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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1914)
BP1SJT1 BUOLETIN .." m l i m. xu. HUM), OlWttOtf, WHnSKHDAY AVTHntiiHW, DKCKMHIJlt no, xott. NO. 4, 1 1 1JL- i i I' M VT HKBIESGASE AT POWELL BUTTE fcOYOTE ATTACKS DOO & IN N1QHT llljdruphohlit Hplilcmlo Hprcnili Prom ItWci ii Oregon Young Man token to Portland IInil(l rlJilitirnn) Ilnncli Visited by Mm! Aiilmnl, i 'tuts iisrurupuuiiia I'l'iuuiuju wiuvii s4 marten in (tasiorn uron n iow IIIHIIWI9 (U n Blum; nuiixni wy westward until now It In appar ently only n few mllos from Hond. FoC tho most part coyotoa havo car ried tho disease. They luivo Ikhiij no urfuttnd br It ns to cause thorn to Attack arm animal and von Bottlers Mir tho haiHWtteail country. Several weeks hko a doff which had iircmi'iiiftlily been bitten hy n coyote Uw&f Prirtevlllo had to to killed bo--cmimo of hi condition nnd In tho last two week two now cases of rabies Minvo been fouud at Powell llutto. A toportud in tho Pokoii llutto corros pondouco of Tho Bulletin Inst week. Ulonry Dfbrnntl wan bitten hy it do nuffurlng from ruble nnd hnd to bo tnkon to Portland for treatment nnd. on Monday of thin week it mad oov- oto nppeftred t thn I.rtiiflfnro ranch. According to tho rointrt from n 'Hullotln correspondent In tho noluh borhood thin latest case wan pnrtlo- mlarly-brtd. Tho correspondent wrllos: "About 3 o'clock Monday morning Mr. Landfnre's family was wakened 1y n commotion In tho yard and on tho paroli. which proved to ho a do imrato nttack upon tholr dog by n rabid coyote. On ncoounl of thn 'darkness. It waa with tho greatest dimoulty Hint Harold and Iloryl I,nnd- ifaro nticfecded In killing tho crnxod nnlmul. Thn hoya hnd n rlflo and n hnt gun nnd tho coyote desperate 'fighting consult only when Ita hack nnd two Isgta were broken. "The coyoto badly wounded tho 'dog, bit somo of tholr geijso, nnd everything In la way, tree, feneot. te., until killed. Mr. Lnndfnrn will ' not aonil nway tho head for domina tion a tin ami tho neighbors nro per. Ti'Ctly satisfied an to tho causo of tho 4 animal's bold attack." ' CHRISTMAS IN BEND Vnml flbucrvnuro of tho IMy Tutt I'rldii)- l'(Mr nn Ilrmenilicrrd. ' Mend had n white CllrUtmna In that thero wa omo auow on the ground 1at Friday but tho netting of n roar hko. when thero wna n anow atorm tho nlsht bnfore. waa lacking. Tho , day was otorvod Wy lnl aorvlcea at the Haptlut cburah: tho otlier church iMYtiur hrd imtvIbo t t night Wforo. AH mall wn dlntrlb Html at the. nost olllro without delay . Trldnv ntornlng. I'ol lowing ia uual cuatom the Plrat Nntlfffinl Hank saw to It that i npno Jn ifewn nhouhl wnnt for n nhrletmaa dfnnor, well filled Imakota Veins dlatrlbutcd to all In need. 1 ChrJitHinn nlclit n dnnoo wo given nt. the Kuiblem Club, attended by 1 about 76. A large Chrltmn tree wn plqoud In tho center of tho linn- , yuet hall, adding to tho, general dec oration. Muilo wn furninhad by "Mr. MaoLnurln nnd Joe McKay. I r: bittle Talks f..'! m . Jk, 'Drafts fe A convenient way iiicrcluujtsnnd otlieni tinvo of idlcctliig their itccoimU 1 by iiieniu of ilrnftA, These may bo mndo out iu cither of two vya lmy. iiblo "at sight" or at n ptntwl tlmo Iu tho future, A sight draft 1 simply n written demand oti n jtcrson or persons to pny nt sight tile certain sunt ineutlonod, They r usually sent to bnuka for collection nnd nro uhuiiHj' mndo tiajnblo. to tho liauk. Iu the ciimo of tho tlmo draft It U customary for 1lio t'olk'ctlng ngent, iiMiiully u bank, to huvo tho lruoo wilto'liiM immo, Uio dale,' nnd tho wortl ,A uccoiitoil" ucrons tlio fnco'of tho dnft mn thus,"' "accept It," This ncruptuiico constitutes n formal puy, Tho OrinwH) of n draft Is not u ltrty to it iiulesH ho 1m ucccptvil it, ii Mium states "days of graco" m-o allowed on bouijglil mid tlmo drnfta but tills custom ban gone wt ofyoguo In tho majority of states. 