tjih imstinvhiAma, fci:.'i, oiu: whkhvay, fkihumjiy it, thin, iriiiimni i ii n mil miii- i in nr'-i ...... - i. . fc- . . - Vaovs n. Why Twelve Reasons You-' K Should Bay Your Groceries of Us yvro. 4-. DKCAUSK yon got tlio bot Igrocorioa nt tlio lowest pricoe. j Tlio only way yqii enn prjijEP 'tlio truth of lliii Btntomcut Is 'to buy from us. .,, ., f- I Ills ronton stnwli on its own fret. tSSStBKBKSSXSS. . I . . I MV IM WHMil ,. , mmmmmmatmMmKpaatmmmmtmmmKimm JOIOpIl (Jllllf Tliuradny lioio; of Ilodniond upont 11. A. Stover wn laid tip yesterday wild a bad cold. h ri.. WW) Up S. C. CALDWELL ' '" ' OIIKUON TRUNK TltAtN Arrive . . , . . , ., , . . 8 n. m. Loavci .., 8:30 p.m. O..W. It. N. TIIAIN. Arrive . ... ...... 7:46 p. m. Lenve 7:25 n. in, HTAdi; LINK SOUTH. Arrive 7:30 p, in. Lcavea 10 n. in. AUTO LINKS. Cara dally to Hurna and polnta no nth nnd outhoat. POHTOITIOK IIOUIIH. General delivery open dnlly P ICo, in. to 0 p. til. No niiill dUtrlbntod cm Sunday NlKht train mall close 7 p. m. Day train mall cloto 0:30 a. in. Wll ltlllllll llfllMIU 4 l.l.ltiiil.ll I l llil'lin. m Western Union dally 7-lS.I-.lHia 111. miuuny kio, i-u, TKI.KPIIOMC IIOL'IW. Pioneer t'o , twenty-four lion? orvlce. Including Sunday. ; !- LOCAL NEWS ITEMS A J Kroenerl want to Portland n .bunlnc Friday. Frank Klktn wont to Prlnorlllo on hulne Monday. (leorge t Carroll la now In Unin- tllla. Washington. MU M H. Coloinan returned from Portland Monday. tf ' O W llornnr of Laldlaw waa horo on liualneaa Friday. 4 v Oconto A Jone waa In Prlnuvillo ion bulntw Tuesday- - Mrs, F. F. Flh came In from tho homestead on Hunday. O M Patterson wont to Portland oa buslncsa Monday night. Which Is Which? wimmmmmamimKmmmtmmbmmamtSutmtmJtm TM pretty brld ditrn'l know, but our head twtktr do. Hh should know thai h knows Mid thtn know unouith topliom U. WE'LL DO THE REST. One gliuicc nt our window will prove to you unit our goods are superior und the quality is unsurpassed. Fresh Fruits, Cundy and Ice Cream, wholesale and re tail. Our Dread is as good us , V&c BEST at 5 cents per loaf. A merican Rak&y ' ' .1. K Koyc wont to Minneapolis oil ItimlnoM Saturday Went. ' ' Mta ricrtlin Wartnotlt of Molollua la vUUIiik Mra. Wllllnm Arnold. , UoorKu A. Jonea returned Friday moriiliiR frotn'a. trip to Portland.' O. W. Iked left tlila mornliiK on hla rcturii to liln humo In Wollavlllo Mo. A diinoo attended uy 37 waa kIvcii nt tho Wllllnm Arnold ranch ottut of town Friday nlKht. II. .1. Ovorturf wont to Prluevlllo Monday to nttond tho apeolal hqmIoii of tint county oourt. Horn on Monday to Mr. mud Mra. H. AniItiH, IIvIiik mwr tho lleud Compfiiy mill, n twy. Judift Thorpe. John CunnltiKlmin 'and U. W. Horner wor amotiK the MIiIIbw vtaltora hern ytMterduy. M. W. Knloknrlmakor of OUt apoat yoftturday In town Ituylng fiirnlailiiKa for llin ohoolliouH In Plnlnvlaw. hi. Kra naa Ukon dtwk nwin wlili Ciotr 'iuuu In hi odleo In Urn I'leyt .N.nji'tinl Hank Uulldlnx. The ll)tlit Wamnn'a Union held it aiiNOMiul Now hnKlnnu dinner in tho Ooliimorelat Club room on Tliurtt- day. A. I.. Hudaon. who haa a ranch on the Hear Crook road, haa recently re turned tram n trip to tna iniuuio went. , Il.rCt Oliver, traveling freight nnd iin6nKiT iiicrnt of the O.