The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 20, 1915, Image 1

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1 nb
Vol, XII.
NO. 1(1.
i i
All ITiumirxIcil Hon nt I-nrgo After
, Noun tin Monday to lt Hhot Horn!
Follows Iml of Prliimlllo mill
JttiniM Orillimiira Adopted.
As n precaution ngnlnst tho epi
demic of, rnliluN now. prevalent In
-Central C-fogon all unmuizlml dojjn
nt largo "ii tho afreet of Bond after
12 o'clock, noon, on Monday nuxt nro
to Ira idiot according ( nn ordinance
iiiloitid liy tho city council nt a moot
ing yeslordny afternoon. Tim radio
ltuntlon, which mndo tho ordlnnnca
necessary, lod thn council to declare
that an rlncrwnov existed and to dahn
tho ordinance lltrmiKh Its varloua
ttn nt onn session. As an nddl
tlonal precaution tho council directed
tho recorder to request tho county
linalth hoard to ordor doga to ho
tiumlcd In tho county In gonera).
An vot no resident of llond ha suf
fernd from thn Mtn of any rnlild ani
mal Imt n doc wllh tho d I sen mi la
(mown to have been In town mid ev
oral havo been seen In Die Powoll
HoUe ouuntry. Uodar all the olr
nimaiauoiHt II snouted desirable 10 thn
Totitwil to lake the neeesaary precau
tionary measuron ngnlnst any out
break of raids here and aa n resmlt
thn new ordinance waa prepared and
Ac I Ion In Prliintlllo.
Is Prlnevlll trlngHl orders have
lH marie l lb eltv eonhcll to pre
vent dogs fniiu running at larga and
KlMna art warned not In go into
thn couutrv without guns with wktelt
to defend themselves against attack
frow rto or coyote. According to
pw report wad dog, eata and cat
tle havo died within thn city llmtla
end nuntHrii of dw thHt talnnged
xm roehwi outside the e'ty huvcbef n
bitten by oHyntna and aro now roam
ing tho country.
At Ha laat itieotlnK tho oounty
rourt adopted a memorial to thn log
Mature nsklng for tho roatorat'on of
the hnunty on coyote and ll la ho
IIqvihI that atrang pressure will bo
Votfilhl" to WaV IhJ oilier countO
Interested to obtain tho bounty from
tho leKlalnturo.
Stock Section HulTrr. '
Thn Mlock loallona of tho country
nro suffering most front tho rabies
-opldtunhj and It la In those that tho
most stringent measure against tho
disease nro being taken. Tho lioard
of health of I.nke county haa Issued
an urdar that all dog In thn aoiiHty
Mutated and directing the sheriff
to kill all that am not wttsaled or
aafelv confined. Thn hoard also
recommend that school rhlldrsH who ;
have ton distances to travel to get
to Mhool Ihi kh trnnapiiruitlnn. j
In Hunt thn ctty rouutll haa nnnn-1
d a muaalltiK onttnanen and all iloi
foiwd oh thn Btraat without tuuaaloM
Mr ibot at on en, aoaordlMic Ui rnftortn
of trunk drtvnrs who bava mm
through from thre latnly. Thn Joaa
to atock In thnl country on oooomit
of rabid coyote hltun haa Itnon vary
high and the moat actlvo niaHU po-
.. . . ,i i
(Continued on lait pitco.) '
The Deschutes State
WAHIIINOTON. Jan. 10. Hpoflltor
('lark today ruloil tho hill onrrylnit
MiuiiotirlitlloiiH from tho lurlntniitlon
fund iiKKioKntlng 113,000,000 nliuuld
tin roritrrnil to tho noiiiinllloo on np
pruprlutioiiH ninl not to tho commit
t' on Irrigation. Tho wnntorn con
KroMimon foiinht to havo tho Irriga
tion committee coiiNldnr It, na thoy
imllovo tho appropriation ooininlttao
Ihwi frlnndly. Orngon Itunm total
Itiilldluif N I'lilutcil TliroiiKliout
llnko room I'rotldPN for Flour
Trala To linprovo lloail,
Tho work of making repaint and
uddltlona at tho plunt of tho lloiid
l'lour .Mill Company la now prnotlo
nlly oomplotcd ntid tho mill la run
ning full tlnio, Tho compluto aoalhig
of tho mill Imldu waa muntlanod In
Tho llullotlu laat fall. Hucontly tho
wliolo mtnrlor wa palntod whito pro
viding n perfoctly cleanly and
tury npioarntico.
