The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 23, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Bnlom In tho employ of tho Btato la-
To the Late
t, 1V ' v
We still have a larije assortment
of useful tfi its for young and old.
Wo will be pleased lo, assist y'du
in making your selection of ap
propriate gilts. Toys and Cah1t$
for the children. ;
l. si
Patterson Drug Go.
' .
Father Hutlor wn litiro on Mondny.
0. Lnurgnard wna In town Saturday.
t-tW, IS, Baylor lini boon In town till
. 0. Laurgaard win up from Laldlnw
' on Mondny.
A. D7 Morrill of PoWoll Ilutto spent
Monday lions.
V.. M. Inrn la oxpootod to arrlvo In
town tomorrow.
1 tO. M. Itodflold cnmi) up from Don-
oliult'ii Saturday.
. jJ. A. Thompson was up from Laid.
law thin inornlnK.
,'j. N. Hunter tin given n box of
npplos to tho poor. '
'Jnnuii Itynn wont to Bonttln Inst
night for a few dnya.
1 f The llAiid Company li gettliw out a
vnry nttrnotWo Mltmlar.
i W. W. Ilownrd of Desohuten was
hqni on bunlHosa Mondny.
. W. I). Ilnrnoa Iibi been register 1
nt tho Hand Hotel this week.
Tim ChrlsUnna vacation for tlie
publle aalioola began Monday, t
Mr. nnd Mra, 11. II Allan drovo up
to tho Itynn ranch on Hundny.
1 Fidlaudo a Vnndevort Is expo tod
homo tomorrow for ClirlslHiaa.
4 0. P. Putnnin ralumm! this morn
Ipik to upend tho holidays hero.
1 Hnrry Wyo of Cresoont enmo :n
. gatnupplles.
' Mra. Hugh O'Kand returned on
Mondny from n vlilt to Portland.
' Kdwln J. llodgors was up from
I.nldlnw on business an Saturday,
i Tho Short Story Oluti mot nt the
homo of Mra. J. P. Koyoa on Monday
George Nye nt I. a Pine tins opened
a olgnr factory In tho flummy build
Margaret WoUt nrrlvod from O. A.
0. Hundny morning to spend tho Hull
dnya, A. I). Kgnn hna boon distributing
hnndsomu Union Pacific cnlondara re
cently. Mra, Uoorgo 1). linker hna roturnod
from ClilcBffO- whoro alio apctit tho
Mr. nml Mra. Norvnl Springer Ir.vo
moved Into tho l.nwronco hulldliiK "it
Wall atruot.
John llntoH nnd ("rod Triplet! wont
up river for n fow uny a huntliiK trip
on Rnturdny.
A. I). Norton of Mllllcnn en inn In
Monday, returning to hla homo Tue
day mornliiK.
Mra. O. P. Putnam wont to Port
I nni! Hnturdnjr nlKht. returning Tuea
dny morning.
A twelvn o'clock midnight tnnaa
w'll ho held nt tho Catholic church
on Chrlatmna,
Mra. K. I). Wilson and hor dntight
er Cornolln, nro moving Into tho
Otierln hoiiao.
Mr. nod Mra. K. !. Hnvnmann left
on Hundny for Montana whoro they
oxpecllo settle.
K. M. ThomiHMin. who waa alok on
Thuradny and Friday", la now nlilo to
I to niiout again.
City Marshal Hoharta waa confined
to tho house for n fow daya last week
with tho Krlppf.
M. I.. Morrltt. who wont to Port
land Wednesday night, returned yea-
terday morning.
John Anther returned homo for tho
Christians holidays from Corvnllla on
B uday morning.
I.nldlnw visitors hero on Tuesday
Included J. J. Coon, J. N. II. Gorklnir
nnd H. it. llrown.
to Everyone
I thank you for
the trade you
have given me in
the past year,
and I will en
deavor to please
you even more
in the coming one
A. L. French
Tho nnnunl tnoctlntr of tha Pino
Kofcst IrrlKntlou Company will ho
lioju on Hnturdny, Jnnunry 2, nt the
Anioiu nouooi iiouse.
, II'Morotlco Younir. who tian tinnn
finillllnif nl 1nm .tilrlntf iUn .
V'fflr, enmo homo for tho ClirlnljiiuH
uoiKinyn on nniuruny.
I)la Colo, who tins Jioen worklnff
in .MiinniioiniorH for thu pnst fow
iiiantha (ixporta to return to hor home
In Portland tomorrow night.
Mra. Alfarottli Orcult nnd hor
Brand daughter, Itntta Downing, le't
on. Hundny for Portland whoro thy
win apond Chrlstmae with relatives.
John Holland of Mllllcnn came n
Tillaa ISIoa-nor II. Whltmors, w)u
linn been visiting Mra. A. D. Law ut
Tho Bkuao llnrdwaro Company ex
tends to you n very Merry Christinas
ami n Happy Now ear. Adv.
at the-following list and the Christmas
question is solved. We have the finest
quality Ladies' Fincy Apron, for
lAi .35c and 50c
Men's and Ladies' Plain and Initial
Handkerchiefs. Ladies Novelty Neck
wear and Felt Slippers. Men's Latest
Style CravaLs nt 60c, and Stickpins,
Tie Claps and Watch Fobs which are
of good quality and at n very low price.
Buy early and at '
Agents for Standard Patterns.
Tho William Arnold family has
moved to tho A. C Armstrong ranch
for a fow months.
Tho Ilulletln hnn received n copy
of the nnnunl report of tho Bcoratnty
of tho Interior for 1014.
Insurance ndjustern havo hcen in
town this week ndJiistluK tho losses
oaused hy tho recent fires.
Mrs. Mulllgnn, who lives nenr the
lllg Itlver ItnnKor Station, has boon
hero for tho pnnl few daya.
Angelina h. Young Is oxpested
homo tomorrow nlaht to spend Clio
hholldays with hor paronta.
H. H. Davlea loft Haturdny nlRht
for Ixini; Ilenoh. California, whoro ho
wilt visit for a few weeks.
Harriet Dolson Is expected horo on
I'rldny, Intending to apond tho holi
days with Mra. V. A. Forbes.
liurlon onoy. wiio apont quito n
fow daya horo Inst weok, returned to
hla home Thursday morning.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert It. Oouldye
turned on Sunday from Prlnevflle,
whoro they visited Inst weok.
A. J. Kroonort, of tho Ilend Flour
Mill Company, leaves tomorrow to
apond Christmas In Portland.
Miss CJrnco Klein substituted for
Miss KlUnbeth Davis at tho telephone
oxehnngo yesterday morning.
Dr. J. C. Vandovert of Bt Vlncont'a
hospital In Portland, arrived hero on
Saturday for over tho holidays.
Thoto will bo n special musical
sorvlco nt tho Ilnptlst church on
Chrlitmna morning nt 10 o'clock.
Tho Incoming train waa delayed
several hours on Wodnosday by n
alight accident near Two Springs.
Mulso Halvonton loft Haturdny
night for Portlnnd where aho will
apond tho holidays with her sister.
Tho Fraternal llrothorhood 'will
glvu their annual Christmas eve
dance In Bathers Hall on Thursday.
Tho Western Union Telegraph of
flco will not bo open nftor soven
o'clock In tho evening In tho future.
Mra. Kliner Ward returned this
morning from Centralla, Washington
where she baa been visiting her par
onta. '
Mra. Kohert Dudgeon of Seattle,
arrived yesterday to spend the holi
days with her daughter, Mra. J. P.
A. O. AVnlker of Alfalfa on mo In on
Sunday to attend n meeting of th
dlrortora of tho Water Usors' Aaso
elation. J. K. Currnn was here on Saturday
on his wny out to Itolynt from Man
teen, California, where ho haa been
Mr. and Mra. Floyd Domont loft
Inst night for PorUnnd nnd Astoria,
whoro they will apond tho Christmas
Mr. and Mra. Carl Young, who livo
nbout flvo miles out of town, wore
hero yesterday doing thotr Christmas
Mrs. Jack Curry of Fairbanks.
Alaska, enmo In yostorday to apond
tho holidays with Mra. Harry Man
Ion of Ia Pino.
A good alxed audtonco nttonded tho
cantata at tho Proabyterlan churo'i
on Sundny. A program of Chrlatmna
iiiubIo waa ronderod.
0. Eil Ross, formerly chlof olork
on tho Tuiimlo Projoct, Is now .it
pilot Butte motel
Hcrvcri from 1 1 in n. m. to 1 M5 p. m.
; nt in to "MB i. in.