17 i Tt 4 ..-t .. . . r tiim AniticuiruniHT. Tho incfttlon whotlior or not Crook county will continue tho support of tho county nKrlmil- turlKt will bo dotnrmlnod by tho rouiity court nt It muotltiR next WfidnoHday, January 0. All fnr- mora and othora Intnroatod am ti r Rod to nttuiid in atipport of thn oauao. . ''"' zs ",'fi1. '.'i ' nB"'nitfi"i' ... irrvj"m """Hifiji i JOURNAL IS SOLD (luy linfollctlo llcrome Onnc,! of riltiovlllo I'liptT. Ahnoiiiieinent was mndo In the Crook County Journal of Dooomlmr t of tfm purchniio of tho pnpor hy (tuy Ufollotto of Prlnovllle. J. II. tlrny, tho pronont ownnr. turn tho property ovor to Mr. hnfollotto on January 1. Guy (.afollntto In woll known nit over Crook oounty, having vlnltnd nearly ovory acctlon In tho perform ance of hi dutlo hb fruit ItiMpoctor which oflloo ho hn held for ncvotnl yonra. Ho ha boon connected with the Journal In tho pnxt, having had A half Intereit for three year. From 100C t 1010 ho wan Duvtmr.Rter of I'rlnovlllu, rcilgnlng 1 n tho laltir year to tnko up tho Journal work. Mr. I.nfollctlo wa ona of tho mnnt nctlva auttnurtnr of tho county dlvl- alon movement In "old Crook county" In tho recent cntnpnlun. NEW ORDER MADE Desert T.nnd Ilonril Act Agnln Con- ceriilng Hettlcra'. Xole. (OrsRou Journal.) BAI.UM. Dee. 3R. Tho Btnto dot ert Irfind Hoard adopted an ordor ye torday that 120,000 In noteWor tho Ceiitrnl Oregon Irrigation fJUlnpany be returned to tho company and that the company rofraln from tho haIo of land In oxeeia of 28.135 acre An order of a week ago wart ronelndod. It wn the opinion of a majority of tho member of tho board thai tho company had mado good tho condi tion under which tho note wor do poMtod with UioHtoto. olthouRh Btnto IjiiKlneor Low! Inilited on kooplng tho note. tlovornor Weil enlivened tho pro cpodlnx by chnrRlng Iowl with ppltefut motive In optolng tho re turn of tho note to tho, company. Low! ImUtcd that tho note ahould bo rotalnod until tho tlmo 87,000 acre In tho aegroicatlon bo reclaimed. THAT McKAY KIH1I. Clydo M. McKay took second prlxo In a BpociaWdaja JtHtUjo 1014 nrlr.e KMiIng contest, conductod by Field nnd Btrcnm with the trout caught In tho DcRChute last summer. In tho January number of the magaxlne the winner for 19H art announced, Mr, I'oKay's natnu appearing In tho class, rnlnbow trout, sjMclal honor prUo f jr flh caunht on fly with, fly tncklo. His llnh weighed seven pounds. First t .nee wont for a fUli cniiRht in Pino Diver. Michigan, nnd welshing otKht pound. P'HHOP I'AIMtiioK fXMIIXO, IlotHKt I. Paddoflk. Kplampnl Illah op of Haatern Oregon, will i here Sunday evenlns. Illshop Paddoek will arrive on the eveulng train and will -conduct aerrloea In the Preebv torian ehwreli at 8 o'olodk. Ue will loavs 6n Monday. VV I.vTlU 1H HKI.HCTHI ). Aseordlng to report from tho first mooting or tho Jotfornon county.oourt Culver has been aolocted na tho tem porary county scat of tho now coun ty. Tho npK)nmpnt of tho different county olllcor ban boon postpouod to a later meeting of tho court, on Banking r At '8 OESCIIES SURVEYS COMPLETED State nnd Federal Authorities Agree on Plans and Estimates of Cost for Irrigation Projects in Crook and Jefferson Counties Cover 200,000 acres A BHinmary of tho enuclualona roaoliod by the Citato and I'adwpl auUiorltlo with reference- to Irrigation pomlhJIIlleM In the upper Daehuto rtver bnaln tin Just Ijuoii Klvsri out iiy tat4 Itngineor John II. Lewte. Tho work which ha rotullod In tbla retort ha been carried on under wltat hn uaon vnrloiiNly known n the D9Htoa aurvey, the oo-opornUve survey and the Oregon Co-operattve wer& flnanoed by eontrlbullona of f 60,000 noh from the Htnte or Oregon andyin United Stntoe. 