Now inachliiory haa boon added to
tho plant thli month Including two
now purlflurs, flour dreviorH' and a
aooiirllig niachlno, whllo n tullllng
aitpiirntor for cleanluK whont and a
diiMt collector havo hvn put In, giv
ing furthor ovldonco of tho dcslro of
lha managamuut to kmip all dirt out
of tho mill, With tho now machinery
now Ulna aro being addod In tho
aouth portion of tho mill providing
extra capacity for wheat ntoragu.
Another now fenturo In tho mill
la n amall bako room containing an
oven In which dally tnata or tho flour
will bo made, whllo vat of ohemloaU
aUred In the banouiont pmvldn meana
for periodic fumigation.
Aa aooti aa tho weather la favor
able work will be begun on thn new
atrnet leading to thn mill from Wall
alrnet and roHilderabla earth will be
brought In to make n fill on thn
'tiOi end of thn lot, providing munh
radtor ace to thn loading plalr
form and Urn roiniany olflon.
I Hl
OoHiimrcIn! C'luU Will Awlht In tho
llcwiliiMrnllon I 'n rm .Woik la a
Practical Wny.
Aa Dig renttlt of tho auKgnntlon
Hiado In Th ISnllotln that noma wny
le found to doinonitrnto tho wheat
growing puislhllltlen of the homn-
ted country tho llnnd Coimnnrrtnl
Club line '..icred to provide seed for
thrwi dnmonatratlou farm of 10
acre onch to ho selected hy County
AKrleulturin IfftjU' v Hm
oaniO'Up fromJtcdinond on Monday
to confer with tho director of tho
With ccpccrulug thn farm and after
a dlicuaMon of tho Idea tho offer wa
Tho work on tho farma. according
to the plan outlined hy Mr. lxivott,
will bo dono hy tho owners hut thoy
will bo required to follow directions
nod to keep oareful records of their
work. It they wlah they may work
portion of their farm aeoordlng to
ihoir own Ideas and an a meaai of
comparing the two methods. Mr.
Ixtvmt la to attend a meeting nt Mil
lion h an flmurday and protaily wilt
riwt onn or more of the farmn for
tho demonstration work at that time.
Later reuorls In reepect to the ante
or the Denchutea Timber Company's
Jiroperty are to tho offoet that the
Ibevllna have bought out all inter
est. This complete tho transaction
In the mnnnor contemplated hy the
Weyiirhaousera oxaept that tho Shev
liii aro nuhstltutud for them na pur
chasers. E. M. IARA
" Cashier
DreliticH Kntx Not Untitled to RUOOOO
Denmnilcil for Work Alleged Dono
as Irrigation; I'romotor Keen
Fight H-cctil un ItcsiilU -
8AI.HM, Jan. 18,Vornon AV
Korboa of Denif as usual Is making
ni prnsenco ru in mo iuirtturctljiM, 0f Laldlaw. waa oppolntod l'ro
and la prominent an a forceful1 loo'der?f.jctt Hnglneer of thoTumalo Project
In tho House of Representative. Ho
ha hoou Rlvou positions on tho com
mlttoos of Irrigation, Jurisprudence,
Oatna and Public Lands, mid Is chair,
man of tho Ilulos commlttoo.
Mr. Porbca I expecting to Intro
duce, so in o time early Uila week, a
bill for tho operation of tho Tumalo
Projoot. In this connection aomo
tight I anticipated In regard to thoj
propesod payment to Alma D. Kntx
of $20,000 to rolmburso him for
amountji allecodly oxponded in nur-.
vuyiag ana promoting tuo iioiunct
Columbia Southern-irrigation schema
now Ui Tumalo Projoot. Kntx baa
n atrong lobby, nnd. apparently,
rrlenrts on the Desert Land Hoard.
