yf ,4f fa I irT'-,iH 1 1 1jL- BEND SCUUETrN M ' 4t3 ?V i Vol. XII. WWII, OltF.flON, WKD.VKHDAY AITKItNOO.Y, JANlAItV JJI, 1015. no. Jrt HffiNU IS TOUCHED UPON "WITHYCOMBE'S MES SAGE OF INTEREST Urge lio Policy nf HnreKuimtliiK tlm night or Ota Mnu on tlio Iiml . Ilerrfmtiipiiil Appropriation to Ouulwt Hnbhlt Vmt In HUtto. BALKM, Jnn. 12. lit Clovarnor Wlthycnmha'a ninesago delivered Iioro m today, the following paragraph am 'ofvpcclnl Intercut to Control Oregon. Irrigation la n matter of vital Importance to largo aroaa of Oregon. , Tio extent of It nonencUkpoaalblU Itfns Ih hardly beginning ta bo ren Hand, whllo nt tho rnitno tlmo It problems urn becoming bolter under stood. With tlm experlonco of tho past to draw upon, nnd by fallowing n' policy of cnroful development with wtrlct saroguardlng of tho rlgbta or tho man on Uio land until recently ttonsldored too llttlo thnro In ovory t reason to hopo for tho oatbllahment off an Irrigation situation rqanonnlily , -MntiMfnrtory to settlor nnd Invoatar. "Under tho supervision of tho Des oft Land Hoard, Oregon has Juat amplutod, with ooiipldcrabln credit, tho It t Irrigation project over built y n Hmto. It In now for you to pro ' vide lobulation governing tho nintn tnnnnrn of Hint project. I earnestly liipn thnt tho rule dovlel will In aBro hualness methods, anil In inn It seem iliwlrnblo that o far aa leas I liinl oloiiiont. nnd In domnndod In JiiHtlcti to lliu couiiiuinlty nt largo." IIIOII MOUTH IN FII1HT mWHAUii OK OUCOON'H m.w ciiihi-' ...kkcutivi: To prnvo worthy of tho oonfldoncoa rojtosou in inn la my nolo deatro. Lot tho record or thin Honnlon bo ono of forwnrcHoohliiK legislation. A short, nana aunalon, with n row good lawn, nt thla tlmo liinnltoly pror arable to n lengthy assembly, roploto with ilrnatlo change nnd hurdonod with many onnctmonla caroloasly do viand. Tho principle upon which wo ahoiild net when Slnto monny la con corAod li tho anmo na If thnt ntonoy worn our own; wo ahoiild Insist upon receiving ono hundred ccnta of vnluo ror ovory dollar expended. I doom It wlito to express tho opin ion thnt OrnKon'a legislation In the futtiro ahoiild ho guided by tho gen oral rulo that centrallxntlon la do Mlralilo In tho ndmlulatrntloii or Htnto government It becomes your duty to nrovldn laws thnt will effectively prohibit tho into nnd barter or Intoxlcnnta. Thcso nnnctnienU inuot neither bo ao dras tlo as to bo non-enforceable, nor no lax m to ho Ineffective. Therefore you nro enrncally urg ed to provide tho Oovornor with tho moana or proporly onforclng tho prohibition Inwa. It la Ronorally concedod thnt ngrl culture la our bmlc Induntry nnd If wo nro to realize a truly Greater Ore gon wo mutt lay tho foundation by moan or conitmctlvo legislation ror tho agricultural dovolopmont. WITHYCOMBE IS NOW GOVERNOR New Executive Inaugurated Yesterday With. Simple and Impressive Ceremonies- Ambition is Sat isfied and Now Wishes Only to Make Good SHEVLIN5 OUT INTEREST IN DESCHUTES LUMBER GO. Transaction of Coiwlriornblo Intercut Locally la IIchi1mI cIommI In Min neapolis XVnn (VuImmI Itrcontly Ono or tho biggest timber doala ever known In thla acctlon hna Juat boon clo-ed in Mlnneapolla, nreord Ins to mpiiBRoa rocclvod hero ye-tor-ony. Ily It holdtnga or the Deaohutoa a Ihlo tho affair or tlm project bo left '.umber Company nro trnnnforrud to n Kroup o( cupimuiia iinuoratooii to BAI.UM, Jan. 12. Jnmo Withy combo, or (JorvnlllK, waa thla uftor noon InaiiRiiratod Oovornor or Ore Kon. Tho oorumonloi nttendlnK hla olllolal occupation or tho Uovoruotfa eimir wore almpie nnd Impreanlvo. "To becoiiio Oovornor Ima boon my nmbtllun; thnt atiibltlon la now grat- inou, ii nil I am natunad. My only dcalro la to do Juatlco to tho honor tho puoplo of tho Htnto bavo confer red uikiii mo, nnd to kIvo r Juat and btilneiR-lko admlnlatratlon." In Approximately thono worda Gov ornor wiiuycoiuim morn tnnn unco. uuiiuirij ma poniiion; no cntera nia now offlco with no othor motives than hla wlah to niako Rood, In thn aottlera handa rather thnn linvo them beeomo n minor detail or omo Rovernmontnl itepartmenL I litrther auKKoat thn. tho funiU re ceived by tho Htnto from tho anlo of , Tomato Intnl. bo aoRreitntcd In n re volving fund, to bo utllliod nt nomo mturo tlmo for further Irrigation , nld, iilidor Htnto auporvlalnn; Intereat nt nil lime, however, to bo paid tho fltato ror tho 1150.000 originally nd , vnncod. "In many or our eaatern countloa, ngjJLQJillMrnl devalonment la being , -.gnpualy threatened by n growing pql or rnbbllM. To thono affected. (hi la n matter of grcnU linportaiiro ,nd It deaervca aorloua corialdSptttoTi. IVould recommend that fi amall np- proprliUlon bo provided ror dnvUIng , wjyn nnd menna or aolentlflcally com batting tho rabbit peat. "Tho fenturo or tho prlaon pollev ir the pnat which probably hna moat concerned the gonoral public haa been tho lendeiioy toward exnggerntcd Ion- Innev. I ilwilrn nt thla tlmo to ntntii iimplwitleally thnt It will bo tho pol bo handed by tho Rhovlltt tlmbor In toreata. Through the tlmbor blopklng whlrh wna flnlahed trait aprlng tho hnldlnga or tho company were collected In a compact body nnd noon It became known thnt tho Wayorhaeuaora wcro eonalderlng tho purchaao or tho tlm her land- Rurveyora ropreaentliiK ootn partlea apont ninny wcoka in crulalng tho landa and'oatlmntlng tho W,"""n,!5.1A1- M"0'0- Thw amount of timber nnd nt one tltnn ono of tho Woyerhneuaera. rcprcaeitt Ing thn proapectlvo purcha-era. nnd tho l'rlnco Urothera of Ht Paul and Mlnnoapoll8repreacntlng tho owncra, vlalted Jioro. Although thla deal fin ally foil through It la underatood thnt It had more or loan to do with tho anlo that la now reported In pro viding ncourato oatlmatca ot tho lim ber ami In othor wnya. Tho chief owncra of the Dcarhutea Lumber Co.. nro tho 8. 8 Johnimn oatato of 8nn KranclMo. V. M. Prlnee JAMI jVITIIY(X).MIIK. After tho org&nlzatloma of the Houao nnd tho Benato had been per reeled, a joint acaalon wna hold In tho Houao of Hepreaontntlvoa. Knrly thla afternoon, with tho Supremo Court In attendance, nnd tho room crowded to capacity by tho luomborn of tho two houaoa, their frlcnda, nnd n largo nudlenco. Or. Wlthycombo waa niiminlatereit tho oath ot ofllco ward looking, nnd rcaommonded Iho doalrnblllty or a fow carefully con aidorod law, rnlhor than many nt nun ii mo. Ill nllu'dlng to tho fact that ho would hnvo nt thla nciialon no "pet mnnaurea," ho allowed It to bo tin dnratood that tho now admlnlatratlon would in no wJo attempt to unduly dictate to tho Logialnturo, while, nt thotanmo time, It would retain 1ta prerogative na n balancing power. Ho urged that Important loglalatlon bo not tioatnoned until lain fn thn .. plon, and pointed out tho danger or thcKOregart tendency toward diurn. tralltatlon In overnment, recommend. Ins that hereafter centralization auouia no tno watchword. I'Vir Countv Ilronoinr. With tho exception of the atnto oducntlonal Inatltutlona, ho expressed hla disapproval of annual, or contln utng, npproprlatlona, nnd suggested that atate rocelpto, Inatead of being aogrcgated under special funda. ahould bo placed In a general fund to snro Intereat charges Under tho hoad of economy, which wua a. dominant note or tho message, tho Governor called attention to tbc wide field for economy lesrialtttlon in county admlnlatnUIon, ahowlng that inreo doiinra of tho taxpayer a iaoney goea to ino county ror ovory ono willed la oxpendod by tho Stato. Ho nlao tnndo allusion to tho posnlblllty for onomy In tho conduct of tho Legislature iteolf. Next, ho took up prohibition, dwel ling on tho Importance ot enacting pr uiuuion mwa wnicn "rauat neltlior bo ao drastic na to lie non-enforceable I nor c lax na to bo InofToctlvo." na bubrpsiqij i no auvisr.Diiiiy or referring to tho people a eonsjltu Monnl amendment which would glvn Hi's Oovornor owor, ra In Now York, to romovo delinquent oftlcero. Tho fenur of thla paragraph 'ndlcntod thnt U will bo tho Bxecutlvo'a plan to injuro tho strlrteat enforcement or tho aatl-ll(uor amendment. Kugcostn Conwdlilntlonn. "W'th tho end In vlow or economy and higher efficiency, tha following change" wero recommended In atnto departments; Alioliahmcnt of tho Stato Tax Commission, nnd transfer HOMESTEADERS ORGANIZE Hctllcra In the Mllllcnn Vnlloy I'lui J)ovclopm-nt OrKinijidon, Tho homeatondora In tho Mllllcnn volley met yesterday afternoon at I'. II. Johnson'a store to form a commer cial nnd development organization tor tho promotion or tho Intoreata of tho vailoy. Temporary organization wan perfected yeatordny. On Janu ary 23, in tho afternoon, a meeting to complete the organization will bo held nt the Hastoland ranch. At yesterday' meeting V. IJ. John- son waa appointed temporary chair man and two committees wcro select ed to consult with tho Ilend Commer cial Club on the aublect of roads nnd dry land farming aa follows: roads, Vornon Clevengor. Lloyd Owen nnd Wm. Spencer and dry farm. I. H- Johnaon, A. D. Horton and Gcorgo Roberts. OVERTURF IDE GUllSSiEf BEND GETS PLACE ON COUNTY COURT - TUX HOLLS EXTENDED fn la ley of tho Oovornor henceforth to , of Minneapolis, nnd George II. Prlnee entertain nil duo rftapect for Judicial decisions, nnd whern liiilcn nml liirv I nave iwweii upon n rnso nnd swutoticu I hna been pronounced, only under tho mum uxcopuonni eircumstnncca win I feel warranted In sotting nsldo or Mnrlounly modifying audi sentence. t Tho abolishment or tho death penal ty coupled with n growing disposition , to regard lightly tho binding nnturo or Judicial sentences, Instills mo mo with tho bollof that n morn npnr lug use of tho pardoning power wl uavo a aniuiary cuoci upon mo crim- of Ht Paul. John IB. Ityan of llend la assoelatod with thorn Mr. Ityan wont east n low woeka ngo In connec tion with tho anlo whloh la now re ported cloned. It Is not known Just what roar range of ownership la Involved In tho presont trananctlon beyond the fact that tho Bhovllna enter tho company. It la believed, however, that tho Johnaon Interest la uold and possibly that of tho Princes. No Information na to tho pinna of tho now ownors la yet available SMALL ACCOUNTS SQMCITED after Governor Wlthycombo road his inaugural nddroka. In 'ho past, tho outgoing Oovornor hna road hla fnrowoll message, aa well na tho now executlvo hla Inaugural addross, on thla occasion: but today Oovornor Wcat dlaponaod with thla privilege, hla mesaago being prosont- on to tno momuora In printed form. Stcmwigo Is llrlef. A featuro of Oovornor Withy oomuov mcasago wna IU oxtromo brevity, tho wholo dooumont Includ log llttlo moro than C.000 words, it iiaing approximately half tho length of the sliortnt moaaago ever before presented. In thla connection. It waa Ioluted out that tho conclaeneaa of hla message colucldea with Oovornor Wlthyoomb'a wish for simplicity and buslness-llko procedure After thanking tho people of Ore gon, through their representatives, ior inoir support at tlio polls, and acknowledging tho roaponalbllltlea aa woll aa tho honor conferred upon mm, iwctor Wltbycombo launched Into Uio body ot hla mosango, which. In eaaonro, waa aa follows: Ho urged that legislation ho for rlnsltho work to tho Itallroad. Comjl-QLIJJtK JtOAIK mluton; ono cdmrnTssloncr Inatead ofT Oeorgoo. oung nnd Frank thrro In tho State Industrial Accldout Commission nnd placing the work of tho llurenu of Labor r.nd tho Indus trial Weiraro Commlaalon In tbo Ac cident Commission Department, tho labor commissioner to remain tho head or hla department: merging tho duties or tho Stoto Sealer or Weights nnd Measures with those or tho Stato Dairy and Food Commiaaionor: tho consolidation or tho Stato Unlvorslty and city medical laboratories In Portland: dispensing with tho Stato Archltoot nt Salem and giving tho work ta the State rnlvarally Archi tectural Department: placing tho of fice of Stnto Hank Kxamlner under tho Jurisdiction of tho Stato Treas urer: merging the offices of Stain I3a- glnwr nnd Stato Highway Engineer under tho former, with an unsalaried lonrd on road matters. Whllo mentioning "tho need for reform Is especially apparoot." In tho Instances cited Governor Wlthycombo suggested that tho complicated sub ject demanded further Investigation nnd that a, commltteo ror such Inves- ilscMor Foster Probably Firsl tlio SUto to Finish Work. County Aaaessor H. A. Foster coming In ror conalderabio well de served pralao Juat now for tho man ner In which ho haa completed tbo work or extending tho 1814 tax rolls and getting thorn into tho hands' of tho county treasurer ror collection. Lean than three woeka after the datn flxed for determining tho county levy" no naa tno dooks in Treasurer Jor dan's office. It la bolioved that ho waa tbo first assessor In the state to complete this work. Tho total amount of taxable prop erty la placed at $11,565,637. Taxes to be collected total $360,254. Of thin amount the different funds are na follows: General fund $272,167.50 Special acbool 70.271.21 City taxes for nil towns . 19.28S.42 Madras high school .... 2.942.90 Flro patrol 594.74 Detailed figures are printod else where in this paper. Commissioner Ilroirn'a Scat Declared. Vacant on Formation of Jefferson ' County nml Xw Appointment I . Made Officials Visit Hcnd. . I1KXD AT 8ALK3L SALBM, Jan. 11. Bond and Crook county nro woll represented at tho Twooty Eighth Legislature. Vornon A. Forbes aa usual la prominent In tho Houso of Representatives, Chaa. Eraklno, in the face or hard compe tition, won tho raco ror calendar clerk In tho House, and O. P. Putnam la In tho Governor's office. W. Lair Thompson or this district has been chown president of the Senate, a conspicuous honor tor a resident of an east-of-the-mountalns county. Mar yesterday explored on horseback the country east of town through which It is expoctcd to run the now Powell Ilutto road on which a committee of the Commercial Club Is now working, According to Mr. Mav thoyjjiav round a lino on which aTroad emu bd built at comparatively llttlo expensa which will servo tho wholo territory very satisfactorily. Many of tho far mers in the neighborhood will help In tho work. (Continued on last page.) -. ' I nsciM ' -w- "v.-" 5"Ei GSJ ' r no Account is too small to, RECEIVE Our PER SONAL ATTENTION vi WHEN IN-NEED of si Stoves or. Ranges. Paints Ml4 u OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH Th Deschutes State Bank ir. u Oils, " Doors 6iwWindovs g j Pumps and 'Pipe, Engines and Windmills; Light and Heavy Hardware ' Auto Supplies and Sporting'Goods, or Kitchen Utensils, r CAhh ON " ' JSenb fDauvbware 0. THE COMPANVTTHAT PUT THE' ' .'sWKAJtt! IN' IIAltDWAlUJf UM'OLLItTTi: TAKKS CHAIIGH. Tho first numbor of tho Crook County Journal under tho editorship of Guy I.afollotto npperrod on Thura- day. Mr. Lnfollettc. In an editorial atatemont, says that In assuming tho ownership and publication of tho Journal ho la realizing an ambition that ho has carried for years that of the publication of a good country paper In a good town. Tho prlmo object of tbo Journal la atatod to bo "to advocato end stand for tho best Interests of Prlnevlllo nnd Crook county and tho Irrigation and do volopmont ot all parts of Interior Oregon." H. J, Overturf of Dend was named county commissioner by the county court on Thursday to fill tho unexpir ed term of Willis W. Brown. Mr, Overturf qualified and took hla seat with tho Court on Monday. ' Tho county court met for Ita first session of tho year In Prlnovillo on. Wednosday. Commissioner-elect Blanchard took hla seat at once and tbo question then arose as to Com missioner Brown's position on tho court. As wna expected ho waa ab sent from tho meeting because. It was assumed, of tho recont death of his oon. There was no mesaago from bis aa to his resignation. After considering tbo situation It Is understood that tho court was advised that on the formation of Jefferson county Mr. Urown's office was vacant automatically because of his residence In the new county and that a new commissioner ahould n appointed living In Crook county. Mr. civerturf's appointment followed Lon Thursday and he waa requested 10 appear in 1'nnerino on Monday ta take his scat Mr. Overturf has lived In Bend for nearly ten years and has been connected at different timed with many ot the Important interests of the town. At the present time bo Is associated with tho Mlllor Lumber Co. Ha is also olerk of tho school board In District 12. Mr. Overturf la ono of tho youngest men to serve on the county court of Crook county. In tho recent county division campaign he was rcUvo on tho side ot the dlvlsionlsts and at a mass meeting nt Sisters was spoken of by an opponent as a beardless lachooL,boy.., . nr.. . . -f- - On Saturday Judge Springer, Com mlssloner Blanchard and other coun ty officials paid a visit to Bend to be taken about by the now commis sioner and to learn tho needs ot tho section. IIAXIC IXCHEASES SURPLUS. .Tho regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank waa held yesterday and tho of ficers and directors re-elected for the coming year. The bank's surplus fund was Increased from $22,000 to $25,000. making the surplus the name aa tbo capital and being the third increase In surplus announced by tho institution In slightly over a year, all accumulated In addition to div idends whloh bavo boon paid. Ac cording to C. S. Hudson, cashier of tho bank. It haa -had year as usual. a prosperous COUNTY WAIUMXTS CALLED. County Treasurer Jordan haa giv en notice ot the calling of all gen eral fund warrants up to and laclud lrg registered number 518 and road fund warrants up to registered num ber 13. Interest stops January 14. The First National Bank OF BEND. BEND.OR.EGON U. C. COE, President E. A. SATHER, Vice President a a HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid $25,000 Surplus 2o,00Q WAR TAX The publio's attontlon ta respectfully directed to tho following Important provisions ot tho new War Revenue Bill, oitective. Decorober 1, 1914. NOTES Notes must boar stamps when not oxceijdlns 9100.00, two cents; for each additional $100.00 or fractional part thereof lu excess ot 1100.00, two cents, DEEDS When tha consideration or value of tho Inter est or property convoyed, exclusive of the vitluo ot any Hen or encumbrance thereon, exceeds $100.00 and does not exceed JGQO.00, 60 cents; nnd for each additional $500.00 or fractional part thereof lu excess ot 500, 50 cents, MOUTOAOES Mortgages given ta secure the payment of promlaory notos are exempt, but tho notes which such mortgagoa securo must bear tho require! amount ot stamps. CHECKS NOT SUBJECT TO TAX -For our own use and the accomodation ot tbo Public we have secured a supply ot documentary stamps. Copy of laws may be Inspected at our Danklug room. wjnp if i ft TSk FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND -- vT-sa DIRECTORS -"' U. 0. COE E. A. SATHER "". S. HUDSON O, Jtf . Patterson H. r . Entra B, FEMIELL Presitjenjt E. M. LARA Cashier MflfvLKJ)