1 he projectn oovored by tho report linto the ent and north of Hend, tliOBo clovot to tin' town being the HoUtiieUtitl and tho Knut Bide Unit, hltlmrlo knovn oh tho Itenhara Fnlla Prjjct. and the North Canal llslt. reapoei'vely. The others nro the West Bme Unit, adjoining the Tumnlo Project, Mlilch hu been under dIcuMlon,Jrconncctlon with tho oxpected a'lutiiiont of $4SO,000 from the Heclnmatlou fund, nod tho North Unit, covorlna tho Agency Plains country Most of tho country coat of Hend onclonod by tho llnoa or tho new aurvey Is already under Irrigation, tho 'Arnold ditch and tho Central Oregon oanal" supplying water for It. Tho report I ilgned by John T. Whlnuor, K. O. Ifopaon nnd lohn II. Lewi. Mr. W. h. Powers of tho Oregon Agricultural Cullgt iMiiarcd tint chapter on agricultural conditions und itovolbllltlca under Irrigation. Till report including numoroua map and drawing I now In procca of publi cation. It will not bo available for distribution for several month. Acoordlng to tho aummary thl area can bo reclaimed in four aoparato unit, all of which depend upon water to no stored In two propoio4 reser voir Mites, ono on tho Dcschute river at Henhnm Falls, 10 mile south of the town of Hond, tho othor at Crane Prairie on tho wct fork of such Rtrcatn. (Continued DELEGATES TO IRRIGATION CONGRESSLEAVE TUESDAY Over 100 HepreM-ntatlcH From (Vr- trul Oregon Will Attend Portland (lathering Nost Wrk. The third mooting of tho Oregon Irrigation Congresa will bo held In Portland on Thursday. Friday and Saturday of noxt weak. Delogatea from Control Grown to tho number of 100 nro expected to be in attend ance, tho varloun commercial bodio and Irrigation companies In both Crook and Jerforson counties having aoloccd representatives nt recent mooting. As waa tho case last year tho lar gest slnglo delegation Is expocted to go from Hend. Delegate will also go from Deschutes, Laldlaw, Slaters, rtodmotsd, Prlnovlllo, Culver, Madras, nod oliowhero In tho Deschute valley to urga tho claims of thl section for recognition In Irrigation matter. Arrnngemonta havo been cotnpletod br J. T. Hardv of tho Orcson Trunk tothRtotwo xlra lcop(raon,thn.j night train, to Portland for tno ws comodallon of delegates to tho con gross and It I oxpected that all who con got away on-that day will go down Tuesday night In order to havo n full day beforo tho congren to con for nnd agrco on a program. For tho round trip ono and a third faron will bo charged, tho carttflcato plan bolng uiod. "A'HWH" OUX AflAIN. The Prlnerilla News haa Rotten out of It llnanelal dltlcultle and Is mak ing 414 appmrauee Hpm unw uiv option "MletHfermed" It aays In a recent Iwue' "Several pnpera. evi dently prompted by a 'bum ateer' Iet week published a statotaont to the effoet that Mrs. Minn Kennedy had taken over the News nnd would look after Ita future destiny. Tho party mentioned was not in lawful posses sion of Tho Nowa nnd wo desire own friend to keow that Mrs. Kennedy has no interest or uen upon tins piaut, In guy mnnnor. Her flnanclnl clalma. have been fully satisfied nnd her re celpt 1 Iu our posaession. I IDappyj anb prqspetbfif to . k 4. Benb 4ifDpbvare ,(o, "THIJ C0MPAKWH.1T PUT THK v v -" "WH,U'lNlAHDWAHIi!," on last pago.) arass---Ja:" DESCHUTES GENERAL STORE OESTBOYEOJAST WEDNESDAY I'iro Starting From Defective Flao Tnbrts Huilding, Oirjicr Is Awny. f Amount to Almnt $7,000, Fire starting from e defective flue destroyed tho genoral store building In Deschutes last Wednesday after noon. Only n portion of the contents of thjNMoro was saved Including tho mall In tbo office. Tho property was owned by Frod U. Ayer who purchased It early this year nnd was situated on tho main road opposite the railroad station and tltnciMinlly across Trom the C. O. I. Co. nmco building. Besides a gener al stock of goods, tho building con tained the Deschutes post olflco and thoC. O. I. telephone exchange. In tho rear and connected with It wore quarters occupied by tho storekeeper which wero also destroyed, Tbo flro started about 4 o'clock during Mr. Ayer's