THE IIEND IIULLETIN, IIKN1L ORE., WKllNKHIlAY, FEimt'AllY , WW. PAGE 7. L1CENSESIH CROOK County OoulrlliiilcN Nearly J!I,000 to Htnto 1'lnh mill iJuiiio Fund, Aononllnir (n thn rntiort (if Htntn 'rinniM Wftninii Kltilnv for thn viiur Bm...:'iv r ;.:...- f - i- llUlli tUU lllllliur n IILUiinvn nwu m .n..,l In Prnnlf piiimtv (llirltllf till) Fycnr nnd 1500 ntmlor'B licences. In tiddltlon thnro woro o.u comiiiiinuoii licensor), Foon from nun-ronlduuts woro 120 milking tho totnl oontrlbu itlon to tho gnmo fund from tho coun ty $3,860. . ,, In tlio HRIUO limn uio county iiuu .MMiiina mi 400 holi-cnta nnd two ...... t. Inlnl nlivltlllllly fflT llOIIII. '.... t -I...- mtnix t Mnni1hiir In Mm ,110B IIOIIIK Ji. wih"b 'toport thoro woro no nrroata tor vio Intlona of tho 'gnmo lawn In tho junty durlnK tlio year, uwiinm, mi r- nu anil WhnnlnP rOlintlofl bol'lg tliO lonly othorn showing u like rooord of inpoct for tho law. Csus For risgrst. "Do rnit rind thilt net uf bonk, roil rtNiualit liitrwtliittT "Not very." roimiMiil the mini who ftrlrs to Improve hlmelf. Ifci you n-Kirt your bnrgitluv -a intlc I'd ffii Mier iilMiut It If I lln mull who i-omcn tiruuiid to eullitct wire nn good nu fiitiTtnlntT tin tin one who hold iw Hit lunik."-Exrlmnuu. 6lt Spring in Htwlyiit ilium nmoiiu lulnnd two- J....... .1... it ii unit kiirlfii trilii niirr mi- (nwn.iii -. r n - ukI..I ij .lu.'l.ll ulft tlf llli UOdl. The Clinmilnim In I'.plni bail oiif whlrli tluwwl into n stri-nni wtiYro there were no fWti. nnd tin legend Mild limine linil rtliowiti weir lureimiiur to liuvtr wilt liixli'iid of fish. JMHNO TIIEIU DUTY. flMrm nt llnml rnminra nro learn ing tho duty of thn kldnoyn. To filter rtho blood is ttm Kitineya- uuiy. wuon Lthoy fnll to do thin tho kldnoyn nro Iwenk Ilaokaoho and othor kldnoy fills tuny follow. Iloln tho kldnoyn do tholr work. Uso Donn'n Kldnnv Inula itm l.Mit kliliinv rnimiitv. Proof ft f their worth In tho following: Jos. eph McDormott, Washington ntroot, kOrogon my, urogon, snyn: "t wns 1 rimnii ni nn mv ImrV wllh klitnnv .nnd blndder trouhlo. 1 win no Inmo Fnnd itirr that I oould nanny nonuio ' nround It wna nil I could do to got kiip In tho mornlnit. Mv kldnoyn woro llrroRulnr nnd tho kldnny oorotlonn ' woro urnntv I uora novorni iioxoh i ..f rman'a Ifl.lnnv lllla nml I unnn mit fwoll " I'rlco 50 enntn nt nil doalorn. 1 Tinn'i afninlv naW for a kldnny rnm idy net Doan'n Kldnoy PIIU tho fp Mnnortnnlt hail. Vn- tcr-Mllburn Co., I'ropn., Huffalo, N. Y. POWELL BUTTE (Continued from pano a.) tlmo Mr. Mu.tard vlittcd In WnnhlnR. ton. I A tllr nnlnrlnlnoil Mr. and ' Mm. Allrn Wllloxon nnd Mlm Har riott nt d'nnr Bundar ovrntn:. Thn fnllntvlnr Ineal nnonln attnndrd n dnnco In Uodmnnd Friday ovonlnR, 1r 1,11.1 Mra Altnn Wlltrnxnn. Mtaa . Buo Hn'I nnd Mr. Linn Kllli. Moam. J A RIrk. Itoovcn Wlllcoxon, (loo. Mornan nnd Clydo Monro. Mr nnd Mra Ora Koitor nnd m hloi vliltod Saturday nnd Sunday with thn lattnr'a parents Mr. nnd Mm. Torrol Ontinrn. Altiort Mohler nnd Mra. urndloy or .