The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 23, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Tin-: dend dullutin, dbnd om: wednkhday, decemder 2.1, 101 1.
- ----- --
'- --v
Tlio Novomlior Insuo of tlio Don
uhuien HatiKor Inaund by tho loonl
Forestry nmuo has an n frontlnplaca a
photograph of Lava Ihitto tnkon by
JJuporvlsor M. L. Morrltt. Tlio pho
tograph In unusual In allowing tlio
lavn fields adjoining thn butto nn well
4i8 thn clndor cono Itself.
Tliu Hunger opens wltli tlio follow.
Ing summnry of thn work of tlio ynnr:
1 Wo ImVo pnnsed ttiroufth 0110 of
thfitjiinnt critical tiro nnnaona of ynnrn
wftnout mntorlnl Ions to our supply
'of ootnuiorolnl tlmbor, tlio proton
tlou of which In thn Forost nlllcer'H
Unit duty. Altogathor wo hnvu taken
Wo of 104 flron, of which 00 covoroil
nujnroa of 10 norm or inoro.
. HomothlnR Ilka n million foot r-f
freo tuu tlmlior linn bcon glvon nwov.
All In Hiimll amountn, tioconHltnthK
nil Infinite nniount of enro and labor.
A groat ninny tlmlior Hnlen httvo boon
made, moHt of tlioin for small
ninountn only but rmiulrlnK nn much
work on tlio pnrt of Fount ofllcors is
Jarwr naloa.
niocu, grazing on tno ranges una
to bo counted, looked after mid Jinn-
idled nn dlseunxad elaawhora In thin
Special 1110 applications worn ro
ported on no Hint necessary pormltn
could bo granted tlio nppllcnntM.
Ovor 38,000 noma of tlmbor linn
been cruised nnd innppod, inoro thnn
twothlrda of thin by our loonl forco
without outnldn naalatnnco. Ono Inton
tvo Inud classification project tun
lii-en worked up, reported on nnd de
cided while flold work for two othnrn
hnn boon completed ready for thn ro
An Improvnmentn wo hnvo uon
utruotod 48 tulle of telephono lino of
No. 9 wire and 10 mil pnrtly of
No, 13 nnd pnrtly on bnrbod wro
ifoncon. Ilrlduen hnro boon built
noroia thn Matollun river nod nonius
Dnvln Creek. Ono onbln hnn been
'completed, two fence nnd n pnrt of
n third. Oyer 24 mllrn or now rosii
i!mn been opened up nnd ninny road
nlvnn hnvn been posted.
Other extracts from the Hnnser are
tun follownt
Revornl of tlio ranges hnvn been
tnklnit annual leave during the month
of Novomlior or will da no In De
cember. Logging engineer C. II. Woodeonk
than completed Held work In oanneo-
tlon with the npprnlsnl of thn Mtv
tollun nnd HUtent blookn of ttmiier.
i Ho returned to rortlaud on Decern
lor 4.
Ranger flouth In constructing nn
out-door cellar with walla and roof
pnokod with nnwduit at tlio Oroncent
Hanger Station.
Forest Clerk C. W. Long hnn been
designated by thn District Forcslor
an Property Custodian for the Den
Clinton dlvUlon of thn Paulina For
vst. Horcnftor all Koronlry property
will bo chargod to him and bn trnnv
ferred by him direct to thn Hold of
ficer Foreat Buporvlnor Drown and Rnn
' jior McCoomti of the Fremont Foreu
waro In Dond on November 11 nnd 13
to tnlk over lnterforcst business.
Supervisor Drown auRgeated a chancn
In thn boundary lelweon tho Fremont
nnd Deaohutea dlvlnlonn of the Pnul
Ina forest. After tntklnR tho mntter
over, recommondntlonn to mnkn nuoh
, n change wero nont to tho DUtrlot
Foreat ItnnRor South hnn blnxed
nnd pontod nix mllo of Nntlonnt For
oat boundary during Novomlior. IIh
nlao mndo field oxnmlnallonn nnd re.
porta on throe Juno 11 onsen and
nutated Hanger Mnhn In tho flail
examination or n fourth.
Tho Dlatrlct Omco hnn appointed it
committee consisting of Mr. Johnson
nnd Mr. Mtinsor to approvo and cor
l I M,1-IJUJLX-LJI 1,11 I
Thoro la nothlnR thnt will rIvo any
mora plenauro for no Ioiir a tlmo for
no little money nn tho thrno monthly
magazlnca wo aend our aubacrlberi.