-W. It. & N' wu. cnllliiK ou liualncaa men lnt WIVK. ' Itev. II. C. Hnrtranft and family liavo moved from the May apartmonta to the Proctor houao on Kentucky atroot, Itny (lurking of Jutldlaw waa liofo ytalerday on hla way to Portland where he will apend the next few month. Hev. II. C. Hartrnnft returned on Monday from Hedmond whero ha haa been holdlnK apeclal cervices for the pat two week a. Mr. J. II. Wenandr has returned frtm a vIMt In the valloy. Mr. Wen J (uiily I oxpeoted baek from Montantf lit tho near future. ' ' A number of frlonda of Mr. and. Mi John Fttrgu'Qti gavq them a aur- Iprlso patty on Wednosday qvanlns at tuuir ranon o.iii oi town. i Ii. It. MultlK. a former buslnesa man of llond nnd tho owner of real state here, haa rocontly moved to Portland from Washington, Pennsyl vania. KVerott Arnold, tho aon of Mr. nnd Mra. William Arnold, out hla leu while chonnliiK wood ou Wedttoadny. The cut la not aerloua and ho la do- liiK widl. W. 1). Ilnrnoa and J. N. Korktng ewiiii) up from I.nldlaw Tuosday to tuko tho nliiht train for Salem with the other deleKatoa to appear before tho lirlKntlou committees. i i .pi. c Hill. .n t'r school frlond of Dr. U. C. Oae. la vlaltllig him hero. Mr. IIIII la u mining engineer and hub boon located, for a number of year past in Clcur Creek, Utah. A party consisting of C. W. Hood, llnrney O'Donuoll, Claude Mannheim or. C. W. Thornthwalto nnd F. J. aiuder went over the Tumalo In tho O'Donnell truck ou Sundoy.S ' . 1 Theru will bo a "got tofiothor" Iiub Iiicsh meeting of tho MnptlHl Womou'a Union nt tho homo of Mrs. II. II. Do . . ,t... ...-l..nH . tftIA ArillOIIII louiurruw uiiumuuii ui .ou to which nil fripnuu or tuo union nro Invited. Strangora especially wel-como.. Rugs and Carpets I have just received, th'e finest assortment of the latest designs in Hugs and Carpets, Drop in and see a display of beautiful Ax minster, JiVelvet, Crcx Grass, Wool and Fibre Ilugs, and a splendid assortment of ALL WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS. Unil Miller of Mfdluw ynNlordny on nlHtlMWii, Dwlght M, Davla arrived In (own thin moinltiK from SuiitUd. Tho Cominerelal Club will maet nt tho Hand Hotel on HfiltitdaW JatiioH lllaok fit A 'iflfflj a horo for it few hour on Woilnoiilay, I. Nlohola of Prlnavlllo wart iioro ou InmlniHw Thursday and 1'rtduy. 'The nnnunl dinner of the Mmliluiii Ollih will he hold Muturday nllit. i, A. Hunt or !owor Drldge Hptnt tho week end visiting with friend hero. A. M. Lorn want out through tlio hoinostend country on bustiicR last week, MIh Gertrude Olson, of Ilurnn, waa registered at tho Wright over Hunday. Mra. C. J. lcveri'tt of Dcschutca came up Thursday to apend tho day shopping.. Mra. Floyd Dement will beat homo for tho llrldgo Club on Friday, Feb ruary rth, J. A. MacCloakey went to La Pino today to finish hla work on tho new echool house there. J. A. Tucker and family, who have been living In the old bank1 building, left Saturday for Portland. Geo, Btnery of Silver Lake enmo In Wednesday night on n abort busi ness visit, returning Friday morn ing. (Ico. M. Mayflcld of I.n Pine, In company with Mrs. Mayflold spent a few days hero tho latter part of tho wook. Clyde Ml i MoKny and Oeorgo 8. Young went to Prlnevllte on Saturday on olivines, connected witn aonlc lodge. At u recant election nt tho High Haliool Ilnsoliall club. A If rod llunnell was elected llanolwll oaptaln for tho ofinlng aeaaon. 