He will make a hard eaninalKii tor
hi lit, 000, and Forbes and others!
will eomuct the payment to the Inst
At Aral an effort waa innrfh to
tack Um Katr payment on to the
general Tutnnlo adulnlatratlon hill.
tt that wan defeated. It ta mip
poaed a aeparate bill providing for
the payment will he presented lajr
noma Portland delegate.
Koybce taken the ground that ICatx
nlnyed hie game and lost; he went
Into the onterprise expecting big
prollta, nnd If he had wadu' them bo
would not havo offered to ahnre Oto
gains with tho State. Hut bo lost
what little ho Invested and now wants
the Htato to reimburse him. It is
understood Forbes consldors the
charges exorbitant and. especially, ho
innlntalflB that l( thn Kate claim
tospgnUcd othorfl will pour In andfUialuicccss
thciimnlrtTrojcct would -oecome
general grab bag for all the dlsan
llnted promotor who bad to do
with it In the past.
As tho legislature Is pledged to
nconomv, and tho poople gonorally
havo como to rogard tho Tumalo Pro
ject ns a closed incldont so far as
furthor expenditure Is concerned, It
Is believed Katz has little ohance to
pluek his chestnut from the fire.
TO rmiltAT ItAlllllT IISKT.
SALNM, Jnn. 19.--Ilepreenlntlvei lg attention to details, the rigid
rorhea has Introduced a bill provtd-' economv displayed bv him through
las; an appropriation to lie used for ' his connection with the Tumalo Pro
devialng wnya snd means or combat-1 Ject. end bearttlv cnnnratnlatea htm
tine thn rabbit nest in Central nnd . UDon hla splendid suecese in his dlf-
Riutern Onsjoii. It provide) that,
J 1,000 be appropriated, to be ex.
ivemled under the auapleea of the O.
. C. In eo-operatlon with counties
who will appropriate $3S0 onch foriapread these resolutions uuon the
the work. That 1. where a county
puts up that amount, the state will
match It. so long na the appropriation
lasts. This la alone tho lino Biizesnt-
ed hy Oovornor Wlthycombe in his ,
Inaugural message. .
S $ Stoves or Ranges,
Prtints or Oils,
Doors or .Windows,
Pumps nnd Pipe, '
Light nnd Hettyy Hardware
Auto Supplies .and Sporting Goods,
or Kitchen Utensils,
S3enb Davbware Cq
i ,,
1 ON FEB. 1
Desert Iniul Ikinnl Makes Appolnl-
inotit Passes Itesolutlons Compll-
ijiontliiK Foniier KoK'uccr on
Ills Able Mnglnccrlntf Work.
(Special to Tho Bulletin.)
SALBM, Jan. 10 Fred N. Wal-
from February 1 at tho mooting of
tho beiort Land Hoard held hero to
day, succeeding O. Lourgaard whoso
work Is finished. At tho name meet
ing resolutions wero adopted express
log tho thanks and Appreciation of
tho Hoard to Mr. Laurgaard for bis
ofTorts on tho project.
Mr Wnllaco's appointment, which
was recommended not only by Mr.
Laurgaard hut by tho settlers on tho
piojert, ta mado under tho old law
which provided for tho construction
of tho project. Tho legislature will
undouMadly pans a new bill nt tuo
present sosslon for the tuluro opera
tion and Mr. Wallace will thon re
ceive Hie appointment to tho mnnug-
Unjc ptflre crofltwl by It. Ho has had
(Diane or tho operation and tnalRtc-
tfano dopartmeut during uie recent
eonetriiotlon. From now uniil he
SJten charge on February 1 Mr. Wal
oe lll be engaajed with Mr. Lor-
iru in msHiiis inrvnionnn aim pro
Ing for the transfer. Hy reeolu-
. of the Hoard the project oiace
rty in I-sldlsw will be purcnas-
r permanent headquarters.
