f THH BKXD fUfcLRTJ?,.l!Nih OMSf WKDNH8IXW, DtiCMMIIKK Wt 401 1. THB BEND pOLLBTlN ( Published Kirory Wednesday) OEORQE PALMER PUTNAM Publisher , ROBERT W. SAWYER Managing Editor An Indopondcut nowspapor stand Ing (or tho squnro donl, clcnn bust rices, clean politics and the boat in terest or Uoud nud Contra! Oregon. uno year $1.50 Btx months. 80 Threo months .50 i. All subscriptions aro duo and PAXADLB IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration nro mailed subscribers nnd If renewal Is not mado within reason able tiino tho paper 'will bo dlscon tlnuod. I'loflso notify s promptly of any chdngo of address, or of lalluro to re colvo the paper regularly. Otherwlso we will not be responsible for copies missed. Mako alt chocks and orders pay able to Betid Bulletin. "WEDNESDAY, DEC. 30. 1914. In the full belief that 1916 will see the beginning of unexampled good times in Bend and Central Oregon The Bulletin wishes to all tho enjoy ment of a Happy New Year. SOMETHING WORTH WHILE. There is a great tract of land be tween Bend and Burns. Today It Is generally called tho homestead ebun try.. Hundreds of families havo set tied out there, and thousands of dol lars worth of improroments havo been made. Six years ago there were only rabbits nnd stock where now are homes, schools, fences and fields. As In most now countrtos, develop ment has been slow. Even Its best friends admit tho territory Is not n garden spot; naturally for If It were railroads would nave traversed it a docado ago. It is, however, a land of potentiality, and one which will como into its 90. sooner or later. The homesteaders have broken the sod and grubbed the sagebrush. The next step must bo Initiated by the railroads, for without transportation the country cannot develop much further than already haa been ac complished. ; For two years railroad building has been at a standstill in tho Northwest Now, tho time of stagnation is draw ing to a close. The national com mercial pulso Is quickening. Tho first ripples of a promised prosperity are wavering over the land. All signs pclnt to tho dawn of a period of substantial dovelopmont. For Central Oregon such a resump tion bl WgodSlmes" will mean more rollroad' bulldlnr. As soon ns they are financially ablo, tho railroads will be ready to build ulicro they are shown it is good basinets to build. Tho homestead country wants transportation. It needs transporta tion. A line trsnsvermlng it would open up the great Harney country. It Wtrald be of great Benefit to Bond. What Is -tho best way to get that railroad? To get It. one nMt demonstrate that It would be good business. Wq know, nnd wo bellove the rail rood-authorities know, that the liar- nty-country mono wuutu juaiuy con struction southeasterly from Bend. But what they should bo shown now Is that tho homestond. country, through which their line would pass, is also worthy of transportation, from n dollar-and-cents standpoint. Tho best way to convince railroad ers of Ihat'faet a to demonstrate that the homestead country can raise crops good crops. Once provo that and Uia rest will bp oasy. Lot someone plant 320 acres of wheat out there and see what hap pens. Do the thing as it should be done. Have the land properly pre pared. Use the correct klsd of seed wheaU-sevoral varieties, if thoro Is doubt as to the bent Care for It solentlncally. To Insure the value of tho experiment plaee its supervi sion under the Oregon Agrloultural Colloge, Let the county share the cost fi rpntter of a vary few dollars,! The