X tiii: iik.vi) hullf.tin, nn.vn, ow: wkdnmhday, fkhiiuarv 17, unn, I'AOB 7. PARLIIZ-VOUB FHANUAIHV Hero Ih h loiter received liy Man ager Da Ariiioml of tho Commercial Chili tint other day. ilo niiyn It 'h ii trlliulo In tlm Froiiohniiwi of liln tiniiio anil offers It fur itu exorcise In tlio IllllHlH'K"1 'Iivhh it tlm high SCllllOl. Ail norrnlnlro, Ho In rliiiniliro tie comnnircn, lloiitl. (('rook OoJ Oregon. (lur Monsieur: Vriidrloz-voiiH avoir In liontu du 1110 dlro nl y a (Inn lioiiiustnndM n Iii cmlro iliuin los oiivIioiih ily linnet ii limit I'liriignii on gonortil. .In vous rornls hloii obllgo l duns Iq win on II n'y tuirnlt plun do lorroit vuonntos 1I0 mo diru In irtx ctii terrain 11 viiwlr ,1 nl toujour mi olivine d'ullitr m'lnstnllnr thins cutto oontron. U11 do men nmltt qui 11 hlun voulii mo donnor vntro nddresiHi v n pnwio quol uuos iiioln. II ni'ii nonuo una lionuo Men du ptiyit. Pout otro pourrlex-vous m'ouvoynr dm ItrnclitiriHt nflu 11 ti j jo pultun nvolr on nllnr nvant do partlr d'lcl. Votro obllgo, MOIHIt MAIlCOTTlfl, POWELL BUTTE (Contlnuod from pngo 2.) meat which will ho wild Inter. Mclvln Foster hauled n four home 1'iNd of lumhur from Prlnnvllln Tue- , dnv Tlm Htnrn nnd Hlrlpo worn rnlsod for h first tlmo on the now Hag nolo , nt Wilson school liouro Friday nfler noon. A number of iHitrnn were In HiHtndnnro nnd tlioy, with tint pu pils, en toyed n nplottdld ntlilrosrt by V O Humphrey In whlah tlio speaker r-ulnglzed Abraham Lincoln, In whose honor tho llsn riilainv wan. ' Mr. nnd Mm. V. T. JJmlth nnlor tnlnud Itov. and Mm. Ilium of Itml ituind and Itov. Mnvs of Madras nt llnner Tlitirmlnr. Tho Inttor annl Io nian returned to lila homo Thursday , fVcultiR nfter anaMIng In n ton dny'a minting horn. Mr and Mm. V. O. Humphrey nnd , Mra H. L Moore worn Prinnvllle via- Itora Thursday. Jnhn Tengninn nntnrtnlned n party , f young people Friday evening. Dancing wna tho order of amusement Tnllnwlng which refreshments worn , nerved A good tlmo la roporlnd. The MImm aindya nnd llnxtl Hnvn. (iladra Paula. Orlsa Bear. Fay , llumiett and Pauline Triiaednto aro V. C. II H girls who aiMnt the weak find with tholr Iioiiih folks. , Mr. nnd Mm A W. Hayn entertain- h! Raturdav ovonliiK In honor of tholr wonty-fUHi wedding nnnlvorsnrv. A 1 hotiae full of frlonda wero Invltnd for tho neoaslon. nearly nil of whom woro there. Refreshments woro served 1 from two well nppolntod tables, tho center piece of ono being n htiKO onko decorntnd with tho samo oonfocllon- nrv rofiNt which wero used on tho . irglnnl wedding cako 26 yonra ngo. Mr nnd Mra. Horn waro rrrlptcuta of n numhor of hnndnomo plnrna of xll- vorwnro from their uuoata wno woro Vr nnd Mra. I) A. Ynloa. Mr. nnd , Mm. M. I. Ivoraon. Mr. nnd Mra. (Itiy Sonra. Mr. nnd Mra. It. I Mooro, Mr and Mra. O ('. Tpuxdalo. Mr. . mid Mra. R. I). Muatnrd. Mr. nnd Mra. W. T. Smith. Mr. nnd Mra. Joo Hhonrer. Mr and Mm. I. I'nula. Mra. )!tta Arnold, Moaam. J. A. ItlKRi. (loo MorKnn. IteovM Wllleoxon nnd Kraoat Arnold. Mr. nnd Mm. Allwtrt Mohlnr nnd 711 r. nnd Mra. Arnold or Hod too ml wore local vlallora Hundny. 