PAffi. TIIK nKSl) UULIiKTIKi UHNI), OttK., WKDNKHDAY, JANUARY 1, J91R. - CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. 4 - Ot.OT.HIAM3. iSpoclnl to Tho Bulletin) CLOVKltlMLE, Jnn. 11. Tho Jol ly Hncholora of Desert Springs Rftvo a dahco at tho homo ot lltngham Me Anurow laal Friday ovenlng. Tho Dncbclora proved themselves to ho excellent ontcrtnlnors. At tho loso of tho evening refreshments wore served. Those nrosont from Sisters woro Hniol Tomplolon. Florence Wal tlran, QoorRo Wilson nnd Dick Smith. Sterllo Fryrear Is visiting with his parents this week. Miss Klonnor Orubo ontortalnod tho youngor sot at her homo Inst Krldar ovenlng. A crowd of Sisters younK folks wore present and nil re port a very pleasant time. W. It. Cabb was looking at Glovor dalp farms again this wook. Mrs. C N. Kruchck has returned to her homo after visiting with her parents In Walla Walla. B. L. Wwldron was business vis itor in Redmond Saturday. .John Ootlor mado a uuslncss trip to Alfalfa last week A from near liend woro In Olovordalo after hay this week. C. Carson and wife. E. Slmor and wlfo nnd W. Doyd met Monday ren ins at Waldron'a or a committee ap pointed to draw up a constitution nnd by-lawa for tho Cloverdalo Coun cil. Mr. ScoKRlna of Plnlnvlow is haul lnj? hay from Cloverdalo. F. a. Cutlln. a checso maker from Amboy, Washington, was looking over tho Cloverdalo country with a view of buying land, and thought this an ideal location to start a dairy project, lio left for homo Sunday with I'll bo back In a few days as a "cood bye." O. McKlnney and wlfo of Sisters irnrn curat nt I.OWO s Sunday, The Council meets next Friday Avenlnr. Important business and a cood nroeram. Every one invited Sunday school at ton thirty next Sunday. H. Hower was transacting business In Redmond Saturday. Grandfather Cvrus was taken to Sister sick Sunday. School started again Monday to tho delight of all the children. Tho event cntno unhornldod, not n yml in this community bslng "next." Mr. DuUoln Is well known hore. Tho hrldo is tho daughter ot Mr. nnd Mrs. Cyrus Williams of Union, Oregon, Sho la n gradunto of tho I.owlaton, (Idaho), Normal nnd la a young lady of exceptional ability nnd very pleas ing personality. Thoy enmo in on Thursday to mako tholr homo on their homestead In this valley. Mr. Wolgel of Tncoma, crjno In on t onr as fur ns Ilruoklnga onrouto to Stauffor, whoro ho has n homoatend. School has tnkon up agnln after a thrso wcok a vent Ion. Uort Moeks helped Chris Tinner haul hay Wednesday nnd Thursday, IIAMITOX. Special to Tho lldtlotln) HAMPTON'. Jan. 7. H. It. Hoguo and family have returned to tholr homostoad. A. T. Shaver was in. Hampton on Monday morning. Tho friends of Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. rtniifm anrnplDnil thAm nn Tti ill tin v Hallborg nnd Mr. Dickenson 0VOnlng by meotlng Rt tholr homo and having a candy pull. A. S. Fogg, on going to tho barn Mondnv morning to do his foodlng, noticed his lambs out of their accus tomed place and In a short time he heard a cat growl, so ho went around to sea what tho troublo was and es pied a largo bob cat. Tho cat and ono ot tho lambs had a severe fight, tho lamb whipping tho cat. Mr. Fogg got his gun and klllod tho cat- Tho lamb Deemed vory soro after his fight with tho cat but othorwlso was all right. Mrs. Delia Hoeun -pent Monday with Mrs. C. II. Harmon. Mrs. Mattlo Crow Is on tho sick list. Vm. Honslov and C. n. Harmon are getting wood this wcok. Mrs. Lucy Hicks and son Gerald spont Sttndar with Mrs. A. 8. Fogg. Burr Dlack nnd W. T. Harrison aro hauling hay to Lizard Crcok this wek. Mr. and Mrs. Fogg entertained on t Monday evening In honor ot their son Harolds fourteenth birthday. Those present woro Misses Darlo Durton, Florenco Hunting. Messrs. Dan MoArthur, Gcorgo Wolls. Arthur Tatro. Arthur Wllquet, Harold Fogg and Mr. and Mrs. Fogg. Ico cream and many good