railroads should co-operate. Wo daroay the business men of Bend would aoaept a share of the respon sibility. Suoh work would be invaluable. It would be worth thousands of dollars to the. liomcetofldorjs. It would be the wisest kind of foroslght tor the rail toads. It "would be a boon to the en tire community, By all means we would urge the settlers of tho home stead country to orgqnlzo and peti tion for such a work. Let thorn go after tho county authorities, the .0. A. C, tho Governor; get the co operation of the communities where th trade. If tho pegpUof tht country wlHftak'e hpldf tnejill find nli'viands willing Tohelpf them,' ' Hah! the fact that the Widow's Pe ston InW tmssnd liv thn Inst Lifcilit! laturo makes It mandatory for couh tics to grant nil dcsorvlng widows frill financial assistance domnmlod by the. net. Hitherto Individual county courts uava usau a ueni or discretion. In tho mutter. Tho law, then, as It stands and Is Interpreted, leavosMlttlo dlpcrotloii'to. tho counties. In h measure that Is wolf, for ono trouble In tho past has boon that tho County judgo has' boon given too freo a hand. Now tho Su- promo Court says alt. dcsorvlng wld own must bo aided, Irrespective of tho Judge's poraonal whim. This Is not a euro, howevor. Tho real trouulo has boon that tho law is too lax. Too many widows can, nnd do get holp. Tho law Is n constant encouragement to extravagance. In Crook county Its administration has been lax; In all counties it has boon abused. In principle tho law Is sound: In prnctlco It Is pernicious. Widows who aro deslttuto desorvo public aid. But tho law must be amended bo that only those who actually are destitute can sock assistance from tho taxpay ers, It must bo miuio tar stricter than It now is,' and no doubt tho coming Legislature will so amend It. tJ START RIGHT! COUNTY FINANCES. All who are Interested in tho ad ministration of tho county and in tho expenditures of. county funds nro ur god to study tho statement printed clsewhero In this paper and to savo It for future reference From tlmo to timo in the futuro Tho Bulletin ox- poets to present these collections of figures from tho county offices for tho Information of the taxpayers. By this means comparisons will be posslblo and It Is only when comparisons can be mado that any satisfactory study of finances can bo had. For tho present table Tho Ilullotin Is Indebted to County Treasurer Jor dsn whose recent endorsement by the insurance Commissioner Is thorough ly Approved by tho people of the county. JH iJrvl " ftflnii Pi 111 ' " Buy a 40c BROOM for 25 HOSPITAL AT BEND. For non-contagious diseases and maternity coses a specialty. Refer ences. Dr. U. C Coo and Dr. B. For- rell, Phone. Mrs. E. A. Knotta 404Jp Uao Deschutes Spray Flourl It H tho best made and a Bend product. Adv. 37 tf AT Warner's THE VARIETY STORE THECREAMERYnEPOnr . Nearly Ul.ooo Pounds of ltut(er.Mn1q jp Three nnl A INUr, Motility , The ronort rendered nt tho meet. Ing of tho Coutrnl Oregon Fnrmorrt Creamery Co. showed thatltho crotuni ory was filling tho purpose, for whlelt It hnil boon started, and nlth.oun.lf tllO amount of hilttnr fnttftifilmr it'itX llvorod was not na largo lis could bcr inKon caro of, tho economic of tho plnnt nindo It posslblo to pity u good prlco to tho farmers, Tho roport covered tho period from May 1. to Decointior l.nlthaURh dolly orlos of orcAin woro mado for only about Miruo nnd n half months, from tho middle of July to Docoliibcr 1. In thnt tlmo 10.834.33 pounds of tint' tor fnt woro received