(i HERE IT IS.TMr REALTOBACCO CHEW help! helpi wjkif y( 1 I NEED HELP J fBCjf KTHg 3AIL0R HAILS THE POOP JUPGEfl NOW you can get the tobacco com-, fort you arc after. Try a pouch of "Right:Cut," tho Real Tobacco Chew. It will satisfy you better than any other kind you ever used. Gives you the comfort, the satisfac tion and substance you are after. Pure, rich tobacco seasoned and sweetened just enough. Take a very ainall char leu than one.quarter tho old ilza. It will bo mora iatli(yln than a mouthful o( ordinary tobacco. Juit nibble on it until you find the itrendih chew that lult you. Tuck it away. Then let it reit. See hour eailty and evenly the re.l tobacco taite oomet, how it latltfiss without tfrlnillndi how much Icm you bavo to iplt, how few chewt you toko to be tobacco i.tUficd. Thtt'a why it it 7ft Rtal Tohaccn Onto, Tbat't why it cotti leu in tho end. It Ii a r.ftdr .hr. cut Ant io inau oo u im your imi wkM you iplt too much. Had oo it Miih your ImUi. The tl ot pun. rich tobcoo ilaci not n.J la b envcr! pt wllh jnolttM u4 IlcoiiM. (SutlM bow Iba ull brla out lb. rich tobweo ttiU la "HUU-Ct." One small chew takes the place of two 'big chews of the old kind, WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY BO Union Squnra, Nw York (BUY FROMQEACER 0R5END 10STAMPSTQUS) r hi aiaai-ri -r-- i.n aataaipi ii 1 " ltfldmond worn local vlsltorn Hunday. Karl HniliidorH told n buiicli of 62 utock Iiok to Muaiirn. I'rlokott and llnrnnrd Hundny. Mr. nnd Mrn. K, N. Mull onlortaln od ut n dlunor pnrty Hundny tholr KiiontH boltiK Mr. nud Mrn. K, h, Ivoinon nnd lloovna Wlllcoxon. Mrn. A. V. Hiyn vlaltiid Friday r.nd Haturdny In I'rluovlllo, tho Kucitt of liar dnUKhtorH MUh Uladyn nnd Hatol. Itovlvnl tnoutliiKfl nro IioIiik hold In tho Wllnon nchoot liouso, having commoncod Monday ovonlnR-. Itav. W. N. Ilyorn of Hoilmond In In churKo nnalutod by n iiilulnlor from Mndran, J. A. HlKita londod n enr of Iiokk for Blilpuiont to Portland Tuondny. Mr. KIkk will ncconipnuy tho ntock Utid romnln ovar for a nhort vlilt with ralntlvon In tho vnltoy. Mr. and Mra. Horh Iliuaott woro nt homo nt a dlnnor pnrty to n num ber of tholr youiiK frlondn Hundny. An onjoynhlo tlmo wni hnd by all. 1-3. L. Johnnon tho I'owoll Ilutto post mnntnr, la In rocolpt of n lottor from tlio poHlmnntor Konornl In which ho stiiton Mint our rurnl dnllvory la IioIdk lookod nftor nnd wo nro na aurod of n It. F. I). In tho courno of tlmo. AI.KAM'A. (Rpoclnl to Tio Ilullotln.) ALFALFA, Jnn. 29. Mrs. Law ronco Flckort loft Tuondny for North IIiiiiiI to Join hor htiahand who hna a poaltlon nt thnt placo. It la undor Htood thnt II. T. Donly han longed tho Flckort plnco for n torm of two yenrn. A Kront numtiflr of pooplo hnva pninod throiiKh Alf'fn- tho Inil row dnya on tholr wny to tho Hoar Crook gold fldldn, llnrt I'owoll who liai boon In Ilond tho pnat two weoka, tnkltiK troatmont for blood polnonliiK la roportod much Imttnr nnd la oxpoctod homo In n fow daya. Hovornl of tho nnlRhbora Ravo Mr. nnd Mra. A. O. Wnlkor n aurprlno on tho ovonlng of tho 22nd. nnd helped thorn to colobrnto tho tenth nnnlvoraary of tholr marrlaKo. An n MftKiinrd nRalnit tho rnbloa opldomlc which haa como no unoom fortnbly clono to Alfntfn tho nntRh borhood hna rntorod Into n mutual aKroomont to koop nil dORn tlod or lot thorn abldo tho convoquanccn. CloorKO OrIo hna boon very alck tho lant fow dnya, but nt last report wan itomowhnt Improved. K. I'. Luthy nnd II C. Krloknen nnd fntntly nro apendloic n fow daya In llend thla week. (luatn Ilcrry, who hna npont tho Ut fow montha nt Atfnlfo. lenvrn Hnturdny for Arknnaaa whoro ho will vlnlt hla alator nnd from thoro return to hla homo In Illlnola. Mlaa I.etn llonn returned last week from Aberdeen, WnahlnRton, whero eho hna been vlalllnR hor pnronU