The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 17, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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(Bpoolnl to Tho Uullotln)
SISTERS, Hob. 18. M. Unlloy hna
boon In rortland for tho past wook.
Prank McCffory was over from
Redmond Sunday.
Hoborl ttronduhl canto In Snturdny
from Clear Lnko for n few day's vis
it. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Tomploton
nntt daughter are visiting friends In
It. I. Tono Is home from a two
months buslne and pleasure trip
to Now York.
Twonty-four from Redmond at
tended the Valentine iMBk ball in
Sisters Friday ntsht.
Mrs. Dan Holslng nnd Mrs. Arthur
Wurewollor woro Sisters visitors on
Friday and Saturday.
Carl Woods roturned tho last of
the week from a business trip to
Vancouver, Washington.
C I CIsU H. K. Vincent and Geo.
K. Altken were In Redmond tho first
of the week.
J. O. McKlnnoy left Sunday for
Knhlotus, Washington, whore ho has
oxtonslvo roal cstato Interests.
Mrs. Leo Jeffries and two sons loft
Sunday for Washington whoro they
expect to mako their home In the
Rev. R. S. Towno Is hauling lum
ber from the Duckctt mill to his
homestead In tho Lower Hrldgo sec
tion preparatory to building a homo
for himself and family.
Roy Parka of Laldlnw, was In Sis
tors tho first or the week arranging
with tho foroat sorvlco for range for
cattlo during tho grazing sonson.
C. I. Gist left Sunday for Califor
nia whore he will spend tho next
month visiting relatives and frlonds
nnd attending tho Panama Imposi
tion. Tho basket ball game Friday night
between tho Redmond high school
nnd the Slaters high school teams,
played In Sisters, rosultod In a vic
tory for tho visitors In a scoro of 19
to IS.
Carl S. Woods has traded 80 acres
of his farm one mile east or Sisters
for 33 acres a fow mllos from Van
couver. Washington, and will movo
there with his family In about two
An auto load of Rodmond gold
enthusiasts wore over Sunday pros
pecting for the precious metal on
Squaw Crook a row miles south of
Sisters. It Is believed that the gold
bearing sands of the Deschutes aad
lower SQuaw Creek camo7rom the
Cascades In the vicinity of tho Thrco
will give n program nnd "Mysterious
Menu" suppor ou the evening of
February twentieth.
A now piano has been purohnsud
tor tho agricultural hnll by tho board
of dlroctors.
Mr. and Mrs. John Coon entertain,
od n mtmbor or gnosis at dinner on
Mrs. L. M. Rrown nnd Mrs. Mlntn
Howord woro Bhuppiug In llond last
G. N. Updlko, who has boon ser
iously III, Is reported to be Improv
ing. W. D. Rarnos returned from Port
land Frldny morning.
A number of Tumnlo people at
tended the farm lecturo given at Rod
mond Saturday.
D. G. Mack of Myrtle Crcok, Ore
gon, recently purchased n forty acre
tract of the Tumnlo Projoct one mile
northwest of Laldlnw and Is now ac
tively engaged In clearing and oreot
Ing his buildings.
Several farmers In this locality
contemplate seeding a portion of
their farms to swoot clovor this
spring, thoso who have ordered seod
for uso thts spring aro F. K. Dayton,
II. Solberg and G. M. Couch.
P. S. MoNutt and Merlo S. MoNutt
both of Los Angoles, California, hnvo
taken contractu with the Tumnlo Pro
ject to tho amount of 330 acres, two
and ono half miles west or Lnldlaw.
They now hnvo nlno men at work
clearing tho brush under the direc
tion or Illnko S. Rocker nnd expect
to farm at least ono hundred acres
this coming season. These goritlomon
expect to establish residence on tholr
land In tho early spring.
Application for the establishment
of n rural mall route will soon bo
mado to tho post otneo department.
This route will bo about 28 miles In
length nnd will take In tho torrltory
lying west and north of Lnldlaw.
T. L. Collier or Sullivan, Indiana,
and John W. Dcckor or St. Johns.
Oregon, havo moved on tho land re
cently contracted ror under tho Turn
alo Project.
Tho mining revor that has been
prevalent to tho north has gradual
ly spread until somo or tho Laldlnw
citizens havo become affected. Thus
far Judgo J. C. Thorpe has suffered
tho most vlolont attack.
--, ....--------- -
front any homesteader Interested to
do the necessary work on tho 30
uorwt uf land decided upon nt tho last
meeting for demonstration work.
