r FACJK4 THK 1U5NI) M'LLNTIN, lH'NI), OIIK., WKRNttflDAY, PKC13.MPKR 21?, 101 J. THE BEND BULLETIN (Published Every Wednesday) OEOIUJE PALMER PUTNAM Publisher RODERT W. SAWYER Managing Editor An indopondent nowepnpor stand ing for ttio square doal, clean bust ness, clean politics and tho best In terests of Pond and Contrnl Oregon. lino your. $1.50 Blx months SO Three months -BO AH subscriptions nro duo and TAYAPLE IN ADVANCE. Notices Of expiration aro mailed subscribers and It renewal is not madd within reason ablo tltno tho paper will bo dlscort jlrjuod, Ploaso notify us promptly of nny change of address, or of lalluro to re colvo tho paper regularly. Othorwlso wo will not bo responsible for copies mlfBcd. Make nil checks and orders pny nhlo to Pond Pullettn. NHW I'NDKRWRITKHS AHSOCLl TION. At a rocont mootlug of tuo various Insurance agents lit Pond of tho Pend underwriters Association was form ed to oxorclto h general oversight In connection with local Insurnnco mut ters. Tho members of tho association In clude tho Bond Inaurnnco Agency, tin) Pond Park Company, F. O. Minor, uob Fnrnham and J. A. Kantes. Tho olilcBrs afol Presfitent, J. A EobIob, and secretary, Chan. V. Eroklue. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 23, 1914. DANC1 TIll'ltSPAY XK1IIT. The Frnternnt Prothcrhood wilt Klvo a Christians ovo dnnco In SntU er a Hall Thursday night. Tho dnnoo 18 open to tho public. Among tho special attractions will bo prUo waltz. mUJmim KOPPUN-CONA WA Y WKPDI XO Pnrnoy P. Conawny and EIllo May Koppor woro married on Saturday by Justice of the Peace Hastes at his of nce on Oregon street. Mr. Conaway has bcon omployod at tho Mllllcun ranch and his brldo has n homostoud In tho Mllllcr.n valley on which, It Is understood, thoy havo taken up their residence. Tho friends Pullctln A Merry wishes tts Christmas. many THAT CONFUSING $450,000. Moro confusion over tho $450,000 for reclamation In Oregon. Secretary Lane's offer to recom mend to Congress that this amount xs appropriated for an Oregon Irrigation project does not bring him one step nearer toward admission of tho prin ciple for -which Central Oregon, and Indeed the whole state. Is fighting, namely, that tho United States Is bound morally, If In no other way, to dunllcato tho Tumalo appropriation nnd spend the money here. Ho his tcld our congressmen that ho will ask Congress to put up $M50,000 or ecn moro for BOinn Oregon project. which ono to depend on the reports of tho co-operative surveys now being completed, oui ai mo samo umo no has reiterated his position as to co ciilion. It It t sstli furl Ion to know that tho clnttus of tli state on tho rocla rr.ntlon fund are at last to bo recog nized. We have paid millions of dol lars into P and received In return but a small percentage. Congress man Slnnott put tho figures before Congress in a vivid way during the liut session and is to bo congratulat ed on having at last persuaded a sec retary of tho interior of our right to recognition. Neverskelwi this Is all nsldo frvra the co-operative matter. And so far as this section Is concerned, If mat ters aro allowed to rest on this new nromlse, it puts our chances of ir rigation development still further Into tho future. There Is now available $450,000 for reclamation work In Oregon. Secretary Lano has only to say tho ord to have. Utls money put to wort. When he says that word it is ex pected that he will havo tho work dono In this section and that Is why wo are especially Interested In hav ing the co-operative agreement car ried out. Wc want that monoy and tho money from Congress too. Not all to be spent here necessarily, but tho co-operative fund here anyway because to that we frel that wo havo a peculiar light. That means further work wPh Secretary Lnao to get him to agroo o tho understanding that prevails here as to co-operation. In spite of the letter from Comptroller Ryan, printed eleowhoro In this paper, we 'olleve thn thin is st'll noMlbte. Suroly Mr. Lane does not wish to get out of tho agreement on the ground thnt there was a misunderstanding with Mr. Newell. CREAMERY MEKTIXO. Tho annual meeting of tho Contrnl Oregon Farmers Creamery was hold at the creamery on Saturday. Of ficers for tho coming yoar woro olect ed as follows: President, I. C. Rob erts, secretary nnd treasurer, E. Gar rett, directors. G. L. Moore, Julius Potorson. O. P. Dnhlo, Wm. Alt and Hans Johnson. Tho report of the business of tho creamery since It was opened last fall was vory favornblo. About 25 stockholders nttondod the mooting. tlfoC Scnoon'o ; (BVCCUuflQ ibcnltb ibnppincoo nnb iproopcrits nuo H flDccrg Sumo to SOU jha,t a full tn cos two of Prospcritijt Slappiness, Jfealtli tind O access " -iT . f t - t b ' 4 J'lftC make tor our friends and patrons t I t Mannheimer's jr Vey lley Lsiristmas we lappif JVew ye ana an pi ear r is the sincere wist of this store kj. (. xjjennett JS n if, Ortg o n JKFFKRSON ATTORNF.V. According to news Items from Sal em Governor Wot has appointed . P. Myers of Culver district attorney of tho now Jefferson county. Tho other county officers will bo selected by tho county court at Its first formal meeting nest Monday. Club nt tho Monday noon luncheon th's week dlscussod tho matter . f i tilling tho ofllco, and a motion was carried that tho club endorso a man from Sisters to 1111 this vacancy and n committee of' thrco bo apolntd to draft a resolution to this effect. J. F. Hosch, C. n. Drako and M. A. Lynch wore appointed as such committee. torly business mooting of the church will bo held Tuosday ovonlng 7: .10. Wednesday uvonlug prayer mooting and Plblo Study Claim will begin promptly nt 7:30, Tho nnuual Christinas osoroluos nnd Christmas trcu- for tho children of tho Sunday school will bo hold Thursday ovonlng on tho 24th. pranrf.npuho is caitain. Everett Drandenburg has been olected captain of tho high school foot ball team for the coming yea". Prandcnburg is a member of tho Jun ior class In tho high school. In tho past season ho playod full back. PIUXEVILLE ELECTION. (Special to Tho Pullctln.) PRINEVILLE, Dec. 22. Only half hearted Interest was takon in tho city election hero on Monday, about half tho registered voto coming out to the polls. Thero were five candidates for city marshal! of whom W. R. Pollard received 123 Votes and was elected. His closest competitor was Wade Huston, defeated eandldato for county surveyor at tho November election. Tho other successful can didates wore, for mayor, C. S. Edwards, councllmcn. George Reams. H. I). Still and W. J. Pancako. record, or, E. O. Hyde, ami treasurer, L. M. Pcchtell. THE RATE, DECISION. "An Increase in rates by govern ment authority which would help to offset the tremendous loss of $120, 000,000 of net operating railway rev enuees In tho year ended June 30, 1014, would do more than any othor conceivable thing to make posaiblo the general trading which Is essential to renewal of confidence and business activities in the United States." So wrote George Harvey just after the November election. In tho mean time the Initiation of tho reserve bank system and the opening of tho ..ew York stock exchange havo been events received as sure prosperity bringers. Now the Increase in rates has been granted and whatever tho logical ar gument against this action may bo It cannot be doubted that the sentimen tal effect Is bound to better busi ness. Alreadys, according to new - ports, millions of dollars of orders hat have been waiting tho decision, have been confirmed and factories and shops everywhere are busy again. Ultimately the ripples from tho decision pebble will reach out here. When thoy arrivo wo shall all bo readyf or them. COACH IS HF.MHM HERRI). In .token of their appreciation of Ms efforts on their behalf during tho post football season the members of the high school team on Friday pre sented to Chcs. W. Ersklno a band- so mo toilet sot. The presentation was made at Mr. Ersklno's ofllco wbcro tho members of tho team gathered taking him wholly by surprise. GETTING STAGES READY. For uso In carrying tho mnlls io Silver Lake when snow makes tho roads Impasslblo to their auto trucks tho Wcnandy Livery Company hat recently bought 18 tennis and fo.ir wagons. For tho past weok tho horses hnvo been worked about town getting them In condition for the servlco Four stages nro planned between Pond and Fremont, from which point the trucks will continue to run. The running tlmo la oxpocted to be about 18 hours as against 12 hours with the trucks. Under their contract the company has 2S hours for tho trip. MORE DKtaTIKH APPOINTED. In addition to tho deputies appoint ed Inst week Shorlff-elect Knox has announced tho following appoint ments: La Pino, Carl Wlso: Sisters, C. J. Lloyd; Paulina, K. D. Huston. Tho Redmond deputy will bo selected lator. For tho presont Thcodoro Aunt, tho Pond deputy, will tako care ut tho Laldlaw business. . DEATH OF M. K. GRIMES. R. E. Grimes returned on Friday from Salem where ho hnd beet cnlUd by the death of his father. M. li. Grimes on Deeembor 12. Mr. Grimes was in his 84th yoar and had lived in Salem for the past 13 years. Ho was born In Vermont and had lived In Kansas before removing to Oregon Ho has visited his son li Uond sever n.1 times In the past few years. With R. B. Grimes, two other children sur vive, a daughter living in Salem and a son in Burlington. Kansas. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. (Redmond Spokesman.) Owing to the vacancy In the Crook county board of oomm'ssloaers duo Lto tho fact that W. W. Drown, a pres ent member or the board, lives In Jefferson county, the Commercial NOTICE OK ANNUAL STOCKHOLD ERS MEITTING. Notlco la hereby glvon that tho an nual stockholders' mcetlngof the Pino Forest Irrigation Co. will bo hold at tho Arnold school houso seven miles southeast of Pend on tho Dend-llurns road, on Saturday. January 2, 19 ID. 42-43 c W. M. McNAUOHT. Pros. PIERCE HEADS HOARD. Dr. Edward Allon Pierce of Port land was elected president of the Stnto Hoard of Iloalth for tho com ing yoar at a meotlug of the boa.'d In Salom last weok. Mr. Pleroo MP well known In Pend, having vlalttd bete soveral times. With local mon us In interested In u plan tn build a tuberculosis sanatorium here. FARMS FOR RENT. 40 acres, 1 mllo from Pond, Threo room houso suitable for garden truok, 40 ncres, 2 miles north Lnldluw. 4 room houso. Address ZX euro Pul lctln. . 41tf light nnd wntor, I10.QO per month. Apply Metropolitan. 41tf hi i i ii 1 1 I 1 1 .-ii-iu iu raatB r FOR HALE. HOSPITAL AT REND. For non-contagious dleoasos and matornlty cases a specialty. Refer ences, Dr. U. C. Coo and Dr. I). For roll, Phono. Mrs. E. A. Knotts 4043p Wo nro receiving dally our candlui for Xnias trade. Special prices tnndo to churches for enndtes, etc. Wo In. vlto you to cnll on or after Decem ber C. Sample our goods. American Pakory. Adv. 39tf Tho Skuso Hardwaro Company ox tends to you n vory Merry Chrlstm.is and a Happy Now Year. Adv, Don't forget your Xmns haircut, olgars, candy, nuts, tobacoo, etc. Tho Metropolitan. Adv. Uso Truo Pluo Flour! best made and a Pend Adv. Uso Truo Pluo Flnurl best mado and a Pond Adv. 41tf It Is the produot. 37 if It Is tho product. 37 tf FOR BALK Thoroughbred Rhode Island Rod rooster. In Lytlo nddltton 3 blocks north, 3 blocks east of oil tanks. Orcutt liou. Ira II. Fox. 4l-t3 c FOR SALE A span or horses flvo years old next spring, weighing about r8"83"8! f To Everybody I WISH YOU A MERHY XMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR S. MUKASAKI THE JAP IfJ 8 CHURCH NOTICES ItaptlHt. Plblo sohool 10 a. tn. Preaching servlco 11 o'clock. Subject "Tho Need of a World-wide King and Klndom." Special music. Young Peoples' meeting 7. p. in. Preaching servlco 7:30. Subject "Tho Voice of Conscience." Thero will bo spoclal music by tho girls' choir. Tho qunr- Specials for December Only 1 pound Royal Club coffee.... 35cts 2i pound Rgyal Club coffee.. 85cts 5 pounds Royal Club coffee.. $ 1 .50 T. R. McCLINCY When the legislature provides laws for the conduct of the Tumalo Project it Is to bo hoped that they wl bo sape and simple, and free from polit ical meddling. Especially we bone ' he actual administration of the pro ject, from a maintenance standpoint, will be loft in the hands of tho set tlers, so far aa may be practicable It woul d be far more desirable, far Insunco, to havo In chargs n man fa miliar ..with all the details of tho work, and directly responsible to the settlers, than to llnce the matter un der the Jurisdiction of bomo state of fice. Technical knowledge 1b not r njujrpd nd long-range administration Is not desirable? It was stated last week that of each $100 palll'in taxes, $8.00 went to (bo state. That was Incorrect. A digest for the last few years' shows that, in an average county, about$12.50 hasj gone to mu statu, jiuwtjvur, ou ljoe .to county government, exclusTvp pUuupfclpal and dlstrrctcHoolVtaxef. That la, about three dollars goes