for sovoral weoka. A. Oh Walker of AiraUa in to leo turo at Hlitora on tho ovonlnR of Fol runry 4th nnd nt La I'lno on tho 7th upon tho nubjeet. "Tho World'n HtnRo," or "Tho Urnmn of Llfo." It la reported thnt Mr. and Mrn. Mi.nn .l,n tnft tnr Rnulh Amorlca Inat fnll, will return to OroRon on account or Mr. Nixona neaiin. ti n Umn.W la maVlnir nn nilitlllnn to liia homo conilntinir of n UvlnR room, nlooplnR room nnu pnniry. cLovintDALi:. (Special to Tho Uulletln) OLOVKIIDALK. rVb. 1 Tho ro- vlvnl tnootlnKa conducted by Hot. W. Hmtth nnd W. Hllvernall doted on Thundny night. II. A. HcoRgln wnn La I'ortlnnd on ) anil ihort idnJ m that voa woo't ) OilaJlai oo ordinary ciaJUJ totMi Unusual Combination HISVI3RAL londlnc puhllnhorn ot inaRnztncs hnvo joined with ua In ono of tho greatest eubicrtptlon bargain offorn ovor put out In thla country, ThroiiRh thin combination everybody will bo ablo to ot a yearly aubacrlptlon to tbroo magazines In combination with our pnpor at practically tho price of our paper alono. flln thla Hat you will find forty dlfforont porlodlcnln formed Into thlrty-flvo dlfforont cluba. Knch club haa three magazine, oxcopt ono Hpoclal Club which hna four inaRazlnon; nomo of thono magazlnca noil tot na much nn $1 a year. Thoy aro nil good nnd cover a largo vnrlaty of cholco reading matter, Including JIUtory, Mimic, Ilollglon, Kducntlon, Faahloni, Fnnoy Noodlowork, Illuitrntcd Current Kvontn, Homu Decoratlona, Fiction, Literature, Drama, Art, Bclonco, In vention., (lenornl Farming, Dairy Farming, I.Ivo Htook, Vogetnblca, Fruit nn! Poultry. Undor tho nplondld contract wo havo mado with tho publlnhori wo aro ablo to glvo our readors a cholco of tho club In combination with our pnpor ono year for $1.76, Juat twonfy-flvo cent moro than tlio prlco of our pnpor alono. If you aro a aubncrlbor to our pnpor wo nnk you to renow that you too, may got 3 mngazlnon ex tra. Look ovor tho Hot rnd aoloct tho club you llko beat. Bond In you' order today or glvo your order to our roornaontntlvo or call nt our office when In town. If you aro now a xubaitrlbcr to cny of these magazine and want to renuw Juat aond your order to uh nnd wo will hnvn your aubacrlptlon extended. If your aubscrlpt'on to our pnpor la pnit duo, wo ndvlao you to pay up and tnko advantage of this bargr.'.a: If you aro In tho habit of buying your mngazlnon through othor channel, wo oak you to Juatly compare our cluba nnd prices with that of any offor you rocolvo. You, no doubt, nro now a subBcrlbor to eomo of these periodicals. You can nave money by sand ing your ronownl ordor to ua, Iloro la n chnnoo to get your homo papor and a yoarly supply of good reading at a roal bargain. It you want ono or mora of thono magazlac sent to different addresses, Just mention it. TKLIj ALL YOUIt I'JtlKMM AND KKIGIIUOItH AIJOUT TIIIH WO OFFKK. OLUIJ NO. 1, McCall'n (with freo pat Farm I.lfo torn) livoryday Llfo CLUII NO. 2. Woman's World Pooplon Popular Monthly Gentlewoman CLUII NO, a. Hearth and Homo Fnrm Llfo liousohold Mngnzlno CLUII NO. I. American Woman Farm Llfo Housohold Guost CLUII NO. n. Todny'u I with froo pat Fnrm Llfo tern) Housohold Mngnzlao CLUII NO. 0 Today's (with free pat Kvorydny Llfo torn) Contlowomcn CLUII NO, T. Fancywork Magazlno (iveryday Llfo Woman's World CLUII NO. 8. Fnrm nnd Flrcnldo Woman's World Homo Llfo CLUII NO. 0. Fnrm nnd Homo Wamnn'a World Household Quest Home Life ' i I (,fi OCTOBER buslnoss last wcok. Mr. Oobb, from llend, was In this ommunlty Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Slmor woro in Ked mond Wodaosday. Mrs. 11. Cyrus Is ranking nn -ox-tended visit In I'ortlnnd. Mr. aud Mra. Carson nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnldron nltonded tho uurprlsa party glvon nt tho Bisters Hotel on Wcdnesdny night. Tho Mesdni-e IWo-a woro visit ing nt Mrs. Kline's Thursday. Mrs. Fay Tomploton of Sisters Is ponding a fow days visiting friends In Oloverdaln. At tho Cnuctl moot'ng Friday Mght n commltteo of a. Cyrus, L. a. Oruho. A. Tomploton, W. Frvronr nnd n N KrunhnV was ntinottltod In tho IntoroHts of 'Tlgatlon. An Instruc tive papor was read ny Mr. TiioKy on tho improvements ot our norus. uoo- Itntlnna wnrn irlvnn hv Wlllln TllcltV. nnd Orvnl Kolly. Tho dobnto wns, "liosolvcu tnai uiovorunio inou is too highly capltnllzod." Mr. Slmor nnd ii nntlap tnnk thn nftlrmntlvn Mr. Gbelton nnd Mr. Krucholt tho noga- tlvo. Mr. Fryrear. Mr.Templeton nnd r, l.nwn na IiutL'ns ilnetdoit In favor (f tho nogetlvo according to tho ar gument. Tlio paper wna ronu uy Mr. Oottor. Tho ontortnlnmont part of our uoxt siootlnir will bo In tho hands ot tho school children. HKMHTAD VALLEY. (Bpeclnl to Tho Ttullotln) HEMSTAD VALLEY, Jnn. 30. Qullo n numbor of tho Homstad vnl lnv folks wont to tho Slnlt to attend tho dnnco. . ... Tho plav nnd dnnco given at ino Homatnd Valley was tho roost notabla event In tho vnlte Tho piny wna put on by ntnnteurb from the Sink countrv neroro tno annco nnu who woll plnved to n crowded houso. F.vorybody stnyed for tho dnnco which enmmonced lmmodlatolv nftor. Mid plttht lunch nnd bronkfnst wns fur nished by the ld of tho vnllov Gates nnd Hodge, tho bacholors. give a dnnco ono night Inst week. All preront report u good tlmo. The new orchestra hna had n busy month. Thoy hnnded out music nt Boven dances during January. Mr. MoOullooh roportn hnvlng found n team ot horses which have been missing for ovor month. $ 1 .75The Bulletin and Any OLUIJ NO. JO. CLUJJ NO. 18. Today's (with frco pat- Todny's (with freo pattern) Woman's World torn) Contlowoman Homo Llfo Homo Llfo OLUIJ NO. 1 1. CLUII NO. I D. Good Btorlcs Successful Farming Farm Life Homo Llfo Kvorydny Llfo Everyday Llfo CLUII NO. 12. CLUII NO. 20. Or con's Fruit Grower Farmor's Wife Kvorydny Llfo Homo Life Farm Llfo Everyday Llfo CLUII NO. l.'t. CLUJJ NO. 21. Today's (with frco pattern) Happy Hours Prnlrlo Farmor Farm Llfo Household Magazlno gentlewoman SPECIAL CLU1J Snmo I'rlco as Others WOMAN'S WOULD POUI.TUY 1TJSM HOME LIFE FAltM LIFE CLUII NO. 1 1. CLUII NO. 22. Pooplo's Popular Monthly Farm, Btock and Homo Fnrm Progress Woman's World Woman's World Homo Life OLUIJ NO. 1.1. . CLUII NO. 23. Todny's (with frco pnttern) Vegetable Grower Farm Llfo Today's (with frco pattern) Poultry Horn Everyday Llfo CLUII NO. 10. CLUIJ NO. 21. Uoy's Magazlno Woman's World Homo Life Fnrm Llfo Gentlewoman Today's (with free pattern) CLUII NO. 17. CLUIJ NO. 2.1. Kimball's Dairy Farmer Woman's Home Wcokly Homo Life . ' Woman's World Gentlewoman Homo Llfo THB GENTltTvVQMAN rrEHOm mm . k NOTICE OF CONTEST. iiouartmonl of tho latorlor. United Stntos Land Oaiee. Tho Dalles'. Ore gon. January S3. 