This plot la to bo immmor fnllowod
nnd kept In good condition to tin
REND It. V. V.
(Special to The Bulletin)
CLOVKRDALB. Fob. 15. Orpha
Hauck and Reatrlco Wlngate of Rend
aro making a ten day'a visit at tho
home of L. G.Grubo.
E. Ii. "Waldron has purchased Flan
eur, the Pcrcheron horse of Ray &
Van Matro 6T R?nd.
Mrs. Skclton Is on the sick list
nnd Vern ha not been able to at
tend school ror a rew days owing to
a severo cold.
At tho Council meeting Friday
night Mr. Scudder rrom the O. A. C.
gavo a yory able address. Mr. Lov
ett gave a short talk followed by a
program bv the school children as
sisted hv Mrs. TeniDloton or Sisters.
Willis Van Matre or Read, rormorlyl
of Farmers Valley, Nebraska Has
bought Mr. Waldron'a option In the
Vanderwall rneh and Is moving his
family hero this week.
Mr. Roach of Staters wm In Clov
crdalo buying seed oats Monday, pay
ing f 21 per ton.
B. L. Wnldron Is in Walla Walla
this week on business.
Mr. Hessee Is building yards for
branding preparatory to putting some
or bis eattlo on the range.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrus and Mr. and
Mrs. Carson attended the lecture in
Slstora Thursday night.
Several or our young people attend
ed the roaak ball given at Sisters on
Friday night.
(Special to The nrtllettn).
weather Is moderating rapidly, the
snow t all gwie and an early
soring is looked for by the farmers
or Plainvlew.
Mr. Knickerbocker has been on tho
sick list but Is better at present.
The W. C T. U. met with Mm.
Will Leverens hurt Wednesday. The
next meeting will be with Mrs. Geo.
MeCaUtsKw Wednesday. February H.
There will I an entertainment at
the Pl '.' view school honse Thum
day, Fei.ruarr 25. Everybody earns.
Ten eut will lie charged at the door.
Hie proceeds to go on the preacher's
Tho Women's Christian Temper
ance Union will have the memorial
services for Prances Wlllard Sundav,
February SI at two o'clock at tho
Plainvlew school house.
Mr. ami Mrs. John Llteheustorn
v ere la Sistors on business last Mon-
dar- . .
um, T!ii T,eien,,e,n nnt tho
weok ond with Mrs. Lou Pulllara.
A social dance will be g'ven at
ilr. and Mrs. Clyde Gist on Tuesday
evening, February 23. Everybody is
Mr. aqd Mrs. Knlakorbocker wore
in- Rend last Saturday on business.
Mr, and Mrs. John McKinney of
Plaluvlew are staying In Sisters with
him mother as Mr. MoKinney Is gone
to Washington and Portland on busi
ness. TUMALO.
(Sneolal to Tho Rulletln.)
TUMALO. Feb. 15. Tho Valen
tino dance which was given for tho
lieunnt of tho agricultural hall last
Friday evening proved a financial
success as a large crowd was in at
tendance. Prizes woro awarded for
the best costumo and a supper was
served during the course of the even-
Tho Junior Sunday school clasa
(Special to Tho Dullotln)
R. F. D. REND, Fob. 13 Tho Lad
les Aid met with Mrs. Dahl last week
and elected -Mrs. W. L. Rcobe treasur
er. In tho place of Mrs. Gosney, re
signed. Noit meeting will bo with
Mrs. George Erlcson.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson spent Sundny
with Mr. and Mrs. Hodgoa.
Miss Anna Rcebo is homo for n
row days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gosney and family
have moved rrom Sir. Rragg's placo
to n place on tho Rend and Laldlnw
road. Mr. Nelson has rented Mr.
Hragg'a place. .
Mrs. rodoreoh, WhoTiils ofcen con
fined to nor bed with rheumatism, Is
slightly Improved.
Mrs. Fred Reynolds and daughter
havo returned rrom La Grande.
"Wo aro having spring woathor at
tho present writing.
(Special to Tho Rulletln.)
LOST CREEK. Fob. 8. Hen Do
Witt and family havo moved baok In
to their own cabin.
J. Haseh was a business visitor at
Rolyat the latter part or last week.
J. Hauler and C. J. Stauffer's dogs
were afflicted with rabies and had to
to be killed.
I). Harris, who ImM boon Blck for
some time. Is still tumble to be up
and around.
L. W. Host took dinner with Mar
vin Porry last Saturday.
Mr. Sohnffer Is drilling n well for
Mlsa Alice Urooklngs.
Mr. Pratt dug down 118 foot on
his ranch nnd fulled to strike wnter.
Ron Rhodes had tho misfortune to
break tho king pin In his wagon
while hauling wood Monday.
(Special to The Rulletln)
STAIU'PKR, Feb. 15. Mr. Shnv
or'a well drill la drllllK at Mlsa Al
ice llrooklngs this week.
J. 11, Ilnsalor had tho misfortune
to lose n valuable dog with hydro
Jack Smith and wife loft for Mond
A. C. Mercer left Monday for
llutte. Montana, whoro ho will work
In tho mines.
Chnrloa Ashby and Ron Rhode
nre digging a well on tho rormor'a
C. J. StauiTer nnd Hon Rhodes kill
ed tholr dogs on account of rabies.
A. C. Morcor, who had n homestond
nt Ronjnmln Ike, relinquished nnd
hni filed again near StauiTer,
Hon Do Witt Is digging far wntor
this week. ...
II. T. Knsspolil purohased Jack
Smith's drill nnd expects to do some
fanning this year.
Mrs. Overall. Mrs. Lesperanoo. Mrs.
Staurfor and Mrs. Hon Rhodes woro
entortnlnod by Miss Alice Hrooklngs
John Pratt was attacked by a mad
coyote last Wednesday. Ho was
wlndlat-slng dirt from his well nnd a
ooyoto eamu up taking hold of a
coat that lay near his slinking It vi
ciously and then making for him. Ho
had nothing with which .to dofond
hlmsoir so ho backed off a few stops
nnd ran to tho houso. got his gun and
shot U as It was qulotly walking
away. , , ,
Sohool was closed a row daya last
week on aocount or tho proaonco or
a n-fld dog In tho vnlloy.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bd spent tho
week ond at J. K. Smith's.
(Special to Tho Rulletln)
and Mr. Jamea Rrlckey and Mr. and
Mis. J. K. Ilrown and ramlly visited
at tho Mocks homo last Sunday.
A. T. Shaver was a business visitor
lit this -.lelnty Inst Tuesday.
N t. Rrown mado somo purenhscs
at tho n-ooktng storo lait Monday.
Rert Meeks and Chris Tlnnor mndo
a business trip to Stauffor last Tues
day. . .
B. L. Cook had tho mlsfortuno to
loso ono or his horses.
Gladys, Herbert and Mllburn
Meeks took dinner with Morlden
Ashbaugh last Sunday.
Vic Johnson returned rrom Ilend
yestorda.- , . , .
Mr. ami Mrs: Jack Smith or Stnuf
ror paw-en through hero on their
way to tho Wlllamotto vnlloy. Mr.
Mercor or Honjamln Lake accompan
ied thorn as far as Rend.
loin ( Ewlng took dinner at tho
Urooklngs Hotel Inst Sundny.
Jako Hook or Pleasant Valjpy mado
somo purchases at tho Hiooklngri
storo today. ....,.
Rort Meeks bought Jack Smith s
IRnoolnt tn Tho Tiulletln.)
MILLICAN. Feb. 15. Tho Mllll-
Cecll Hubbard was the guoat or can Development Association met at
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Darrah In Surprise tho Home oi isnc unniu.u.m -vniiov
in.t sim.!v day. February 13th. It was voted
Wo are sorry to note that Mrs. V. that bids be received by tho secretary
Shelled Corn
I Deschutes Spray
True Blue
The leading brands of pntent flour.
Ask your grocer for them.
71 I I .11-11 ' !'"' '
Large quantities of Shorts, Bran,
Rolled Oats and Barley on hand at
all times.
Seed Wheat and Rye in several va
rieties. Mail Orders solieited.
Bend Flour Mill Co.
plowed ror next your'n urop under In
structions rrom County Agriculturist
LouIh llnll will handle tho 10 norns
demonstration work un tho P. II.
Johnson placo.
In a statement mndo by Frank
Hatch to tho Association It was learn
ed that ho hna only 100 roros of In ml
and It untitled to 1G0 aorcn moro
but Is unnblo to II lo on nn additional
100 aoro on account of being sep
arated from tho available land by
land now being houiestonded by A.
D. McNonl.
Tho following cummlttoe: Geo.
Roberts, Wm. Todd, A. A. Gtlmoro,
F-f, KUer aid Wm. Spencer, vol
unteered to call on Mr. MoNonl to
try to Induce him to relinquish bnck
to tho government one 40 and take
up nnolhor leaving Mr. Hatch an
nutlet to onnblo him to fllo on an ad
ditional 100. A permanent coin in It
toe on entertainment wns also ap
pointed. Mrs. Georgo Mllllonn left for
Prluevlllo a wook ago In Join Mr.
Mllllonn there.
D. C. Dyer, son of II. F. Dyer, or
this valley arrived horo recently to
visit his father and brother. Ho hnn
benn In tho V. 8. army for three yonra
past, coming from Naoo, Arizona,
Fred Klgor went to Rend Saturday
to make final proof on his homestead
hero. Frank Hatch accompanied him
as ono or tho witnesses.
Mr. and Mrs. Goodman entertnlned
Mr. nnd Mrn. Frank Horwltx at din
ner Sunday.
Sarah Davis spent Sundny. tho
guest or May Holland.
Mrs. Harney Couowny nnd MIm
Ruth Oonowny vl-IUnl nt tho Norton
and Goodmnn homes Frldny.
Mm. W. 11. MeAdow called nt tho
lUianm home Fi (day afternoon.
John Duvlti spent Sunday nt tho
Dyer homoutoml.
Tho entertainment to bo kIvoii by
the Mllllean school under tho direc
torship of Mrs. A. (1. Alluii nt P. H.
Juhiisoti'ii will bo on February H,
Instead or February 311 as formerly
stated In the Mllllean news Hums.
Mrs. Reams rodo down to P. II.
Johnson's Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs, Reams vlHltml at tho
Smith luiino Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff lOvans mid lit
tle duughtor drove down to the oast
end or the valley Saturdny.
William Todd spent Sunday nt tho
Moffett homo.
Hazel Norton visited nt tho Hlukla
homo Saturday nnd Sunday.
Miss Helmn llraun, who tins n
homestead here anil has been spend,
lug her vnontlon at Resehutofl, Is ex
pected out on her claim uliout Ilia
L. Gcodmnn erected a bain on his
place the pnst week, II. K. Davis
helping him put It up.
The dance given nt tho Qtinowny
heme Tuesday was well attended nnd
nil report a good time.
Ernest Dyer who has n claim near
Juniper HIM visltod with his uncle.
11. F. Dyer Saturday and Sunday.
Hill ilrown nnd Chits. Houston. s
bucknroon spent tho (wst weuk horo
riding for horses.
Frank Perclval drove to town nfter
n pumping out lit for his woll IuhI
dnrod by tho pupils itfler whlrh n
Kounrnl dlsoiiNHloii wnn eutorud Into
by Ilio ttmohor and mother relatlvo
to wtD'H and meaiui of raising fundi!
to pay n Iwouty-llvo dollar debt lu
cun oil In tho purchase of school sup
pllea. A enfutorlit supper wait do
oldod ou nod tlm school will give n
program In connertloii. Dale, evening
or Frldny, February Stdtli.
J. A. ItlggH returned homo Wed
uosday from a woek'N visit In lort
land nun lliowusvlllo nt which latter
place ho visited his pareutit.
Mm. Hoy Hill ciimu out from I'rlue
vlllo Inst wuek for a visit with her
Nlstur, Mrs. W. T. Smith and family
Tom Houston hiitohorod fort) -eight
Iiohh roQ'iutly and la homo curing tho
(Continued on pngu 7 )
Tho Lafollettc
Nursery Co.
-B-e-aMBa-e-aaRB-PB-aaBBaBHBM-i-B-en-aiBaM-t4CB :
Prlnovillo, Oregon J
POWELL nrri'M.
(Special to Tho Uullotln)
POWELL IIUTTK, Feb. 18. Miss
Sue Hall went to Prlnnvlllu Tuesday
whoro she lias aoroptod a position as
operator In a telephone exehnime.
Mrs.L, J. Alloy returned Tumulay
from n visit with her daughter nt
Opnl City.
A mother's tmmtlng at the Wilson
school home Wednesday was well at
tended. A short program was ren-
murr - sr t ' -i jn n
!' OIT of the rut. It's
only a hnblt to do nil our
trading nt tho larger towns.
Let us spend our money nt
homo where It will do VH
the most good. HEMEMUBIt
n 10 cent phono messago will
transact a lot of business
nnd save HOLIAH.
P. B. Johnson
Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
All who have used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
Real Estate
We Control and Have For Sale, at the Be3t
Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of
Business and Residence Property
in Beid. Call or Write for Free
Maps and Descriptive Matter
Insurance Written in All
Its Branches in World
Known Companies'
WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE Ofllccs and Agents
Better Enable Us to, find You Purchasers and Tenants.
Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon.
Empire Building, Seattle, Wash.