nnd 12.793 pounds of butter mado. Tho running expenses woro $057.48 nnd the pay ments for butter fat $3,110.98. Tho cost of tho plnnt was $1,258.80. With tho oroaiuory' In good run ning order and tho number of cows contributing to it on tho Iticreaso It Is expected that In tho next year of its operation Us earnings will In-H crenso rapidly. Tho Skuio Hardware Company wishes you a Happy and Prosperous now tear, auv. . -w m "A. l. ,.. fit f NOTICE OF ANNUAL BTOCKHOLl) ICR8' MKKTINO. Notice la hereby given that tho an nual stockholders' mcotlnRof the Pliin Forosi Irrigation Co. will ho hold at tho Arnold school house seven mllon southeast of Mend oa tho Bond-Burns roud, on Saturday, January 3, 19lf. 42-43 a W. M. McNAUOHT, Pros. vNeVv Year' Greetings Without reference to business but merely as an expres sion of good will, we" wish you to accept our season's greetings; we desire to express our hopes .for your health, and prosperity, and happiness, in the year that lies before us. For our own success we are grateful to the good people of this community. ' ' 1 CHURCH NOTICES Church of tho Brethren. Sorvlcos oach Sunday In brown building noar high school. Pren'chliiK at 11 a. m. Song service flt 1013P a. m. Ira II. Fox, minister. "" Announcement , 3K Our January o earance oaie . Starts January 7 Sweeping HeductioBS on nil Winter ppnrel WAIT FOR THIS SALE Mannheimer's YOUNG PEOPLES MEETING More Ofllccrs Elected nnd Other Busi ness Transacted nt Recent Meeting. (Contrllmtcd.) At tho mooting of tho Methodist Young Peoples' Sunday school ca recently. Margaret Thompson ' w,as elected vice president. Owing to an unavoidable error the nnmo of Dick Lucas as treasurer was omitted in tho former puhllentton. ' At tho meeting on December M n great donl of business was (hinsxei od, including a vole to adopt invbfi- der as Uio class color: to hold regu lar Wednesday raoetlngs ns before: 1 rnd to have regular dues. . As Hugh McKenzIo Is leaving town there is a vacancy in the leadership of ono of the class divisions. TliU will b flltsd by ths members of hta division. Rev. Illaelt gave levarnl vory InteratllNS talk whjch wr 08 joyl by all. Why Tliey ltecummend lolcy' Honey lutii Tar. P. A. Enfird, Conojo. Callf.bo causo "it produces tho best results, always cures sovero colds, eoro chest and lungs nnd dots not contain opi ates or harmful drugs." Dr. W. Tay lor, Luthersvillo, (la. because "1 be llove it to bo an honest modlclno and It satUaos my patrons." W. .!. Cook Nelhart. Mont. because It gives the best results for conghs and colds or anything I sou. ' Every user Is a friend. Patterson Drug Oo. Adv. R. ML SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY LEARN THE WAY I-. FAHM.S FOR RUNT. 40 acres, 1 mllo from Bend, Thrse room houso suitable for gardon truok. 40 acres, 3 miles north Ia!dlnw. 4 room bouse. Address 7.K earn Bul letin. 41tt I'fo Truo Bluo Flour! best made nnd n Bend Adv. - . It Is tho product. 37 tf Prlco 325, W. R. Ray, Laldlaw. Ore gon. 39tf FOR BALE-Edlson "Hon'; phon. ograph and records. Also good piano player with records. Reasonable terms. Inqulro H. K. Allen. Bond Company ofTlco or rosldonce. 37tf ansasBsaaasMBaMHHSMHai LOST AND FOUND. Use True Clue Flour! I(et imtde and a Bend Adv. It Is th produet. 