Iiap liuulnAjia IrAJUimAind ItV Ilia
oeert Ijind Hoard won to grant an j
Mtelislnn or 90 days from December Oa Wednesday th court adjourn
iW tbe Paisley project. ThU la "1 "J FeJinwrjr 1 "rer cheeking wp
rKoirarey Act project beln: carried e re,rd,,,of OOBnt,3r m?n,;,w Jw
on by the Portland Irrigation Com
lisoy. a auuKiu-nry i-uiiimnj mv
Northwest Townalto Co.. of Philadel
phia, Tho Tttirganrd Itcsolutlon.
'The Laurgaard resolutions, passed
br the Hoard, aro as follows:
Wiicreas the momiers or tno ues-
slcrt - and Hoard fully appreciate that
iful cpniplo
tiOJi of tho Turn
nosalble br tho ability, energy. In
dustrr and falthfulnoss of tho Pro
ject Knglneer. O. Laurgaard, and
Whereas tho Project Hngineor la
about to sorer his connection with
said project, duo to Its completion.
Thoroforo. He It Resolved that tho
Desert Land, Hoard hereby oxtends
Its slneoro thanks and hoartv apnre
elation to Mr. Laurgaard for the tire
less energy, the excellent engineering
and constructive ability, the unapar-
Itcolt. pelioii aa Project lSnglneer
nnd lie It further
Unsolved that the Secret arv Im and
ha le authorised and directed to
minute of the Desert Land Hoard
and to forward n copy nlcned by this
Board, and by Oswald West, ox-flov-ornor
ef Orenon. nnd A. M. Crawrord.
ox-Attorney Qonoral, to O. Laurgaard
'nt Laldlaw, Oregon
A it
Judge Hradslmw'a decision In favor
it Jefferson county was affirmed by
the supremo court yesterday and the
last obstacle Is removed from tho
path of Oregon's youngest county.
The cnso on which the eottrt'a decis
ion was rendered waa n proceeding
by writ Ut review the action of tho
county court In placing the matter oa
the ballet last November and wa be
fore the supreme court on appeal.
Appropriates 91,000 on Understand
ing That Jefferson County Will
Appropriate ajftOO for Support.
Crook oounty will co-opernto with
the Oregon Agricultural College in
maintaining an agriculturist in the
county during tho year 1915. Thjs
was detormlped at tho recent meet
ing of tho county court following an
extensive agitation on the part of
various commercial hodlon nnd far
mora of tho county to persuade' tho
court to make tho rotentlon of tho
present agriculturist possible. Uy
tho ordor of tho court $1,000 wan ap
propriated for the purpose on the un
derstanding that Jefferson county,
which shares tho services of tho ag
riculturist, will contribute ?500 In
support of the office.
At tho soma terra of court V. II.
tucy, former county sealar, was set
tled with on account of his claim
against tbo county. Lucy received
r.c u In full for his claim which
ni'ioctucd to a much larger sum. In
further recognition of the formation
of Jefferson county tho court ordered
thnt no more inonoy bo paid to wid
ows or Indigent persons! n that coun
ty. As a measure o: ecoaomy coun
ty Wator Mastor Hrowster was order
ed paid horeaftor on a per diem
haala Instead of by a flat salary aa
Allen Wlllcoxon wns reappalntod
road supervisor for the Powell Hntte
district nnd Chas. Hlndman given the
appointment for Slaters. A petition
tor the formation or a road district:
In the Prlngle Plate neighborhood
waa referred back to the petitioners
fe rt wi'ii
what this checking Is to be, different
otllelals In the court house are put
slod to know but thoy are all ready
for whatever It Is.
Claims ot the discovery of gold
and other minerals along the Des
chutes river near Terrebonne have re-
bor of men rrom Portland and re
braska who aasert that tho richest
gold doposlta known In the rorld
wilt bo out done In tho Deschutes
valley. Several resldcnta of ItudraondJ
and Terrobonno havo staked out
The people ot tho Powell Dutio
eountry. at a reoeat meeting larmeu
an Improvement association to worR
for the betterment or eondltlotw In,
their section. John Tuek Is the,
president and J. P. Rien secretary, j
At a meeting nt the Wilson school i
qn Friday, attended by County Ag
rteullnrist. Lovett a potato growers
aesoctnUon waa discussed.
