TRlfl 1IKXI) BULLKT1N, 11I3NI), OHK.t WKDNKHRAY, DKCKMIlBtt 0Ut J9U. TAtiK .1. it LEGISLATURE IT E LEASE OF LAKES IS CONDITIONAL Dcsn-t Lund Hoard Attn flu IIIiIh tin' HuiimitT mill Alwrt Luke' Product (.iiimn)- Pinna (o Plpo Pio. iltirt Aloiijf llfctiii((M Hlvor. BALtiM. Doc. 18. With tho Ions inir todny by tho Hlnto Lund Hoard Oi Htitnmnr mid Albert Inked, wlilnli contain rich deposit of anils, to Ja son 0. Moore, head of n Now York syndicate, tho dnvolopmnnt of nnotli or of Orniinn'a romarkablo rosotircMS seems near. Wlmt tho vnluo of tho output of tho Inkot annually will bo In proli lomatlc, hut Mr. Monro declared Unit liu and IiIn nssnolatoa would expend nt land f 0,000,000 In equipment and development within tho noxt two yonn, Ho thought Hint from 3C00 to 0000 nwiii would bo employed KtiKlnrers to Htnrt Work. KtiKltioora would bo put to work nt nnro, but becnuiio of n reservation of tint llonrd Hint tho LoKlslnturo tnusl pass upon tho proposition, tho work of bulldliiK n plant nntl InyliiK pipelines will not bo atartod until Hint li dono. Tho llonrd awarded the contrnct to Mr. Moore mid will return, mond to thu loRliilntura Hit rntlllou tlon Tho leaso li for 46 yonm. Under tint contract Mr. Mooro must Klvo a bond of )2I7,000 mid pity to tho stnto nunually bcftlnuluit Jnnunry 1, 1017, roynltlen of not lent limn 126,000 Ho doposltod with liU bond todny n check for 110,000 m n Ktiar nnteo of Rood fnlth. Ho agrocs lo rIvii tho ntnto 60 contH n ton for po tnluui KultN, 10 oeritx n ton for o dluiii chlorlilox and IB cunt n ton for all other Mil. C. A. Hhoppnrd, Mr Monre'M inwynr. nald It In tho plan to pip the raw produnt nlonir. tho I)ooiiiiton river to tho Columbia rlvor, where n plant for oxlrastliiR tliij pnun win liu uivviVTUt Thin l tho Knino properly on which O. M. tteln had a Iwaro n fow ytMini iiko. Mr. Satin hnd to rIvo tho pro Joot up on aeoount of flnaneln! dlf tloultlen. Irfioal mon who tire fnmil lor with the country oxprtHw ronilJ ernbln iturprUo that tho now company should oonteinplnto pIplnR tho pro iluetR of tho Inkoa n fnr an tho Co lunibla river. At tho point mention. 1 flit lllft ndtllllllilA rlvnr tltnrn In hn electrical nowor devolonud todny nn I thero will bo none for aomo tlmo m ccme. At niimeroua plnrea on the Deachtitoa which tho plpo lino would there in nuipin power wliloli could bo put to una economically and a great navlng effected In plpo lino construction. It In believed that tho careful atudlea which tho companv will ninkfl In caio It gonn ahead will lead It to change Ita pinna to nvll Itself of tho navlng. In either caio oonnldernblo advantage would bo hound to accrue to llend through tho rnnilructlon of rendu nnd tho oin ploymont of largo numhora of mon. An tho mutter ataodn nt prHent everything walta on tho approval f tho loaao by the leglalnturo. Whether or not that will bo given la not yot known I 8kMM 4 Itf Semlblo Chrlatrana gift. Hnrdwnro Company. Adv. xs-u-jumxr. My Dear Bill r"3 awfully good of you to vrriro mo nliout that company m your town wanting n good man of my trade Hut liouostly, Bill, I don't want tho job. Of courso they want good men for jirolilliition has driven nil tho competent men out ujif tho town. There hn't a Ieer mIikhi In the pUrr. You wurk and lrcp thar your dally proemmme. May tuit you. Hill, hut I like to get out and talk thing oer with tho boy ouco In a whllo, I want toino place to go after a hard day' work whero I ran get a glfli of beer if I want one, I know you con get a drink down llioro when you feel like