Are you netting those magazines? If
n t, write or telephono ua. Wo will
tell you how to Ret thrco magazines
ono year for only 26 conta.
ONH OKNT A WORD la all a llttlo
Want Ad will coat you.
To The Kdltor:
Hnvlng noticed In a recent lauo 6f
your pnpor n parcel of reaolutlonn not
forth by tho "Hod nnd Oun Club" of
Dond, I am ploanod to Inform th:it
body of clovor eportnmon that tho
Uubcn on tho big mondown have nUo
flrfnod a club which they call tho
"Bhot and Ilun Club" a few or tholr
rcsolutlonn which' fond an followi:
lat. Resolved that Inatoad ot giv
ing tho "Rod and Oun Club" nix foot
ot our land 'extending back from tho
river wo Intond giving thorn alx font
under tho river bank.
2nd. Wo proposo tearing down nil
trospnns notices on all lotn ownod by
that club In Dend nnd appropriate
ulx foot ot Uio namo to ralso Junlpora
3rd. Wo aro also willing to pay
taxes on our lands, nnd allow nil
Hporta to come In, loavo our gatoa
and fences npon, shoot down our
Htock, utoal our boats nnd loavo thorn
it mllo or two down tho rlvor, tram
plo our grain, nhoot from daylight to
dark, until it In not anfa for man or
lionet to bo near tho river. In fact,
wo will bo d-o-ollghtod to entertain
tho bunch nt n shooting inntch any
tlmo that thoy want to conio.
Very cordially,
You nro cordially Invited to fish
rtud hunt during the opon soason on
our proportion, up rivor.
' nospootfully,
i Dond, Oregon
---- ---- --
- -4 ---.. I
rolnto tho nonionclntiiro of nil
tlonal Foreat tnnpn.
Hlxtnon Intonalvo lond'clnsalrtcatlon
projectn aro now In tho cotirnn of
cornplotlon In thin dlatrlct, tho nocas
anry field work ImvltiK nil been done.
KnriKor Houth hna clonrod out tho
rond lundlnx from Crcncont to tho
Odell Hunger Station no that It li
now n flrnt vlaaa (into rond.
Tho oinclnl tabulation of National
Forent arena publlnhod Juno .10, 1011
nlinwn that tho 18 National Foronla
In OrcRon have n Rronn uron of IS
080,034 noron or which 3,303,022
nercn nrn pntonted lonvltiK n not Nn
llonnl Foreat area of 13.327,412
noron. Of thin area 882,714 on the
Donohutea and 002,400 In thn Dn
ohtitun dlvlnlon of tho I'aullnn forcatn
nro iidmlulnturod from Dond.
Dy purohnalnR their timber from
tho Foreat Horvlco nt thn 00 cent rnto
to nattlorn nnd by lim-JiiK n amnll por
tublo nnwmlll nnd operntliiK It co
oporntlvoly, n number of nottlern 'n
tho vicinity of 1-nldluw nre Hooiirlut
koiiio unuaiinlly cheap lumber. Homo
time (iro theao men, nil of whom nrn
aottlnrn on thn Tuuinlo IrrlRntlon I'ri
Jnot Innda nmdo nn arrntiRomont with
It. .. Dnvla, who ownn n mnnll port
able aawmlll, whproby they nocurn
thn uan of hln mill by pnyliiR n ntnted
rental por day, blrlntt him to nupor
vino tho mill nnd worklnR It co-operatively.
They not up thin mill In Hoc
Hon 20, T. 10 8. It. U 13., adjacent
to timber which they purchnacd in
dlvldually from the Forent Rorvlco
under the 00 cent rnto. They are do
Iiir their loRRlnR co-operatively. At
rnndy they hnvo purchnnod 122,000
feet of tlmbor nnd expect to buy at
leant an much inoro In tho nprlnR.
DurliiR tho pnnt mimmor 2,008 em
tio. 124 horaen and .14,760 ahcep hnvo
been furnlahod with nummor rnnito
on tho Deaohutea nnd DoachutM dlvl
nlon or tho I'aullnn and ndJolnlnR for
rata. All of tho cattle nnd horaea
Knuod oxclunlvoly on thoao two For
eatn. Moat of tho ahcop nllotmontn,
however, Included land on both nlopea
ot tho Caicado inountnlun no that
other foronla wuro nlao eoneerneit.
Tho totnl Income to tho Dhuta
and DoMhutofl dlvlalon of the Paulina
foroatn on nooount or Hiom Krnxlni
allotmontn la n follown:
From onttlo and borwa . . .$ 047.07
From ahcep 2,000.60
Totnl $2,734.67
Field oRlcern on thla forent have,
durlnR tho paat year oountod prav.
tlcally all of tho nhnop RrntlnR not
only on thla Forest but nn thoao nd
JolnlnR It to tho went. Thn followlnR
tnblon Klvon tho numbar of old ahcep
no counted by namea of counting cor
Nnnm of corral No. Hands
Cold SprlnRa 0
Ornlinm Placo .... .14
Hwanipy Pluco . ...10
DIr Itlvor 0
Creacont .......... 3
Mntollun DrldRe .... 2
No. ahoep
lnko Creek Ilrldso. . 1
Counted on ItanRo . 4
Cold SprlnRa 0
Totals 40 03,834
Tho averago number of aheep In
banda or owen nnd lambs wna 1129
old aheep and 936 lambs; In bands
or dry ahoep 1300.
Sovorn.1 pa Re or tho Danger nro up with "A Ollmpso ot H'O
Siualnw." br Danger II. K. Smith who
was recently trnnaterrod to tho !)
ehuten Foreat offleo from tho Slualnw.
Thla la an Interesting dosorlptlon )f
a forest that Ima aufforod from o
voro flron and of tho government
work or reforestation thnt Is IioIhk
done on It.
Uso Donchutcs Spray Flour! It la
tho boat made and n Dond product. -Adr.
37 tt
Farmers and
Ship us your hogs, veal,
poultry, oggs, rabbits, fruits,
vogetables, otc.
Our facilities for handllnt
produce aro tho boat. Prompt
returns, Wrlto us for togs
and prlco licit.
100 Front Street
Agriculture, Including Agronomy,
Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Horti
culture, Poultry rui'bandry, Insects,
Plant and Animal Diseases, Cream
cry Management, Marketing, etc.
Homo Uconomlcs, Including Cook
Iiir, Home Nursing, Sanitation. Sew
Ing. Dressmaking and Millinery.
Commorco, including Busings Man
agement, Kural Ikonomlcs, Huslness
Law, Oliico Training. Farm Account,
lug, etc. HitginccrlntT, Including
Shopworl and Itoadbulldlng.
A genernl clearing house session of
six day for the exchange of dynamic
Ideas on the most pressing problems
of the times. Lectures by leading
authorities, State conferences,
Offers lectures, movable schools, In.
stltutes and numerous correspondence
courses on request.
MUSIC t Piano, String, Band, Voice.
No tuition. Reduced rates on all rail
roads. For further inferraa- Ion address,
The Oregon Axrlcaltnral Collsge,
Dond, Oregon, Doo. 10, 1014.
To whom It may concorn: That wo,
tho undornlRnad poaltlvoly forbid nny
liutitliig or flahlug or troapnaitlnK on
nny Innda thnt wo own In Crook coun
ty, Oregon. v
0. II. AhLKN,
4142 0 FllBD A. HHONQOK8T.
Try Truo Dluo flour,
Krocor for It. Adv.
Ank yojr
30 tf.
Thla And Vivo Cent.
Don't mlxa thla. Cut out thin nllp
onoloao flvo conta to Foloy & Co.,
ChlonRo, III., writing you namo nnd
nddronn clearly. You will recolvo
In return a froo trial pnekngo con
taining Foloy'n Honoy nnd Tar Com
pound, for Coughn, cold nnd croup,
Foloy Kidney Pills nnd Foloy Cathar
tic Tableta. For nnlo in your town
by Pnttornqn Drug Co. Adv.
In tho Comity Court of tho Stnto of
Oregon for Crook County.
In tho Mnttor of tho Katnte of John
W. Whlto, Deconeod.
Notlco la hereby given thnt pursu
ant to an rodor heretofore mndo and
entered In tlio nbova entitled oauao,
tho undoralgnod will from and nftnr
January 23, 1916, procood to noil nt
prlvato nlo for cash, In nopurnto
trnctn, tho following described real
estate belonging to nald'eatnto:
Tract No. 1: B4 of NWVi or 8o
tlon (0), Township (20) B ot llango
(12) K. W. M.i Tract No. 2: I)t (4),
or Bed Ion (2), Lot (1) and BH or
NHV4. Section (3), Tnwnthlp (21),
8 of rtnngo (10) 15. W. M.. and BW4
of SWy. of Section (30). Townahlp
(20), H, llango (10) K. W. M.:
Tract No. 3: 8B or NWVi and NK
h or 8WV4 of Section (34), Town
ahlp (17) 8., llango (12) K. W. M.
Tract No. 4: WA of 815 U, 8K4 f
8WV4 of Section (3), NW of NBH
of Sootlon (10). Townnhlp (21) B.,
Range (10) K. W. M., nubject to the
approval of the court, nn provided by
Tho abovo mentioned lands nro
mora particularly desarlbod an fol
lows: Trnet No. 1: HlKbty norea )f
tlmbor land located In Klamath coun
ty. Orefion, npnralnod valuation.
750.00. Tract No. 2: Two hundred
two ncrea, meadow lands, on Dm
Unusual Combination
SEVERAL loading publishers ot magazines havo Joined with us In ono ot tho greatest subscription bargrJn offers
uvor put out In this country. Through this combination ovorybody will bo able to got a yearly subscription to
three magaxlnos In combination with our paper at practically tho prlco of our paper alone. Uln this list tou will
find forty different periodicals formod
upeciai uiuu wnicn una rour magazines;
nnd cover a largo variety of choice
j-nncy .Neeuioworx, illustrated current livonts. Homo Decorations, Kicttos, Literature, Drama, Art, Sclonce, In
vontlons, General Farming, Dairy Farming, I.tvo Stock, Vegetables, Fruit nnl Poultry.
Undor tha splendid contract wo
tho clubs In combination with our
pnpor alone. If you are a subscrlbor
tra. iook ovor tno net cnu scioct tno
represoniauvo or cnn ai our omco wnon in town, ir you aro now a auuicnuer to my or tneso magazines and want
to ronew Just send your order to us
paper is past uuo. we adviso you to pay up and tako advantago or this uargeln. If you are In the habit of buying
your magazines throuRh othor channels, wo ask you to Justly comparo out clubs and prices with that ot any offer
you rccclvo. You. no doubt, aro now a subscriber to sonio of these periodicals. You can save money by sand
ing your ronowal ordor to us. Hero Is a cbnnce to get your home paper and a yearly supply of good reading at a
roal bargain. If you want ono or more ot the-so mngazwes aent to different addresses, Just montton It.
CLUtl NO. 1.
McOall's (with freo pat
Farm Ufa torn)
Everyday Llfo
CLUlt NO. s.
Woman's World
Pooploa Popular Monthly
aontlowomnn :t.
Hearth and Homo
Farm Llfo
Household Magazlno
Amorlcnn Woman
Farm Llfo
Household Guest
Today 'a (with freo pat
Farm Llfo tern)
Household Magazlno
ci.unNO, a
Today's (with froo pat
Everyday Llfo torn)
Fancywork Mngnrlno
Everyday Llfo
Woman's World
Farm and Flrontdo
Womnn's World
Homo 1.1 fo
Farm and Homo
Woman's World
Household GuoBt
Home Life
A 1 iVIVrfrm
.i r : si-tt
MIL I Kwft'vvlfSi
SBBr ft w, JutHULJHHJl9
chtitoa rlvor nt mouth of Fall rlvor,
known an tho Pollon placo, appraised
nt 13,000. Tract No. 3r Highly acres
with water right locatod on Bant
side or Pilot Dutto, ono mllo from
city llmlfa of Dond, npprnlsod vnluo
13,000. Tract No. 4: Ono hundrad
llftyolght acres of meadow land, on
Doschulen rlvor, adjoining tract No.
2 on south, known an Dlack placo,
nppralsod vnluo, $2,007.17.
Tho undoralgnod invites sonlod
bids upon nny or nil tho abovo do
scribed Iractn to bo submitted to him,
nt Dond, Oregon, by January 23rd,
Datod this 23rd day of Dec, 1914.
h. li. WJKBT, an Administrator
or tho Uatalo of John W. Whlto, do
coasod. 42-40 t
A. M. Prlnglo, Plaintiff; vs. D. A.
Mnstorn, K. ll. Morgan, li. W.
Plorco, Katlo Plorco. Francis Cap
' ell, Lottie Capoll, Alx Hon, Ger
trudo Hens and A. O. Laundlgun,
To D. A. Masters, E. II. Morgan, D.
W. Ploreo, Katlo Plorco, Franels
Cnpoll, Lottie Cnpoll and A. O.
Laundlgan, abovo namod dofend
anta. IN Tho Nnmo of tho Stato of Ore
gon, you and each of you nre hereby
required to appear and answer tho
complaint filed against you tn tha
r.bovo entitled null on or boforo tho
14th day or Jnnunry, 1910, nnd If
you fall bo to appear nnd answer for
want thoroof plaintiff will apply to
tho Court for tho relief prayed ior
in tho complaint heroin, to-wlt:
For Judgment against tho defend
ants D. A. Masters nnd A. O. Laun
dlgan and each of thom for tho sum
or $1,019.00, together with Interest
at lh.a rato of 8 por cent per annum
from tho 10th day of Fobruary, 1911,
until paid, toguthor with $100.00 at
torney fees nnd the costs and dis
bursements of this suit, for a decree
to tho effect that the Hon of that
co-taln mortgngo bearing date Fob
rttary 10, 1911, made and executed
by tho said D. A. Masters on the 8W
V. of tho SBVt nnd BU of tho
8BU of the SWU of Section 23.
Townahlp 10. South ot Range 11
Hast, to bo forccloned and that tho
real property above described be sold
by tho Sheriff of Crook county, Ore
gon, in tho manner provided by law
$ 1 .75The Bulletin and Any
Into thlrty-fivo dlfforont clubs. Bach
no mo or mesa magazines sou ror as
reading matter, Including History,
havo mado with tho publishers wo are
pnpor ono year for $1.76, Just twonty-flvo cents more thnn tho price of our
to our paper wo ask you to ronew so that you too, may get 3 magazines ex
cluu you into nest, send in your
and wo will have. your subscription oxtesded. If your subscription to our
CLUD NO. 10. CLl'IJ NO. 1H.
Today's (with freo pat- Today's (with freo jmttern)
Woman's World tern) Gontlowoman
Homo Llfo Homo Life
CLUD NO. 11. CLUD NO. 10.
Good Stories Successful Farming
Farm Lire Homo Life
Everyday Llfo Everyday Llfo
CLUD NO. 12. CLUD. NO. 20.
Orcon's Fruit Grower Farmer's Wlfo
Everyday Llfo Homo Llfo
Farm Llfo Evoryday Llfo
Today's (with freo pattern) Happy Hours
Prairlo Farmer Farm Llfo
Household Magazlno Gontlowoman
SPECIAL CLUD Sumo Prlco an Other
Pooplo'a Popular Monthly Farm, Stock and Homo
Farin Progress Woman's World
Woman's World Homo Llfo
CLUD NO. 1.1. CLUD NO. 23.
Today's (with froo pattern) Vogotnblo Growor
Farm Llfo Today's (with froo pattorn)
Poultry Item Everyday Llfa
CLUD NO. 10. CLUD NO. 24.
Hoy's Magazlno Woman's World
Homo Llfo ' Farm Life
Qontlowoinnn Today'a (with treo pattorn)
CLURNO. 1,7. OLUD S'0. 23,
Klmhnll'H Dairy Farmor Woman's Hoao'Wcokly
Homo Llfo Woman's World
Gontlowoman Homo Llfo
;":: .jni'er.u
and that tho proceeds ot said sa!o bo
applied to tho payment of the cost
of nnlo; to tho paymont of plaintiff'
Judgment prayed for, with interest,
nttornoy fees nnd costs and that tho
Interest and Hen of the dofendanta
K. II. Morgan, li. W. Pierce, Katlo
Plorco, Francis Capoll, Lottlo Cnpoll,
Alex Hens, Oortrudo Hess and oach
of thorn bo decreed to bo subsequent
to and subjoct to the interest and
lion of thU plaintiff; and thnt the
plaintiff havo Judgment and execution
against tho defendants D. A, Masters
and A. O. X.aundlsan for any defic
iency that may remain upon said
Judgment after tho application of Uio
proceeds of tho salo ot said real prop,
Thin summons- Is nerved upon you
by publication thereof for six suc
cessive weeks in Tho Dend Bulletin,
a weekly nowepapar of goncral cir
culation, published at Dend, Crook
county, Oregon, by order of tho Hon.
W. li. Dradshaw, Judge of the abovo
entitled court, which ordor Is dated
20th day of Novombor, 1914.
TLs dnto of the first publication
being December 2, 1914.
Tho date of tho lost publication
being January 13, 1910.
39-45 Attorney for Plaintiff.
M. W. Knickerbocker, Plaintiff; vs.
Nlcla Peterson. Defendant.
To Niels Peterson, tho abovo named
In Tho Namo of Tho State of Ore
gon, you aro hereby required to ap
pear and answer tho complaint of tho
plaintiff filed horoln against you n
tho abovo entitled action, on or bo
foro tho 14th day of January, 1915,
and for want thereof tho plaintiff
will tako judgment against you for
tho sum of $189.00, together with
Intorcst on $140.00 thereof at tha
rate of 7 per cent por annum from
March 17, 1914, and Interest on
$49,40 thereof at the rato of 10 per
cent per annum from August 5, 1914
until paid, together with $20.00 at
torney fees and tho costs and dis
bursements of this action.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thoreof by order of
tho Hon. J. A. Eastc, Judge of tho
Justlco Court of Dend Precinct,
Crook county. Oregon.
Dato ot tho first publication Is De
comber 2, 1914.
One of These Glubs$ 1 .75
club has throo magaxlnes, except ono
much as $1 a year. They aro nil good
Music, Religion. Education. Fashions,
able to give our readers a cholco of
order today or give your ordor to our
CLUD NO. 20.
Fancywork Magazine
Today'a (with free pat
Geutlowoman tern)
CLUD NO. 27.
Kansas City Weekly Star
Farm Llfo
Everyday Lire
CLUU NO. 28.
Woman's World
Homo Llfo
CLUD NO. 20.
Kansas City Weekly Star
Everyday Ufe
Homo Lira
CLUD NO. 80.
Southern Ruralls.
Home Lite
CLUD NO. 31.
Farmer's W'kly Dispatch
Homo Ufa (St. Paul)
Farm Lire
CLUn NO. 32.
Rural W'kly (St. Paul)
Everyday Lite.
CLUH NO. 33.
American Home
Woman's World
CLUD NO, 31.
McCall's (with free pat
Everyday Llfo torn)
Housohold Guest
sa' m
Dnto of Inst publication is Janu
ary 13, 1916.
J. A. EA8TB8,
3 04 5 c. Justlco of Peace.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato
of Oregon for tho County of Crook.
B. M. Thompson, Plaintiff, vs. Virglo
B. Ilrasflnld and Ocorgo M. Orosflold,
Dy virtue of an execution, decroo
and order of salo duly Issued out ot
the abovo entitled court to mo direct
ed and dated the 1st day of Decem
ber, 1914, upon a decree for tho fore
closure or a certain raortgago and
Judgment rendered and entered in
said court on tho 26th day of Novem
ber, 1914, in the a bore ontltlod causs
nnd against the defendants and In
favor of tho plaintiff In the sum nt
six hundred seventy two dollars with
Interest thereon from tho 15th dav
or January, 1914, at the rato or eight
per cent per annum until paid and
seventy dollars attorneys fees nnd
thirty dollars costs and disburse
ments and tho cosU of and upon th's
writ and commanding mo to make
salo In tho manner provided by lav
of tho real proporty decribed In such
decreo and mortgage and hereafter
described, I will on THURSDAY, tho
31st day of December, 1914. at the
hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of
said day at tho front door of tho
county courthouse In Prtnevilte,
Crook county. Orogon, sell at public
auction to tbo highest bidder for cash
In band all tho right titlo and Inter
est of tho defendants Virglo B.
Drasfleld and George M. Urns field, or
either ot them had on the 26th day
or November, 1914, tho data of tho
Judgment and decree herein or which
sold defendants now have or havo
since acquired In and to the follow
ing described real property to-wlt:
Lot Ono of Dlock twcnty-slz of Dend,
Crook county, Oregon, according to
tho recorded plat thereof or so much
thereof as may bo necessary to sat
isfy said Judgment and decree with
attorney's fees, costs and accruing
costs. Bald property will bo sold
subject to redemption as provided by
law. Dated at Prlnovlllo, Oregon,
this 2nd day of December, 1914.
Sheriff of Crook county.
Dy VAN ALLEN. Deputy.
Dato ot first publication, Decem
ber 2. 1914.
Data of last publication, Decem
ber 30, 1914. 39-43 c.
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