1 Clydo Moora. Fred Noblo. Arthur i JUST LIKE THE. UTt LB. "I 21 CHEW OP RCAL TOBACCO ASrtCO TOR 1, Ik I THE OOOD JUDGE AND TIC THE new chew that every body likes is "Right-Cut," the Real Tobacco Chew. Tastes better, lasts longer, sat isfies you better. Made of pure, rich, sappy tobacco seasoned and sweetened just enough. fjwb JatUJ tobacco taite comei, much ten von have- 21 bo tobacco mtlified. Tliut'a why It It Tht ittol Ttbatt Chiw, That' why It coiti leu In the end, IlU.rttJf chtw, cutUn nj hott ihrcJ olhtt roil woa'l bT. lo ariatl oo It nllh your tcctb. Ottuillol oa orJlory widll IoImod latki you (oil loo uiucb. Tb. bin ol iur. rich lobaooa Jo not iltvik. Nolle, bow it. ..It brion oul Ih. t UU lob.ooo ut. in UIhl.CuU" One small chew lakes thq placQ p? !jy.Q Wg chews of the old kind. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY OO Union Square, New York fjBUY FROMOEAtER ORSENB IQtSTAMPSTOUSj 'THIS catalog truthfully pre icnti and illustrates the molt dcfuablo varietiei cf teedi for the Norlhwcjt. The bcit of everv thing (of (hi rotrkrt ot liom gtftltn, lh turn. lh orchtld, lh poullfjrmtn nd lh lxr.kpf. A nW4 aaJ mU auld t yovt purchiM nnd a f(cirnc book which lUuld I la lU htaJi cl tfy powtt. AiV lor ciiuot No. A WiV"-1"' -jjWftidllM1 unuTi niuii jrin SEED co. smi rojcriiAND.oitp. Mlohol nnd Mlmt lln Knox woro ontor tnluod nt tho Trueadnto home Hundny. Tho lattor throo woro from Prlnovlllo itnd wero nacompnntud upon thalr return hy Minn Pmillno Truoadnlo. Mm. Horn) lliiMotl In apHtidlnic tho wook In Prlnovlllo, tho Kiioat or Mm. 14, A. lluiMutt. ' OwIuk to tho IIIiu-hh of lltlto Jam Ilolliuid thoro wna no noliool nl tho Wllaon dlclrlet Monilay. Mm. Hltn Arnold and ami Itrnoat roturuod to llond Hundny nftor n ahort vlalt nt tho A. W. Ilnyn home. POWIUM, ItirTTK. Ioli. la. Tho dnto of tho onlnrtnlnmont nt tli lliitto Vnlloy nohool homo glvnn oiieo fcr Frthruiiry 11. will ln hold Foth-ii" nry th, ao na to hnvo bright moon. I'ahl for thoao eomlna: Ioiik dl-tn(-. ICvnryonn la moat cordially iHVliod nnd ladloa aro rmiuoatod to brlnic lunfh for two. Thoao Iwakela will lt anld nt II ennta, tho procaeda to ko townrtl n fllnudnrd mIiimiI. Tho pro Kmw will eonatat or rrrPallnna. aontw nnd dlaloKiio hy tho children. Brvca aro ItotriK hold nt tho lltttto Vnlloy aohool limine ovory Hun dav ovhiiIbk. OiHsar Prlckett and family have darldail to a'av horo IliN yonr nnd not move to California na they Intend ed. led llnrnnrd nnd family wilt live on ono of MaCnffory'a 40'a. Mr. llnr nnrd will hoRln uullaiHK noon. A. 1). Morrill una nbout 30 nerna rhxtrnd of Junlpnr and r-ad for the oko rnko, whloh ho will plow thta aprlnK nnd have rondy for fall aood InK. PINHIIUIIKT. (R nodal to Tho' nullntln.) PINHIIUH8T, Fob. 18. I. K. W. nor wont to llond on hualneM Mop day. , Mr. nnd Mra. 0. K. Dlotrloh woro llond vlaltom Wodnoidny. Mr MoAllatnr hna boon haullne lumber from Audomou Ilroa. aawmlll tho pnat wook. A. II. Item) mndo n liunlaoaa trip to I land Rnturdny. Wllmor Mynntt loft Mondny for hln homo In llofoburir, Ornon. Mr. nnd Mm. J. I). Nlchola ontor tnlnod tho Plnohumt people nt tho Mhool houae Friday ovonliiK In hon or of tholr tenth woddlnR annlvor iKtrv F. V. Swlihor went to Hand on . Tueaday. I Itnvmond Wlmor apent Sunday with I.oater Snyder. TMC 6MAtl.Cn. Ant THC HWttTRfX ttTmj THKY TA5TC PlflMRRMANS LUCK I ulr vi a jtl ! t 1 a , Z. a (T Take n very imall chew Ion thin ano-quartor tho old tl.e. It