oats wero served, nil nrescnt having a very pleasant even ing. A. T. Shaver spent Sunday night at C. H. Harmon's. A. T. Eramo has gone to Dend to stov a few weeks. Tho Misses Crow. Hugh Crow and Mr. Crrtutch attended a party near Imperial Saturday ovcnlng nnd on their way homo the horses wero scared and ran away, upsetting tho occupants of tho buggr and almost ruining a nice suit of clothes for Hugh Orow. as he wiui thrown against a barbed wlro fence. Mr. Croutch spent Saturday night with Hugh Crow. Ho tied hla horso In tho barn and on Sunday morning when they went to do tho morning chores ho found his noma's hoad fastened. When they released tho horsa it soon d'ed. W. D. Bennett was in Hampton on 8ISTKKS. (Special to Tho Bulletin) StRTERS. Jan. 11. Miss Hazel Templeton was a Bend visitor during last week. Mrs. Kobort 8mlth spent several davs In Ilend last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Updike wero visiting In Sisters Saturday. Carl Woods haa purchased a Chal-rner-3G auto for use ot himself and family. aeo. E. Altken was a business vis itor In llend ono day last week. J. P. Duckett returned Monday from Portland where he'had been as B rf.tprptm to the irrigation Congress. Miss Florenco Waldron spent alwut a week during the holiday vacation visiting with friends In Bond nnd Laidlaw. Joe Wilson Is homo In Sisters af ter a two month's stay In tho Silver 'LnVo country. Mr. and Mm. A. M. Prlnglo ol. Monday. Dend. spont Saturday and Sunday atl Mr. Smith of 8taurfor stayed in Helslng'o on the Metollus. Hampton Monday night enrouto to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur WiirtwMlor Bond. returned Sunday from Portland Leo Rlggs was Jn Hampton weu- , -- MM4tMMMMM4UMIK 4 llcan was a county Boat vloltor Inst wook. A. D. Norton, Horaco White, Ooo. Roberts and L, P. Roonoy drovo to Prlnovlllo Wednesday to nttond court In regard to proposed roads In onr valley. Mr. nnd Mr. Davis spont Sunday evening at tho L. Goodman homo. Mr. and Mrs. Counwny woro cnlloro nt Mio Roams homestond Thursday evening. Thos. MolTetl called nt tho Davis and McAdow homos Sunday nftor- noon. Frank llorwltx colled nt L. uood man's Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Goorgo Atllltcan has boon quite sick for tho past wook at hor ranch homo hore. John Davis spont Friday at It. F. Dyor's. William Todd wont to Bond tor a short stay lastweok. Mrs. W. H. Rosm visited with Mrs. Barney Connway Friday and 8undny. A. Kdolstotn nnd family loavo for Canada tho latter part ot next wcok. Mrs. A. O. Allen spont Thursday evening visiting at tho B. E. Davis homestead. F. G. Klkor took supper nt tho Conaway homo Saturday. A. T. Shaver has drilled n woll for Frank Porclvnl, going down to tho depth ot 200 foot boforo atrlklnk wntor. This Is tho socond welt Mr. Shaver has drilled since leaving At wyn Leo's place. Tho County Court and county com missioners woro hero last weok view ing certain proposed roads. John Davis and Hooper Dyer aro intending In set out a long lino ot trnpa n a fow days. Owing to tho fact that tho bounlv was takon oft of coyotes, vory llttlo trapping has been dono tho past month, but now that an effort Is being mndo by Rep resentative V. A. Forbes to have n bounty of JG.00 placed on coyotes a much Increased Intorcst Is being tnk on by tho ttoys In trapping. The school board will hold a meet ing Wednesday aftornoon at tho homo of Clerk II. E. Davis. It will bo for tho purposo of enlarging tho school house, as tho present building la whollr inadequate to houso tho llttlo folks that expect to attend next torm. Tho homesteaders hero wero ploas od to learn that from now on they can secure money orders at our nost ofllco Instend of Bonding to Bond as formerly done. where Mr. Wurzweller acted as dele gate to the Irrigation Congress. Carl Woods was In Sherman coun ty last week on business and attend ed the Irrigation