V Olympta Oystor Cooktnl
Oreen Son Turtle Soup
ftwoet Pick lew
Tandorloln of Sole, Tartar Sauce
Queon City Ham, Champagne Sauce
Young Itoast Turkoy, Cranberry Jelly
linked Chicken, Oystor Dressing
South Down Lamb, Natural Gravy
Prlino Itlbs of Ild-if au Jua
Young Pork Spare Itlba, Hollandalso
Chicken Frloasso
Bweot Potatoos, Olaco
Mashed Potatoes
Asparagus Tips, Drawn Duller
Sliced Tomatoes
Grnpo Juke Punch
Waldorf Salad
English Plum Pudding
Ilrandyllard Sauco
Homo Mndo Mlnco Plo Pumpkin Pit
Apple Plo
) rult Cako Dolleato Cako
Demi Tosta
Jli m. to - p. in. nml
a p. in. to H::io
Oyster Cocktail
Chicken Gumbo
Tomato Douillon en Cup ,
8alad D'homard
ltlpo OIItcs
Turban of Flounder. Shrimp Sauce
Yo Xmas Turkey, Cranberry Saueo
Small Sirloin Steak,
a In Bond D'HotcI
ItoaBt Prlmo Itlba of Ileof, Dime Glace
Itoast Young Loin Pork
with Applo Sauco
Last Call to
Xmas Shoppers
If you are in doubt as to what
to give we suggest ,
Showing the largest line in our history,
we are still able to show a complete as
sortment, a Boxed Hdkfs., li in box, at
35c, 50c, 75c, 85c, $1.50
Ladies', 8 in box, special at 50c
Special for THURSDAY,
ANY TOY m the House
Drown. Sweet Potatoes
Bummer' Squash
WlQh our inaug frienbi
anb customers .
. 21 dftevt'g dbtlstmas anb H 'IDapp
' XTbe K. ft.1 Smith Glotbing Go.:'
zfm(i,p. '.
" trtc;! gr.i..,.,v rfl'
Now England Plum Pudding
Hard Sause
Oreon Apple Plo Hot Mlnoe Plo
Pumpkin Plo
lee Croam Fruit Cako
Mixed Nuts
The Cozy Restaurant will servo nn
attrnotlvo dlnnor Christmas day from
11:30 a. tn. to 9:00 p. m. Adv. 2
Tho Hotel Wright wilt sorvo
Christmas dinner from C to 8 o'clock
Friday ovonlng. Adv.
Special Christmas dlnnor at the
Altnmont. Turkoy and fixings. 1 o
2. AdY. 42c.
tho up river ranch, returned to Prlno
Title Saturday to resunio her duties
In tho county treasurer's ofllee.
this morning to meet his wife, who
haa been living in Portland, and who
Is going out to Mllllcnn to spend tho
holidays with him.
H O. Caldwell nnd family hnvo
left for Tho Dni'e-i whore they will
mnl.o their new lion o. Tho Cnldvell
ranch here has been exchanged for
tho ranch on which they will live.
Mra. V. A. Forbes, who has beon
visiting her sister, Gertrudo Markol,
at hor ranch in Mllllcnn returned to
town Moiiday. Mlaa Mnrkel came In
with her to spend tho holidays hero.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hhodes left on
Sunday for Seattlo whero they will
visit for soveral days. Chrlatmna day
they expect to spend with Mra.
Ithodcs' pnrenta In Monroe, Wash.
Mra. A. McKcnzio nnd her aon
Hugh, who havo been visiting with
Mrs. J. 1). Godfrey for tho past two
months, loft Sunday night for Cali
fornia whero Uiey Intend to apond
tho wlntor.
A dog belonging to Theodore Auie
waa taken alck and ran away from
heme on Saturday. He was found on
the ice below the bluff and brought
ashore but hla condition waa wie
that ho had to be shot.
Mrs. William Arnold has leaned In.
vitatlona to a Christmas dinner at her
homo to Mr. and Mra. Alrlu
Rlgga of Powell Ilutto. and Mr. and
Mrs. Suttong. Miss Uertha Warmoth,
Hal Hots and John De Vrlea.
Henry Whitsett, formerly of Dend,
who haa been on a ranch in Orland,
California for the past few years, ar
rived here on Monday. Mr. Whit
sett has sold his California properly
and may sottlo tn Dend again.
We nro prepared to rcceivo appli
cations for a few small farm loan,
3 to 5 yearn, on Irrigated, patentol
land. First. NnUonnl Hank, of Iteml,
Oregon. 42-43o
Seo Skuse Hardware Company for
Christmas gifts. Adv. -iltf
w wisb to extenb
" mg benrtiest
tbnnlts to mg cus
tomcrs ourtno tbc
past gear for tbcfr
pntronnflc. Hlsoto
everyone l! wisb a
vcrg flDcrrs mao
ano Tbappy) "Blew
0, H. ftborson
XTbc Sewcler
j&we Have T m'eTmmL.
" .... n ii iji i tf"" -'" ..1 , .MmlIIMWMMMMMMM,MJ
Buy your Holiday Goodies and Staple Groceries here and get the best. Remember
this: If we haveMt it's good-it's good if we have it. W$ deliver anjnvhere in town.
Hardware, Stoves, f f AW TlMfTI f ,. '.. Implements,
Ranges, Tinware, t ',' I . t I AM W M I'Wagoiis,, Buggies,
&ju ?smf'$m?t'A ,
.Gjranlteware -. ' aS- SJV-' T r tt vT v -i tf : ' 0" ?ges