will bo moro latlilylni than n mouthful o(orilliinry tobacco, Juit nlbblo on it until you find i, tho ilrenfllh ehow that tuitt you, Tuck It awuy. Then let It roit. See how easily and evenly the real how It tatliftet without grinding, how to inlt. how fovr chews you tako to necJ la b. eovcreJ p wlih idoUm ami Unusual Combination HICVJCHAI lendltu; iiubllHliora of mnKnzlnoa hnvo Jolnod with ua In ono of tho groatoat aubscrlptlon lmrRf.ln offers over put out In tills country. ThroiiKh thla comblnntlo'i ovorybody wl bo ablo to got a yearly subscription to throo mngnzluon In oombliintlon with our pnpor nt practically tho prlco of our pnpor nlono. tyln this Hat you will find forty dirforont porlodlcnla formod Into thlrty-flvo dlfforont clubs. Kaoh club has three magazine, oxcopt ono Hpeolnl Club which haa four mngnzlnos; aomo of thoso mngnzlues sell for as much ns $1 n yonr. Tlioy aro nil good and oover a targe variety of choice rending matter, Including History, Music, Itollglon, Kduc&tlon, Fashions, Fit n oy Noudlawork, llluatratod Curront Uveuts, Home Deooratluns, Fiction, Literature, Drama, Art, Selonoe, In voutloiiM, Uonorul Farming, Dairy Farming, I.lvo Stock, Vegetables, Fruit and Poultry. Under tho nplondld contract wo hnvo mndo with the publishers wo aro nblo to glvo our roadors n choleo of tho dlubs In combination with our paper one year for ?1. 75, Juit twonly-ftvo cents moro than tho prlco of our pnpor alone. If you are a eubBorlbor to nur pnpor we nak you to renew so that you too, may get 3 magazines ex tra. Look ovor tho list rnd noloct the club you like best Bond In your order today or give your order to our reprorontittlvo or call nt our olllce whon In town. If you are now a subscriber to any or those magazines and want to renew Just send your order to us and wo will have your subscription extended. If your subscription to our pnpor Is past duo, we ndvlco you to pny up nnd tnko advantage of this hargnln. If you aro In the habit of buying your mngflxluort through other channels, wo ask you to justly compare our clubs nnd prlcos with that of any offer you reeolve. You, no doubt, are now n Hiilmcrlbor to houio of these periodicals. You can save money hy send ing your renewal order to us. Horo Is a chance to get your home paper and a yoarly supply of good reading at u real bargain. If you want ono or moro of those magartaos sent to dlfforont addressos, Just mention It, THIif AMj YOUH 1'IUHNIW AND MWJIinOHH AltOUT THIH Wtt OFl'HIt. ei.uii xo, i. McCall's (with frco pnt I'nriii J.I to torn) ISvorydny I.lfo CI.UH NO, 2. Womnn'a World Peoples Popular Monthly (luutlouomnn c'iui No. a. Iloarth and Homo Farm I.lfu Housohold Magnzlno aiiim no. i. American Woman Farm Mia Household Guest CliUll NO. A. Todny'a (with Iroo pnt Pnrin I.lfo torn) Household Magnxleo CI,UD NO. Todny'a (with Iroo pnt Hveryday l.iro tern) Gentlewoman CIA7II NO. 7. Fnneywork Mngnzlno Idverydny I.lfo Woman'a World cr.im no. h. Farm and Fireside Woman'a World Homo I.lfo UMJU NO. 0. Farm and Homo Womnn'a World Household Quest HOMtfLlPE 'i I M OCTOBER I Jkll - - y Mr. and Mra. Spaugh nnd ramlly were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Itoot Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Snyder mado a trip to llond Saturday. Mr. Hoot was a llond visitor ono day Inst weak. Miss Huth llaylay went to Laldlaw Saturday. Mrs. Nichols wna n llond visitor Saturday. Some vary auceoMful meetings aro bid UK held hero by Moasrs. Smith and Stlvernsll. Ask your groeer tor DeeehutM Sprny Flour. Adv. 37tf NOTICH I'OH PUHI.ICATION. Department of the interior, U. 8. lAHd fiHoe at Tlie Dulles, Oregon, K!