The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 27, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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TUK HKXI) HULTiKTIN, nRxn, ohk., wkdnkhday, januauv T, 1W1B.
- -.------
81STK1LS. I fow daya with hor grandmother Mrs.
Mm. Howard Gtllott line been
troubled with rheumatism this win-tor.
fSpoclnl to The Uulletln)
8ISTRU8, Jan. 34. Carl Woods
wns attending to business In Red
mond Thursdny.
P. T. Ilubto wb a Inulnoss visitor
In Ilodmond Wednesday.
Mm. K. Cyrus visited with hor
daughter In Cloverdato one day laBt
Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Smith wore
Cloverdalo visitors Thursday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. K. AHon woro
Redmond visitors for n fow days tho
middle of tho week.
C. 1. Gist wns performing olTlelal
dullea nt tho Wilson ranch near tho
hesd of tho Melollus Saturday.
II. K. Vincent woo nt tho Davis
sawmill, one day last wcok looking
nfter Government Interests.
Mrs. Stevens of Prlnevlllo. Is vis
ittnc with her daughter. Mrs. Uertha
Mrs. Arthur Wurewellor
--- -------- -- ---
valley nttondod n danco nt Goorgo
with friends In Redmond for n few
davs tho last of tho week.
I.. E. Smith nnd J. W. Huckloy. of
Redmond, woro business visitors In
Sisters Saturday.
Miss Harol Tcmploton wns a Sat
urday nnd Sunday visitor nt tho Wal
dron homo In Cloverdnlo.
Cy Markel of Redmond, was look
ing after bustness In Sisters Satur
day. Mrs. W. P. Fryrear and Mrs. P.
H. Royd woro visiting with friends
in Sisters Saturday.
Jnmos Scoggin, of Laldlaw, was at
tending to business interests in Sis
ters Saturday.
Jos. Howard, of Lower Bridge, was
n business visitor In Sisters Satur
day. Rov. R. I Icwno ha" fitd on a
homestead In tho iLQwer Bridge coun
try nnd will movo there with his
family In tho spring.
Tho first meeting of tho Sisters
Literary Society on Friday night
brought out a large and Interested
Sheriff n. n. Knox was ovor from
Prlnevlllo Friday attending to official
bnslncs. Ho was accompanied by
"W. R. Daggett, of Redmond.
With tho oxceptlon of tho Gist &
Allen well, 8lstera has beon cxtromoly
dry for tho past tan days. Tho city
water supply from Squaw Creek is
badly froxen up
(Special to Tho Dullotlo)
HAMPTON, Jan. 21 J. L. Owen.
Harold Fogg and Alvtn Peck aro on
tho sick list.
Leo Rlgga nnd Jimmy llrlckoy have
bought between 60 nnd 90 head of
horses from Mr. Kttna of Dry Lake.
Arthur Tntro will leavo Hamilton
noxt wcok nnd go to tho Willamette
vnlloy whoro ho will work until Oo
tobor. Mrs. R. M. Pock and Mrs. Luoy
Hicks called on Mrs. Nowton Wells
WodnoiHlny aftomoon.
C. P. Harmon bought n young mnro
from Lew llennett last Friday.
W. T. Harrison and family spout
Inst Sunday with Purr Ulack nnd
visited ' nolncr of Llxard Crook
(Special to Tho Bulletin.)
CLOVEltDALE, Jan. 25. W. Van
Matre of Uend spent Moudny and
Tucsdav In this section.
W. Sllvornall and W. Smith aro
holding revival meetings every even
ing nt the school house this wcok.
Arthur and Elmer Grubo aro
spending tho wcok In Dcnd.
J. Skolton nnd F. Kelly woro
Redmond tho first of tho week.
J. L. Owen received word from
Kentucky last mail of tho death of
his youngest brother R. 1.. Owen.
Vorn Hoffman nnd wlfo of I.lxnrd
Creek wero In Hnmpton Tuesday.
E. M. Peck nnd J. P. Wll'tjuot
wont up noar Mr. IlurnB, southwest
of Imperial, last week.
(Special to Tho Bulletin.)
nnd Mrs. Jas. Brlckey visited with
tho S. Brown family Sunday.
Emll and John Carrot attondod tho
danco at Buck Creek last Friday
Shaver and Donning hnv drilled
n well for Mrs. Shoppard at n depth
of 163 feet with 35 feet of water.
