Q THIS 1IHNH IIUMiKTIK, JIKNp, OltK., WKDNUIOAY, JANUARV fl, iBttf. rAOK wf 13 days AndThat's All 13 days Be sure to make it a point to be on hand when . QHHiHH IHHV HS aBB QHH HBBBHHB- flHV wwp ffPBPI HH BBHHHHMW- BUB EHv BHR iHHHiiHB BHI bH HHHRI OF PRICES BEGINS ON A. L. FRENCH'S STOCK of clothing, shoes & men's furnishing goods The Real War is Sure On We mu3t reduce our stock at leat one half- down, 'down, go the prices every piece of mer chandise goes on the alter to be sacrificed. On many articles the co3t of the goods will be entirely forgotten and cat to the very wind- We mut do it. We Do Need The Money, hut We Don't Need STOCK We Will Give You the Best Merchandise in BEND Sale starts January 9th at 10 a. m.? To move our stock to make room for our spring goods that is now in transit Bargains galore is what we are going to give the public of Bend Every article will be marked in plain figures You can be your own salesman Remember that we stand back of every sale We have some lines that we jwish to close WE ARE FORCED out entirely and the prices that we are going to put on these goods will be almost a crime to have the printer's ink to blot I them down-BUT IT MUST BE DONE. Help, Help, Help! Come! Come! Cob your friends and help thorn to come to this great upheaval and downpour of sacrificed merchandise. Don't wait, but come, and como quickly ; the sooner the better. BE SURE and READ the OTHER THREE PAGES OF THIS AD. v ::x Turn to the Next Page FRENCH Turn to the Next Page