-iuay 8. 1011. Notice U hsreUy K'i ihat Ed ftfeU'n. ot laldlaw. Oreson. who, on January 16. 1913, made Home stead Hntry, No. 011180, for Ntt $K H, Section H, Township 17 South. Itauge 11 Kaat, Willamette Meridian, bus filed notice of Intention to niako Comniiitatlon Proof, to esUbllah olaliu to the laud nbovo doiortbeil, before II. 0. ltllls, U. S. Commissioner at llend, Oregon, on tho 5th day ot April. 1916. CluluiHUt names ns wltnossoa: Kmll Andursou, Hand. Oregon; Iteil An derson, Hend, OroRim: Fred N. Wal lace, Uildlnw, Oregon ; Myron S. Ilul lard, Luldlaw, Orogon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. I9.R3 o. lloglstor. NOTICH FOIt PUHI.ICATION. Dopnrtniont of tho Interior, U. S. Land Ollloe nt Tho Dallos, Oro- gQU, Fobrunry 1, 1015. Nulloo Is hereby given that Fred G. Klgor, of Mlllloan. Orogon. who. on Suptombor Bth, 1311, mndo Homo stead Hntry. No. 00151. for N Sec tion G, Township 30 South, Rango 15 Host, Wlllnmotto Meridian, him fllod notlco ot Intention to niako Final Throo Year Proof, to ostabllsh claim to tho lnud above described, boforo H. 0. Mllla. U. 8. CommlsBlonor. nt Dond, Orogon, on tho 10th day of March, 1015. Claimant namoa na vltno8Hos; Anron D. Norton, Carrlo Norton, Frank A. Hatch, nil ot Mllll oan, Orogon; Otla O. Honklo, of Dond, Orogon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 48-53 RoglBter. $ i.?5The Bulletin and Any CliOll NO. ID. VUVll NO. IH. Today's (with rroo pnt- Todny'a (with free pattern) Woman's World torn) Gentlewoman Homo I.lfo Homo Lire Cl.Vll NO. 11. CI.UH NO. If). Good Ktorlos Successful Farming Farm Lire Homo Llfo Itvoryday Llfo Hvoryday Llfo C'l.UH NO. 11!. CI.UH NO. UO. Groon'a Fruit Growor Farmor's Wife ICveryday I.lfo Home Lire Farm Llfo Hvoryday Llfo CI.UH NO. W. CI.UH NO. SI. Today's (with free pattorn) Happy Hours. Prairie Farmor Farm Llto Household Magnzlno Gentlewoman HPKCIAL CLUH Snmo Prlco an Others WOMAN'H WOHLI) POUITItY. ITIOI IIO.MIC I.IFIS FAHM I.IFH CLUH NO. 1 1. CI.UH NO. SS. Peoplo'a Popular Monthly Farm, Stock and Homo Form Progress Woman'a World Woman'a World Home Llfo CLUH NO. 13. CLUH NO. S. Today 'a (with freo pattorn) Vogetable Grower Farm Life Today's (with frco pattern) Poultry Item Hvoryday Lire CI.UH NO. 10. CI.UH NO. SI. Hoy's Magnzlno Woman'a World Home Llfo Farm Llfo Gentlewoman Today's (with frco pattorn) CI.UH NO. 17. CI.UH NO. S3. Kimball's Dairy Farmor Woman's Homo Weekly Homo Llfo Woman's World Gentlewoman Homo Llfo GENTLEWOMAN imcs om HQUEHOffi 5caBW',i T.'Vwf " - aai ! fct NOTICH OF CONTKST. I'opartmenl of tho Interior. United States Ijind OHIco, The Dalles, Ore gon, January 23. 