At present thoy aro drilling for Chris
Tinner but aro having somo troublo
with sand noar tho surfaco caving
Paul Brooking and John Carroz
took tho 8th grado examination.
Jim Brown was a business visitor
in this vicinity last Saturday..
Vic Johnson made a trip to Hamp
ton last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Book ond Jas.
Wells of Pleasant valley mado somo
purchases nt tho Brookings storo last
Frod Miller visited with Vic John
son last Sunday.
Horaco Brookings has been hauling
wood tho past wcok. He expects to
get Mr. Brlckey's wood saw to saw
bis year's wood.
Tom Ewing who has boon working
for C. J. Stauffor camo homo for a
short stay.
Bert Mocks Is hauling water for
tho well drill while It Is at Tinners.
Jlmmlo Brlckey was a business vis
itor In this vicinity ono day last
1 week.
i I Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brlckey and Joo
I Johnson attended tho surprlso given
Mrs. Stnuffer nt her homo last Bat-
t- -. MI4U
undTamUy airo" E? l!' wXdrorand urdayjn honor of her birthday annL
wlfo wero dinner guests or. ua vorn
Reed In Bend Sunday.
rSneclal to The Bulletin)
PLAINVIEW. Jan. 25. Tho R. Z.
Davis sawmill, now located In tho
forest reservo at Three Creek Butte,
began operation last week with a full
Prentiss Van Tnssell made a nr
(Special to Tho Bullotln.)
MILL1CAK, Jnn. 25. Another
dnnco was given at the Barney Con-
oway homo Saturday evening. It
waa well nttonded although an Im
promptu affair gotten up after tho
meeting nt P. B. Johnson's. Music
by Dyer. Refreshments wore served
ing trip to Peadlotos last week look- j nnd a Jolly good tlmo enjoyed. Among
fn for land to rent thote present wero Mr. and Mrs.
p!.v TowUYnd wife were callers ' V.w i Mr. and Mrs. Norton. Mr. and
t the Willow Brook farm last Mon- Mrs. Roberts. MandMrsOake..
Tho young neoplee' literary club Gllmore. Wm. Spacer. Irl Powers,
meet, every Friday evenlog at tho C .Roam John D svl H"ohl Davis,
Plslnvlew school bouse. Everybody
Hunt Konnnr and tha MImm Morton
Ray Cleveland, formorly of Avon,
sterltne Prrrour of Hennnor. Is vis
iting with his narcnt at Cloverdale..
Mr. and Mrs. Custettor and son
left for their home at Tacoma after
a 'wo weoka stv with their daughter
Mm. Prentiss Van Tassoll.
Tho snow Is about 18 Inches deep
up it 'he Davis sawmill.
Good ire la been plentiful In this
neighborhood this winter.
A wclil dance w given at U" f.
F McCalllstor ran eh last week. Mrs.
Pi'lliam waa hostess.
Mrs. Lucy Winkle was quite ftl last
Mr. KnleVerltool'or shinned M
bunch of turkeys to tho Portland
markets and received a good prlco for
Tho W. 0. T IT. will moot with
Mrs. Chalfan Wedaeeday. January
Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy MeOalllster have
beon on tho sick list for tho past
George McCnllUter ws a business
caller In Sisters last week.
Rnbert Davis hss been on the sick
list for the past month but Is able to
go ia work aeain.
Mr. and Mrs. Sovlor, John Mc
Cully and Arthur Gertson wero In
bin neighborhood Isst week and had
bo misfortune of having, their car
ireak dewn. Thoy --o compelled
o stay with Mr. and Mrs. Knicker
bocker until repairs camo from Port
land. John Mtchenstern was hauling
hay from Frvrear's ono day last week.
A very pleasant surprise wns giv
en Mr. nnd Mrs. Edglngtnn when
ihey went homo from Hartley's last
Thursday evening nnd found their
Iioufo full of friends and neighbors.
A very pleasant evening was snent
nlaylng games ond dancing until a
lato hour when refreshments were
The Plalnvlew Llternrv Club gave
nn entertainment last Saturday even
!nr to ralso monev to nay for tho
dishes tho club nnd tho W. C. T. U.
had bought.