absence In Ked mond, AU the mall waa takcq trom, tho-It bllkS tuTTJftld btiTwWiiaV- ed. It la understood that tho loss amounts to about $7000 partlycover- ed by Insurance. So fur ns known, no decision has been reached as tQ re building. The Deschutes telephono business Is being dono through tho C. O. I. oftlco. OIFTS APPHKCIATHD. A salo of fancy work was recently held nt tho OranRo Hall for tho bono At of the second Union ohureh. Do nations to tho sale and for the benefli of the church were made bv u sum bur f business men of Hend to whom the church has extended Ha thanks. It bi the purM of the church to erect a now building ns soon aa suf ficient funds nro secured. NHW YHAH'S KVK DANCK. J. C Joeson and Hay Heaver are giving a. dancq In $aUiQ0s,SaU 011 the 81st, to which ovoryono inw.c Dancing will start nt nlBo o'clock, and music will bo rendered by tho orches tra of tho Dream Theatre. At 11:15 supper will bo served at tbo Amorloan nakury. afflr' sair .- y,y ffwAhttoY JMTCIC HtKUHiATKH. Delegate to tho Irrigation Con grcas hnVo boon elected by tho Des chutes Reclamation & Irrigation Co. (tho Swalley Ditch) n follows: C. H, Henson, h. A. Hrandenburg, Chas. Hwalloy, II. N. Abbott and O cor go S. Young, SIAHHAH m'AAtfJAtlHH. Tho Madras (tommgffraf Club ha elcotod tho following deleptcs to the Irrigation Congres: IF. Dlotzol, P. W. Aahloy. Wade 8f, U 11. Irv ing and Ilownrd W. Turner. DHKCHUTHH DHLKOATHS. DHSCHUTBS, Dec. S6- Delogntoa from th Deschutes Commercial CJlub to tho Irrigation Congrees Were eleot ed yesterday as follows: C. M. Hfed flold. K. P. Madsn. A. Mehrens, F. H. Ayre, YV A. Xannoy. WATKK i;HKIWf DKLKOATKH. Delegates to tho Irrigation Con gress have been elected by the Water Usora' Association of tho Central Oregon Irrigation Company an fol low Dr. P. H. Dpncor, P. J. Young, Chnrlex W. Hooch, Karlo Itenlon and A. O. Walker. NEXT COUNCIL MEETING New Jlcmbcni May Iks Sworn In Dur ing Day Tuesday. ' Hceause of the departure) on Tues day evening of the delegates to tho Irrigation Congress it U planned to hold tho first council meeting at nlilcb them new councilman will be sworn In some time during tho day n Janunrr th. Under the city charter the new councilman toko of fice on the Tuesday after the first Monday In January. The auggestlan has been made that a short meeting ahould bo hold on that day for tho awoaring In of tho new members and tho appointment of a recorder as pro vided by tho charter and that all other business bo taken up at a later date. It ts understood that this may be done. As delegates to represent the city at the Congress Mayor Miller haa ap pointed Vernon A. Forbes, Chas. W. Ersktne. J. A. Hastes, H. C. Kills and Anton Auno. DIRECT TELEPHONE LINE Long Distance Bci-rlce to Outside Point In Effect In Few Days. Direct telephone service to Port land, Beattlo, Spokane In fact all outside points reached by long dis tance wires -baa been established. td will bo open to public use by the end .oL-the .week.. . Connect ionsAwere cotnpletod by line men who were hero' on Saturday. Hitherto all long distance conver sations have gone through tho Prlno vlllo office of tho Pioneer Telegraph & Telephono Company. WHlH th'p new nrranecment service will bo dF rcct, tho line following the railroad lines from Hond. The long distance wire haa beon tested out this week and found to work perfectly. As soon as the head office in Portland ban giv en out the rate to apply on tho" now service and Informed Its various agents of them It will be opened for public use. mSTlMIUTUIN FHOM HKN'I). In reporting the amount of freight that haa been brought to Paisley alneo April G, 1914, the statement la mado In the Cbew&uoan Prose that about C0.000 pounds have conio from Hnd. Exports from Pulsloy havo hovn mado through Lnkevlow, Klam nVh Falls. Merri land Hend and amount to about 3.000,000 pounds of beot or 3000 head, 40.000 