Publication of tlie delinquent tax
list for the year 1013 waa begun In
th lnt lMiie of the Crook County
Ii.mmhI 1k AA,mnMt.d ,111 Mid)
property Hated will be tor sale after
March 1.
.- ' s5
The First National Bank
U. a COE, President E. A. SATnEK, Vice- President
C. S. nUDSON, Cashier
Capital fully paid - - - 925.000
Surplus - - - - ' - tSa.OOO
Tho public's attontion ta respectfully directed to the
' following Important provisions of the new War
Revenue mil, effectlvo December 1, 1914.
NOTI--S Notes must bear Btamps when not exceeding
$100.00. two cents; for each additional $100.00 or
fractional part thereof la excess ot 1100.00, two
DlvL'DS When the consideration or valuo of tho Inter
est or property conveyod, oxcluslvo of tho value of
any lieu or onoumbrance thereon, exceeds $100.00
nnd does not oxceed $500.00, 50 cents; and for
each additional $600.00 or fractional part thereof
in excoss. ot $500, 50 cents.
MOllTGAGHS Mortr.agos given to securo the payment
of prorulaory notes are exempt, hut tho notes which
such mortgages eucuro must hear the required
amount of stamps.
CHECKS NOT HL'IUECT TO TAX For our own use and
the. accomodation ot tho Puhllo wo have seoured a
supply of documentary stamps. Copy of laws may
bo inspected at our Uanklng room.
U. C. Cob e. A. Sather q. a. Hudson
Q. jd p-attbiison , H. o. elms
ThU Is Hit tint Ion Hvcn if Oregon Puts
Up Its Klniro According to Coinjt-
trolIT Co-Opcration Con ho
Carried Out by CongrcM.
Another monkay wroaoh has bean
thrown Into the maohlnory of co
operative irrigation work in Oregon,
planned to bo done by state appro
priation and allotment by Secretary
Lane from tho Reclamation fund.
This time It comes la tho shapo of a.
decision from tho Comptroller of tho
Treasury limiting the time In which
any sum put up by the Department of
tho Interior may be spent.
Now of the decisloa of tho Comp
troller appeared In the daily papers
lost week, the report In the Oregon
Ian being aa follows;
"Tho Comptroller of tho Treasury
In an opinion rendered today, bolda
that no money may bo expended after
July 1, 1915. to tho construction of
Government Irrigation works other
than amounts specifically appropriat
ed by Congress and holding further
that all moneys allotted by Secretary
Lane and unexpended oa that dato
must automatically revert to tho rec
lamation fund. This ruling wllln ot
delay projects for which Congress
makes appropriations this session,
but tho ruling Is directly applicable
to tho proposed plan of eo-operatlon
between the State of Oregon and tho
Reclamation Service.
"Secretary Lane has held Informal
ly that If the state, prior to July 1.
should furnish 1450.000 to bo used
Jointly with a like amount, which ho
tentatively allotted for the co-operative
project, Ute amount no allot
ted by him would he available until
expended. The Oonsptroller holds to
the contrary and his decision Is final.
Therefore. If the atate and tbo Qov
ornmont como to a final agreement
before July 1 looking to co-operation
It will he necessary far Congress to
mako an appropriation tor that pur
poso to carry on the work after July
That this decision doea not brine
a. cncUtoithecouerat!va7planand
make It useless for Oregon to appro
priate Its share for tho work is shown
by the concluding paragraph of tbo
report to the effect that tho expected
congressional oppr o p r 1 a 1 1 o n will
probably bo so nuthorlxed that it may
be used either for an independent
government project or for co-operation.
For the Half .Mill Tax.
The effort to obtain through tbo
state legislature Oregon's share of a
co-operative fund hy n half mill Ux
aa urged by the recent Irrigation Coh
greM. Is to have the rapport ot the
Portland Commercial Club after all.
At a recent meeting of the board or
governors or the dub It waa resolved
that "in fuiailment ot the assurance
given In behalf of the club." a com
mittee of 10 he appointed to co
operate with the legislative commit
tee of the congress In its campaign
to secure action along the linen ot
the resolutions adopted by tho Con
gress. This aetton of the governor
has been very favorably received nnd
(Continued oa last page.)