191b. To William N. Vtssor, of Taylor, Washington. Contcstco: You are horoby notified that Mich ael J. Morrison, who gives Ilond. Ore gon, as his post otneo address, did on December 18th, 1DH, Ale In this oftlco his duly corroborated applica tion to contest nnd scouro tho can cellation of your homostend, Entry No. , Serial No. 08882. mado May 9th, 1911. for EH Section 33. Township 20 South, Kongo 20. E Willamette Meridian, nad as grounds for his onntost ho nlloeoa that said ' Wllllnm N. Vlsser haa railed to ostab Hah hla residence on said tract: that ho has failed to cultlvato said tract or any part thereof; that ontrymnn ' I.H.. at.nn JahhiI .nl.1 .mam. 9n H ...wnw.lA liaa auuuuuiiuu ouiu iitiub ivi u,ni,,n of six months Inat past and that ouch fnlluro and abandonment was not due to his employment In the army, navy or marine corps of tho Unite Stntcs In tlmo ot wnr or otherwise. You nro, thoreforo. further notified thnt tho said nllogntlona will be tnk on by this offtco ns having been con foived by you, and your said entry will be cnnceled thoroundor without your further right to be hoard thoro. In, either before this ofllco or on ap peal, If you fall to file In this office or nn apponl, It you fall to fllo In title within twenty days nfter tho FOUUTH publication of this notice as shown below, your answer, undet oath, specifically meeting and Vu spondlng to those allegations of con test, or It you fall within thnt tlm to. (He In thla ofllco duo proof thn' you havo served a copy of your nn awor on the snld contestant either l ponton or by roglstorcd mall. It thl service Is mado by the doUvery of copy of your answer to the conte tant In person, proof of such sorvlc must be either tho said contestant'' written acknowledgement of his re colpt of the copv, showing tho date o Its rocolpt, or tho aflldavlt of tho per son by whom the delivery was mndr , stating when nnd whore the copy wnr doltvored; If mndo by registered mail ' nroof of suoh servlco must consist of tho nffldavlt of tho person by whom- the copy whs mailed stating wnep. and tho post office to which It was m-Uled. nnd this nffldavlt must be nccompan i tod by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. You should state In vour answer ,tho unite ot the post office to which One of These Clubs$ 1 .75 CLUIJ NO. 20. Fancywork Magazlno Today's (with frco pat Gontlowoman tern) CLUIJ NO. 27. Knnsns City Weekly Star Farm Llfo Everyday Llfo CLUIJ NO. 28. Gentlewoman Woman's World Homo Llfo CLUB NO. 20. Kansas City Wcokly Star Everyday Llfo Home Life CLUIJ NO. 30. Southern Kurnllst Homo Llfo Gentlewoman CLUIJ NO. 31. Farmor'a W'kly Dispatch Homo Llfo (St Paul) Farm Life CLUIJ NO. 32. r.ural Wkly (St. Paul) Gentlewoman Kvorydny Life CLUIJ NO. 33. American Home Woman's World Gontlowoman CLUIJ NO. 31. McCall'a (with frco pat Evoryday Llfo tern) Housohold Guest. you dosirt. future notices to bo sent OU, H.FRANK WOODCOCK," , Register Dato of first publication Fob. 3, 1911. Dato ot eeoond publication Fob. 10, 1916. Date ot third publication Fob. 17, J91S. Dato of fourth publication Fob. 24, 1915. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Dupartmont ot the latorlor. United States Land Office The Dalles, Ore- vnr .Tanunrv 30. 1D1R. To Heirs of Samuel L. Nichols, ot uniuiaw, urogon, ijoniosiee: Vaii am hnrnhv nntlHnil thnt Thor- on L. Collier, who gives Dox 147, Ilond. Orogon. as his post office ad dress did on January 28, 1915, fi'.o In this "offlco his duly corroborated application to contest and secure tho cancellation ot your homestead. En try No. . Serial No. 0G171. made March 8. 