head of sheep or 4,000.000 pounds and 1800 head of hogs or 30,000 pounds. vvx.rrs'ecrff 3, The First National Bank H "was I OF BEND, BEND.OR.EGON V. C COE, President E. A. SATIIER, Vice- President C. S. HUDSON, Casblor Capital fully paid -. - 825.000 Surplus 22,000 W XTklV' J Ji Tbo public's attention is respectfully directed to the following Important, provisions of tho npw War Revenue Dill, oifoctlvo December 1, 1914. NOTKH Notes must'beor stamps whoa not exceeding J1CL0.QQ, two cents; for each additional $100.00 or fractional part thereof In excoea of ?100.00, two cents. DKHDS-When the consideration or valuo of tho inter est or property conveyed, exclusive of tho value of any Hen or uncumhrauce thereon, exceeds $100.00 und dees not exceed $500.00. B0 coiUb; and for eaoh additional $500,00 or fractional .part thereof In excess of $600, 90 conta. SIOKTOAGI'U) MortsaBoa given to Hocuro the payment of promlhory notes aro uxompt, byt tlio notes which such mortgages ecoure must boar the roqulra-1 amount of stamps. CHUCKS NOT KClUKCT TO TAX For our OW uso and the accomodation of tho Publte we have seeured u supply of documentary stamps, Copy of laws may be lnqiected nt our liauklng room. I 1EFIRST "NATIONAL BANK OF BEND 5Sr.-aK DIRECTORS '-g U- C. foE K. Satubu C & HuosON' O. M. 1A1TB1PN II. C. JIJS AUIO OVERTURN INJURES F0UI PR1NEV1LLE LADIES IN ACCIDENT Were Hetumlng From Cirrlma Pnr- T When Car Tipped Orer-bn Orado Xcar Town r?H Wngitcr Ser- lo'tmly InJnrcdOtber Jn Forty (Special (o The Bulletin.) ,r PRINBVILLB, D-o. 26,--Four well known Prlnovlllo women wero injur ed, ono of them severely, when an auto In which thoy wero coming down Cemetery hilt about a mile north, of town, overturned late Thursday after noon. Thoso In tho party wero, Mrs. M. R. Dlggs, MUs Statlra Hlggs, Xtls'.i Claudia Wonderly, Misi Hdlth Wotr derly and Mlsa Qoldlo Wagner. Thoy wero returning from some Christ. mas festivities In is. car belonging to J. B. Wagner, the brother of tho last named and wero rounding a corner on tho hill nt considerable speed, when tho accident took place. Miss Wagner, .who was driving, received the most serious Injuries, having her right arm brokon In tbo shoulder Joint and the bone badly crushed. Of tho others la tho car, Miss Clau dia Wonderly and Mlsa Dlggs were sevoroly Injured about the face and head but no bones wero broken. Mm. Dlggs, who ts Just recovering from an operation for appendicitis, had her arm dislocated and waa badly shaken up, but othorwtso uninjured. Mlsa Edith Wonderly was unharmed. Mlsa Hlggs Is tho secretary.of tho county court siad Mlsa Wonderly waa the Republican candidate lor county clerk nt the last election. She was to have been married to Mr. Wagner, tho owner of the car, on Christmas day. AH tho Injured onca aro report ed to be Improving. :'"JErTfBOMafrlllB". Matter Is Token to Supreme Court From Bradsliaw Decision! ' The attorneys for tho petitioner In the writ of rovlow caso in connection with tho formation or Jofferson coun ty have perfected their appeal from Judge Dradabaw'a decision and aro having the necessary papers printed to bring the case before the Suprome Court. In the ordinary eourao of l ovonts tho argument would not bo hoard by the Supremo Court for eeuio six months, but it is expected that the court will advance Otie case for speedv hearing. SALBM. Deo. 59. An appeal from the decision of Judge W. h. Drad shaw Jn uphaidfrig the count)' oourt of Crook oounty In the case brought by A. D. Russell, in which the jf tter attacks tho validity of the prpcegd tnim in calllne an election for tho 1 nurnnxn nt e.raatlnc a new COUntV of I Jefferson haa been filed la tho bu I promo court. m ?8dS SJ ak jk 1 aEsiC! HIJL-'JJ w . "Deschutes State Bahk 4 1IKNI), OUICOON '. -.fljFBiWUUi-PreeiaciU ' ., H. M. UlHAPHBlllor ,'i -t. 5i mwwwm -- 1 "u.! kjsby iflsfn?i asw n& "r r &r n 3- sn sv SSi WS"j)