Mr. Knickerbocker was a business
mllcr tn Bend Mnndav.
Mr. and Mrs. Quy McQglltyer and
George McCalllstor went to uend on
John Wchtenstcrn was In Bend on
bigness Monday.
Mrs. Davis and Mrs. (Lltchenstern
w In Sisters on business Saturday.
Miss Darleno Winkle Is spending a
Minnesota, but now residing In Port
land, Is visiting with Mr. nnd Mrs.
B. E. Davis. Mr. Cleveland has de
cided to flto on n homoatoad horo. Ho
leaves for Portland on Monday.
Mrs. L. Goodman called on Mrs.
B. H. Davla Saturday.
Mr. nud Mro. W. 11. Roam spent
Saturday evening at tho Davis homo.
A. D. Norton will go to Bond Mon
day. U Goodman wont to Bond to vis
it his son, Meyer Goodman
Mrs. W. 11. McAdow Is making ar
rangements to attend tho Sun Iran
Cisco fair this spring.
Mrs. W. 11. Roam onllod on Mrs.
MoAdow Tuesday.
Tho ladle of tho vnlloy will moot
at P. U. Johnson's next Saturday
whan thoy will organise an auxiliary
to tho Homesteader's Dovolopmont
'Spcolal to Tho Bullotln)
" 1MVHUS. Jan. 1?. Tho woathor
mnn linn linnn nulla hilar hero lntOlV
with snow. wind, sleet nnd n little
knnnhlnn mlxuil In.
Tho hall given by tho Prlnglo Flats
improvement wiuu noro iu mu -uiii
was woll nttendod. Tho Club will
imtirnvn tho hnll nnd also build n
lnrco shed to stnblo horses In tho
nnnr future.
Mrs. Paul Hold, who has boon qulto
Ink. la nblo to bn Ul) again.
Surprlso parties nro gottlng to bo
qulto common noro. a uuncn even
found Frank Mlkuola at his cabin
In tho hills a fow nights ago.
Miss Ellxabeth Evnns has gono to
Prlnovillo whoro sho will attend tho
normal school.
Mr. Lewis cut his foot qulto badly
while cutting wood.
A. B. Taylor has dug n now woll
on his placo 17 foot deep with a good
flow of water.
F. T. Carpenter will go to Bond In
a dny or two to moot Mrs. Corpon
tor'a father who Is coming from tho
cut. . . .
Miss Faith Ramsey nnd Robort
Plorson woro taking tho 8th grado
examination hero on tho 11th nnd
Mr. Hallmcyor will tnnko another
trip to Bend for groceries tor tno
Rivers storo.
Tho Improvement Club will glvo
anothur ball tho 12th of February.
(Special to Tho Bulletin)
DRY LAKE, Jan. 15. Mr. Couch
mttirnml Wednesday from Buck
Crook with another drovo of saddlo
horses, which will bo wintered at tho
old Prlco placo.
Many of our homesteaders witness
cd tho rabbit drlvo hold at Barnes
Tuesday. Among them being Mrs.
Follan. Mlsa Laura Potorson, Mrs.
nine Mastnr Rlnit. J. Mosor. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Wittlger, Goorgo Wilson nnd Joo
Oarsko. All reported an onjoynblo
Ed Street from Buck Creek passed
throuch horo Tuesday bound for
Prlnevlllo on urgent business.
Dry Lnko was woll represented nt
tho Prlnglo Flats danco given on
January 15.
John Pausch from Ibox visited
friends hore Saturday.
L. Bennett from Barnes called at
tho Peterson ranch Tuesday.
Mr. Christofferson. Mr. Wilson nnd
Mrs. Wilson from Buck Creek pass
ed through horo Friday on tholr way
to Prlnglo Flats.
(Special to Tho Bulletin).
STAUFFER, January 26 T. C
Ewing of Hampton returned home on
Bfltnrdny to look n'ter home affairs.
A number of young peoplo of this
Bend Hour Mill Co'.
Deschutes Spray
True Blue
The leading brands of patent flour.
Ask your grocer for them.
Large quantities of Shorts, Bran,
Rolled Oats and Barley on hand at
all times.
Seed Wheat and Rye in several va
rieties. Mail Orders solicited.
Bend Flour Mill Co.
Kdes' Saturday nlnht.