37 U . HOirrcHim m iiurhid. The body of August RootQ'ier.wh mtm burned to death In the a rind Restaurant fire on tho morning of December 10 was burled hero last Wednesday afternoon. Tho body had been held until that tlmo In tho hope of getting Into communication with relatives but nono wore found. OIUCGON TRUNK TRAIN Arrives ...8 a. m. Loaves 8:30' p.m. O..W. It. N. TRAIN. Arrives 7:46 p. m. Leaves 7:28 a. in. T.OK LINK KOUTII. ftrrlvea .7:30 p. m. oaves 10 a, in, AUTO LINIW. Cars dally to Burns snd points south and southeast. POSTOFI'ICK HOURH. General delivery opn dally 9:1 a. m. to G p. nt. No wail distributed on gtinday. Night train mall closes 7 p. m. Day train mall close 6:30 a. in. TKLKHHAPJ! HOL'RH. Western Union dally 7-1 3.1-0, 7-10. Sunday 8-10, 4-8. TKLKPHONlt HOUIU4. Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour - service, Including Sunday. TAKKN UPFivo head Jersey chives. Ownor can havo same by proving pioperty and paying all costs. S. L. (Hants. 43-4tc mimtnm,twt w 1 A- I TAKH TIIIH OPPORTUNITV T) WISH KVKRYRODV A IIAPPV AND PROSPKROUS " NrVAlfiCn." R. N. Palmerton k It pays to carry Accident Insurance On April 17 n prominent ilrtigglot of Ihuid t(Kik out nn accident pollry thmugli mir f llco. Recently ho tvns IiiJiiitiL On PeconilxT 'M his rlnhn "n mnllcHl to thn ndiipany for tmo urk's tntnl dUuhltlly nnd tui ueeks imrtltil dUnblllty. On !r wiiiIkt 'JH lie rwelveil n rhrck for t7JO. It paid him to Jiimico. Aro Yo Insured? For Ktin.Ot) )(iu en it get V.,Oli( ilittlli liinimnro rnrrjlng !JUI7,S( weekly. totnMllknblllt- iui'lii?l.'S weekly partial dUuliilliy, or 97AI for (ttl.OO. " cr,,'p,,t lustirtinro of J. A. Eastes Buy your rolled oats at tho Bend Flour Mill. 40tf Specials for December Only 1 pound Royal Club coffee.... 35cts 2i pound Royal Club coffee.. 85ctS 5 pounds Royal Club coffee... $ 1 .50 T. R. McCLINCY ii i . . ... I,... . . -. Ail'- ars Come and Yers Go BUT Shuey's Eats Are Unchanged- Always Good A HAPPY NEW YEAR .ShMey's ;jCaih Grocery v Bend'rteadlngEats Storfc r, v n- . J a. . l .v ' 1 IV nrasEBWaBISBBMITISMSSSSBKTSBBBBSaBiHIMIiM giwKsaiHHsHBMinBWJnHslBBBWBRMHn I I m! I B M Wit WIKH KVRRVIIOIIY A MOST HUCCIW.SI'UL I I; AND PROSPKROl'H NKW VK.R I I TUi? RrbnrDMor rr am I t , I I Classified . .' .... j I AdvertH I The Perils of Pauline I Advertisement Inserted under this ' wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Advertisements Inserted under till liendlnK nt tho rate of OXK CHNT A WOIII) cacli Insertion. Cash must accompany nil orders from persons not having regular iircount with Th? Hiiljolin. No advertisement tuk for.Iesu thiui in cents eucli Insertion, WANTKD. 'jjl S ,l 'fWAJS'THQ Position private family by as in 0QlC experienced Jaj- apeso cook. Apply llulletlo of-VANTUiV-airl for gonoral house worg. Apply Mrs. O. M. Patter on. 36 tf WANTKD Olrls for folding. Light work. Apply nt Bulletin offle before 10 n. m. tf WANTUD -20 hard wnrklns 11...11 idesfre pofiltlons In tho country at reasonable wagos. Address Portland Uojiunans, lilt Uurnoldo utroet, Port land, Oregon. 43 tf S E R I E S C7) I 1 E 4 R , T I II E I S FOR HUNT, FOR RUNT Cozy 3 room house, light and water, $10.00 par ijlootli Apply Metropolitan. 4 Iff FOR RIANT Flvo room bungalow. In Kenwood, furnlahod, with piano. Inqulro Dr. J. II. Connarn. FOR BAM? FQ$ SALE Thoroughbred Rhodo Island IJed roosr, In Lytlcuiddltlon 3- lilockp n&rtbTS blbdks' easl of. oil tanks: - Orcutt housO. " Ira" H. Fox. '' ' ' " ,J . ' -Vl?43 0 FOR SALBtxA span of horsos flvo DREAM THEATRE Thursday, DEC. 31 Don't Miss the Story! Also ft . One FARGE COMEDY :i WIDOW'S PENSION Skvn lmjAJH i jrt k rvi lsmmmimi' 7 u.i 10 uiu iiui BuriiiK. na un ni! nuoill I ' ; l8&aK$b VjPOapdnewharaess,. -; TRSSSSSSS .'5?. "Ws'W'TJJjrnn'J'Wg"!' iV"t''"'"-"1 ii