis of many samples of Orogon potntooa show thorn to havo a range ot from IS to 2C per cont stnrch contont, with nn avorngo ot 20 por cont. It will ho possible for tho manufacturer to pny tho farmer from 20 to 30 conts por hundred for his culls nnd excess po tatoos and still mnko n hnndsomo profit on tho manufacturing ond. Tho mnrkot for potato starch In the Unlt od States la vory large, somo 15,000 tons bolng consumed annually In tho toxtllo Industry alono In the East tho avorngo nrlce tor potato starch bolng 4 cents per pound, In Port land, Beattlo nnd Spokane, somo 2, 000 tons or march aro consumed an nually. This starch Is now made from corn, which Is Inferior both for manufacturing nnd food purposes to mo potato mnrcn, and on which in addition tho Northwest must pay the freight from tho contra) mat oh and send tho money back to tho farmers nnd manufacturer of thnt region. Whllo tho Northwest could readily consume tho entire production from tho new factory proponed, yet potato siuroii produced in tins region will ho able to compoto with thnt imported from Germany, which Is now usod In tho eastern states, for tho new rnton via tho Canal In addition to tho tariff on potato starch will permit tho Norhwcst manufacturer to uso tho eastern market profitably. "A starch factory consuming 100 tons of potatoes per day will In tho sonson's run produce 3,000 tons or starch. This will roqulro 000,000 burhels of potatoes or tho cull crop from approximately 16,000 acres yielding 1G0 bushels nor ncro 25 per cont of which aro culls. Tho fnctory succcsstully uses potntocs In practically any condition those thnt nro too largo, too small, too grocn, diseased, frozen or even rotten. Even tunlly, with the successful manufac ture ot starch, tho manufacture of potato glucose, potato flour, nnd po tato flakes may bo profitably under taken. Points too dlstnnt from tho fnctory to ship potntocs may at low cost Install green starch plants local ly and ship tho grcon starch to tho central fnctory at n reduction of ap proximately two-thirds of the weight. With only ono or two control factor ies, tho uso or subsidiary grcon stnrch plants would permit every section of tho stnto to oajoy the advantage of this now mnrkot outlet for potntocs. I believe thnt In regions like tho rich , tldolnnds of Clatsop, Tillamook and Coos counties, where very large yields or potntocs nro posslblo, at low cost por bushel, tho cntlro crop enn bo raised profitably for starch manufacture nlono, thus giving theso localities a now Industry. "Tho greatest advantage of tho factory, however, will bo In that It will offer the farmer a profitable out- lot for tho culls and tho excess crop, so that at all times only the highest grade of tablo potatoes will bo turn cd on to tho market, nnd thus tho tablo mnrkot prlco will bo maintain cd at a fairly steady level. In Ger many, whero somo 160,000,000 bush els of potatoes aro annually manufac tured, tho effect hns been to practic ally ellmlnato variation In tho prlco of the tablo crop from year to year. I am confident wo enn reach tho satna result here In Oregon. "Kvcry encouragement, thorofore, al.ould be offered tho men who aro endeavoring to start this now Indus try. It will provo profltablo to both th i-rower and tho manufacturer If they co-cpernto with each other In launching tho project. "Potato growers will bo Interested to know that tho collego for moro than a year hns had n manuscript rendy on the potato markets and po tato starch Industry and that, now tho factory Is nbout to be established, this manuscript wilt go to press nnd be available at an early date. Tie- quests for this publication may be addressed to tho Collego." olght In each of tho county sohools. Schools mny obtain free traveling slate libraries hy application to Miss Cornelia Mnrvln, stnto llhrnrlnn, Bnl- om. Tho A. N. Palmer Company hns oU rorod n rreo correspondence course In Its writing methods to ouch stato tsnehor who did not tako tho course last yonr. Under tho Inw tho Pnlmor method must bo taught In the schools. It Is requested that Sloan Phonic Charts bo posted In tho clnwr room. A collection ot poems nnd short stories for the different grades desig nated by the Oregon Stnto Course of Study llna bean rnndi out nnd sent to tho different schools. .Five Cwiln Proves It. A generous offer. Cut out this nd, enclose with 5 cents to Foloy & Co., Chicago, III., nnd they will send you our trial packages of Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Compound for cotigs, colds, croup, bronchial and lagrippo coughs; Foloy Kidney Pills and Foley Cath artic Tablets. For snlo In your town by Patterson Drug Co. Adv, Uso Dosohiitos Spray Flour! It In tho best made ami a llond product Adv. 37 tf The Wright Is Bend's Leading WHY? Hotel It Is n fireproof building . It Is thoroughly modern It Is com fort Able, commodious, clean IIOO.MS FItOM 50 CENTS UP The wants of nil nro satisfied well at THK WltiailT HOTKti Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT H0TEL & COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES Two Club ProJecU to He Open to Crook County Pupils Tills Year. County School Superintendent My ers hns recently sent out t tho tonchors ot tho county a number or circulars relating to their work. Among tho subjects discussed aro tho following: Two club projects aro to bo open to tho pupils of tho county this year, tho Potato Club project and the Gar dening Club project. In cither It will bo necessary to plant nnd culti vate ono-tcnth acre of land. Asldo from local and county prizes In theso contests two pupils will bo gtvon trcu trips to thn stato fair. Medals In tho form ot the Llborty Dell havo been givon by tho heirs ot Morris 8elr, lato of Chicago, to bo awarded to tho most deserving pu pils in grades ono to four and flvo to MNMinaMM ass SOaPAGEANNUAb- Rdy Eatlr la Jsaaur MalUd FREE to Aaxoa. Aajrwhara. SJkawm S J. Pool tnr. BU m atocfcaupauim 9en7 d Frtlkin. TicnAs.n.utXYCo. ftttub ai roitlui ANNUAL TO THE RESCUE WHO DOES HOUR LAUNDR ? letVsTWjJ raaaBBBwaiaayaBi W wilt tut your llntn, but you must not wast much Urn setting our rcu band st work LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND DItY CLEANING Put Your Duds In Our Suds" FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, PLATE GLASS, AUTOMO UILE, SUItETY BONDS. CENTRAL OREGON'S Leading INSURANCE Agency REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY HEIGHTS OROKLA Lots $150 to $350 TERMS: $5 Cash and $3 Monthly IIUtlOATED LANDS A SPECLVLTY J. A. EASTES Office on Oregon Street BEND, :-j OltEflON if Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lighted Throughout Special Attentiea to Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL Good Rooms Free bus to and from trains HUGH O'KANE, MANAQKR BEND, OREGON Qood Meals All arrangements rnado for persons desiring to go south and east of here The United Warehouse Company Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE 'HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD UTe United Warehouse Cq. A. M, Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon