The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 23, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    iUOR 8,
run hknm) nri.t.r.Tiv,, om:., wkdnkhdav, DiieicMincit cji, ion,
.1. i.i iii'T'
1'or n Wck, Ilelow Zero Temperature
U Hcconlcd Nightly ltlvcr U
Frorcn Oi'er-lco Onuses Will
cully lit Tho Power Plant.
Tho longest period of unusually
cold weather known In thB seotlan
tor sovoral yoara came t,o rtn end oa
Monday whon tlio morqury, Which had
boo hovering around and below two
bognn to rIo. Kvery night but one
in tho qigt uays precoaing uoiow
zero temperatures worn recorded and
on two or them marks lowor thnn hnl
been known horo tor years wore
Two years ago In January thoro
woro two nights whon tho mercury
dropped bolow xoro but at thut tlmo
the cofd itpolt lasted only three days.
Last year olght degrees above was
the lowest mark and as this occur
ed on December 19 thoro Is soma
ground for the belief that tho cold
weather for this wlnior Is now over.
With zero temperatures came frot
cn water pipes. On Friday Is was
estimated that fully 75 por cent of
tho residences In town were having
trouble with frozen pipes and the
plumbers and repair men woro busv.
Many plpoa froze on the flraCday of
cold and folks swore a bit and thaw,
ed them out. Then they frozo again
on tho second day and they sworo a
llttlo more and thawed them out
ngaln. On the third day they decided
It had becomo a habit nnd began to
hunt houses .in the neighborhood
where tho wntor was still running,
at tho samo time planning to wait for
a bpeak In tho cold boforo trying an
ipore plpo thawing.
Trouble at Power Plant.
ai me jiinni ai mo uanu aier
Light & Power Co., the cold made
moro continuous troublo thaa anyJ
whore olio and only by a good deal of
ostra effort was the plant kept hi
operation during the week.
As Boon as the Ire began to form
tn tho river tho slushy needle or
anchor lco began to All tho trash rack
above tho water wheels preventing
the passage of water to tho wheels.
Tho racks were taken out and then
tho wheel pit - filled with the slush
until finally It became necessary to
shut down tho new plant and ata'tj
up the old ono. tharoby giving nn op
portunity to rid tho other wheel pit
of the lco In It.
At lltfe. llriio c'aWth6,',oniilBWtl
down In tho week enured 1y IW
freezing of tho gnto shaft on tho old
plant. It Whs, for only 20 mtuUtqs
and thoroittf tho two plants alter
nated until tho loo censed to trouhbi
In tho pits. During llio wholo period
Meant Was kept up In tho auxiliary
fcteam pimping plant and at times
tho oloclrlenl pump has been helped
out by this notably nt tho lliuo i
the Grand restaurant lire.
On Sunday It beonmo necessary to
close tho company brldgo nbovo tho
powor plnnt In order to got at the loo
wltloli had formed around the piers
beneath. It was feared that unless
this was dnno tho bridge would be
ondangored by the Ice running In the
river. Tho river Is still froion over
from the company dam to that of tho
Hand Company nnd tho lco Jam has
backed tho water up over the meadow
on tho west side of tho river. Since
Monday, howover, tho wntor seems to
bo flowing more freely and nay dan
ger to the bridges- Is over unless
extreme cold weather comes.
Information concerning (Jth gindo
final cxnmlnnltous to bo ttbld Jiutu
ty14 hihl llVUM;
Program for examlnatlona-
Thursday Arithmetic, writing
grntivinar, ngrloulturo nnd spellrniT.'
Friday - Physiology, history, Re
ugraphy. otvll gn,vorniuaut nntl road-
In- - t
N'otiy-Sectlonii tfVllf. ??1X nnd XX
of tllb "Ifiilpa.faj CKmdticUua KlfUtU
t.tado Pinal UIfttftpltlb88.', do not
rnpply In XJrbok county. tS u6 oxsrau-
MtlAttrf nntt lin iflvnll tnr nljlvM.rnflill
work. All pupils must take examina
tions In all mibJeal.
Heaped hilly subinlttod.
J. H. MYI.118.
Superintendent Crook ouunty sohoola
IS 13 o.
more J
Tho Skuso Hnrdwaro coinpnnyux'
tonds to you n very Merry Christmas
and a Happy Now Year. Adv.
Tho following program will bo giv
en by tho children of tho Methodist
Sunday school Thursday ovonlng:
Song, Joy to tho World, Congrega
tion: Prnyor by Roy Vlnynrd; Song
Sunday school choir; recitation, Mar
lon Sathor; song, Primary clnaa:
exercise. Angola of Xmas, three girls:
song, Ilcssle Howard. Mary Rey
nolds; song, class of girls: recitation,
Paul Reynolds: song, Mnrcolln
Schooler: ejorclse, seven girls: song
eight llttlo girts; solo. Margnrot
Thompson; exercise, Hothlehoni, nlno
boys: song. Joyce and Mattlo Grif
fin; recitation, Lois Cobb; song, Evo-
lyn Thorscn: reclttloa, Edwin Dana:
song, Sunday school choir; drill, II
girls. Dencdtctlon.
The Skuse Hardware Company ex
tends to you a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy Now Yonr. Adv.
Soo Skuse Hardware Company for
Chflstmas gifts. Adv. 41tf
Sleds and skates.
Company. Adv.
Skuso Hardware
(Continued from page 1.)
I oxtend my thanss to alt thoso
who helped mo at tho tlmo of tbo flro
In my resldenco last week.
The exact amount of tho state tax
to be paid by Crook oounty In tho
coming year Is $48,429, according to
an announcement mado by tho State
Tax Commission last wcok. At the
same tlmo the valuations of the pub
lic utilities was given out as printed
In tho last Issue of The Bulletin. As
sessor Foster Is now distributing this
amount to the different taxing dis
tricts and will shortly be able to an
nounce tho complete valuation for
Ask your grocer for Deschutes
Spray Flour. Adv. 3"tf
has the monoy now, and, It Is pointed
out, does not need to go to cungroM
for It. After January 1 It will re
vert to tho general fund nnd to ho
mndo nvallablo must bo re-allotted.
After noxt summer, according to tho
now law, tho powor to make appro
priations of money o
moot appropriations by states will be
Concerning Control Oregon.
So far an Central Oregon Is con
cerned this recommendation to Con
gress means, it Is pointed out, almost
less than tho chance of getting the
Reclamation fund nllotmont from
Soerotary Lano. That nllotmont. It Is
generally accepted would como to th
iJosahutos vnlloy and presumably in
Crook county. It la hero that tho co
operative surveys have progressed
turtherest. as Is Indicated Vy tho two
roporta already Issued, and It Is hero
that tho state's H0.000 which tae
government's is oxpooted to match,
has been spent. Accordingly It lnw
been believed that tho government
monoy would be spent on ono of th
two projects here.
That this would not bo tho case
with tho appropriation from Odngrp-js
tho news dispatches Indicate. For
It every community In eastern Ore
gon would bo a candidate and tho se
lection of tho project would not tie
made until tho final report of the
Oregon co-operntlvo surveys wan
mado. At that time, according to re
ports of Secretary Lane's position, ie
would havo tho money spent where
or the engineer's reports on tho who!"
jr KJ
We want to meet the people of Bend and the
surrounding country to know your wants and
needs. With this end in view
We Will Offer
Our entire stock of new and second hand furniture, stoves,
Queens ware, enamel ware, etc., at prices below the man
ufacturing cost on many items. VISIT OUR STORE
AND GET ACQUAINTED. Procure the goods you
may need mat were bought for SPOT CASH at a
Sale Commencing Wednesday,
Dec. 23rd and Closing Dec. 31st
stnto ndvlsod.
IiIiuo'n PokIUoii Hinted,
The most complete alalemuiits of
mo Quoromry h position on co-oponu
ttnti nnd thu $l0,OUO Is vontttliied qf
n letter from thu comptroller of tho
Itcolamntlou Service to It. 11. Do'Ar
mond, mnunger of tho
Club as follows.
Washington. 1). C, Deo. 13, 11) It.
Mr. II, II. l)s Ariiuind. Mnimger,
Hand GoiuiuoioInI Club,
llend. Oregon.
Denr Mr. Us Annum! :
Your letter of Dueombor 3rd, nd
dressed to Secretary Imne, has been
referred to tho undersigned for con
sideration mid respAnne.
It Is to lie regretted If n misun
derstanding has nrlHou tn your mind
lu respect to tho nllotmont or 9 100.
000 out of tho Ituelniimtlon (u id for
oo-operntlvo work lu Central Oregon.
Secretary l.nno Is, nnd lifts always
liesli, In thorough sympathy with the
movement for co-operation in tho
reclamation of Central Orogo.t lauds.
Tho troublo has arisen from the
fact that you hnvo misunderstood tho
terms of tho co-operntlvo proposition
an prcsentod to Secretary Lane by
Governor West, mid you have as
sumed that the 1430,000 which yojr
state has appropriated for cnintrips
tlon of tho Columbia Southern Pro-
Jcot was being duplicated by lilm In
ortier tn match Hint appropriation.
This Is far from tho fact.