It. lint that im't tho point, 'ilio miIooii it my club. You tnruk Into the baolc door of aomo Mind plgorpcuk-uii) and uy pmitl money for itutr not fit to drink. No impaling for mine, Hill, I'm a Trmporniiio man a real teiiiprrunoo limn. That's why I'm golug to atay rlpht hero whero I can drink liecr moder ately and abovo board. k, Thoto poakailra art you, Dili, foonrr or later. Tlioy'vo luado dnuikardi of a lot of good men right in your towiuhlp. I'd rather atay whero my penonal liberty ltn't interfered with. Thanks for your interest in me, Your truly, JOHN, a 19, O, Ulrtch, Ohnmbor of Coin mcrco, Portland, Orogon. IS 4 flU!E a afr' POWELL BUTTE E ACTION TAKEN BY COM MERCIAL CLUB CoiiiiiiKtco I Appointed to limvdl' Kiito .Mutter Conlrlliullon of 91.000 Already Ottered to Alii In Work liolwtlc Helected. A movement lookln toward (ho ooiiHtnlutlon of n Rood road Into tho I'owoll Hutto and tho Alfalfa coun try wan ntartod nt tho luncheon of tliu Couiiuerclnl- Club on Saturdny. At tho luncheon It wan announced that two nuhaorlptloiiM of 500 each hnd boon offered toward tho coat of a rock crunhvr for tiao on tho propound road nud tho atiRRoatlon waa innde tuat other nuliHcrlntloiii bo eocurod and mi effort mndo to Rot aanlitanco from tho county and tho farmora who will be aided by the road. Wucuwlon of tho Idea brouRhl out tho aiiKReatlon Hint tho city idIkIiI well purohaio tho rook crunhor leav ing nil Hiilinorlptlonn to bo applied )ti tho rond Knotf and a uoimnltteo wan appointed to lay tho matter before tho city council and to InveitlRnto all other mnilora connected with tho plnn. Tho committee conalitn of i:. H. Hudson, l-'loyd Domunt and Geo. H. Youiir. At a mectfiiR of tho com. inltteo on Monday nleht a tontatlvo route waa aulectod which will bo ful ly Kindled ii m to Ita oiiKlnoerlnR foa turea an noon na wunthur condltloiu permit. Other Mnltern lUciiMr-l. Other IniRlntHM cotnliiK up on Sat urday waa tho aolcetlon of reproaen tntlvea for tho IrrlKatton ConRriHM, (iuieRteH and nltoruntea ttHliiR choa on an folio wh: J. I. Koyoa. C. ft Hud aon, I'loyd Dement. A. h. French and II. II l)e Armnnd. dnloRntua and H. W. Hkiie. K. M. Lara, I). V. Mae Intoah. A. J. ICroeuorl and Clyde Mo Kay, nlloruatoa. Pnoddent Korea apoko of tho ap propriation ror inn oouniy nKrlcul lurlat and W. D Hiirntw, or I.nldln.v. Mid that tho aentlmont of hla com munity waa In favor -of continuing tho appropriation. If pooalbln a r roaontatlvB of tho club will attend tho moetlnK of tho county court to Lo hold today at which tho matter will bo finally aettlml. The luncheon noxt Saturday will bo nt thu l'llot liutto Hotel. Voro Oa I. A. Moritan had oc r"'on recuntly to uiu n liver modi clno nud anya of Foley Cathartic Tan. Iota: "Thoy thoroughly cleansed my ayatom nnd I felt Ifko u now man light nnd freo. They aro tho boat tuadlclno I hnvo over taken for con atlpatlou. Thoy keep tho atomach awoet, liver active, bowela regular." Patteraon Drug Co.-Adv. WORKED HIS WEAK POINTS. Mr. Ap Had No Mamory, but Lota ol Cunoalty and Cewardlc. "Curliwity mid cmvanllw,'" wild tho one liiMiil vi'terMii. "lire tne enter clHtrni'(MlKk'i iif nit monkey nuduf i(Mt mon. I worked In n coo after the war. I nan the Keeper or the mon- kl'f huiiKO. My lUKUif t etmrve wna an nt tliw mIro if n twoirc-)enrtd Iniy. nnd It uiih lliroiiKh tilx 'iiriority uml cowiirdht) that I ured tu miinugi- lilm "Wo ozerulMtl IIiIm iih in the hlg room every day, but wlieii we wanted hi in to go bnck to hla nmu heu climb up to the roof of the oik mom. unit ven with food you eouldn't tempt blm down. "So I would go to Jack horer nnd tnko him gently by tho nnu nud direct hla attention In a quiet, myatorloua muntier to tliu dark puaaugo under tho ileaio plcit. "Iivur and J every day tiptoed to the pipe. Wo pretended to point out to each other voitte horrible, unknown civiiiuro lu ttie piiKxnue, and we'd aayt 'Look out! Thero bo 111 Tlioro bo lar "An wi' held encli othora Hrma and bent over mid pvervil Into the darkness we'd hear very aeon the delicate put ter of amull, active feet Tbu ape'a curloalty hud got tho better of tilm. lie croiioln-d bvldo ua. Ho, too, petr ml Into tho dark pnaaiigo fenrfully. "Then Niiddeuly Lover would about: 'Look out! Hu'a coming out! He'a coming outl' And wu'd acompor away In tho direction of tho ue'a tiousu. Hut tho upu would bo abend ot us. He'd niBli Into hla bonne In a perfect whirlwind or excitement nnd terror. Then click! We'd nmip tho door to on him, nnd he'd look very foollKU. "Every duy wv fooled the npe lu thl wuy.S llu wna Ioiib, you mt'. uu ciirM Ity nnd cuwiirdleo, but very auort uu tnoiuory." t'hleiigu Herald. THREE TOASTS. Slant Strides In Flxlno tha Ooundarlaa of Our Country. At u dinner party given by Amerb :nua realdlng lu I'urb hiuiiu yenra ugo tlioro wvru pruposeil minilry tonstn con rerultm not ao iiairli the piixt unci present uu tliu expected glure.i ot the great Auierli'iin nation, lu thu gen- entl chnnicter of thi'fo iohhu geo Bmphtcal coiiHlderntluns wero very prpmlnent. uud tho principal fact which ueomed to occupy tbu minds of tlio 'apculers was " tha unprecedented bigness of our country, , 'Hero's to tho United Btntes," said tho flrst speaker, "bounded on tho uorRi by British Auierlcu, on tho toutli by thu Kittf of Mexico, on the oiiHt It Ilio Atlantic mid on thu went by the l'ndllc oienti," "Hut," Mild the spcorirt apenker, "(bis la fur too limited n view of the sub- Jci-t In iimIiiIii our boiiiidiirlt wo itniMt look to tlio KN'iil mid Klurlous fit tu re, which lc prcHcrllMKl fur us by tll inn nl f i' t destiny or till AiikIo Kiixon rueo. Hero' to the United Hliiles. hounded on tin north by tin north pok', on tho aoutli by tliu xoiitli wlo, on tin I'lint by Ilio ri-liiK hum mid on tin went by tlii' scttliiif miiii." Here tin' third Mipnkir iirono. o wry HcrlmiH ut'titlciii'in from the fur west. The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It la n flrcproof bulldlnR It la thoroughly moIcrn It la comfortable, commodloun, clcnn- ROOMH FltOSI BO CBNTH UI Tho vrnnU of nil aro entliflwl well nt TUB WRiailT JIOTBh Automobiles to ail Inferior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEl ? CENTRAL OREGON'S Wn'J ., .n.,n ....... . PLATE OIuVKH, AUTO.MO- Lcndlng INSURANCE Agency imle, huriy iionds. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY) Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLA) 3 Monthy J A PA QTT RC on,c on Con Street f, CZ) 1 CO UKNI), : OREGON v;i Headquarter for Commercial Men Uloctrlc Lighted Throughout THE BEND HOTEL HUQH O'KANC. manaoikr Qood Roonii BEND.OREQON QoodMeals i Free hua to and from tralna THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY m vCXV ' Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE,, SUGAR, t FLOUR, SALT, HIDES " ' " FRESH and SALT MEATS ' HAMS, UACON AND LARD TiTb United Warehouise Co. A. 1, Pringls, Mgr. Bend, Oregon 6 h 'V "If wo nro iroliiif," nnld this truly pa. trfotlc American, "to lenvo tlitt history pnat mid prenent mid tnko our muni font destiny Into nccount. why restrict ourxclvi'H within thu narrow limits a signed by our follow countryman who liriM Jimt Hilt down? I plro you thu , United Mates, hounded on tho north by tho mironi horetill, on the aoutli liy tliu procession of the ciiiliioxc, on tho eiiNt by prlmoviil elm on mid on tho went by the duy of JiidKiiient" Phil adi'lphln Cn-Hii; ONK CUNT A WOni) l all n lltttn Wnnt Ad wilt cost you. Special Attention to j Transient Trawl 4 All arrancementa made for peraons deilrlne to go aouthondcastof hero j -4 ft ,4 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ItOJIBIlT Jl. GOt'Ml Civil if Ilcnd Orcon KiiKlnCcr ItODBflT W. SAWYEIt NOTARY 1'UIHjIO Dullotln Otnco, Dcnd, Oregon J. II. Uell A. W. Slma CROOK COUNTY AIWTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) fiticcMqora to The J. II. lfaner Abatract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abatrncta Inauranca W. W. FAULKNEH, D. M. D. I) K N T 1 8 T Ofllco Over Poatofllco Bend. ... Oregon WILLAItD II, WIRTZ LAWYER Prlnovlllo, Oregon. O, S. BENSON Attorney At Low Donaon Dulldlng, Wall Street Wend, Oregon. VEHNON A. FORI1E9 IiAWYKR Flrat National Dank Dulldlng DeniJ, :-: :-; Oregon OBOnOE B. YOUNO Civil and Irrigation Knglnccr. City Knglnecr of Rend. Room C First National Bank Building Reprcaentatlon boforo tho Des ert Land Board nnd Stato Engineer ROBERT CECIL WYOANT Attorney at Iiw Irrigation Masonic Water Rights Building Desert Land Salgm, Engineering Law Oregon J Roofing of nil kinds. Repairing prompUy dono. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNINQ AND Furnace Contractor Guttoring, Spoutinjr, Cornices and Ski-lights. ni, USTI3LTIS CHEERFULLY FURNISIR3D fobbing Promptly Attended To J. J. RYAN Plumbing and Heating PRONE 481 11T MINNESOTA STREET Is It Done Right? If It 1. 1st well enough alone. Hut un lu it I up to tha mark In avcry dtai coma and r ua. LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANING "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" O'DONNELL J w f'e who 7 "TT j) UNION MARKET 11, H. DoARMOND LAWYIIlt Oroson Street, IJend, Orojjon II. O, KLLI8 Altomoynt-Iidtr trnltcl Htntcs rommlanlonrr Kirat National Hank iJulJdlnir IJMND. OIIKOON DH. J. II. CONNAHN I) K N T I H T Offlco In Bather Dulldlng. Ilourn to 12, I to 6. Sundaya and ovonlnga by Appointment. O. P. NISWONOEn, Bend, Oro. UNDERTAKER Iicenacd Embalmcr, Puncrat Director. Phono. Lady Aaalatant. DR. R. D. BTOWELL, Nnprnpatlilc PIiyalclBO Offlco over Miller Lumro- Co. Wall Street Houra 9 to S Phono Tied CI IL Eng ebrefsoB Plumbing and Healing Bend, Oregon Fraternal Societies I. O. O. P. Rend Lodge No. 218. Regular meeting ovory Mon day night at 8 o'clock In BatSs "" Vtaltlna; brother cordially welcome. BERT BHUEY, N. O. GEO. P. GOVE, Secretary. ROYAL NKIGIIUOIIB OP AMERICA. Banner Camp Xo. C03I. Regular meetings second and f w.rt Tuwdaya. Sathera Hall. MRS. J. II. CONNARN, Oraclo. giivo. a. miwTT Hpcorder. his PA?: rrpsKcnrcD ron FonE;c ADcRilamG 5Y THE OKNITflAt. OPTICC3 NEW YCWK AND CHICAGO jRAKr:::3 : alu the PfimcipAL citics j L-IZT1UIN 1 $ HOTEL Tho most comfortablo hotol In Bond. Commodious, steam heated, woll furnished rooms wltu running water. Good, homo cooked moala 5 oerveu m aintng room three j ilUs A. . Spaldlntr. Proprietor 5 J REND, OREGON J Vulcanizing TIRES AND TUBES Oiy-Aetfylcne Weltfiag and AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. REMEMBER DOONAR will fix it Eeetessfssassssfafa DRAYINQ Bend Hauling Co. R. N. PAliMRRl'ON Wood for Sale Oillco with R. P. Mlutcr Ollleo Phono lllack 0(1 Residence. Rluck 422 BROTHERS 1