Congrew In Port land the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Edglngton ro turned the middle of tho weV from a three week's visit with relatives and friends at Hood River. M. Bailor nnd Harry Robertson were In Redmond Sunday on a short business trip. Anthonr Roach Is In Redmond af ter a well drilling outfit that will drill a well on the Wyman place. Mr. and Mrs, Rov Davidson spent A week visiting at the Updike ranch on the Metollus the first of the year. A basket ball game Saturday night between the high tchool team and a picked team of Sister players result ed In a victory for the school team in a score of 16 to 12. A Htorary society was organized in Sisters Friday night, tho object of which Is tho betterment of literary conditions both in the school and among tho loeal people. The first annual election of offlcrs of the Sisters Fair Association was held on the 4th. and the following of ficers wero elected for the present venr: Robort Davis, oresldent; R. 8. Towne, secretary: C. L. Dennlson. trenBilror: R. J. Skelton, Robert Smith and Carl Woods, directors. HAMPTON IJUTTE. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) HAMPTON BUTTE. Jan. C Miss Allcg Brookings returned to her home at Stauffor Saturday after visiting several diva with her brother. A. T. Shaver is drilling c well for P. C. Doncor. Roy StaufTer spent New Year's day with hla cousin. Paul Brookings. Fred Miller is out to Bend for a load of supplies. Chris Tinner returned from Bend Saturday with a load of supplies. Baldwin Kaspool of Chicago Val Ioy sprained his wrist by falling from a Forffold when shingling his cabin. Tom Ewlng has gone to work for C. J. Stauffer for a month. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Smith of Stauf fer registered at tho Brookings hotel last Friday, taking a truck for Bend Saturday. Gladys Meoks la on tho sick list. Mrs. BrJckey and son Jlmmlo, of Pleasant Vnllev. cp'led on friends in (his vicinity last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moeks and children visited with Fred Millar and family last Sunday . On December 27. 1914 ot the home of the bride's pnronja, ot,UnoD, Pro-Bon)- occurrod the marrlago of Miss Mary K wii'inms to uscar uuizoin. nmday morning. There will bo n meeting of the Hampton literary club Friday ovon ing. debating and soolal games will bo indulged In. MI LM CAN. (Special to Tho Bulletin) MILLICAN, Jan. 10. Gcorgo Mil- RIVERS. (Snoclnl to Tho Bulletin) RIVERS. Jan. C Tho oponlng danco given at tho Prlnglo Flat Hall New Year's ovo was a grand success, both socially and financially. There wero crowds from all tho notghbor- Ine vlclnltv. Mr. Cruso from Broth ors rurnisnoa tno music. Anotner danco to bo given January 15. Mrs. Walter Ransom entertained n largo crowd nt hor homo to a turkey dinner Now Year s day. Marshal T. Green has loft for Portland to spend n fow months. Miss Martha Hallmoyer Is visiting Ruth Rivers today. Ell Wilson and son Elmer visited at Hold Tuesday. Miss Vorna Prater who Is visiting Mrs. Paul Held at Hold, returned to her homo January 3. Horaco Martin Is taking a trip down to Paulina this wcok. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mills, formor- Ir from hero aro at nrescnt visiting At Council Bluffs. Tcnncssoo with Mr. Mills parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wlggnm nro visit ing Mrs. Wlggam's parents at Fort- vlllo. Indiana. Tho women's c. C. met nt Mrs. Danlelson's Wodnesday, January p. HTAUFFEU, (Bpcclnl to Tho Bulletin.) STAUFFER, Jnn. D Jnok Smith nnd wlfo storied to Bond Friday. Otis McClouth got In from Bond Bntunlny. Paul Brookings wna over nt Stauf fer Bntunlny. , Jamoa Smith started to Bund Mun. day nftor a load of grocorloo. W. T. Cowan wna a visitor nt tho po8t ofllco Mondny. Johnnlo Pratt lost thrco horses re contly. Press DoWItt was trnnonotlng biml pons nt Stauffor last week. II. T. Knsspohl la reoovorlng from a sprained wrist ho rocelvod by n (nil last Sunday. C. J. Stauffor and T. C. Ewlng nro cutting posts In tho lluttca. J. H. Ilnsslor and wlfo entertained tho Stnuffcrs on Now Yoar'a day. V. I). Davis has boon having some jtroulilo wttli sick horsos. James Curran Is out nt Bend after supplies, Porry Hartoon was n callor at tho Brooklng's plnco ono day last wcok. Danny McGough mndo a business trip to Burns Inot wcok. School began Monday attor a ono wook vacation. Word has boon rocelvod from G. W. McGlnlty who haa boon In Ios Angoles slnco Inst spring, nnd ho said tho High Desert was tho plnco for him. Bort Meoks was a callor at Jack Smith's Friday. Qua McClouth brought In a flno looking horso from Bond for Fred Ovornll. Roy Stauffor spent Now Year's day at Brookings. Uoo. Bhohort nnd 0. 0. Truosdnlo Wodnomlny. loaded hogs nt Itoilmoud Tuondny for shipment to Portland. .1. F. Rico nnd N. P. Alloy who loft Tuosdny to nttond tho Irrigation Congress In Portland returned homo tho foru part of tho week. John Tuck n ud a. 0. TruoHdnto wero hURliiOHH vlHltom nt Prlnovlllo THE WHITE IS KING POWELL IIUTTK. (Special to Tho Bulletin). POWELL BUTTE. Jan. 11 -Frank Bnyn. former Powell Butto plonoor, nnd father of A. W. Bnyn, camo up from Portland Tuesday for a visit with hla son and family. Hjp vwfjl 1R S ' jfp&r W. T. Ilmltli sold n toad of lioim to MoMtoklu of llodiiiuud Thumdny. Tho following Indies woro nil day guests nt tho J. J. Chnpntnii homo on Thursday; Mrs. R. L. Moorti nnd MIhh 'Until. Mrs. N. P. Alloy ami Louis, Mrs. G. 0. Tniendnlo and Imrotny. Mrn. L. W. Van Doron. A Hiilomlld noon day dinner wnn provided by tho liontuHH, Mrs. Chapman mid slstur MIbn Lucy Pooro, nftor which tho Indies hiislod thomsolvtm with uuodlo work. ' II. L. Monro sold n load of hogs In Itedinond Saturday. Gun. Klslor loft Saturday for hla now homo In Wyoming. Mrn. H. I). Mustard Wont' up to Bond Humlity for n (ow ilnys visit with W. G. MuHturd nod family. Mr. lliiosloy, tho Kodinoiitl wood (Continued on pngo 0.) Hledn and nltntos, Company.--Adv. Skuso Hnrdwnro 41tf Tho UESTnlNround Family Sowing Mnchlno tlmt enn ba produced. Mndo in both ROTARY nnd VIN.RATOR styles. Tho rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN Btltch. Tho latest up to tho, mlnuto atcol attach monts with each mnchlno. Sold on cosy pay men Ui. Send nnmo and address for our beautiful II, T. cata logue frco. White Sewing Machine Co. 519 Merchants National Rank Bldft San Francisco. California Iht Lafollette Nursery Co. a I ammmmm Prlnovlllo, Oregon CENTKAL OREGON'S NUKSEHY - ------ GET OUT ot tho rut. It's only a habit to do nil our trading at tho larger towns. Iet us spend our mono nt homo whom It will do UH tho most good. REMEMBER a 20 cent phono messngo wilt transact a lot of business and savo DOLUMIH. P. B. Johnson HB k MILMCAN, ORItflON. ffi EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Huilding Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. TRY THE NEW Bend Flour Mill Co. Deschutes Spray and True Blue a The lending brands of patent flour,' Ask your grocer for them, FEED Large quantities of Shorts, Bran, Rolled Oats and Barley on hand at all times. SEED MMBMMsMMiMSssasMsMkaiiM Seed' Wheat and Rye in several va rieties. Mail Orders solicited. Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J. KHOEKKKT, . President-Manager. BEND PARK COMPANY REAL ESTATE We Control and Have For Sale, at the Bet Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of Business and Residence Property ; in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Matter INSURANCE Insurance Written in All Its Branches in World Known Companies LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE Offices and Agenjs' Better Enable Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants, r i BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash, 4 ''V ! f