Permit mo to call your attention
to tho Act of I'ohruary 21, 191:1,
chapter 87 of tho Oenarnl Laws of
Orogoti for 101.1, whloh provides for
"detail surveys and Investigations of
the water resources of tho Statu of
Oregon," nnd makes "an appropria
tion therefor and providing for co
operation with Federal ngenclos oti
gagod In similar work." This net of
February 21, 1913, made tin appro
priation of $50,000 to constitute n
revolving fund In tho hands of tho
stnto treasurer for tho purposn of co
operation with (edornl authorities la
tho making of survoys and Investiga
tions as to wntor resources of tho
Stato of Oregon. Under tho terms of
this net tho contract betweon the
Unltod Statos and the State of Ore
gon, dated May 5, 191.1. was entered
into by tho terms of whloh $100,000
was to bo oxponded In' co-operstlve
Investigations In that part of tho
Stato of Oregon, known as "Central
Oregon," moro particularly lu the ba
sin of tho DwohutoB river.
On the 25th of February. 1913 nn
act was MSod "To provide for the
construction, operation nnd mainte
nance and disposal, bv the State of
Oregon, of the Irrigation projoct in
Crook oounty, Oregon, oommenly
known as the 'Columbia Southern
Project.' " This, likewise, was be
fore Mr. Lane was made Secretary f
the Interior. Not ono syltsblo r
word In tho entire act relates nr re
fers, either remotely or by Infnrnnen,
to nny plan for co-operation between
tho Htnto nnd tbo Nation. I
On the contrary, when, on June 10.
1913, Director Nowolt wrote to fbv
ernor West that Secretary I .a no had
authorized him to state that an allot
ment of (IfiO.OOO would bo made for
co-oporntlon with tho Stnto of Ore-
Merry 'Xmas .
To All My Customers
I wish to toko this opportunity of ex
pressing my npprcciation of your
valued pntronago during tho past
year. Remember---if it's Furnituro
you want I can supply all your
needs with first quality material, di
rect from tho largest and best fac
tories. It is a pleasuro to mo to havo
you inspect my lino, and I hopo to
jmorit a continuation of your trado.
E. M, Thompson
Iho Furniture Man
gon In connection with tho Tuinnla
project, tho pcopla of Imldlaw and
other Oregon communities rose up Hi
pro tost against nny portion of the
fund appropriated for tho Tutnnlo
projact being considered an a oo-op-erullro
In this connection It Is well to will
your attention tn tho fnot that Secre
tary l.nno did not nuthorUo (ho Di
rector of tho lteclamnllon Service to
stnto that ft&O.OOO would bo allot
ed tor co-operntloit In the Stnto of
Oregon lu connection with Iho Turn
nto project; on tho contrary, his In
structions woro to rerlto to tho auth
orities of tho State of Orogen that
the sum of 1460,000 would be appro
priated for the purpoee of co-operation
with the State of Oregon in Ceil
tral Oregon lu eoinpltnnre with the
terms of tho Aet of June 17, 1902.
Tho statonionl of the Director that
this allotment was for tho Tumalo
project was nn Inadvertence on his
part, as Is plainly shown by subse
quent correspondence and records.
It Is to be regretted that thoro
should have been nny mktuudtrsianri
Ing upon this jMilnt, and no one re
grets It so much as Secretary tan;
but the proposition ns laid before
him by Governor West eontiilned mi
the (lovernor's pnrl n distinct pledge
that If the Secretary would Indicate
Informally that It was Ills Intention
ml deslro to ro-operale with tho
State of Oregon by nn allotment of
ft&O.OOO, he would see to It that n
like amount should lie produced by
the stnto for dollar for dollar co
operation with the Federal Government.
Co-operation Implies n completq
participation by both parlies to thef
contract tn nil of Its features; both
ns to Investigations end constructlmii
nn well as innnngemeiit. Thu Unltod
States has had no part In tho expen
diture or tho H&0.000 fund used lit
the construction of tho Tumnld Pro
Joct; has hud no voice In lis iiianngu
mnnt; has hud no consideration
whatever; has not been consulted in
respect to It; It la In no senso n co
operative project. 1
No detlnlte determination can
mndo as to which of the projects n
Central Oregon shall bo adopted by
the failed Mate in Its eo-opoiatlvo
verk with Iho Stnto, until the engi
neers have agreed e to one or tin"
riher as that In which the money .o
le appropriated by the Slate and 'hit
Unltod Stales oan be mast eeonomle
ally nnd beneflslnlly expended for thu
good of all eoHaerned.
Very truly yours,
W. A. 11YAN.
Check Croup lntnntly.
You know croup Is dangerous. And
you ought to know too, tho sense of
security that oomes from having Vol.
oy s Monoy and Tar Compound In tho
house. It outs the thick mucus nnd
clears away tho phlegm, stops tin
strangling cough nnd gives easy
breathing nnd quiet sleep. Kvery
user Is a friend. Patterson Drug Co,
- Adv.
Uso Deschutes Spray Flour! It
the best made nnd n Heud product.
Adv. 37 If
I1..UI, j..iv.'lJi.ul
)rVe buy, sell, exchange or rent
, ;a ,
urns Furniture Com
Two Doors South of Post Office
A fl$j KrS' iK ily flffl
The Bend Company
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