The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 10, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Twelve Reasons
Should Buy Your
Groceries of Us
, yVo. S.
BECAUSE wo always cnrry
honest bnfgaiii",
Vq inako it n tuInoM pollcwto
bify certain article regularly in
largo quantities'.
'Tlion 1vp tiiko 'ftrcry Binall
1 1 1 I
' 'V . v.
I L .
Arrlvci 8 it, in,
Leaves .,.., 8:30 i,iu,
.! U.-W. II. N. THAI..
Arrive 7:ui p, m.
Loaves ...7:25 n, m.
Arrived ,7:30 p. tn.
leaves 10 a. in.
Onr dully Id Harris and point
bouui nnu souttieaii.
pohtoffich iiouiut.
Gonornl delivery upon dnlly
' 0:15 (. in, to 0 p, iii.y a
No mall distributed orTfi&niiiiy
Night train mall closos 7 p. in.
Day train mall close 0:30 a. in,
Western Union dally 7-1S.1-0,
7-10. iflundny B-10,4-C,
telephone houiw.
Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour
service, Including Hunday,
.4. 4. .
Dr. Coo wn In Laldlaw on Tue-
' .,
A, O. Walker wn In from Alfalfa
on Monday.
F. V. Kwlihor of Laldlaw pcnt
Monday here.
II, A. Kolley of Prlnovlllo was hero
on business Friday.
B, M. Larn returned from Salem
Saturday morning.
M. L. Mcrrlt wont to Sisters on
business on Haturdny.
A Valentino aoelal will bo Kivon nt
Laldlaw Friday night.
AJIen Wlllcoxon of Powell llutto
waa In on business Friday,
Jorry P. Haley of I.aldlaw was hero
on buslnotn on Thursday.
Mrs. A. II. Hicks linn been on tho
slok list for tho past week.
W. K. Wyntt or Tumalo wns In
town Monday and Tuesday.
J. F. Illanohard of Prlnovlllo was
over on business on Friday,
O. M. McCatiluy of Deschutes spant
tho wcek-ond" nl thu Wright.
A lilrthday party was tendorod to
Thomas Munsey on Saturday.
William Caldwell has been visiting
In Itadmond for tho past week,
A. J. Krocnert returnod on Friday
from a business trip to Portland.
J. P. Roves la oxnocted back from
Minneapolis tho last or this week.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Patter
son on Monday, a 1014 pound boy.
John Hnnkoy lis been working nt
um nour mm ror the past row days.
A. O. Walker and If. H. Do Armond
returned Friday niornlnK from Salon).
Huperintendont liralnerd of tho
Oregon Trunk was In town on .Mon
day. Tho 'lirldgo Club meoU at tho
rcsldonco of Mrs. C. 8. Hudson on
II. J. Overturf and D. M. Davis
wen' to Prlnovlllo on business this
II. J. Overturf returned on Friday
night from attondlng tho county court
nt rrinoviiie.
C. P. Waller of Seattle, wan the
guest of Mr. and Mr. O. A. Waruor
over Hunday.
,A number of now member woro
taken Into tho Fraternal Ilrothorhood
Thursday night.
Kdwln J. Itogors of Laldlaw wns
up on Thursday to mako final proof
on' hU homestead.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chaa. Orowllnr hovo
)ifwn vlfllllnir thnlr (InmfMnr. fr .T
F. H. HofTman or Prlnovlllo spont m. Rhenror or Powell Jlutto ror tho
Friday nnd Saturday hero. pnst week.
To ,the Public:
, ii !;.
I have removed the Ford ropnir
and accessory lino from my homo
to tho Huntor bui ding on Bond
street, whore I will bo able to give
Ford sorvlc to Ford owners.
ThiUniversal Garage
' George F. Hoover
Mrs, II. II. Dm Armond ontortnln
od (lie Indies nt tho lluptlst Woman's
Union 0,11 ThtirMdiiy.
TlM' Infant duURhtor of Mr. nnd
Mrx. (1'iorgo ft. Young Ims boon 111
for thu pnst tuw dnys. ,
Horn on January lOtli, lo Mr. nnd
Mrs. Nowton Wells or Hamilton, Ore
gon, n nix pound girl.
Thorn will bo n Valentine Boalnl
ror ovoryonu nt tho Proabytorlrtn
ehuteh on Friday evening.
A. H. Hicks had- chargo of tho
cfonmury during (ho aVminto of H.
A. MorgonKlern Inst week.
Among tho Lnldlnw pgoplo In (own
on Saturday wnro 0. W. Horner, Fred
II. Wilson nnd C. J. MOCK.
Miss Loronco nnd MIhb Mnnny an
tartnlnod twenty pooplo nt brldgo at
tho Altamont Friday nlghL
Tho shelf room In tho Warner
store hnn been onlargod by tho addi
tion or two 12x14 toot tnbles,
!(,- W. Andrews, who lo tho now
station agent at Deschutes, enmo up
on Snlurday ror part of tho day.
Tho Ladles of tho Presbyterian
Oulld nru planning to glvo n dinner
In tho church parlor on March 17.
Mr. J. II. Hayburn left thin morn
ing ror Deschutes, whoro she Intends
Visiting with Mrs. Itoscoa Howard
ror about a week.
Tho local creamery Is now rocolv
Ing crenin from a patron nt Motollus
and rrotn nororal In tho Summar Lako
and Silver Lako country.
Itoss Fnrnhatn has recently moved
hi oftlco from Ilond street to tho of
fice In tho Deschutes Dank building
formerly occupied by F. O. Minor.
Mrs, Ada D. Mllllcnn enmo In from
tho 'Mllllcnn ranch Sunday nftcrnoon
nnd left on Monday evening ror
Prlnovlllo to Join her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hurt, who havo
boon living In Artestn, California, ror
the nasi row year returned to Ilend
this morning on their way to their
W. D. Cheney arrlvod Bntur'tlrty
morning from Scattlo to attend tho
annual dinner of the Kmblein Club
which wan held Saturday night. Ha
loft on Monday evening' train.
Tho contest brought by Ivan Shultz
of La Pino against Louis Itodsoth for
his homestead In tho La Pino coun
try has been decided In fnvor or
Hliulti, according to tho Inler-Moun-tain.
Tho Foburary social nlodtlng or tho
Presbyterian Oulld will bo hold at
tho homo of Mrs. Ilrlnkloy on Wed
nesday arternooti. at 2'iO. A cordial
Invitation Is extended to nil the la
dles to attend.
There will be a Colonial Social In
Bather' Hall given by the ladlou of
tho MeUiodlit church, on Thursday,
Fobruary 18th.' Everyone Is Invited
lo attend and wear contumes. During
tho evening refreshment will be
A. M. Lara went to Iledmond on
business on Monday.
0. K. Orant of Torrcbonno was up
yesterday on business.
Troy Heaver of Oroscentbaa bten
In town ror tho pasrweck.
A. H. Horn and O. W. Tnnsoy spont
Monday In Redmond on business.
J. 11. Honor lift been In Salem nnd
Portland on business during tho post
II. A. Miller went to Portland on
buslnoso Monday, returning this
J. F. Johnson or La Pino wn hero
on Monday, returning iiomo Tues
day morning.
P. C. Garrison wont to.Prlnevllle
buslncs yesterday and I expeotcd to
return tomorrow.
Tho W. C. T. U. will moot Frldny
afternoon nt 2:30 with 'ra. McDon
ald In Park addition.
boon In for Nitppllw- this wook. Mr
Purclval lit nlso tnkn buck with him
n pumping outfit ror his new woll.
An soon n ho hn It In opornilon ho
expect to tnko out moiiio cow and
tend their attmtn to tho Ilend eremiu
Havo you trlod nny of MIm Cor
rolla Wilson' riallelc-us homo-made
oundy which I on ! nt tho Art
Shop? Vhn Art Shop Is olosed,
I'hrilio Itod 482. iOe,
II. M. .lonos I giving aomo remark
ablo bargain In wnll jrnptir and
pnlntn propnrnlory to' moving to nn
other locHtlon.
Dinner will bo t orvod- ovonlag nt
tho Cozy Ilostniirntit from 6:30 p, in.
to 7 p. m. Adv. 49 tf
' Use Deschutes flprny Flour! It Ii
tho host mado and a Ilend product.
Aav. . 37 tf
What may provo to bo tho first
Cfiso or rabies In Ilend wns observed
In n small Spitz dog bolonglng to
William Caldwell of tho Hcnn build
ing on Sunday. Tho dog's nctlons
woro fliicb a to cnuso It owners to
rear Hint It hod been affected and
they called on Chief or Pollco Rob
ert to shoot It. City Health Officer
Coo sont the head of the dog to tho
Rlnto Hoard of Health In Portland
for cxamlnntton on Monday. If tho
ensq wns far enough ndvnnced exam
ination will dlscloso rnblcn; n nega
tive result, on tho other hnnd. will
not nt'cci-nrlly menn thnt tho dog
wn not affected, but only thnt, If
rnhld, tho disease hnd not progressed
for enough to bo found.