'Ail a nee was given In Seiner's Hall Tlmrtdny ovanlig In honor of Mrs. J. II, Connarn, Mra. II. P. Man Ion and the latter aiator. Mr. and Mra. W. J. Jamlaon, of Sliver take, who have been In town for altout n week, returned to their homo on Wednosdny. Mr. nnd Mra. J. C. Mck of Lake view wore In (own for u few days last week. While here, they wero registered nt tho llond. A act of chlnn recently completed hy Mr. Lunbock for tho Coxy Itos taurant haa been oa exhibition In tho window of tho Art Shop. II. K. White of Mllllcnn, In com imny with L. P. Itooncy, apont tho week end In town. During their atoy thoy were rcglatered at tho Wright. Aa a result of tho recant examina tions one, year teaching, certificate ha'vo been granted to Llllan Cooper, Clara Allen and MarTIlOltli '6f Hand. Mra, Ilarncs, who live near tho Jonea ranch, la roported to be aor- louily III. Her daughter camo In yesterday morning to caro for hor. Tho Civil Scrvlco Commlsslqn la planning to hold on examination nt a date to be announced later for tho position of post master at Dcschutca. .Dr. E. Hoa Norrla arrived on Mon day and haa opened an Office adjoin ing Dr. Connarn'a In the Bather bullig:. Dr. Norrla family" Trill Join him later. Tho WoK 8ldo Agricultural Fair Aisoolotlon of Lnldlaw will give a valcntlno tnasque Wall on Friday. Feb ruary 12 in their new nan. .music win be furnished by Mrs. MacLnurln and Joo McKay. Mr. J. II. Cannnrn nnd Mrs. II. P. Mantnn returned on Monday to their homosteada near La Pine. Dr. Connarn taking them up In hla car. Mr. Manton also accompanied thorn, returning yosterdny. After returning on Friday from Mlunoapolla where ho had spent most of January In connection with the Bhovlln timber purchase John K. Ity- an was called back thore on Sunday. Ho loft Sunday night. M, W. Potoraon. who has a homo ntond In tho Silver Lnko country, and who haa been visiting with his folks In Astoria, Oregon, for tho past four montliB, passed through horo vestur day on hla return to Silver Lako. THRIFTY HOTEL .GUESTS'. Sou- Mint For Gttnllna Little vtnirs ol THtir Visits. Wo often nYiir rnmpliiiiitK'frmMotjr. l.i about liniltciitloii nnd lurk of k-diirH'"? on the ptirt of tliic wboM duty it v to filler to the trnvellug pub lic. Hut there Ik iiiKilln-r lde to :!:o Hinry, For fiiMtntii. tin i'iiiihiui of ihtrii of lilxtiirle or weiili lntere!t fi!(llitly vhihI by iniri'li'r lire iiirtlKcd wt OinlMlillii coiixliiiit untcll Hi(liHt the viiiiiliillmii of souvenir liuiiler. ' What KrtilNfHctlon cMti be foii"l In milttliitliiu hihI demollHlilug tlilux of fJilvrVfl "lil value to proeun whivc iilr r In iipptiiprimlnu ffiu well kiiovii hiitcM Mticli propel ty iih knives, fork. p'p'r mid wilt liHlrr. mi kliix, towel nnd Iwilt timtnV The jiian ngcr of n priimliieiit Hotel In .'es York even rcporl the dlKiippearauce nf plllowH from the I nil room Tin villi)' of thin Htolen pnipcrty yeurly aimnuiix to ft very large lim it ha Ihm'o the underlying rausc for the flpn'nniiii'e of uih Item a the following ou iiii'mix; ''(.'hlt-keu rn ras erol In iidlvldimt wuirculrr or 48ourrulf 'mrkinll.' In whbti the ap lctlzcr I arrvrd In a ruutnlhrr ttcnr lug tbt house iMiiif nod whlt'b con talner 1 gln-n to the nitnn There art uutncmua little nooTralra. p-utb a oilier ppiliJ tnijc. tiuxpoou. etc. for fiilf by ruriou UulvU to joitlufy collevtur. Not all thing that dlonpiwar from liolclif ii r- inkt'p nlth dflllx-mte Infeii tlon. The lunmiger of one of I lit- urn! faHliliumble botel In New York Imx foucliided that linen U md nlway pitrloliiinl. but I tiikeu nwuy iim-on