191t. To William N. Vlsser, of Taylor. Wnshlngton, Contesteo: You nro hereby notlflod that Mloh nol J. Morrison, who gives Hend. Oro gon, as his post olflco address, did on Deoembor ISth, 1911. file In this cdiee his duly corroborated applica tion to oontost nnd socure tho can cellation of your honiostead, Hntry No. , Serial No. 08SSJ. wade May 9th, 1911, for li Section 33, Township 30 South, Range 30, K.. Willamette Merldlu.u. nnd as grounds for Ills contest he alleges that said William N. Ylsser has failed to estab lish his residence on Bald tract; that' he haa fatted to cultivate said traot or any part thereof; that entrywan haa abandoned said tract for upwards of six months last past and that such failure and abandonment was not due to his employment in tho army, navy or marine corps of the Unite States In time of wnr or othorwlse. You nro, therefore, further notified that tho said allegations will be tak en by this office ns having been con. tossed by you, and your said entry will bo canceled thoreunder without your further right to be heard there in, olthor before this office or on ap peal, H you fall to filo In this oluco or on appeal, If you fall to file In this within twenty days nftor tho FOURTH publication ot this notice, as shown bolow, your nnswor, undor oath, spcolflcally mooting nnd re sponding to theso allegations ot con tost, or If you fall within that tlmo to fllo In tills olllco duo proof that yon have sorvod a copy of your nn swor on tho Bald contestant olthor In parson or hy registered mall. It this survlco Is mndo by tho dollvory of n copy of your answer to tho contes tant In porson, proof of bucu service must bo olthor the said contestant's written uoknowlodgoment of hla re colpt of the copy, showing the dnto of Its receipt, or tho nllldavlt of the por Bon by whom tho dollvory wna mndo stating whon nnd where tho copy wnB delivered; If mndo by registered mall, proof of such service must consist of tho nflldnvlt of tho person by whom the copy was mailed stating when and tho post olllco to which It was mailed, nnd thlB nllldavlt must be accompan ied by the poatmnstor's receipt for tho letter. You should stnto In your answer tUo natco ot tho post office to which One of These Clubs$ 1.75 CLUH NO. 2. Fanoywork Magazlno Today's (with frco jmt Oontlowoman tern) CLUH NO. S7. Kansas City Weekly Star Farm Llfo Evoryday Llfo CLUH NO. S8. Gentlewoman Woman's World Homo Llfo CLUH NO. 20. Kansas City Weekly Star Hvorydny Llfo Home Llfo CLUH NO. 0. Southern Iluralist Homo Lite Gentlewoman CI.UH NO. 31. Farmer'a W'kly Dispatch Homo Lira (St Paul) Farm Llfo CLUH NO. .12. Rural Wkly (St. Paul) Gentlewoman Bveryday Life CI.UH NO. 33. American Homo Woman's World Gentlewoman cum no. m. McCall's (with freo pat Everyday Llfo tern) Housohold Guest. you dwlrc future notices to be sent jou. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. Date of first publication Fob. 3, 1915. Data of seoond publication Feb. 10, 191ft. Dato ot third publication Fob. 17, 191ft. Dato ot fourth publication Feb. 24, 191ft. NOTICK OF CONTKST. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Ofllee, The Dalles, Oro gon, January 30, 1916. To Heirs of Samuel L. Nlehols, of Laldlaw, Orogon, Contettee: You are hereby notified that Ther on L. Collier, who gives Box 147, Bend, Oregon, as his post olllce ad drew did on January 38, 1915. file In thla olllce his duly corroborated application to contest and teeure the cancellation of your homestead. En try No. , Serial No. 06171, made Mnroh 8. 1010. for NV& SWVi. Sec tion 13, Township 1G S., Range 11 M. Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he nllegea that said S. L. Nichols during hie llfo tlmo never established his resldenco nor culti vated said tract or any part thereof; that subsequent to making eald entry and upwards ot six months ago. as I am Informo'J and vorlly believe, the sild S. L. Ntohalsdlod; that said S. L. Nichols loft him surviving neither widow nor any other heir or next ot kin, bo far as this nflhuit can learn upon due Inquiry ot the rosldents In tho vicinity of snld hamestoad; that since tho death ot said S. L. Nichols no heir or next ot kin hns rosldod upon or cultlvatod said claim or any part thereof, and that such failure nod abnudoumont on tho part ot said oatryman during his llfo and of his heirs at law or next of kin was not due to his or tholr employment In the army, navy or mavln corps of tho Unltod Statos In tlmo of var or other wise. You aro. therefore further notified that the said allegations will bo taken ns confossod, and your said entry will bo cancelled without furthor right to bo heard, olthor before this office or on appeal, It you fall to fllo In this oftlco within twenty days after the FOURTH publication ot thts notice, as shown bolow, your nnswor, under oath, specifically responding to these allegations ot contest, together with ammmmmmmeaammmm Offer f " 'v' IMNj I "' rmr.Ar.n duo proof that you havo served a copy of your answer on the said con testant either In person oi ti orod mall. You Bhould state In your of tho natn ot the post office to whf you deslro futuro notices to bo sot to you. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Date of first publication Fob. 3, 1911. Date ot seoond publication Feb. 10, 191. Date ot third puWIpatlon Feb. 17, 1916. Date ot fourth publication Feb. 24, 191ft. NOTICK FOR PUHLlCiYTlON. Department ot the Interior, U. S. Land OlUee at The Dalles, Oregon, January 38, 191ft. Notice Is hereby given that Martin J. Main, ot Bend, Oregon, who on De cember SSth. 1908, mado homestead entry, No. 0313$. for Lets 1, 2. 3. and 4, Section 1$. Township 30 South Range 11 Bast. Willamette Meridian, haa filed uotlce of Intention to make final nvo year proof, to ostnbllsh elalm to the land abovo described, before H. C Hills, U. S. Commission er at llond. Oregon, on the 15th day of March, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Inor T. Tholstrup, Austin D. Lewis, George W. Shrlner, Georgo W. Trlplett. all of Bend. Oregon, II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 48.52c. Register. NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION. Department of the Intorlor, U. S. Land Olllce at The Dalles, Ore gon, January 14. 1915. NOTICB Is hereby given that Be becca H. Brown, of Bond, Oregon, who. on July 24, 1911, made Homo stead Bntry No. 09328. for Wt& SR U. EV6 SWH and NWU. Section 18, Township 19 South. Rango 14 East. Willamette Meridian, hns filed notice ot Intention to inako Flual three yenr proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, betoro II. O. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on tho 8th day of March, 1915. Claimant names as wltnosses: Dan iel W. Boeler, Frank J. Elkstad, Lor en Robb. David C. Rogers, all of Bond, Oregon. If. FRANK WOODCOCK. . 4C-50 o. Register,