In tho nbsenca or President Koves
Vlcu President Floyd Dement presid
ed at the meeting or tho Commercial
Club on Saturday. Jloport woro
heard from delegates who had been
to Satcm on behalf or tbo Irrigation
appropriation nnd road matter wero
considered. Tho next luncheon and
mooting will bo at the Pilot Uut'
Hotel on Saturday.
Tho street running from Wall
street tp the Hour mtllhns recently
boon finished so far as work by tho
city la concerned, oxcept for rolling'
tho cinders. Tho flour mill company
fs now grading from tho ejjd of the
streei to mo mm platform, v
aeroplane a new
shipment of White
'? and Colored Crochet
and Embroidery Cottons.
White Crochet Cottons in
numbers 5, 10, 15, 20, 30,
40, 60, 70. Pink, blue and
lavender Crochet No. 30.
No. 3 perle in white, pink,
blue and lavender. We
are selling these at peace
pricesnot war prices.
For the Neat Woman
T-al - -
DON'T YOU WAIST your kitchen to look
.L shinv. nent and clenn? Linoleum is the
11 1.1 A- Ml 1 I l
Only lioor covering una win nume n Kiiunen np
pcur So. Only today I received n large ship
inent of the latest deigns in LINOLEUM 'di
rect IVoin eastern factories. Drop in and sett it
and vou.Will not bo able to leave my storojwith
out buyiomenOugh to cover your,, kitchen' floor,
as it is the'ONLVihjng far; 'gogl, useful wear.
Cbas. 12. Ilnrron of Ii Pino spont
A tew day or Inst week hero. Dur
ing til atay ho wan registered nt tho
R. It. Keller nnd family, of Mllll
cnn, spont the latter part of tho weokl
noro, returning .Monuay morning 10
their homestead.
A horso bolonglng to Charlos Uoyd
rnn away on Saturday nnd hoforo ho
wns stopped broko a hydrant noar the
Ilend Hotel nnd knocked a mud guaru
oft Krnost JDIck's auto.
Walter Mnnlon, well known In
llond, Who hn boon In Montreal,
Canada, tor tho pnst tlvo months, ro
turnod last night to go hack to his
homestead In tho Crescent country.
D. C Dyer, who has been In the U.
S. nrmy for tho pnst throo yenr. nnd
stationed at Nnco, Arlxona, ror tho
past thrca months, has been in town
recently on his way to Mllllcan, whoro
his pooplo Ilvo.
V. 15. nnd M. Kellog or Oregon
City, nnd A. J. Uockhold of Portland,
passed through hero on Monday on
their wny to tho Dry I-nko country,
whnro they havo taken up homestead
Mrs. V. E. Drngor nnd children of
Snlom, aro Btnylng at tho Mny npnrt
mcntH. Thoy enmo horo on account
of Mr. Drngor'a hvnlth on Snturdny.
Mr. Drngor Is tho chief clerk of tho
Houbo, nnd will probably come horo
nftor thU scsslou of tho legislature.
H. A. Morgonatorn, buttermakor nt
tho local cronmory returned Sunday
morning from Corvnllla whoro ho nt
tondod tho butter mnkor'a .course nt
tho Agrlculturnl Collogo. C. J. Smith
was nleo In nttendnnco nt Carvnllls,
returning with Mr. MorgonBtorn.
At a mooting of tho recently rorm
od Sundny sohool clans or tho Pres
byterian church, cnllod the "Sunshine
airla." at tho' rcsldonco or Mrs, J.
P. Koye on Saturduy nttomoon, It
was decided to glvo a ellvor ten for
the benoflt of tho Sunday echool In
tho near future,
Throe homostondora from the Mllll
cnn vnlloy. P. Porclvnl. C. E.MaB-
Tho regular monthly builnis
mooting or tho Vanguard was, held
.Fobruary 3 at tho M.' R. church.
'Duslnes of minor Importance was
transacted. Mrs. McDonald ha takf
on chargo of tho class lner,Mm.
(Tucker'a departure. AH"rnjjiit9ra of
tho class aro requested io be nt tbo
meeting Wednesday, February 10, j
It Is reported that too application
ror the canKO of tho namo or thd
Mllllcan post offlco to Mount Pine
hlch wn onco allowed, by te De
partment nnd then heldup, has been
finally dlmlM3(U , The chango of
nnmo for the Laldlaw office Is undeN
siooa to navo been allowed and tho
oftlco will hereafter bo known as
O. C. Henkle and Jnmcs Ryan,
who havo boon associated In tho real
ostnto business under thb Ann nnmo
of Hcnklo & Itynn. havo recently dis
solved partnership. Bach expects to
continue In tho real ctitato uuslncsej
In Ilend. Mr. Ryan will shortly open
an omco in tho rrnmo building on
Oregon strcot ncross the alloy from
tho French store Mr. Henkle has
not yet selected his now quarters.
Sooner or later you'll do
ALL your trading at
Opening song America
.Mrs. Guy McRcynoIds
Tho Problem of Drunkenness; INo1. 1
A Mother' rica ror Justice . . .No. 2
.Mrs. Montello Coo
Fjvo Smooth 8tonqs , , .No. J3
The Song of the flar Room . , .No.' 4
wl W
Solo .Mm. Forrest
iLarge Indian reservation to open
soon. Good land, flno climate. For
full particulars, map, photos, etc.,
end 2C cent to F. Johnson & Com
pany, 422 Realty BIdg.. Spokane,
Washington. Adv. 49-61 c
Tho Question of the Century. . No. S
Farmer Dean's Conversion . . . :No. C
(2 parts.)
County Treasurer Jordan announc
es that taxes, which aro now due.
may bo paid In county warrants up
to CO por cent of the amount payable.
The remaining 40 per cent muni bo
paid In cash.
Presentation of Modal.
Closing Song WindJ
tho Ribbon Round the Nation
Tho Northwest "Cattlo. & llorse
mon'a, (Association is mooting this
week in Prlnovlllo, tho convention
having bogun yesterdny. Among the
features of tho meeting are lectures
from woll known men from tho O. A.
G. nnd a banquet wjll' bo given the
visiting atockmon tonight.
Alvln Whltsett and Esther Lolghto
woro married by tho Rev. H. C.
Hnrtranft nt his rcsldonco Saturday
night. Mrs. Whltsott enmo to Rend
from Goldendnle. Washington, nbout
a month ngo, nnd hnn been ntaylng
nt tho Wright Hotel. Mr. Whltsott I
working nt the Modern Qnrngo. At
tho present tlmo thoy nro living at
tho Wright.
fEIIRUAllY 11, 10 K
.."JO p. Ill
w. a t. u.
Willi be open as
formerly from
5:45 A. M. to
10 P. M.
40 ncrea, 1 mllo from Ilend. Three
room house sultnblo lor garden truck.
40 nores, 2 miles north uildlaw. 4
room hoiiBO. Address 7.X oare Rul
lctln. 41tr
lilltRARY Nona:.
Until further notlco tho Ilend Pub
lic Library will bo open on Saturdays
from 11 to 12 In addition to Uio pres
ent hour.
Krnlwl Rids Wtuitetl for Comity Cnr.
Sealed bids will be received by tho
county clork- for the Hayiies 40 car
owned by tho county. This car has
been repaired nnd mny bo Inspected
nt Hodaon'a Onrngo, Prlnovlllo. Dem
onstrations will bo given thoso wish
ing to niibmlt bids. Tho court re
serves tho right to reject any nnd nil
bids. Rid will be opened nt tho
Mnrch terra of court. 49-C2c.
Sovon room house with good bnso
mont nnd all modorn convonlouceB.
K. W. Richardson, La Pipe, Ore
gon. 40tf
AMPS Don't forgot thnt Drs. Lowo &
.Turnor. oyo specialists of Port
v land,, will bo In Uond again on
Thursday and Friday, Fobruary 11
nnd 13. Consult thorn at Pilot IJutto.
Hotol. Adv.
Vbo True Rluo Flourl It Is tho
boat made and a Rend product.
AqV ' ysA-.TscJisww,s7Jtr,
Shirts and Collars
Just received some of the
new styles in CLUETT
Monarch . . .4 $1.00
Arrow $. $1.50
Arrow Collars). . . 2 for 25c
Agents for Standard Patterns
MR. FARMER: ;Now is theltime
to make arrangements for your
Skuse Hardware-Co.
f T
tollor and 81. Daushonbaugh, hayo