i-tiiiMly nn wnipifrK for lm and other nrtlclrx when iMiiklug. nod tuen. tie wij-m. utiiiiuwloiix tiii-k I wir dull lea in their cmii iHH'kft nfter iixlug them. tho Mn-Lund tln-w- ore dmpptil ut the next bo tel liNlted Till wholesale pnrlolulnc of hotel article Imx Ittl to tin- foriniitliiu of n linen exi'hniige Many of the lending uiiiiHiuer now Iwvi' utix-k luken of all the fon-lgu MiH'ii In their boicU. and nt ruiilnr uitervnl lbl miiliTlnl I xent In It rtalilful Kwnirx. who then return llueitx imt UMnngiug to thuiu. Ijxlle'. LADIHy HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS :' The Mot Complete and largest stock of patterns in Bend. Select your patterns here, where you'll 'find an endless variety of Dress Materials for all purposes. STOP AND SHOP AT Mannheimer 's COMEDY IN BATTLE. 9rlo'Cemie Incidents of th Zulu War In South Africa. The following xtory I told of no In fldeiit Unit oti-urrvd during I lie Zulu war In South Afrtiit. when an oer whi-lmlng fon-e of native wn oixxH-d tn n little band of Kiigilxh murine. From the V.tilu boxt vtepfKHl forth n wurrlor hidett with an em-lent flrann. wlileli be culmly mounteil ou h tripod In the omn. while the mnrines Uxtkcd on, admiring tit plnrk and wondering mui'b wl at be pruocl to do At last one Jorl; 1 nvjnjwnlrbat UhMt , photopm iMwrjTnboiiC'iolRlkrwi null Vf riiuiuuii vaiupvui uu kmvib nut Orrd. Ilnrlns' loaded hi piece with great deliberation, the zuju.tirlu ed It uudJ lennlng bard Uh) Unil Tr rA-oli kuvvVu aver Iieul luiekwnru. wulle a roar wrijtj up fnim the delighted tun 'rlnc. Uft d( UP- lovkltuTAtxed.- init then, tbif niiluaetaent Wcrrtl andU countrymea charged and wei nuulhl latrd lir' a roller from the steudllr aimed pie tit of the little bund of tna noc. . i Duriticf one of the tnahy battles waged Ujj the New .eolHiid Maori apilnst tie Ilrltlib settler the latter ran out of iitnlnuhltiuii " At the mo ment wbeti death m-emed iiumltieut a (lug of truce nppeiired from Hie en elliy'a trvbebex undjuess'PKer ciiuie forn-iinf witn n Mipply of tiirtridKe to eniilile tin; white men to coutluue tlfUv ins. WiiahtiiKtou tr Mr. Black requests you to read the MothodUt church notice Oil week. Adv. p IfOMK-MADi: CANDV. MIbs Cornelia Wilson's home made candy will bo found on solo at Mrs. Lunbcck'8. Special orders taken cheerfully. Adv. 48c j Watch this space for Cozy Specials COZY RESTAURANT IWljL.flghU I hjin rljeitd mtMMMMM Qfe Do euro and calf nt the Pilot Dutte Hotel parlors and let Drs. Lowo and Turner, tho well known eyo specialist of Port land, show you tho Kryptok double vision glass, which h& no unsightly lines or seams to catch tho dirt, strain tho eyes or como opart. One light solid piece of glass which look like a single pair, yet answers the purpose of two, enabling you to read or do cloro work nnd sco distant objects perfectly. Do euro and eco thorn. Freo demonstration, satis faction guaranteed. Drs. Lowo and Turner have beon located In Portland for twenty year. They, do not go from bouto to house. Thoy havo no agents. Adv. SIGNS FOIt SALK. "For ncnt," "For Hale," "Rooms to Let", "Housekeeping Itoomn," "No Admittance," "So Smoking," etc., etc.. Placard printed in large typo on liCATjr brlstol board, 15 ccntx each, le In quantities. IluIlcUn Ofllce. 12tf r IWIIMH KOIt IlKNT. 40 acres, 1 mllo from llond, Three room houso aultablo tor garden truck. 40 acres, 2 miles north Laldlaw. 4 room house. Address 7.X caro llul- lctln". 41tf Uo Deschutes Spray Flour! It h th host mado nnd a Dond product. Adv. 37 tf HOIISi; 11UYKIIH COMINO. A numbor of horse buyers from Ran Franc'co arrived In town Son dny morning nnd loft at onco for Sil ver Lake, whero horso aalca will bo held on Mondiiy nnd Tuesday. Thoy will nrrlvo tn Dond on their return on WedncBdny nnd on Thursday a tmlo will bo held hero, it la roportod thnt these buyera nro purchasing for tholr own account nnd nro propnrod to bo more liberal In tho matter of Inspection and othorwlso than tho roproaentatlveB of tho foreign govorn niontB who havo recently made pur chnrea tn this aoctlon. J. L. Nichols of Prlnovlllo la tholr local represen tative and prospective aollera nro ad vlaed to bring tholr hornoa to tho Auno or tho Wonnndy barn for tho solo on Thurpday. m' t . i ' " , 1)00 OWNKHfl. All owners of doga nro hereby nd vleod that tho strap munlos which nro In use In town are not auulclont to comply with the muxsling qraln nnco. Wlro muxtles must he provid ed. Dogs wearing anything hut wlro mnxtlea will ho phot. . By prderlfcWtU C6mmUtB0. Th Spy and th King. The following story In told of Lout XVIU., king of Kmnee. nnd FoiicIih. who had been m one time NiiHiieuu' minister of miHv: After the itourbun rivtomtloii the king nxked Fouehe whether he had xet xple over him dur mg the empire Fouehe admitted that he hud. "Who wn the apyY the king nnUsl. nnd be was Informed that It lijid beeii'ilip t'omte de Itiiima "How much did be gvtV contlnueif the king Two huudrvil ,thouxiud franc f year, your iniijexty " "Ah well," wibl Lou is, "lie waa honest, then, after ulL t had oitlf.". ' Th Sickroom Door. In sercrv cnxe ot Ulnex where? the patient la dlttirbed by the now made n ('lining Uie,diHr t oue corner of o Diitldkeirlilf-roinmnd the knob on on it ile nt the door and the opxixte cor ner ii round the knob on the other side. The door will npw cioxe gnl.'eiciy ou the, fold of tfTu huudkerthlet. The Largest Insurance Agency in Central Ore. .- - T I "Jt's-the wiywt wrke ow iroKcks." Out policies pay 100 cents cm tlw fiolkr. We have over 400 satisfied policy holders. The largest insurers In Crook County our leading customers Bend Insurance Agency First National Bank Building Bend, Ore. POLICIES THAT WtOTfcCT. A" 'dlrl Important Point. A cltv elrl wax tiiKluu a course In an ugrieiuturtil college After n iiH'turv ou "How' to Inrrenxe the Milk Flow" xtie nxe for a iUextion. "How long." xhe bltwlilnuly Inquired, "inimt one" bent n cow before she will give whtojied vtvdinrHJudge, Profeitlonal Habit. "That policeman l too consclentlou to be. n KiirOener." "What do you men,r "He arrexted the growth of a vine on the fnut of hi houxe when he found It ft" n porch climber." Haiti, more. American. ) Reasonable Enouah. u "What's ,your oiijei'tioi 10 tho farm ttlterr "i ue innn nppenr to oe snpujq.j i "Hut, thnr owing to the heaty Wopa,,-VMhpBton flerald, I. WE HAVE ABOUT 50 LADIES' WHITE SHIRT WAISTS ranging in price from $1.25 to $2.75. No extreme styles. Com mencing Thursday and continuing the rest of this week we will sell $1.25 waists, for $ .79 '$1.75 waists -j for. .... $1.05 $2.25 waists for.;... $1.39 $2;75 waistsfor $1.80 SATHERS CLEANS EVERYTHING BUT A GUILTY CONSCIENCE TURNITUREi FLOORS, AUTOMOBILES, WINDOWS ' . Of LET US DEMONSTRATE TO YOU Skuse HardwAie Co. i ' , lll.J.I.M.,.,1,1., , ' .41 11 fsassssssasss K A