A nuinhor of tho ladles gnvo Mm.
Stauffor n plonsnut surprlso tho hIx
tounth, It being hor birthday. A
bountiful dinner wns served and n
gonornl good tlmo roportod.
Mr. Snnvoly wns n visitor nt tho
post oinco one day Inst wook.
Roy and Ted Stauffor mado n trip
to Brookings Saturday, returning on
Sunday. ,
Gus McClouth mndo n trip to Al
kali tho Inst of tho wook.
Porry tlartoon hns been visiting
nt llonjnmln Lnko for tho Inst fow
Lloyd Forbes is on bin hnmestcid
ngnln nftnr being nwny for Kovornl
days on n trapping trip.
V. I). HnrrlH wont out to his barn
Moudny morning to oaro for his stock .
and found n royoto In tho barn with,
his horses, lie got his gun nud kill-,
ed the animal. It certnlnly Is tttuo
ono roportod n splomlld tlmo.
Mr. Bwlshur went to Lnldluw ono
dny Innt wcok.
Mr. McCnlllutor Wnn n llontl Visitor
Inst Friday.
I. 10. Wlmor mndo u trip to Lnld
Inw Bnturdny.
R. 11. llnyloy wont to Ilodmond on
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bpnugh nud family
spoilt Sunday ovonlng at thu homo of
L, II. Root.
MIhnos Ediin Hoot, Ruth llnyloy
and Estluir Dlolrlch and Mr. 1miJji
Dlotrloh woro (ho Kunntn of Mr, nud
Mrs, U, 19. Dlotrloh Wodiumdny ovon-
Miss Myrllo Spnugh In nn thu slolc
for tho pconlo to wnko uit and Kut n
good strong bounty on tluWo nntmiils
and got rid of tho dangerous coyotes.
Bon Rhodes got In from Bond on
Monday with n load of groceries.
(Spoclat to Tho Bullotln)
riNEHURRT, January SB. 0. W.
Snyder wnnt to taldlnw on Monday.
A. II. Rcod mado a business trip
to Bond Monday.
R. II. Bayley left Thursday for
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nichols and chil
dren spent Snturday night at Plnln
vlow. Sllna Dietrich visited tho school
Mr. Nichols wont to Bond on bust
ness Monday.
Mrs. McCalllstor waa tho guest of
Mrs. Snyder Sunday.
Miss Esther Dietrich spent Sunday
with Miss Ruth Baylor".
A number of peoplo from Laldlaw
and Plnehurst woro skating on tho
reservoir at camp C Sunday, Evory-
(Sncclnl to Tho Bulletin)
Alton sold n load of liugx to tho Ilod
mond Warehouse Company on Tiiob
dny. Guy Dolmnn of Ilodmond Is plan
nlng to hnvo ton norns of dry land
nlfnlfn put In on his plnco mmr tho
Hhepnrd school housn. The nlfnlfn
will bo planted In rows nnd aiiltU
Tho HEST nil-round Fanlly
SowlnR Mnchlno that can
ha produced. Mndo In both
stylos. Tho rotnry tnnko
both LOCK nnd CHAIN
atltch. Tho latest up to
tho mlnuto ntcol attach
ment with each machine.
Sold on easy pnymenUi.
Send nnmo nnd addres for
our beautiful II. T. caUi
Ioruo freo.
White Sewing Machine Co.
C19 Merchants Natlonnl Hank Hldff
San Francisco, California
(Contlnuud on pngo 7.)
T..T. , A T.
liTo Lafollette
Nursery Co.
""" ' " ""'""
Prlnovillo, Oregon
ciirr OUT of tho rut. It's
only a habit to do nil our
trading at tho Inrgor towns,
Let us spend our money at
home whoro It will do VH
tho most good. IIKMKMIU'K
n 2G cent phono mossago will
transact a lot of business
nud save IIOLLARH.
P. B. Johnson
Brick Is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
All who have used our product arc satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
We Control and Have For Sale, at the Bet
Prices and Terms, the -Largest Amount of
Business and Residence Property
in Bend. Call or Write for Free
Maps and Descriptive Matter
. - .
Insurance Written in All
Its Branches in World
Known Companies
WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE Oflices und Agents ,
Better Enahle Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants.'
Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon.
Empire Building, Seattle, Wash.