1910. for NV4 8W, Sec-, Hon 13, Townthlp 1C S., Range 11 -K Willamette Meridian, and cs grounds "or ins comosi ne aueges mat acta a. t. Vlnhnl. Htirtnn. htn llfrt tlnift flAVAr established his resldenco nor culti vated said tract or any part thereof; thnt subsequent to making said entry xud upwards or six roonina ago, ns i im informed and verily bellovo. tho joM R T. KVtinlRrllrrt thfkt said S. L. Nichols left him surviving neither vldow nor any otnor noir or noxr. oi In, S3 far ns this affiant can lenrn pon duo Inquiry of tho rostdonts In he vicinity of anld homostend- that Ince tho death ot, snld S. L. Nichols o holr or next or kin has resided pon or cultivated said claim or any art thereof, nnd thnt such fnllure ad abandonment en tho pnrt ot said ntrymnn during his life and or his elm at law or next ot kin was not ue to h'.s or their employment in the rrov, navy or marine corps of the 'nlted States In tlmo ot war or othor- You nro. therefore further notified hat the sn'd allegations will bo taken confessed, nnd your snld entry wll io cnncelled without further rlsbt o bo heard, either before this office r on'nppenl. if you fall to file in this fflco within twenty dnya after the FOURTH publication ot this notice, na shown below, your mswor, under nnth. specifically responding to those Allegations or conwat, wtwr u. Offer! wmx wMiim duo proof that you have sorved a copy of your answer on the said con testant cither In person or by regist ered mall. You should state In your answer the -namo of Ute post office to whloh you desire future notices to bo sent to you. It. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. Date of first publication Fob. 3, 1915. Dato ot second publication Feb. 10, 1915. Dato ot third publication Fob. 17. 19W. Date ot fourtlr publication Fob. 24, 1915. NOTICE FOR I'UHLICATION. Department ot the Interior, U. S. Land Ofllce at The Dalles, Oregon. January 2S. 1915. Notice Is hereby given that Martin J. Main, of Dend, Orogoa, who on De cember 28th, 1908, made homestead entry. No. 02138. for Lots 1, 2. 3, and 4, Sectlrn 18. Township 20 South Range 11 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice ot intontlon to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, beforo H. C. EUU. U. S. Comml'slon er at Dend. Orogon, on the 15th day of March, 1915. - Claimant naruos as witnesses: Inor T. Tholstrup, Austin D. Lewis, George W. Shrlner, George W. Trlplott- all of Bond. Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 48-52c. Register. NOTICE FOR PIMJLI CATION, Department of the Interior, U. 8. I nnd Office nt The Dalles, Ore gon. Jnnuarv 14. 1915. NOTICE Is hereby glvon that Re becca II. Brown, of Bond. Oregon, who, en July 24, 1911. made Home stead Entrv No. 09328. for WV, SB H, EH 8WV. nad NWVi. Section 18, Township 19 South. Range 14 Enst. Willamette Mor'dlon. has filed notice of Intention to make Flnnl three yenr proof, to establish claim to the land above deHcrlbed, before H. C Ellis. U. S. Commissioner, nt llend, Orogon, on the 8th day ot March. 1015. Claimant names ns wltncet: Dau lol W. Heeler. Frank J. Elkstad, Lor en Robb, David C. Rogers, nil of Bend, Oresren. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 46-50 e. Register. ' ..j -ii' '- . i ii.T Ti r J miiiiiii&fe.BiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiH i