The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 06, 1915, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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vaqk m.
Hlii to Federation of Women's CIiiIin
Plmis Freo Treatment. ,
County iiiporlntonitoiit'MyorH has
jicrtlvtj'l mi appeal from thu Oregon
rltuto l-'tMlornllim of Woman's Clubs,
uxUlitu llni In t"tl tliolr liDHultnl com
niltti'ii nlin a nny crippled children In
1'iU wuuiv vhr could ho nldod by n
ntiitu wldn organization to furnish
froo mudlonl trontmoiit of tho most
modern nclnntlllo kind In nil enson
wlioro thu fnmlly Income Ih not mif
Mcltint for oxponslvu consultation with
Tho I'ednrntlon. which Includes n
huiiilrud woiiioh'k olubs In nil parts
of tho ntnto, asks anyone who known
of n llttlo victim or nn nrcldunt, of
milnnl meningitis, of Infantllo paraly
sis, of tuberculoids In tho Iioiioh or
joltitfl, or nny other crippling ornmo,
to wrlto tho details of the cuso to
Mm. Mllllo K. Trumbull, Hoerelnry
Chllil WulfnrM Commission. 260 V4
Third street, I'ortlnnd, Oregon,
Tho dull woann maintain thnt
theso llttlo crlpp'es, hoaldon being
tho numt pltirul of nil chboh of help
loianwis, n ml besides IioIiik entirely
Without organized assistance In con
trast with tho great liintltuttoiiM
Whloh euro for tho dent, thu blind,
tho feeble-minded nnd ovon tho delin
quent, nru also tho moat ournblo If
fronted In tlmo. nnd tho moat nlilo
whou so trontod to make Kood, strong
uioful ultlzonn distend of ohnrRcs on
public ohnrlty nil tholr lives.
Flv CVntN Prove It.
A gunororis offer. Cut out this nd,
enotoaw with S rents to Foley & Co..
Chlango. III., nnd receive n froo trim
pnaknKo containing Foley's llonoy &
Tar Coinpound for coughs, rolds,
croup, lironclilul nnd Ingrlppa coughs,
Foley Klilnoy nils nnd Kojoy uutlinr
tla Tnblots. For snlo In your town
liy Pnttonton Drug Co. Adv.
Iln Deschutes Bprny Flour! It Ss
ho beat inndo nnd n llomJ product.
Adv. 37 tf
Two HnJoyithlo Attaint Olton to Her-
nlit Omilnjj of MM ft.
.Ono of tho Ikmi attended nnd moat
w awful danca evor known In (lend
wait given Now Year's eve by Curl
Jmmii unil Hay Heaver In tllhur'a
Hull. A large number were present.
M many when tho evening wm ooly
abenl half ovor nn to make dancing
difficult. At 11:30 tho dnneora had
luncheon nt thu American Hnkury.
Miule was furnished by tho Dream
TkwUro Orohuatra.
At tho anmo tlino a danoe was glv
tin In tho Kuiblnui Club banquet hall.
Forest' orchestra furnlahed tho
iniialc. Tho decorntlona uacd nt
the Chrlatmn dnnco had bean
loft up In tho hall for tho Oc
eanian. After this dnnco waa ovor a
iiumlior wont front It to tho ono In
Anther' hall.
How to ('tiro tadrlmta Cough.
.agrljipo rougha demand Inalcnt
treatment. Tliey aliow n aorloua con
dltlon of tho ayatom and aro weaken-
lB. roatmaator Col I In a, iiarnoKnt,
N. J., snya: "I took Foloy's llouoy &
Tar Compound for n violent Ingrlppo
cough that coniplotuly tahntuted mo
nnd lea than half a bottlo atoppad
tho cough." Try It I'attoraon drug
Llngulatle Darrlara.
It ia generally Accepted that tho adop
tion of n unlreranl Inngunge. purely
itK)ken. U Immllcnppvd by tho fact thnt
It U etiiifrouti-tl with phyaleol lmoiid
hllltlea. In the flntt plncc. tho rocnl or
KiiiiH ii ro no cnthvly dlaalmllar In tlHTcr
ut nut' that n liiuguiigo will chnngu
too much for tho vurloim (H-opIo uxlim
It to uiiderntniM enrh other. If tho.
Hit I In ii liiiigungo could ha given to the
Chtiivao or tho llumlntu It would
chniiKe mi that In u few your no ono
would tvcoguUo It n tho aiiiuo. Tula
ilUnblllty moy lio nccounted for by tho
fnct that tho people In tho chilly north
upenk with tho Dpi nearly cloaed nnd
tliiiiM living In n mild ullmato glvo fruu
Jirurfllntluii by opening tho mouth.
Panuta aa Thay Orow.
Tho in-unlit plant aomowhnt reaein
l)loa clover In Ita follngo nnd 1ms aninll.
jollow alnglo llowew. After IiIohiuiu
lug thu little khI bend duwu and
.thrum theiuaelvoa Into tho aoll. when
tliey grow Into thu well known thick
ljylcd fruits. In cultlvntlng tho mmU
iirp covered with earth, thu luaiirlng a
1iigo crop. I'eanuta nru imtlvca of
tropical Amirlca, but are now grown In
many warm countries In the honthern
United Htntea they cotutltutu un lm
iwrtunt crop.
Mild Raproof,
4'I any, young follow," anld tho norr
oua imni to tho taxi cbduffour, who
vaa upccdlng.
' "Wolir auappeil tlio. chauffeur.
"What (a It about mo that gave you
Ihp traprvaatou that 1 am la a hurry r"
-Detroit Kreo Prcm.
Hidden Maanlnga.
1li klBHOd her.
"Why. Htop!" Bhu crlctl.
And when ho fulled to repent aho
wyd. "Why Btopr-rhllndolphln Uidjt.
Tho Poppy.
Tho poppy throughout tho enst la nn
'inbleiii of Oeiilli. In many purtn of
Imlln thin flower la planted upon gnivea
iiihl In cemeterlfH. Whetlwr or not the
Jili'a wiih Ntiggefcil by the iolmnmw
4'hnrneler of the Julcu In uiicurtuln. It
i believed that the poppy wiw known
jih n fiuternl plant to the uiiclent Ugyp
tluiw, for upon the tomlw opened by
Jtelsonl tliero appeared repreHentntlona
ifplnnta which wero evidently Intend
cmJI Lforpop)ileH.-rittalmrBi I'rcaa.
A ale yoar
30 tf.
ONE GENT A WORD la nil n llttlo
Wnnt Ad will coat you,
Notice la hereby given by tho un
dorHlgnod, Mnurlcu I'. Cnalimau, duly
uppoliitad by thu County Judga of
Crook county, Htntn of Oregon, a
iidmliilatrntor of tho ISatnto of John
O'Donnoll, docenaod, Into of IlolllnK
hnm, In tho Htntu of Wnahlngton, to
nil poraona having clnlma ngalnat tho
oatnto of wild doconaod to proHuut tho
anmo, with proper vouchor, within
nix months nftor tho ditto hereof, in
tho uudurnlgnnd nt tho olDco of ltoaa
Knrnhniii, Attorney nt Law, In Hand,
Crook county, Oregon.
Dated thin 23rd day of Docombor,
Admlnlatrator or tho Katato of John
O'Donnoll, deceased. 42-fc
NOTICI3 I'Oll Plfllf.lCATIO.V.
Department of thn Interior, V. "k.
hand Oinca nt Tho Halloa, Oregon,
Hoptombor 10, 1014.
Notlcn In horoby given thnt Kdwln
J. Hogern of l.iildlnw, Oregon, who,
on Heptotnbor 10th, 1014, mudo
ttomoatond ontry, No. 01384C, for
BV4, flection C. Townahlp 17 South,
Itniigo 12 ICaat, Wlllainetto Meridian,
hna filed notlco or Intention to innlie
Klnnl Throo Ynr Proof, to oatnhllah
claim to thu land nhovo deneriboit,
beforo II. C. KIIIm, U. 8. Commlaalon
er, nt Ilund, Oregon, on tho 4lh day
of Kobruary, 1910.
Claimant tinmen na wltneaaoi:
Albort Ilnrrymnn, Wilbur X. Uun
nell, ChnrloN lw, Jnmna It. Donhnm,
nil of Iildlnw, Orogon.
43-40 c. Iteglntnr.
In tho matter of tho Uatnto of Joaao
I.. Pouah, Doconaod.
To Daniel 8. Pouah nnd HlUnboth A.
Pouah. tho known holm of Joaao
1,. Pouah, doconaod, nnd to alt tho
tinkncAvu holrn. If any. of Joaao
I.. Poiiaii, decenaed. grtHitlng:
0 OltHOON: You and each or you
are hereby cited and aummoned to
appear on Monday, tho lat day of
February, 1916. at 10 o'cloek In tho
forenoon nt tho County Court room
In Prlnovllla, Oregon, nnd limn nnd
there aliow raua. It nny there lie.
why nn order for tho aalo or NW14
of Soetlon 8, Townahlp 18. .. Itnnxe
16 Knat. W. M.. ahould not bo tnndo
to K. C. Caldwoll, na admlnlatrator of
anld Uatnto. an prayed for In tho pe
tition of anld admlnlatrator Dtod hero
in. WITNH88: Tho Honorable O.
Springer. Judgo or tho County Court
of tho Htntn of Oregon for tho Coun
ty of Crook, with tho aeal or anld
court affixed, thin SOth dny of De
cember, 1014.
Attest: Dy
Warron nrown, A. V, Ilattloa,
43-4(i c. County Clerk. Deputy
Department or tho Interior, United
Htatca Land Offlce. Lnkevlow, Ore
gon. Dec. 30th. 1314.
To W. A. Olrten or unknown nddroM,
You aro hereby notified that C. N.
M'llor, who given Ilond. Oregon, aa
hta poat office nddreaa. did on Decem
ber SOth, 1014. rilo In thla ortico hta
duly corroborated application to con
teat nnd eeeuro the cancellation of
your Homeaload. Wntry No. .
Herlal No. 03022. made Juno Cth.
1010. ror 8KW 8WV4. 8WU Sec
tion 14. Townahlp 21 Honth. Hnngo
18 Knat. Wlllnmottu Merldlnn, and an
ground ror his contest ho allege
thnt you hnvo abnndoncd tho
landa omtirncod In your ontry and ro
mnlnod away therefrom ror moro than
six months during tho pnat year, that
you hnvo mado no Improvoment tip
on tho anmo. or cultivated nny part
You aro, thorernro. further notified
that tho mild allegations will bo tak
en by this office as having been con
fensed by you. nnd your aald entry
will bo cnncolod thoroundor without
vour further right to bo hoard thoro
In, either before thla offioo or on ap
nea), ir you rail to file In thla office
or on npponl, If you fall to Mo In thla
office within twouty dnyn after tho
FOURTH publication of thla notlco,
ua shown below, your nttawor, undor
onth. apeoirtcnlly mooting nnd re
sponding to thoao allegations or con
teat, or U you full within that tlmo
to fllo In this nffico duo proof that
you hnvo sorvod n copy of your nn
nwor on the said contostnnt cither In
person or by registered mnll. If this
norvlce Is mndo by tho dollvory of a
copy of your answor to tho contos
tnnt In person, proof of auch sorvlco
must bo either tho said contestant's
wrttton acknowledgement of his re
ceipt of the copy, showing tho date of
Its receipt, or tho affidavit of tho per
son by whom tho dollvory was mndo
stating when nnd whoro tho copy waa
doltvorodi If inn do by registered mall,
proof of such sorvlco must consist of
tho. affidavit of tho porson by whom
tho copy woh mailed stating when and
tho post oinco to wincii it was mailed,
nnd this affidavit must ho accompan
ied by tho postmnstor'a rocolpt for
the lottor.
You should stnto In your answor
tho nniuo ot tho pont office to whloh
Farmers and
Ship us your hogs, vonl.
poultry, oggs, rabbltst milts,
vogottibloa, otu.
Our fncllltloa ror handling
produce nru tho host. Prompt
returns. Wiito us ror tags
and prlco list.
100 Front Street
Try Trjio llluo flour,
grocer for It. Adv.
you donlrr, futtiro notlcos to bo font
j on.
JAB, F. HUHUICHS, noglater
Dfilq of first publication January
0, IrtlB.
Date of second publication Janu
ary M, 1&16.
Ditto of third publication January
20, 101G.
Data of fourth publication Janu
ary 27, 101C.
Dopnrtmont of tho Interior, United
States nd Office, Tho Dalles,
Orogon, Docombor 21, 1014.
To Nols F. Lund, or Ilund, Oregon,
You aro horoby notified that Ly
man Hitoho, who gives Ilond, Orogon,
llox 140, ns his post olllco nddrois,
did on Docombor 7, 1014, fllo In this his duly corroborated appli
cation to content nnd secure tho can
cellation of your Homestead. Kndy
So. , Serial No. 08830 mndo
May 2, 1011, for K HK A, Beotlon
20. WH 8W Beotlon 21, KM NI5'4
nnd IS Mi B14H Hentlon 20, Townahlp
10 South. Itniigo 10 K. W. M., nnd in
grounds for bis contest ho nllog'ia
Hint sold Nola F. Lund hns fulled to
establish his rosldonco on mild tract:
that ho has failed to cultivate nald
tract or any part thereof; that sn'd
iintrymnu bos abandoned said tract
for upwards of six month Inst pant
and thnt nuch fitlluro and abandon
ment was not duo to his employment
In tho army, navy or marine corps of
tho U. B. In tlmo or war or other
wise. You are, therefore further notified
thnt tho snld allegations will bo tnkon
by this offica as having been confin
ed by you, nnd your rnld entry w.ll
bo cancelled thereunder without your
further right to bo heard therein,
either beforo this offico or on appeal,
If you fall to Mo In this officii with
in twenty days after tho FOUUTH
publication or this notlco, nn shown
bolow, your answor, undor oath, spe
cifically meeting and responding to
these allegations of contest, or if you
fnll within thnt tlmo to fllo in thin
offico duo proof thnt you hnvo served
n copy of your answer on tiio said
contestant either In Vernon or by
ruglntared mnll. If this sorvlco '.s
undo by tho delivery of a copy of
your Miswer to tho contestant in per.
sou, proof of suoh servloo must be
either the said contestant's written
acknowledgment or bis receipt or th
ropy, showing the dato or Its receipt,
or the nffldnvlt of the porson v
Unusual Combination Offer!
BhuUiit"...!!... hi i i. ! I. 1 i - a-iL. JLL -ly. ii. ..... , t i.-ui.iVii'in iLL'iZm-A'mZiliU'mLtm i i - i . t i ,(. iii l....,l,...,.iLMiiiii:iii 'mssaBtBKaaa
$ 1.75The Bulletin and Any One of These Qubs$ 1.75
SEVERAL loading publishers or magazines havo Joined with us In ono of tho greatest subscription bargain offers
over put out in this country. Through. IhU combination everybody will be able to get a yearly subscription to
throe mngnilnea In combination with our paper at practically tho prlco or our paper alone, tin this list you will
find forty different periodicals formed Into Uilrty-flvo different clubs. Bach club has three magazines, except ono
Special Club which has four magazines; some of theso magazines soil for as much as $1 a year. They aro all good
and covor a largo variety or cholco reading matter, Including History. Music, Religion, Education. Fashions.
Fancy Noedlowork. Illustrated Current Events. Homo Decorations. Fiction, Literature, Drnmn, Art, Science, In
ventions, Oeneral Farming, Dairy Farming, Llvo Stock, Vegetables, Fruit anl Poultry.
Undor tho splendid contract wo havo mado with tho publishers we are able to give our readers a cholco ot
tho clubs In combination with our paper ono year for $1.76, Just twonty-flve cents more than the prlco ot our
paper alono. If you are a subscriber to our paper wao oak you to renew so that you too, may get 3 magazines- ex
tra. Iook over tho Hat r.nd select the club you like best. Sond In your order today or give your order to our
representative or call at our offico when In town. If you aro now n subscriber to cny of theso magazines and want
to renow Just Hend your ordor to us and wo will havo your subscription extended. If your subscription to our
pa por Is past duo. we advlso you to pay up and tnke advantage of litis bargrJn. It you aro In the habit of buying
your magazines through othor channels, wo ask you to Justly comparo our clubs and prices with that of any offer
you receive. You. no doubt, are now a subscriber to aonio of these periodicals. You can save money by send
ing your renewal ordor to us. Hero is n ohanco to got your home papr and a yearly supply or good reading at a
roal bargain. If you want one or more of these magaztaos sont to different addresses, Just mention It.
GliVll NO. 1.
McCnU'n (with freo pat
Farm Lire torn)
E'uryday Llfo
cum no. c
Woman's World
Pooplos Popular Monthly
llonrth and Homo
Farm Llfo
Houoohold Mngaxlno
American Woman
Farm Llfo
HniiBohold finest
CLUH NO, ft.
Today's (with froo pat
Farm Llfo ' torn)
Household Magazine
Today's (with freo pat
Evoryday Llfo torn)
CLUH NO. 7,,
Fancywork Magazine
Evoryday Llfo
Woman's World
Farm and Flrealdo
Womau's World
Homo J.lfo
Farm nnd Homo
Woman's World
Household Quest
CLUH NO. 10.
Today's (with rrco pat
Woman'a World torn)
Home Llfo
CLUH NO. 11.
Good Stories
Farm Die
Evoryday Llfo
CLUH NO. 12.
Green's Fruit Grower
Everyday Llfo
Farm Llfo
Today's (with treo pattern)
Pralrlo Farmer
Houaohold Magazine
People's Popular Monthly
Farm- Progress
Woman'a World
CLUH NO. 1ft.
Today's (with freo pattern)
Farm Llfo
Poultry Horn
CLUH NO. 10.
Roy's Magazine .
Homo Life
CLUH NO. 17.
Kimball's Dairy Farmer
Homo Lifo '
Home Life
1,'h. a.iw
i 'i vui"fkm i
.1. i i ' i 'ari"s'hm v
B IsSgsSS Wm
whom the dollvory was mado ntntlntt
when and wlioro tho copy was deliv
ered; ir mado. by registered mail,
proof or such sorvlco must consist
oi tho affidavit or tho porson by whom
tho copy was mailed stating when
nnd tho post offico to which it Was
mailed, and this nmdavlt must bo
accompanied by tho postmaster's ro
colpt for tho lottor.
You should stnto in your answor
tho nnmo of (ho post offico to which
you des I to future notices to bo sont
to you.
II. FllANK WOODCOCK, Iloglstor
Dnto of first publication, Dec. 23,
Dole of second publication, Doc.
30, 1014.
Date of third publication, Jan, 0,
lf;ito of
fourth publication, Jan. 11,
In the County Court of tho State of
Orogon ror Crook County.
In tho Matter or tho Mstnte or John
W. White. Deceased.
Notice Is hereby glvon that pursu
ant to an rodor heretofore mndo and
entered In tho above entitled oauso,
tho undersigned will from and after
January 23, 1015, proceed to sell at
private stile ror cash. In separate
tracts, tho following dcseslbed real
oatnto belonging to nald estate:
Tract Na. 1: 814 of NW4 of Sec
tion (G), Township (20) 8 of Kongo
(12) K. W. M.; Tract No. 2: Lot (4,.
of Section (2), Lot fl) and 8 of
NK',4. Section (3), Township (21),
B or Ilango (10) B. W. M., nnd BW4
or 8V or Section (3G). Township
(20), 8, Hnngo (10) B. W. M.;
Tract No. 3: SBVi o( NWU and NB
4 or 8WH or Section (34), Town
ship (17) 8., Range (12) B. W. M.
Tract No. 4: W or 8B4, SEW or
8WH or Section (3), NWVi or NEH
or Section (10), Township (21) 8.,
Range (10) B. W. M., subject to tho
approval of tho cour, as provided by
Tho nbovo montlonod lands nro
moro particularly described as fol
lows: Tract No. l: Eighty ccroe if
timber lund located In Klamath coun
ty, Oregon, nppralsod valuation,
780,00 Tract No. 2: Two hundrod
two acres, meadow lends, on Dm
chute river at mouth or Fall rlvor,
knewn as the Pelton place, appraised
nt S 3,600. Tract No. 3- Eighty acres
with water right located on East
CLUH NO. 18.
Today's (with freo pattern)
Homo Life
CLUH NO. 10.
Successful Farming
Homo Lifo
Everyday Llfo
CLUH NO. 20. ,
Farmer's WIfo
Homo Llfo
Everyday Lifo
CLUH NO. 21.
Happy Hours "
Farm Life
SPECIAL CLUH Snmo Price as Others
CLUH NO. 22.
Farm, Stock and Homo
Woman's World
Homo Llfo
CLUn NO. 23.
Today'a (with free pattern)
Evoryday Life
CLUH NO. 2 1.
Woman'a World
Farm Llfo
Today's (with free pattern)
CLUH NO. 25.
Woman's Homo Weekly
Woman'a World
Homo Llfo
& SJWfi
W 1Z. HT w rj
a-w iim
sldo or Pilot Ilntto, ono mllo from
city limits or Ilond, nppralsod value
f 3,000, Tract No. 4: Ono hundrod
fifty-eight acres of meadow land, on
Deschutes rlvor, adjoining tract No.
2 on south, known as Illack placo,
appraised vatuo, 12,007.17.
Tho undersigned invites scaled
bids upon nny or at! tho above do
scribed tracts to be submitted to him,
nt Rend, Oregon, by January 23rd,
Dated thin 23rd day or Doc, 101 1.
L. D. WIE8T, ns Administrator
or tho Estate or John W. White, de
ceased. 42-4G -.
A. M Prlnglo, Plaintiff; vs. D. A.
Masters, B, It. Morgan, D. W.
Pierce, Kntlo Pierce, Franels Can.
ell, I-ettlo Cnpell, Alas Hess, Gsr
trudo Heas and A. G. Laundlgan,
To D. A. Masters, E. It. Morgan, D.
W. Pierce, Katlo Plorco, Frane!s
Capcll, Let tlo Cnpell and A. O.
Laundlgan, above named defend
ants. IN Tho Nnmo of tho State of Ore
gon, you and each of you are hereby
required to appear and answer tho
complaint filed ngalnat you In tho
cbovo entitled suit on or before tho
14th day of January, 191G, and if
you fall so to appear and answor for
want thoreof plaintiff will apply to
tho Court for the relief prayed fer
in tho complaint herein, to-wlt:
For Judgment against the defend
ants D. A. Masters and A. O. Laun
dlgan and each of them for tho sum
of $1,019.00, together with Interest
at tho rate of 8 per cent per annum
from tho 10th day of February, 1914,
until paid, together with flGO.OO at
torney fees and the costs and dis
bursements of this suit, for a decree
to the effect that the lien of that
co-taln mortgage bearing date Feb
ruary 10, 1011, made and executed
by tho said I). A. Masters on the SW
V of tho SEi and E or tho
SEVi of tho BWH of Section 23.
Township 10. South or Range 11
Bast, to bo foreclosed and that tho
real property nbovo described bo sold
by the Sheriff of Crook county, Ore
gon, In tho manner providsd by law
and that the proceeds of said sale be
applied to tho payment of tho ooatt
of sale: to tho payment of plaintiff's
Judgment prayed for, with laterost.
CLUH NO. 20.
Fancywork Magazine
Today's (with free pat
Gontlewoman tern)
CLUH NO. 27.
Kansas City Weekly Star
Farm Life
Everyday Llfo
CLUH NO. 28.
Woman'a World
Home Llfo
CI.UI1 NO. 0.
Kansas City Weekly Star
Hveryday Llfo
Home Llfo
CLUH NO. 30.'
Southern Ruralist
Homo Llfo
CLUH NO. 31.
Farmer'a W'kly Dispatch
Home Life (St. Paul)
Farm Lifo
CLUH NO. 32.
Rural W'kly (St. Paul)
Evesyday Lifo
CLUH NO. 33,
American Home
Woman'a World
CLUH NO. 31.
McCall's (with free pat
Everyday Llfo tern)
Household -Guest.
I m II Ml II'IM jB
L. ii ii ii i I i i i i"
nttornoy feos and costs and that tho
Interost and Hen of tho dofondants
B. It. Morgan, D. W. Pierce, Kntlo
PlorcQi Francis Capell, Lottie Cnpell,
Alex Hcs, Oortrudo Heas and each
or (hem bo decreed to bo subsequent
to and subjoct to tho Interest and
Hon of this plaintiff; nnd that tho
plaintiff hnvo judgment and execution
against tho defendants D, A. Masters
and A. O. Laundlgan for any defic
iency that may remain upon said
Judgment after tho application of tho
proceeds or tho sale ot said real prop
erty. This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof for six suc
cessive' weeks In The Rend Uullotln,
a weekly newspaper of general cir
culation, published nt Rend, Crook
county, Oregon, by order of the Hon.
W. L. Rradshaw, Judgo of the nbmo
entitled court, which order is datad
2Gth day or November, 1914.
The ditto or tho first publication
being December 2, 1914.
Tho data of tho last publication
boing January 13, 1015.
39-46 Attorney for Plaintiff,
M. W. Knickerbocker, Plaintiff; vs.
Niels Peterson, Defendant,
To Niels Peterson, tho abovo named
In Tho Name or The State of Ore
gon, you aro hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of the
plaintiff filed horoln against you in
tho above entitled action, on or be
fore the 14th day of January, 1915,
and for want thereof tho plaintiff
will tako judgment against you for
the sum of 1180.00, together with
Intoreat on $140.00 thereof at tho
rato of 7 per cent por annum from
March 17, 1914, and Interest on
149.40 thereof at tho rato ot 10 per
cent per annum from August S, 1914
until paid, together with $20.00 at
tornoy fees and the coata and dis
bursements of thla action.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thoreof by order of
the Hon. J. A. Bastes, Judge of Use
Justice Court of Rend Precinct.
Crook county, Oregon.
Date of the first publication Is De
cember 2, 1914.
Date of last publication Is Janu
ary 13, 1915.
39-46 c. Justice or Peace.
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