lo the .county for each one that Is util- red, iilve, gri;i:n, yellow COLORED SUGARS for Christmas Cakes Plenty of Walnuts, Almonds, Cit ron, Orange and Lemon Peel. Also Seeded and Seedless Raisins. Currants and Dates. Cooking Apples, the box, 1.00 Shuey's Cash Grocery ., tib4f r Bend's Leading EatsS tore v Duy your rollod oats at tho Pond Flour Mill. 40tfl .NOTICE TO CREDITORH. Notice Is hbroby given by tho uu dorslgned, Maurice P. Cashmnn. duly ! appointed by tho County Judge of Crook county, Stnto of Oregon, .is administrator of the Estate of John ! O'Donnoll, deconved, Into of liclllnrf-i ham. in tho Stato of Washington, in nil persons having claims against the cstato of said deceased to present the same, with proper vouchors, within six months after the data hereof, to tho undersigned nt the olTlco of Ross Farnhnm, Attorney nt Law, In Pond, Crook county. Oregon. Dated this 23rd day of Dosomber, 1911. MAURICK P. CASIIMAN. Administrator of tho Estate of John O'Donnell, deewmod. 42-43e NOTICE FOR PUIJLICATIOX. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Ii tid Otllce at Tho Dalles, Oregon, September 10, 101. Notlco Is hereby glvon thnt Edwin J. Rogers of Lnldlnw, Oregon, win, on Septembor 10th, 1011. made Homestead entry, No. 01384C, for 8WV., Section G. Township 17 South, Range 12 East, Wlllamottu Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to mnko Final Threo Year Proof, to establish claim to tho laud nbovo described, boforo H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission er, nt Uond, Orogon, on tho 4th day of February, 1016. Claimant names as witnesses: Albert Harryman, Wilbur X. Hun noli, Charles Low, James R. Pcnham, all of Laldlaw, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 42-46 c. Register. Classified Advertising Advertisements Inserted under tills licadintc nt the rata of ONE CENT A WORD each Insertion. Cash iiiiint nccoiiipnuy nil orders front persons not liuvltu: n ret-ular account ultli The llullutlii. No nthertfociiipiit tnk- for less tluin In cents each insertion. WANTED. WANTED Position n cook In private family by oxporlonced Jn fineso cook. Apply JJttllotla of llco. 30 tf WANTED Girl for gonornl houso work. Apply Mrs, O. M. Patter son. 35 tf WANTED Olrls for folding. Light work. Apply at Pullctln olllco boforo 10 n, m. tf ' WANTED IS horBAH in nnnturn tnt $2.00 por month, lots of straw nnd water, good sholter. Inquire Tweet & Mustard blacksmith shop, or wrlto ?J. M. Tingman, nodmond, 41-42 o i FOR KENT. .'i,Xn,iwapLy:'--'?y.?i!g!y 3000, well hroku nnd now harnos.' Price 32C. W. R. Rny, I.nldlw. Oro gon. 30tf FOR BALE-Edlson "Homo" phon ograph nnd records. Also guod piano player with record, Ronsonnhln terms. Itiuulro 11. 13. Allen. Pend Company oltloo or residence. 37f FOR BALK Thoroughbred Jersey hull, flvo yenrs old. KIlKlhlo to reg ister. Phono or cnll on William Alt, 4H miles norlli of Pend. Sdtfc DON'T FORGET That we bare allltindj of Xnias Boxes and that we are excltuire aienU for THOMPSON'S CHOCOLATES The Metropolitan $BffiwmiQBiWmFMmmi3am HOUR SALES Thursday Only Prices Good Only During Hour Advertised. FORfeNOON 8 to 9CANDY Mltcd fitim nut- -() cent line during this hour 10c 9 to 10 DOLLS 9 1. ( DnlU 7.1 Cvntn .".J Dolls .10 tVtiiN ..10 Dolls JW Criilh 10 to 1 1 Steel Express Wagons 8.1 Cent Vnlue tin CcnN 1 1 to 12 Japanese Baskets Up to (IO Cent Values , , an Cents AFTERNOON 12 to 1 Box Stationery HO Cent lime tin Cents 1 to 2 Framed Pictures 91.00 Value 7rt Conts 7.1 Viiltifn no Cents .no Values JI.1 Cents 2 to 3 Ladies' Hand Bags on Cent Values .10 Cent 3 to 4 Wheel Barrows 7.i Cent Values HO Cents 4 to 5--BOOKS (in Cent Fiction -in CotilN an Cent Roy Hcout ,izn Cents HO Cent Hoy IUhiUh iff Cell I 5 to 6 Doll Buggies O Cent Woven Wiro Doll HuKKle . . 10 Cents NIGHT 6 to ? Doll Furniture n Cent Vuliiftf , . OR Ceiitrt on Cent Viiiiie v , . .-in Cent no Cent Vilified '.... r. ." . ,M Celttit tin Cent Values i i!ff CeutH 7 to 8 Fancy Chinaware iU) Per Cent PIncoiiiiI on nil I'ucy Chlnuwiiro. 8 to 9 -Hand Painted Vases tin Cent Virtues ....'. m Cents 9 to 10 Fancy Rose Rings fJIrl'H HIiikh Midi Homo Hottlui ,.,....,..,' , it) Conts t A Merry Christmas to You. WARNER'S The Variety Store k A wsisssEmmimmmss&msiiSfsmMmi Wi?aHjr iaie uuwiuisvrnuuu. tun ikun vusy a room house, X -